New fsbu fixed assets from the year. Measures for the transition to the application of the federal standard "Fixed assets

From January 1, public sector institutions will apply Order No. 257n - the federal standard Fixed Assets 2018. We will tell you what to prepare for under the new standard Fixed Assets 2018.

Transition to the federal standard Fixed assets from 2018

Terms of mandatory application of the new federal standard accounting(FSBU) "Fixed assets" - from January 1, 2018. The standard was approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 31, 2016 No. 257n. The FSB will become mandatory for various accounting entities. These include not only state and municipal institutions, but also state authorities and local self-government. Let's take a look at the new standard.

Unified portal of the Federal Public Sector Accounting Standards

Experts of the State Finance System and developers of accounting standards have jointly prepared a special portal on Federal standards.

For detailed explanations, developer comments, and answers to questions, go to the portal>>

What applies to fixed assets under the new standard from 2018:

  • have a useful life of more than 12 months;
  • intended for repeated or permanent use;
  • belong to the institution on the right of operational management, on the right to own or use property under a lease or gratuitous use agreement;
  • are used for state (municipal) functions, performance of work, provision of services or management needs.

Non-fixed assets under the new FSB:

  • non-produced assets;
  • property of the treasury, unless the standard provides otherwise;
  • material values, including objects not movable property held for sale or held as inventory;
  • material assets, including construction in progress, which are included in capital investments;
  • biological assets.

New standards for fixed assets: what is changing

According to the new federal standard "Fixed Assets", an inventory object is:

  • property with all fixtures and fittings;
  • a separate structurally separate item that is designed to perform independent functions;
  • a separate complex of structurally articulated objects, which is a single whole and designed to perform a specific job;
  • real estate or part of it, which is received under a lease agreement and is intended for sublease, including with the transfer of its rights and obligations under the lease agreement to another person or for free use;
  • assets cultural heritage.

Fixed assets with the same useful life, the cost of which is not significant, are combined into one inventory object, for example:

  • library funds;
  • peripheral devices and computer equipment;
  • furniture used during the same period of time (tables, chairs, cabinets, etc.).

The structural part of fixed assets may be recognized as an inventory item. At the same time, it must have a useful life that is different from the rest of the parts, and a value that is a significant amount of the total value of the property.

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The new term reclassification of fixed assets is a change in the accounting group for fixed assets or the category of an accounting object due to new conditions for their use. The disposal of an object from one group of fixed assets and its reflection in another group is carried out in accounting at the same time.

Two transactions with assets were singled out. Exchange transactions - as a result of which the institution transfers or receives assets of comparable value. Non-exchange transactions that are made free of charge or at insignificant prices in relation to the market price of an exchange transaction with similar assets.

Valuation of fixed assets

The approach to assessing the value of fixed assets has changed. Now there are seven types of value at which an asset is accounted for. Two of them are new – fair value and revalued value. Fair value is the price at which ownership of an asset is transferred between independent parties to a transaction. It is used, for example, when a fixed asset is received free of charge.

Fair value is determined using the market price method or the amortized replacement cost method. Market data can be obtained from various published sources, catalogs, information from the manufacturer. And according to the amortized cost method, the calculation is done as follows: fair value is equal to the cost of restoring or replacing an asset minus accumulated depreciation.

New depreciation methods

The institution independently establishes the method for fixed assets or their groups. The selected method is applied to the object sequentially, from period to period. An exception is when the method of obtaining economic benefits or the useful potential of an object changes. In these cases, you can change the depreciation method, but you do not need to recalculate the previously calculated depreciation.

Using the straight-line method, depreciation is accrued evenly in a constant amount throughout the useful life of the asset.

According to the decreasing balance method, the annual depreciation amount is determined from the residual value of the object at the beginning of the reporting year, the depreciation rate from the useful life of the object and a coefficient not higher than 3. The institution sets the coefficient in accounting policy.

In proportion to the volume of production, depreciation is charged on the expected use or expected performance of the facility. The amount of depreciation may be zero during the stoppage of production.

According to the federal standard, fixed assets are not depreciated for objects up to 10 thousand rubles, except for library fund. The initial cost is written off to expenses with the simultaneous reflection of objects off the balance sheet. But at the same time, it is charged in the amount of 100% of the cost upon issuance into operation for the library fund worth up to 100 thousand rubles. and any other OS objects from 10 to 100 thousand rubles. Depreciation is also charged monthly according to the norms for objects worth more than 100 thousand rubles.

Depreciation is charged on the structural part of the fixed assets object separately from other parts. For depreciation, the cost of the object is distributed between the parts by the commission for the receipt and disposal of assets.

Explore the quick guide

investment property

The new standards for fixed assets in the budget are understood as investment not only real estate, but also parts of them. Property must be owned or used to qualify as investment property.

The second condition, the fulfillment of which means that the property is investment, assumes that it will be used for the purpose of:

  • receiving rent;
  • increase in property value.

Of course, the same institutions often rent out premises, but it is difficult to assume that they initially receive real estate for rent. The founder himself will perfectly rent out a profitable object, and the institution is created for completely different purposes. In addition, the considered condition has a number of limitations. Thus, the property should not be intended for:

  • performance of state (municipal) powers (functions);
  • implementation of activities for the performance of work (rendering of services);
  • management needs of the subject of accounting and (or) sale.

If we assume that the institutions were created solely for the implementation of the functions and powers of the executive authorities, and not to derive any benefit, including the receipt of rent, then it is difficult to imagine what kind of real estate and within what activities such institutions can be classified as investment.

Real estate occupied by the subject of accounting

Apart from investment property the new standard for fixed assets from 2018 introduces another the new kind- real estate occupied by the subject of accounting. Moreover, such objects include not only those that the accounting entity owns, but also uses, including:

  • within the framework of lease relations, which provide for the transfer of significant operational risks and benefits to the user (tenant);
  • when performing the state (municipal) powers (functions) assigned to the subject of accounting;
  • in activities for the performance of work (rendering of services);
  • for management needs.

Cultural heritage assets

Many institutions and other accounting entities are located not just in buildings, but in historical monuments. According to the property, plant and equipment standard, such monuments are classified as cultural heritage assets. Also, other objects are classified as such assets:

  • works of painting (sculpture, arts and crafts);
  • objects of science and technology;
  • other objects of material culture that have cultural, historical, environmental (related to the environment) value.

Generally speaking, cultural heritage assets are all tangible assets that:

  • arose as a result of historical events;
  • have historical value (archaeology, architecture, urban planning, art, science and technology, aesthetics, ethnology or anthropology, social culture).

In this case, such objects must be:

  • evidence of eras and civilizations;
  • a true source of information about the origin and development of culture.

Application of the Federal Standard "Fixed Assets" since 2018

Standard No. 257n contains uniform requirements for the accounting of fixed assets, as well as requirements for information on fixed assets (the results of operations with them) disclosed in the accounting (financial) statements. This standard also applies to material assets received (transferred) by an accounting entity for temporary possession and use or for temporary use under (property lease) or under a contract for gratuitous use, recognized for accounting purposes as fixed assets.

Note: Standard No. 257n is applied simultaneously with the federal standard "Conceptual Framework for Accounting and Reporting of Public Sector Organizations".

At present, uniform requirements for accounting for fixed assets are established by Instruction No. 157n. It naturally arises whether the specified instruction will be adjusted with the entry into force of federal standards. In our opinion, the instruction should be brought into line with the provisions of the new regulations on accounting. The website of the Ministry of Finance also contains information (Program for the development of federal standards for public sector organizations, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated April 10, 2015 No. 64n), from which it follows that changes to Instruction No. 157n are planned to be made at the end of 2017.

It should be noted that certain provisions of Standard No. 257n and Instruction No. 157n are similar, but a significant part of the provisions of the standard has been adjusted compared to the instruction and introduces fundamental changes in the accounting of fixed assets. We will talk about this further.

Terms and their definitions

Standard No. 257n provides an updated definition of fixed assets, their grouping has been changed:

Fixed assets are tangible assets, regardless of their value, with a useful life of more than 12 months (unless otherwise provided by Standard No. 257n and other regulatory legal acts), intended for repeated or permanent use by an accounting entity (institution) on the right of operational management (the right to own and (or) use property arising under a lease (property lease) or gratuitous use agreement) for the purpose of exercising state (municipal) powers (functions), carrying out activities to perform work, provide services, or for the management needs of an accounting entity .

These material values ​​are recognized as fixed assets when they are in operation, in stock, on conservation, as well as when they are transferred by the subject of accounting, including investment property for temporary possession and use or for temporary use under a lease (property lease) agreement or under an agreement free use.

Fixed assets do not include:

1) non-produced assets;

2) property constituting the state (municipal) treasury, unless otherwise provided by Standard No. 257n;

3) material values, including objects real estate, intended for sale and (or) accounted for as inventories, as well as material assets, in particular, construction in progress, listed as part of capital investments;

4) biological assets.

Group of fixed assets - a set of assets that are fixed assets allocated for accounting purposes, information about which is disclosed in the accounting (financial) statements as a generalized indicator.

The fixed asset groups are:

  • Living spaces;
  • non-residential premises(buildings and constructions);
  • cars and equipment;
  • vehicles;
  • inventory production and economic;
  • perennial plantations;
  • investment property;
  • fixed assets not included in other groups.

For comparison, we present the grouping of fixed assets according to Instruction No. 157n:

  • Living spaces;
  • non-residential premises;
  • structures;
  • cars and equipment;
  • vehicles;
  • production and household inventory;
  • library fund;
  • other fixed assets.

