What does the ikea family card give? IKEA Family Club Card

Today it is almost impossible to find a person who does not know what IKEA is. The Swedish brand has a steadily growing number of fans every day. More and more buyers are beginning to appreciate European quality and stylish design, a price that will suit both the average person and the person who prefers exclusive home design options.

The store's assortment is represented not only by numerous options of furniture sets. On the shelves of the IKEA hypermarket you can find accessories to create maximum comfort and coziness in the home, textile goods, and products for working in vegetable gardens and garden plots.

IKEA invites its loyal customers to join the IKEA Family club. Membership in the club provides many benefits: You will be able to take advantage of special offers on select IKEA products and buy a unique IKEA FAMILY range at special prices.

IKEA FAMILY Club was originally created as an advertising and marketing campaign, the main goal of which is to increase the number of customers through numerous promotions and discounts. In turn, this maximizes the popularity of the hypermarket among the population.

Today, IKEA Family is an IKEA fan club, a club for those who share IKEA's desire to change the everyday lives of many people for the better. Membership in the IKEA Family provides many benefits without obligating you to anything. Special master classes and seminars are held for club members, where IKEA specialists share the latest ideas in the field of home improvement and interior design. In addition, club members have access to special store offers, as well as additional bonuses, including advance notification of upcoming sales.

Club card: what does it give?

The IKEA Family club card provides a number of unique opportunities to its owner, which are not available to those who are not members of the club. First of all, these are “special” prices for a number of products in IKEA stores, which are marked with a special icon. IKEA Family Club Card holders can purchase some store products at discounted prices. Club members can also take part in special events and master classes for free, organized by IKEA specialists. Not only club members, but also their children, as well as other family members can take part in such celebrations. The schedule of planned events can be clarified at any of the representative offices of the Swedish brand, or on the pages of the official website in the corresponding section.

IKEA Family members have a great opportunity to shop at sale prices a few days before sales start.

The IKEA Family Club Card is also valid at IKEA restaurants. For some dishes, club members have a special discounted price; cardholders are offered a cup of delicious tea or coffee completely free of charge. Offers special prices on select food items and Swedish Food Store. You can take advantage of your IKEA Family club card in any of the 14 IKEA stores in Russia, as well as in other countries.

An online community has been created especially for members of the IKEA Family Club, where you can find inspiring ideas and useful tips from both club members and IKEA professionals.

Membership in the IKEA Family club is unlimited.

How to get a club card

Anyone over 18 years of age can receive an IKEA Family Club Card. To become a member of the club you must do one of the following:

  1. Fill out the form at the IKEA FAMILY Kiosk in the store and give it to the employee, showing any identification (passport, driver's license).
  2. Fill out an electronic form on the IKEA Family Russia website - www.ikea-family.ru .

In the first case (filling out a form in a store), you will be given a card immediately. But in the second (electronic registration), you first need to print out a temporary card, which you can exchange for a permanent plastic one during your next visit to the IKEA store.

Note! You can only apply for an IKEA Family Club Card in your name! It is not possible to make a card for relatives, friends or acquaintances!

Discounts on the card

IKEA Family Club Card holders are offered numerous products at reduced prices. You can find out about special prices and discounts with the IKEA Family Card in IKEA products or directly in the store. Prices for club card holders are marked with a special symbol.

IKEA Family financial card: what is the difference from a club card

The IKEA Family financial card, unlike its club brother, allows you to pay for goods. Those. In essence, the IKEA Family financial card is a credit card, and this same loan is issued by CREDIT EUROPE BANK.

Note! Unlike the club card, the IKEA Family financial card is valid for 5 years!

Benefits of a financial card

The main advantages of the IKEA Family financial card include:

  1. Instant registration. You can receive your card on the day you apply.
  2. The grace period for using the loan is up to 50 days. During this period you will not pay interest on the loan.
  3. The credit limit on the IKEA Family financial card is renewable. This means that while you are repaying your previous loan, you can use a new one.
  4. Special offers, in particular installment plans without overpayments.
  5. You can pay with an IKEA Family financial card in all IKEA stores in Russia when purchasing goods worth 1 ruble or more!

Note! The IKEA Family financial card has all the benefits of a club card, plus you can use it to pay for purchases.

