Natural and economic zoning of Russia. Regions of Russia

1 hour.

1.Purpose of work: development of cognitive abilities and activity of students, deepening and expanding theoretical knowledge on the topic: “Economic complex”.


3 Task.

1.Answer the questions and write down the answers in your notebook.

2.What does socio-economic geography study?

3.What is an economic complex?

4.How can a person change unfavorable natural conditions?

5.For what purpose does a person change the natural conditions of the territory?


- Atlas. Economic and social geography of Russia. 9th grade.

Independent work No. 2

Subject: « Factors of economic and geographical location».

1.Purpose of work « Factors of economic and geographical location ».

2. Evaluation criteria: completed work is assessed using a 5-point system:

3 Task.

1. Write a table in your notebook and determine the advantages and disadvantages

geographical location of Russia.

Formulate a conclusion about the specifics of the geographical location of Russia.

3.2. Mark on the contour map:

State borders of Russia.

Neighboring countries.

4. Literature:

Materials needed to complete the task.

Textbook Geography. Population and economy of Russia. 9th grade: , .– M.: word”, 2014

http://geographer. ru – Geographical portal;


Independent work No. 3

Subject: "Subjects of the federation».

Time to complete the work is 1 hour.

1.Purpose of work: development of cognitive abilities and activity of students, deepening and expanding theoretical knowledge on the topic: “Federal subjects ».

2. Evaluation criteria: completed work is assessed using a 5-point system:

3 Task.

1.Draw the diagram “Federal structure of Russia”, Fig. 7 textbook

p.24, analyze and write down the names of cities

Federal significance.

2. How many subjects of the Federation are there in our country?

(how many territories, regions, autonomous okrugs and autonomous regions are there in Russia?

regions, republics, federal cities)?

3.By what criteria are the subjects of the Federation distinguished?


Materials needed to complete the task.

Textbook Geography. Population and economy of Russia. 9th grade: , .– M.: word”, 2014

http://geographer. ru – Geographical portal;

- Atlas. Economic and social geography of Russia. 9th grade.

Independent work No. 4

Subject: "Economic regions of Russia».

Time to complete the work is 1 hour.

1.Purpose of work: development of cognitive abilities and activity of students, deepening and expanding theoretical knowledge on the topic:

« Economic regions of Russia ».

2. Evaluation criteria: completed work is assessed using a 5-point system:

3 Task.

1.What is zoning?

2. How many large natural and economic areas are allocated

on Russian territory?

3.2. Mark natural-economic regions on the contour map


Materials needed to complete the task.

Textbook Geography. Population and economy of Russia. 9th grade: , .– M.: word”, 2014

http://geographer. ru – Geographical portal;

- Atlas. Economic and social geography of Russia. 9th grade.

Independent work No. 5

Subject: "Recreational resources».

Work time - 1 hour .

1.Purpose of work: development of cognitive abilities and activity of students, deepening and expanding theoretical knowledge on the topic:

« Recreational resources ».

2. Evaluation criteria: completed work is assessed using a 5-point system:

3 Task.

3.1.Answer the questions and write down the answers in your notebook.

1. What resources are called recreational?

2. Study table No. 4 Objects of the World Cultural and

natural heritage on the territory of Russia, page 47 of the textbook.

3.2.Prepare a 1-2 minute speech on the World Object

cultural and natural heritage on the territory of Russia -

"Historical center of St. Petersburg."


Materials needed to complete the task.

Textbook Geography. Population and economy of Russia. 9th grade: , .– M.: word”, 2014

http://geographer. ru – Geographical portal;

- Atlas. Economic and social geography of Russia. 9th grade.

Independent work No. 6


Lesson summary

"Ural region

The purpose of the lesson

To form an idea of ​​the Urals as a natural and economic region - the most important metallurgical base of Russia

Lesson Objectives

    Determine the composition of the region, the specifics of its geographical location.

    Show its borderline position in natural and socio-economic terms.

    Show the heterogeneity of natural conditions, the diversity of fossil resources, the spectra of latitudinal and altitudinal zones.

    Introduce you to the natural uniqueness of the Urals.

Lesson type

Lesson and use of ICT

Lesson type

Standard combined practical lesson

Student age


    Multimedia educational program for 9th grade

  1. Power Paint.

    Microsoft Excel

Didactic material

    Geography atlases for grades 8 – 9


a) Handout cards for geographical dictation (can be done in notebooks, on separate pieces of paper, indicating only the numbers of correct answers)

b) Handout cards for consolidating skills in working with a map and testing knowledge acquisition.

c) Text of the crossword on on paper.

3. Teacher’s presentation during the lesson, including geographical dictation

    Teacher presentation on the topic “Mineral resources and natural uniqueness of the Urals.”

    Crossword “Nature of the Urals” on PC in Excel

    Geography of Russia. Textbook for grades 8-9, edited by A.I. Alekseeva. Book two. "Economy and geographical areas." M. Bustard.2005

Visual aids

    Maps, tables, multimedia program slides.

    Teacher presentation slides.

Interdisciplinary connections

History of Russia, economics, literature, physical geography, computer science.

Main content.

Composition of the region. Specifics of geographical location. The Urals as a natural and economic region. Its borderline position in natural and socio-economic terms. Cis-Urals and Trans-Urals. Heterogeneity of natural conditions, diversity of fossil resources. Natural uniqueness. Latitudinal and altitudinal spectra.

Student learning activities

    Writing a geographical dictation.

    Participation in frontal conversation during the lesson and viewing of the multimedia program.

    Working with atlas maps.

    View the presentation “Mineral resources and natural uniqueness of the Urals”

    Carrying out practical work No. 1 and No. 3 in a multimedia program (in the absence of such an opportunity, only No. 3 - with the help of didactic handouts at the desk). Alternatively, solve the crossword puzzle “Nature of the Urals”

    Participate in a discussion on a fundamental issue.

Planned learning outcomes.

Students should be able to:

    Show and name the constituent entities of the Russian Federation within the district;

    Show on the map objects that determine the natural uniqueness of the Urals;

    Explain the features of the nature of the Urals, the uniqueness of its individual territories in natural terms;

    Assess the EGP of the area.

    Name the most important types of natural resources of the Urals, especially mineral ones

Basic knowledge of 8th grade

    features of the tectonic, geological structure and topography of the country;

    geological chronology;

    mineral wealth;

    connection with tectonic and geological structure;

    Volga-Ural oil and gas region; Kachkanar iron ore deposit; deposits of non-ferrous metals in the Urals;

    temperature and precipitation distribution;

    natural-anthropogenic landscapes;

    natural economic zones.

