Deposits in the year with a high interest rate. What will happen to rates on deposits in Moscow banks

Profitability ruble deposits for last month has increased significantly. Today, investors can catch a good moment and open a deposit at 20 percent or more per annum. presents a rating of the most profitable deposits offered by banks from the top hundred.

To find the most advantageous offers was used in the market to calculate the amount of income on savings in 400 Russian banks. The average deposit in the amount of 100 thousand rubles, placed for 1 year, was chosen as the basis.

Top 20 most profitable deposits

Bank Product name Income amount (RUB) Interest rate
1 Rosinterbank 19 269,54 20,10
2 Interkommerts 19 135,39 20,00
3 Trust 18 387,71 21,00
4 Vneshprombank 17 989,26 18,35
5 Rosinterbank 17 759,08 20,03
6 Renaissance loan 17 734,14 20,00
7 MBA-Moscow 17 618,01 18,00
8 Peresvet 17 442,50 19,70
9 Alfa Bank 17 316,67 17,60
10 FC Otkritie 17 150,00 19,25
11 Binbank 17 034,04 19,00
12 Ugra 17 312,50 19,50
13 Rosgosstrakh bank 17 723,30 18,00
14 Orient Express Bank 16 251,56 16,05
15 Uralsib 16 214,04 16,00
16 Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development 15 902,40 17,00
17 Probusinessbank 15 882,09 16,00
18 Credit Europe Bank 15 816,44 17,00
19 Ugra 15 810,86 17,04
20 MBA-Moscow 15 687,50 17,00

Just a month ago, the maximum return on a deposit under the same conditions was a maximum of 12,644.34 rubles, and now the leader of the rating, Rosinterbank, offers to open a “Champion (online)” deposit at 20.1% per annum and receive 19,269.54 rubles in 12 months . If a deposit is opened not via the Internet, but in a bank office, the rate will be 20%.

In second place was Interkommerts Bank, offering a deposit at 20% per annum. The yield on this deposit will be 19,135.39 rubles. And in third place is Trust Bank with a rate of 21%. The bank will be sanitized, but this does not prevent customers from opening new deposits in it. In some branches where depositors have difficulty receiving their deposits, employees offer not to withdraw money from the bank, but to put it into a new deposit at a high interest rate. It is quite possible that for them now this would be a completely reasonable decision, given that while there is no money in the bank’s cash desk, and the insured event has not occurred, the procedure for receiving a deposit may be delayed, and the money is not yet generating income.

4 FC Otkritie RUB 42,870
$ 265
€ 210 5 Khanty-Mansiysk Bank RUB 42,864.25
$ 324,38
€ 299,04

After the rapid collapse of the ruble, many investors thought about opening multi-currency deposits. Such deposits help protect money from exchange rate fluctuations. When one currency depreciates, others automatically begin to rise in price. As a result, the owner of the deposit does not lose anything if the amount of currency is correct. Experts advise opening such deposits for those who constantly keep their finger on the pulse of the banking system and monitor currency fluctuations.

Almost every day there is news from banks that deposit rates are being reduced. Despite this, deposits will remain the most popular tool for saving and increasing the population’s funds, as they are guaranteed by the state. The question arises: will the deposit rate decrease further? And what does 2014 have in store for investors?

Most bankers are confident that the reduction in deposit rates in 2014 (at least in the first half) will continue. Experts explain this trend by the fact that The Bank of Russia began to take an active part in regulating the maximum interest rate , trying to limit its growth. If previously its actions were limited to recommendations for market participants, in the future they will take the form of instructions mandatory for execution by banks. The guideline will be the average deposit rate for the TOP 10 banks in the country, some of which have already lowered their profitability levels.

Another reason for the reduction in deposit rates analyst Bank Home Credit Stanislav Duzhinsky sees in slowdown consumer lending . According to the Bank of Russia, the increase loan portfolio unsecured loans amounted to 37.3% in annual terms as of September 1, while a year ago this figure was 59.7%. As a result, banks are not so interested in significant amounts of funds raised, since they must maintain a balance between the growth of their assets and liabilities.

