Analytics of the ETH cryptocurrency for March. Ethereum has found a fair price - but for how long? ETH cryptocurrency analytics for March Current and future Ethereum supply

What is a “fair price” and how long will it take Ether to find it?

But first, we suggest checking whether anything interesting has happened to the Ethereum platform recently - the general news background is no less important for traders.

Twitter says only one thing - the developers are busy developing. A couple of weeks ago we released a new client for the platform, Iceberg. Ordinary people have no reason to delve into it, but miners will be interested - after all, this ETH node has become many times faster, and it consumes much less memory. For those interested - manuals at the link below:

Graphical analysis of ETH/USD

News silence hangs frighteningly over the Ether cryptocurrency, and investors are frozen in anticipation - trading volumes have subsided, and the price has been moving sideways for 9 trading days. But don't rush to conclusions! We invite you to read more multiframe analysis of this pair.

According to the canons of technical analysis, we will take 3 TFs, but unlike, we will take 2 senior frames. This time we will use one senior TF (weekly), working (daily chart) and junior (4-hour) to detail what is happening.

Weekly timeframe

There are no prerequisites for a downward movement on the weekly frame. A bullish pinbar (PB in the screenshot below) indicates that the bulls intend to act from the round level of 500 and below. Pay attention to the graphical characteristics of the candle: there is practically no body, a short upper shadow, and a long lower shadow are all potential bullish signs:

Daytime TF

On the daily frame, the situation will take on a distinctly bullish tone in the medium term:

  • I would like to draw your attention to the breakdown candle: at one time it was the one that completed the sideways trend that lasted from July to December 2017, that is, about six months. Look at the momentum and speed with which the price began to move after the breakout. It is precisely these zones on the chart that should always be kept in sight - areas of sharp price imbalance can repeatedly reverse the price in the future.
  • the tailed candle (or a break in the clouds according to the TA canons), formed on February 6, made it clear to the bears that buyers were very determined near the $500 level. This is not surprising, given the proximity of this mark to the demand zone.

Now the quotes are in a consolidation period, which means only one thing - you have chosen a so-called “fair price”.

What's the matter?

The thing is that this kind of sideways are formed under the influence of two forces - buyers and sellers. Both of them see the small range zone as quite advantageous for action. And since buyers press from below, sellers from above, the price shrinks more and more over time. Ultimately, the pressure from market participants becomes critical - and a consolidation breakthrough occurs. Often it just carries a hell of a trend impulse.

After the sideways “uncompress”, good trends often occur, but in the current situation we can only watch this spectacle - the flat does not yet provide signals for action.

In order to look at this picture in more detail, we suggest you dive a little lower - into the 4-hour TF, in order to understand what is happening there and who will emerge victorious from this fight.

4-hour TF

On the junior TF, a flat is clearly visible, with its upper and lower boundaries (low and high sideways). Of course, the question immediately arises: “Where can the price break through the flat?” In fact, no one will give you a 100% correct answer. And given that neither the low nor the high have yet been tested by price, it is not at all clear who prevails in this “box”.

To buy or not to buy: that is the question?

Comparing all the facts, we have the following picture:

  • the global trend (1W-1D) remains moderately bullish;
  • the price is trapped in a box on the 4-hour time frame. This is due to the fact that there is no news on air, and investors have taken a wait-and-see attitude;
  • The sideways player is still quite young - his high and low have not been tested. This means it is too early to judge both purchases and sales.

Advice from ProfitGuide: take a wait-and-see approach. Since the situation for the ETH/USD pair is not entirely clear, wouldn't the best choice for your money (and nerves) be calm and equanimous?

Long-term goals for March

So far, the price is having a hard time fighting the resistance near the $1000 level, and the bulls and bears are not showing any obvious signs. There are suspicions that the downward movement will continue down to the level of $500 and below. If Ether drops to these levels, this will be an excellent chance to enter a long position with low risk. What could be better than taking a fundamentally strong cryptocurrency on a drawdown, and even near the demand area?

There are only two long-term options:

  • breakdown of $1000 and resumption of the upward trend;
  • the battle for the level of $500 and below is a low-risk buy entry.

As always, the choice is yours

We hope this detailed review of the Ethereum cryptocurrency has helped you better understand why the situation for this pair looks this way. We recommend that you be patient and wait for a good entry into the market without wasting your strength and nerves. If you are satisfied with this analysis, or would like to suggest an addition to it, please share your thoughts with us at

In the list of more than three thousand currently existing cryptocurrencies, Ethereum confidently ranks second. Naturally, the louder the rumors about Bitcoin’s problems, the greater the attention to an asset occupying such a position. This review is an attempt to analyze the current status and fundamental differences between Ethereum and its older brother and predict what heights it will reach this alternative in the already approaching 2018.

Blockchain platform Ethereum: more than a cryptocurrency

As already mentioned in the material dedicated specifically to Ethereum, this is not entirely incorrect. Being not only alternatives, but also neighbors in all ratings, these are concepts of completely different levels. Bitcoin is a digital asset, a decentralized currency alternative to fiat, and an end product. Ether is a platform for implementing projects, creating a blockchain service and concluding smart contracts. This fundamental difference determines and cryptocurrency status No. 2, essentially being only a means of payment within a blockchain service, and its prospects. If a cue ball, as experts admit, hand on heart, costs nothing, then ether is the equivalent of the cost of a service that is in demand in certain circles. And while there is a demand for this service, there is a demand for cryptoether.

