How to make a slab foundation. Monolithic slab foundation: design features and installation principles

The foundation is the most important part of any structure, it is responsible for the strength and reliability of the main structure. Therefore, determining the type of fundamental basis, calculating parameters and choosing building materials requires a responsible approach.

Of all the types of foundation, developers very often prefer the foundation in the form of a monolithic concrete slab, despite its high cost.

The choice of materials for a monolithic concrete base

The strength and reliability of the entire structure depends on the quality of the materials that will be used to create a monolithic slab foundation. Therefore, it is necessary to approach this process very responsibly.


Particular attention should be paid to the choice of concrete mortar, since it is recommended to use a special class of this concrete to create a monolithic base. building material. In particular, concrete must have the following characteristics:

  • Brand - not lower than M300, which corresponds to the strength class B22.5. Read an additional article about.
  • The mobility of the mixture - P-3.
  • Frost resistance - above F
  • Water resistance - not lower than W

Thermal insulation materials

Most often, a monolithic slab foundation is erected under buildings that are operated all year round. Therefore, the choice of insulation for the foundation of the house should also be approached responsibly.

Waterproofing materials

In addition, rolled waterproofing, for example, bitumen-polymer materials, may well be used. They are distinguished by a higher quality composition, due to which the material withstands high and low temperatures without compromising quality characteristics.

Reinforcement selection

Calculation of the parameters of the slab foundation

A monolithic slab foundation is also called floating. This is due to the properties of the plate to “float” during seasonal ground movements. However, to ensure such characteristics, it is necessary to accurately calculate the parameters of the slab foundation. In doing so, various factors must be taken into account.

When calculating the thickness of a concrete base, the following values ​​​​are taken into account:

  • The distance between the top and bottom rows of the reinforcement cage.
  • The thickness of the concrete pour below and above the frame.
  • Rebar diameter.

In most cases, by adding these values, it turns out that the height of the slab is approximately 30 cm. The result obtained can be taken into account when building a monolithic slab base on solid and stable ground.

When performing the calculation, one should take into account the material from which the main structure will be built and the number of floors. For example, 5-6 cm should be added to the obtained values ​​\u200b\u200bif the walls of the house are brick. In addition, if there is a second floor in a brick house, the foundation slab increases by another 40 cm.

When calculating the depth of the pit, the height of the slab is taken as a basis and the thickness of the drainage layer of 30 cm and the sand cushion 20 cm high are added to this. As a result, 50-60 cm is added to the total height of the slab.

Based on the total height of the monolithic slab, it is possible to calculate the required amount of concrete, the total length of the reinforcement and the load from the base to the ground.

Manufacturing technology of a monolithic concrete slab under the foundation

Like any construction process, a monolithic slab foundation is built according to a certain technology, which is divided into several stages.

Stage 1. Preparatory activities

The preparation process involves the development of the site, putting the soil in order and collecting the right tool.

Work will be carried out using the following:

  • Shovel and bayonet shovel.
  • Building level.
  • Cord for marking or ordinary rope.

First, the working area is determined and the upper fertile layer is removed in the allotted area, using a bulldozer or a shovel for this purpose.

Stage 2. Earthworks

Taking as a basis the parameters of the slab foundation, calculate the dimensions of the pit. At the same time, 1 meter is added on each side for more convenient work. It is important to understand that a large amount of soil should be removed for the foundation slab, so it is better to involve construction equipment for this purpose.

The depth of the pit reaches an average of 1.5 meters, therefore, the clay layer must be removed almost completely. The bottom of the pit is covered with sand or gravel, the surface is leveled, checking the horizontal level with a building level. At this stage, even small slopes should be avoided, as this can cause the destruction of the foundation slab.

Stage 3. Formwork creation

To form the foundation slab, it is necessary to assemble the formwork structure, this will require strong boards with a thickness of more than 2.5 cm. The formwork is installed along the perimeter of the pit, strong supports are placed on its outer side. After assembling the structure, you can test it for strength, for this it is enough to apply a few strong blows. If the formwork can withstand them, then there is no doubt about its strength. Otherwise, the design must be redone.

Stage 4. Warming and waterproofing

When building a slab foundation, it is very important to remove moisture from its sole; for this purpose, a drainage system is created. The installation process is as follows:

  1. Trenches are dug across the pit to drain water.
  2. Geological textiles are laid in them, while the material should protrude slightly beyond the edges of the trenches.
  3. Then plastic perforated pipes are laid and wrapped with geotextile edges.
  4. Small gravel is poured over the pipes into the trenches, leveling the surface at one level.

Further actions involve waterproofing and thermal insulation of the sole of the slab foundation:

  • The bottom of the pit is covered with waterproofing material.
  • Thermal insulation boards are laid on top of it.
  • This is followed by another layer of waterproofing.

Among all the types of foundations chosen by private developers for the construction of their country houses and outbuildings, the undisputed leader in terms of frequency of use are bases. However, quite often the specifics of soils at the construction site, the climate in the region, the location and dynamics of changes in underground aquifers require an excessively deep laying of the sole of the strip foundation, which makes it an unprofitable solution, especially when it comes to building a relatively small in size and total mass building. We have to look for other, more economically justified, but at the same time options that are not inferior in terms of bearing capabilities.

One such solution can be a monolithic slab, poured under the entire future building. The uniform distribution of the load falling on such a foundation over the entire considerable area makes it possible to use such a scheme on soils with a low bearing capacity. And the comparative simplicity of the construction of such a foundation makes it quite feasible on our own. So, the topic of this publication is the foundation slab with your own hands, a step-by-step instruction, from calculations to practical implementation.

General information about the foundation - a monolithic slab

Typical scheme of a monolithic slab foundation

A slab foundation does not require a deep occurrence, rather, on the contrary, it load bearing capacity and "floating" features will appear precisely at a sufficiently close location to the earth's surface. In this case, even frosty heaving of soils will not have a destructive effect on the stability of the building - the slab itself, with its high-quality construction, together with the building erected on it, seems to “float” on the surface of the soil.

The schematic diagram of the device of a monolithic foundation slab is shown in the illustration below:

1 - Compacted soil - the bottom of a pit dug under the foundation.

2 - A carefully compacted "pillow" of sand, sand and gravel, gravel, which contributes to the uniform distribution of loads, becomes a kind of damper that softens the impact of ground vibrations. Layer-by-layer backfilling and tamping of such a “cushion” is practiced, with one or another alternation of materials, or homogeneous, using ASG.