As you can see, there are changes, but it is not yet known whether adjustments will be made to the Unified Chart of Accounts, for example, in terms of the library fund (there is no such group in Standard No. 257n) or in relation to investment property (there are no corresponding accounts in Instruction No. 157n).

Investment property - a real estate object (parts of a real estate object), as well as constituting a single property complex with the specified object, owned and (or) used by an accounting entity in order to receive payment for the use of property (rent) and (or) increase the value of real estate , but not intended to fulfill the state (municipal) powers (functions) assigned to the accounting entity, carry out activities to perform work, provide services, or for the management needs of the accounting entity and (or) sale.

Real estate occupied by the accounting entity - fixed assets that are real estate objects owned and (or) used by the accounting entity, including under lease agreements (property lease) or gratuitous use agreements, intended for use in the performance of tasks assigned to the accounting entity state (municipal) powers (functions), carrying out activities to perform work, provide services or for the management needs of the accounting entity.

Cultural heritage assets are material assets that have arisen as a result of historical events and have value in terms of history, archeology, architecture, urban planning, art, science and technology, aesthetics, ethnology or anthropology, social culture and are evidence of eras and civilizations, authentic sources of information about the origin and development of culture (hereinafter referred to as cultural, historical, ecological (related to the environment) value).

Cultural heritage assets include real estate objects (including objects of archaeological heritage) and other objects with historically associated territories, works of painting, sculpture, arts and crafts, objects of science and technology and other objects of material culture that have cultural, historical, ecological (related to the environment) value.

Cultural heritage assets have the following features:

  • the cultural, historical, environmental (related to the environment) value of an asset may not always be fully reflected in the monetary value based on the market price;
  • in relation to cultural heritage assets by legislation Russian Federation restrictions (prohibitions) on their use, storage, sale (alienation) are established;
  • material values ​​are irreplaceable (not subject to replacement), while their value over time, even with a deterioration in physical condition, as a rule, increases;
  • The useful life of material values ​​that are cultural heritage assets cannot be accurately estimated and in some cases is more than a hundred years.

Standard No. 257n notes that the terms, which are defined in other regulatory legal acts regulating accounting and compiling financial statements are used with the same meaning.

Recognition of property, plant and equipment

According to paragraph 8 of Standard No. 257n, material value is subject to recognition in accounting as part of fixed assets, provided that the accounting subject is expected to receive economic or useful potential from its use and the initial cost material value as an object of accounting can be reliably assessed (hereinafter referred to as the recognition criteria for an object of fixed assets).

Note: items of fixed assets that do not bring economic benefits to the institution, do not have useful potential and in respect of which further economic benefits are not provided, are accounted for on off-balance accounts established within the accounting institution. Information about such items of fixed assets is subject to disclosure in the financial statements.

Standard No. 257n gives the characteristics of the unit of accounting for fixed assets (inventory object), the procedure for assigning inventory numbers. These provisions are similar to the standards provided for in Instruction No. 157n, but there are some innovations. Let's note them.

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Items of property, plant and equipment that have the same useful life and are not material (for example, library collections, peripherals and computer equipment, furniture used during the same period of time (tables, chairs, cabinets, other furniture used for conditions of one room)) are combined into one inventory object, recognized for accounting purposes as a complex of fixed assets in accordance with the accounting policy of the institution.

A unit of accounting for fixed assets (inventory object) can be recognized as a part of an object of property, in respect of which it is possible to independently determine the period of receipt of future economic benefits, useful potential, or a part of property that has a different useful life from the rest of the parts (a way to obtain future economic benefits or useful potential). ), the value of which is a significant amount of the total value of the property (structural part of the fixed asset). At the same time, such a unit of accounting for fixed assets is determined regardless of the possible physical separation of a part of the property.

Paragraph 11 of Standard No. 257n names the features of recognition of a real estate object (its part) received by an accounting entity under a lease (property lease) agreement and intended for subsequent transfer to sublease (sublease), including with the transfer of its rights and obligations under a lease agreement to another person (assigned), or for the provision of leased property for gratuitous use. Such property is recognized as a subject of accounting as an inventory item as part of the investment property group of fixed assets.

Paragraph 12 of Standard No. 157n specifies the procedure for recognizing a cultural heritage asset. This item is recognized as property, plant and equipment in accordance with the requirements of this Standard if the accounting entity has the ability to obtain future economic benefits or useful potential associated with the specified asset, or if its useful potential is not limited to its cultural value. In other cases, the cultural heritage asset is reflected in off-balance sheet accounts at a conditional value equal to 1 rub.

Valuation of fixed assets at their recognition

According to the provisions of Standard No. 257n, the initial cost of fixed assets is determined depending on how they were acquired: as a result of exchange transactions, created independently or as a result of non-exchange transactions.

For your information: initial cost - the cost at which the asset is accepted by the subject of accounting for accounting.

Exchange transactions are transactions during which the accounting entity transfers (receives) assets on the condition of receiving (transferring) assets comparable in monetary value (value), mainly in the form Money(their equivalents) and (or) other material assets, works, services, rights to use property.

Non-exchange transactions are transactions in the course of which the accounting entity receives (transfers) assets without directly providing (receiving) assets comparable in monetary value (cash equivalents) in exchange. Non-exchange transactions include transactions for the transfer (reception) of assets free of charge (without charging a fee) or at insignificant prices in relation to the market price of an exchange transaction with similar assets.

The initial cost of an item of property, plant and equipment acquired as a result of exchange transactions or created by the institution , is determined in the amount of actually made capital investments, formed taking into account the amounts of VAT presented to the accounting entity by suppliers (contractors, performers), except for the acquisition, creation (construction and (or) manufacture) of fixed assets within the framework of the accounting entity’s activities subject to VAT, if otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees. The list of expenses of the institution included in the cost of fixed assets is contained in clause 15 of Standard No. 257n. The list of costs that are not included in the cost of fixed assets is in clause 17 of Standard No. 157n.

Also, Standard No. 257n spells out the features of determining the initial cost of fixed assets in individual cases.

In relation to an object created by the institution's own resources, the following is stated:

    the initial cost is determined in the manner provided for in paragraphs 15 - 19 of Standard No. 257n (similar to fixed assets acquired as a result of exchange transactions);

    if an institution produces assets both for sale and for use in the course of exercising state (municipal) powers (functions), carrying out activities to perform work, provide services, or for the management needs of an accounting entity, then the initial cost of this asset recognized as an object of fixed assets , corresponds to the cost of its production. At the same time, the initial cost of the named object of fixed assets does not include the excessive losses of raw materials, labor and other resources incurred during its creation, which are taken into account as part of the costs of the accounting entity.

For items acquired in exchange for assets other than cash (cash equivalents), the cost is their fair value at the date of acquisition, unless the exchange is not of a commercial nature or the fair value of the assets received and transferred cannot be measured reliably . For the purposes of Standard No. 157n, an exchange transaction is commercial in nature if, as a result of the transaction, the cash flows or useful potential of the assets being exchanged differ significantly and this leads to a change cash flows or useful potential in the area of ​​activity of the accounting entity for which the asset is acquired.

In the event that the exchange transaction is not of a commercial nature or the fair value of neither the asset received nor the asset transferred can be measured reliably, the cost of the asset received recognized as an asset is measured based on the residual value of the asset transferred in exchange.

If information about the residual value of the asset being transferred in exchange is not available for any reason, or the residual value of the asset being transferred in exchange is zero on the date of transfer, the accounting entity shall include the asset acquired through such an exchange transaction as part of fixed assets at a conditional value of 1 rub.

The cost of an item of property, plant and equipment acquired as a result of a non-exchange transaction , is its fair value at the acquisition date.

Note: fair value is the price at which the transfer of ownership of an asset or liability between well-informed, willing to make a transaction independent parties can be made (clause 52 of the Federal Standard “Conceptual Fundamentals of Public Sector Accounting and Reporting”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated 31.12 .2016 No. 256n).

In the event that an item of property, plant and equipment acquired through a non-exchange transaction cannot be measured at fair value, its cost is measured according to the residual value of the asset transferred in exchange.

If information about the residual value of the asset being transferred in exchange is not available for any reason, or the residual value of the asset being transferred in exchange is zero on the date of transfer, the accounting entity shall reflect the asset acquired through such a non-exchange transaction as part of fixed assets at a conditional value of 1 rub.

For your information: fixed assets received by an institution from a founder, another organization of the public sector, are subject to recognition in accounting in the assessment determined by the transferring party (owner (founder)), - at the cost reflected in the transfer documents (clause 24 of Standard No. 257n).

Subsequent valuation of property, plant and equipment

After the recognition of an object of fixed assets, its accounting is carried out at the book value.

The amounts of accumulated depreciation and accumulated losses from depreciation of fixed assets are reflected in accounting separately.

For your information: book value - the initial cost of an asset, taking into account its changes.

Residual value - the cost at which an asset is reflected in the accounting (financial) statements after deduction of accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses of the asset.

Accumulated depreciation - the amount of depreciation calculated for the period of use of the asset (as of the date of the transaction with the asset and (or) as of the reporting date).

Accumulated impairment loss of an asset is the amount of an asset impairment loss calculated over the period of use of the asset (as of the date of the transaction with the asset and (or) as of the reporting date).

Impairment is a decrease in the value of an asset that exceeds the planned (normal) decrease in value associated with a decrease in the value of an asset for an accounting entity (draft order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation on approval of the federal standard "Impairment of Assets").