The technical principle of the Ethereum ecosystem is best illustrated by comparison with the Internet. We pay the provider for access and receive a certain number of bytes, paying in rubles. Ether is a settlement asset for the right to use a certain volume of the blockchain structure. An entrepreneur who decides to transfer part of his projects to the blockchain and thereby ensure the speed of operations and the purity of contracts is forced to either mine ether or buy it from those who mine. And given that blockchain technologies have every chance of truly gradually replacing the centralized and concentrated Internet infrastructure in specific hands, the prospects for the Ethereum cryptocurrency are also clear.

It is worth mentioning the creator of Ethereum. Unlike the mysterious Mr. Nakamoto, whose mask the press periodically tries on first one or another major player in the crypto industry, the author of Ethereum is well known. This is Vitalik Buterin - a Canadian with Russian roots. And although Gavin Wood is named as a co-author of the project and signed the technical documentation, the version of the “Russian cue ball” is circulating online.
Extravagant and at times shocking, even demanding not to call himself Vitaly, Buterin was for a long time the editor of Bitcoin Magazine, which he founded. This is what allowed the representative of a dynasty of programmers to eliminate many of the prototype’s miscalculations in his own project. And you fact of Russian origin and European registration has played, and will continue to play, a significant role in the development of Ethereum and influence its course.

Currently, Vitalik Buterin lives in Singapore, if one can determine the registration of such a sought-after and constantly traveling person. The main office of the company, a kind of Ethereum headquarters, is located in Sweden.

Ethereum status at the end of 2017: acts and figures

To talk about the exchange rate and what determines the growth of Ethereum in exchange trading, you need to determine the milestones already passed:

  • Ethereum appeared in 2014 as BTC 2.0;
  • The start of the project was ensured by crowdfunding carried out within a month;
  • 31,591 bitcoins were received at the ICO ($18,439,086 at the 2014 exchange rate);
  • For this investment, the team gave away 60,102,216 units of ether.

Skipping the ups and downs, which will be discussed in the block on how the Ethereum rate is formed, let’s move on to the current data:

  • weighted average price $459.5275 December;
  • there are 96.2 million ETH in circulation;
  • ETH capitalization $44,603,748,386;
  • the volume of orders at the auction is $572,060,597.

It should be taken into account that overbought, as such, is not noticeable for ether. If in determining what determines the value of Bitcoin, up to 90% is due to reaction due to media hype, Ethereum is much more accurately and intelligently valued. This also protects the rate from unpredictable jumps associated with fake news and random events in the BTC sphere. Brokers entering the exchanges are more protected, as are traders who decide to make money on trading. A more stable exchange rate allows you to more accurately calculate trading strategies and protect your investments while making a profit. For ether users, this is protection against depreciation. And this advantage, in turn, comes in understanding how the cost of ether is formed. Both investors looking for an asset to preserve capital and speculators interested in the opportunity to make money are beginning to trust a more stable currency.

There are many factors involved in determining what the price of ETH depends on, but the media reaction is far from paramount.

What does the ether exchange rate depend on: prerequisites for price growth and fall

A detailed examination of the principles of the ETH ecosystem is not given by chance: it is the fundamental difference from Bitcoin that is considered the main insurance against the collapse of the ETH exchange rate. Bitcoin, which is not backed by anything, is, according to economists, more vulnerable: the demand for Ethereum and its consumption as “fuel” for personal projects is the very bar below which demand cannot fall. Accordingly, the main factor that influences Ethereum is the popularity and demand of the platform itself. But whether there is this demand, and whether entrepreneurs need the benefits of blockchain, and whether Ethereum can provide the necessary conditions is another question.

There are many facts in favor of this opinion, the most important ones, as an example of what is associated with the growth of the Bitcoin exchange rate, are worth examining separately:

  1. On February 28, 2017, the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA) was created - a global business association of corporations interested in developing their projects based on ETH. Financial and technology companies and funds, including such market monsters as the banks JP Morgan, Santander, UBS and BNY Mellon and the needless to introduce Microsoft and Intel, thus gave a kind of advance to the second and at that time little-known cryptocurrency. For Buterin and his team, such trust also became a huge responsibility, since in the forum summary it was frankly stated that business does not want to delve into the fundamentals, but wants to get ready-made solutions with open blockchain code. If compare dates with exchange rate chart- the conclusions are obvious. It was demand, and not stock trading and brokers, that ensured the project’s takeoff.
  2. Another event, the real premises and content of which are not fully known, is Buterin’s meeting with the President of the Russian Federation. It is a fact that such a meeting took place within the framework of the International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg. It is known for sure that the problem of blockchain and the legalization of cryptocurrencies in the country was discussed. It is clear that Putin’s subsequent instructions to speed up the resolution of cryptocurrency issues are related to the conclusions from that meeting. There are much more rumors after this rendezvous. Allegedly, Buterin set the meeting as a prerequisite for his visit to Russia; allegedly, at the event, some agreements were reached on the transfer of government projects to the Ethereum platform. Be that as it may, the ETH rate has risen sharply.
  3. Ethereum Team regularly updates and planned hard forks. The last one, in this case it is impossible to personally say that the last one, occurred on November 10, 2017 at block 1 885 074. The quality of the work has already been confirmed, version No. 4 “False Dragon” (Spurious Dragon) should become the foundation for the implementation of its one major update - Metropolis. But that is in the future, and at the time of activation, the technical hard fork solved a number of problems, in particular, it eliminated the consequences of hacker activity that occurred in September of the year ending and prevented future attempts at DDoS attacks. Again, looking at the ETH price chart, you can see how the exchanges reacted to these events. The cost has gone up.

