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Additional information for traders

A special analytical tool for a trader is economic calendar Investing, which reflects the main key macroeconomic factors. Depending on the degree of their importance, macroeconomic indicators can affect currency and stock prices on world exchanges. Every day, events occur in the world that can significantly affect exchange rates on the Forex market. Whether you are a medium-term trader or a short-term scalper, you should take into account the calendar of macroeconomic events that is available on our forum.

Macroeconomic calendar is always compiled in advance and reflects the previous values ​​of the economic indicator, as well as the consensus forecast of analysts, agencies or other influential institutions. A trader needs to focus on the time of publication of a report or indicator, because at the moment of announcement, volatility in the stock and foreign exchange markets reaches its maximum, the market is thin and at such periods of time, you can get into an unpleasant situation.

In some DCs, during the release of economic news, the trading platform and server software freeze, spreads widen by a significant number of points, all this leads to trading at the time of the release of important statistics or news, which is very risky and dangerous for the trader. If your strategy is scalping, then volatility during the release of economic data, for example on the Forex market, will play into your hands and you can take quite large market impulses. Nevertheless, Investing news calendar, is used in most cases to warn and pre-prepare a trader for possible sharp market fluctuations.

Economic data and statistical reports play a very important role in influencing fundamental factors, which in turn can guide an experienced trader to further developments in the securities market in the future. Reporting data from the economic calendar has been used by both novice traders and institutions for decades. Currently, there is no need to buy printed publications in order to familiarize yourself with the calendar of events for the coming day or week, all this is available for free on our website

Economic Forex calendar from you should trust the drafting only to professionals who understand its significance and impact on market performance. It is better to use several different calendars compiled by professionals conducting market analysis. You can choose a calendar from the list of the best Forex brokers, because serious brokers value their name as traders and will not share inaccurate data with others. They themselves monitor and analyze the most important market news and draw their conclusions only on their basis.

The Forex calendar printed on different sites looks almost the same. They have the same basic information fields, which display data in tabular form. The calendar indicates the time when the news was published, which can affect the exchange rate of any currency and swing it in one direction or another. The calendar also lists the currencies that may be affected by the news. This makes it easy for traders to find the news they need. The calendar also displays the degree of influence of the news on the currency, so you can make an accurate forecast of how it will react, by falling or rising.

The calendar also contains a brief description of the news and conveys its main meaning. Therefore, it is possible to immediately become familiar with its basic meaning. By making a quick review of the calendar, the trader understands which news will significantly affect the currency, give impetus to changes, and move the price. In the calendar column - indicators, the past, current and predicted values ​​must be indicated. A chart is often placed at the end of the calendar; it displays the dynamics of changes in certain indicators. For a thorough analysis, this diagram is of great importance. Thanks to it, a trader can monitor and try to predict development of the foreign exchange market in the near future based on a full understanding of what is happening, and not relying on just one pair taken from the overall picture of indicators. The calendar of Forex economic indicators also influences the market by the fact that even before its release, before the news is published, rumors about analysts’ assumptions begin to penetrate into the information space of traders. It often happens that after the release of the calendar, the news no longer has the same impact on the market as rumors about its release. When studying the calendar, you need to take into account all these important points.

When considering calendar indicators, it is important to stop your attention to color the value shown and how it differs from the predicted value. If the released value is green, it means that the new indicator was better than analysts thought. If it is red, it indicates the opposite. Sometimes the indicator is also colored gray, this indicates that the forecast coincides with reality. A modern Forex calendar can be customized to suit your needs so that it shows only the values ​​that interest the trader. Thus, you can abstract from unnecessary information and monitor only those indicators that the trader really needs. The level of influence of news on the market varies; a calendar will help you get an accurate idea of ​​how it affected Forex.

Experienced traders have been using trading methods that are based on fundamental factors for several decades. Macroeconomic indicators, which are published in statistical reports of rating agencies, as well as analytical departments of the largest investment companies, imply forecast values ​​of analysts. During the release of real economic data, for example, the unemployment rate in the United States, traders compare the expectations of analysts (we see them in the “forecast” column in the economic calendar) and real indicators and then using their own settings in trading strategies - they begin to actively increase or decrease current positions, as well as open new positions in other instruments.

It is important to remember that at the moment the statistics are released (we can see the exact time in the “time” column in the economic calendar), liquidity in the market decreases significantly, traders cancel their current limit orders, leaving only stop loss orders. Due to low liquidity, volatility in currency pairs and all other financial instruments dependent to one degree or another increases significantly. This phenomenon of increased volatility during news releases can be used to build trading strategies. Trading on news has its own characteristics and its pros and cons.

Advantages of trading on news- this is, first of all, an opportunity in a short period of time (from 1 second to several minutes), to take a profit in the amount of the usual average daily volatility, i.e. in a few seconds the EUR/USD pair can go by 50-200 points. This market reaction is typical when news is released that differ significantly from market expectations and analysts’ forecasts, which by the time the data was released were already included in exchange rates and securities.

Disadvantages of news trading- these are, first of all, problems with liquidity in the direct exchange and foreign exchange markets. In the case of trading in a DC, when your transactions are not immediately displayed on the market, the trader is subject to additional risks in addition to liquidity. The main and most tragic disadvantages for a trader of trading on news in a DC are a significant widening of spreads, opening a position with significant slippage against the trader’s position, the impossibility of triggering a stop loss order or its incorrect triggering. You need to understand that the opportunity to get rich quickly carries with it the same huge risks of losses, and trading on news is the best example of this.

Trading binary options news, deprives you of most of the risks described above, since there is no need to set a stop loss on options, there is no slippage and there is no widening of spreads. All you need is to carefully analyze the calendar for today and open a Put or Call option with a level of capital loss and possible profitability that is known to you. In the next section you can find a list of strategies for trading during the release of important economic news.

Crude oil reserves from the Energy Information Agency (EIA)

Every Wednesday, the US energy agency publishes data on oil reserves, distillates, oil imports, fuel oil and gasoline reserves in US storage facilities. Data are published at 17:30 or 18:30 Moscow time, depending on the hour shift. This is the most important data for traders who work on fluctuations in the ruble exchange rate. At the time of data release, there is always high volatility, the oil exchange rate and dollar quotes deviate greatly, first in one direction, then in the other; after some time, the movement chooses a direction.

