Rob a bank in five minutes. Forced Loan Recovery Real Life Bank Robbery Plan

If you think that videos of dashing raids on retail outlets show that shoplifting is simple and easy, first find out about criminal or administrative liability for such actions.

  • Criminal liability for a shoplifter is provided for in Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Theft”. You can receive a maximum sentence of up to 2 years, and the minimum punishment is a fine of up to 80,000 rubles. But if the amount of goods removed and unpaid is less than 1,000 rubles, then a criminal case will not be initiated.
  • Administrative liability is provided for in article “Petty theft” 7.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Russia. The fine in this case will be from 1,000 to five times the value of the stolen property, and administrative arrest for 15 days is also possible.

True, the store administration does not always call the police to detain the thief. The hype around the violator, the lengthy preparation of documents, the search and attraction of witnesses - in the opinion of the directorate, all this is too long and vain. Usually the administration deals with thieves on its own: the guards strongly advise paying for the stolen goods.

How they steal from stores

It is precisely because of the connivance of store employees that scammers have the opportunity to brag about how to steal from a store without getting caught. Some don’t even take the goods outside the trading floor - they simply secretly drink expensive drinks or eat delicacies!

Any schoolchild already knows about stickers with magnets that beep if you haven’t paid for the goods. These are more imaginary than insurmountable obstacles for an experienced shoplifter. The stickers come off easily and quickly, and now the expensive cream, already freed from packaging, migrates to your purse! The lady casually walks past the cashier and leaves.

Lovers of free updates act in exactly the same way. A large label with a clothing magnet is difficult to open (if it is magnetic, then you can get rid of it using a strong magnet), but you can cut it out in the fitting room with nail scissors. Such “anti-theft” devices are usually not attached in a very visible place, so that they do not interfere with trying on an outfit. That is, a small hole at the bottom of the hem, sleeve or trouser leg does not significantly spoil the goods received at a 100% discount for many.

To prevent the stolen item from being visible, thieves specifically study the art of quickly and compactly folding any item. In a second they can roll a T-shirt into a tight, inconspicuous sausage and put it in the pocket of their baggy pants.

Experienced thieves have a special suit for conveniently and discreetly placing stolen items in its depths. Layering is used - an elastic T-shirt is tucked into jeans, and a loose shirt is put on top. Things thrown behind the collar of a T-shirt end up in the stomach area. Security guards usually do not remember whether the buyer has already entered with a belly or purchased it while walking along the shopping aisles.

Who steals from stores and why?

But it’s not just notorious swindlers or shoplifters who steal goods from store shelves. Among the fans of free cheese there are kleptomaniacs - sick people who cannot cope with their criminal habit without medical help. Kleptomania is a pathological condition, an irresistible desire to steal, no matter what. This disease is treated by psychiatrists. Kleptomaniac theft does not pursue material gain, it simply satisfies the patient’s need for some time, his unhealthy cravings. For a kleptomaniac, the question of how to rob a store is not on the agenda; it arises impulsively. The theft is committed without hesitation or prior preparation.

Those who love extreme extreme sensations also do not seek material gain from theft. With their illegal actions, they provide a sharp surge of adrenaline - a kind of drug that the human body produces. Stolen items for them are “hunting” trophies; their collection may include children's toys, bottles of alcohol, kilograms of chewing gum and lace panties!

Unfortunately, there are also poor people in Russia who steal food from stores to survive. Various circumstances led them to this method of obtaining food.

Store robbery is serious

All this applies only to minor thefts and thefts without the use of weapons. If a store robbery is committed by a group of people, and even with various aggravating circumstances, the punishment will be much more serious, and you won’t be able to get away with just a fine!

The conclusion suggests itself is the following: any theft is not pranks or nonsense. You shouldn’t risk your reputation for the sake of the mythical pleasure of illegal extreme sports.

Florida resident William Johnson decided that he urgently needed money and decided to rob a bank. After his arrest, the guy admitted that he did not have criminal skills and could not find anything better than googling “how to rob a bank.” But at the same time I forgot to look for “how to avoid getting caught by the police.”

Police in Pinellas County, Florida, have detained 26-year-old William Johnson, accused of robbing a bank on October 5, according to a statement on the department's official website.

Entering the bank through the main entrance, Johnson walked up to the service window. Having warned the clerk that he was carrying a weapon, the guy demanded a large amount of cash. Having received the money, the robber fled the crime scene.