The depreciation of an item of fixed assets is discussed in detail in Sec. VII Standard No. 257n.

It is also necessary to note certain provisions of the standard, the application of which in accounting should be fixed. accounting policy institutions (clause 28 of Standard No. 257n):

1. If the procedure for operating an item of fixed assets (its components) requires the replacement of individual components of the item, the costs of such replacement, including during major repairs, are included in the cost of the item of fixed assets at the time of their occurrence, subject to the criteria for recognizing the item as fixed funds provided for in clause 8 of Standard No. 257n. At the same time, the cost of the fixed assets object is reduced by the cost of the replaced (disposed) parts in accordance with the provisions of this standard on termination of recognition (removal from accounting) of fixed assets.

2. The costs of creating assets during regular inspections for the presence of defects, which are a prerequisite for their operation, as well as during repairs, form the volume of capital investments made with further recognition in the cost of an item of fixed assets only if the recognition criteria for an item of fixed assets provided for are met. clause 8 of Standard No. 257n. In this case, any amount of costs for the previous repair, previously taken into account in the cost of the fixed asset object, is subject to write-off to the expenses of the current period (to reduce the result).

Depreciation of an item of fixed assets

The cost of an item of property, plant and equipment is expensed (to reduce financial result) through straight-line depreciation over its useful life.

For your information: depreciation is the value of an asset that is gradually charged to expenses over its useful life (to reduce the financial result).

Useful life - the period during which the use of an asset by an accounting entity in its activities for the purposes for which it was acquired, created and (or) received (use for planned purposes) is envisaged.

Depreciation methods. By virtue of clause 36 of Standard No. 257n, there are three methods for calculating depreciation on an item of fixed assets:

1. Linear method. Assumes a straight-line charge of a constant amount of depreciation throughout the useful life of the asset.

2. Method of decreasing balance. When using it, the annual depreciation amount is determined based on the residual value of the object at the beginning of the reporting year and the depreciation rate calculated according to the useful life of this object and a coefficient not higher than 3 used by the accounting entity and established by it in accordance with its accounting policy.

3. In proportion to the volume of production. The method is to charge a depreciation amount based on the expected use or expected performance of the asset. Under this method, the amount of depreciation can be zero during the stoppage of production using a proper item of property, plant and equipment.

For the purposes of setting an accounting policy, an entity selects the depreciation method that most accurately reflects the expected manner in which the future economic benefits or service potential embodied in the asset will be obtained.

Note that Instruction No. 157n provides only a linear method.

Depreciation procedure , provided for in Standard No. 257n, we will compare with Instruction No. 157n:

    for an object of fixed assets worth more than 100,000 rubles. depreciation is charged in accordance with the calculated depreciation rates (currently this threshold is 40,000 rubles);

    for an object of fixed assets worth up to 10,000 rubles. inclusive, except for objects of the library fund, depreciation is not charged. The initial cost of an object of fixed assets put into operation (transferred) that is an object of movable property worth up to 10,000 rubles. inclusive, except for objects of the library fund, is written off from the balance sheet with simultaneous reflection of the object of fixed assets on the off-balance account (currently this threshold is 3,000 rubles);

    for a library fund object worth up to 100,000 rubles. inclusive, depreciation is charged in the amount of 100% of the initial cost when it is put into operation (currently this threshold is 40,000 rubles);

    for another item of fixed assets worth from 10,000 to 100,000 rubles. inclusive, depreciation is charged in the amount of 100% of the initial cost when it is put into operation (currently this range is from 3,000 to 40,000 rubles).

It is not possible to consider the entire Standard No. 257n within the framework of one consultation. We got acquainted with some provisions of the standard, according to which there will be changes in the accounting of fixed assets from 2018. It should also be noted that the following sections are provided in Standard No. 257n:

    on the accounting of fixed assets intended for alienation;

    on the reclassification of fixed assets included in the investment property group;

    on termination of recognition (removal from accounting) of an object of fixed assets;

    on disclosure of information on fixed assets (results of transactions with them) in the accounting (financial) statements.

Transitional provisions are also defined for the first application of Standard No. 257n.

fixed assets depreciation historical cost

A comment

On January 1, 2018, the federal accounting standard for public sector organizations "Fixed Assets" came into force, approved. by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 31, 2016 No. 257n (hereinafter referred to as the Standard). The provisions of the Standard are applied together with the standard "Conceptual Framework for Accounting and Reporting of Public Sector Organizations" (hereinafter - the Conceptual Framework). Read more about the base standard.

The Guidelines for the application of the Standard were communicated by Letter No. 02-07-07/84237 of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 15, 2017 (hereinafter referred to as the Guidelines). Consider the main changes in comparison with the previous procedure for accounting for fixed assets.

Criteria for recognition of OS objects

Criteria for recognition of objects as part of fixed assets, which are established in paragraphs. 38, 41 instructions, approved. by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 1, 2010 No. 157n (hereinafter - Instruction No. 157n), remained in the Standard:

  • useful life - more than 12 months;
  • repeated or permanent use in the activities of the institution;
  • performance of independent functions, certain work;
  • being in operation (in reserve, on conservation).

However, the concept of "fixed assets" in the Standard contains an important clarification. It says that fixed assets are tangible assets that are assets. Previously, this was implied on the basis of Art. 5 of the Federal Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ, where assets were listed as accounting objects, but was not fixed in Instruction No. 157n. In addition, the legislation did not contain a definition of an asset. Now it is given in clause 36 of the Conceptual Framework and is decisive when accepting an object for accounting as part of fixed assets.

An asset is property that meets the following criteria:

  • belongs to the institution and (or) is in its use;
  • controlled by the institution as a result of the facts of economic life that have occurred;
  • contains useful potential or economic benefits.

Based on this concept, along with the objects that are assigned to the institution on the right of operational management, now objects that are received for temporary possession and use or for temporary use under a lease agreement (property lease) or under a gratuitous use agreement should now be considered as fixed assets . Previously, such objects were accounted for in the balance on account 01.

Objects that do not and will not bring economic benefits to the institution, do not have useful potential, should be accounted for in the balance on account 02 "Material values ​​accepted for storage" (section 10 of the Methodological recommendations).

Please note: the useful potential of a thing is not necessarily expressed in the fact that it must ensure the flow of money (their equivalents) or directly participate in the provision of services. For example, an institution plans to purchase a painting in 2018 to decorate an office. For correct reflection in accounting, it is necessary to assess whether the picture is the main tool.

For accounting purposes, the useful potential embodied in an asset is its suitability:

  • for use alone or jointly with other assets in order to perform state (municipal) functions (powers) in accordance with the goals of creating an institution, activities for the provision of state (municipal) services or for the management needs of an institution, without necessarily ensuring the receipt of funds (their equivalents);
  • exchange for other assets;
  • repayment of obligations assumed by the institution.

From this definition, we can conclude that the picture has a useful potential, since it can be used for the management needs of the institution (decoration of the office), can be exchanged for other assets, or used to pay off liabilities. Therefore, its acquisition should be reflected in the corresponding analytical account of the balance sheet account 101 00 "Fixed assets".

It is not necessary to show the provision of premises for use for several hours (hourly rent) on the accounts of fixed assets and on the off-balance account 25 (26). In accounting, only accounts receivable and income from this operation is accrued.

OS accounting unit

As before, the unit of accounting for fixed assets is an inventory item. Its concept, as well as the procedure for assigning inventory numbers, have not changed. However, now the institution, when recognizing an object of fixed assets, must determine the composition of the inventory object.

OS initial cost

The procedure for determining the initial cost of an object, as before, depends on the method of its receipt by the institution - whether it was acquired (created) or received free of charge. To characterize these methods, the Standard introduces the terms "exchange" and "non-exchange" transactions.

In the course of exchange transactions, an institution transfers (receives) assets on the condition of receiving (transferring) assets comparable in monetary value (value). This may be cash (their equivalents), other material assets (works, services), rights to use property.

In the course of non-exchange transactions, an institution receives (transfers) assets without directly providing (receiving) in exchange assets comparable in monetary value (cash equivalents). In fact, this is the transfer (receipt) of assets free of charge (without charging a fee) or at insignificant prices in relation to the market price of an exchange operation with similar assets.

As before, the initial cost of a fixed asset acquired as a result of exchange transactions or created by the institution itself is determined in the amount of capital investments, taking into account the requirements of tax legislation in terms of VAT.

The list of costs that can be included in the initial cost of the object is given in clause 15 of the Standard. In general, he repeats the list from paragraph 47 of Instruction No. 157n, but is more detailed. Paragraph 17 of the Standard lists the costs that are not included in the initial cost of the object.

The formation of the value of the fixed asset object on account 106 00 is terminated when the object is suitable for its intended use. Costs associated with the use, maintenance or subsequent movement of an item of property, plant and equipment are recognized as expenses of the current period (clause 19 of the Standard). At the same time, until the moment of commissioning, the object is accounted for on account 106 00 (Section 5 of the Methodological Recommendations).

To understand what is meant by substitution, it is necessary to refer to pp. 27, 28 of the Standard. Their content is new, previously the legislation did not contain such norms.

If the procedure for operating an item of fixed assets (its components) requires the replacement of individual components of the item, then in accordance with clause 27 of the Standard, the costs of such a replacement (including during a major overhaul) are included in the cost of the item of fixed assets at the time of their occurrence. This is allowed only if such components are an asset under the recognition criteria for items of property, plant and equipment set out in paragraph 8 of the Standard.