In 1973, the United States had a conflict with OPEC countries, which resulted in interruptions in the supply of oil to the United States, as exporting countries refused to supply petroleum products. To prevent such a situation in the future, the US Congress ordered the creation of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in 1975. At the moment this is the largest reserve of petroleum products in the world. This reserve can affect both the ruble exchange rate and the economy of the Russian Federation as a whole. How can the US Strategic Reserve affect the ruble exchange rate? This is due to the fact that the majority of Russian exports are oil and gas exports. The price of gas is tied to the price of oil. The price of oil changes, the exchange rate of the ruble immediately changes; if the price rises, the ruble strengthens; if it falls, the exchange rate collapses.

The price of any product, not just oil, depends on the supply/demand ratio; stability is only possible if these indicators are balanced. So, since the US oil reserve is the largest in the world and is estimated at about 700 million barrels, a sudden withdrawal of such an amount of oil, while maintaining production by OPEC countries, to the world market will collapse the price of oil to a very low level. And if the Central Bank does not act on time, the ruble may fall. If you know the trend in oil production, you can predict to what extent the ruble exchange rate and the price of oil will change. A wise proverb says: “He who owns the information, owns the world.” This thesis is especially relevant for any business. Our website will provide you with detailed information about trends in oil and gas exchange rates. Every Wednesday you have the opportunity to see a new graph of oil production trends and price changes. This information will be especially useful for those companies that trade currency or petroleum products. Make your progress with us.

Gross Domestic Product, GDP

Gross domestic product, or GDP for short, has a strong influence on the decision-making of forex participants. At its core, it is the totality of goods or services produced throughout the country, it is expressed in their total value. GDP is taken in real or nominal prices. Published fresh GDP data always affects the Forex market. If the GDP indicator increases, the exchange rate usually increases. But if analysts foresaw what this indicator would be in advance, if it turned out to be what they expected, then it will not affect the market very much. If its indicator is unexpected, then fluctuations in the market will be sharp and very noticeable. The GDP indicator can be real or nominal. It is called nominal because the current price is used to calculate it, and to calculate real GDP, prices of a certain specified period are taken. This is an important indicator for the Forex market.

Consumer Price Index or Consumer Price Index, CPI

The indicator, which is called the consumer price index, abbreviated as CPI, is always taken into account by those involved in Forex trading. It determines how the retail cost of services and goods included in the minimum consumption basket changes. The state includes in it only the most necessary goods and various services for a person. An increase in this indicator, as a rule, has an impact on Forex; the dollar exchange rate begins to decline. Many believe that CPI is the main indicator showing the current real level of inflation. It is calculated monthly; this is done by a special structure. To determine it, a sample of the cost of goods included in the consumer basket is taken in eighty-five different cities of the country. This is in many ways an important indicator of the Forex market; its importance must be taken into account when making important decisions; it should not be underestimated, since you can lose money.

Producer Price Index, producer price index

If we take the Producer Price Index, translated as the producer price index, then its importance for Forex cannot be underestimated. It is made up of two main indicators. To calculate it, we take the so-called input prices, these are components and semi-finished products, and output prices, the cost of manufactured products. It has a great influence because on Forex, in anticipation of an increase in this index, the dollar exchange rate rises. It is calculated every month; this is done by a special bureau. To determine it, they include the input price and the cost of labor. It shows how much inflation has increased or decreased, which is associated with changes in labor costs. If the food and energy industries are not taken into account to determine this index, then it is considered the most reliable and important for Forex. When calculating it, the price indicator of imported goods and services is not taken into account.

Balance of payments, or Current account balance

The so-called balance of payments, or Current account balance, is understood as the difference between payments received from abroad and the amount of payments that were sent outside the United States; in fact, this indicator shows the results of foreign economic transactions. It also includes operations carried out under import and export agreements, transfer and other payments. If the amount of payments received into the country is greater than payments, the balance is called active. In this case, its impact on the dollar exchange rate will be positive, it will be good news, and it will grow. If the balance of payments turns out to be negative, then the dollar exchange rate will accordingly go down. This macroeconomic indicator is calculated once every three months. It has an average impact on Forex. First of all, it is published in the USA.

Trade balance, or Trade balance

The so-called trade balance indicator, or Trade balance, is one of the indicators that plays a decisive role in the Forex market, which means the following: the ratio of the price of goods exported abroad in relation to the price of imported goods. If more goods were exported than imported, then this balance is considered positive; if more goods were imported, then it will be negative. A positive balance affects the market in the following way: the dollar rate rises, and if it is negative, it falls. It is believed that this macroeconomic indicator has a fairly strong impact on Forex. When there is a shortage and in the event of a fall in exports, as a rule, the value of the dollar will decrease, this is done so that exporters have fewer problems. At the same time, market participants will feel a negative impact. When investment portfolios begin to be redistributed, this will affect the exchange rate. If commodity exports fall, stocks may go down and bonds may become more expensive.

Unemployment rate

The unemployment rate is the ratio of the currently existing unemployed to the population that is legally able-bodied and employed at the point in time when these data are determined. This is an important and necessary macroeconomic indicator for Forex traders. Because if this indicator shows a high level, it will mean that there are many people in the country who do not produce goods or receive services. If the unemployment rate is low, this will have a bad effect on employers, because many workers will lose the incentive to work well due to the lack of competition in this market. Therefore, if this indicator is high, the dollar exchange rate will decrease. When unemployment is minimal, the national currency will appreciate. This macroeconomic indicator cannot be ignored; it plays an important role in determining the exchange rate.

Decision on interest rates of the Central Bank

The decision on interest rates of the central bank is a macroeconomic indicator for forex, without which decisions are not made. It has the effect of reducing or increasing exchange rates. This is understood as the rate on loans issued today; at this percentage, the central bank gives loans to commercial banks. It is important not only for determining the country’s currency exchange rate, but also affects the inflation process and the economy. In cases where there is a reduction in the rate in a particular country, the activity of merchants usually increases, inflation decreases, and the currency becomes more expensive. The interest rate can regulate the exchange rate within the state and the economy in general. This value is determined in points; decisions regarding changes in interest rates in the United States have the greatest impact on Forex. This indicator is usually published in the form of a table, which shows rates in different countries.