3 - A layer of geotextile (dornite), which will give the sandy "cushion" a kind of "reinforcement", prevent it from silting or blurring on waterlogged soils. This illustration shows only one of the options for placing a geotextile layer, however, their number and position may vary, depending on specific conditions. So, often such a layer is placed between the surface of the compacted bottom of the pit and the first layer of sandy "cushion" - to prevent the penetration of soil particles into it. A layer of geotextile also separates the sand and gravel layers of the backfill - again for reasons of reinforcement and exclusion of interpenetration. At the same time, the location of the gravel or crushed stone layer above the sandy one seems to be more optimal - because the capillary "sucking" of ground moisture from below is almost completely excluded.

4 - A layer of so-called concrete preparation. This element of the general "pie" of the slab foundation is often neglected for reasons of saving material and reducing the overall duration of the work. Meanwhile, such concrete preparation plays a significant role - it allows you to reach the “clear geometry” of the base for further pouring the foundation or laying insulation materials, makes it possible to mount the hermetic waterproofing that is mandatory for the slab with high quality.

5 - The already mentioned layer of a waterproofing layer that is mandatory for such a foundation slab, protecting the base of the building from moisture from below. The optimal solution is at least two layers of polymer-bitumen-based roll waterproofing materials.

6 - The monolithic slab itself with the calculated thickness.

7 - reinforcing belt of a concrete slab. Its classic design is two levels of reinforcing bars interconnected to give volume to the structure with special clamps. The location of the reinforcement is planned in such a way that a concrete layer of about 50 mm is created between the bars and the edges of the slab from above, below and from the ends - in order to exclude the start of metal corrosion processes.

This is a general scheme, but there are several varieties of monolithic foundation slabs used depending on certain specific construction features.

The simplest and probably the most common option is a solid slab, the uniform thickness of which is observed over its entire area.

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It is this scheme that is most often chosen when erecting houses and outbuildings on fairly stable soil. However, it has an obvious disadvantage - the thickness of the slab is usually small, and it is partially located below the ground level, that is, the upper edge is located close to the ground surface, which is not very good for wall structures. It is not economically feasible to increase the thickness of the slab because of this, which means that another option can be considered - pouring the foundation with reinforcing stiffeners, which have some similarities with the strip foundation. Moreover, these ribs can be located both above the plate and below it.

So, a kind of socle-grillage can be obtained if, simultaneously with the slab, stiffening ribs protruding above the surface of the slab, which is obtained as a “bowl”, are also poured. Such grillages are located along the construction lines bearing walls house structures - after waterproofing their horizontal surfaces, it is from here that the masonry begins.

A similar scheme is often practiced in cases where the useful use of the basement or basement floor is planned - the slab simultaneously becomes the floor of these premises. And from the grillages, at the same time, they begin to lay the basement.

If there is no desire to deepen the slab too deep into the ground, and at the same time achieve its maximum bearing capacity without thickening, you can apply a scheme in which the stiffeners are located facing down.

When preparing the surface, installing the formwork and reinforcing frame, recessed “channels” are immediately provided, which, after pouring the slab, will turn into stiffeners facing the ground.

This also turns out to be a kind of "symbiosis" of slab and strip foundations. Stiffeners are planned under the outer walls and capital internal partitions. Well, if there are no internal partitions, then the ribs should be parallel to each other and to the shorter side of the perimeter of the house, with a step not exceeding 3000 mm.

Such a scheme allows to achieve serious savings in concrete, since with properly planned stiffeners, the thickness of the slab can be significantly reduced, by 100 ÷ 150 mm, without losing its bearing potential, and this is, after all, 1.0 ÷ 1.5 cubic meters of mortar for every 10 square meters area.

In addition, ample opportunities open up for warming the foundation slab - the same height difference on the main surface and on the stiffeners is often performed by laying a durable thermal insulation material, for example, extruded. By the way, it is this approach that is the key condition for the construction of one of the improved varieties of slab foundations - the so-called "insulated Swedish slab".

Insulated Swedish stove (USHP) - the basis for houses with minimal energy consumption

The tendency to build houses with minimal, zero or even negative external energy consumption, widely used in modern world construction, leads to the emergence and development of innovative technologies, which include UWB. The main nuances are discussed in detail in the corresponding publication of our portal.

It makes sense to make one more remark. Slab foundations can be not only completely poured, monolithic, but also prefabricated, consisting of ready-made reinforced concrete structures laid close to each other. It would seem that this is much simpler, however, the lack of a rigid connection between adjacent plates makes such a base unstable to possible ground vibrations. For this reason, such a scheme is not widely used, and in residential private construction it is practically not used. An exception can only be small-sized outbuildings, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is limited by the size of one standard slab, but this, you know, is extremely rare.

Application of slab foundation. Its main advantages and disadvantages

The use of a slab foundation will be fully justified in construction sites that are characterized by soils with reduced bearing capacity. It is usually resorted to where simpler schemes, such as a shallow belt or columnar, are simply impossible due to the peculiarities of "geology": the tendency of soils to frost heaving, horizontal "shifts", close location of aquifers, etc.

In addition, such a foundation, with careful calculations and design, can become a very reliable basis for multi-storey construction. Uniform distribution of loads over a large base area gives very low pressure on the ground, even when erecting massive buildings and engineering structures. True, this applies to a greater extent to construction work carried out on an industrial scale.

About the advantages and disadvantages of the slab foundation, by the way, both real and, frankly, far-fetched, there is a lot of controversy. Let's try to list them and understand a little about this issue.

What they say about virtues ?

  • There is a widespread opinion that a monolithic slab foundation is an absolute "panacea" for all cases, that is, it can be built on any soil at all. Allegedly, such a slab of a house, even in a swampy area, will be a reliable basis for a heavy building, since due to its “buoyancy” it will begin to oscillate along with the movements of the soil without being deformed.

It is certainly impossible to agree with such a statement. Most likely, it would be more correct to say only that the slab foundation opens up expanded possibilities for construction in areas with difficult soils, with insufficient bearing capacity for the tape base, with average heaving rates.

But on clearly waterlogged, waterlogged soils, with the likelihood of subsidence, especially in regions with a harsh winter climate, only pile foundation, years, piles are driven (screwed) into dense, bearing rocks located well below the freezing level.