At the same time, the cost of the fixed asset object, in respect of which restoration work was carried out ( overhaul), is reduced by the cost of replaced (disposal) parts in accordance with the provisions of the Standard on the derecognition (disposal) of fixed assets. A prerequisite is the availability of documentary evidence valuations for the outgoing object.

The institution fixes in the accounting policy the application in accounting of the provisions of clause 27 of the Standard in relation to groups of fixed assets.

Definitions of reconstruction, overhaul of facilities capital construction given in Art. 1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation. Approximate lists of works that can be performed during the overhaul of buildings and structures are given:

  • in the Methodology for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation MDS 81-35.2004, approved. Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated 05.03.2004 No. 15/1;
  • departmental building codes "Regulations on the organization and conduct of reconstruction, repair and maintenance of residential buildings, communal and socio-cultural facilities", approved. by order of the State Committee for Architecture of November 23, 1988 No. 312 (hereinafter - VSN 58-88 (p)).

During a major overhaul, an economically feasible modernization of a building or facility can be carried out - improving the layout, equipping it with the missing types of engineering equipment. The list of additional works performed during the overhaul of the building is given in Appendix 9 to VSN 58-88 (r).

If, during regular inspections of fixed assets for defects, which are a prerequisite for their operation, as well as during repairs, independent assets are created, the costs of creating such assets form the volume of capital investments. Subsequently, these investments are recognized in the value of the fixed asset object (either increase the value of the object being taken into account, or are recognized as an independent accounting object). This is established by paragraph 28 of the Standard.

In this case, any amount of costs for the creation of a similar asset during the previous repair, previously taken into account in the cost of the fixed asset, is written off as expenses of the current period (to reduce the financial result) in the amount of the residual value of the asset being replaced.

The institution fixes in the accounting policy the application of the provisions of clause 28 of the Standard when maintaining accounting for fixed assets, groups of fixed assets.

In our opinion, from the provisions of paragraphs. 27, 28 of the Standard, as well as the Guidelines, it follows that the initial cost of an object based on the results of a major overhaul (repair, regular inspection) can only be changed if its part is replaced, which can be recognized as an object of fixed assets (asset). For example, if a group of objects (computer equipment, an office in educational institution, a set of furniture, etc.), when replacing one of them, the cost of the object may be changed. The cost of the item to be replaced must be reliably estimated.

With regard to buildings, the initial cost may change in the event of the installation (replacement) of a boiler room, fire fighting equipment, equipment security and fire alarm, i.e. those objects that can be recognized as assets.

Indirectly, this conclusion is confirmed by an example from the Guidelines: the cost of repairing the premises in the amount of work on painting, whitewashing, replacing windows, doors, and other similar works are included in the expenses of the current financial year without attributing to an increase in the cost of the fixed asset being repaired.

Thus, the costs of the current (capital) repair of fixed assets, as a result of which objects recognized as assets are not created, do not change the initial cost of the fixed asset.

New provisions are also contained in paragraphs. 29, 30 of the Standard. If an item of property, plant and equipment is intended for transfer, sale to non-public sector entities, it is revalued to fair value, which is determined using the market price method. The result of such revaluation is reflected in accounting and disclosed in the financial statements separately. Previously, when selling objects, their initial cost was not revalued, the price of the object formed the income from the operation.

OS depreciation

The procedure for determining the useful life of an object, the start and end dates for depreciation has not changed.

The accrual of depreciation of an item of fixed assets is not suspended in cases when it is idle or not used or is held for subsequent transfer (write-off), except for the case when the residual value of the item has become equal to zero.

There are three methods for calculating depreciation:

  • linear - uniform accrual of a constant amount of depreciation throughout the useful life of the asset;
  • declining balance - the annual depreciation amount is determined based on the residual value of the object at the beginning of the reporting year and the depreciation rate calculated on the basis of the useful life and a coefficient not higher than 3;
  • volume-proportional - the amount of depreciation is based on the expected use or expected performance of the asset.

Thus, with the straight-line method, the annual amount of depreciation is calculated by the formula:

A \u003d C / SPI, where

A - the annual amount of depreciation;
C - the initial cost of the object;
SPI - useful life (in years).

Under the declining balance method, depreciation is calculated using the formula:

A \u003d C ost × H a × K usk / 100%, where

С ost - the residual value of the object at the beginning of the reporting year;
H a - depreciation rate for the object;
K usk - acceleration coefficient (up to 3).

The diminishing balance method allows you to transfer the value of the object to the financial result, taking into account their uneven returns during the service life, when the full potential of the property shows in the first years after the purchase. An example is digital technology, which becomes morally obsolete within two to three years after purchase. The price of such objects in a few years will decrease significantly, although the performance characteristics may remain the same.

As can be seen from the formula, under the reducing balance method, the object transfers most of its value to the financial result in the first years of operation, every year this amount becomes less and less.

The acceleration coefficient characterizes the intensity of use of the fixed asset, hence its wear. The value of the coefficient is set by the institution independently within a certain limit. It must be justified. As a justification, technical documentation for fixed assets, recommendations of authorized authorities, work schedules, timesheets, etc. can serve.

The amount of depreciation in proportion to the volume of production is calculated by the formula:

A = C × B p / B, where

B n - natural indicator of the volume of production for the reporting period;
B - the estimated volume of production for the entire useful life of the object.

Under this depreciation method, the useful life of an asset is presented not in years, but in the form of the expected volume of production that can be produced as a result of the operation of the fixed asset. This method allows the most accurate reflection of the actual intensity of use of the asset. For example, the depreciation amount may be zero during the stop of production using an item of property, plant and equipment. During periods of higher usage, the accumulated depreciation will be higher, and vice versa.

An institution selects the depreciation method that most accurately reflects the way in which the future economic benefits or service potential embodied in the asset is expected to be obtained. This choice must be fixed in the accounting policy.

If the expected method of obtaining economic benefits or the useful potential contained in the asset has changed, the validity of the applied depreciation method is assessed on January 1 of the year following the year of such change (paragraph 38 of the Standard). You can change the depreciation method that will be used over the remaining useful life. It is not required to recalculate the accumulated depreciation on the date of revision of the depreciation method when it is changed.

An institution can apply all three depreciation methods for different groups of fixed assets. This procedure is established in the accounting policy.

Since January 1, 2018, the cost criteria for depreciation have changed. Comparative characteristics presented in the table.

Depreciation procedureInstruction No. 157nStandardNote
not charged up to 3000 rub. up to 10,000 rubles In addition to the objects of the library fund
100% upon commissioning from 3,000 to 40,000 rubles. from 10,000 to 100,000 rubles. In this order, according to the Standard, depreciation is charged on library fund objects worth from 0 to 100,000 rubles. (previously - up to 40,000 rubles).
Until 01/01/2018, this procedure was also applied to real estate objects worth up to 40,000 rubles. From 01/01/2018, depreciation on real estate is accrued in the general manner, no special norms have been established.
according to depreciation rates (including library fund) over 40,000 rubles. over 100,000 rubles.

Please note that depreciation rules have been changed for fixed assets under conservation. The standard does not contain exceptions for suspending depreciation. Previously, they were established in clause 85 of Instruction No. 157n for transferring an object of fixed assets for conservation for a period of more than three months, as well as restoring an object for more than 12 months.

The institution identifies signs of asset impairment (listed in paragraphs 7-9 of the Impairment of Assets Standard) as part of annual inventory assets and liabilities. If there are such signs, a decision is made on the need to determine the fair value of the object.

Draft orders on amendments to the accounting instructions for public sector institutions provide for account 0 114 00 000 "Impairment of non-financial assets" to reflect the amount of accumulated losses.

Operations on the accrual of losses from depreciation of fixed assets are planned to be reflected in the debit of account 0 401 20 274, of the corresponding accounts analytical accounting account 0 109 00 000 in correspondence with account credit 0 114 00 000.

OS retirement

The reasons why items of property, plant and equipment are written off the balance sheet are listed in paragraph 45 of the Standard. New grounds for write-off include:

  • termination of the use of an object of fixed assets for the intended purposes, termination of obtaining economic benefits or useful potential from the further use of the object;
  • transfer under a lease agreement (property lease) or a contract for gratuitous use in the event that the recipient has the property of an accounting object as part of fixed assets.

These grounds are highlighted in connection with the new understanding of the fixed asset as an asset that should bring economic benefits or have a useful potential.

Please note that the object continues to be accounted for as fixed assets when it is transferred for use to other right holders as part of an operating lease relationship that provides for the return of leased objects to the institution for their further use (clause 7 of the Standard, section 3 of the Guidelines). This is also true for investment properties.

In 2018, changes in legislation come into force that will significantly affect the work of an accountant. In order to avoid fines and disagreements with inspectors, pay attention to the main innovations and our tips for switching to new standards.

In the last days of the outgoing 2017, complete the annual inventory using. In connection with the transition to standards for each property, it is necessary to decide whether it belongs to or not, and then reflect this in the inventory documents. Even if you did not have time to draw up some documents on the annual inventory in December, it does not matter - they can be signed before the annual report is submitted in January. If you have already conducted an inventory for the purposes of reporting for 2017, you do not need to redo anything. But in order to switch to the standards, it will be necessary to additionally analyze all objects of property for their compliance with the concept of "asset". The results of this analysis can be presented using new forms.