To present the picture from all sides, we need to talk about the factors that lower the price of cryptocurrencies on the stock exchange.
It’s clear what the bitcoin to ruble exchange rate depends on:

  • speculative trading and the work of large brokers, traders and investors;
  • news about problems in the chain, hacker attacks and DDoS attacks;
  • withdrawal of any exchanges and entire countries and regions from the circulation of cryptocurrencies.

Are the same behavioral signs characteristic of ether? Undoubtedly, although there are still differences:

  • the release of ETH by miners is not limited, which somewhat smoothes out price jumps;
  • the asset will be considered number two for a long time, which reduces the attention of small traders prone to panic who want to make money here and now;
  • the news background about Ethereum is also calmer (according to statistics, 80% of ordinary citizens know about Bitcoin, and only 7% call ether a familiar word);
  • to the question of who determines the price of Ethereum, the answer is not so obvious, so in the case of Bitcoin, “ASICs” and large pools cannot capture it, mining is more uniform;
  • understanding what makes up the price of Bitcoin, which has no practical use, investors are more favorable towards ether, investing in it for the long term, which adds stability to the price.

But the hype effect cannot be excluded from the reasons for price changes. There are several causes, signals and consequences of events:
If you compare the dynamics of the exchange rate of Bitcoin and Ethereum, the relationship will become obvious. In the stereotypical opinion of the average person, there is no difference between cryptocurrencies, and news about problems in one blockchain reveals distrust in the others.

One of the most serious drops in the value of ETH in relation to both the dollar and the ruble is associated not with economic preconditions, but with a fake about the death of the project founder. In 2017, on July 26, information appeared online that the “Russian programmer,” as the media called Buterin, crashed his car. And until Vitalik himself took a selfie with the number of the last block in his hand, the press refused to accept any arguments. Meanwhile, ether was rapidly falling.

These points give reason to doubt the complete decentralization and independence of the asset. Ether can fall just like any other cryptocurrency; there is no need to talk about complete stability. But considering how much denser the platform is under this alt, one cannot expect an “explosion” of the bubble.

Prospects for the No. 2 cryptocurrency globally and for 2018

Understanding what determines the price of Ethereum, you can try to predict it, although when the question concerns cryptocurrencies, this is extremely difficult to do. As an example, at the beginning of 2017, skeptics carefully talked about $3,000, in the middle of the year they began to stutter about $7,000, and on the eve of 2018, everyone began to trumpet that $15,000 was not the limit. This taught a lesson to “analysts”: in the cryptocurrency industry, betting on any specific numbers is very difficult. Thinking about how to predict the price of Ethereum without making a mistake by the end of the season, analysts make adjustments for a number of points:

  1. It is obvious that the Ethereum rate will rise, as will the total share of all cryptocurrencies in circulation relative to fiat. But he won't be so fast in any direction as a promoted and noticeably overbought Bitcoin. The uptrend curve will be both flatter and more even. This gives reason to bet on an increase in value up to 100% per year, that is, those who want to earn double their investments can safely buy ETH.
  2. The attention of those in power and the transfer of some global government projects to the Ethereum platform can add value up to 50-100%. And although such a situation is difficult to expect, given the development of its own national cryptocurrency ecosystem in the Russian Federation, it cannot be discounted.
    Bitcoin enters the Chicago Stock Exchange. This, like the Forex withdrawal in its time, provoked a jump upward. If the same happens to the ether, the growth curve will sharply increase the angle.
  3. An unlikely but possible “explosion” of Bitcoin for any reason could bring cryptocurrency No. 2 to the top positions. And the idea of ​​cryptoskeptics that Ethereum will die after Bitcoin cannot be taken into account: no one is arguing about the prospects of the blockchain as a whole. If BTC fails, Ether will increase 5-7 times in a matter of weeks, although in the first moments there may be a slight “tandem” drop.

The result of approximate calculations is the level is $600-1000 by the end of 2018. Time will tell how conservative this forecast is.

The recent collapse of the crypto market has strengthened faith in Ether. This currency turned out to be the only one that demonstrated character when the others, including the “mastodon” called Bitcoin, collapsed under their own weight. The Casper protocol, Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA), and Ethereum-based applications are some of the strengths of this crypto that will help it rise in 2018. Don't switch.

But first, let's rewind back to the events of January to understand why the air suddenly showed itself to be the best soldier in this bloody cryptoban.

Why Ether May Be the Best Cryptocurrency

The recent massive drawdown in cryptocurrency quotes has scared investors so much that investing in crypto has become associated with kamikazes putting their hand in the lion’s mouth. And there is every reason for this. To see them, let's take off our rose-colored glasses for a moment.

Yes, blockchain is a revolutionary technology that will leave a mark in history - there are no questions about that. However, the 2018 crypto crash showed that not all blockchain-based cryptocurrencies justify the value that bulls, inspired by the prospects, attributed to them.

In fact, many bullish crypto investors have already sniffed ammonia and are coming to their senses. At the same time, they accept the fact that most cryptocurrencies will disappear from the horizon in ten years.