This means that you must present your IKEA Family financial card at the checkout even if you do not intend to pay for goods with it. In this case, it will work like a club one. If you are going to pay for purchases with a financial card, then you need to inform the cashier about this.

How to get a financial card

The answer to the question “How to get an IKEA Family financial card” is very simple. It is enough to go to the IKEA on Credit department with your passport and fill out the form. Your application will be reviewed within 30 minutes. You can also fill out an application online on the Europe Credit Bank website. Then a bank employee will contact you and inform you of the decision on your application. You can get your IKEA Family financial card in the IKEA on Credit department the next time you visit the store.

Be sure to read about the issue and maintenance of the IKEA FAMILY financial card.

How to check the balance of a financial card

As a rule, the IKEA Family card is personalized. It is issued by the well-known VISA payment system. Despite this, it does not involve withdrawing cash from an ATM, or paying for the purchase of goods in any other stores and hypermarkets, except IKEA.

There are several ways to check your IKEA card balance:

  • in your personal account CREDIT EUROPE BANK;
  • by carefully reading the account statement issued simultaneously with the receipt after making the purchase;
  • using the SMS notification service, which is provided free of charge.

Top up your financial card

You can top up your IKEA Family payment card account in one of the following ways:

  1. Deposit funds through the cash desks of Credit Europe Bank branches.
  2. Transfer money by interbank transfer from any other bank in Russia to your current account.
  3. Postal order sent from any Russian Post office.
  4. Non-cash transfer to the Credit Europe Bank account using payment terminals or service points of Eleksnet and QIWI.
  5. Depositing funds through Credit Europe Bank ATMs with a cash acceptance function.

Check financial card debt

The debt on the IKEA Family financial card can be clarified in your personal account at Credit Europe Bank. In addition, if you carefully study receipts after any purchases made using the card, you can see information about its balance as of the time of purchase.

IKEA Family personal account

In order to open a personal account, you need to contact the bank’s representative office and inform its employees of your intention. Upon your request, you will be given a login and password, thanks to which you can enter your account. If desired, the primary data can be transferred to any other data, the entry of which will not create problems in the future. Here you can solve various financial issues without leaving your home.

Card number

Each IKEA Family payment card has an identification number that identifies it as belonging to a specific customer. Often, when making online purchases, you need to enter this number, which is used to pay for the goods taking into account a discount specially calculated for club card holders. Each owner has his own number accordingly.

How to restore a card

Sometimes, for various reasons, the IKEA Family card can get lost, this happens, and very often. What to do in such situations? As practice shows, there is nothing complicated about this, everything is quite simple. In place of a lost card, a temporary option will be issued - a one-time printout. To do this, you need to go to a specially equipped stand equipped with screens. Here you will need to enter the same data as during registration. Therefore, you need to be very careful while entering data. After verification, if the data matches, the system will issue a temporary card, which should then be exchanged for a permanent one with the hypermarket employees. In general, the re-registration procedure is not much different from its initial issuance.

Like most large trade organizations, the Scandinavian company Ikea, which has been successfully selling its products on the Russian market for many years, also offers its customers a system of promotions and discounts. For example, you can get significant benefits when making purchases by using a special IKEA Family card.

What does the IKEA Family card give you?

Having a personalized card certifying membership in the company club allows you to:

  • gain access to certain categories of goods not at their usual price, but much lower;
  • participate in master classes and other entertainment events;
  • get acquainted with personal offers from the store and regularly receive design recommendations on decorating your home and garden and new products in this area;
  • exchange ideas on the site with other people in the club and take part in competitions;
  • purchase furniture, dishes and other household items at sale prices before the start of this event;
  • take advantage of all offers from Ikea partners;
  • insure property;
  • purchase groceries and eat at the Ikea food court with discounts.

IKEA Family Club Card

What does the card give?

Owning an Ikea Family card is a chance to take advantage of all the positive aspects of membership in this club, which are listed above. The card also allows you to drink a free cup of tea or coffee in an Ikea restaurant and systematically receive catalogs from the company containing information about the company’s new design projects.

Where and how to get a club card

You can apply for a card at any of the Ikea stores by entering personal data in the form received from a company employee. You must enter into the form only reliable information about yourself regarding your passport details, place of permanent registration, landline and mobile telephone numbers and electronic mailbox. A personal signature of the potential card holder is required.