The second important task of the first weeks of 2018 is the formation of incoming balances in the inter-reporting period based on Accounting reference(). The procedure for their formation and posting is given by the Ministry of Finance of Russia in Guidelines, brought and dated December 13, 2017 No. 02-07-07 / 83463.

Details can be found in our materials:

2. Amendments to be taken into account when preparing budget and accounting statements for 2017.

The Ministry of Finance of Russia has already prepared orders to amend and, as well as amendments to, and. The adjusted norms must be taken into account when compiling reports for 2017. Recall that in 2018 a significant change is expected in terms of liability for the submission of false reports by state, budgetary and autonomous institutions.

3. Requirements for registration of accounting documents are changing.

5. Financial planning, budget spending and subsidies: changes already adopted and expected.

Note that now three types of lists will be applied: basic, federal and regional ( , ).

6. It will be necessary to conclude and pay for contracts according to the updated rules.

For employees of state institutions, it is important that, according to the wording effective from January 1, 2018, one can without risk be fined for concluding contracts during the withdrawal period of the LBO, if the amount of these contracts does not exceed the volume of the relevant received budget commitments.

For budget and autonomous institutions Since November 27, 2017, restrictions on the transfer of advances have been in effect, provided for recipients of budgetary funds by a public legal entity: the Russian Federation, a region, a municipality. In addition, according to the updated rules, and when spending grant funds for the performance of an assignment or CHI funds, the treasury authority will be able to require documents confirming the occurrence of an obligation, if such a procedure is established in the relevant public law entity. These changes have been made.

5. This Standard is applied in the accounting of material assets received (transferred) by an accounting entity for temporary possession and use or for temporary use under a lease (property lease) agreement or under a gratuitous use agreement recognized for accounting purposes as fixed assets, taking into account provisions established by other regulatory legal acts regulating accounting and preparation of accounting (financial) statements.

When maintaining accounting of fixed assets, compiling accounting (financial) statements, the following is carried out:

classification of transactions - objects of accounting upon receipt (transfer) for temporary possession and use or for temporary use under a lease (property lease) agreement or under an agreement for the gratuitous use of property objects recognized for accounting purposes as fixed assets, as well as the assessment of these accounting objects ;

recognition of economic benefits (income) from payment for the use of property (rent) and (or) increase in the value of real estate recognized in accounting as investment property;

assessment of accounting objects - the rights to receive income from those received for temporary possession and use or for temporary use under lease agreements (property lease) or under agreements for the gratuitous use of real estate objects that are not recognized for accounting purposes as fixed assets, as well as disclosure in the accounting (financial) reporting information on such accounting items.

disclosure in accordance with this Standard of information on other accounting items.

II. Terms and their definitions

6. Terms defined in other regulatory legal acts governing accounting and preparation of accounting (financial) statements are used in this Standard in the same sense as they are used in these regulatory legal acts.

7. The following terms are used in this Standard with the meanings specified.

fixed assets- tangible assets that are assets, regardless of their value, with a useful life of more than 12 months (unless otherwise provided by this Standard, other regulatory legal acts governing accounting and preparation of accounting (financial) statements), intended for repeated or permanent use by an accounting entity on the right of operational management (the right to own and (or) use property arising under a lease (property lease) or gratuitous use agreement) for the purpose of exercising state (municipal) powers (functions), carrying out activities to perform work, provide services, or for managerial needs of the subject of accounting.

The specified material assets are recognized as fixed assets when they are in operation, in stock, on conservation, as well as when they are transferred by the subject of accounting, including investment property, for temporary possession and use or for temporary use under a lease (property lease) agreement or under contract for free use.

Fixed assets do not include:

a) non-produced assets;

b) property constituting the state (municipal) treasury, unless otherwise provided by this Standard;

c) tangible assets, including real estate objects intended for sale and (or) accounted for as inventories, as well as tangible assets, including construction in progress, included in capital investments;

d) biological assets.

Fixed asset group- a set of assets that are fixed assets allocated for accounting purposes, information on which is disclosed in the accounting (financial) statements as a generalized indicator.

The fixed asset groups are:

a) living quarters;

b) non-residential premises (buildings and structures);

c) machinery and equipment;

d) vehicles;

e) production and household inventory;

f) perennial plantings;

g) investment property;

h) fixed assets not included in other groups.

Investment property- a real estate object (parts of a real estate object), as well as movable property, constituting a single property complex with the specified object, owned and (or) used by the accounting entity in order to receive payment for the use of property (rent) and (or) increase the value of real estate property, but not intended to fulfill the state (municipal) powers (functions) assigned to the accounting entity, carry out activities to perform work, provide services or for the management needs of the accounting entity and (or) sale.

Real estate occupied by the subject of accounting, - fixed assets that are real estate objects owned and (or) used by the accounting entity, including under lease agreements (property lease) or gratuitous use agreements), intended for use in the fulfillment of state (municipal) tasks assigned to the accounting entity powers (functions), carrying out activities for the performance of work, the provision of services or for the management needs of the subject of accounting.

Cultural heritage assets- material assets that have arisen as a result of historical events and have value in terms of history, archeology, architecture, urban planning, art, science and technology, aesthetics, ethnology or anthropology, social culture and are evidence of eras and civilizations, authentic sources of information about the origin and development of culture (hereinafter referred to as cultural, historical, ecological (related to the environment) value).

Cultural heritage assets include real estate objects (including archaeological heritage objects) and other objects with historically associated territories, works of painting, sculpture, arts and crafts, objects of science and technology and other objects of material culture that have cultural, historical, ecological (related to the environment) value.

Cultural heritage assets have the following features:

a) the cultural, historical, environmental (related to the environment) value of an asset may not always be fully reflected in the monetary value based on the market price;

b) in relation to cultural heritage assets, the legislation of the Russian Federation establishes restrictions (prohibitions) on their use, storage, sale (alienation);

c) material values ​​are irreplaceable (not subject to replacement), while their value over time, even with a deterioration in physical condition, as a rule, increases;

d) the useful life of material values ​​that are assets of cultural heritage cannot be accurately estimated and in some cases is a period exceeding a hundred years.

Initial cost- the cost at which the asset is accepted by the subject of accounting for accounting.

Depreciation is the amount of the asset's value, gradually attributed to expenses (to reduce the financial result) during its useful life.

Useful life- the period during which the use of the asset by the accounting entity in its activities for the purposes for which it was acquired, created and (or) received (use for the planned purposes) is envisaged.

Revalued value- the value of the asset as of the revaluation date less accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses of the asset.

Book value- the initial cost of the asset, taking into account its changes.

residual value- the cost at which the asset is reflected in the accounting (financial) statements after deducting the accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses of the asset.

Accumulated depreciation- the amount of depreciation calculated for the period of use of the asset (as of the date of the transaction with the asset and (or) as of the reporting date).

Accumulated impairment loss of an asset- the amount of the asset impairment loss calculated for the period of use of the asset (as of the date of the transaction with the asset and (or) as of the reporting date).

Exchange operations- transactions in the course of which the accounting entity transfers (receives) assets on the condition of receiving (transferring) assets comparable in monetary value (value), mainly in the form of cash (their equivalents) and (or) other material assets, works, services, rights to use property.

Non-exchange transactions- transactions in the course of which the accounting entity receives (transfers) assets without direct provision (receipt) in exchange of assets comparable in monetary value (cash equivalents). Non-exchange transactions include transactions for the transfer (reception) of assets free of charge (without charging a fee) or at insignificant prices in relation to the market price of an exchange transaction with similar assets.

III. Recognition (acceptance for accounting) of fixed assets

8. A material value is subject to recognition in accounting as a part of fixed assets (hereinafter referred to as an object of fixed assets), provided that the accounting entity is expected to receive economic benefits or useful potential from its use and the initial cost of the material value as an object of accounting can be reliably estimated (hereinafter - criteria for recognition of an object of fixed assets).

Material objects of property, with the exception of periodicals, that make up the library fund of the subject of accounting, are accepted for accounting as fixed assets, regardless of their useful life.

Objects of fixed assets that do not bring economic benefits to the accounting entity, do not have useful potential and in respect of which further economic benefits are not provided for, are accounted for on off-balance accounts of the Working Chart of Accounts of the accounting entity approved by the accounting entity as part of its accounting policy (hereinafter - off-balance accounts ). Information about such items of fixed assets is subject to disclosure in the accounting (financial) statements.

9. The accounting unit of fixed assets is an inventory item.

The recognition criteria for an item of property, plant and equipment in paragraph 8 of this Standard shall apply to the inventory item as a whole.

Each inventory item of fixed assets is assigned an inventory number in the manner established by the accounting policy of the accounting entity, taking into account the provisions of this Standard and the Instructions for the Application of the Unified Chart of Accounts for Public Authorities ( government agencies), bodies of local self-government, management bodies of state non-budgetary funds, state academies of sciences, state (municipal) institutions * (4) (hereinafter respectively - Instructions for the use of the Unified Chart of Accounts, the Unified Chart of Accounts).

The inventory number assigned to an item of fixed assets is retained by it for the entire period of its stay in the institution.

Inventory numbers of fixed assets that have retired from the balance sheet are not assigned to fixed assets that are newly accepted for accounting.

10. When recognizing an item of fixed assets as a subject of accounting, the composition of the inventory item is determined taking into account the provisions of this Standard and the materiality of the information disclosed in the accounting (financial) statements.

An object of fixed assets is recognized as an object of property with all fixtures and fittings or a separate structurally separate item designed to perform certain independent functions, or a separate complex of structurally articulated items that are a single whole and designed to perform a specific job.