Table 1 - Behavior of deposit rates in 2014

Expert Forecast
Oleg Demin, Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of SKB Bank In 2014, the maximum level of interest rates on deposits will not exceed 10%.
Dilyara Ermakova, Managing Director of Bank BCC-Moscow LLC There is every reason to think that the downward trend will continue at the beginning of 2014.
Maxim Chubak, Deputy Head of the Department of Loyalty Programs and Development of Work with Client Segments of Nordea Bank In 2014, we can expect the formation of a trend towards a gradual reduction in rates, smooth and long-term.
Stanislav Duzhinsky, analyst at Home Credit Bank The reduction in interest rates on household deposits is likely to continue
Nagirny Vyacheslav, Deputy Head of the Department retail business Loko-Bank We expect rates to decline in the first half of the year and stabilize in the second.
Galina Utkina, Director of the Department of Deposits and Commission Products at Renaissance Credit At the beginning of next year, rates on deposits of individuals will not differ much from current offers; No sharp changes in interest rates on deposits are expected at the beginning of 2014.
Maria Zhelonkina, head of the department for managing deposits and investment products at Raiffeisenbank We expect the downward trend in rates to continue in 2014.
Svetlana Khmeleva, chief accountant OJSC CB "AGROPROMKREDIT" The downward trend in rates will continue in 2014, unless any unforeseen circumstances arise.
Rodion Lomivorotov, Head of Macroeconomic Research Department, OTP Bank Deposit rates will decrease.
Volis Irina, head of department banking products GLOBEX Bank The downward trend in rates will continue until the end of 2013 and at the beginning of 2014.

What about the laws?

As for innovations in legislation, as noted by the Managing Director LLC "Bank BCC-Moscow" Dilyara Ermakova, legislative changes have already touched upon deposits. Yes, in October The Central Bank received full right to regulate the profitability of deposits (letter of the Bank of Russia No. 172-T dated September 4, 2013). So far, the Central Bank has not exercised this right, but is monitoring “problem banks” whose rates are more than 11%. Some banks have already received orders to reduce them to “recommended”.

Besides, in September, the State Duma of the Russian Federation approved in the first reading a bill to increase the insured amount to 1 million rubles . The second and third readings are still ahead; the nuances of this bill will be finalized. Most likely, says the director of the department of deposits and commission products "Renaissance Credit" Galina Utkina, we should expect the adoption of this bill next year, which will certainly be a positive event for investors.

However, this bill contains provisions for increased contributions to the insurance fund , so banks will have to pursue a more conservative policy in raising funds individuals or raising funds is somewhat more expensive.

The introduction of a differentiated approach to contributions to the insurance fund depending on the degree of risk has been discussed for quite some time, the analyst said Bank Home Credit Stanislav Duzhinsky. In other words, if the bank sets a higher interest rate on deposits, then it pays a larger amount of contributions to the insurance fund . Stanislav Duzhinsky considers this initiative logical, so, in his opinion, if one market participant adheres to a more risky model of conducting his business, then it will be fair if he feels a greater burden to maintain the stability of the entire banking system, compared to more conservative-minded colleagues. In its mechanics, this approach is close to the car insurance system. If a driver behaves more riskily on the road and has any accidents in his driving history, then the amount of insurance payments for him will be higher compared to a careful driver.

Chief accountant OJSC CB "AGROPROMKREDIT" Svetlana Khmeleva explained that there is market expectations for changes in tax legislation regarding taxation of income on deposits . There is an understanding that the tax burden should be the same from different types assets, be it securities, real estate, deposits. Tax code adjusted to bring taxation into equilibrium. Talk about change tax burden on income from deposits in 2014 is early, although in the future an equal burden on income received from different types of assets will most likely be enshrined in tax legislation.

Explaining Svetlana Khmeleva’s comment, it can be noted that back in September, the Group for the creation of an international financial center (IFC) prepared amendments to the Tax Code and the market law securities, increasing the attractiveness of investments in shares and reducing the attractiveness of deposits . So according to the innovation, tax benefits Those investors who keep money in high-yield deposits will lose. According to the new project, income from deposits whose rates are 3 percentage points higher than the refinancing rate will be taxed. for ruble deposits and 7% per annum for foreign currency deposits.

So, let's summarize. The deposit rate will most likely continue to decline until the end of 2013 and in the first half of 2014. However, the reliability of deposits will increase due to an increase in the amount of deposit insurance from 700 thousand rubles. up to 1 million rubles.

The Deposit Insurance Agency forecasts deposit growth in 2014 at 20%-22%. Based on the results of the first half of 2013, the forecast was 17%-19%, which indicates that the population is actively placing their funds in banks, and the number of deposits placed will continue to grow. Today in the article we will look at:

Deposit forecasts for 2014

Promotions and special offers banks

Maximum rates for some banks

Reasons for the increase in deposit volumes

According to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, as of August 1, 2013, the volume of deposits reached 15.796 trillion. rubles In annual terms, the volume of deposits increased by 9.7%. The share of demand deposits and 1-month deposits is 18% of the total volume. Deposits with a maturity of 31 days to a year decreased by 0.8% and their share now amounts to 20.5%.