Practical work

(goal: testing mastery of the material + skills in working with atlas maps)

    In the multimedia program:

    No. 1 - Altitudinal zonation in the Urals

    No. 3 – The largest and most famous mineral deposits of the Urals

When doing in notebooks - only No. 3

As an option, solve the crossword puzzle “Nature of the Urals” (you can choose from it)


Mandatory part:



Ural region

Volga region

Creative task:

Lesson Plan

    Check of knowledge

    Geographical location of the Urals

    Composition of the region (subjects of the Russian Federation)

    Climate, natural areas, inland waters

    Relief, geological structure, minerals of the Urals.

    Natural uniqueness


During the classes(Navigation diagram)

« Ural region.Geographical location and nature"

Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Student activities

Note time

Organizational stage:

Checking the class's readiness for the lesson

The teacher checks that students have textbooks, workbooks, atlases, and writing materials.

The system administrator (one of the students in the class, prepared for this function in advance) checks the readiness of all PCs, the installation of all necessary programs, and the connection of a multimedia projector

Homework check stage

The teacher checks the students’ homework on compiling a systematizing table “Southern Seas of Russia”

Students submit work to the teacher

Stage comprehensive knowledge tests

Geographical dictation on the topic “Volga region”

The teacher distributes flashcards to students for completing work (or notebooks for tests and practical work) and displays dictation questions on the screen of a multimedia projector (see presentation “Lesson Progress”)

Pupils perform dictation

Physical education minute

Standard exercises are performed corresponding to the serial number of the lesson in the class schedule

Do the exercises suggested by the teacher

2 minutes.

The stage of preparing students for active and conscious assimilation of new material

    The teacher moves to the next slide of the presentation “Lesson progress” and announces the topic of the lesson

    Includes the multimedia program "Ural" (second section in the menu)

    Write down the topic of the lesson

    Listen to the opening words of the announcer from the MMP.

Stage of assimilation of new knowledge

    The following presentation slide with the epigraph of the lesson is shown.

    The following presentation slide is shown with the fundamental question: “What features of the EGP and the nature of the Urals turned it into the supporting region of Russia, into the miner and forge of the state?”

    A slide with the goals and objectives of the lesson (in a prepared class, you can invite students to independently formulate the objectives of the lesson, and then adjust them by demonstrating them on a presentation slide).

    A slide with a plan for implementing the lesson’s objectives (You can also suggest that the students themselves draw up a plan based on the objectives. However, to save time, it is advisable to abandon this technique)

    Implementation of the lesson plan:

    • Geographical location of the Urals (MMP → Geographical location → physical and geographical boundaries of the Urals → historical and cultural → economic)

      Composition of the region (students are asked to use a textbook map to compile a list of subjects of the Russian Federation indicating the regional and republican centers included in the Ural economic region). The teacher immediately corrects the textbook and the atlas map, indicating that currently the Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug and the Perm Region are united into the Perm Territory with the regional center the city of Perm.

*At the end of the work, the teacher invites one of the students to read out the results, while simultaneously demonstrating the correct option using the MMP card

    Offers, using the textbook map (upper left corner of the page), to assess the position of the region in the country

    It invites you to think about whether changes have occurred in the position of the region on the territory of the country throughout history.

    Proposes to evaluate the Urals State Enterprise from the point of view of its favorableness for economic development. Invites you to think about whether this assessment has always been so favorable (see MMP → Changes in EGP)

    It invites us to think about how the borderlands of the Urals are manifested?

*Includes the MMP section (Geographical location → Borders of the Urals → Factors in the formation of the region). As students speak, he moves on to the appropriate sections of the MMP. For example, the work order could be like this:

    The border between two parts of the world (return to the physical-geographical boundaries of the Urals)

    Between different sections of the earth's crust (including section Permafrost → Relief → Geological structure). (It is recommended to turn off the sound)

    Between various landforms

    Between the basins of the largest rivers

    Between climatic zones and regions (including Section IMP → Climate, natural zones, inland waters → Climate: hover the mouse over the symbols). The teacher proposes to evaluate the climatic conditions of the Urals from the point of view of their favorableness for life and economic activity population

    Between several natural zones of Russia (MMP → Climate → Natural zones) Confirms (or supplements the students’ answer if they missed it in their answers) the students’ words about the manifestation of altitudinal zonation with the help of MMP by pointing the mouse arrow at the highest peaks of the Ural Mountains.

    Between the two largest macro-regions of Russia: European and Asian (you can go to the MMP to the section “Zoning of Russia → Zoning of Russia → economic zoning → economic regions of the USSR), between Russia and the Central Asian region.

    Proposes to assess the provision of the area with inland waters. After listening to the students’ answers, he asks them to think about whether these rivers and lakes provide the area’s fresh water needs? The rivers of which part of the Urals (Pre-Urals or Trans-Urals) have more water content and why? He notes that numerous lakes in the Urals, especially in the south, are also saline and, unfortunately, polluted.

    Proposes to determine what resources of the Urals were the basis for the development of its industry? (see MMP → Relief → Minerals): hover the mouse cursor over the list of headings “Minerals” and click on the name “Sedimentary origin of the Cis-Urals and Trans-Urals”, then “Axial part of the Urals”, then “Igneous origin of the eastern part of the Urals”)

    Offers to view the presentation “Mineral resources and natural uniqueness of the Urals”

Slide View

Participation in formulating the goals and objectives of the lesson

Participation in lesson plan development

Listening to the MMP announcer, viewing MMP

Compile a list of subjects of the Urals

Listen to the student speaking, review the MMP and correct their work

The position of the region is assessed as border, marginal, inland.

It is noted that the area turned into a marginal and border area after the collapse of the USSR, and before that it had a deep location.

Express their version

Express their versions

Participate in discussions and answer teacher questions

Working with the tectonic map of Russia

Working with the second flyleaf of the textbook. Students note that the relief of the region consists of low, easily traversable mountains and plains - the Cis-Urals (East European Plain) and the Trans-Urals (West Siberian Lowland)

Working with the second flyleaf of the textbook

Viewing MMP and working with fig. 119 in the textbook. The climatic zones and regions in which the Urals are located are named. It is noted that the climate changes from north to south (in the south of the Urals summers are warmer and longer), the average temperature in the north is +15º C, in the south +20º. The Cis-Ural region receives more precipitation than the Trans-Ural region (the reason is the Ural Mountains and the region's remoteness from the ocean). Conclusion: The climate of the Urals is unfavorable (especially in winter); the Cis-Ural region and the south of the Urals have more favorable conditions.

They name the natural zones that meet in the Urals. It is noted that altitudinal zonation is evident in the mountains, although most of the Urals is covered with forests (coniferous and mixed in the south), in the south (Orenburg and Kurgan regions) - with steppes

These macroregions are called. Viewing MMP

By using physical card In the atlas, students note that the region is endowed with a large number of rivers and lakes.

It is suggested that the area is experiencing a shortage of fresh water, since the rivers located in the Urals are low-water (the upper reaches of the rivers). They say that the rivers of the Cis-Ural region have greater water content, since this region of the Urals receives more precipitation, and the supply of the rivers of the Urals is dominated by rain and snow.