A complex of structurally articulated items is one or more items of the same or different purposes, having common devices and accessories, common control, mounted in a single complex (on the same foundation), as a result of which each item included in the complex can perform its functions only as part of complex, not on its own.

Items of property, plant and equipment that have the same useful life and are not material (for example, library collections, peripherals and computer equipment, furniture used during the same period of time (tables, chairs, cabinets, other furniture used for conditions of one premises) are combined into one inventory object, recognized for accounting purposes as a complex of fixed assets in accordance with the accounting policy of the accounting entity, taking into account the provisions of the Instruction on the Application of the Unified Chart of Accounts.

A fixed asset accounting unit may be recognized as a part of an object of property, in respect of which it is possible to independently determine the period of receipt of future economic benefits, useful potential, or a part of property that has a different useful life from other parts (a way to obtain future economic benefits or useful potential), and cost which is a significant amount of the total cost of the property (hereinafter - the structural part of the fixed asset). At the same time, such a unit of accounting for fixed assets is determined regardless of the possible physical separation of a part of the property.

The property located in fractional ownership, is accepted by the subject of accounting for accounting as part of fixed assets in proportion to the share of the right in common (shared) ownership. At the same time, the recognition criteria for an item of property, plant and equipment, provided for in paragraph 8 of this Standard, must be applied to an inventory item.

11. A real estate object (part of it) received by an accounting entity under a lease (property lease) agreement and intended for the subsequent transfer of the received property for sublease (sublease), including with the transfer of its rights and obligations under the lease agreement to another person (transfer), or for the provision of leased property for gratuitous use, is recognized as a subject of accounting as an inventory item as part of the investment property group of fixed assets, subject to the criteria for recognition of an item of fixed assets provided for in clause 8 of this Standard.

12. A cultural heritage asset is recognized as property, plant and equipment in accordance with the requirements of this Standard if the accountant has the ability to obtain future economic benefits or useful potential associated with the asset, or if its useful potential is not limited to its cultural value.

In other cases, a cultural heritage asset is reflected in off-balance sheet accounts at a notional value equal to one ruble.

13. Accounting units of fixed assets determined upon their recognition (acceptance for accounting), based on the new conditions for their use by the accounting entity, may be reclassified into another group of fixed assets or into another category of accounting items.

The disposal of an inventory item from one group of fixed assets and its reflection in another group of fixed assets in the event of reclassification must be reflected in accounting simultaneously.

The transfer of an item of fixed assets to another group of fixed assets or to another category of accounting items in connection with its reclassification does not lead to a change in its value both in accounting and for the purposes of assessment and disclosure of information in accounting (financial) statements.

IV. Valuation of fixed assets at their recognition (acceptance for accounting)

14. An item of fixed assets is accepted for accounting from the moment it is recognized in accordance with paragraphs 8-12 of this Standard at historical cost.

The initial cost of an item of fixed assets acquired as a result of exchange transactions or created by an accounting entity

15. The initial cost of an item of fixed assets acquired as a result of exchange transactions or created by an accounting entity is determined in the amount of actually made capital investments, formed taking into account the amounts of value added tax (hereinafter - VAT) presented to the accounting entity by suppliers (contractors, performers), except for the acquisition, creation (construction and (or) manufacture) of an item of fixed assets within the framework of the activity of an accounting entity subject to VAT, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees, which include:

a) the purchase price, including customs duties, non-refundable amounts of VAT (other tax), minus the discounts (deductions, bonuses, benefits) received;

b) any actual costs for the acquisition, creation of an item of fixed assets, including its delivery to its destination and bringing it into a condition suitable for operation, including:

labor costs and insurance premiums for compulsory social insurance directly related to the creation of fixed assets;

cost of works (services) for the creation of fixed assets under the contract building contract and other contracts;

state duties and other expenses for the payment of mandatory payments to the budgets budget system the Russian Federation, produced in connection with the acquisition (creation, manufacture) of an item of fixed assets;

the amount of remuneration for the provision of intermediary services in the acquisition of an item of fixed assets;

site preparation costs;

shipping and handling costs;

installation and installation costs;

the cost of verifying the proper functioning of an item of property, plant and equipment, net of income from the sale of products produced before the item of property, plant and equipment was brought into a condition suitable for use (for example, samples obtained during the inspection of equipment);

the amount of costs associated with the creation, production and (or) manufacture of an item of fixed assets, incurred by the subject of accounting for materials, services third parties(co-executors, contractors (subcontractors);

costs for information and consulting services related to the acquisition (creation, manufacture) of an item of fixed assets;

other costs directly related to the acquisition, construction and (or) manufacture of fixed assets, including the costs of maintaining the directorate of the real estate object under construction and state construction supervision;

c) the amount of costs for the dismantling and decommissioning of an item of fixed assets, as well as the restoration of the site on which the item is located, known at the time of acceptance of the item of fixed assets for accounting. Such costs are recognized as the subject of accounting if the obligation to dismantle and (or) decommission the fixed asset object, as well as to restore the site on which this object is located, is provided for by the contract of sale, use, other contract (agreement) establishing the conditions for use object.

Actually made capital investments in perennial plantations are taken into account by the subject of accounting when forming the initial cost of the fixed asset object annually in the amount of capital investments related to the areas accepted for operation, regardless of the completion of the entire complex of works.

16. Assessment of the initial cost of an item of fixed assets, the cost of which upon its acquisition is expressed in foreign currency, is made in the currency of the Russian Federation - the ruble equivalent, calculated on the date of acceptance of the fixed asset object for accounting (actual capital investments in the fixed asset object being created).

In the case of transferring preliminary payments (advance payments) in foreign currency in accordance with contracts (agreements) in terms of expenses (expenses) included in actually made capital investments, the calculation of the ruble equivalent is carried out on the date of transfer of such advances. At the same time, the calculation of the ruble equivalent in terms of the specified expenses (expenses) remaining unpaid in foreign currency as of the date of recognition of the fixed asset object is carried out on the date of recognition of the corresponding fixed asset item.

After the recognition of an item of fixed assets, any exchange (accounting) differences associated with the payment of the remaining unpaid debt on the date of recognition of the item of fixed assets on expenses (expenses) included in the volume of actually made capital investments are charged to the financial result of the current period.

17. The initial cost of an item of fixed assets does not include:

a) the cost of opening new industries;

b) the cost of introducing new products or services;

c) the cost of doing business in a new location or with a new group of service consumers (including the cost of staff training);

d) operating losses incurred by the accounting entity until the level of income from the payment for the use of investment property (rental payment) matches the level of income planned upon recognition of the investment property as part of a group of fixed assets;

e) administrative, general business and other general overhead costs;

f) the cost of performing operations associated with the construction or creation of an item of property, plant and equipment, but not necessary to deliver the item to its destination and bring it into a condition suitable for use.

18. If the purchase agreement provides for a deferred payment for an item of property, plant and equipment for a period exceeding 12 months, then the difference between the cost when paid without deferred payment and the value when paid taking into account deferred payment is recognized as interest expense, unless such interest is included in the initial cost of an item of fixed assets in accordance with the requirements provided for by other applicable regulatory legal acts governing accounting and preparation of accounting (financial) statements.

19. Recognition of costs as part of actually made capital investments that form the cost of an item of fixed assets is terminated when the item is in a condition suitable for its intended use.

Costs incurred in the use, maintenance or subsequent movement of an item of property, plant and equipment are recognized as an expense in the current period.

A change in the book value of an item of fixed assets after its recognition in accounting is possible only in cases provided for by this Standard, other applicable regulatory legal acts governing accounting and preparation of accounting (financial) statements (in cases of completion, additional equipment, reconstruction, including with elements of restoration, technical re-equipment, modernization, partial liquidation (dismantling), replacement (partial replacement as part of a major overhaul for the purpose of reconstruction, technical re-equipment, modernization) of an object or its component, as well as revaluation of fixed assets).

Actually made capital investments that form the book value of the fixed asset in the amount of costs for its modernization, additional equipment, reconstruction, including with elements of restoration, technical re-equipment, reflected in the budget accounting by the accounting entity exercising the powers of the recipient of budgetary funds, are transferred in the amount of capital investments to the balance-holder of an item of fixed assets, in respect of which modernization, additional equipment, reconstruction, including those with elements of restoration, technical re-equipment, has been carried out (completed), in order to attribute the amount of these actual capital investments to an increase in the book value of such an item of fixed assets.

20. The initial cost of an asset created on its own by an accounting entity (independently), recognized in accounting as an item of fixed assets, is determined in the manner prescribed by paragraphs 15-19 of this Standard.

If the accounting entity produces assets both for sale and for use in the course of the exercise of state (municipal) powers (functions), the performance of work, the provision of services, or for the management needs of the accounting entity, then the initial cost of such an asset, recognized as an object of fixed funds, corresponds to the cost of its production.

At the same time, the initial cost of such an item of fixed assets does not include the excessive losses of raw materials, labor and other resources incurred during its creation, which are taken into account as part of the expenses of the accounting entity.

Recognition of interest on attracted borrowings as part of actual capital investments that form the initial cost of an item of fixed assets created by an institution on its own is carried out taking into account the provisions of this Standard and other applicable regulatory legal acts governing accounting and preparation of accounting (financial) statements.

21. The cost of an item of property, plant and equipment acquired through an exchange transaction in exchange for other assets, excluding cash (their equivalents), is its fair value at the date of acquisition, unless the exchange transaction is not of a commercial nature or when the fair value of the received the asset and the transferred asset cannot be measured reliably.