Number of jobs, or Non-Farm Payrolls (NFP)

The number of newly created jobs is one of the main indicators influencing Forex and the decisions of its participants. It shows how many jobs were created over a certain time. It is necessary to determine the following: whether more labor will be needed in the near future, or, on the contrary, it will be necessary to reduce workers. The growth of this indicator has a good effect on the exchange rate of the local currency, it strengthens and its value increases. If this indicator is negative, it means that the country’s economy will decline and the price of the currency will increase, and the national money will depreciate. Having received data on the number of jobs, Forex traders immediately begin to act. After the publication of this indicator, massive asset movements occur in the market. With positive data on the gold and silver markets, prices usually rise.

Consumer Confidence Index

The consumer confidence index is a macroeconomic indicator that influences the decision-making of forex traders, which shows the mood of buyers and how much they trust the situation in the country's economy. Its calculation is carried out by a company specializing in this; it does this by surveying more than five thousand families every month. This takes into account the labor market, conditions affecting the implementation of business processes, and income growth. It is based on one hundred points and, when compared with the previous survey, adjustments are made to the indicator of the previous month. This indicator is considered by many to be subjective; it is more likely to be proactive than to show the real, current situation. Therefore, it does not affect Forex as much as other indicators. But still, it cannot be completely ignored, it must be taken into account and its impact on the exchange rate is important.

Number of houses sold on the secondary housing market

The number of homes sold on the secondary housing market influences the decision making of forex traders. This indicator determines the level of sales in a given market. This study is carried out on a geographical basis. It determines the inventory of real estate, its prices, how long it takes to sell all similar housing at the existing sales rate. This indicator complements the indicator for the construction of new houses. This indicator makes it clear what the situation is on the market; with an increase in demand for real estate, the economy rises, and the exchange rate, therefore, strengthens. If it is noticed that the demand for secondary housing has fallen, which means the economic situation on the market has worsened, then this means the exchange rate will go up and the national currency will go down. Changes in housing prices may indicate inflation. Data on the secondary housing market is published every month.

Construction of new houses, or Housing starts

Construction of new houses is one of the Forex indicators. It often changes depending on how the interest rate in the country has changed, because for the construction of new buildings and structures it is often necessary to take out loans. Falling loan rates have a positive effect on the construction market. These data fluctuate depending on the season of the year. It is important to consider how much new construction is underway, since it is an indicator of the health of the economy and the level of income of the population. With an increase in the number of new construction projects, with the growth of this indicator, the currency strengthens. Although this indicator is considered by many to be not very important and limited, it still has rather an average effect on Forex. Its value is published every month along with an indicator indicating how many building permits have been received.

Unemployment claims

Unemployment claims are a macroeconomic indicator that greatly influences Forex; it shows how good the labor market is. It is published quite often and is volatile. If over a period of time, for example, a month, the number of applications for benefits increases, then most likely the value of payrolls will decrease, and this will have a strengthening effect on the dollar exchange rate. This indicator has a fairly significant impact on the market; it is an indicator of the general economic condition in the country. Its data is sometimes inaccurate due to holidays and events that attract people to work from among the local population. When there is an increase in the number of applications for benefits, the dollar exchange rate usually begins to decline. This figure is published every week, usually on Thursday evening.

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The chat on the Forex Analytics website is available to everyone, even unregistered users. Messages from even unverified users are displayed immediately, without moderation. Let us remind you that in our Forex chat, as on the entire site, rudeness, insults, and advertising are prohibited.

What is chat?

Chat is a means of exchanging messages over a network in online mode. For Forex chat, as with any chat on the network, it is characteristic that communication occurs in real time or strives for this, which distinguishes chat for the better from forums and other slower means of communication.

Forex chat content, like any other topic, exists only “here and now”. Forex chat looks like a window with a flow of messages from trader to trader. In order to write in the chat, you just need to choose a nickname (name) under which you will communicate. After which you can send messages to the chat, which will immediately appear in the chat window with messages from other participants.

Under the expression " Forex chat” it is usually customary to mean group communication between Forex traders, people interested in the market and everything connected with it. Although chat can also include one-on-one messaging using special instant messaging programs, for example, ICQ.

There are several types of Forex chats

HTTP or web chats. What it is is a chat room that looks like a simple web page where the Forex trader can see the last few phrases posted by the chat room participants and/or site administration. The page of such a Forex chat is automatically updated at the frequency you specify - once every 5 seconds, once every 10 seconds, and so on. Forex Analytics website chat belong specifically to this category of chats.

Forex chats using flash technology. Instead of periodically reloading the chat page, a socket is opened between the user and the server, this makes it possible to send and receive messages at lightning speed, while using less Internet traffic, which, in principle, in the era of unlimited services is no longer of great importance.

IRC, a specialized protocol for chats.

Chat programs for communication between Forex traders on local networks (say, Vypress Chat, Intranet Chat, Pichat). In such systems, traders can transfer files to each other, which is sometimes very useful.

Chats, made on top of other protocols (for example, chat using ICQ).

Chats, operating according to the client-server scheme, which makes it possible to use them in networks with a confusing configuration, in addition, this makes it possible to manage client applications (for example, Jabber).

In any case, whatever type chat was not presented on the site, here, as they say, the main thing is that Forex chat was good.


Additional information and services

Additional options are provided below; items are revealed when clicked. If you have any difficulties or questions, you can find answers to the most frequently asked questions, as well as ways to solve problems that may arise when using stock exchange information and other services on this page.

At the top there is a block with the official exchange rates of the Central Bank of Russia for today and tomorrow. Data is updated daily on weekdays, on weekdays from 13 to 15 hours. Dollar exchange rate May 24, 2019 calculated on the previous day based on the results of the weighted average exchange price at 11:30 and published on the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Official exchange rates are broadcast from the server of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for the following instruments:

USD - dollar exchange rate, EUR - euro exchange rate, UAH - hryvnia exchange rate, BYR - Belarusian ruble exchange rate.