Take Barry Silbert of Digital Currency Group for example. His company launched the largest Bitcoin fund, Bitcoin Investment Trust, and is now working to launch the Grayscale Digital Large Cap Fund, another investment fund with five crypto assets. The top two among them are Bitcoin and Ethereum.

According to Silbert at the Market Summit Yahoo! Finance last week, in the long term there will be only one “digital gold”, and only one crypto coin that provides users with anonymity. He also believes that there will be just one main platform for smart contracts.

When we hear “the main platform for smart contracts,” we naturally think about Ethereum. After all, other than Ethereum itself, all people talk about are “Ethereum analogues”, “Ethereum competitors” or supposed “Ethereum killers”. Simply put, they are all secondary after Buterin’s brainchild. Ethereum remains the leader in this niche.

Why should you take a closer look at Ethereum after the crypto crash?

Historically, altcoins have moved in tandem with Bitcoin. Where the cue ball goes, so do they. To this day, the movements of most quotes in this market depend in one way or another on BTC. Bitcoin holds the crypto markets in the iron fist of its influence. This is a kind of wind that inflates the sails of crypto-ships or can crash them against the rocks overnight.

However, in January, when Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies faltered, two points immediately caught my eye in which Ether quotes did not follow BTC. Despite a massive drawdown throughout most of January and early February, Ether, among a handful of other cryptocurrencies, has generally remained in the green.

So, what is it about Ethereum that is causing investor interest in it to increase? Below are three factors that have turned ETH into a top cryptocurrency.

Enterprise Ethereum Alliance

To begin with, we note that the main reason why ether stands out from the rest of the crypto fraternity is its partnerships with companies through the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA).

This same EEA, which already has over 500 prominent members, has set itself the goal of promoting Ethereum among global corporations. The fact that its ranks include such honorable gentlemen as Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT), Samsung, JPMorgan Chase & Co. (NYSE:JPM), Intel Corporation (NASDAQ:INTC), Cisco Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:CSCO) is enough to take Ethereum seriously.

And while other prominent crypto coins, like Ripple, have entered into similar partnerships, none have yet managed to achieve the reputation that Ethereum has already gained in the corporate environment.

EEA only recently stepped up its PR efforts after announcing the hiring of Ron Resnick as chief executive. Now that these crypto troops are led by a new commander, the alliance will finally have a definitive direction to go.

We firmly believe that with Reznik's leadership, EEA will be able to achieve its goal much sooner than planned. And they want neither more nor less - “to involve Ethereum in creating a technological base for corporations,” according to Reznik.

Upcoming Ethereum Upgrades

In addition, the mood improves when you hear about two more upcoming updates to this platform. Let's talk about them briefly.

When it comes to technology, Ethereum is guilty of two things. First: the problem of scaling, they say, Ethereum is slower than some of its pathetic copies. That Ethereum processes only 15 transactions per second, while its newest rivals can do up to 100,000 (and sometimes more).

However, Ethereum is busy finding a solution to this problem. Its founder, Vitalik Buterin, recently made a small spoiler about “Ethereum 2.0” - the next stage of the Ethereum platform. It will have accelerated scaling and thousands of transactions per second. This will be a stunning upgrade for Ethereum.

Another problem Ethereum has been accused of is its proof-of-work algorithm for rewarding miners. It is also used in Bitcoin. However, as it turned out, this mechanism is losing relevance.

“Proof of Work” is all about luring miners through rewards. However, it is quite expensive. This algorithm forces miners to spend tons of money on buying equipment so as not to fly out of the mining business and not remain on its outskirts.

An alternative is the “proof-of-stake” algorithm. Simply put, when using it, miners receive a reward based on how much crypto they have already collected in this game. This is a reasonable alternative to the old algorithm, but Bitcoin and Ethereum are implementing it extremely slowly.

So, now an Ether upgrade called Casper will replace its proof-of-work algorithm with proof-of-stake. Testing began in early January. This was exactly the time when Ether was growing, despite the general decline in the market. The update will go to the general public this year. Therefore, all that remains is to watch how Ethereum is taking leaps and bounds along the path of technological innovations, and keep your fingers crossed.

Ethereum applications

And finally, the second reason Ethereum is rising above its competitors is the expansion of its ecosystem. The number of applications created on its basis is growing every day. There are currently over 1,050 decentralized applications (DApps) running on the platform.

These applications increase the number of transactions processed in Ethereum, and at the same time the cost of ETH. So now the number of transactions on Ethereum is comparable to those that Bitcoin has processed in its entire history.

Bitcoin, with its transactions, which have historically been more numerous than Ethereum, released the reins of leadership in July last year, and then Ethereum picked up this torch. This is another factor that strengthened support for ETH, preventing it from going down during the crypto crash.

So, Ether's strong performance during the cryptocurrency market crash demonstrates that it is probably the only currency worth considering investing in. The three reasons above strengthen the desire to make a bullish call. Which we are happy to do. We optimistically forecast ETH quotes at $1,500 this year.

Alexey Russkikh

Cryptocurrencies have attracted considerable interest from investors over the past couple of years, thanks in large part to the rise of Bitcoin and Ethereum. For example, in December 2015, a bitcoin cost about $450, in July 2017 the price reached $2,600, in November 2017 $15,500, and finally, in December the maximum value was recorded, close to $20,000. This rapid growth is comparable in amplitude to that shown by Bitcoin’s rival in the cryptocurrency sector, Ethereum. Let's look at the forecasts for the Ethereum price for 2018.