The number of deposits for a period of 1 year or more remained at the same level – 61.5% of the total volume. The share of deposits in rubles is 4.6 times higher than in foreign currency. Analysts predict an increase in 2014 deposit portfolio by 17%-19% compared to 2013.

The volume of deposits will increase one-time, which is explained by the outflow of large sums from abroad. Due to the crisis in Cyprus, wealthy Russians prefer to transfer their savings to domestic banks.

Another reason for the increase in the volume of deposits is the law prohibiting government employees from having accounts in foreign banks. Thanks to this, the increase in deposits in the first half of 2013 was higher than for the entire 2012. In 2014, the growth of deposit accounts and the outflow of funds from abroad to Russian banks will continue.

Such a high increase in deposits allows banks not to apply incentive measures and keep rates at minimum levels. As long as the population actively deposits funds into deposit accounts, interest rates will not rise. On the other hand, if rates continue to decrease next year, this may affect the volume of the deposit portfolio.

Reasons for reducing rates

The reduction in deposit rates has been observed for eight months now, and according to Central Bank In the Russian Federation today the average rate is 9.02% per annum - this is the lowest figure since the beginning of 2013. Back in August, its value was 9.05% per annum.

In addition to the large influx of funds from abroad, the reason for such a reduction in rates for individuals will be an increase insurance compensation up to 1 million rubles, a decrease in activity in the credit market and a decrease in inflation indicators.

As of September 1, the growth of the loan portfolio of unsecured loans amounted to 37.3%, while a year ago it was 59.7%. Considering that banks must maintain a balance between the growth of assets and liabilities, they are not so interested in attracting funds from the public.

Contributions to the insurance fund by banks depend on the size of the rates, therefore, in the absence of reasons to stimulate the population, it is not profitable for them to raise interest rates on deposits. After all, an increase in insurance compensation becomes an additional incentive for investing free savings in a deposit account.

The Central Bank began to take an active part in regulating deposit rates. If previously its actions were limited to recommendations, then in the near future written instructions are expected to appear, mandatory for banks.

Growth in deposits over the past year

In addition to the interest rate, depositors pay attention to the conditions offered by the bank for deposits. The combination of factors such as the possibility of withdrawing funds or replenishing a deposit, the term and the possibility of capitalizing interest is of great importance.

Monitoring the profitability of deposits showed that the level of interest rates on deposits in leading banks in October did not exceed 8.71% per annum, while in small financial institutions you can find a rate of up to 12% per annum. However, for many depositors, when choosing a deposit, the priority is not the size of the rate, but the reliability of the bank. The growth of deposits in large banks remains at high level, even despite the low level of rates.

For example, in Sberbank the increase in deposits over the past 12 months was 18.6%, in VTB 24 - 27.5%, in Alfa Bank - 29.9%, Home Credit Bank - 81.4%, in Russian Standard - 60.88%, Bank of Moscow – 29.8%. Also of interest are the data from Eurocommerce Bank, which is not one of the leading banks, but pursues an active policy of increasing its deposit portfolio. Over the past year, we have observed an increase in deposits in the bank of 116.9%. The bank achieved such a rate of increase in volumes due to the fact that it surpassed even the most profitable deposits, offering up to 11.95% per annum.

Promotions and special offers

An important role when choosing a deposit is played by various promotions and special offers that allow you to attract the attention of the depositor. For example, URALSIB Bank, with a base rate of 5.8% -10% per annum, gives clients debit card, and Narodny Credit Bank offers as a gift at a rate of 5%-10% per annum credit/debit card With free service and overdraft.

Eurokommerz Bank has a deposit with higher rate up to 11.95% per annum (Autumn Marathon program), and at Zerich Bank, except increased interest(up to 10.8% per annum), under the Bastion program you can receive chocolate or a blanket as a gift.

Raiffeisenbank offers customers who have made any deposit before the end of November a certificate that can be exchanged in the Valtera store for a silver pendant or club card with 5000 bonuses in your account. You can receive the gift in Moscow, the Moscow region and St. Petersburg until December 10, 2013.

