The process of designing buildings and structures. Design of buildings and structures

The design of buildings and structures in Moscow and the Moscow region is the development of design estimates, which is necessary for construction and installation work in the city. Design is a very important stage of the investment cycle, which determines the effectiveness of the planned construction, reconstruction and redevelopment. Carrying out construction and installation works without the availability of design and estimate documentation in Russian Federation Absolutely forbidden.

Design of buildings and structures. Stages

Stage of pre-project studies or preliminary design

Pre-project studies are carried out for the urban planning justification for the placement of new construction objects and for the reconstruction of an existing object, they establish a preliminary budget, investment justification and the possibility of building or reconstructing an object on a site, taking into account urban planning and historical, cultural, socio-economic and sanitary-hygienic, as well as environmental requirements.

Stage "Project"

At this stage, design and estimate documentation is developed in accordance with all state standards, in the composition necessary and sufficient for state examinations and construction. The materials of this stage are consistent in all government bodies and submitted for approval.

Stage "Working Documentation"

At this stage, the previously developed design and estimate documentation is detailed. The documentation is prepared in a volume sufficient for the implementation of the possibility of carrying out construction and installation works. According to the sections, working drawings are made and specifications of materials and equipment are prepared, as well as components are developed in detail. As a result, a complete documentary package is created, which is necessary for the implementation of construction and installation works.

It is possible to combine 2 stages "Project" and "Detailed Documentation" into one stage called "Detailed Design".

Basic services for the design of buildings and structures:

  • functions of the general designer;
  • design of internal engineering systems;
  • design of civil and industrial buildings;
  • development of redevelopment projects;
  • design of external engineering networks;
  • development of projects for strengthening the structures of buildings and structures using the latest developments, advanced building materials;
  • development of reconstruction and repair projects;
  • performance of special design calculations (for dynamic and explosive, seismic and pulsating, shock and other effects);
  • carrying out verification and design calculations of structures;
  • coordination of projects;
  • technical consultations for the design of particularly complex structures during the design of building structures;
  • design of individual low-rise houses, cottages;
  • author's supervision.

Design of civil and industrial buildings usually carried out in two stages. At the first, a design task is developed, at the second, working drawings are drawn up.

At design of civil and industrial buildings and structures of particular complexity or architectural significance, a third is added to these two stages. In the course of it is compiled Consider further.

Project task

It determines the technical feasibility, as well as the economic feasibility of construction. At the stage of drawing up the task, an architectural and planning composition is developed, the features of the object placement on the terrain are determined.

At the first stage design of civil buildings and production facilities selected building materials, structures. The design task describes the nature and types of sanitary equipment systems, power supply networks. It indicates the area, the calculated temperature indicators, the parameters of the structure, the timing of the development of the project and the construction of the facility. The task is approved by the customer.

The developed documentation is coordinated with various authorities. These include the authorities of the State Fire Supervision, Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, etc.

Working drawings

At and production facilities, the number of drawings should be the minimum necessary to carry out construction and installation activities.

Working drawings are not approved. They are issued to builders with the signatures of the designers and the head of the design company.

Project development

Design of civil buildings and production facilities - a creative process. At the same time, such work is considered quite complex and time-consuming, requiring certain experience and knowledge.

The basis for the design of civil buildings and production facilities are the current standards and norms (SNiP, technical regulations).

The result of the activity is finished project object. It is a set of documents required for direct construction.

Project classification

Construction of facilities is carried out according to individual and standard schemes. In the first case, documentation is developed for a specific structure. As a rule, private houses, sports complexes, theaters, etc. are erected according to individual projects.

Typical is a project that can be used repeatedly. It can underlie many residential complexes, hospitals, schools, etc. Standard projects use generalized planning and architectural design solutions.

With a typical design of civil buildings, industrial facilities, binding to a specific area is necessary. This requires information about the structure of the soil, relief, snow, as well as calculated temperature indicators in winter.