It should always be kept in mind that making forecasts for the price of ether for the short term is a very difficult task. Beginners need to be aware of the incredible volatility of this financial instrument. In one day, ether can lose up to 25% in price, and the next day it can be completely restored. For example, recently there was an increase from $300 to $800, i.e. about 170%, in just over a month.

The volatility factor, as well as the novelty of this cryptocurrency (Ethereum began its history in 2014), do not make it possible to make a high-quality technical analysis of its charts to forecast the exchange rate for 2018. At least, every such forecast for the short term will be very doubtful. Let's consider options for forecasts for the long term.

Ethereum price will break $1,000

Predictions for Ether at $1,000 seemed crazy not long ago. At the beginning of 2017, it cost just 10 dollars, and now it’s $700, and this is after the recent market collapse. Given this picture, the forecast for the end of 2018 of 3 or even 5 thousand dollars does not seem so incredible.

According to Investing Haven, the price of Ethereum should reach $1,000, if not in 2018, then certainly in 2020. This is a very conservative forecast for the rate for 2018, given the strength of the upward trend. Investing Haven says there is not enough data to apply the direct method of forecasting on Ethereum. In other words, given the limitations in the amount of relevant information, the technique of indirect analysis should be adopted.

What will influence Ethereum’s position in the market?

The Investing Haven research team based its forecast on three fundamental factors.

Current and Future Ethereum Offering

There are currently 92 million Ether tokens in circulation. According to the idea of ​​the development team behind this cryptocurrency, the number of new tokens put into circulation should correspond to the number of withdrawn ones. For now, the number of Ethereum tokens continues to grow, but soon, in a year or two, the target point will be reached. Therefore, for long-term forecasts, supply is not a significant influencing factor, only for short-term ones.

Areas of application of ether (demand factor)

The advantage of Ethereum over Bitcoin is the ability to use smart contracts. These are contracts that occur automatically without human intervention when their conditions are met and the time for execution approaches.

The use of ether in decentralized applications is also a significant indicator. Perhaps this is the intrinsic value of this instrument. Currently, a large number of applications are being developed and launched, and the trend of those services that use Ethereum blockchain technology is clearly visible. Again, there are not enough statistics, since most of these projects are private.

One case in point: The Ethereum Alliance was created to develop the use of Ethereum in the trading of world currencies as an auxiliary element. The alliance was created by such giants as Microsoft, JP Morgan and others.

Investment demand

When large investment players start buying ether as a financial instrument, demand could explode. Currently, institutional investors do not have positions in Ethereum unless through private funds. With the growth of trading volume for this cryptocurrency, the level of its recognition as an asset in which you can profitably invest your money increases.

So, through the analysis of supply and demand, a clear picture emerged of the great potential for growth of Ether in the long term, as over time the supply factor will become neutral, and the ever-increasing demand will push the price higher.

Is Bitcoin Reachable?

Some experts agree that Ethereum will surpass Bitcoin in terms of ROI - return on investment, i.e. level of profitability. A ruble invested in ether will bring more than a ruble invested in Bitcoin. It’s hard to believe this now, seeing the Bitcoin price chart with a maximum of $20,000, although just recently it was worth only $5,000. It is likely that this movement was due to the play of short-term investors. And the subsequent collapse is proof of this.

The CEO of hedge fund Polychain Capital, Olaf Carlson-Uy, is of the opinion that Ethereum's total market capitalization could exceed Bitcoin's in 2018. And there are many obvious facts that support this point of view.

On the one hand, the previously mentioned 20-fold increase in the price of ether in 9 months against the growth of Bitcoin by 8 and a half times in a year and a half. In addition, Bitcoin has lost almost half of its cryptocurrency market share to Ethereum. At the beginning of this year, more than 90% of all investments were in Bitcoin, now this level is less than 50%. In turn, the share of money invested in Ethereum has increased significantly. Although, it is worth paying attention to competitors such as Bitcoin cash and Ripple.

Another indicator that indicates the possibility of Ether overtaking Bitcoin is the sources of support behind each cryptocurrency and the reasons why they receive this support. Bitcoin's focus on payment technology makes it popular among governments. The smart contract technology used by Ether makes it popular among large corporations interested in practical use. For example, the previously mentioned Ethereum alliance, consisting of many large corporations, including the Russian Sberbank.

The future of broadcasting is not so bright

Despite the high enthusiasm of cryptocurrency market participants for ether, there are a number of obstacles that it needs to overcome in order to thoroughly gain a foothold among the leaders of this market.

Firstly, ether may have differences from Bitcoin, but nevertheless it works on blockchain technology. This suggests that all the problems with this technology apply to ether, mainly scalability.

When the scalability issue comes up, one of the first questions that comes up is whether a large number of users will affect the transaction time or not. Simply put, the more people use this technology, the more transactions are recorded and logged. The ever-increasing number of transactions means that you may have to wait in line. There is no solution for this problem yet.

The next difficulty for ether is the possibility of cloning technology. Any company can launch its own blockchain project based on cryptocurrency and conduct an ICO. But the only thing that gives value to any currency is the consent of the members of society to use it. As a result, it becomes difficult to fully trust one currency without worrying that new ones will take away its share.