“Military-Industrial Bank is holding a promotion for depositors who have registered a deposit under the “Maximum Income” program before January 31, 2014 for a period of 1 year. If the deposit amount exceeds 50,000 rubles, then you can choose a radiotelephone, travel iron or watch receiver as a gift; from 99,000 rubles – blood pressure monitor, glucometer, stereo radio; from 150,000 rubles - DVD player with karaoke, vacuum cleaner or floor heater; from 350,000 rub. - multicooker, microwave oven, camera; from 699,000 rub. - 26-inch LCD TV, electric grill or netbook; from 1.5 million rubles. - iPhone or Samsung tablet; from 3 million rubles - iPad tablet or 46/47 inch LCD TV.

Deposits from additional features

The optimal rate of return on deposits with additional features is noted in Russian Standard Bank, which offers the “Russian Standard – Convenient Online” program with an interest rate of up to 9.5% per annum and the ability to withdraw funds and replenish the account.

Rosbank pays up to 8.2% per annum on the Multicurrency deposit. Taking into account what is provided partial withdrawal and replenishment of funds, then this deposit is one of the most profitable.

In Sberbank on the “Manage” deposit with the ability to withdraw and replenish funds, interest rate reaches 5.7% per annum. This program remains one of the most popular on the deposit market.

At the Bank of Moscow you can open a “Maximum Comfort” deposit, which allows you to manage your savings. The rate reaches 7% per annum, and interest is paid monthly or capitalized, which allows you to increase profits.

Maximum rates in some banks

Below we will analyze deposits in banks that are especially popular among depositors and determine programs with maximum interest rates for each bank.


The maximum income can be obtained from the “Growing” deposit, where the interest rate reaches 8.5% per annum. However, the deposit amount must be at least 1,000,000 rubles, and the period must be at least 546 days. The “Save” deposit allows you to receive an income of up to 7.76% per annum with capitalization of interest for 3 years and in an amount of 2,000,000 rubles. According to the “Save Online” program, income reaches 8.07% per annum, subject to capitalization of interest for a period of 3 years and in an amount of 2,000,000 rubles.

VTB 24

The maximum rate is valid according to the program “ Optimal choice» for a period of 18 months and in the amount of 3,000 rubles. Possible entry additional contributions and capitalization of interest, which increases deposit income.

Renaissance Credit

The “Profitable” deposit allows you to receive a profit of up to 10.5% per annum for a period of 367 days and an amount of 5,000 rubles. Deposits and withdrawals are not provided.

Tinkoff Credit Systems

The interest rate under the Smart Deposit program reaches 10.25% per annum for a period of 12 months, with the possibility of interest capitalization in an amount of 30,000 rubles.

Russian Standard Bank

Offers a “High Interest” deposit with a rate of up to 9.25% per annum for a period of 360 days and an amount of 300,000 rubles. It is possible to replenish the deposit. Depositors who have signed an agreement at the branch receive a gift bank card MasterCard systems.

Under the “Pension Plus” program, the interest rate is 9% per annum for an amount of 100,000 rubles and for a period of 360 days. During the entire period, it is possible to top up the account, and when you move to the next threshold amount, the rate increases. A MasterCard card is issued as a gift.

Eurocommerce Bank

This bank traditionally offers a line of deposits with a high interest rate, which can reach up to 11.5% (for regular programs) and 11.95% (for VIP deposits) per annum. The bank also offers a “Caring” deposit for pensioners - up to 11.65% per annum, minimum amount from 2,000 rubles.

It's finished! Since November 10, the Bank of Russia stopped fixing the bi-currency basket value corridor and finally “released” Russian ruble free swimming. Our currency has been floating quite far in recent days - up to 48 rubles per dollar and up to 60 per euro. In an environment of severe devaluation, foreign exchange assets are of truly national interest. The simplest and most accessible of them to the population are bank deposits in foreign currencies, primarily in euros and dollars. The topic of the article is the ten most attractive offers on foreign currency deposits for individuals from Russian banks (*).

The measure of attractiveness will be the interest rate on foreign currency deposits (which is quite natural), as well as the level of solidity (and reliability) of the banking institution.

Let's start analyzing foreign currency deposits in banks with proposals from the largest systemic financial organizations.

1. Sberbank

Foreign currency deposits in Sberbank are represented by two interesting products - “Save” and “Multicurrency Sberbank of Russia” deposits.