Standard designs allow the implementation of unified designs. This, in turn, ensures construction optimization.

Adaptation to climatic conditions

At design (civil buildings in particular) the facility must be adapted to local conditions. To do this, you need to clarify:

  • The thickness of the walls and thermal insulation material.
  • Design features of the foundation, its depth, parameters, type of waterproofing material.

Changes due to the specifics of local conditions are reflected, as a rule, in the "zero cycle".

Structure of project documentation

With a two-stage design, the documentation includes an architectural and construction project, and with a one-stage design, a construction project with a selected architectural part to be approved.

The architectural solution is intended to form an idea of ​​the planned structure. This documentation reflects the features of the placement of the object on the ground, its physical parameters, artistic and aesthetic details. Technical and economic indicators are also given. This documentation includes a draft solution.

A construction project is a project developed on the basis of approved urban planning and architectural documentation, the results of engineering surveys. It provides direct funding for the construction process of the facility.

A town-planning project is a set of interrelated documents drawn up in accordance with the requirements of regulations and information from the State Cadastre. It is the basis for planning urban planning and architectural activities.

Artist choice

During the construction of industrial facilities or the construction residential complex The builder is selected through a competition. The customer in this case forms the tender documentation. It contains initial information about the commercial, technical and other characteristics of the future object, the conditions and procedure for the tender.

The Contractor shall appoint the participant who has offered the most advantageous economic terms decision on the implementation of the project.

Design of residential and civil buildings

It is carried out in accordance with the provisions of SNiP 2.08-01-89. Apartments in houses are designed to accommodate one family.

Multi-apartment buildings are of tower, gallery, sectional and corridor types. Most of the houses are rectangular in shape.

The most common buildings are nine-, twelve- and sixteen-story. Often to residential buildings non-residential objects are attached: shops, premises for consumer services, social and cultural purposes.

According to the requirements for orientation to the cardinal points, sections of unlimited and limited orientation are distinguished. In the latter case, the windows overlook one longitudinal part of the building. Sections of this type can only be used when the longitudinal axis of the house is located along the meridian.

With unlimited orientation, the windows of the apartments face both sides of the building. This option is used for any location of the object on the general plan.

According to sanitary requirements, residential premises should be located exclusively on above-ground floors.

Area features

When calculating the size of apartments and premises in a residential building, auxiliary, residential and useful areas are allocated. The first two together make up the usable space. Utility is the area of ​​​​the kitchen, bathroom, hallway, corridor and other auxiliary premises. Everything else is living space. The area of ​​landings, vestibules, common corridors is not considered utility.

public buildings

They are called buildings designed to accommodate administrative organizations and institutions, as well as objects of social services for citizens.

Depending on the purpose, public buildings are divided into:

  • Educational. These include kindergartens, schools, etc.
  • Therapeutic and prophylactic. These include clinics, dispensaries, etc.
  • Cultural and educational. These include libraries, theaters.
  • Trade and communal. These include canteens, shops, and so on.
  • Objects of communication and transport.
  • Administrative.

There are the following main options for planning schemes of public buildings:

  • Enfilade. In this case, the rooms are arranged in series. This scheme is used in art galleries, museums, department stores.
  • Corridor. In this case, the premises are located on both or on one side of the corridor. This layout option is common in medical, educational, administrative buildings.

Design of modern window systems in civil buildings

Currently, window systems are made of wood, PVC and aluminum.

Any structure is affected by a number of factors, as a rule, of a non-force nature, and therefore they do not cause stress states in structural elements. However, at the same time, they have a certain effect on the people who are in the premises. Factors that affect a person include:

  • temperature fluctuations.
  • Humidity fluctuations outside and inside the room.
  • Daylight.
  • Precipitation.
  • Dust, chemical impurities in the air.

Translucent enclosing elements as load-bearing structures must have the necessary strength, rigidity and resistance to all of the above factors. Window systems are designed in such a way that the necessary sound insulation, thermal protection, and tightness are provided. In addition, the structures must have high lighting properties.