And the slab foundation, located practically on the surface, can indeed move within certain limits along with ground vibrations, that is, “float”. But the trouble is that in areas with pronounced soil instability, these vibrations can have a very high amplitude, and are applied unevenly to the surface of the slab from below. Even if the soil is absolutely homogeneous over the entire area, this unevenness is due to banal reasons - on the south side, freezing almost always goes to a shallower depth, and thawing in spring occurs much faster. And this means that the plate willy-nilly will experience enormous internal bending stresses.

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As a rule, slab foundations have a very significant margin of safety, and, perhaps, the slab itself will withstand such loads, it will not crack, but small linear deformations are quite likely. They will certainly be transferred to the walls, and in addition, the roll of the entire building from the vertical axis is not excluded. For wooden buildings, it may not be so critical, due to a certain mobility of the structure. But the stresses on rigid stone (block) walls increase with height, that is, with the lever of force application. And it is possible that somewhere in the upper region of the wall a crack will suddenly appear and begin to expand.

So, if you think objectively, you should not overestimate the versatility of the slab foundation - it would be reckless. In any case, if there is no certainty of unconditional success, it would be more expedient to invite specialists to conduct a geological analysis of the site. In addition, it is always useful to get acquainted with the "history" of the use of slab foundations in the surrounding area - what and how long the houses were built on them, what is the depth of the foundation and the thickness of the slab, are there any complaints about the operation, how did the buildings survive seasonal ground fluctuations - these and other questions help you make the right choice.

  • Slab monolithic foundations make it possible to build large, even multi-level houses built from heavy materials.

This is true, and many high-rise buildings in large cities are on a similar basis. In terms of its ability to evenly distribute the load over a large area, such a foundation has no equal. Of course, all this is true with professionally carried out calculations, taking into account the characteristics of the building site, and high-quality performance.

So the conventional wisdom that the slab foundation is suitable only for small compact houses, and that "its age is short" is limited to 35-50 years - this is nothing more than fiction. We repeat - everything depends on competent professional calculations and on the quality of execution in accordance with the project.

  • The construction of a slab foundation minimizes the work of digging a pit - no deep penetration into the ground is required.

If we talk about a slab located on the surface of the soil or with a slight depth, then this is true - only the top fertile soil layer is removed, and the depth of the pit is largely determined by the estimated height of the sand and gravel cushion. True, if this depth is also multiplied by the entire area (and the slab must be laid wider than the future building, and even plus insulated blind areas), then the volume of the selected soil can still turn out to be considerable. So this advantage is very non-obvious - with a shallow strip foundation, sometimes it is simpler in this regard.

Well, if you plan to use a deep monolithic slab, that is, to create a house with a full-fledged basement on its basis, then you will have to dig the appropriate pit, that is, it is very difficult to do without the involvement of special equipment.

  • The use of a slab foundation automatically solves the problem of a reliable foundation for the floors of the first (or basement) floor.

This is a really important advantage. And if, simultaneously with the preparation of the slab for pouring, a high-quality thermal insulation belt is provided, then the floors will also be pre-insulated. In the "insulated Swedish stove", in addition, the contours of water heating of the floors are immediately mounted.

  • Work on the slab foundation can in no way be attributed to tasks of an increased category of complexity.

An ambiguous statement, with which, nevertheless, one can agree to a certain extent. Indeed, the work on the stove itself does not involve operations that require the highest qualifications of workers. Digging a pit and tamping a sand and gravel pad, knitting a reinforcing cage, installing formwork, pouring and distributing concrete, caring for a slab that is gaining strength and other steps - all this is either initially clear, or a novice master can “fill his hand” in a very short time.

Another thing is that a number of operations require the involvement of special tools and equipment. So, for high-quality ramming, one cannot do without a vibrating plate, for quick and uniform manufacture of reinforcing clamps, it will be necessary to build an appropriate device, waterproofing with rolled materials involves the use of a gas burner with a cylinder. And considering that the volume of poured concrete can turn out to be considerable, and it is desirable to pour the slab in one day, it is hardly worth relying on - you will have to order it with delivery.

It can be said that, provided that forces and means are attracted from outside for some operations, the owner, with the help of friends or relatives, can easily cope with the main amount of work. True, one must be prepared for the fact that the work ahead is quite lengthy, physically difficult, and sometimes also tiring and monotonous. But for a small combined team of several strong men - doable. Of course, with strict adherence to all technological recommendations.

Interestingly, in some publications on foundation slabs, this is presented not as an advantage, but as a disadvantage - they say, working on such a slab is an extremely difficult task. It is possible that it is simply a matter of different evaluation criteria - from what point of view this problem should be considered.

Now let's turn our attention to flaws slab foundation:

  • It is quite obvious that this type of house foundation is suitable for building on a relatively flat area. If a significant difference in height is observed in the building spot, then such a scheme either becomes extremely complicated, becomes impractical, or is recognized as completely impossible.

  • The slab must completely, with its entire area, rest on the ground - this is precisely its increased bearing capacity even on not quite stable soils. And this, in turn, means that there can be no question of any basement or cellar under the stove itself.

The only exception can be the scheme already mentioned above, in which the slab itself becomes the floor of a full-fledged basement, semi-basement or basement. It, as a rule, has stiffening ribs-grillages directed upwards, or well-thought-out reinforcing tabs, from which further construction of the buried part of the walls is already underway, by analogy with a deep-laid strip foundation. But this type of foundation is a very expensive "pleasure" that requires highly qualified calculations and practical implementation.

  • The construction of a slab foundation will require advance planning and the laying of the necessary engineering communications, for example, water supply, and sometimes power cable.

It is unlikely that such requirements can be attributed to shortcomings - this is rather assessed only as a specific technological feature, and with well-planned work, it will not particularly complicate the entire construction process.

  • There is a lot of talk about the high cost of such a foundation, which can reach almost half of the entire construction estimate.

Such frightening indicators, apparently, will be valid only for the deep-laid slab already mentioned above. If the foundation is practically not deepened, the picture is certainly not so “terrifying”.

Of course, even with a small thickness of the slab, but with its considerable total area, centimeters very quickly grow into cubic meters of concrete mortar. Two-tier reinforcement will require a significant consumption of reinforcement, of course, more than when pouring a strip base. However, we must not forget that, along with the foundation slab, the developer immediately receives a ready-made foundation - in fact, the draft floor of the first floor, with it already completed with high quality, and sometimes with insulation. That is, these stages of work already fall out of the total estimate.

So the excessively high cost is by no means always an obvious drawback, and the ease of construction of the slab also largely compensates for the increased consumption of building materials.