Discounts on the card

Lower prices may be available for some items, but not for absolutely all items in the store. This information is indicated on the price tags, where two price options are given - without taking into account the discount on the card and with the use of the card.

In order for the discount on the product to be applied, when paying for the product at the checkout, provide the cashier with a card containing the owner’s first and last name.

Rules for using the club card

Card discounts cannot be added to one another or accumulated. The card can only be used by the person for whom it is registered. You cannot temporarily lend it to another person to make purchases. Each client is allowed to issue no more than one personalized card. The cardholder's spouse or children may make purchases using the discount only in the presence of the cardholder.

What to do if lost or damaged

If the client has lost the card or it has become unusable for one reason or another, this must be reported to the store. A company employee will issue a temporary card after the client at a special stand confirms all the information about himself previously entered into the questionnaire. There is no need to fill out the application form a second time.
The temporary card is valid for exactly one day. You will have to request it every time you visit the store in order to receive service according to the terms of club membership.


How to apply for an Ikea Family card online

To order a card, you will need to print a number of data in an electronic form, consisting of five sections, where you need to enter personal information about the buyer. After filling out the form, an electronic card will be sent to your email or mobile phone number.

How to present an Ikea Family electronic card

The card loaded onto any gadget must be presented when paying for purchases at the checkout.

How to get an Ikea Family card in your hands

To purchase a permanent Ikea Family card, after filling out the application online, print out the temporary card and present it at the hypermarket. Instead of the paper version, the client receives a plastic personalized card.

IKEA Family financial card

Credit limit for IKEA Family card

With a financial card you can get a credit limit in the amount of 10 to 500 thousand Russian rubles. The final loan amount is determined upon approval of the application for a card and is determined by the specifics of the borrower’s credit history, the presence of all required documents and the amount of his regular income.

Installment purchases

The client has the opportunity to purchase goods in installments for a period of six months. Additional commission in the form of interest accrued on the loan and payments are not charged.

Money for a completed purchase of goods in installments can be returned in a lump sum, or within a specified period without interest, or payments can be spread over three years, paying the required monthly amount in the established amount.

Advantages and disadvantages of the IKEA Family financial card

Among the advantages of using an Ikea financial card are the following.

  • A quick registration procedure, the possibility of taking advantage of discounts immediately upon issuance of the card.
  • 50-day grace period for credit servicing.
  • The amount of the monetary limit is renewed when regular payments are made.
  • You can use your card to pay for any item in any Ikea hypermarket in Russia.
  • You can control the credit limit balance on your card using the SMS notification service about your account status.
  • The card can be used as a club card.

The negative aspects of owning such a card include the need to make timely loan payments, as well as pay for the annual maintenance of the card (300 rubles per year).

Please note that the card is only valid within our country; you will not be able to pay for purchases abroad using it. You also cannot pay for purchases at other retail organizations.

How to get a financial card

The financial card is issued for three years. The interest rate on the loan is 29.9% per annum, and after three years - 59.9%.

To receive a card, you must meet a number of requirements:

  • be of legal age;
  • have Russian citizenship or a residence permit in the Russian Federation (and documents that serve as justification for this type of residence permit, for example, an employment contract of a foreigner with a Russian employer);
  • have permanent or temporary registration in the locality where you plan to receive the card;
  • provide information about a confirmed source of income.

To issue a card, a Russian must provide:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with registration;
  • a certificate of employment indicating the start date of work, position, monthly salary, all details of the organization, as well as the seal and signature of the manager;
  • income certificate in 2-NDFL format;
  • a bank statement on the salary account with cash flows for the last four months with the bank’s seal and the signature of the employee;
  • if a citizen is an individual entrepreneur, then you need to provide tax reporting in forms 3-NDFL, UTII, Unified Agricultural Tax for the last year.

Documents confirming income may not be required if you leave a request for a loan amount of no more than 140 thousand rubles.

To become a cardholder, you must use one of two methods.

  1. Personally write an application for a card in the store, providing your passport.
  2. Fill out an application on the website.

The processing time for an application, regardless of how it is submitted, is usually about half an hour. But, according to the stated conditions for granting a loan, the bank reserves the right to make a decision on issuing a credit card within thirty calendar days. In practice, this period is used in extremely rare cases.

After approval of the application, you can receive a ready-made card by personally appearing at a pre-selected store and contacting the IKEA on Credit department.