The legislation establishes special requirements for design organizations. One of them is the availability of a license to conduct such activities. The establishment of stringent requirements is determined by the need to ensure the safety of people in residential and industrial buildings.

Insufficient qualifications, inexperience of a specialist involved in design can lead to serious negative consequences. Errors in calculations, ignoring the specifics of climatic conditions and other factors can lead to premature destruction of objects and death of people.

Building design is one of the main stages and an integral part of the construction process. The design process is the activity of one or a group of people aimed at creating a set of documentation for the construction of an object, its repair or disposal.

The design of the building can be standard or individual.

A typical project is a project that implies multiple implementation of this project. good example are typical series residential buildings. Usage standard projects allows to reduce the construction time of the facility and the cost due to the use of mass-produced materials.

An individual project is a project created for implementation in a single instance. An individual project may contain standard designs and subsequently become a standard project itself. It is rational to order an individual project if there are no standard projects that fully meet the requirements of the customer.

The entire design process, depending on the purpose of the building, can be divided into 3 stages.

Preliminary design

At this stage, the main parameters of the future building, the composition and purpose of the premises are worked out, a layout and visualization are created. At this stage, the project documentation is not subject to approval by state oversight bodies.

A draft design can be a document containing layouts, 3D visualizations and characteristics of the future building. A miniature model of the building can be made.

Project documentation

At this stage, project documentation is being developed for examination.

Compound project documentation determined by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 No. 87 and consists of:

explanatory note (PZ);

schemes of the planning organization of the land plot "(PZU) - the general plan of the building;

architectural solutions (AR);

constructive and space-planning solutions (CR);

information about engineering equipment (IOS) - electric, gas and water supply, water disposal, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, low-voltage networks, technological solutions;

construction organization project (POS);

list of measures for environmental protection (EP);

measures to ensure fire safety (PB);

Accessibility Measures for Persons with Disabilities (ODA);

estimates and other necessary sections.

The technical solutions in the project documentation must be developed to such an extent that the expert can make a conclusion about the safety of the structure, all materials must be counted for the preparation of estimates. In fact, the building can be built according to the design documentation, because at this stage, all the main structural elements and components are already in place. The constructed object must satisfy the design documentation that has passed the examination, therefore, if the design documentation is developed in sufficient detail, then the development working documentation not required.

If there are no strict design standards for the draft design, then the design and working documentation must be drawn up in accordance with unified system design documentation (ESKD).

working documentation

At this stage, documentation is being developed, which is transferred directly to the builders who will build the building.

Working documentation is developed on the basis of the approved project documentation and must fully comply with it.

The main differences between the working documentation and the design documentation are the degree of elaboration of units and details, although the bill of materials and the main units should already be at the stage of design documentation. In other words, secondary components and details are added to the working documentation that do not affect the strength of the building frame.

Consider the building design process

This activity includes the following steps:

1) information gathering

2) search for the best technical solution

3) strength calculation

4) development of design documentation

5) calculation of the cost of implementation (estimate)

6) coordination with supervisory authorities

To start construction, we need a site on which the future building will be built. All lands in the Russian Federation are divided into certain categories depending on the purpose. In title documents for a land plot, the category of land is determined and it is written what can be built on this site. If it is required to build a building that does not correspond to the category of allocated land, then it is necessary to legally change the category of land, otherwise the construction will be illegal, which threatens with great consequences.

I want to note that the examination is not required for the following objects capital construction:

1) free standing residential buildings with the number of floors not more than three, intended for the residence of one family (objects of individual housing construction);

2) residential buildings with no more than three floors, consisting of several blocks, the number of which does not exceed ten and each of which is intended for one family, has a common wall (common walls) without openings with the neighboring block or neighboring blocks, located on separate land plot and has access to the common area (residential houses of blocked development);

3) apartment buildings with no more than three floors, consisting of one or more block sections, the number of which does not exceed four, each of which contains several apartments and common areas and each of which has a separate entrance with access to the common area;

4) detached capital construction facilities with no more than two floors, the total area of ​​which is no more than 1500 square meters and which are not intended for citizens to live and carry out production activities;

5) detached capital construction projects with no more than two floors, the total area of ​​which is not more than 1500 square meters, which are intended for the implementation of production activities and for which the establishment of sanitary protection zones is not required or for which within the boundaries land plots where such facilities are located, the establishment of sanitary protection zones is required.