They answer that these are the richest mineral resources (they list them), and look at the permafrost.

Under the guidance of the teacher, they view the proposed presentation.

Stage of consolidation of new knowledge and skills

The teacher invites students to complete practical work No. 1 and No. 3 on a PC (see MMP → Ural → Practice). If it is not possible to work on a PC, this work is carried out on paper (handouts are used). As an option, it is possible to solve a crossword puzzle on the topic “Nature of the Urals” both on a PC and on paper.

The work is carried out using atlas maps.

Stage of informing students about homework, instructions on how to complete it

Formulates homework(see the next slide of the presentation “Lesson progress”)

Mandatory part:

    §41 Geographical location and nature.

    Fill out the table “Comparison of EGP of the Urals and the Volga region”



Ural region

Volga region

Creative task: carried out at the request of the students.

See task No. 4 to §41 (Imagine that for guests, business people, tourists visiting the Urals, you were asked to make a list of memorable places that reflect the uniqueness of the area, with the aim of issuing postcards, badges and other souvenirs. What objects would you include in list?)

It is possible to complete the task with a presentation.

The final stage

(Grades for the lesson are given based on the results of students’ participation in a frontal conversation and based on the results of checking students’ written work)

The teacher suggests

    Remember the fundamental question of the lesson and answer it.

    View the final slide of the Final Presentation, which contains lesson conclusion:

“The Urals have (or rather had) rich natural resources that have been exploited for more than 200 years (iron ores, timber) and have been significantly depleted.”

    Think about what questions, based on the conclusion of the lesson, will need to be considered in the next lesson?

Note: An assessment of the economic environment and transport situation of the Urals is deliberately moved to the next lesson, as connecting issues with the economy of the region.

Lesson summary on geography using ICT

Ustinova Tatyana Nikolaevna - geography teacher, GBOU KSHI No. 1 First Moscow Cadet Corps

Subject: Ural economic region. Composition, EGP, natural resource potential.

The purpose of the lesson:

educational: introduce students to the composition of the Ural region, assess its economic-geographical position (EGP), describe the natural conditions and resources of the region.

developing: continue to work on developing the ability to work with various sources of geographic information.

educating: promote the development of cognitive interest and creative activity of students.

Lesson type : combined

Equipment: textbook, atlases, computer, projector, presentation “Ural Economic Region”, collection “Minerals”, handouts (text with geographical errors, cards “Define the economic region by description”, contour maps “Economic zoning”), outlines of economic regions, socio-economic map of the Ural region (wall), magnetic map “Administrative-territorial division of Russia”,

1. Organizational stage.

II. Homework checking stage.

Frontal oral survey + work with a map

What two large economic zones (macroregions) are usually identified when economically zoning Russia? Show them on the map. (Western (European Russia) and Eastern (Asian Russia)).

According to the “state planning division” of 1961, how many economic regions is the territory of Russia divided into? (by 11 (8 economic regions in the Western zone and 3 - in Eastern)).

Find out by contour

What areas of the Western Economic Zone have we met? Using the contours, try to recognize the economic region and name its main features. (Northern, Central, Volga-Vyatka, North-Western, Volga region, Central Black Sea region, North Caucasus).

Frontal written survey

Determine from the description which economic region we are talking about. What number indicates this area on the contour map?

  1. This area is called a “natural amphitheater”, “health resort”, “breadbasket” of the country. It stands out among other regions due to the maximum number of republics in its composition. Very profitable EGP. The region is characterized by political instability. (North Caucasian)
  2. The area has no access to state borders, poor in mineral resources, well supplied with water resources. The role of the region in the country's economic complex is determined by mechanical engineering, the chemical industry, and the forestry complex. ( Volgo-Vyatsky)
  3. Diverse, rich resource base. There is an ice-free port in the north-west of the region. Shortage labor resources. The most promising area for the construction of tidal power plants. ( Northern)
  4. In the 18th century the area was a "wild field". It is distinguished by a highly developed agricultural sector with processing industry and ferrous metallurgy. (Central Black Earth)
  5. The smallest region in terms of the number of subjects of the Federation. One of the regions is a free economic zone. Not rich in natural resources. Specializes in diversified mechanical engineering. ( Northwestern)
  6. In Soviet times, the region was called the “locomotive of industrialization.” It has a strong scientific base and is poor in natural resources. Industries of specialization: precision and high-tech engineering, chemical industry and textiles. ( Central)
  7. "Automotive workshop of the country." A large gas condensate field was discovered in the south of the region. Before the Great Patriotic War, there was a republic of Germans. Acute environmental problems associated with water pollution. ( Povolzhsky)

III. The stage of acquiring new knowledge and skills.

Using the epigraph on Slide 1 , try to determine which economic region we are starting to get acquainted with today.

He smelled of forests and flowers
And bitter factory smoke!
S. Shchipachev


Today in class we begin to study the Ural Economic Region (UER). Slide 2. What is the Urals? Slide 3. Today we will get acquainted with its composition, evaluate its economic and geographical location and natural resource potential. The area of ​​the district is 824 thousand square meters. km.

Working with the map

Using the map in the atlas, determine which subjects of the Russian Federation make up the UER. (Two Republics: Bashkiria (Ufa) and Udmurtia (Izhevsk), Perm Territory (since January 1, 2006, as a result of a referendum, the Perm region merged with the Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug), 4 regions: Sverdlovsk region(Ekaterinburg), Chelyabinsk (Chelyabinsk), Kurgan (Kurgan) and Orenburg (Orenburg)). Slide 4

- Using the magnetic map “Administrative-territorial division of Russia”, plot the subjects of the Russian Federation that are part of the Ural economic region.

Write down the composition of the district in your workbook

(The Ural economic region is located at the junction of the European and Asian parts of Russia. It borders with the Northern, Volga-Vyatka, Volga, West Siberian economic regions. In the south it borders with Kazakhstan (close good neighborly relations, but the big problem is the flow of drugs). The Urals are land-based region, but along the Ural, Kama, Volga and canals it has access to the Caspian, Azov and Black Seas.The region receives raw materials and fuel from the east, and processed products from the west, and also exports its products to all economic regions of Russia thanks to developed transport network (transit railways, roads, oil and gas pipelines)).

Using the contours of the UER, sketch out the features of the EGP of the region in your workbooks.


Compare the EGP of the Urals and the Volga region. What common? What are the differences?


Natural conditions and resources, as well as geographical location, greatly influence the development of an area. Let's evaluate the natural conditions. Slide 6. Natural conditions are unfavorable. The mountain belt of the Urals influenced the climate of the region, which changes in three directions: from north to south, from west to east and from the foothills of the mountains to their peaks. In the north there is permafrost, in the south there are fertile soils. The Cis-Ural region receives more precipitation than the Trans-Ural region. Thus, the Cis-Ural region and the south of the Urals have more favorable conditions.