For the purposes of this Standard, an exchange transaction is commercial in nature if, as a result of the transaction, the cash flows or useful potential of the assets being exchanged differ materially and this results in a change in the cash flows or useful potential in the entity's business for which the asset is acquired.

When the exchange transaction is not commercial in nature or the fair value of neither the asset received nor the asset given up can be measured reliably, the cost of the asset received, recognized as an item of property, plant and equipment, is measured by reference to the residual value of the asset given up.

If data on the residual value of the asset transferred in exchange for any reason is not available, or on the date of transfer the residual value of the asset transferred in exchange is zero, the accounting subject shall reflect the asset acquired through such an exchange transaction as part of fixed assets in a conditional value equal to one ruble.

Cost of an item of property, plant and equipment acquired as a result of non-exchange transactions

22. The cost of an item of property, plant and equipment acquired in a non-exchange transaction is its fair value at the acquisition date.

23. If an item of property, plant and equipment acquired through a non-exchange transaction cannot be measured at fair value, its cost is measured based on the residual value of the asset transferred in exchange.

If data on the residual value of the asset being transferred in exchange for any reason is not available, or on the date of transfer the residual value of the asset being transferred in exchange is zero, the accounting subject shall reflect the asset acquired through such a non-exchange transaction as part of fixed assets in a conditional value equal to one ruble.

24. Objects of fixed assets received by the subject of accounting from the owner (founder), other organization of the public sector are subject to recognition in accounting in the assessment determined by the transferring party (owner (founder) - at the cost reflected in the transfer documents.

V. Subsequent valuation of property, plant and equipment

25. After an asset is recognized in the accounting records as an object of fixed assets, its accounting is carried out at the book value.

The amounts of accumulated depreciation and accumulated losses from depreciation of fixed assets are reflected in accounting separately.

26. Reflection in accounting of fixed assets intended for alienation not in favor of public sector organizations is carried out taking into account the specifics provided for in clauses 29 of this Standard.

27. If the procedure for operating an item of fixed assets (its components) requires the replacement of individual components of the item, the costs of such replacement, including during major repairs, are included in the cost of the item of fixed assets at the time of their occurrence, subject to the recognition criteria item of property, plant and equipment specified in paragraph 8 of this Standard.

At the same time, the cost of an item of fixed assets is reduced by the cost of the parts to be replaced (disposed of) in accordance with the provisions of this Standard on the derecognition (removal from accounting) of items of fixed assets.

The subject of accounting establishes in its accounting policy the application in accounting of the provisions of this paragraph in relation to groups of fixed assets.

28. The costs of creating assets during regular inspections for the presence of defects, which are a prerequisite for their operation, as well as during repairs, form the volume of capital investments made with further recognition in the cost of an item of fixed assets only if the recognition criteria for an item of fixed assets provided for are met. paragraph 8 of this Standard. In this case, any amount of costs for the previous repair, previously taken into account in the value of the fixed asset object, is subject to write-off to the expenses of the current period (to reduce the financial result).

The subject of accounting establishes in its accounting policy the application of the provisions of this paragraph when maintaining accounting for fixed assets, groups of fixed assets.

Accounting for an object of fixed assets intended for alienation not in favor of public sector organizations

29. An object of fixed assets intended for alienation not in favor of public sector organizations is accounted for at fair value determined by the market price method.

30. The result of the revaluation to fair value determined by the market price method is reflected in the accounting records and disclosed in the accounting (financial) statements separately as part of the financial result of the current period.

Reclassification of property, plant and equipment included in the investment property group of property, plant and equipment

31. The transfer of fixed assets to the group of fixed assets "Investment property" or exclusion from it should be carried out in relation to real estate (part of the real estate), as well as movable property, constituting with the specified objects a single property complexes used by the accounting entity in order to receive payment for the use of property (rent) and (or) an increase in the value of real estate, in the event of a change in the purpose of their use, when:

a) the completion of the use of fixed assets in the course of the implementation by the subject of accounting of state (municipal) powers (functions), the implementation of activities to perform work, provide services or for management needs, in order to provide them under a lease agreement (property lease) or a contract for gratuitous use ( transfer of fixed assets from the real estate occupied by the subject of accounting to the group of fixed assets "Investment property");

b) the resumption of the use of fixed assets previously provided under a lease (property loan) agreement or a contract for gratuitous use, in the course of the accounting entity performing state (municipal) powers (functions), carrying out activities to perform work, provide services or for management needs (transfer from the group of fixed assets "Investment property" to the composition of fixed assets relating to real estate occupied by the subject of accounting).

The transfer to the group of fixed assets "Investment property" or the exclusion from it of property objects constituting the state (municipal) treasury should be carried out in relation to real estate objects (part of the real estate object), as well as movable property, constituting with these objects a single property complex used with for the purpose of receiving payment for the use of property (rent) and (or) increasing the value of real estate, in case of:

a) conclusion of a lease agreement (property lease) or a contract for gratuitous use (transfer to the group of fixed assets "Investment property" from the category of accounting objects "Inventory");

b) completion (termination, termination) of a lease agreement (property lease) or a contract for gratuitous use (transfer from the group of fixed assets "Investment property" to the category of accounting objects "Inventory");

c) the beginning of the reconstruction of the property for the purpose of its further sale (transfer from the group of fixed assets "Investment property" to the category of accounting objects "Inventory").

VI. Depreciation of an item of fixed assets

32. The cost of an item of fixed assets is transferred to expenses (to reduce the financial result) by means of uniform depreciation over its useful life.

The amount of depreciation for each period is recognized as an expense of the current period (attributed to the decrease in the financial result) unless it is included in the cost of another asset.

33. Depreciation of a fixed asset object begins on the 1st day of the month following the month in which it was accepted for accounting.

34. Depreciation of an item of fixed assets is terminated from the 1st day of the month following the month of derecognition (its retirement from accounting), or from the 1st day of the month following the month in which the residual value of the item of fixed assets became equal to zero.

The accrual of depreciation of an item of fixed assets is not suspended in cases where the item of fixed assets is idle or not used or is held for subsequent transfer (write-off), except for the case when the residual value of the item of fixed assets has become equal to zero.

35. The useful life of an item of fixed assets is determined based on:

a) the expected period of receipt of economic benefits and (or) useful potential contained in an asset recognized as an item of fixed assets.

At the same time, for fixed assets included in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 1, 2002 N 1 "On the Classification of Fixed Assets Included in Depreciation Groups" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2002, N 1, Art. 52; 2016, N 29, Art. 4818), in depreciation groups from the first to the ninth, the useful life is determined by the longest period established for the indicated depreciation groups; in the tenth depreciation group, the useful life is calculated on the basis of uniform depreciation rates for the full restoration of fixed assets National economy USSR, approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of October 22, 1990 N 1072 "On the uniform norms of depreciation deductions for the complete restoration of fixed assets of the national economy of the USSR" (SP SSR, 1990, N 30, item 140);

the expected life of this facility in accordance with the expected productivity or capacity;

expected physical wear, depending on the operating mode, natural conditions and the influence of an aggressive environment, the repair system;

other restrictions on the use of this object, including those established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

warranty period for the use of the object;

the terms of actual operation and the previously accrued depreciation amount - for objects received free of charge from other accounting entities, state (municipal) organizations.

36. The depreciation method reflects the way in which the future economic benefits or service potential of an asset is expected to be obtained.

Depreciation of fixed assets is calculated in accordance with the accounting policy of the accounting entity using one of the following methods:

linear method. This method assumes a straight-line accrual of a constant amount of depreciation throughout the useful life of the asset;

decreasing balance method. When using this method, the annual depreciation amount is determined based on the residual value of the object at the beginning of the reporting year and the depreciation rate calculated on the basis of the useful life of this object and a coefficient not higher than 3 used by the accounting entity and established by it in accordance with its accounting policy;

in proportion to the volume of production. The method is to charge a depreciation amount based on the expected use or expected performance of the asset. Under this method, the amount of depreciation can be zero during the stoppage of production using the relevant item of property, plant and equipment.

37. The accounting entity selects the depreciation method that most accurately reflects the expected manner in which the future economic benefits or service potential embodied in the asset will be received.

The selected depreciation method is applied to an item of property, plant and equipment consistently from period to period, unless there is a change in the expected manner of obtaining future economic benefits or useful potential from the use of an item of property, plant and equipment.

With the same methods of obtaining future economic benefits or useful potential for fixed assets included in the same group of fixed assets, it is possible to apply one depreciation method to the group of fixed assets as a whole.

38. In cases where there is a change in the expected mode of obtaining economic benefits or useful potential contained in an asset, the reasonableness of the applied depreciation method is assessed on January 1 of the year following the year of such change.

If there has been a significant change in the way in which the future economic benefits or useful potential of an item of property, plant and equipment are expected to be received, the depreciation method to be used over the remaining useful life may be changed.

Recalculation of accumulated depreciation on the date of revision of the depreciation method, if it is changed, is not required.

