Convert credit card to credit. How to convert a credit card into a consumer loan and reduce interest

Hello. I have a credit card. The debt practically does not decrease - if I don’t deposit money, I’ll start using it again credit limit which I can't close completely. It appears to be a very large overpayment. So I thought about converting it to consumer credit. So that there are clear payments, and there is no access to this money. Can it be done? And How?

Julia (Urzhum)

Hello Julia! Yes, you can convert a credit card into a personal loan. In fact, there are two options for implementing the procedure. The first one is classic. You take out a loan from a bank. Received money is used for repayment credit card. Close an account with a credit limit.

An important nuance in this case is the need high level solvency. That is, the bank will take into account that your income should be enough to repay not only a newly received loan, but also a valid credit card. Purposeless loans are not taken into account in the scoring process of debt repayment plans.

The second is refinancing. These are targeted loans borrowed funds which are used to pay off current debts. Accordingly, the probability of approval for applications for this service is higher. Since the bank takes into account in the process of considering the application that the specified loan will be closed.

Directly for your case, there is also one nuance - not all credit cards are allowed in all on-lending programs. Therefore, when choosing an offer, it is important to familiarize yourself with the conditions in detail. More precisely, it is worth making sure that it is possible to apply refinancing to cards with a credit limit.

Converting a credit card to consumer credit

The principle that allows you to convert a credit card into a consumer loan, reduce the interest on the loan and, accordingly, reduce monthly payment on one or several previously taken loans is called refinancing of loans. This service is provided by many banks, including Sberbank, VTB-24 and other credit organizations.

What is a loan refinancing? Behind the complex and somewhat frightening name lies a simple meaning. Banks are fighting for customers, and therefore are ready to repay your previous loans taken in other credit organizations to give you a loan on more favorable terms for the borrower.

In a word, if you have one or more loans, the monthly payment for which is too high for you at the moment, you can apply to another bank that will repay your loans and give you new loan at a lower percentage.

A consumer loan for refinancing external loans will allow you to repay up to 5 different loans received from other banks. This is the essence of refinancing loans.

Naturally, in this way you can reduce interest and reduce payments not only on a consumer loan, car loan or mortgage, but also on a credit card. Only in the case of credit cards, the bank will pay off the debt on the credit card and issue a new consumer loan at a better interest rate.

In this way, you can transfer a credit card to a consumer loan in another bank, in addition, reduce interest and reduce the monthly payment.

Moreover, in order to crank out a loan refinancing operation, you do not have to collect a large package of documents. For example, Sberbank will not even require a certificate of income and a work book.

How to close a bank credit card

Knowing how to properly close a bank credit card will be useful not only for those who transferred a credit card to a consumer loan. Many get a credit card for a "rainy day", and then suddenly find out that they owe the bank certain amounts, for example, for service, Internet banking, SMS alerts.

Therefore, when planning to close a credit card, you must first pay off the debt, and then contact the organization that issued the credit card with a written application to close the card.

For peace of mind, you must also write an application to disable related services, if any, were connected (insurance, SMS informing, etc.). If you received the card remotely, for example, Tinkoff Credit System, then you need to call the bank's contact center, find out the debt and leave an oral instruction to close. The card should be automatically closed after the debt on it is repaid.

But, you need to understand that the card cannot be closed instantly. After all, credit card transactions can be carried out within a few days after the last purchase. For example, you paid with a credit card for a large purchase on Saturday, and the card transaction will take place only within the next three business days, or even later. Therefore, banks lay the time for all transactions on the card. As a rule, this period is up to 45 days.

Accordingly, after this period, you must again contact the bank and receive a certificate confirming that your credit account and card account are closed. IN financial matters it is better to be safe than to pay your "hard money" later.

Credit card debt refinancing is available to everyone. People who are not satisfied with monthly card payments decide to transfer them to a consumer loan. This situation will reduce interest, as well as completely close.

Refinancing credit card debt and how to convert a credit card into a consumer loan

You can reduce payments not only for one program, but also for several at once. This option is called loan refinancing.

Some banks offer similar services. This list includes Sberbank, VTB and others.

What is refinancing?

This term is a way to reduce the payment burden, thereby improving your financial position. Banks often approve of this kind of treatment, as customers today are worth their weight in gold.