Please note that the Ukrainian hryvnia exchange rate is published by the Bank of Russia at the rate of 10 hryvnia, and the Belarusian ruble rate is calculated at 1000 units. You can see the full list of exchange rates of the Central Bank of Russia for today and tomorrow in the currency informant table

Lit. code Units Currency Exchange rate for 23/05Course for 24/05 Change
USD 1 U.S. dollar 64.42 64.49 +0.08
EUR 1 Euro 71.84 71.84 -0.01
UAH 10 Ukrainian hryvnia 24.47 24.51 +0.04
BYN 1 Belarusian ruble 31.08 31.03 -0.05
KZT 100 Kazakhstan tenge 16.99 17.06 +0.07
JPY 100 Japanese yen 58.33 58.51 +0.19
AUD 1 Australian dollar 44.38 44.30 -0.08
AZN 1 Azerbaijani manat 37.97 38.01 +0.04
GBP 1 UK pound 81.69 81.34 -0.35
AMD 100 Armenian drams 13.44 13.45 +0.01
BGN 1 Bulgarian Lev 36.77 36.71 -0.06
BRL 1 Brazilian real 15.95 15.96 +0.01
HUF 100 Hungarian forints 22.02 21.97 -0.05
DKK 10 Danish kroner 96.27 96.16 -0.11
INR 100 Indian rupees 92.45 92.47 +0.01
CAD 1 Canadian dollar 48.08 47.91 -0.18
KGS 100 Kyrgyz soms 92.29 92.33 +0.04
CNY 10 Chinese yuan 93.32 93.22 -0.10
MDL 10 Moldovan lei 35.84 35.74 -0.10
NOK 10 Norwegian kroner 73.66 73.63 -0.03
PLN 1 Polish zloty 16.69 16.66 -0.03
RON 1 Romanian leu 15.10 15.08 -0.01
SGD 1 Singapore dollar 46.72 46.66 -0.06
TJS 10 Tajik somoni 68.27 68.39 +0.12
TRY 1 Turkish lira 10.60 10.50 -0.10
TMT 1 New Turkmen manat 18.43 18.45 +0.02
UZS 10000 Uzbek soums 76.16 76.25 +0.09
CZK 10 Czech crowns 27.89 27.81 -0.08
CHF 1 Swiss frank 63.75 63.88 +0.14
ZAR 10 South African rand 44.85 44.59 -0.26
KRW 1000 Won of the Republic of Korea 54.13 54.10 -0.03

In the center of the page there is an interactive chart where you can view hundreds of financial market instruments in real time. The selection of the most popular instruments is presented in the “watchlist” column, which is located to the right of the chart; when you hover the cursor, a tooltip appears with a description of the selected instrument.

The Traders Forum provides its users with interactive, real-time information in collaboration with Tradingview. Stock charts online. Forex, RTS, CME quotes on our forum you can always monitor all world markets online.

Convenient tools for technical analysis allow you to make calculations on a web page without using a trading terminal or additional software. Flash display technology streams data with the lowest possible latency for a web interface. Stock charts online. RTS, EURUSD, SP500 index chart online. Quotes online

The list of instruments includes the most liquid and popular indices, stocks and currencies. Using the window for manually entering an instrument ticker, you can independently select the instrument you need.

Ticker USDRUB- dollar exchange rate online on the stock exchange
Ticker UKOIL- Brent oil quotes online
Ticker SPX500- online quotes of the S&P500 index
Ticker RTS- chart of the RTS index traded on the Moscow Exchange
Ticker DXY- dollar index chart online
Ticker NAS100- online chart of the NASDAQ 100 index
Ticker GBPUSD- online chart of quotes for the British pound/US dollar pair
Ticker EURUSD- online chart of quotes for the euro/US dollar pair
Ticker XAUUSD- gold quotes on the stock exchange in real time

You can always apply technical analysis tools to the chart and save the chart as a graphic image on your computer or get a link to the file. This way you can insert graphs directly into forum posts. To save or share an image, click on the camera in the green square in the upper right corner and follow the instructions

The Moscow Exchange, as well as other exchanges and the interbank Forex market, broadcast quotes on weekdays on weekdays; trading is not held on Saturday and Sunday. Therefore, these days the charts are static and reflect the state of the market at closing on Friday.

If the graphs are not displayed at all or errors occur, make sure that you have Java Script and Flash technologies enabled in your browser. If everything is ok, try refreshing the page several times. If the page is not displayed correctly, you need to clear your browser cache. If all of the above methods did not help solve the problem, write about it in the chat or on the forum. The administration constantly monitors and eliminates all problems that arise.

In world practice, the most common type of displaying stock exchange information on charts is considered to be Japanese candlesticks. The advantage of this type is that the chart displays maximum information about price behavior in a specified period of time (time interval). To construct a candle, four price values ​​are taken - the opening price, the maximum price, the minimum price, and the closing price. The body of the candle (rectangle) is constructed as follows: the opening price is a horizontal line, the closing price is also a horizontal line, but depending on whether the closing price is lower or higher, the body of the candle begins to be drawn and if the quote decreases, the candle is filled in red , if quotes on the stock exchange are rising, the candle turns green.

A very important point in Japanese candlesticks is information about both highs and lows (price spikes), which leave “tails” on the candle or are also called “candle shadows”. These shadows show what value the quote reached during the selected period of time, but by the close of the candle the quote rolled back and on the chart we only draw a “shadow” in the form of a vertical line.

Thus, Japanese candlesticks on stock charts allow you to clearly see the direction of movement of quotes and their highs and lows, which is impossible to see on a regular line chart, which is plotted using only one point - the closing price.

The dollar exchange rate, as well as quotes for Brent oil, other currencies and financial instruments, very often differ on different sites, for several reasons. First of all, you need to understand on which website the dollar exchange rate is broadcast online. For example, very often, quotes on websites are broadcast with a delay of 15 minutes - this is one of the main reasons why quotes may not match the values ​​on our website.

It is also important to understand from which source the data is being broadcast. For example, on our website you can see the dollar exchange rate online 24 hours a day, even at times when trading is not taking place on the MICEX. This is due to the fact that the page displays the weighted average dollar exchange rate from the interbank foreign exchange market, which operates around the clock and is not an exchange market. When currency trading begins on the MICEX, quotes on Forex and on the Moscow Exchange become almost identical, due to the work of algorithms and arbitrage strategies of traders that eliminate inefficiencies in the market and quotes on Forex and on the MICEX take on identical values. You can see something similar if you look at currency trading on the spot market and on the futures market, the charts will be the same, there will only be a difference in quotes due to the specifics of the futures contract.