On the first deposit, the bank charges maximum interest rates, both on ruble deposits and on foreign currency deposits. Dollars or eurocurrency can be placed for a period from one month to three years inclusive. Replenishment and withdrawal of partial nature cash not provided. The minimum deposit is one hundred dollars or euros.

Interest is calculated monthly with addition to the deposit amount (capitalization). Interest income can be withdrawn without waiting for the expiration date of the deposit. Deposit rates depend on the term and size of the deposit.
For amounts ranging from 100 to 3 thousand dollars/euro and from one month to two, the rate is 0.3% per annum. If the dollar amount increases over 100 thousand and over a three-year period, the rate for simple interest equal to 2.95%, and complex - 3.08% per annum. With similar parameters of a euro deposit, the rate is 2.60% (2.70%) per annum.
If terminated before the due date within the first six months, Sberbank pays 0.01% per annum. If the client terminates the contract after more than six months, two-thirds of the base rate.

Multi foreign currency deposit The bank opens in three currencies at once - rubles and two main foreign currencies (dollar/euro) from one to two years. Minimum amounts have been reduced to 5 dollars/euro. The account mode allows you to top it up in cash from 100 dollars/euro. There are no restrictions for non-cash replenishment. You cannot withdraw money from the deposit.

Foreign currency deposits of this type at Sberbank have a differentiated scale of interest rates depending not only on the period, but also on the size of the minimum balance. With the value of the latter being 5 dollars/euro, it is equal to only 0.01% per annum. If the investor provides 100 thousand dollars/euro, then for a two-year period he can claim 1.75% (1.78% for compound interest) per annum. The amount of the minimum balance is fixed in the deposit agreement or in an additional agreement to it.

Interest income is accrued once every three months and can be withdrawn or capitalized. The conditions for early termination are similar to the conditions for the “Save” deposit.

The main advantage of a multi-currency deposit is the possibility of non-cash transfer between currencies (conversion) within the account balance, without any commissions.

2. VTB24

The main state competitor of Sberbank in the retail market, VTB24, positions the “Profitable” deposit as the most attractive. Period – from three to sixty months (five years). Interest is accrued and paid monthly or capitalized at the option of the depositor. It is prohibited to withdraw money partially from the deposit. If the early termination of the contract occurred no earlier than 180 days, then VTB24 charges 0.6 of the rate applicable to the deposit on the date of termination. Minimum amounts – 3 thousand dollars/euro.
I wonder what highest bids for “Profitable” from VTB24 exactly coincide with the rates of the “Save” deposit from Sberbank, but the amounts may be smaller.

So, for a deposit of 50 thousand dollars for a period of 1102 days (from three years) it is equal to 2.95% (3.08% compound interest). For an amount of more than 50 thousand euros for the same period – 2.60% (2.70%).

3. "Bank of Moscow"

Repeats maximum currency rates state banks and the municipal Bank of Moscow. The most attractive interest rates, both ruble deposits and foreign currency deposits, are positioned by the bank in the “Maximum Income” product.
The lower limit on accepted amounts is 100 dollars/euro. Deposit terms range from 90 days to three years. Monthly interest period. A capitalization or interest payment procedure is possible. An interesting promotion - if a deposit is opened online (via Internet banking), then the client has an addition to the rate of 0.1% per annum.

For a deposit over 75 thousand dollars for a period of three years, the same 2.95% (3.08%) per annum. For a deposit from 75 thousand euros – 2.60% (2.70%).

4. Gazprombank

A little more favorable conditions can be found in another state banking institution - Gazprombank. The most highly profitable deposits in dollars, euros and rubles are concentrated in the Gazprombank - Perspective deposit program. Placement periods range from 181 days to three years plus one day. Minimum amounts are 500 dollars/euro. Deposit replenishment and expenditure are prohibited. Interest income is paid for deposits with a maturity of up to one year - at the end of the period. For longer ones - every year and at the end of the term.
A deposit in dollars gives the highest interest (3.1% per annum) for amounts from 10 thousand for a period of three years and one day. For euros the same 3.1% for a deposit of 10 thousand and on the same maximum period. Thus, the euro offer from Gazprombank is somewhat more profitable than from banks No. 1-3. But this small benefit is canceled out by the unavailability of interest until the end of the deposit (or the first year for deposits for more than a year).