Working with maps in the atlas + table

Using the maps in the atlas, fill out the table in the workbooks “Natural conditions of the Ural region.” Slide 7.

Comparison features







Inland waters

Natural areas



Of the natural resources of the Urals, what resources brought it world fame? ( Mineral). Slide 8


The Urals are a vast mountainous country stretching for almost two thousand kilometers. The Ural Mountains are the only ones on Earth that divide an entire continent into two parts of the world - Europe and Asia. Scientists say that today we see the remains of the once highest mountains on the planet.

The sun, wind, water and ice destroyed these majestic mountains for millions of years. Everything that was once hidden at great depths is now practically on the surface.

The mineral resources of the Urals are distinguished by their richness and diversity of species. Huge deposits of most metals, valuable deposits of precious stones and inexhaustible reserves of mineral raw materials are found here. In terms of diversity of mineral resources, UER has no equal among the economic regions of Russia. There are 15 thousand mineral deposits here.The Ural economic region has ore, fuel, and non-metallic minerals. In terms of reserves of certain types of mineral resources (copper ores, asbestos, potassium salts), the Urals occupies a leading place in the world.

The main wealth of the region is ores of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. The Urals have long been the country's largest mining and metallurgical base. Slide 9

What is the reason for the placement of mineral resources? (With geological structure).

Working with a map + collection of minerals

So, let's look at the map. In which part of the region does ore material predominate? (In the eastern foothills and Trans-Urals (Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk regions))


Slide 10. In terms of iron ore production, the Urals are second only to the Central Black Earth economic region. Nevertheless, only 3/5 of the region's needs for iron ore are met through its own production. More than 2 thousand iron ore deposits are known in the Urals, 29 are exploited.

Currently, the development of low-grade ores of the Kachkanar and Bakal groups of deposits is underway. Only due to the fact that the ores are multicomponent and also contain vanadium and titanium, their extraction is profitable. Two-thirds of the iron ore reserves of the Urals are contained in the Kachkanar deposit.

Slide 11. Copper ores: Sverdlovsk region (Krasnouralsk, Revda), Chelyabinsk region (Karabash), Orenburg region (Mednogorsk).

What are the main types of fuel resources? Slide 12. ( oil, coal, gas).

Where are oil deposits concentrated? (Perm region, Udmurtia, Bashkiria, Orenburg region).


The Orenburg region is home to the largest gas condensate field in the European part of the country. Small coal reserves are located in the Kizelovsky (hard coal), Chelyabinsk (brown coal - Kopeysk) basins.

Slide 13. The Urals has large reserves of potassium and table salts. It should also be noted that the Iletsk deposit of table salt in the Orenburg region. Slide 14.

The Urals are also rich in precious metals (gold, silver, platinum).


And what kind of wealth of the Urals does the writer Bazhov talk about in his stories? (about precious and ornamental stones).

These are minerals. Academician Fersman called the Urals “the pearl of the mineral kingdom”, “mineralogical paradise”. More than 5 thousand minerals were discovered here. In the Ilmensky Nature Reserve on an area of ​​303 square meters. km. Contains 5% of all minerals on Earth! Here they are, the minerals that glorified the Urals! Slide 15.

Student message with a presentation about the minerals of the Urals. Slides 16-20.

Working with the textbook + diagram

We continue to characterize the resources of the Urals. Using the textbook text, determine what other resources the Ural region is rich in. Draw up a diagram “Natural resource potential of the Ural region.”

(40% of the district’s territory is occupied by forests. Most of them perform recreational and sanitary functions. In the north there are forests for industrial use (Perm region, Sverdlovsk region, Bashkiria, Udmurtia).

Recreational resources. The unique beauty of the Ural Mountains attracts tourists from all over the country. In the Urals there are many areas of health and sports tourism, recreation areas and sanatorium treatment. On the territory of the region there are the most important centers of educational tourism, historical and architectural monuments: Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg, Perm, Solikamsk, Izhevsk. There are interesting natural objects here (I show illustrations): the world-famous Kungur Ice Cave, 5.6 km long, consisting of 58 ice grottoes and about 60 lakes; Kapova Cave (res. Bashkiria) - wall paintings of Upper Paleotic man depicting a mammoth, horse and rhinoceros were discovered in it; Chusovaya River- one of the most beautiful rivers in Russia.

The structure of land is dominated by cultivated lands and pastures. Soils are depleted in some places due to heavy anthropogenic impact. The most fertile soils are located in the south of the region (steppe zone). Agroclimatic resources allow farming in the warm season).

Problematic question

But for development Agriculture One of the most acute problems in the Urals has a strong impact - the lack of water. At first glance it seems like a paradox! Take a look at the map of the area - what an abundance of rivers. There are 69 thousand of them in the Urals!

So what's the problem? (water resources are distributed unevenly, the western slope is most supplied with water. The rivers originate in the mountains, in the upper reaches there is little water. Large water consumption by industrial enterprises (especially metallurgical and chemical)).

- What solution to this problem can you propose? (The water problem is being solved by creating ponds and reservoirs: now there are more than 300 large artificial reservoirs in the area. Large drainage systems have already been built from the Ufa River to Yekaterinburg and Chelyabinsk. It is planned to transfer water from the Tavda River to the latter).


Many resources have been intensively exploited for almost 300 years. Therefore, it is not surprising that they are greatly depleted, but the conclusion about the impoverishment of the Urals is premature. Oddly enough, the geological region is poorly studied - its depths have been explored to a depth of only 600-800 meters. There is room to expand in breadth: in the north and in the south.

IV. The stage of initial testing of understanding of what has been learned.

Text with geographical errors

Let's consolidate our knowledge. You need to be extremely careful and find errors in this text:

Ural economic region

The Ural economic region has a not very advantageous EGP: it is located on west European part of Russia, in the south it borders Kyrgyzstan. Proximity to the raw material bases of the Asian part of the country. The UER includes two republics (Udmurtia and Kalmykia ), five regions (Sverdlovsk, Permskaya, Chelyabinsk, Orenburg, Kurgan) andKomi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug). Natural conditions of the Urals as a wholevery favorable, poor natural resources, with the exception of aquatic

V. Homework information stage.

§ 56, complete tasks on the Ural contour map.

Basic concepts, processes, patterns and their consequences

Agro-industrial complex (AIC)- a set of interrelated sectors of the economy involved in the production and processing of agricultural products and bringing them to the consumer.

Unified Energy System (UES)) is a system of energy sources united by means of energy transmission. It provides the ability to quickly maneuver energy capacities, transfer energy or energy carriers (gas) to places where energy consumption increases.

Intensive farming(from lat. intensity- “tension, strengthening”) is an economy that develops on the basis of scientific and technological progress and better organization of labor with high labor productivity. With intensive farming, production output increases without increasing the number of jobs, without plowing up new areas, and without a significant increase in the consumption of natural resources.