In fact, if the above problems remain unaddressed, they will put the Ethereum-based system at risk. Based on this, it is problematic to make a forecast on the price movement of this cryptocurrency in 2018. For now, we can dwell on the questions posed: will the existing problems be solved? or will there be a new cryptocurrency for which they do not exist?


The world of cryptocurrencies is just nascent and has a very long way to go. The general consensus is that this sector will continue to grow, especially its two leaders - Bitcoin and Ethereum. Moreover, the prospects for ether look better. Optimists say that in the near future, ether will overtake its older brother. However, there are a number of problems that need to be addressed. Skeptics worry that these issues will have a negative impact on the crypto market as a whole.

Ethereum rate now 267.59 dollars for 1 coin. Trading range: $263.66 - $270.21. Previous day's rate: $264.51. Change: +3.08 dollars, +1.16%.

Ethereum price forecast for tomorrow, week and month.

Ethereum rate forecast for Thursday, June 20th: $255, maximum 273, minimum 237. Ethereum rate forecast for Friday, June 21st: $260, maximum 278, minimum 242. Ethereum rate forecast for Monday, June 24th : $259, maximum 277, minimum 241. Ethereum price forecast for Tuesday, June 25th: $264, maximum 282, minimum 246.

A week later. Ethereum rate forecast for Wednesday, June 26th: $273, maximum 292, minimum 254. Ethereum rate forecast for Thursday, June 27th: $265, maximum 284, minimum 246. Ethereum rate forecast for Friday, June 28th : $284, maximum 304, minimum 264. Ethereum price forecast for Monday, July 1st: $281, maximum 301, minimum 261. Ethereum price forecast for Tuesday, July 2nd: $285, maximum 305, minimum 265.

In 2 weeks. Ethereum price forecast for Wednesday, July 3rd: $284, maximum 304, minimum 264. Ethereum price forecast for Thursday, July 4th: $286, maximum 306, minimum 266. Ethereum price forecast for Friday, July 5th : $273, maximum 292, minimum 254. Ethereum price forecast for Monday, July 8th: $276, maximum 295, minimum 257. Ethereum price forecast for Tuesday, July 9th: $267, maximum 286, minimum 248.

In 3 weeks. Ethereum rate forecast for Wednesday, July 10th: $298, maximum 319, minimum 277. Ethereum rate forecast for Thursday, July 11th: $285, maximum 305, minimum 265. Ethereum rate forecast for Friday, July 12th : $264, maximum 282, minimum 246. Ethereum price forecast for Monday, July 15th: $281, maximum 301, minimum 261. Ethereum price forecast for Tuesday, July 16th: $322, maximum 345, minimum 299.

In 4 weeks. Ethereum price forecast for Wednesday, July 17th: $357, maximum 382, ​​minimum 332. Ethereum price forecast for Thursday, July 18th: $372, maximum 398, minimum 346. Ethereum price forecast for Friday, July 19th : $364, maximum $389, minimum $339.

Ethereum price forecast for the month

date Day Min Max Well
20.06 Thursday 237 273 255
21.06 Friday 242 278 260
24.06 Monday 241 277 259
25.06 Tuesday 246 282 264
26.06 Wednesday 254 292 273
27.06 Thursday 246 284 265
28.06 Friday 264 304 284
01.07 Monday 261 301 281
02.07 Tuesday 265 305 285
03.07 Wednesday 264 304 284
04.07 Thursday 266 306 286
05.07 Friday 254 292 273
08.07 Monday 257 295 276
09.07 Tuesday 248 286 267
10.07 Wednesday 277 319 298
11.07 Thursday 265 305 285
12.07 Friday 246 282 264
15.07 Monday 261 301 281
16.07 Tuesday 299 345 322
17.07 Wednesday 332 382 357
18.07 Thursday 346 398 372
19.07 Friday 339 389 364
22.07 Monday 378 434 406
23.07 Tuesday 381 439 410

Ethereum price forecast for 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023.