Financial institutions are ready to repay borrowers' debts to other banks in order to issue the amount on more favorable terms in their organization. There is no catch here, because sometimes the refinancing conditions are quite attractive and worth the effort.

In fact, refinancing is the execution of a new loan, the purpose of which is to repay the current loan.

You can write a statement about the timing of the payment of the debt. This will increase your loan repayment period and reduce your monthly payments.

To summarize:

  • The service may take the form of an interest rate reduction.
  • Refinancing may be to increase the repayment period.

You can also arrange cooperation for a longer period than the obligation to pay the debt, then this will also lead to a decrease in payments. After applying for a new loan, pay off the debt received with the loan.

And in order not to run into new amounts for servicing and charging commissions, it is necessary to write an application to the bank about the desire to close the contract.

You should also take into account the factor that there are no additional charges. This applies to connected services, which include: SMS notification or cashing out money from a card, and a fee for annual card maintenance may also be charged.

The last point will be the requirement from the bank for a certificate that the debt is completely closed and all debts are repaid.

It's not hard to translate. But you should be attentive to the process and monitor the movement of funds in the account.

“Life on credit” is becoming more and more popular with Russians every year. Financial institutions compete with each other, offering borrowers low interest and large sums. Borrowers have two ways to get money - take out a consumer loan or get a credit card. Both of these options have their pros and cons, which must be taken into account so as not to aggravate your financial situation even more.

A few years ago, Russians were wary of credit cards, preferring the more familiar consumer credit. Today, things are different, and these two types of lending are equally in demand. It is not uncommon for a person to have one or two loans and a plastic card with a limit “just in case”. This can be explained not only by the difficult economic situation in the country, but also by the unwillingness to deny oneself pleasures and purchases.


A cash loan is a cash loan that a bank issues to a customer for a specified period at a fixed percentage. As a rule, it is issued without guarantors and collateral (for a small amount).

A credit card is a financial instrument that can be used at the discretion of the borrower at any time during the validity period of the plastic. Basically, credit cards are intended to pay for purchases, since banks set more favorable conditions for this type of operation.

Types of lending

Before answering the question of what is more profitable - a consumer loan or a credit card, it is necessary to study the types of lending. Cash loans can be of two types:

  • target;
  • non-targeted.

The first type involves paying for a specific product or service. This means that you will not be able to spend the money issued for the purchase of a car on a trip or repairing an apartment, since the bank will easily check the transaction and reject the operation. The second type allows you to spend money at your own discretion, without reporting to a financial institution.

Credit cards are a little more difficult to classify, as they differ in category - classic and premium. The latter have a higher maintenance cost and additional benefits. They also differ in the type of payment system. Several types are common in the world - VISA, MasterCard, American Express. Russia recently launched its payment system"WORLD".

According to the type of credit provided, the card can be:

  • revolving - monthly the borrower repays part of the debt in order to repay the loan and use it in the future;
  • overdraft - the borrower can use the provided limit, but the debt must be repaid within a month in full (conditions may differ for different banks).

In Russia, it is revolving cards with a renewable limit that are more popular.

What is more profitable?

Each person, even before visiting the bank, decides for himself what is more profitable: a credit card or a consumer loan. This is influenced by many factors, such as:

  • interest rate;
  • amount of credit;
  • terms and conditions of debt repayment;
  • other credit conditions;
  • requirements for borrowers and documents required for registration.

In order to understand what would be more profitable to issue, you should comparative analysis for each of the items presented.

Interest rate

Comparing the offers of banks on consumer loans and plastic cards with a limit, it is not difficult to notice that more favorable conditions are offered for the first type. Take, for example, the terms of lending to Sberbank Russia. When applying for a cash loan without a guarantee, a rate of 12.9% is offered, and when applying for a classic credit card, the rate will be 23.9% per annum (if there is a personal offer).

As you can see, in this case, the cash loan wins.

Amount of credit

One of the important aspects that is taken into account when choosing a loan. As a rule, a large amount is provided for a consumer loan. Using the example of Sberbank, you can see that the loan amount is up to 3 million rubles, while with a classic card - up to 600 thousand rubles. However, keep in mind that there are premium offers with a limit amount of up to 3 million rubles.

In this case, there is no clear winner, since both lending options involve a fairly large limit.