However, the attacker did not remain at large for long: on October 9, Johnson was detained. Investigators reported that the guy fully admitted his guilt. In addition, the robber said that, having decided to carry out a raid, he decided to look for advice on Google using the query “how to rob a bank.”

In an interview with investigators, Johnson admitted to robbing the bank. The guy told the officers that he urgently needed money and decided to Google “how to rob a bank.”

Johnson also stated that he initially planned to rob another bank branch. But when he entered the building and saw that a huge man was sitting behind the window, he quickly abandoned the original idea.

According to the police statement, the defendant used the stolen money to pay rent and bills and used the rest to buy drugs. William had already planned to rob another bank on October 10th.

The official Twitter account of the district police reported on the robbery of the bank for dummies.

“Johnson told detectives that he needed money and decided to Google “how to rob a bank.” Yes, this is a true story."

Bank robbery, oddly enough, does not appear among popular Google searches.

“How to rob: a drug dealer, a jewelry store, a car, a jewelry store (in the game Roblox Jailbreak), a person, a train, a casino, a store.”

"How to rob a bank."

"How to rob a bank - the story of a real robber."

"How to rob a bank (video)."

"How to rob a bank - say economists who analyzed real robberies."

“How to rob a bank - is it as easy as on the screen?”

But for the Russian-language query “how to rob a bank,” the search engine does not waste money on trifles, offering a list of practical advice. The tips, however, are taken from the feature film of the same name.

Reddit users commented on the curiosity.

“Well, look at this. I got ready and did it. What a good guy."

“What have we learned from this? If you start Googling, then Google and “how not to get caught by the police.”

“According to detectives, Johnson admitted that he needed money and decided to Google “how to rob a bank.”
We must pay tribute to his amazing honesty.”

While most criminals are racking their brains on how to avoid falling into the hands of the law, a criminal from the town of Redford decided to play a game with the police: the guy promised that if the officers’ post on Facebook gets a thousand reposts, then he will volunteer. And the police accepted the call.

Well, if capture cannot be avoided, then it is best to fall into the clutches of this employee in New Zealand.

Every year, hundreds of millions of dollars flow from banks into the pockets and accounts of fraudsters. Methods of theft are becoming more and more sophisticated. Direct thefts, virtual ones, and even the use of otherworldly forces are used. A columnist for the portal compiled her subjective top ten of the most revealing ways to “rob” banks in recent years.

With an ATM under your arm

According to Igor Heresh, director of development at Caesar Satellite, most often in Russia it is physical thefts that happen (both with and without the participation of bank employees) - attempts to get money using forged documents, theft of ATMs or funds from them, penetration into bank vaults, etc. “We often see ATMs being taken away,” says the expert. — Not all ATMs have a security system. The ATM, which weighs 50-100 kilograms, is pulled out with the pins with which it is tightly secured, dragged into the Gazelle and driven away with it.” ATMs are also blown up, along with the walls of nearby stores, or opened. For example, in early September in the Lipetsk region, scammers stole 1.5 million rubles from two ATMs. Let's give ATM thefts tenth place in our ranking.

Also, so-called contact attacks on banks occur quite often. According to expert data, in Moscow there are five to six attempted ATM robberies every day and one or two bank branch robberies every week. Not to mention attacks on collectors. So, this year there was a series of robberies of Moscow branches of Sberbank (on Novatorov Street, in the “Park of Culture”). In the last case, in May 2013, the robbers simply opened the alarm, found the code, spent almost the entire night in the bank, and took out over 20 million rubles. We will give ninth place to Sberbank and physical thefts in branches of this bank. To be fair, we note that Sberbank does not have any special problems with its security system. Thefts are possible in all banks; it’s just that the market leader, of course, has the largest number of offices. And that means no chance of being robbed.

There are also frequent cases of fraud using fake documents. As a rule, we are talking about obtaining loans using fictitious passports and certificates. In particular, attempts to obtain consumer and car loans using fake passports and income certificates are popular. As a rule, this is monitored by bank employees who identify the potential borrower. For example, two fraudsters were recently detained at once. First, a resident of the Tula region tried to get a loan for 550 thousand rubles from a capital bank in the Izmailovo district. And then in Vykhino, a 45-year-old unemployed Muscovite planned to get a loan for 709 thousand rubles. In both cases, bank employees had doubts about the authenticity of the documents submitted by potential borrowers. Attempts to obtain loans fraudulently are in eighth place.