Combine(from lat. combinatus- “connected”) is an association of industrial enterprises from different industries, in which the products of one serve as raw materials or semi-finished products for another. Several specialized enterprises are connected by a technological chain that consistently processes raw materials. Combination creates favorable opportunities for the fullest use of raw materials, use of production waste and reduction of environmental pollution.

Mechanical engineering complex- the most important complex industry manufacturing industry, including machine tool building, instrument making, energy, metallurgical and chemical engineering; agricultural engineering together with tractor manufacturing; transport engineering of all types; electrical industry; radio electronics and computer technology.

Intersectoral complex is a system of enterprises in various industries united by the production of certain products (or the production of certain services).

Research and production territorial complex (NPTK)— a combination of scientific, development institutions and industrial enterprises on one territory.

Market economy- an economy based on the laws of the market, i.e., the supply of goods and demand for them on a national and global scale, and the balance of prices based on the law of value (regulates the exchange of goods in accordance with the amount of labor expended on their production). In conditions market economy a commodity economy is developing, focused on the purchase and sale of goods, in contrast to subsistence farming, in which the products of labor are produced to satisfy the needs of producers.

Territorial production complex (TPC)- an interconnected and interdependent combination of sectors of material production in a certain territory, which is part of economic complex the entire country or any economic region.

Fuel and energy complex (FEC)— a combination of the mining (fuel) industry and the electric power industry. The fuel and energy complex ensures the activities of all sectors of industry, transport, agriculture, and the household needs of the population. The fuel and energy complex includes the production of coal, oil (as raw materials for producing fuel), gas, oil shale, peat, uranium ores (as raw materials for producing nuclear energy), as well as electricity generation.

Transport node- a point where at least 2-3 lines of any type of transport converge; complex transport hub - a point of convergence of communication routes of different types of transport, for example, a river port with railways and highways leading to it. Such hubs usually serve as places for passenger transfers and cargo transshipment from one mode of transport to another.

Labor resources- part of the country's population capable of working in the country's economy. The labor force includes: the entire working population, part of the disabled population (working disabled people and preferential pensioners who retired at a relatively young age), working teenagers aged 14-16 years, a significant part of the working population over working age.

Economically active population- part of the country's labor resources. Includes the number of people employed in the economy (employed or owning their own business) and the unemployed.

Economic region- territorially and economically integral part National economy countries ( region), characterized by the uniqueness of natural and economic conditions, historically established or purposefully created specialization of the economy based on geographical division of labor, the presence of intra-district stable and intensive economic ties.

Extensive farming(from lat. extensivus- “expanding, lengthening”) - an economy developing through new construction, the development of new lands, the use of untouched natural resources, and an increase in the number of employees. Extensive farming initially brings good results at a relatively low scientific and technical level of production, but quickly leads to the depletion of natural and labor resources. With an increase in the scientific and technical level of production, extensive farming gives way to intensive farm.

Brief information (data)

The area of ​​the land— 17.125 million km 2 (first place in the world).

Population— 143.3 million people. (2013).

Form of government- republic, form of administrative-territorial structure - federation.

Extreme points of Russia

Largest geographical features

Land borders of Russia

Political-administrative structure Russian Federation

No. Name of the subject of the Russian Federation Area, thousand km 2 Administrative center
1 2 3 4
1 Republic of Adygea (Adygea) 7,6 Maykop
2 Altai Republic 92,6 Gorno-Altaisk
3 Republic of Bashkortostan 143,6 Ufa
4 The Republic of Buryatia 351,3 Ulan-Ude
5 The Republic of Dagestan 50,3 Makhachkala
6 The Republic of Ingushetia 19,3 Magas
7 Kabardino-Balkarian Republic 12,5 Nalchik
8 Republic of Kalmykia 76,1 Elista
9 Karachay-Cherkess Republic 14,1 Cherkessk
10 Republic of Karelia 172,4 Petrozavodsk
11 Komi Republic 415,9 Syktyvkar
12 Mari El Republic 23,2 Yoshkar-Ola
13 The Republic of Mordovia 26,2 Saransk
14 The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 3103,2 Yakutsk
15 Republic of North Ossetia-Alania 8,0 Vladikavkaz
16 Republic of Tatarstan (Tatarstan) 68,0 Kazan
17 Tyva Republic 170,5 Kyzyl
18 Udmurt republic 42,1 Izhevsk
19 The Republic of Khakassia 61,9 Abakan
20 Chechen Republic 19,3 Grozny
21 Chuvash Republic (Chuvashia) 18,3 Cheboksary
22 Autonomous Republic of Crimea 26,11 Simferopol
The edges
23 Altai region 169,1 Barnaul
24 Kamchatka Krai 773,8 Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky
25 Krasnodar region 76,0 Krasnodar
26 Krasnoyarsk region 2339,7 Krasnoyarsk
27 Perm region 160,6 Permian
28 Primorsky Krai 165,9 Vladivostok
29 Stavropol region 66,5 Stavropol
30 Khabarovsk region 788,6 Khabarovsk
31 Transbaikal region 450,5 Chita
32 Amurskaya 361,9 Blagoveshchensk
33 Arkhangelskaya 589,8 Arkhangelsk
34 Astrakhan 44,1 Astrakhan
35 Belgorodskaya 27,1 Belgorod
36 Bryansk 34,9 Bryansk
37 Vladimirskaya 29,0 Vladimir
38 Volgogradskaya 113,9 Volgograd
39 Vologda 145,7 Vologda
40 Voronezh 52,4 Voronezh
41 Ivanovskaya 21,8 Ivanovo
42 Irkutsk 767,9 Irkutsk
43 Kaliningradskaya 15,1 Kaliningrad
44 Kaluzhskaya 29,9 Kaluga
45 Kemerovo 95,5 Kemerovo
46 Kirovskaya 120,8 Kirov
47 Kostromskaya 60,1 Kostroma
48 Kurganskaya 71,0 Mound
49 Kursk 29,8 Kursk
50 Leningradskaya 83,9 Saint Petersburg
51 Lipetskaya 24,1 Lipetsk
52 Magadan 461,4 Magadan
53 Moscow 46,0 Moscow
54 Murmansk 144,9 Murmansk
55 Nizhny Novgorod 76,9 Nizhny Novgorod
56 Novgorodskaya 55,3 Velikiy Novgorod
57 Novosibirsk 178,2 Novosibirsk
58 Omsk 139,7 Omsk
59 Orenburgskaya 124,0 Orenburg
60 Orlovskaya 24,7 Eagle
61 Penza 43,2 Penza
62 Pskovskaya 55,3 Pskov
63 Rostovskaya 100,8 Rostov-on-Don
64 Ryazan 39,6 Ryazan
65 Samara 53,6 Samara
66 Saratovskaya 100,2 Saratov
67 Sakhalinskaya 87,1 Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk
68 Sverdlovskaya 194,8 Ekaterinburg
69 Smolenskaya 49,8 Smolensk
70 Tambovskaya 34,3 Tambov
71 Tverskaya 84,1 Tver
72 Tomsk 316,9 Tomsk
73 Tula 25,7 Tula
74 Tyumen 1435,2 Tyumen
75 Ulyanovskaya 37,3 Ulyanovsk
76 Chelyabinsk 87,9 Chelyabinsk
77 Yaroslavskaya 36,4 Yaroslavl
78 Moscow 1,081
79 Saint Petersburg 2,0
80 Sevastopol 0,86
Autonomous region and autonomous okrugs
81 Jewish Autonomous Region 36,0 Birobidzhan
82 Nenets Autonomous Okrug 176,7 Naryan-Mar
83 Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra 523,1 Khanty-Mansiysk
84 Chukotka Autonomous Okrug 737,7 Anadyr
85 767,6 Salekhard