There is another important point that explains why quotes can vary significantly between Brent oil and other futures. The fact is that futures are traded in series that differ in delivery date, for example, futures with delivery in December, March, June and September can be traded at the same time, and their quote values ​​will be different, since they reflect price expectations in different calendar periods . It follows that if it is now December and the date is approaching the expiration of the December oil futures contract, then on one site you can see the price of $70 per barrel, and on the other $72, because on the first site the quotes of the current old contract, and on the other site updated the contract and already shows March futures.

So, let's summarize. Quotes may vary on different sites for several reasons: broadcast is delayed, different data sources, different futures contracts, technical glitches. As for the quotes of currency pairs on the interbank market, it is worth remembering that the Forex market is not centralized and is not regulated by the exchange; quotes are generated by banks and liquidity providers independently, using different sources and filtering systems, so quotes on Forex obviously cannot be the same in different sources, in contrast to exchange-traded instruments, the correctness of which can always be checked on the official websites of the exchanges where one or another exchange-traded financial instrument is traded.

Dollar exchange rate online

Instrument ticker on USDRUB charts. To understand the formation of the dollar exchange rate online, you need to familiarize yourself with the following definitions. There are two main instruments traded on the Moscow Exchange in the MICEX currency section. USDRUB_TOD is an instrument that is traded from 10:00 to 17:15 (Moscow time), during the purchase and sale of which funds in US dollars are purchased and sold in lots for Russian rubles during trading in US dollars for Russian rubles with a maturity date on the day of the auction. The second instrument is USDRUB_TOM - trading time ticker, which is from 10:00 to 23:50 (Moscow time), during the purchase and sale of which funds in US dollars are purchased and sold in lots for Russian rubles during trading in US dollars for Russian rubles with the deadline for fulfilling obligations on the first working day in the country of location of the settlement bank and in the Russian Federation following the day of trading. Thus, at stock exchange trading in Russia, the dollar exchange rate is traded in these two instruments.

Exchange rates for today May 24, 2019 is updated daily on working days of the Moscow Exchange and is published, including on our website, on this page. The fixed dollar exchange rate from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is most often needed by companies that make payments in foreign currency, while ordinary individuals and private traders are more interested in exchange prices. The fact is that when opening a brokerage account, an investor gets direct access to trading in the foreign exchange section, where he gets the opportunity to make purchase/sale transactions not at the set price of the Central Bank, but at the current exchange quotes, which provides a number of advantages for making money on the exchange.

After the exchange closes, trading continues on the interbank forex market, trading takes place on the USD RUB currency pair around the clock, this allows you to generate a flow of quotes in real time and provide visitors to the page with the dollar exchange rate online 24 hours a day from Monday to Friday. During the opening of trading on the MICEX, traders in banks begin to carry out transactions in the currency section of the exchange from 10:00 to 23:50 (Moscow time), at this time quotes on the charts are the most accurate due to high liquidity and the work of algorithmic strategies. However, during the Asian trading session, traders begin to sell USD RUB and by observing the numbers before the opening of the MICEX, it is possible with a fairly high degree of probability to predict the opening levels of trading on the Moscow Exchange. Also, using the real-time dollar exchange rate, you can independently calculate the Central Bank exchange rate, which is calculated based on the price at exchange currency trading at 11:30 Moscow time.

The events taking place in the foreign exchange market in December 2014, when the dollar exchange rate rapidly rose to a historical high, instantly reaching the level of 79 rubles, attracted the attention of citizens who had previously not been interested in trading on the stock exchange. Brokerage companies working with the Moscow Exchange, as well as Forex dealers, began to actively offer services to the public for opening accounts for independent trading on the exchange. In 2015, exchange rates traded in a wide range from 49 to 70 rubles, the last day of trading of the year closed at the historical maximum of both the fixed dollar exchange rate of the Central Bank and the non-exchange market, the dollar reached 75 rubles, and the euro exchange rate was 80 rubles. The first full working day of 2016, January 11, was also remembered by traders as a day of new highs in the foreign exchange market and a collapse in the stock market, exchange rates reached 76 and 83 rubles, respectively, the MICEX index at the opening lost more than 3%, but by the end of the trading session, the decline narrowed and remained at 2.5%.

Euro exchange rate online chart in real time

Instrument ticker on EURRUB charts. The euro is the means of payment of the member countries of the European Union, and is also in circulation in 9 other European countries that are not members of the European Union. Thus, it can be argued about this monetary instrument that it is uniform for the whole of Europe. It is a fairly young currency, but since 2006 it has surpassed the dollar in value. The currency is managed by the ECB, the central bank of Europe. The ESCB, the system of European central banks, has similar rights. The system is made up of the central banks of the European Union countries. There are not significant, but important differences between them in that the ESCB is responsible for issuing coins and banknotes, while financial policy is determined by the ECB.

To view the euro exchange rate online on Forex, you can use various platforms. If you trade forex and are interested in EURRUB quotes, then you have the opportunity to monitor the exchange rate in real time directly on the website. The site also contains a variety of charts that allow you to track the dynamics of price changes and make forecasts for further changes in quotes. The exchange is equipped with all the tools for convenient trading that will help you understand the market situation online. You can also track the euro exchange rate online on the website of the Moscow Currency Exchange (MICEX). Exchange rates here are also updated in real time and there are charts of changes in EURRUB quotes.

Sberbank of Russia. If you are an individual and decide to buy or sell foreign currency, you can carry out this transaction at Sberbank of the Russian Federation. The bank provides preferential quotes for those who activate the appropriate service packages, which can be found out in more detail on the official website of Sberbank. There is also a small nuance in that the online euro exchange rate is constantly changing, and purchase/sale is carried out at the rate that is in effect at the time of the actual debiting of funds, and not at the one that you saw at the time of the transaction. Like any self-respecting resource, there are exchange rate charts here.

Oil exchange rate online in real time

Instrument ticker on UKOIL charts. Based on the price of oil, one can determine trends in investor sentiment in the commodity market; in turn, the price of oil affects exchange rates, especially for those countries that produce mainly raw materials rather than finished products, but this is not always the case. For example, the Russian ruble strengthened in March 2015, although Brent oil prices went down during this period. The online oil exchange rate allows you to understand the market situation and predict future events, since in modern realities everyone is interested in how much oil costs at the moment and what its cost will be in the future.