But the project is needed in any case.

Depending on which object will be built, you can use the existing standard design or building layout, order a draft design, or complete a project from scratch.

The development of project documentation should be carried out by an organization that has the appropriate approval of the SRO (self-regulatory organization), however, if the project is not subject to examination, then the approval of the SRO is not required.

To start designing, the following initial data are required:

- a design assignment, in which the requirements for the future building should be spelled out in as much detail as possible;

— geological and geodetic surveys the construction site where the building is planned to be erected;

– topographic survey, situational plan, layout of engineering networks at the construction site;

— technical conditions for connection to engineering networks (electricity, water, gas, sewerage, data transmission networks, disposal of liquid and solid waste);

— architectural and planning task for the design;

- initial data for budgeting (conversion factor or prices for work and materials);

- conclusion on the state of building structures (during reconstruction);

— description of the technological process and requirements for premises or building structures.

The design task is drawn up by the customer, in which he prescribes the main requirements for the future building. This task is the basis for signing and an integral part of the contract for the provision of design work.

The customer can order engineering geological and geodetic surveys from third party organization and transfer to the design bureau, or prescribe the performance of these works in the contract with the design organization. In any case, surveys should be carried out by an organization that has the appropriate SRO approval.

If a preliminary design was made, then it will be the basis for the creation of project documentation.

If the project is based on a type series, then the main task is to link the project to the construction site and develop a foundation project.

To create design documentation for an industrial building, it is first necessary to develop a production technology, arrange equipment in accordance with the production cycle, think over best option for loading and unloading products and, based on these data, develop a project.

In accordance with the requirements of the production technology, construction, sanitary, fire requirements, the accepted architectural concept of the building, the conditions of the local building materials market, we choose the technology for the construction of the future building. Any technology of construction production has its advantages and disadvantages.

Next, one or more building models are created and a strength calculation is made, the main sections of the power elements are selected, and a feasibility study is performed. On the basis of a feasibility study, a variant of the building frame is accepted and design documentation is developed.

Project documentation must comply with the required construction, sanitary and fire regulations, the terms of reference and the purpose of the building.

Based on the topographic survey, a master plan is created, on which all adjacent buildings and networks should be indicated.

The developed project documentation must undergo an examination.

After passing the examination, a building permit is issued and, if necessary, working documentation is developed.

Changes may be made to the project documentation during the construction process. If such changes affect the provision of building, fire or sanitary standards, then a second examination is required.

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The vast construction experience accumulated in the USSR over the years of five-year plans, and the work of our design and research organizations (Promstroyproekt, Giprotis, Gipromez, TsNIPS, etc.) made it possible to develop a design methodology. The order and sequence of technological and construction design of industrial enterprises is currently strictly regulated by the "Instructions for the preparation of projects and estimates for industrial and civil construction." There are a number of directives to reduce the cost of construction:

a) by minimizing the territory of industrial enterprises and settlements attached to them;

b) an economical solution to the master plans of enterprises with a compact placement of individual workshops and the combination of several production and auxiliary workshops into common buildings;

c) preventing the construction of office buildings and premises for domestic needs in an amount exceeding the need for them;

d) the use of the most economical design solutions and efficient materials that minimize the weight of buildings and structures and reduce the consumption of building materials;

e) by eliminating architectural and finishing excesses in the design;

f) the use of high-performance units, advanced technological processes and production methods at the level of modern technological advances, etc.