Technical prowess

Now let's turn to “high-tech” scams. In Russia, thefts mainly occur from bank cards from “illuminated” ATMs or dubious retail outlets. For example, cards “shine” in regional grocery stores. Or funds are withdrawn from the plastic card at ATMs located on the street, in the subway and other publicly accessible places. Moreover, this can happen with a card from any bank. For example, my colleague’s Gazprombank card was recently blocked because she was withdrawing funds from an ATM, which was later found to have a reader. Card fraud is in seventh place.

There are interesting cases of fraud involving the purchase of various goods and services on the Internet. The People's Rating often describes a situation where funds are transferred from a card to the account of a Beeline mobile operator number. And not 100 rubles, but 10 thousand rubles or more, 1,000 rubles several times. And once I almost purchased an air ticket using my card. Fortunately, the card required confirmation of a password sent to the mobile phone. Judging by the reviews in the “People's Rating” of, for some such stories end more pitifully. Fraud with goods and services using cards takes sixth place.

In the name of the state

Interesting scams in which robbers take part under the guise of development institutions and government agencies - DIA, AHML, etc. For example, scammers have repeatedly offered to resolve the issue of stuck deposits in bankrupt banks. Valery Miroshnikov, Deputy General Director of DIA, spoke about one of these cases - with the Holding-Credit bank, which lost its license in May 2012. The scammers called the victim depositors and promised them for a certain commission - approximately 5-10% - to return all the bank's debt to them. Clients with deposits of 700 thousand rubles or more were taken into circulation, since deposits above this amount are not compensated by the DIA.

Fraudsters trying to make money from government funds from AHML were recently caught in Tyumen. They offered people with low incomes to enter into loan agreements for the purchase of real estate, the cost of which was inflated several times. Due to the fact that clients did not pay the money, the apartments were transferred to AHML, which reimbursed the mortgage company for the cost of the property. As a result, the scammers were able to “earn” more than 500 million rubles. Now they are in custody, but she the idea using government agencies ranks fifth in our ranking.

The fourth place goes to mortgage fraud. Despite more thorough checks of housing loan applicants, they still manage to deceive credit institutions. For example, at the end of last year in Samara there was a trial in a case where a couple took out a mortgage loan in the amount of 4 million rubles from Rosbank using forged documents. In addition, they inflated the estimated value of the purchased apartment. An acquaintance of the couple found a two-room apartment at a price of 2.7 million rubles and obtained the valuation of this property at 5.2 million rubles from fictitious photographs. The seller of the apartment, who did not understand what was happening, received the entire loan amount from the bank’s cash desk, kept 2.7 million rubles for himself for the sold apartment, and gave the rest to the spouses. Another story happened in Yekaterinburg. The mortgage borrower from Sberbank, apparently unable to cope with the credit burden, decided to sell the apartment himself. In the third year of owning the property, the new owners suddenly had problems. To be fair, we note that the court was on the side of the apartment owners and did not oblige them to return someone else’s mortgage loan to Sberbank.

Prize three

The top three were not so much the largest robberies of recent times, but rather resonant or strange cases.

In third place is the sensational case of TKS Bank borrower Dmitry Agarkov. You cannot call him a fraudster, but he himself does not recommend that others use his experience. But he managed to take out a loan quite legally and write down zero interest in the contract. In 2008, Dmitry entered his terms into the loan agreement, indicating that the loan issued to him should be unlimited and interest-free. This agreement was signed by bank employees. Subsequently, he demanded first 24 million rubles from TKS Bank for failure to fulfill this agreement, and then 900 thousand rubles from Oleg Tinkov for insulting honor and dignity. Agarkov later backed down and said that it was just a joke that had gone too far. TCS President Oliver Hughes, for his part, admitted that “banks must better explain to clients the terms of service, and clients must be responsible borrowers.” That's how we got along.

In second place is the trio of “investors” of the ICD. This story caused a resonance both by the fact of the theft itself and by legal proceedings to recover damages from Ingosstrakh. In September 2010, an MKB client named Kargin opened a deposit for 27 million rubles, later he added another 5.5 million to the deposit. In August 2011, a person with a passport in the name of Kargin came to the bank and deposited another 300 thousand rubles into the account, and also made a power of attorney for a certain Kondratov. Two days later, the latter brought an application for early withdrawal of funds from the deposit. Received 32.9 million rubles. Then the real Kargin came, who had no idea about the power of attorney for Kondratov. A criminal case was initiated, and MKB turned to Ingosstrakh for compensation for losses. Some time later, MKB filed a claim to recover 85.4 million rubles from Ingosstrakh for another deposit fraud.