How is a monolithic slab foundation calculated

Any foundation requires calculations, and the slab foundation is no exception in this matter. True, it should be specifically noted that the design of such structures is still the lot of professionals, especially if it is planned to build a full-fledged country mansion.

However, sometimes you can resort to calculations on your own, for example, when building non-residential structures - a garage, a barn, a bathhouse, and utility buildings. And one of the key parameters of the calculation is always the thickness of the monolithic slab. Too small thickness may not be able to cope with bending loads, excessive thickening is an unnecessary expenditure of effort and money.

How is the optimal slab thickness calculated?

Ideally, the calculations should be preceded by an analysis of the soil on the building spot, since it is necessary to have an idea in advance about the bearing capacity of the formation on which the foundation slab will rest. Usually, specialists with a drilling rig are invited for this, who make several pits, for example, in the corners and in the center of the site.

This makes it possible to estimate the composition and thickness of the layers, the presence of a "perch water", the location of aquifers, on the basis of which further calculations can be carried out.

Any of the soils is characterized by its load resistance, that is, in fact, by its bearing capacity. This parameter can be expressed in kilopascals (kPa), but for calculations in the metric system it is more convenient to use the kilogram-force per square centimeter (kgf / cm²).

Soil typeDesign soil resistance
kPa kgf/cm²
Coarse-clastic soils, gravel, crushed stone500÷6005.0÷6.0
The sands are coarse and gravelly350÷4503.5÷4.5
Sands of medium size250÷3502.5÷3.5
Dense sands of fine or silty fraction200÷3002.0÷3.0
The same sands, but of medium density100÷2001.0÷2.0
Sandy loam, hard and plastic200÷3002.0÷3.0
Loams, hard and plastic100÷3001.0÷3.0
Hard clays300÷6003.0÷6.0
Plastic clays100÷3001.0÷3.0

It is clear that the distributed pressure created by the mass of the planned house (taking into account also external loads on it) and the mass of the slab itself should not go beyond the specified limits. However, such a calculation will still not be objective enough.

When calculating required thickness slabs are better to operate with the values ​​of the optimal specific pressure on a particular soil - these indicators are determined specifically for slab foundations. The calculated value of the load from the entire structure, including the weight of the slab, should be as close as possible to the optimal ones, with a possible deviation not exceeding 20÷25%.

What is it for? It is important not to go to two extremes. If the optimal load value is exceeded, it is likely that the slab will begin to sink into the ground over time. However, a significant decrease in ground pressure is no less dangerous - a structure that is too light for specific conditions becomes too “floating”, that is, it can warp even with the slightest seasonal ground fluctuations.

Pay attention to the following:

  • The second table does not show all types of soils. The fact is that on soils with a high bearing capacity, the very construction of a slab foundation simply does not make much sense - you can get by with much cheaper options.
  • In addition, two rows are highlighted in the table. In both of these cases, it is recommended to conduct an in-depth analysis of the technical and economic feasibility of building a slab foundation.

- In the case of sandy loam, it is possible that the construction of a conventional strip foundation can be much more profitable.

- Hard clays are highlighted because the density of their structure is sometimes deceptive. If there is a possibility of waterlogging of these layers, for example, by closely located aquifers with seasonal fluctuations in their filling, then a sharp loss in the bearing capacity of the soil cannot be ruled out. The slab, together with the building, will gradually “sink”. It is worth considering the issue of greater, perhaps, the appropriateness of using

So, in order to calculate the required thickness of the slab, it will be necessary to determine what distributed load the building itself will exert on the base, then find the difference with the optimal pressure value, and cover the remaining “deficit” due to the mass of the reinforced concrete slab. Knowing the specific density of reinforced concrete, it is easy to calculate the volume, and having the area of ​​​​the slab as the initial data, it is possible to determine its optimal thickness. At the same time, do not forget to take into account the fact that the slab should protrude beyond the perimeter of all walls outwards by at least the value of its calculated thickness or even more - this already depends on the specifics of the project.

Below the reader will be offered a calculator in which this calculation algorithm is implemented. Of course, this application cannot compete with professional programs in terms of accuracy of calculations, but it can provide a useful service for “estimating” in the field of hand-made construction.

The calculator assumes that the developer has in his hands the design outlines of the future building, that is, it will not be difficult for him to determine the initial data. You will need to know the material and area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls (minus window and door openings), the area and type of ceilings, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roof and the angle of steepness of its slopes (to take into account the snow load). The calculation program has already included the average values ​​of the specific gravity of materials of building structures, taking into account approximate operational loads (mass of decoration, furniture, large household units, dynamic loads from people living in the house, etc.).

How to correctly calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bstructures?

Since area values ​​\u200b\u200bare often used in calculations, it is worth giving appropriate recommendations on this matter. They are set out in a special article on our portal dedicated to, which, by the way, also has convenient calculators.

It is best to prepare the data necessary for the calculation in advance, write it out on a separate plate, and then proceed to the calculations.

Often, the specifics of the soils on the building site do not allow the use of a pile or strip foundation. The only possible option in such situations is the foundation of a monolithic reinforced concrete slab. Only such a slab base is able to distribute point loads arising from seasonal heaving and minimize pressure on the soil by distributing the weight of the house throughout the monolith. The material consumption and the cost of the foundation are high. However, making it yourself is not so difficult.

What is a slab foundation?

Due to its massiveness and strength, a monolithic foundation in the form of a single slab is able to withstand serious local impacts from below the soil without destruction and deformation. With strong heaving in winter, it rises evenly and all along with the house on it, and also falls in spring. If such a base under the building is made exactly according to the technology, then it is durable and strong.

Device diagram

Such a foundation for a low-rise building consists of three layers:

    Cushion of sand and gravel.


    Reinforced concrete slab.

It should be clearly understood that this is not a panacea for every case. Yes, it can be equipped on difficult soils. But if the site is swampy or located in the northern regions with harsh winters, then for a private house it is better to prefer an analogue of piles. From the stove in such situations, there will be little sense.


All such bases according to the internal structure are divided into two subspecies:


    Prefabricated monolithic.

The first type involves pouring a concrete monolith with reinforcement directly onto a sand and gravel pad. In the second case, prefabricated reinforced concrete products are first laid on the sand, and the concrete, already in a thinner layer, is poured just on them.

Slab Foundation Scheme

In terms of strength and reliability, both of these options are comparable. Here, the final parameters of the foundation depend more on the quality of the preliminary calculations in the project. However, the use of prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs significantly speeds up the process of building a prefabricated monolithic foundation for the future house.