The design should be carried out in a comprehensive manner, with the linkage of individual parts of the project - technological, construction, etc. When designing, the requirements of the obligatory "Technical rules for the economical use" of metal, cement and timber in construction "(TP 101-51) must be observed.

Only through the joint efforts of an architect, civil engineer, technologist and power engineer, depending on the specific requirements of technological processes, questions about the column grid, building dimensions, opening sizes, floor construction, electrical equipment, etc. can be correctly resolved.

The design of industrial enterprises and surveys are carried out by design organizations. For each enterprise being designed, the design organization appoints a chief engineer (chief architect) of the project, who is responsible for the project as a whole, as well as for the estimated cost of the object being designed. To develop individual issues, specialized design organizations appoint a chief engineer or chief architect responsible for the part of the project being performed and its estimated cost.

The design of industrial enterprises begins on the basis of a design assignment, which is drawn up by a ministry or department or, on their instructions, by combines, trusts, and enterprises. The task should contain the following data: the area or point of construction, product characteristics, enterprise capacity, production relations, the main sources of supply of the enterprise with raw materials, fuel pressure, construction time and the order of capacity commissioning.

The design of industrial enterprises is carried out in two or three stages.

With the possibility of widespread use of standard projects and standard solutions or reuse of existing cost-effective projects of similar enterprises, buildings and structures, the design is carried out in two stages: 1) a design assignment with a consolidated ametno-finanium calculation and 2) working drawings.

In the absence of the possibility of using standard or existing cost-effective projects, the design of an enterprise with a new, undeveloped production or a complex technological process is carried out in three stages: 1) a design assignment with a summary estimate and financial calculation, 2) a technical project with a summary estimate, 3) working drawings.

For auxiliary and ancillary facilities, household and administrative-office buildings, as well as for technically simple structures, a reduced amount of design estimates is allowed.

The project assignment is intended to identify and substantiate the technical feasibility and economic feasibility of the proposed construction in a given location and within the scheduled time frame, to ensure the correct choice of a construction site, sources of supply of its main raw materials, fuel, water and electricity, and also to establish the main technical solutions for the designed facilities, the total cost of construction and the main technical and economic indicators.

To draw up a project assignment, careful economic and technical surveys and surveys of the area and the construction site in order to obtain the data necessary for the design. At this design stage, all the main fundamental issues related to this construction are resolved, all data from preliminary studies are critically checked. Thus, the project assignment is the first stage of integrated design, on which the technical and economic feasibility of construction is substantiated. When drawing up a project assignment, it must be borne in mind that by cooperating with neighboring enterprises, it is possible to drastically reduce the costs of the main construction, access roads, handling devices, power supply, water supply, sewerage, etc.

Drawing up a project assignment is accompanied by the obligatory coordination of a number of issues with the relevant organizations and departments:

a) selection of a site for the construction of an enterprise and a settlement attached to it, a place for water intake and descent Wastewater are coordinated with the local Council and the bodies of the State Sanitary Inspectorate;

b) adjoining access roads to railway lines - with control railway MPS;

c) the method of supplying the enterprise with energy and heat - with local authorities in charge of energy supply.

The project task is the most important stage of design, as its materials serve as initial data for further stages of project development. Concretizing the above provisions, it must be emphasized that the design assignment should contain the following data: site selection for industrial and residential construction; characteristics and nomenclature] ru of manufactured products; enterprise performance; industrial relations (temporary and permanent cooperation); sources of supply for the main types of raw materials and fuel; ways to provide the enterprise with water, energy, transport and housing; the composition of the enterprise and the scheme of technological processes; type of main buildings and structures and their construction characteristics; timing and order of construction.

When designing in three stages in the technological part of the design assignment, the layout with the location of equipment in the workshops is not developed, and the amount of main equipment is determined approximately.

In addition, the design task establishes:

a) the total estimated cost of the construction of the enterprise based on the estimated financial calculations for individual facilities, work and costs;

"U b) the volume of basic construction and installation work with brief description recommended methods for the production of works on large buildings and structures.