Month Open Min-Max Closed Months,% Total,%
Jun 164 159-304 284 73.2% 73.2%
Jul 284 246-439 305 7.4% 86.0%
Aug 305 305-377 352 15.4% 115%
Sep 352 340-392 366 4.0% 123%
Oct 366 366-455 425 16.1% 159%
But I 425 332-425 357 -16.0% 118%
Dec 357 357-443 414 16.0% 152%
Jan 414 324-414 348 -15.9% 112%
Feb 348 275-348 296 -14.9% 80.5%
Mar 296 232-296 249 -15.9% 51.8%
Apr 249 194-249 209 -16.1% 27.4%
May 209 185-213 199 -4.8% 21.3%
Jun 199 155-199 167 -16.1% 1.8%
Jul 167 134-167 144 -13.8% -12.2%
Aug 144 144-179 167 16.0% 1.8%
Sep 167 130-167 140 -16.2% -14.6%
Oct 140 110-140 118 -15.7% -28.0%
But I 118 118-147 137 16.1% -16.5%
Dec 137 137-170 159 16.1% -3.0%
Jan 159 159-197 184 15.7% 12.2%
Feb 184 171-197 184 0.0% 12.2%
Mar 184 144-184 155 -15.8% -5.5%
Apr 155 155-193 180 16.1% 9.8%
May 180 140-180 151 -16.1% -7.9%
Jun 151 151-187 175 15.9% 6.7%
Month Open Min-Max Closed Months,% Total,%
2021 Continued
Jul 175 175-217 203 16.0% 23.8%
Aug 203 203-251 235 15.8% 43.3%
Sep 235 235-292 273 16.2% 66.5%
Oct 273 273-339 317 16.1% 93.3%
But I 317 317-394 368 16.1% 124%
Dec 368 318-368 342 -7.1% 109%
Jan 342 267-342 287 -16.1% 75.0%
Feb 287 224-287 241 -16.0% 47.0%
Mar 241 241-295 276 14.5% 68.3%
Apr 276 252-290 271 -1.8% 65.2%
May 271 239-275 257 -5.2% 56.7%
Jun 257 213-257 229 -10.9% 39.6%
Jul 229 229-285 266 16.2% 62.2%
Aug 266 266-307 287 7.9% 75.0%
Sep 287 254-292 273 -4.9% 66.5%
Oct 273 273-339 317 16.1% 93.3%
But I 317 257-317 276 -12.9% 68.3%
Dec 276 276-342 320 15.9% 95.1%
Jan 320 320-397 371 15.9% 126%
Feb 371 371-460 430 15.9% 162%
Mar 430 409-471 440 2.3% 168%
Apr 440 345-440 371 -15.7% 126%
May 371 371-432 404 8.9% 146%
Jun 404 404-502 469 16.1% 186%
Jul 469 423-487 455 -3.0% 177%

Ethereum price forecast for June 2019. The rate at the beginning of the month was 164 dollars. The maximum rate is $304, the minimum is $159. The average monthly rate is $228. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $284, change for June 73.2%.

Ethereum rate forecast for July 2019. The rate at the beginning of the month was $284. The maximum rate is $439, the minimum is $246. The average rate per month is $319. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $305, change for July 7.4%.

Ethereum price forecast for August 2019. The rate at the beginning of the month is $305. The maximum rate is $377, the minimum is $305. The average rate per month is $335. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $352, change for August 15.4%.

Ethereum rate forecast for September 2019. The rate at the beginning of the month was $352. The maximum rate is $392, the minimum is $340. The average rate per month is $363. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $366, change for September 4.0%.

Ethereum price forecast for October 2019. The rate at the beginning of the month was $366. The maximum rate is $455, the minimum is $366. The average rate for the month is $403. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $425, change for October 16.1%.

Ethereum rate forecast for November 2019. The rate at the beginning of the month is $425. The maximum rate is $425, the minimum is $332. The average rate per month is $385. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $357, change for November -16.0%.

Ethereum price forecast for December 2019. The rate at the beginning of the month was $357. The maximum rate is $443, the minimum is $357. The average rate per month is $393. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $414, change for December 16.0%.

Ethereum rate forecast for January 2020. The rate at the beginning of the month was 414 dollars. The maximum rate is $414, the minimum is $324. The average rate per month is $375. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $348, change for January -15.9%.

Ethereum price forecast for February 2020. The rate at the beginning of the month was $348. The maximum rate is $348, the minimum is $275. The average rate for the month is $317. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $296, change for February -14.9%.

Ethereum rate forecast for March 2020. The rate at the beginning of the month is $296. The maximum rate is $296, the minimum is $232. The average rate per month is $268. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $249, change for March -15.9%.

Ethereum price forecast for April 2020. The rate at the beginning of the month is $249. The maximum rate is $249, the minimum is $194. The average rate per month is $225. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $209, change for April -16.1%.

Ethereum rate forecast for May 2020. The rate at the beginning of the month is $209. The maximum rate is $213, the minimum is $185. The average rate for the month is $202. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $199, change for May -4.8%.

Ethereum price forecast for June 2020. The rate at the beginning of the month is $199. Maximum rate $199, minimum $155. The average rate per month is $180. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $167, change for June -16.1%.

Ethereum rate forecast for July 2020. The rate at the beginning of the month was 167 dollars. The maximum rate is $167, the minimum is $134. The average rate for the month is $153. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $144, change for July -13.8%.

Ethereum price forecast for August 2020. The rate at the beginning of the month was $144. The maximum rate is $179, the minimum is $144. The average rate per month is $159. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $167, change for August 16.0%.

Ethereum rate forecast for September 2020. The rate at the beginning of the month was 167 dollars. The maximum rate is $167, the minimum is $130. The average rate per month is $151. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $140, change for September -16.2%.

Ethereum price forecast for October 2020. The rate at the beginning of the month is $140. The maximum rate is $140, the minimum is $110. The average rate per month is $127. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $118, change for October -15.7%.

Ethereum rate forecast for November 2020. The rate at the beginning of the month was 118 dollars. The maximum rate is $147, the minimum is $118. The average rate per month is $130. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $137, change for November 16.1%.

Ethereum price forecast for December 2020. The rate at the beginning of the month was 137 dollars. The maximum rate is $170, the minimum is $137. The average rate per month is $151. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $159, change for December 16.1%.

Ethereum rate forecast for January 2021. The rate at the beginning of the month is $159. The maximum rate is $197, the minimum is $159. The average rate per month is $175. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $184, change for January 15.7%.

Ethereum price forecast for February 2021. The rate at the beginning of the month was 184 dollars. The maximum rate is $197, the minimum is $171. The average rate for the month is $184. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $184, change for February 0.0%.