Advantages and disadvantages

Main advantages:

    No need for special equipment (except for the prefabricated version);

    The minimum volume of earthworks - it will be enough to remove only the upper fertile layer;

    Uniform distribution of loads;

    Expansion of opportunities in terms of building cottages on soils with complex structure;

    Simplicity of work - a slab foundation with your own hands can be done even alone.

The foundation slab has high rates of strength and reliability. Moreover, it is not required to have special construction skills for its independent creation. It is enough to be able to knock together wooden formwork panels and knead concrete.

Concrete only gets stronger over time, so don't be afraid to let it "set" for a season or two.

Almost all types of cottages can be placed on a slab reinforced concrete foundation without fear. For the construction of buildings on it in one or two floors, aerated concrete, ceramic and gas silicate blocks are used, as well as all types of wood (profiled timber, log, etc.). Wall masonry, for which a gas block or brick is taken, on such a monolith will definitely not crack from swelling of the soil. Both wooden or concrete, and frame or frame-panel houses can be placed on the slab.

Among the shortcomings should be mentioned:

    Restrictions on the evenness of the surface of the site;

    The inability to equip the basement or cellar;

    Difficulties with laying communications;

    High material consumption and estimate of the device.

One of the main problems of such a monolithic foundation is communications. Plumbing and sewerage for the house must be designed in advance. All pipes must be laid prior to pouring concrete. Then it is difficult and impossible to break the monolith. Plus, on a slope, such a foundation with your own hands or with the involvement of professional builders will not work. It needs a level ground.

Step-by-step instructions for arranging the foundation on the slab

The proposed step-by-step instruction provides for the creation of a foundation slab without the use of any reinforced concrete products. This eliminates the use of lifting equipment, allowing you to do everything yourself. For work it is worth attracting a couple of assistants, but everything can be done alone. The technology is extremely simple.

Such work is done in six stages:

    Marking and excavation. It is not necessary to remove a lot of soil under the slab foundation. It will be enough to cut the turf and go deep by 20–30 cm. The excavated pit is designed to cushion sand and level the area for pouring concrete. With a markup scheme, it's even easier. The shape of a monolithic slab is a banal rectangle the size of a house. To mark it on the ground, only four pegs and twine are required.

    Embankment of sand or sand and gravel cushion. According to the rules, the pillow under the foundation is made from separate layers of sand and gravel. Moreover, it is the sandy layer that should go at the bottom. This reduces the risk of ground moisture rising to the concrete. At the very bottom and between the layers, it is not necessary, but it is recommended to lay geotextiles. Due to this, there will be no mutual mixing of soil, sand and gravel.

    Formwork and laying communications. The formwork is made around the perimeter from boards 20–40 mm thick or special formwork plywood with lamination. The first option is cheaper. The second is often used by construction teams, which then reuse these chipboards. The general formwork scheme is extremely simple - shields around the pit and supports from the outside.

    Laying out rolled waterproofing (roofing material). Laying of waterproofing sheets is carried out with an overlap and with release on the sides, so that the reinforced concrete slab ultimately remains open only from above. Often a standard cake is supplemented with a layer of concrete preparation (screed). This is an ordinary mortar without reinforcement 10–15 cm thick. It is intended solely for leveling the bottom of the pit and eliminating gusts of roofing material with rubble.

    Reinforcement installation. The reinforcing frame is made of steel bars with a diameter of 14–16 mm in two layers with square cells 20–25 cm in size and transverse bridges. Reinforcement is fastened by electric welding or dressing wire.

    The thickness of one floor is usually 250–300 mm. It is not recommended to do it anymore due to the increase in soil loads. If the foundation slab is poured for a garage or other light outbuilding, then 100–150 mm can be dispensed with with one reinforcing layer. In most cases, this thickness is more than enough. But if everything is decided to be done correctly, then you need a project with calculations of all loads and other parameters.

    Pouring concrete. Further, the laid reinforcement is poured with concrete mortar with a grade of at least M-300 and F more than 200. After pouring, the tiled foundation must be maintained according to building codes and instructions for at least a month. Concrete needs to set and harden, this process is not fast. Only then it will be possible to put the walls of the house on it.

    We start pouring the slab


In the independent construction of such a foundation, there is nothing super complicated. Concrete can be ordered ready-made or you can mix your own from cement, crushed stone and sand in a ratio of 1:3:3. After the completion of the construction of the walls and roof of the cottage, it is recommended to insulate the base from the ends, and then finish it. Facing brick or metal siding is perfect for decoration.

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Another name for a slab foundation is monolithic.

It is quite widespread in home improvement due to the fact that very reliable and can place construction of any weight and design.

So, do-it-yourself foundation plate: step-by-step instructions will be discussed in the article.

Before proceeding to consider the issue of a do-it-yourself slab foundation: a step-by-step instruction for building a foundation, you should find out what are the features of such a design.


The device of a slab foundation for a private house can be compared with or.

As a result of the comparison, it will be possible to single out several positions in which expedient will build a slab foundation with his own hands:

  • Do-it-yourself slab foundation is erected if there are complex soils at the construction site, for example, a slab foundation on a slope is possible;
  • monolithic foundation slab: the technology is often used in buildings that do not require basements and ground floors with high walls. A plinth on a slab foundation is much more difficult to perform;
  • in buildings where the installation of the floor on a monolithic foundation slab implies the foundation itself as a floor. At the same time, the foundation-slab does not provide floor insulation, and this issue will need to be dealt with separately.

Important! This kind of base is good to use if the soils are characterized by a strong degree of freezing.

Foundation-slab under the house: how to do it right? As for the technological rules for the design and construction, the slab foundation is regulated SNiP 2.02.02-83.


How to make a foundation slab? A slab for this type of base is not just some kind of concrete product. Because of characteristic features it is called differently - a plate-pie, because it consists from several layers of different materials.

During pouring, as the monolithic foundation-slab technology says: the thickness of each layer must be calculated separately.