Types of climate in Russia

Climate type Characteristic
Arctic Islands of the Arctic Ocean. Low temperatures throughout the year. Winter temperatures range from -24 to -30 °C. Summer temperatures are close to 0 °C, and at the southern borders they rise to +5 °C. There is little precipitation (200-300 mm), falling mainly in the form of snow, which persists for most of the year.
Subarctic Northern coast of the country. Winters are long and severity increases from west to east. Summer is cold (from +4 to +14 °C in the south). Precipitation is frequent, but in small quantities, maximum in summer. The annual precipitation is 200-400 mm, but at low temperatures and low evaporation, excessive surface moisture is created and waterlogging occurs.
Temperate climate
Moderate continental
European part of the country. The influence of humid air from the Atlantic. Winter is less severe. January temperatures are from -4 to -20 °C, summer temperatures are from +12 to +24 °C. The maximum amount of precipitation is in the western regions (800 mm), but due to frequent thaws, the thickness of the snow cover is small.
Continental Western Siberia. The annual precipitation in the north is no more than 600 mm, in the south - 100 mm. Winters are harsher than in the west. Summer is hot in the south and quite warm in the north.
Sharply continental Eastern Siberia and Yakutia . Winter temperatures range from -24 to -40 °C, significant warming in summer (up to +16 ... +20 °C, in the south up to +35 °C). Annual precipitation is less than 400 mm. The humidification coefficient is close to 1.
Monsoon Pacific coast of Russia, Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories. Winter is cold, sunny and with little snow. Summer is cloudy and cool, with large amounts of precipitation (up to 600-1000 mm), which falls in the form of showers, which is associated with the influx of sea air from the Pacific Ocean.
Subtropical South of Russia, in the Sochi region. Hot and dry summers, warm and humid winters. The annual precipitation is 600-800 mm.

Population density in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

National composition of the population of Russia

Maximum performance Minimum indicators
Nationality Nationality Share of the total population of Russia, %
Russians 79,83 Central Asian Arabs, Crimeans, 0,0001
Tatars 3,83 Izhorians, Tazy, Enets 0,0002
Ukrainians 2,03 Central Asian gypsies, Karaites 0,0003
Bashkirs 1,15 Slovaks, Aleuts, English 0,0004
Chuvash 1,13 Cubans, Orochi 0,0005

Religious affiliation of the peoples of Russia

The largest hydroelectric power plants (HPPs) in Russia

Power station The subject of the Russian Federation River Power, MW
1 2 3 4
Sayano-Shushenskaya Krasnoyarsk Territory, Republic of Khakassia Yenisei 6400
Krasnoyarsk Krasnoyarsk region Yenisei 6000
Bratskaya Irkutsk region Angara 4500
Ust-Ilimskaya Irkutsk region Angara 4320
Boguchanskaya Krasnoyarsk region Angara 4000 (under construction)
Volgogradskaya Volgograd region Volga 2563
Volzhskaya Samara Region Volga 2300
Bureya Amur region Bureya 2000 (under construction)
Cheboksary Chuvash Republic Volga 1404
Saratovskaya Saratov region Volga 1360
Zeyskaya Amur region Zeya 1290
Nizhnekamsk Republic of Tatarstan Kama 1248
Chirkeyskaya The Republic of Dagestan Sulak 1000

The largest nuclear power plants (NPPs) in Russia

Power station The subject of the Russian Federation Number of power units Power, MW Interesting Facts
Kursk Kursk region 4 4000 Kursk NPP is located in the city of Kurchatov on the left bank of the Seim River, 40 km southwest of Kursk.
Balakovskaya Saratov region 4 4000 It is one of the largest and most modern energy enterprises in Russia, providing a quarter of electricity production in the Volga Federal District. Electricity from the Balakovo NPP is the cheapest among all nuclear power plants and thermal power plants in Russia.
Leningradskaya Leningrad region 4 + 2 under construction 4000 Built 80 km west of St. Petersburg in the city of Sosnovy Bor on the shores of the Gulf of Finland. Leningrad NPP is the first station in the country with reactors of the RBMK-1000 type (high-power channel reactor).
Kalininskaya Tver region 4 4000 Generates 70% of the total volume of electricity produced in the Tver region. Due to its geographical location, the station provides high-voltage transit of electricity.
Smolenskaya Smolensk region 3 3000 Smolensk NPP is a city-forming, leading enterprise in the region, the largest in the region's fuel and energy balance. Every year the station produces an average of 20 billion kWh of electricity, which is more than 80% of the total amount generated in the region.
Novovoronezhskaya Voronezh region 3 2455 One of the oldest nuclear energy enterprises in the Russian Federation. Novovoronezh NPP fully meets the Voronezh region's electrical energy needs. This is the first nuclear power plant in Russia with pressurized water power reactors (VVER).
Kola Murmansk region 4 1760 Located 200 km south of Murmansk on the shores of Lake Imandra. It is the main supplier of electricity for the Murmansk region and Karelia.
Rostovskaya Rostov region 2+2 under construction 2000 The Rostov NPP is located on the shore of the Tsimlyansk reservoir, 13.5 km from the city of Volgodonsk. She happens to be largest enterprise energy sector in the South of Russia, providing about 15% of the annual electricity generation in the region.
Beloyarskaya Sverdlovsk region 2 + 1 under construction 600 This is the first high-power nuclear power plant in the history of the country’s nuclear energy industry and the only one with reactors of different types on site. It is at the Beloyarsk NPP that the world's only powerful power unit with a fast neutron reactor is operated.
Bilibinskaya Chukotka Autonomous Okrug 4 48 When the air temperature drops to -50°C, the nuclear power plant operates in heating mode and develops a heating capacity of 100 Gcal/h while the generated electrical power decreases to 38 MW.
Obninskaya Kaluga region The world's first nuclear power plant. It was launched in 1954 and stopped in 2002. Currently, a museum is being created on the basis of the station.
Under construction
Baltic Kaliningrad region 2
Academician Lomonosov Kamchatka Krai 2