Terms and conditions of debt repayment

Consumer credit is issued for up to 5 years with the possibility early repayment. The validity of plastic cards, as a rule, is 3 years. In some banks, 5 years or more (Russian Standard, Sovcombank).

The terms of debt repayment are more loyal for credit cards. In order to repay the debt, you need to pay up to 10% of the amount owed. However, if you are not using credit funds you don't have to pay anything. In the case of a consumer loan, things are different: even if you do not spend money, you still have to pay the bank. The payment amount is calculated based on the term and amount of the loan.

At this point, credit cards win.

Other conditions

Other conditions include the presence grace period, cash withdrawal fee, cost annual service and so on.

When applying for a loan, there is no grace period, no annual maintenance and no withdrawal fee. If the last two points are advantages, then the absence of a grace period is more of a minus. When using credit cards, borrowers have the opportunity not to pay interest for a certain period of time. This is a plus, but given the service fee and withdrawal fee, there are more minuses.

Cash loan wins.

Many are wondering if it is possible to transfer a credit card to a consumer loan, and how to do it? You can apply for debt refinancing. In this case, the bank can offer a better interest rate and combine several loans into one, thereby reducing the overall overpayment.

Requirements and documents

Getting a cash loan is much more difficult, as banks make serious demands on borrowers. This also applies to the package of documents. For example, to get plastic card need a passport and additional document, and to obtain a loan, you need a certificate of income, a copy of the work book, and sometimes a guarantor.

Given the complexity in registration, it will be easier to get a credit card.

Summing up

A brief comparative analysis showed that each of the methods has its pros and cons. For a small amount, a credit card is more suitable, since it is easier to get than a cash loan. And to get big loan consumer credit will be more profitable.

What to choose is up to you.

Transferring funds from a credit card to debit card possible, but it is necessary to pay attention to the terms of the agreement on the credit card of a particular bank. For example, Sberbank and Alfa-Bank do not provide such an opportunity, while Raiffeisenbank and Tinkoff are more loyal in this matter.

Transferring funds from credit cards to debit cards

You can transfer funds from a Raiffeisenbank credit card to another in the following ways:

  • At the terminal/ATM. Insert the plastic and enter the pin code. In the menu that appears, select the "Transfers" item, enter the recipient's card number, confirm the operation and collect the check.
  • Using a mobile application. To do this, you need to enter your personal account and select "Transfer from card to card". In the window that appears, indicate the number of the credit card, enter the amount and confirm the operation by indicating the code from the SMS.

The commission for transferring from card to card will be 3% of the amount plus 300 rubles. Commissions for intrabank and interbank transactions are the same. Interest-free period for transfer Money from a credit card to a debit card is not saved. One operation will allow you to transfer up to 150,000 rubles at a time.

With the help of a credit card, you can replenish your qiwi wallet account with the same commission (3% + 300 rubles). Methods for conducting transfer operations are similar: at an ATM (section "payments", select a QIWI wallet and indicate the recipient's number), mobile application or on the official Qiwi website (after linking the card to the wallet).

Some banks (for example, Tinkoff) allow you to tie the plastic of another bank to personal account and replenish your accounts from it. The operation is available only if the owner of both cards is the same person.

In addition, a Tinkoff credit card can be used as a good example of transferring money to a debit card. Just go to the official website financial organization follow the link and in the right part of the form indicate the sender's data (number, expiration date, security code on the back of the plastic), and on the left the recipient's data. If the recipient is a client Tinkoff Bank"It is enough to check the box opposite the word "Tinkoff Bank Agreement" or select "Card" if the recipient is served by another bank.

Money within Tinkoff Bank is credited instantly without commission. The interbank transfer fee is 1.5% (minimum 30 rubles) of the amount, the transfer execution time is up to 5 working days.

Is it possible to convert a credit card into a consumer loan

If the credit card interest is high and you have exhausted the entire limit, consider refinancing for the benefit. Many banks offer to transfer from 3 to 5 loans, including credit cards, into one, and choose a convenient payment.

To get started, contact your bank and find out if you can refinance existing loans here. pay out new loan will have to be like a normal consumer, with interest rate from 12-13%, every month in equal parts. You can read more about this on ours.

For example, Sberbank can refinance up to 5 of any loans from other banks, but they do not refinance their own credit cards. Rate from 13.5%, it is possible to take additional funds for any purpose. You can read more about refinancing at Sberbank.