How to pay a loan using an Ikea Family card

  • Deposit money onto the card through any operational branch of Credit Europe Bank.
  • You can also repay the debt through a transfer from a current account registered with another credit institution.
  • The transaction must be carried out either online through a banking application, or with the help of a teller at a bank branch. Please note that sending money this way can take up to five business days, so you should transfer money in advance to avoid late repayments and the imposition of a fine.
  • The obligatory payment can be sent to a credit account and via Russian Post by money transfer (you must also take into account that the transfer may take several days).
  • You can top up your Ikea Family credit card account through automated terminals QIWI and Elexnet. In this case, you will have to pay a commission of 2 to 5% of the deposited amount.
  • Depositing cash through a Credit Europe Bank ATM does not imply the withdrawal of a commission for the transaction.
  • You can transfer funds to the card from other accounts in your bank account or on the Ikea website, as well as through mobile applications of other banks, for example, Sberbank Online.

Penalties in case of late payment

If you fail to make your monthly payment on time, you will be subject to a penalty equal to 20% per annum of the amount of the overdue payment or the full amount of overdue fees (but not more than 490 rubles), which is multiplied by the number of payment periods when the fees were not paid.

How to check the balance of a financial card

You can find out how much money is left in your account:

  • by logging into your personal account on the bank’s website;
  • by using the service of receiving SMS notifications containing information about the account status;
  • by calling the bank.

IKEA Family personal account

To register on the site, contact your bank and receive a personal login and password there. Next, you need to dial this combination and log in, confirming the information by entering the activation code. This code will be sent to your mobile phone number.

How to close a card

The "IKEA FAMILY" card is a universal tool that not only gives discounts on products, but also opens up unlimited possibilities for you.

All features of the card will be described in detail in our review. A lot of enthusiastic reviews show us in the best possible way that the program got off to a very successful start.

We will analyze the advantages of the card point by point, and then you will decide for yourself whether you need this plastic, or whether you can live quite comfortably without it.

It is very easy to receive an IKEA FAMILY card, just fill out a special membership form (this can be done on the official website or at the store counter) and present it to the cashier - seller.

The card is issued absolutely free.

So, what does the discount card from the IKEA FAMILY Club give us?

1. Special prices for members of the "IKEA Club"

Club members are privileged clients of the company; they have the opportunity to buy goods at special discounted prices.

Special price tags are updated periodically, we advise you to pay attention to this. In a special section of the store, there are many promotions and sales.

Keep an eye out for new offers on the official website of the program.

2. Educational events for members of the IKEA Club

How to furnish your apartment in any style, according to all new fashion standards, and without astronomical costs? Having trouble answering?

Employees and designers will conduct master classes with you. There is no end to thematic events about apartment improvement.

Bring your children along, the organizers organize Swedish holidays for them.

Don't forget to pre-register and bring your card with you.

3. Do a good deed - help children

With the card you can participate in the charity event “Children's Villages - SOS”, aimed at improving the lives of orphans.

It won't cost you anything, just present your card to the cashier when paying, and with each scan, the company will send 1 ruble to a charitable foundation.

Let's help orphans together and make our country brighter with a few more children's smiles.

4. Be the first to receive the latest news, coupons and surprises

Be sure to include your email in the participant form. You will be periodically sent news about special offers, promotions and events.

Also look in your email for individual offers of discount coupons (a kind of small and very pleasant surprise).

5. Thematic competitions with prizes, and a lot of communication

Do you know a lot of tips about arranging an apartment? Can you rate other tips?

Visit the website, participate in thematic competitions, win valuable prizes from the IKEA catalogue.

Communicate with other members of the "Club", discuss the pros and cons of new products, spend your free time profitably.

6. Financial capabilities of the card

The company directly cooperates with the bank CJSC CREDIT EUROPE BANK. Therefore, your "IKEA FAMILY" card may be allocated a credit limit with reduced rates.

Now, if you don’t have enough of your own money to buy something you like, borrow it from the bank; your card will give you this opportunity.

7. Affiliate discounts on cards

The Swedish company directly cooperates with many partners, who in turn give discounts on their services.

The catalog of partners is not very impressive yet, but over time the list will increase significantly.

Discounts currently reach 25%. The following discounts are available on services: proper running, cinema visits, country holidays, amusement parks, museums, food ("Pizza World").