Main metallurgical bases of Russia

Base name Share in production of ferrous metal ores (%) Share in steel production (%) Share in rolled steel production (%) Types of metallurgical production Largest centers
Ural 16 43 42 full cycle Magnitogorsk, Serov. Chelyabinsk, Nizhny Tagil, Novotroitsk, Alapaevsk, Asha
domain Satka
conversion rate Ekaterinburg, Zlatoust, Izhevsk
production of ferroalloys Chelyabinsk, Serov
pipe production Chelyabinsk, Pervouralsk, Kamensk-Uralsky
Central 71 41 44 full cycle Cherepovets, Lipetsk, Stary Oskol
domain Tula
conversion rate Moscow, Elektrostal, St. Petersburg, Kolpino, Orel, Nizhny Novgorod, Vyksa, Volgograd
pipe production Volgograd, Volzhsky
Siberian 12 16 12 full cycle Novokuznetsk
conversion rate Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky production
ferroalloys Novokuznetsk
Far Eastern 1 conversion rate Komsomolsk-on-Amur
South 1 conversion pipe production Taganrog

Main bases and centers of non-ferrous metallurgy in Russia

Base name Raw materials and energy base Specialization Largest centers
Ural Al, Cu, Ni, resource- and energy-deficient area aluminum metallurgy Kamensk-Uralsky, Krasnoturinsk
titanium metallurgy Birch forests
copper metallurgy Mednogorsk, Revda, Karabash, Krasnouralsk
nickel metallurgy Orsk, Verkhniy Ufaley
zinc metallurgy Chelyabinsk
Siberian Ni, Pb, Zn, Sn, W, Mo, Au, Pt, main hydropower area alumina metallurgy Achinsk
metallurgy of nickel and copper Norilsk
aluminum metallurgy Bratsk, Krasnoyarsk, Sayanogorsk, Shelikhov, Novokuznetsk
zinc metallurgy Belovo
tin metallurgy Novosibirsk
Northwestern Al, Ni, energy-supplied area alumina metallurgy Boksitogorsk
aluminum metallurgy Kandalaksha, Nadvoitsy, Volkhov
metallurgy of nickel and copper Zapolyarny, Monchegorsk
Far Eastern Au, Ag, Pb, Zn, Sn, hydropower resources lead metallurgy Dalnegorsk

Characteristics of large economic regions of Russia

Subject of the federation Area, thousand km 2 Population, thousand people 2010 Share of urban population, % 2010 States with which it shares a land border Access to the ocean Specialization
industry Agriculture
1 2 3 4 5 6 8
Northwestern economic region
Leningrad region 85,3 1629,6 66 Finland, Estonia Eat Heavy, energy, precision engineering, shipbuilding, machine tool building, chemical, light
Novgorod region 55,3 640,6 70 No No
Pskov region 55,3 688,6 68 Belarus, Latvia, Estonia No
Saint Petersburg 0,6 4600,3 100 No Eat
Kaliningrad region
Kaliningrad region 15,1 937,9 76 Lithuania, Poland Eat Mechanical engineering, pulp and paper Dairy and beef cattle breeding, potato growing, flax growing
Central Chernozem economic region
Belgorod region 27,1 1530,1 66 Ukraine No Iron ore mining, ferrous metallurgy, heavy, precision engineering, tractor manufacturing, equipment for the chemical and food industries, chemical, cement, sugar, oil, flour milling, amber mining and processing Grain farming, beet growing, sunflower growing
Voronezh region 52,4 2268,6 63 Ukraine No
Kursk region 29,8 1148,6 65 Ukraine No
Lipetsk region 24,1 1157,9 64 No No
Tambov Region 34,3 1088,4 58 No No
Central economic region
Bryansk region 34,9 1292,2 69 Belarus, Ukraine No Automotive, machine tool, tractor, railway, agricultural, precision engineering, chemical, textile, cement. Handicrafts (Palekh, Khokhloma, etc.) Aviation industry, tourism Vegetable growing, potato growing
Vladimir region 29 1430,1 78 No No
Ivanovo region 23,9 1066,6 81 No No
Kaluga region 29,9 1001,6 76 No No
Kostroma region 60.1 688,3 69 No No
Moscow 1 10 563 100 No No
Moscow region 46 6752,7 81 No No
Oryol Region 24,7 812,5 64 No No
Ryazan Oblast 39,6 1151,4 70 No No
Smolensk region 49,8 966 72 Belarus No
Tver region 84,1 1360,3 74 No No
Tula region 25,7 1540,4 80 No No
Yaroslavl region 36,4 1306,3 82 No
Volgo-Vyatka economic region
Kirov region 120,8 1391,1 72 No No Automotive, shipbuilding, tractor, machine tool, precision engineering, chemical, forestry
Nizhny Novgorod Region 74,8 3323,6 79 No No
Mari El Republic 23,2 698,2 63 No No
The Republic of Mordovia 26,2 826,5 61 No No
Chuvash Republic 18,3 1278,4 58 No No
Northern economic region
Arkhangelsk region, including the Nenets Autonomous Okrug 410,7
1254,4 74 No Eat Oil, gas, coal, shipbuilding, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, mining and chemicals, fisheries, oil and cheese, forestry, pulp and paper, ports Flax farming, dairy and beef cattle breeding
Murmansk region 144,9 836,7 91 Finland, Norway Eat
Republic of Karelia 172,4 684,2 76 Finland Eat
Komi Republic 415,9 951,2 76 No No
Povolzhsky economic region
Astrakhan region 44,1 1007,1 66 Kazakhstan No Electric power industry, oil and gas, automotive industry, shipbuilding, machine tool industry, equipment for the food and chemical industries, tractor manufacturing, precision engineering, chemical, cement, light industry, flour milling, oil milling, fisheries Grain farming, sunflower cultivation, vegetable growing, meat and dairy cattle breeding, sheep breeding
Volgograd region 113,9 2589,9 75 Kazakhstan No
Penza region 43,2 1373,2 67 No No
Republic of Kalmykia 76,1 283,2 45 No No
Republic of Tatarstan 68 3778,5 75 No No
Samara Region 53,6 3170,1 81 No No
Saratov region 100,2 2564,8 74 Kazakhstan No
Ulyanovsk region 37,3 1298,6 73 No No
Ural economic region
Kurgan region 71 947,6 57 Kazakhstan No Oil and gas, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, heavy and precision engineering, automotive, carriage building, tractor building, machine tool building, chemical, forestry, cement. Extraction and processing of precious, semi-precious and ornamental stones Grain farming, meat-dairy and dairy-meat cattle breeding
Orenburg region 124 2112,9 57 Kazakhstan No
Perm region 127,7 2701,2 74 No No
Republic of Bashkortostan 143,6 4066 60 No No
Republic of Udmurtia 42,1 1526,3 68 No No
Sverdlovsk region 194,8 4393,8 83 No No
Chelyabinsk region 87,9 3508,4 81 Kazakhstan No
North Caucasus economic region
Krasnodar region 76 5160,7 52 Georgia Eat Gas, coal, non-ferrous metallurgy, locomotive building, agricultural, energy, precision engineering, chemical, canning, sugar, oil, winemaking, flour milling, traditional crafts (carpet weaving, making jewelry, dishes, weapons, etc.). Tourism and recreational economy Grain farming, beet farming, sunflower growing, vegetable growing, viticulture, sheep farming, pig farming, dairy and meat, meat and dairy cattle breeding
Republic of Adygea 7,6 443,1 53 No No
The Republic of Dagestan 50,3 2737,3 42 Azerbaijan, Georgia No
The Republic of Ingushetia 4,3 516,7 43 Georgia No
Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria 12,5 893,8 56 Georgia No
Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia 14,1 427 43 Georgia No
Republic of North Ossetia-Alania 8 700,8 64 Georgia No
Republic of Chechnya 15 1268,1 36 Georgia No
Rostov region 100,8 4229,5 67 Ukraine Eat
Stavropol region 66,5 2711,2 57 No No
West Siberian economic region
Altai region 169,1 2490,7 53 Kazakhstan No Oil, gas, coal, ferrous, non-ferrous metallurgy, heavy, energy, precision engineering, carriage building, tractor building, machine tool building, chemical, forestry Grain farming, dairy and meat and meat and dairy cattle breeding
Kemerovo region 95,5 2820,6 85 No No
Novosibirsk region 178,2 2649,9 76 Kazakhstan No
Omsk region 139,7 2012,1 69 Kazakhstan No
Altai Republic 92,6 210,7 27 Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia No
Tomsk region 316,9 1043,8 70 No No
Tyumen region 161,8 3430,3 78 Kazakhstan Eat
Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug 523,1 1538,6 92 No No
Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug 750,3 546,5 85 No Eat
East Siberian economic region
Irkutsk region 745,5 2502,7 79 No No Electric power, non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical, forestry Fur harvesting
Krasnoyarsk region 2340 2893,9 76 No Eat
The Republic of Buryatia 351,3 963,5 56 Mongolia No
Republic of Tyva (Tuva) 170,5 317 51 Mongolia No
The Republic of Khakassia 61,9 539,2 68 No No
Transbaikal region 412,5 1117 64 China, Mongolia No
Far Eastern economic region
Amur region 363,7 860,7 65 China No Non-ferrous metallurgy, forestry, fishing, shipbuilding, diamond mining, port services Grain farming (soybean production), reindeer husbandry, ginseng cultivation
Jewish Autonomous Region 36 185 66 China No
Kamchatka Krai 170,8 342,3 79 No Eat
Magadan Region 461,4 161,2 96 No Eat
Primorsky Krai 465,9 1982 75 China, North Korea Eat
The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 3103,2 949,3 65 No Eat
Sakhalin region 87,1 510,8 78 No Eat
Khabarovsk region 788,6 1400,5 80 China Eat
Chukotka Autonomous Okrug 737,7 48,6 68,4 No Eat