Oil production. Russian Brent oil is considered to be of lower quality compared to American WTI oil; it is distinguished by its high density and high sulfur content in percentage terms. At the moment, the sale of oil is carried out on the basis of futures contracts; their introduction was initially met with rejection, but when sellers and buyers felt all the advantages of this system, this system gained sympathy among many producing companies. After the introduction of futures contracts, oil pricing left the hands of OPEC (the organization of petroleum exporting countries), which had a monopoly on this right until the mid-eighties of the last century.

Pricing. Changes in oil prices are influenced by many factors. The most important thing, as with any product, is the relationship between supply and demand, but it doesn’t stop there. The price of oil is also undergoing changes due to investor sentiment. Among the most influential reasons for price changes are the growth of the global economy and geopolitical risks, but the online oil price can be influenced by global oil reserves, weather in the fields, changes in exchange rates (the impact is also in the opposite direction), the discovery of new sources of production, the influence of OPEC .

Oil course online. Changes in oil prices in real time can be tracked on many resources; a complete picture with many charts can be provided by the forex exchange website. Here you can track the dynamics of price changes, forecasts for the near future, and also draw conclusions about what awaits tomorrow.

Dollar index online

On our real-time chart, the dollar index is broadcast under the ticker USDOLLAR; this financial instrument is traded on the international currency exchange and is the equivalent of the DXY stock index. As a rule, stock quotes are publicly broadcast with a delay of 10-15 minutes, so for your convenience we have chosen the USDOLLAR streaming chart, which is completely identical to the dollar stock index and only differs in points. The dollar index allows you to clearly observe on one chart the behavior of the American currency against all major currency pairs, which can undoubtedly have a positive effect on your trading on the USDRUB pair.

Instrument ticker on DXY charts. Any market index used in stock, derivatives or other securities markets should be understood as a tool for averaging prices for all traded instruments. The presence of an index allows you to determine the state of the market trend at a given time in order to make decisions on transactions for individual assets. Therefore, such an index serves as a valuable predictive trading tool. For the Forex market in 1973, when floating exchange rates against the US dollar and gold prices were introduced after the collapse of the Breton Woods system, the dollar index USDX (Unated States Dollar indeX), also designated by the ticker DXY, was developed. From now on, for the entire period of trading on the Forex market from Monday to Friday, a continuous round-the-clock calculation of DXY is carried out based on data on exchange rates of the Forex market.

The dollar index is usually calculated as a weighted geometric moving average of the rates of the single European currency - the euro and the monetary units of Canada, Great Britain, Japan, Switzerland and Sweden to the US dollar. The predictive value of USDX as an analytical tool that allows you to determine the overall movement of the Forex market is unusually high and should be the result of a synthesis of a fundamental and technical approach to analyzing the market situation. Using the USDX index as a predictive tool for analyzing exchange rates on Forex is a synthetic combination of technical and fundamental analysis. The fundamental component of the method of using USDX as an analytical tool is to determine the “absolute” price of the dollar in terms of its relationship with other currencies. The technical side of the issue is that graphically the dollar index represents a curve to which all known methods of technical analysis are fully applicable. The DXY index is thus an average indicator of overall market movement, the more common name for which is the term “trend”. Then the currencies should move in line with this trend movement and, therefore, the dollar index should rightfully be considered a trend indicator. Let us explain this using the example of two European currencies – the Swiss franc and the euro.

Practical use of USDX. Every practicing trader knows about the existence of a correlation between the rates of individual currencies, which can be either direct or reverse. With direct correlation, exchange rates move in the same direction; with reverse correlation, they move in the opposite direction. The euro and the Swiss franc are in a state of inverse correlation and when the euro exchange rate rises against the American dollar, the Swiss franc rate, on the contrary, decreases. The dollar exchange rate as a whole, demonstrated by its index in this case, shows a downward, “bearish” dynamics. When the US dollar rises, everything happens exactly the opposite.

Another aspect of using USDX in practice is its use as an independent trading instrument – ​​a futures contract for this index. The ICE exchange (short for Intercontinental Exchange), located in Atlanta, has the maximum trading volume for the DXY instrument. In conclusion, we can give an example of another dollar index that exists along with USDX. Such an index is the TWDI, also called the trade-weighted index, which is calculated by the US Federal Reserve. Its difference from DXY is based on the fact that the exchange rate value of the US currency is calculated in relation to a broader currency basket consisting of the national currencies of states that are US trading partners. However, due to the fact that the composition of this basket of currencies is not constant, the TWDI index itself is a variable value and for this reason cannot serve as a technical analysis tool.

Online gold rate

The instrument ticker on the charts is XAUUSD. Purchasing precious metals is a great way to preserve and increase your wealth. At the moment, the dollar exchange rate has reached its highest level in the last quarter of a century, but is still growing. The online gold rate does not undergo big changes, there are no jumps in it, which means the risk of all kinds of risks when investing is significantly reduced. XAUUSD price quotes are stable and predictable, which predisposes to long-term investments in order to save and increase their resources.

Factors influencing the exchange rate. Although the gold rate is stable and shows stable growth, small roughness still occurs, because the market cannot exist without risks, but they are so small compared to other rates that they are easy to neglect. Gold prices are affected by changes in global economic growth, and prices are also affected by changes in investor sentiment. You can track the gold rate online on various resources. If you are a forex player, you can easily track the rate thanks to the numerous statistical calculations provided by the exchange. Thanks to the stability of gold prices, quotes are easily predicted for several days, and sometimes weeks, in advance.

Feasibility of investment. As mentioned many times above, oil prices are stable, so investing in this precious metal is relatively safe and makes the most sense, especially if you are looking for a material for long-term investment. Gold is of little interest to traders and speculators, because speculative tactics and strategies work little here due to the high rate stability. Yellow metal prefers a conservative approach, only in this case you can get a benefit, even if it will not be as large as when actively playing in the foreign exchange market, but stable, it is unlikely that you will lose your savings when investing in gold - for this you need a very try. Investing in gold guarantees that you will remain with your money in any case, since gold prices are one of the few stable things in this unstable world.

The day of many Russians begins and ends with searching for information about the current exchange rate. Its size affects our financial capabilities. The cost of imported goods and medicines, the cost of foreign travel, the cost of foreign cars and much more depends on it. The exchange rate is formed as a result of trading on currency exchanges. On them, money plays the role of a commodity that is bought and sold. Supply and demand determine the value of currencies in relation to each other. This is what is called the exchange rate. This value is not constant. It changes its value throughout the trading session.