Basically, these discounts are given in the cities: Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod. For a more detailed study of partners, we advise you to visit the company’s website.

8. Real estate and property insurance

You will be surprised, but the card will allow you to insure your property on very favorable terms.

Fast insurance registration with a minimum of formalities is another plus of the program.

To apply for a policy, contact the IKEA on credit department.

This list of benefits does not include other important but necessary options: discounts on Swedish products, notifications about sales, etc.

Buy the "IKEA FAMILY" card and use its gifts completely free of charge.

The IKEA Family card is a unique opportunity for customers to receive discounts and participate in sales and promotions. First, a few words about the company itself. IKEA is a world-famous concern that has hundreds of stores in different countries, including Russia, Poland and Lithuania. Founded by the Swede Ingvar Kamprad, the company currently has about 300 furniture hypermarkets. Although, it’s difficult to call IKEA a supermarket that only sells furniture. In addition to it, they sell numerous accessories, related products, products for the interior and arrangement of personal plots.

Be that as it may, joining the Family Club allows you to be more than just a buyer. By participating in this program, you can receive additional discounts on products, as well as take part in sales and promotions.

How and where to get

Signing up for an IKEA Family Card is very simple. There are 2 options and you can choose the one that is most convenient for you:

  1. The IKEA Family financial card can be issued at one of the company's hypermarkets.
  2. You can become a member of the club on the official website. To do this you will need to register.

So, let's take a closer look at how to join the club. Each supermarket has special information stands. The company's employees working in such places will be happy to help you with any questions, including issuing a discount card. In addition, they will inform you of the latest information regarding sales, ongoing promotions, special offers and the availability of goods from the catalog in a particular section. If you are interested in information about which department you can find a particular product, you can also find out by contacting the store consultants.

So, the IKEA Family card will be issued to you after you fill out the form. It can be filled out either electronically or on paper. Discounts can be provided almost immediately, right at the checkout. All you need to do is present your card and receive the desired bonuses.

Another option is to get it on the website. There is a link there that takes you to the IKEA Club page. All you have to do is enter your details. This procedure is completely simple and takes only a few minutes.

By the way, an important advantage is that such a club card is issued free of charge. By the way, this card cannot be “purchased”. The fact is that it is completely free, you do not need to replenish it or check your balance. All of these questions apply to vouchers and also to some extent to gift cards. In any case, the best solution would be to consult with store representatives at the information desks.

What to do if you forgot or lost your card

Yes, unfortunately, buyers quite often encounter similar problems. What to do in such cases? In fact, everything is simpler than that. If you lose it, or in cases where you forget your club card at home, you may be issued a temporary card. To be more precise, this is a one-time printout.

Consultants will direct you to a special stand, which has several screens. You will need to enter your data (those you indicated during registration). Immediately after this, the terminal will check the entered information, and if it corresponds to reality, it will issue a printout of the temporary card right on the spot. Therefore, try to be careful and enter all data correctly.

Your benefits

The IKEA Family Card gives its owners quite a lot of advantages. The first thing that may come to the mind of a potential buyer is a better price for various goods. However, it is necessary to clarify some things here, as well as talk about other advantages. So, this is what someone who is a member of this impromptu “club” gets:

  • Of course, numerous discounts. Every month a new list is published for a particular range of products that can be purchased at a reduced price. In addition, there are often promotions where you can buy certain products even before their sale begins.
  • If you decide to go to a Swedish restaurant, which is located in each of the IKEA hypermarkets, you can also count on lower prices for some dishes. In addition, card holders are entitled to a completely free cup of tea or coffee.
  • You can count on access to a special monthly online publication that offers many interesting ideas for interior design. Club members can receive the latest news about new company products, organizing marketing events, and so on.
  • Participation in master classes, as well as numerous events dedicated to the arrangement.
  • The ability to count on special conditions when returning and exchanging goods. Thus, those customers who have a club card can, under certain conditions, change the product. This can be done within up to three months from the date of purchase. It is better to check more detailed conditions with consultants at the supermarket itself.
  • Donating part of the money from your purchase to charitable causes. At the same time, the price of the product, of course, remains the same.
  • IKEA's partner banks can provide you with a loan to purchase goods on more favorable terms.
  • And finally, you can count on various discounts and partners of this network.