The composition of the "pie" is as follows:



Geotextile Required for strength assurance plate bases. It is an obstacle to mixing the pillow and soil.
Pillow Is intended to make the plate level, serves as drainage and creates a layer that is prone to heaving.
concrete base Provides waterproofing properties, and also increases the level of bearing capacity.
Waterproofing Given that any structure in the soil is exposed to moisture, such a layer is necessary to prevent this effect. In addition, the waterproofing layer prevents concrete from leaking, which retains the strength of the material after solidification.
thermal insulation Not every plate is equipped with this layer. It is necessary if a warm basement is being designed in the building or the slab is located close to the soil surface.
formwork For retaining the shape of concrete at the time of its freezing. It can be built removable or remain in the structure.
Reinforcement Due to the high compressive strength of concrete, it is necessary to create reinforcement with metal rods so that the material subsequently did not crack and was able to last as long as possible.
Concrete Thanks to this layer all loads from the building are taken. In most cases, reinforced concrete is used, since it has more durable characteristics.


When it is necessary to start building the foundation on your own, then the construction of a monolithic foundation slab: the construction technology says that a calculation is first necessary. The construction of a monolithic slab foundation begins precisely with independent calculations, drawing up a plan and a diagram.

Calculations are made based on following algorithm:

  • before starting the manufacture of the slab base, the required thickness of the slab is initially calculated;
  • calculation of the total area;
  • depth determination.

Based on these parameters, they produce in order to begin the construction of a slab foundation in the future.

Important! In addition to calculations, the installation of a monolithic slab foundation provides for several more preparatory activities, such as determining the type of reinforcement, choosing materials for waterproofing and performing calculations for these materials.

Construction technology

How to make a slab foundation? The construction of a monolithic foundation slab implies a certain sequence of actions.


The device of the slab foundation provides for the next stage after the calculation - marking the site.

This process is quite simple, but very important for design and avoids many difficulties in subsequent work.

Necessary mark very accurately.

The device of a slab monolithic foundation recommends adhering to some nuances regarding markup:

  1. Markup is done according to perimeter future building. There is no need to determine the location of walls and other structures at this stage - this can be done after the slab is ready.
  2. markup should be one meter wider than the immediate perimeter of the structure. It is necessary to do this so that after it there is an opportunity to equip the drainage system and build a blind area.
  3. If the future house according to the project has terraces, balconies, a porch, then they should be taken into account and markup with these elements in mind so that in the future you do not have to worry about the integrity of the walls in the house.

foundation pit

The device of the foundation of the slab further provides for the digging of a foundation pit. Such a parameter as the depth of laying, depends on soil type where construction is taking place.

Installation of the foundation monolithic slab at this stage is carried out according to the following rules:

  1. In the presence of dense soils, the pit is dug to a depth of 50 cm.
  2. If the soils are unstable and weak, then the depth will be 1 m.
  3. After digging the pit, it is necessary to level its bottom.
  4. The edges of the pit must be made as even as possible.
  5. If in the process in some areas the depth is greater than that which was determined, then such places should be covered only with sandy soil, which will not shrink later, i.e. the foundation slab on sandy soil will be reliable.
  6. If drainage of the slab foundation is necessary: ​​the equipment scheme with water drainage is used where there are high ground water. This should be taken into account in the process of digging and take into account the height differences.

Important! To dig a pit quickly and less costly, it is best to use special equipment.

Pillow device

As mentioned above when listing the layers of the "pie", a foundation slab is being erected on a sand cushion.

After completing the previous steps, you can proceed to support pad construction, which is done like this:

  1. Before filling up the sand, it rinse and remove any impurities from it which may shrink.
  2. Fall asleep in layers(up to 40 cm), tamping each layer.
  3. Sand level should be such that 20 cm of free space remains from the soil surface.
  4. Communications in the slab foundation, which will later be in the house, are taken into account at this stage.
  5. After the sand is filled and compacted, laying out a layer of geotextile to avoid mixing with the next layer of material.
  6. After geotextile it is necessary gravel up to 20 cm thick.
  7. It is necessary to distribute such material as evenly as possible over the sandy layer and make sure that it is level with the soil of the site. The check can be carried out using a hydraulic level or a level. It is very important to compact crushed stone, like sand.

Important! There are different ways how a sand cushion is made under a slab foundation, if the foundation is being built with your own hands step by step, but they differ only in the sequence of actions, which ultimately leads to the same result.

Formwork and waterproofing

The do-it-yourself slab foundation device provides for the need for formwork, which can be either removable or fixed.

Action algorithm at this stage the following:

  1. Formwork for slab foundation built clearly around the perimeter of the house. In this case, do not forget that the pit is dug a meter wider than the house. The formwork for the foundation slab should repeat directly the perimeter of the building.
  2. The height of the structure is equal to the thickness of the plate. After installing it, using the cords and a level, it needs to be trimmed. On average, the plate is about 30 cm thick.
  3. The next thing to do, after making sure that the formwork structure is fixed firmly and rigidly, is foundation slab waterproofing. In order for the waterproofing of the monolithic foundation slab to be performed correctly, it is best to use a material that contains bitumen. It is this waterproofing that will provide high level protect the base from moisture. The scheme of actions, if conventional waterproofing is not enough (that is, how to raise the foundation slab at a high GWL), provides for some nuances.
  4. The strips that were laid on the formwork must be connected. To do this, they are initially located with an overlap, after which they are welded together. It is necessary to ensure the integrity of the waterproofing strip in this process so that it is not possible for moisture to penetrate into the concrete. In addition, after the slab hardens, it will be easy to disassemble such a structure and separate it from concrete.

Important! In some cases, before laying the waterproofing material, the monolithic foundation slab is insulated. When insulating a slab foundation, you can choose the two most progressive options: insulation of the foundation slab with foam or insulation of the foundation slab with expanded polystyrene (EPS), which has a high degree density. What material to carry out the insulation of the foundation slab, it's up to you.

Reinforcement and pouring

In this section of the article, we will consider how to properly knit reinforcement for a monolithic slab and how to properly pour the foundation slab under the house.

Reinforcement of the foundation slab must be carried out only after the waterproofing lining has been carried out. Otherwise, the reinforcement of the slab foundation will be very difficult to perform.

The scheme of the reinforced slab includes following points:

  1. Laying reinforcement in a slab foundation implies the use of reinforcement with a cross section of 10 - 14 mm. The cross section is calculated depending on what load will be on the base.
  2. The rods must be tied using a special crochet hook. The material for the hitch can be taken wire. In this case, it is necessary to adhere to a distance from the waterproofing of 5 - 7 cm, and keep the mesh pitch at 25 cm. Knitting takes place in two rows.
  3. The knitting of the reinforcement of the monolithic slab in the second row is carried out in such a way that after the foundation slab is poured, the metal frame went deep him by 5 cm minimum. Such reinforcement of a monolithic foundation slab is the most reliable.
  4. Next, it runs itself foundation slab pouring. The technology for pouring a monolithic foundation slab says that the concrete grade must be M200 or more. The pouring of a monolithic foundation slab should take no more than one day - this will allow you to build a reliable and durable structure. How to pour a slab under the foundation is better? With the help of an industrial vibrator, it is necessary to rid the material of air inclusions.
  5. Until the foundation has hardened, the slab foundation technology requires that it be align as accurately as possible. This will avoid difficulties in the future. To do this, use a board, rail or rule.