Until the 30s of the last century, the exchange rate of national currencies depended on the gold reserves of states. Each monetary unit corresponded to a certain gold equivalent. This approach to valuing the national currency changed with the introduction of the gold-currency system. Gold was replaced by a reserve currency, the role of which was chosen by financiers to be the US dollar. The ratio of the value of national monetary units to the dollar has become a fundamental factor in determining the exchange rate of national currencies.

Foreign exchange interventions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in the foreign exchange market

Issues related to currency regulation are the responsibility of the Central Bank. He chooses the option of establishing the national currency exchange rate, which can be fixed or “floating”. The first is established officially. It means how much the state is willing to pay for a particular national currency of other countries. This rate is taken into account when concluding international treaties.

To maintain a fixed exchange rate, the Central Bank has to conduct constant trading operations to buy or sell currency within the limits of its reserves. This exchange rate regulation is called motto policy. A “floating” exchange rate involves its regulation through exchange trading. In practice, there is no absolutely free market formation of exchange rates. The Central Bank always keeps its finger on the pulse of exchange rate fluctuations and, through its intervention, tries to keep them within a certain corridor.

Methods such as discount policy, devaluation, currency dumping or revaluation are used as currency regulation. The essence of discount policy is to change the discount rate, which affects the inflow or outflow of capital from the country. They raise the discount rate in cases where they want to strengthen the national currency and ensure its growth.

Every year, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation develops a strategy for its monetary policy, which determines the form and methods of currency regulation. It takes into account the state of the domestic economy and the processes occurring in the global financial system. In 2016, the Central Bank plans to increase the discount rate and maintain inflation at 4%. The rate of decline of the ruble can be slowed down by a reduction in capital outflow from the country and a decrease in demand for currency. Many international analysts predict that oil prices will begin to rise in 2016. This could have a serious impact on the strengthening of the ruble exchange rate.

The impact of the dollar exchange rate on the Russian economy

Settlements under international agreements are carried out in foreign currency. About 53% of foreign trade turnover is made up of settlements with EU countries. This determines the Russian economy's need for euros. Together with the US dollar, the euro is the second reserve currency. The tangible dollar impact on the Russian economy is associated with oil prices, which are tied to this currency. The state of the Russian economy largely depends on fluctuations in the exchange rate of these two main currencies.

The low exchange rate of the dollar against the ruble reduces budget revenues and the competitiveness of products of Russian producers. The fall in the ruble exchange rate stimulates domestic producers. Prices for imported goods and raw materials are rising and they are becoming less affordable for buyers and producers.

A negative consequence of the depreciation of the domestic currency is the inevitable increase in inflation. It is associated not only with an increase in the price of imported goods, but also with other factors. Many domestic goods contain an imported component. This could be raw materials, materials, components or packaging. They contribute their percentage of the increase in price to the price of the product. Domestic manufacturers and retailers are also taking advantage of the moment. When the dollar rate rises, they strive to raise prices for their products to the level of imported goods and receive additional income.

The impact of Brent oil prices on the ruble exchange rate and the Russian economy

The exchange rate of the Russian currency has a significant dependence on the price of oil. Profits from the sale of oil and gas account for almost half of the country's budget and a third of GDP. The fall in oil prices leads to a decrease in budget revenues. A weak ruble allows them to compensate for their losses when the price of oil falls. When converting dollar revenue, they receive, when the value of the domestic currency falls, the same income in ruble equivalent as with a higher price and a low dollar exchange rate.

By lowering the exchange rate of the national currency when the price of oil falls, the state seeks to “get” the missing ruble budget revenues. The instability and unpredictability of oil prices does not make it possible to make long-term forecasts of the ruble exchange rate and implement serious programs for the development of the country's economy. Since 2016, the Government has switched to annual budget planning.

Many economic experts believe that a serious decline in oil prices could lead to the collapse of the financial system. Not all resource-based economies, whose budgets were filled with proceeds from oil sales, will be able to survive the protracted oil crisis. Russia faces difficult times. The only way to stabilize the domestic economy can be its structural changes. It is extremely difficult to carry them out in a short time without long-term, cheap investments. Time will tell whether Russia will cope with the challenges of global crises.

Chat for traders is an indispensable resource from which Forex traders can learn something new from their experienced and successful colleagues. In such chats, Forex market participants can ask for advice, discuss various topics and learn a lot of new things. To increase your level of professionalism and exchange experience, it is better to choose reputable chats and forums where real traders actually communicate.

Trader chats in the Russian Federation

Trader chats are something like an online club of interests. Here, in real time, participants can communicate with each other on a specific topic, for example, about Forex.

Most often, in such chats, discussions of other topics and other ways to make money on the Internet are prohibited, as they are flood or offtopic. In addition, they often prohibit advertising, including hidden advertising. Some participants try to advertise in such chats certain brokers, various trading systems, robots and other services and products used in Forex, but such attempts are quickly stopped by the administration.

The Forex market has an international status, and this explains why there are quite a large number of multilingual forums and chats on the world Internet. Most of these sites are English-speaking, and although you can communicate there with the “gurus” of world trading, there is nothing to do there without knowing the language. Nevertheless, the RuNet has enough of its own chats and forums where domestic traders hang out, for example, the MMG (money maker group) forum.

In traders' chats you can find the following topics for discussion:

  1. News and rumors of the Forex market, general questions about the work of brokers and DCs.
  2. Topics for beginners, recommended books, articles, reviews and comments.
  3. Broker catalogs: trading conditions, communication with representatives, companies without licenses, blacklists, and so on.
  4. Investing in PAMM accounts and other methods of investing in Forex.
  5. Analytics from companies, Forex bloggers and private traders.
  6. Trading strategies and signals, their discussion and sale.
  7. Software, everything about platforms and additional programs.
  8. Rebate services and referral offers (as agreed with the chat administrator).

That is, we can say that such resources for discussion cover all segments when working on Forex. Many participants even discuss the psychological aspects of trading and give advice to their less experienced colleagues.

You should be careful when choosing chats. Some of them may simply be disguised platforms for attracting customers through referral links or for purchasing a service. Of course, an experienced trader will immediately notice this, but beginners can “fall for the bait” of scammers. Here are some popular sites worth checking out.

#1 – MMGP Forum

Note! Of all the Forex brokers operating in the Russian Federation, few meet the criteria of a truly high-quality company. The leader is - Alpari!