If you live in Moscow, you can get an IKEA Family card in Khimki, Teply Stan and Belaya Dacha stores. In St. Petersburg, these are, respectively, Dybenko and Parnas. And besides, it is possible to issue a card in Samara, Rostov-on-Don, Ufa, Yekaterinburg, Adygea (Kuban), Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Omsk and Novosibirsk. The card will be valid in any of the stores. As customer reviews indicate, joining this club is a truly profitable step. Good luck and happy shopping!

Joining the Ikea club will take the buyer no more than five minutes. You can fill out the client form and register for Ikea Family at the counter in the store or on the official website. To do this, you will have to provide your passport information. Please note: only personal passport data should be entered into the form. It is prohibited to issue a card to friends or family members or to provide false information.

When filling out a form in a store, the client receives a card instantly. From now on, all the benefits of Ikea Family are available to him. When filling out the form online, the client will be asked to print out a temporary card and come to the chain store of their choice to exchange the printed card for a permanent one.

Registration of a financial card

Every adult citizen of the Russian Federation can join the Ikea Family club. The Ikea Family financial card will require additional conditions:

  • availability of permanent registration on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • availability of landline home and work telephones;
  • presence of a personal mobile phone, which will need to be confirmed.

Due to the fact that the financial card combines a credit card, an installment card and a club card, Ikea’s partner, Credit Europe Bank, checks future clients for solvency. Be careful: to receive a loan in excess of the limit set by the bank, you will have to present additional documents confirming a sufficient amount of income.

Bonuses and benefits for Ikea Family card holders

Club and financial cards of the Ikea store chain provide special opportunities. Among them:

  • discounts with the Ikea Family card on items marked with special price tags in the sales area;
  • participation in promotions and sweepstakes;
  • free entry to Ikea events for the whole family;
  • free hot drinks in Ikea restaurants.

Owners of a financial card from Credit Europe Bank have access to special offers for purchases:

  • instant installment payment for store goods, regardless of their cost;
  • payment in installments without overpayments, provided payments are made without delays;
  • loan up to 350,000 rubles;
  • 50 grace days for free use of credit funds.

How to benefit from using the Ikea Family card

To effectively save money and take full advantage of the benefits of the Ikea Family card, do not forget to present it to the cashier in restaurants and stores of the network. The company also advises subscribing to SMS or email newsletters. Customers who are members of the Ikea Club will be the first to know about sales, upcoming event dates or promotions.

If at the store you find that the card was left at home, contact the checkout counter. The temporary replacement will be ready within five minutes. Discounts on the temporary Ikea Family card are provided in the same amount as on the permanent one.

Interest-free installments and favorable loan terms are available only if payments are made on time. Please note: payment is considered timely if funds are received on the card before 21:00 on the last day of payment expiration. On the day the debt arises, the interest rate will increase to 29.9%, and upon the next delay - to 59.9% per annum.

The validity period of the Ikea financial card is 3 years. For each year of use, the owner pays 300 rubles. Additional fees are also charged for some card top-up methods, cash withdrawals and bank statement receipts.

You can top up your card balance, thereby paying off the debt:

  • at the cash desk of the Credit Europe Bank branch at the place of registration of the cardholder;
  • at the Credit Europe Bank ATM with the function of depositing cash;
  • online transfer from a card of another Russian bank;
  • transfer using Russian Post using card details;
  • electronic payment of the Yandex. Money" or "Qiwi wallet".

The Ikea financial card belongs to the Visa payment system, but it is impossible to withdraw funds from ATMs of other banks. To withdraw cash, you need a Credit Europe Bank ATM with a cash dispensing function. The commission for such an operation will be 200 rubles.

Is it worth getting an Ikea Family card and who will benefit from it?

The Ikea club card provides many benefits without imposing any obligations on its owner. Discounts on the Ikea Family card, free drinks in the restaurant, promotions and events from the store are worth the five minutes it takes to issue the card.

When submitting an application to receive an Ikea Family financial card, remember the responsibility that any credit card implies. Servicing a financial card will cost a bank client 300 rubles a year, and installment plans and loans will be profitable only if the debt is repaid on time.

It’s worth registering for “Ikea Family” if you are planning to make a large purchase of furniture of European quality in the near future. If you are used to paying 100% of the cost at the time of purchase or are already using another installment card, it is better to give preference to a club card without financial obligations.