When drawing up a design assignment, the maximum possible use of standard projects for this construction or the use of existing economical projects should be ensured.

On the basis of the approved project assignment during the design, “in two stages, it is allowed to issue orders for the main equipment.

The technical design is a document in which, on the basis of the approved design assignment, the volume of construction and its technical and economic indicators are specified. Drawing up a technical project is aimed at the detailed development of the technological processes adopted in the design assignment for new, still undeveloped types of production, as well as the solution of the construction part of projects for complex buildings and structures.

For all auxiliary facilities (repair and mechanical workshops, transformer kiosks, offices, garages, factory management buildings) and cultural and community services for workers (residential buildings, canteens, schools, nurseries, clubs), as a rule, standard designs should be used.

The technical project should contain the following main characteristics of the enterprise being designed and project materials:

a) the production program and the mode of operation of the shops;

b) technological processes of production, types, quantity and placement (planning) of the main equipment;

c) floor plans, sections and facades of the main and large auxiliary buildings and structures;

d) the master plan of the enterprise, developed on the basis of additional surveys and studies, indicating the marks of the finished floor of the first floor of the main buildings and structures and the location of transport routes;

e) updated data on the organization and technology of construction and installation works;

f) data on energy supply, heat supply, water supply, sewerage and transport, clarifying materials) of the project assignment and providing the possibility of developing, working drawings and ordering the main equipment;

g) technical and economic calculations and determination of the cost of construction according to estimates, the procedure for compiling which is indicated below.

The given composition of the project assignment and the technical project includes a list of only the main issues; their full content is given in the "Instructions for the preparation of projects, and estimates for industrial and residential construction."

Working drawings are developed during the design in two stages on the basis of the approved design assignment, and in three stages - on the basis of the approved technical design.

The main purpose of the working drawings is to clarify the general development plan, to ensure full alignment of building structures with the dimensions of production equipment and foundations for them according to updated data from geological and hydrogeological studies, as well as with devices for sanitary engineering, energy, etc. In the construction part of the project, details metal, reinforced concrete, stone and wooden structures of buildings with specifications and samples of materials are being developed.

Thus, working drawings of buildings and structures of industrial enterprises should include:

a) drawings of architectural and construction plans, sections and facades of buildings;

b) drawings of buildings with the location of production, transport and energy equipment and communications;

c) drawings of building structures;

d) drawings for special types works - heating, ventilation, heat supply, water supply, sewerage, etc.;

e) drawings - power supply networks and electric lighting.

The development of working drawings is prohibited for those parts and assemblies for which there are standards or standard drawings (lintels, doors, window frames, elements of stairs, etc.).

Working drawings should be clear and legible, with a sufficient number of dimensions and explanatory inscriptions.

For approval to higher organizations, in case of two-stage design, a design assignment with a summary estimate and financial calculation is submitted, and in case of three-stage design, a technical project with a summary estimate is also submitted. Working drawings are drawn up under the responsibility of the design organizations or equipment suppliers performing them and are not subject to approval.

A complete set of approved design materials, together with protocols or orders for their approval, is stored in the organization approving the design materials and in the directorate of the enterprise under construction.

Design process includes a large-scale complex of works from the collection of initial data to the formation of a set of working documentation. The responsibilities of the design organization include:

Depending on the technical complexity and scale of the object, the design is carried out in one or two stages.

Single stage design

One-stage design implies making design decisions in parallel with the creation of working documentation. The results of the work are displayed in the "Working draft". Issues of a general and particular nature are solved simultaneously and in parallel. Only the most significant part of the project is subject to approval. The approved documentation is sent to expert organizations for approval. Working drawings are developed even before receiving an expert opinion.

The advantage of a one-stage scheme is a reduction in the design time by one and a half to two times and a reduction in the cost of project development by 40-50%. However, this approach does not give any guarantee that the finished drawings will not require revision. Therefore, one-stage design is practiced in exceptional cases - for simple, typical or re-constructed objects. The development of a major overhaul project also consists of one stage.