It is very important after the reinforcement of the monolithic slab has been completed and the concrete will be poured, to provide it with proper care and the necessary conditions for to make the plate strong and reliable:

  • concrete needs to stand for at least 28 days;
  • the temperature should be at least 20 degrees;
  • it is very important to maintain a humidity of 80%, for this concrete is poured with water and covered with polyethylene;
  • if the pouring of the slab under the foundation is carried out in winter, then it is necessary to consider heating the concrete;
  • if it is necessary to leave the base for the winter, it is very important to keep it from moisture.

Quality checking

The foundation slab, the arrangement technology says that you can use the visual method to check the quality of the resulting foundation.

Correcting errors made during the installation process is quite difficult, and in some cases impossible..

There are steps to check whether the floating slab foundation was created correctly: the quality control technology is quite simple.

This the following actions:

  1. The soil is visible, which surrounds the base: there should be no depressions or dips in the ground, as well as cracks. If there are any, it is likely that the process was performed without geological verification. In some cases, cracks in the soil may appear due to the strong pressure of the slab - this depends on its area.
  2. If available salt deposits, then this indicates a violation of waterproofing or its absence. In this case, you need to take care of the construction of such a layer.
  3. The next thing technology requires: a foundation slab for a house checked for porosity. This can be done by looking closely at the presence of bubbles in the hardened concrete. How to fill in correctly? The fewer bubbles, the better the filling was.

If there are some doubts that the monolithic slab foundation construction technology has been violated, and the reliability of the slab is in question, then it is best to resort to the help of specialists who check the base with a Schmidt hammer.

Foundation-slab whose construction technology was not violated, it should be:

  • minimally porous, do not contain air inclusions;
  • do not affect the soil layer, destroying it;
  • dry, without various wet spots and deposits;
  • exceed the perimeter of the house under construction;
  • even.

Important! If mistakes in construction were nevertheless made, then it is best to seek advice from professionals who will help eliminate the flaws.


Part of the article, thanks to which it is much easier to make the foundation of a monolithic slab with your own hands: step by step photos the process of building the base are presented below.

Useful video

The video below clearly shows how to make a slab monolithic base:


The slab version of the base is very simple in design, but despite this, provides a very high level of reliability and stability. In addition, it is very convenient to build a monolithic slab foundation with your own hands, and quite economically.

In contact with

The construction of a slab foundation is economically justified with unsatisfactory bearing capacity of the soil in the building spot, high groundwater level, high content of clay that swells when freezing. Do-it-yourself construction of a slab is possible on a flat area with a guaranteed absence of third-party communications.

When pointing out the main drawback of the slab base - high cost, the opponents of this technology do not take into account that the slab is also an overlap, a floor on the ground, and allows you to integrate a heating system into it. This, ultimately, is cheaper than a deep strip base, the amount is quite comparable to MZLF with a safety margin of 300%.

The scheme of the pie of a slab of a private house protected from frost heaving looks like this:

  • sand - 15 - 20 cm, replaces heaving soil;
  • crushed stone - 15 - 20 cm, is a draining layer;
  • communications - necessary for life support systems;
  • drainage - laid along the perimeter, collects water from the ground, removes it from concrete structures;
  • concrete preparation - thickness 5 - 10 cm, used as a rigid base for rolled waterproofing, which in its absence will be torn by sharp corners of rubble;
  • waterproofing - two - three layers, roll materials based on polyester, fiberglass are recommended (Technoelast, Linocrom, Bikrost), the layer protects the concrete structure from moisture;
  • thermal insulation - 15 - 30 cm, retains the geothermal heat of the bowels under the sole of the house, heaving soil does not freeze through, there are no heaving forces;
  • stiffeners - increase the strength of the slab, are made across the long wall of the house and along the perimeter, directed downward from the sole;
  • armored belt - two reinforcing meshes with a cell of 20 x 20 cm from bars 12 - 16 mm;
  • warm floor - water circuits laid on top of the reinforcement or between the grids;
  • concrete - thickness 20-50 cm, provides rigidity, strength of the slab;
  • flanging - from expanded polystyrene, protects the plate at the ends;
  • blind area insulation - expanded polystyrene sheets increase the perimeter of thermal insulation, cutting off lateral freezing.

The main advantages of the slab foundation are:

  • lack of special equipment - all work can be done by hand;
  • minimal excavation - it is enough to remove the fertile layer.

The main costs are for reinforcement, insulation, waterproofing and ready-mixed concrete, which is better to order for guaranteed filling of the formwork in one go.

Step-by-step instructions for installing a slab foundation

Step-by-step diagram of the slab foundation device

Research and calculation

Soil sampling

When designing a monolithic slab, it is necessary to take into account the experience of similar structures in the region, the results of surveys (ground water, the nature of the soil, the bearing capacity of the formation), conditions terms of reference(number of floors, wall, roofing materials). Surveys include at least five geological pits (corners + middle of the slab).

The result of the research is the characteristics of strength, deformation of different layers of soil in the building spot, forecasting changes in the chemical composition during the operation of the dwelling, the degree of aggressiveness of groundwater.

It is necessary to compare several solutions to identify the best combination of construction budget and technical characteristics. Step-by-step instruction calculation:

  • concrete grade - M200 and higher for a slab, M50 for preparation, according to the foundations of structures, buildings;
  • GWL depth - anti-corrosion measures in the presence of perched water;
  • when calculating prefabricated loads, the weight of the slab is not taken into account on sandy soil;
  • the bearing capacity, deformations that can destroy the structure are calculated.

For this, special programs are used that have proven the performance of the foundations made according to their results in real operating conditions. The main documents at this stage are:

  • soil classification -;
  • enclosing structures, bearing -;
  • anticorrosive of the power frame of the building -;
  • design, manufacture of MZF -.

Unlike strip foundations, the slab has an increased bearing area, prefabricated loads from the building are distributed evenly, and the strength margin is very large.