More than 20 years in the Forex market;
- 3 international licenses;
- 75 instruments;
- fast and convenient withdrawal of funds;
- more than two million clients;
- free education;
Alpari is the No. 1 broker according to Interfax! All you need to get started is just register on the site!

MMGP Forum.

This forum is not only about Forex trading, but about any earnings and investments on the Internet. The resource address is

The MMGP forum is the largest Russian-language platform; more than 1 million 200 thousand unique visitors come to this resource every year.

Data from

Less than 50% of traders come to this site from Russia, the rest of the visitors are residents of Germany and the CIS countries.

There are several sections here and the largest one belongs to the Forex segment.

How will this forum be useful for traders? In addition to the fact that here, as in any chat, you can communicate with your colleagues, users have the opportunity to ask questions to official representatives of brokers.

There is also a section called “Blacklist of brokers”. Deceived traders publish their complaints, and if the moderators consider them justified, the topic with the broker is moved to the “Black List”. This helps not only to resolve the issue for affected clients, but also to avoid getting caught by potential ones.

More than half a million people are registered on this forum, which means that it can rightfully be called the largest community of traders.

By the way, representatives of Forex brokers and authoritative analysts also communicate here, and you can get recommendations from them right here. Administrators encourage their forum members, and they can also earn money from active communication. For one message you are awarded 0.05 points, which are equal to 5 cents.

To register on the forum you will need to come up with a nickname and use your email address. The forum has strict rules, and if they behave incorrectly, commenters risk being banned forever, so it is important to carefully read the terms and conditions.

No. 2 - Chat traders.rf

Chat traders.rf.

This is really a chat for Russian-speaking traders, nothing more. The resource address is chat traders.rf.

The resource is in the second most popular place; the number of its visitors per year exceeds 77 thousand people.

Data from

The community includes less than 2% of visitors from Ukraine, the remaining 98% are Russians.

There is only one section, and the chat window can be accessed by clicking on the “Start Chat” icon. To register, you will need to come up with a nickname and password, and also use a current email address. The chat can be read without authorization, but if you want to answer someone on a topic, you will still have to log in.

There are very few rules in the chat: you need to communicate with respect, without aggression, insults or the use of obscene words. You also cannot discuss political topics, as this can result in a ban.

The chat topics cover the following areas:

  • investments;
  • stock trading;
  • financial markets.

The site has participant blogs. Every experienced trader can start his own blog. To do this, you will need to register, after which you can share your opinions and analytical materials.

Each registered visitor can offer their ideas for improving the chat. After which other participants can vote and choose their favorite idea. Then the moderators implement it. This way, everyone can participate in improving the communication resource. In “For reference!” The website provides data on indices, namely “last-change-change%” quotes.

No. 3 – Trader Chat with Kopanev

Trader Chat with Kopanev.

Sergey Kopanev is an experienced speculator who, together with his colleagues, launched his own website, where traders of all levels of training can receive an independent opinion and participate in discussions. Chat administrators are not interested in attracting traders to any company and try to be objective.

Attendance statistics according to

In terms of the number of visits, this resource ranks 3rd among those included in our rating, after MMGP and Chattraders.rf. More than 69 thousand people visit Trader Chat per year.

Data from

The audience of the Trader Chat website consists of more than 80% Russian traders. Here are several information resources:

  • market analysis;
  • news;
  • terminals with volumetric analytics.

The discussions themselves are located under the analytical articles.

It’s interesting that Kopanev himself is always on his website and tries to respond to all comments. To log in, you will have to use a profile on one of the popular social networks. During the discussion, there are opportunities to attach screenshots of graphs and other images containing useful information. Also, the site most often presents several surveys in which every authorized user can participate. The site has its own official pages on social networks. Market discussions also take place there.

No. 4 - Energy of money

Energy of money.

This portal deserves special attention because it is really very detailed, information-rich and is designed not only for traders in the foreign exchange market. His address is

Attendance statistics according to the resource

The number of visitors per year is about 30 thousand people, which is still a lot, considering that the audience consists of more than 86% residents of the Russian Federation.

Data from

One of the sections of the site is called “Trader Chat at Medvedus”, this includes:

  • mini chats;
  • golden chats.

Absolutely everyone can participate in mini-chat chats, and in Gold chats only users who have purchased this status for themselves. In order to gain access to chats, in any case you need to register and then authorize. To register, you will need to fill out the fields and enter information about yourself, come up with a nickname and indicate a valid email.

Communication in chats follows rules that must be studied before registering.

MoneyEnergy has the following sections:

  • Newsline;
  • traders' secrets;
  • games;
  • analytical tools;
  • dictionaries;
  • business radio.

Nuance! The site administrators decided to create a crowdfunding platform directly on the site. These are private investments of community members in startups of the same participants.

It also has its own currency – ME. Members can purchase units or earn money by interacting on the site and participating in competitions. Interestingly, as part of crowdfunding, all ME will soon be transferred to a special cryptocurrency, Crypto Money Energy, on the Ethereum platform.

Provides its service and services to traders. The geography of investors of the first Russian broker is becoming wider every day; investors include companies and traders from the CIS countries. To unite traders into a single community for the exchange of trading ideas, the broker created a special service - trading room.

Trading room– this is a unique place where traders gather, communication, exchange of thoughts, and joint analysis of the market situation take place in real time. The leading analyst of the Binarium company shares his thoughts in the traders' chat, generates ideas and provides trading signals for entering a deal.

Trading room: from desire to stable profit

Any client of the company who has topped up their deposit account with an amount of $100 or more will be able to gain access to the trading room. The trading room on Binarium allows all clients of the company to see with their own eyes the most effective trading strategies and learn the intricacies of trading performed by the best traders of the broker. Everyone has the opportunity to monitor his screen, as well as discuss trading with other users, sharing opinions and making their predictions.

Traders receive signals with detailed descriptions online from a professional analyst. Signals from the analyst really work! Many investors have seen from their own experience that by opening transactions based on signals, the number of profitable closed positions has increased.

For beginners, the trading room is an excellent opportunity to see professional trading methods live and make the learning process more effective. Traders with experience will also find a lot of new and interesting things for themselves - they will be able to hone their skills and make their trading more profitable. You can familiarize yourself with all the advantages, or continue reading the review.