5. Rosselkhozbank

The most profitable deposits in euros and dollars, as well as in rubles, are offered at Rosselkhozbank from October 28, 2014 on the “Golden” deposit. Money can be deposited through an ATM or Internet banking (“Internet office”). The minimum deposit amount is very high – 50 thousand dollars/euro. Interest income is paid at the end of the term deposit agreement. Deposits and partial withdrawals are prohibited. Terms – from 91 to 1460 days (4 years). Rates for a four-year term are 4.0% per annum for the dollar and 3.75% for the euro. The interest is quite interesting, but the order of its payment (at the end of the fourth year) blurs the picture. For one year we have 3.3% per annum for the dollar and 3.05% for the euro.

6. Promsvyazbank

Deposits in dollars and deposits in euros have the most attractive interest rates for the “Big Rates” product. If the deposit is made at the Promsvyazbank office, then the minimum amount is 1000 dollars or euros. When opening an account through PSB-Retail Internet banking, it is reduced to 300 currency units. Deposit period – 397 days. Replenishment is possible (without restrictions during the first 91 days). There are two interest periods. The first - up to 184 days and the second - from the 185th to the 397th day. For the first period, regardless of the amount, the rate is 1.5% per annum for both currencies. For the second - 4.0% per annum. Average value – 2.75% per full term. Interest can be received after the end of the relevant periods or capitalized. If the client held the deposit for more than half the term, then early termination accrued interest is retained in full.

Promsvyazbank, similar to Sberbank, is promoting its version of a multi-currency deposit - “Multi-currency basket”. Also, within one deposit you can open in three currencies - ruble, dollar and euro. Non-cash conversion between currencies works at the bank exchange rate on the date of the transaction. There is a function for replenishing the account (no later than 30 days before the expiration of the deposit). Expenses are possible within the minimum balance for each currency. Maximum amount foreign currency deposits are limited to half a million dollars or euros.

The minimum balance, also known as the minimum deposit for the currency defined as the main one, is 300 (via Internet banking) / 1000 (via the office) dollars or euros. For additional currencies – 1 dollar/euro.
The deposit period is 91, 184 and 397 days.
The maximum rate (397 days) for the dollar is 3% per annum, for the euro – 2.6%.

7. Alfa-Bank

The largest private bank Russia offers the Pobeda deposit with the highest income levels in the bank. The minimum for placement is 500 euros or dollars. Terms – from 92 days to three years. Interest is capitalized monthly. From November 1, 2014, the highest interest rate on the dollar is valid for a three-year period for amounts over 120 thousand and is equal to 4.5% per annum. For a deposit of 120 thousand euros for three years we have 4.3% per annum. Rates are calculated using the compound interest method.

8. "Renaissance Credit"

From the point of view of maximum profitability, the bank combines deposits in euros and dollars, as well as rubles, in the “Profitable” deposit. Minimum amount is two hundred dollars/euro. The investor receives interest at the end of the term. The periods for which Renaissance Credit accepts money for the Profitable deposit are 731, 367, 181 and 91 days. For a period of 367 days, the rate on the dollar and euro is 4.75% per annum. Deposits and withdrawals are prohibited. If early termination occurs after the 367th day, the bank recalculates interest income at a rate of 2.25% per annum.

9. "SB Bank"

Let's move on to the banks that give the highest deposit rates on foreign currency deposits.
SB Bank positions its product “Guaranteed Income”. The deposit gives very decent rates even with an early break. The minimum amount is one and a half thousand dollars or euros. The period for placement is from one to one and a half years. Interest is available for withdrawal at the end of the term. It is possible to top up without restrictions, but no later than one month before the end of the contract. Partial withdrawals are prohibited. The rate for both types of currencies is fixed and equal to 5.5% per annum. In case of early termination during the period from the 366th to the 547th day, the rate of 5% per annum for dollars and euros applies.

10. Bank "Ugra"

The best foreign currency deposit in 2014 according to our rating is the “Wishes Fulfillment” deposit from Ugra Bank. The program period is from November 1 of the current year until February 28, 2015. The lower limit of accepted amounts is 300 euros or dollars. Terms – 61 – 730 days. You can top up with an amount of twenty dollars/euro, no later than 30 calendar days before the end of the deposit. A one-time withdrawal of funds is allowed during the validity period of the agreement, in an amount of no more than 40% of the amount deposited at opening. Rates for periods from 547 to 730 days for the dollar are 5.7% per annum, for the euro – 4.7%. Capitalization of interest is allowed.

Back in the summer of 2014, Sberbank stated that it did not intend to increase deposit rates. But in December everything changed: the ruble exchange rate broke all “anti-records”, the key rate soared by 6.5 percentage points, and panic began among investors. Banks, including those from the top 10, increased deposit rates to 20% and higher. How long will this last, and what will happen to deposit rates in 2015?