Answer left by: Guest

The population in Africa is more than 1 billion people.
Africa is considered the ancestral home of humanity, because it was on the territory of this continent that the remains of the most ancient species of Homosapiens were discovered. In addition, Africa can be called the birthplace of religions, because in the regions of Africa you can find a huge variety of cultures and religions.
In Africa live:

Algerian, Moroccan, Sudanese, Egyptian Arabs;
other nationalities.
On average, 22 people live per 1 km2, but the most densely populated place on the continent is the island of Mauritius (about 500 people live per 1 km2), and the least populated is Libya (1-2 people live per 1 km2).
The northern part of the African continent is inhabited by peoples of the Indo-Mediterranean race, sub-Saharan Africa is inhabited by peoples of the Negro-Australoid race (they are divided into 3 small races - Negro, Negrillian, Bushman), and northeast Africa is inhabited by peoples of the Ethiopian race.
There is no official language in Africa: they are the languages ​​of groups that have lived in this territory for a long time. The main ones are Afroasiatic, Nilo-Saharan, Niger-Kordofanian, Khoisan, Indo-European language families. But the actual language is English.
Large cities in Africa: Lagos (Nigeria), Cairo (Egypt), Alexandria (Egypt), Casablanca (Morocco), Kinshasa (Congo), Nairobi (Kenya).
The population of Africa professes Islam, Christianity, Protestantism, Catholicism, and Judaism.

Africans live on average 50 years.
The African continent is characterized by fairly low life expectancy rates (on average, people in the world live up to 65 years).
Tunisia and Libya are the leaders: here people live on average up to 73 years, residents of Central and East Africa - up to 43 years, and Zambia and Zimbabwe have the lowest rates - here people live only 32-33 years (this is due to the widespread prevalence of AIDS) .
Low life expectancy is due to outbreaks of epidemics: people die not only from HIV/AIDS, but also from tuberculosis. And children often die from measles, malaria and malnutrition.
Health problems largely depend on the lack of medical workers(doctors and nurses flock to developed countries).

Traditions and customs of the peoples of Africa
An integral part of the customs and traditions of the peoples of Africa are shamans who have supernatural abilities and unique knowledge. Shamans perform all rituals in special masks, which can be made in the form of the head of a non-existent animal or monster.
Africa has its own ideals of female beauty: beautiful women here are those who have long necks, so they hang rings on their necks and never take them off (otherwise the woman will die, because wearing hoops causes the neck to lose muscle).
Africa is a hot and wild continent: despite the fact that today planes fly to all its corners, it is still a mysterious land of alluring dreams for us.

Answer left by: Guest

A 1
B xs
AT 4
D5 but it would be more accurate to search on the Internet

Answer left by: Guest

1 TO Every year, people extract about one hundred billion tons of ore from the ground to the surface.
Often, due to improper use of land, technology, and fertilizers by humans, thousands of hectares of fertile soil turn into a lifeless desert.
3. Unsustainable farming methods
4. Land pollution.
5. In progress economic activity humans can increase natural soil salinization.

1. A person crosses plants and obtains new types of plants.
2. Digging the soil
3. No matter how strange it may sound, cemeteries enrich the soil
4. Animals also enrich the get the idea.
Unfortunately I don’t know anymore, I helped as much as I could(

Answer left by: Guest

Large areas within Africa, South America and Australia are located at low latitudes, due to which they receive large amounts of heat. These three continents are often called the Southern Tropical Continents. It is also significant that the arrival of solar radiation at these latitudes varies relatively little throughout the year.
*Africa, South America and Australia are more or less equally located in relation to the surrounding oceans with similar systems of currents: the western shores of all three continents are washed in equatorial latitudes by warm currents, and in tropical and subtropical latitudes by predominantly cold currents; the eastern coasts are influenced mainly by warm currents; from the south, all the Southern continents are washed by the powerful cold current of the Western winds, which has a great impact on the properties of their nature. The existence of this current largely determines natural features Antarctica.