Marking and earthworks

We remove the fertile layer of soil

The plate is forbidden to fill in the fertile layer. The layout of the house looks like this:

  • axes - carried out in the building spot with a cord fixed on pegs installed further than the perimeter of the drainage system;
  • pit - 0.5 meters more than the slab on each side (for drainage), the slab protrudes at least 10 cm beyond the dimensions of the building (depending on the project).

Due to the small amount of work to remove the fertile layer (20 - 40 cm) for a residential building, the work is done by hand without the involvement of special equipment. At this stage, it is necessary to ensure the protection of the monolithic structure from soil moisture (top water). To do this, drains are laid around the perimeter:

  • geotextile, going to the edges of the ditch;
  • a layer of compacted rubble;
  • perforated pipe (corrugated or smooth in a dornite filter) with a slope towards the underground reservoir;
  • backfilling with a natural filter (crushed stone fraction 10/20);
  • covering with the remaining geotextiles.

Drains must not be laid under concrete preparation or foundation slab. The height of the backfill should be flush with the crushed stone base pad.

In addition, after pouring the slab into the building, it is impossible to introduce communications, therefore cold water pipelines and sewers are laid at the same stage. They do not have to be buried below the freezing mark, since the thermal insulation of the sole of the slab will retain geothermal heat, the earth will not freeze under the cottage. Enough depth of 1 - 1.2 m.


We arrange a sand cushion. Sealing is a must.

Another measure to reduce heaving forces is the substrate. It is made by hand using technology:

  • layer-by-layer compaction of sand - 10 cm backfill, abundant moisture, tamping with a vibrating plate, the second layer of the same thickness;
  • layer-by-layer compaction of crushed stone - fraction 10/20, similarly.

We lay down a layer of rubble.

Instead of crushed stone, sand, a mixture of ASGs can be used to a depth of 40 cm with compaction by the specified method. Only in this case, the monolithic foundation of the house will receive reliable support on the lower layer.

Concrete preparation and waterproofing

We do concrete preparation.

For a monolithic slab, a lower waterproofing cut-off is required to prevent corrosion of concrete and reinforcement inside it. Laying a waterproofing carpet made of rolled materials over a layer of crushed stone does not meet the operational conditions:

  • the sharp edges of the stones break through the material;
  • seams cannot be properly sealed.

Therefore, when building the foundation of a house with your own hands, concrete preparation is often used. This is a simple screed that solves two problems:

  • providing a flat surface on which it is easy to stick the bituminous base of Bikrost, Linokrom, Technoelast, to reliably seal the seams;
  • creation of an even base of the slab, strengthening its strength, stabilizing the geometry.

We install waterproofing.

The method of pouring into the formwork is standard, the thickness of the screed is 5 cm, reinforcement is not required. Roll materials provide a minimum construction budget, impregnation, primers are not used here. The recommended overlap of the strips is 15 - 20 cm, the seams are treated with hot or cold bitumen-based mastics. The edges of the waterproofing mat are extended beyond the perimeter of the concrete preparation so that, after pouring the slab, they can be run onto the sides and top surface.

We lay insulation under the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building.

Extruded polystyrene XPS is used as a heat insulator. It is laid in two layers (10 + 10 cm) closely for smooth boards. If stiffeners are provided in the project, the first layer is laid end-to-end with your own hands, in the second, gaps are created along the width of the ribs:

  • along the perimeter;
  • perpendicular to the long wall after 3 m.

In this case, the monolithic slab has a large margin of safety, the house is free from distortions during operation.


We create a reinforcing cage in accordance with the project.

Reinforcement of the slab with armored belts is carried out in accordance with the regulatory documentation for reinforced concrete, concrete structures. reinforcement scheme looks like:

  • manufacture of clamps - a smooth 6 mm bar, bent in the form of a square, a triangle;
  • creation of reinforcing meshes - longitudinal, transverse bars of a periodic profile with a diameter of 12 - 16 mm, connected with a knitting wire or connected by welding (cell 15 x 15 cm);
  • reinforcement of stiffeners - four longitudinal bars connected with clamps;
  • laying the lower belt - installed on concrete pads (thickness 15 - 25 mm, section 10 x 10 cm) to provide a protective layer (the reinforcement must be recessed in concrete);
  • installation of the upper belt - clamps are placed on the lower grid, the upper card is attached to them.

From the ends, the plate is reinforced with U-shaped clamps.

It is not desirable to use separate bars inside the armored belt. They need to be bent on curved sections, in places of communication input nodes with common grid maps. To save reinforcement, the cell in some cases is enlarged to 20 x 20 cm.


We install and strengthen the formwork.

To pour a monolithic structure with your own hands around the perimeter, you need to install the formwork. It is constructed from OSB, chipboard, plywood or edged boards in the form of shields. The inner surface is sheathed with roofing felt or film to prevent chipping of concrete during stripping. The main document in the construction of formwork are standards; .

Shields are mounted along the perimeter, to protect the structure from freezing, 10 cm of expanded polystyrene can be laid vertically inside them. This insulation is also laid under the blind area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house to prevent lateral freezing. It is laid at the level of the sole of the slab, flush with the lower or upper layer of the heat insulator inside the formwork.

Pouring and curing concrete

Pour concrete into the formwork and level the surface. Sealing is a must.

Requirements for the design, manufacture of the MZF are specified in the standards, according to which the work is carried out. When filling, the following conditions must be met:

  • filling the formwork with concrete in one step;
  • the maximum interval between feeding the mixture with a mixer after vibrocompaction of the previous section is 2 hours in warm weather;
  • it is forbidden to distill concrete with shovels around the entire perimeter from one place - it is necessary to rearrange the mixer or use a concrete pump;
  • vibrocompaction is carried out until the appearance of cement milk, hiding the crushed stone and the absence of bubbles;
  • the step of lowering the nozzle of the deep vibrator cannot exceed its radius of action;
  • in winter, the mixture is heated with a cable laid inside the formwork, covered with film materials, steam heating;
  • vibrator nozzles must not be leaned against the meshes of armored belts;
  • stripping is possible on the fifth - seventh day under normal conditions;
  • the mirror of concrete must be protected from precipitation, should be covered with burlap, moistened from a watering can in the heat.

Subject to technology, recommendations on the choice of materials, reinforcement cross-sections, the slab foundation will not require restoration, it will serve three generations of property owners, at least. All technologies listed meet the requirements of the specified normative documents, have operating experience in the regions of the Russian Federation.

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