What was it like in 2014?

At the beginning of the year, the average maximum rate under the terms of the top 10 organizations that attract the largest volume of public funds was 8.3%, but since January the figure has been steadily increasing. The reason is a lack of liquidity among banks.

Devaluation expectations began to affect the behavior of depositors in the fall of 2013 and intensified in the spring of 2014. For the first time in many years, Russians doubted the reliability of ruble investments and began to buy foreign currency. The annual increase in deposits turned out to be insignificant and mostly represents currency revaluation.

If the dynamics were uniform in the first 11 months, then in December there was a jump - in just one ten-day period of December, deposit rates soared by almost 5 percentage points. (from 10.6% to 15.3%).

Where did they come from?

What's happening to the system?

Minister economic development Alexey Ulyukaev believes that Russia is now experiencing three crises, the reasons for which are rising costs, declining demand and a negative foreign policy situation. The state unseals the Welfare Fund to save largest banks sanctioned.

Oleg Tinkov believes that in addition to this, the country is experiencing an on-lending crisis, which Russia is experiencing for the first time.

The aggravation began with the “Ukrainian crisis” and the annexation of Crimea. Russia is paying for the expansion of borders and disagreement with the position of the United States and Europe on the Ukrainian “issue” with sanctions. Banking system and the condition of the ruble began to deteriorate after the first wave of sanctions, but then it was not so obvious. Moreover, structural factors began to slow the economy long before the fall in oil prices and the announcement of fines.

General economic problems reduce the solvency of clients financial organizations. Demand for banking services is shrinking. Borrowers are facing difficulties in repaying loans, which is deteriorating bank portfolios. Overdue debt is growing, and along with it, banks' contributions to reserves, which further reduces the profits of credit institutions.

Sanctions are limiting Western funding, and other economic problems are making it difficult to obtain funds from internal sources. The massive outflow of investment in December was stopped only thanks to high deposit rates, which banks have nothing to recoup with.

Pay attention!

The massive outflow of investments in December was stopped only thanks to high deposit rates, which banks have nothing to repay yet.

Forecasts are regularly updated in a negative direction. Few people expect oil prices to return to $100, most likely in the next few years. Brent price will not exceed $60-70 per barrel. International rating agencies are downgrading Russia's rating. The country was in the top 5 countries with the highest probability of default.

Government anti-crisis measures

In connection with the force majeure situation, which the government considers the December collapse of the ruble, the authorities have adopted several provisions to facilitate the influx of investment into financial organizations.

If previously the amount of insurance compensation for deposits in case of bank bankruptcy was 700 thousand rubles, now it has been increased to 1.4 million rubles.

The tax-free rate on deposits has been increased. Now up to 18.25% of interest income from ruble deposits is tax-free, but this condition will only apply until December 31, 2015. Previously, this threshold was 13.25% for ruble programs. On foreign currency deposits, non-taxable income will still be 9%.

The Central Bank increased the permissible deviation of deposit rates from the maximum average market values: if previously the difference should not exceed 2 percentage points, now the deviation has been increased to 3.5 percentage points. In the first ten days of January 2015, the average maximum rate was 15.33%. Accordingly, banks can easily offer 18.83%.

An increase in interest on deposits always entails an increase lending rates. And here it is worth mentioning another anti-crisis measure: until July 1, 2015, the regulator will not limit full cost loan. Previously, it was planned that from the beginning of this year, banks will not be able to set interest rates that are more than a third higher than the estimated average value of the conditions for the corresponding type of lending.

What are the forecasts?

No expert will undertake to give accurate forecasts, since many factors are involved whose behavior cannot be predicted. Even the current situation is not entirely clear: after the December “shock,” no one can yet determine how much money is now worth. Therefore, we can only outline the most likely scenario.

High interest rates that appeared in December 2014 stopped the outflow of deposits, but at the same time inflation accelerated. At the end of the year, it exceeded 10%, and in 2015 it is possible that it will increase to 14%, no matter what the Bank of Russia says about inflation targeting. For certain groups of goods, inflation may exceed 20%.

Pay attention!

High interest rates that appeared in December 2014 stopped the outflow of deposits, but at the same time inflation accelerated

Based on current conditions, we cannot expect a new increase in deposit rates. On the contrary, they will decline. Most organizations “slowed down” back in December - almost immediately after the increase, since the new conditions were very attractive, and the outflow was quickly replaced by an influx.