Ethereum rate forecast for March 2021. The rate at the beginning of the month was 184 dollars. The maximum rate is $184, the minimum is $144. The average rate for the month is $167. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $155, change for March -15.8%.

Ethereum price forecast for April 2021. The rate at the beginning of the month is $155. The maximum rate is $193, the minimum is $155. The average rate for the month is $171. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $180, change for April 16.1%.

Ethereum rate forecast for May 2021. The rate at the beginning of the month is 180 dollars. The maximum rate is $180, the minimum is $140. The average rate for the month is $163. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $151, change for May -16.1%.

Ethereum price forecast for June 2021. The rate at the beginning of the month was $151. The maximum rate is $187, the minimum is $151. The average rate for the month is $166. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $175, change for June 15.9%.

Ethereum rate forecast for July 2021. The rate at the beginning of the month is $175. The maximum rate is $217, the minimum is $175. The average rate for the month is $193. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $203, change for July 16.0%.

Ethereum price forecast for August 2021. The rate at the beginning of the month was 203 dollars. The maximum rate is $251, the minimum is $203. The average rate for the month is $223. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $235, change for August 15.8%.

Ethereum rate forecast for September 2021. The rate at the beginning of the month is 235 dollars. The maximum rate is $292, the minimum is $235. The average rate per month is $259. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $273, change for September 16.2%.

Ethereum price forecast for October 2021

Ethereum rate forecast for November 2021. The rate at the beginning of the month was 317 dollars. The maximum rate is $394, the minimum is $317. The average rate per month is $349. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $368, change for November 16.1%.

Ethereum price forecast for December 2021. The rate at the beginning of the month was $368. The maximum rate is $368, the minimum is $318. The average rate per month is $349. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $342, change for December -7.1%.

Ethereum rate forecast for January 2022. The rate at the beginning of the month was $342. The maximum rate is $342, the minimum is $267. The average rate per month is $310. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $287, change for January -16.1%.

Ethereum price forecast for February 2022. The rate at the beginning of the month was $287. The maximum rate is $287, the minimum is $224. The average rate per month is $260. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $241, change for February -16.0%.

Ethereum rate forecast for March 2022. The rate at the beginning of the month was 241 dollars. The maximum rate is $295, the minimum is $241. The average rate for the month is $263. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $276, change for March 14.5%.

Ethereum price forecast for April 2022. The rate at the beginning of the month was $276. The maximum rate is $290, the minimum is $252. The average monthly rate is $272. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $271, change for April -1.8%.

Ethereum rate forecast for May 2022. The rate at the beginning of the month was 271 dollars. The maximum rate is $275, the minimum is $239. The average rate for the month is $261. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $257, change for May -5.2%.

Ethereum price forecast for June 2022. The rate at the beginning of the month was 257 dollars. The maximum rate is $257, the minimum is $213. The average rate per month is $239. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $229, change for June -10.9%.

Ethereum rate forecast for July 2022. The rate at the beginning of the month is $229. The maximum rate is $285, the minimum is $229. The average rate per month is $252. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $266, change for July 16.2%.

Ethereum price forecast for August 2022. The rate at the beginning of the month was 266 dollars. The maximum rate is $307, the minimum is $266. The average rate for the month is $282. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $287, change for August 7.9%.

Ethereum rate forecast for September 2022. The rate at the beginning of the month was $287. The maximum rate is $292, the minimum is $254. The average rate for the month is $277. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $273, change for September -4.9%.

Ethereum price forecast for October 2022. The rate at the beginning of the month was $273. The maximum rate is $339, the minimum is $273. The average rate per month is $301. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $317, change for October 16.1%.

Ethereum rate forecast for November 2022. The rate at the beginning of the month was 317 dollars. The maximum rate is $317, the minimum is $257. The average rate for the month is $292. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $276, change for November -12.9%.

Ethereum price forecast for December 2022. The rate at the beginning of the month was $276. The maximum rate is $342, the minimum is $276. The average rate for the month is $304. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $320, change for December 15.9%.

Ethereum rate forecast for January 2023. The rate at the beginning of the month is $320. The maximum rate is $397, the minimum is $320. The average rate per month is $352. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $371, change for January 15.9%.

Ethereum price forecast for February 2023. The rate at the beginning of the month was 371 dollars. The maximum rate is $460, the minimum is $371. The average rate for the month is $408. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $430, change for February 15.9%.

Ethereum rate forecast for March 2023. The rate at the beginning of the month was 430 dollars. The maximum rate is $471, the minimum is $409. The average monthly rate is $438. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $440, change for March 2.3%.

Ethereum price forecast for April 2023. The rate at the beginning of the month is 440 dollars. The maximum rate is $440, the minimum is $345. The average rate per month is $399. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $371, change for April -15.7%.

Ethereum rate forecast for May 2023. The rate at the beginning of the month was 371 dollars. The maximum rate is $432, the minimum is $371. The average rate per month is $395. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $404, change for May 8.9%.

Ethereum price forecast for June 2023. The rate at the beginning of the month was 404 dollars. The maximum rate is $502, the minimum is $404. The average rate per month is $445. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $469, change for June 16.1%.

Ethereum rate forecast for July 2023. The rate at the beginning of the month is $469. The maximum rate is $487, the minimum is $423. The average rate per month is $459. Ethereum price forecast at the end of the month $455, change for July -3.0%.