In first place in the ranking is the recent theft of just under 1 million rubles from a bank cash desk using hypnosis. The cashier of a credit institution in Smolensk herself gave the money to the robber, later explaining that she was hypnotized. The cashier assures the investigation that the man introduced himself as the director of the trading house in which the branch of the credit institution is located, and demanded money for renting the terminal, without giving a specific amount. The cashier gave him 980 thousand rubles. So it's simple.

It remains to add that most bank frauds occur with the participation of employees - this is either a conspiracy with them, or their passive participation, inattention. So the main thing in such situations is the human factor. How to deal with it is up to the banks themselves to decide.


In a minibus, a person gets in front of you and begins to stomp around, asking and asking again whether he got into a taxi... You are unhappy, and the dissatisfied next passenger is already propping you up behind you. Finally it turns out that the first person got into the wrong minibus, and you have to get out, letting him out. This happens at the moment when the person behind you has already pulled out everything he could from your pockets/bags. For example, the cell phone that you just put in your pocket.
And for example, they pulled me by the bag on my shoulder, I suspected something was wrong and turned around to see what was wrong with the bag, but the bag was intact, and the girl behind me was so pretty, and there was nothing valuable in my bag. And I calmed down...

15.10.2008 06:55:38

There is also a new look. They call you on the phone and tell you that your number is the winning one. You have won a trip for two to...(choose as desired) You just need to pay for the travel. Naturally, you will no longer see your money.

04.12.2006 18:38:01, Elena

very good article

I can add that begging has now become a very profitable business, so scammers use stolen children, deceived disabled people, and even scammers with animals! Don't give money to anyone!!! (you can give an apple...) You can read about the “Save Their Childhood” campaign on 7e Attention - all phones that previously began with “9” now begin with “6”. Or on the website If you meet a beggar with a child, report it to the police!

Comment on the article "Robbery in Russian: 24 most famous methods of deception"

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— October 04, 2013, 10:13

Fake technical support, distributed DoS attacks and fake ATMs are not all the tricks that cybercriminals use.

The widespread penetration of computers, the Internet and electronic payments leads to the fact that robbing a bank or emptying a private account becomes the task primarily of cybercriminals, and not of masked people with guns. Let's outline the five main ways that attackers use to steal money using IT technologies.

Fake technical support

Cases have been recorded where fraudsters, disguised as technical staff, penetrate financial institutions and implement sophisticated schemes for transferring money from bank accounts. So, in April of this year, an attacker, posing as a technician, made his way into a Barclays bank branch, where he connected a KVM switch to a 3G router - a device designed to switch one set of input/output devices between several computers.

As a result, fraudsters were able to transfer money to their accounts through the cellular network. The amount of damage was £1.3 million.


This is one of the most common ways to obtain personal information from bank clients. Cybercriminals create fake websites that exactly copy the design of the bank’s official web resource, and then lure gullible users there under various pretexts. Instructions to visit a fake page may come via email, SMS, etc.

Currency conversion

What if you exchanged $10 into pounds sterling using an online system? At current rates that would be £6.22. But if you convert one cent, then taking into account rounding, the system will give one penny. In this case, the benefit is obvious. Fraudsters, of course, take advantage of this: special programs perform similar conversion operations over and over again, bringing cybercriminals substantial money. Banks solve the problem by setting a minimum amount for exchange and limiting the number of transactions per day.

Theft of money using plastic cards

Fraudsters often install special devices on ATMs that allow them to obtain card information: these can be keyboard overlays to steal PIN codes and magnetic stripe readers. After receiving such information, it will not be difficult for criminals to steal money from the account.

There are cases when scammers even installed their own “ATMs” in public places. Of course, such an installation does not issue money, but it regularly reads information from cards.

Distributed DoS attacks

This method involves sending a huge number of requests to bank servers, say, from a network of zombie computers. The electronic system of a financial organization simply cannot cope with the flow of data that hits it and stops responding. While technical staff are busy solving the problem, cybercriminals have the opportunity to infiltrate the banking network in one way or another and transfer money to their accounts or steal confidential information.

Prepared from materials