Much will depend on the level key rate. Its reduction will ensure a reduction in both deposit and loan interest.

Current conditions


For a non-replenishable deposit without the possibility of partial withdrawal “Save” for a period of 1 month to 1 year, the yield will be 9.2% -10.52%, and from 1 year to 3 years - 8-41% -10.29% with capitalization. For deposits in US dollars, capitalization rates for similar periods will be 1.08% -5.05% and 3.15% -4.13%, in euros - 1.8% -4.95% and 2.95% - 3.92% respectively.

Rate with capitalization on replenishment, but without the possibility of implementation expense transactions for the “Replenish” deposit will be 9.63% -9.26% for a period from 3 months to a year and 7.98% -9.58% for a period of 1-3 years. In dollars, rates with capitalization for the same periods will be 3.46%-5% and 3.08%-4.02%, respectively, and in euros – 3.46%-4.9% and 2.86%-3. 82%.

The “Manage” deposit allows partial withdrawal and replenishment. Interest for a period from 3 months to a year - 9.27% ​​-9.88%, from a year to 3 years - 7.28% -8.51% with capitalization. When opened in dollars, the yield will be 3.41%-4.95% and 2.86%-3.92% with capitalization, respectively, in euros - 3.4%-4.85% and 2.65%-3.71 % with capitalization.

For comparison, back in the spring of 2014, the interest range for the “Save” deposit in rubles was 4.4%-7.76%, “Replenish” – 4.6%-7%, and “Manage” – 4%-6.68 %.

When opened through the Sberbank Online Internet bank, the conditions for these deposits will be better by 0.4-1 percentage points.

For a “Multi-currency” deposit (replenishable, but without partial withdrawal), issued for 1-2 years, interest with capitalization will be 0.01%-8.18% in rubles, 0.01%-3.96% in dollars and 0 .01%-3.75% in euros.


Ruble deposit " Maximum savings» for a period of six months to 2 years is issued at 12.7%-16%, but the minimum amount is 1.5 million rubles. With a similar amount you can open a “Golden” deposit for a period from 3 months to 4 years at 14%-17% in rubles, 2.8%-6.1% in dollars and 2.3%-5.6 % in euros.

A more “democratic” deposit “Classic” without expense transactions and the possibility of replenishment will bring up to 13.25% in rubles, up to 5% in dollars and up to 4.75% in euros.

A “managed” deposit with replenishment and spending options is a maximum of 11.4% in rubles, 4.25% in dollars and 4.05% in euros.

Previously, the maximum yield on Rosselkhozbank's offers was 10.4%.

VTB 24

The most profitable product is the ruble deposit “Your Bonus” without partial withdrawal and replenishment for a period of 1-3 months from minimum amount from 100 thousand rubles at 14.2% -15.2%.

The second most profitable is the “Profitable” deposit for a period from 3 months to 5 years. For a period of 91-395 days, rates with capitalization in rubles will be 9.09%-13.24%, 2.25%-5.55% in US dollars and 2.25%-5.34% in euros. For a period of 546 days: 8.24%-9.78% in rubles, 3.41%-5.61% in dollars and 3.19%-5.4% in euros.

For products that allow partial withdrawal or replenishment (“Comfortable”, “Accumulative”) the yield does not exceed 11.5% in rubles, 5.56% in dollars and 5.34% in euros.

Just a year ago, VTB 24’s maximum deposit rate did not exceed 8.6%.


This bank was one of the first to raise deposit rates in the “turbulent” December and one of the first to lower them.

Deposit “Victory” without replenishment and debit transactions: 11.71% -16.08% for a period from 3 months to a year and 14.99% -17.28% for a period from a year to 3 years in rubles. In US dollars, the yield for the corresponding periods will be 2.61%-6.17% and 5.83%-6.56%, and in euros – 2.61%-5.64% and 5.29%-5.96 %.

Previously maximum income under this program was 11.87%.

“Premium” deposit, which allows you to withdraw interest monthly: the yield in rubles for the same terms will be 11.6%-15% and 13.6%-14%. When opening in foreign currency, the maximum rates are the same for all terms exceeding one year: 2.6% -6% in dollars and 2.6% -5.5% in euros.

The ability to replenish and spend funds (“Potential” deposit) reduces the yield to 8.10%-10% in rubles, 1.4%-4.5% in dollars and 1.4%-4% in euros.