Two-stage design

The process of two-stage design is divided into two stages: the development of design solutions and the formation of working documentation. At the “Project” stage, general and fundamental issues are considered. The finished set of project documentation is sent for examination to a state or non-state service. If necessary, according to the recommendations of experts, changes are made to section "P", shortcomings are eliminated.

Only after the design decisions are agreed upon in expert organizations, working drawings are developed, which are used at the construction site to perform construction and installation works (stage "P" or "Working documentation"). For technically complex objects, before the development of design solutions, a pre-project (conceptual, draft) proposal is drawn up. The two-stage principle eliminates the need for repeated processing of working drawings, guarantees the high quality of the project and its full compliance with the requirements terms of reference and regulatory documents.

The composition of the project documentation

One- and two-stage design differs only in the sequence of development of design solutions and working documentation. In the first case, these two stages are performed in parallel, in the second - sequentially. The composition of the project does not depend on the number of design stages.

The composition of the project documentation sections is approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87. The document has 12 sections:

This is a kit primary documents, which reflect a set of conceptual solutions in the form of sketches or 3D computer models. During the development of the pre-project proposal:

  • the layout of the building on the land plot is determined;
  • technical and economic calculations are carried out to substantiate the investment attractiveness of the facility;
  • a general concept of the architecture of the building is being developed;
  • are being worked out general issues style, design, functionality of the building.

Stage "Project"

This is the most responsible, lengthy and voluminous design stage. At the “P” stage, the reliability of all building structures and the compliance of design solutions with the requirements of regulatory documents are ensured. During the design, detailed detailing of nodes is not performed. Project documentation consists of two main parts - textual and graphic. The text part contains information about the adopted technical solutions with explanations and links to regulations, calculation results to substantiate the decisions made.

The graphic part includes drawings, diagrams, plans, 3D models. Design solutions are subject to expert evaluation. After receiving positive opinions from organizations that conduct state or non-state expertise, the project moves to the “P” stage. The approved documentation of the "P" stage is used to develop a set of working drawings and updated estimate documentation.

Stage "Working documentation"

At the “P” stage, design solutions are worked out in more detail, on the basis of which the following is developed:

  • sets of drawings by brand;
  • sweeping documentation;
  • equipment specifications;
  • material requirements list;
  • statements of volumes of construction and installation works;
  • other attached documents.

Working documentation is used by construction and installation teams to perform work at the facility. Drawings and specifications are necessary for specialists in design and technical supervision. The general composition of the working documentation is determined depending on the specifics of the object and is specified in the design contract. The composition of the working drawings complies with the requirements of the special system of standards SPDS (Project Documentation System for Construction), in particular:

  • GOST 21.101-93 “SPDS. Basic requirements for working documentation”;
  • GOST 21.110 “SPDS. Rules for fulfilling the specification of equipment, products and materials.

Shop drawing set tags

Here is a short list of the most commonly used brands of working drawings.

GP is the master plan. Layout drawing, plans of earth masses, organization of relief, placement of engineering networks, landscaping.

AR - architectural solutions. Floor plans, sections, drawings of facades.

KR - solution constructions. Drawings of foundations, walls, ceilings, stairs, metal structures.

OV– heating, ventilation, air conditioning. Plans, layouts, specifications for heating, air conditioning and ventilation equipment.

VK - water supply and sewerage. Plans, diagrams, specifications of equipment for water supply and sanitation systems.

EOM- electrical equipment and lighting. Plans, specifications, layouts of lighting fixtures and electrical equipment.

TX - technological solutions. Technological schemes layouts of premises, layout plans and specifications of technological equipment.

Fulfillment of all stages of design in accordance with state standards and norms is the main condition for high-quality design. It is this principle that the PNProject company is guided by in the course of developing projects for buildings and structures for various purposes.