39. Depreciation of an item of fixed assets is charged taking into account the following provisions:

a) for an object of fixed assets worth more than 100,000 rubles, depreciation is charged in accordance with the calculated depreciation rates;

b) a fixed asset object worth up to 10,000 rubles inclusive, with the exception of library fund objects, is not subject to depreciation. The initial cost of the fixed asset put into operation (transferred) into operation, which is an object of movable property, with a value of up to 10,000 rubles inclusive, with the exception of library fund objects, is debited from the balance sheet while simultaneously reflecting the fixed asset item on an off-balance sheet account in accordance with the procedure for applying the Unified Plan accounting accounts;

c) for a library fund object worth up to 100,000 rubles inclusive, depreciation is charged in the amount of 100% of the initial cost when it is put into operation;

d) for another item of fixed assets worth from 10,000 to 100,000 rubles inclusive, depreciation is charged in the amount of 100% of the initial cost when it is put into operation.

40. The structural part of an item of fixed assets shall be depreciated separately from the depreciation of other parts that, together with the structural parts of an item of fixed assets, constitute a single item of property (single item of fixed assets).

For the purposes of depreciation, the accounting entity, in accordance with the decision of the commission for the receipt and disposal of assets, distributes the cost of the fixed asset object, consisting of such parts, between its parts.

The useful life and depreciation method of a structural part of an item of fixed assets may coincide with the useful life and depreciation method of other parts that, together with the structural parts of an item of fixed assets, constitute a single item of property (a single item of fixed assets). In cases established by the accounting policy of the accounting entity, when determining the amount of depreciation of such parts, they are combined.

If the accounting entity separately calculates depreciation for the structural parts of an item of fixed assets, then for other parts that, together with the structural parts of an item of fixed assets, make up a single object of property (a single item of fixed assets), depreciation is charged independently.

41. When revaluing an item of fixed assets (including items of fixed assets alienated not in favor of public sector organizations), the amount of accumulated depreciation calculated as of the revaluation date is taken into account in one of the following ways, fixed by the accounting entity in the accounting policy:

a) recalculation of accumulated depreciation, in which the accumulated depreciation calculated as of the revaluation date is recalculated in proportion to the change in the initial cost of an item of property, plant and equipment so that its residual value after revaluation is equal to its revalued value. This method provides for an increase (multiplication) of the book value and accumulated depreciation by the same factor in such a way that when they are summed up, the revalued value is obtained as of the date of the revaluation;

b) the accumulated depreciation calculated at the revaluation date is deducted from the carrying amount of the item of property, plant and equipment, after which the residual value is recalculated to the revalued amount of the asset. The specified method of recalculating the accumulated depreciation provides that the accumulated depreciation calculated before the revaluation is attributed to a decrease in the book value of an item of fixed assets (on a credit of the corresponding balance sheet accounts of fixed assets) with an increase in the residual value of the item of fixed assets in the debit of the corresponding balance accounts of fixed assets on the amount of its revaluation to fair value. From the moment of revaluation in this way, depreciation is accrued for the remaining useful life of an item of fixed assets at the same estimated depreciation rate as before the moment of revaluation.

42. The amount of adjustment arising from the recalculation or exclusion of accumulated depreciation forms a part of the amount of increase or decrease in the residual value of fixed assets to be reflected in accounting.

VII. Impairment of an item of property, plant and equipment

43. To determine the signs of depreciation of an item of fixed assets by an accounting entity, the provisions of the federal accounting standard for public sector organizations "Impairment of Assets" * (5) (hereinafter - the Federal Standard "Impairment of Assets") are applied.

Accumulated loss from depreciation of an item of fixed assets is accounted for separately from the cost of an item of fixed assets by analogy with the amount of accumulated depreciation on this item of fixed assets.

44. Impairment of an item of property, plant and equipment, as well as any subsequent acquisition or construction of assets replacing such an item of property, plant and equipment in connection with the impairment of an item of property, plant and equipment, are separate economic events and should be accounted for separately.

Depreciation of fixed assets is recognized in accordance with the Federal Standard "Assets Impairment".

The retirement of an item of property, plant and equipment is determined in accordance with this Standard.

The cost of items of property, plant and equipment that have been restored, acquired or constructed to replace retired items of property, plant and equipment is determined in accordance with this Standard.

VIII. Termination of recognition (disposal from accounting) of an object of fixed assets

45. Recognition of an object of fixed assets in accounting as an asset is terminated in the event of disposal of an object of property:

a) on the grounds that provide for the adoption of a decision on the write-off of state (municipal) property;

b) upon termination, by decision of the accounting subject, of the use of an item of fixed assets for the purposes provided for when recognizing an item of fixed assets, and termination of the receipt by the subject of accounting of economic benefits or useful potential from further use by the subject of accounting of an item of fixed assets;

c) when transferring in accordance with a lease (property lease) or gratuitous use agreement, if the recipient of such property has an accounting object as part of fixed assets;

d) upon transfer to another public sector organization;

e) upon transfer as a result of sale (donation);

f) on other grounds providing for, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the termination of the right to operational management of property (the right to own and (or) use property received under a lease (property lease) or gratuitous use agreement).

46. ​​Upon termination of recognition of an object of fixed assets as an asset, the subject of accounting shall reflect the removal from accounting of an object of fixed assets on the corresponding balance sheet accounts - on the credit of the corresponding balance sheet accounts of fixed assets.

When deciding on the reflection of the disposal of an item of fixed assets from the accounting records, the accounting entity applies the following criteria for derecognizing an item of fixed assets:

a) the accounting entity does not exercise control over the asset recognized as fixed assets, does not incur expenses and does not have the right to receive economic benefits, extract useful potential associated with the disposal (possession and (or) use) of the property item, reflected in accounting in composition of fixed assets;

b) the accounting entity does not participate in the disposal (possession and (or) use) of the disposed of the property, reflected in the accounting as part of fixed assets or in the implementation of its use to the extent that was provided for when the property was recognized as part of fixed assets;

c) the amount of income (expense) from the disposal of an object of fixed assets has an estimate;

d) the expected economic benefits or useful potential associated with an item of fixed assets, as well as the predicted (incurred) costs (losses) associated with the disposal of an item of fixed assets, have an estimate.

47. Income receivable on disposal of an item of property, plant and equipment is initially recognized at fair value.

If the contract for the sale of a retired item of property, plant and equipment provides for a deferred payment for a period exceeding 12 months, then the fair value of the amount of income due to be received upon disposal of the item of property, plant and equipment is the amount calculated without taking into account the deferred payment. The difference between the amount of income receivable on disposal of an item of property, plant and equipment, when paid without deferred payment, and the amount of income receivable on disposal of an item of property, plant and equipment, when paid with deferred payment, is recognized as interest income.

48. The financial result arising from the disposal of an item of fixed assets is reflected in the financial result of the current period.

49. The financial result arising from the disposal of an item of property, plant and equipment is determined as the difference between the proceeds from disposal, if any, and the residual value of the item of property, plant and equipment.

50. If, in accordance with this Standard, after the recognition of an item of fixed assets (formation of the initial cost of an item of fixed assets), its carrying amount includes the costs of replacing part of the item, then the residual value of the replaced (disposed) part of the item of fixed assets should be charged to the financial result of the current period (written off from accounting), regardless of whether this part of the item of property, plant and equipment was depreciated separately or not.

In the event that it is not possible to determine the residual value of the replaced part of an item of fixed assets, the amount of the residual value of the replaced (retired) part of the fixed asset item attributable to the financial result of the current period may be equivalent to the costs of its replacement (acquisition or construction) at the time of their recognition.

IX. Disclosure of information on fixed assets (results of transactions with them) in accounting (financial) statements

51. For each group of fixed assets accounted for by the accounting entity, the following information is disclosed in the accounting (financial) statements:

a) the depreciation methods used;

b) the methods used to determine useful lives;

c) the amount of the book value, as well as the amount of accumulated depreciation in conjunction with the amount of accumulated impairment losses of fixed assets included in the relevant group at the beginning and end of the period;

d) reconciliation of the residual value at the beginning and at the end of the period, disclosing:

the amount of the cost of received fixed assets with a separate disclosure of the amounts received as a result of the acquisition (creation) of fixed assets, the receipt of objects from the owner (founder), another public sector organization, as a result of an increase in the book value of fixed assets, as a result of reclassifications;

the amount of the cost of retired fixed assets with separate disclosure of the amounts of disposals as a result of the transfer of property items accounted for as fixed assets to the owner (founder), another public sector organization, as well as as a result of reclassifications;

the amount of an increase or decrease in the residual value of fixed assets as a result of recognition in respect of their asset impairment losses (decrease in asset impairment losses), recognized or reversed in accordance with the Federal Standard "Impairment of Assets", the amount of accumulated impairment loss of fixed assets for the reporting date;

the amount of accrued depreciation on fixed assets, the amount of accumulated depreciation as of the reporting date;

net exchange differences arising from the translation of accounting (financial) statements from a functional currency into a presentation currency other than it or the translation of accounting (financial) statements in a foreign currency for foreign operations into a functional currency;

initial cost, book value and revalued value of fixed assets alienated not in favor of public sector organizations;

other changes in the value of fixed assets.

52. Additionally, for each group of fixed assets, the following information is disclosed in the accounting (financial) statements:

a) the presence and amount of restrictions on property rights or other rights granted, the value of immovable and especially valuable movable property that the accounting entity is not entitled to use as security for the performance of its obligations, as well as a list of fixed assets transferred as security for the performance of the obligations of the accounting entity, and their residual value at the beginning and end of the reporting period;

b) the amount of costs included in the cost of fixed assets in the course of its construction, at the beginning and end of the reporting period;

c) the amount of contractual obligations for the acquisition (construction) of fixed assets at the end of the reporting period;

d) the amount of compensation due to be received from third parties in connection with the depreciation, loss or transfer of fixed assets included in the income of the current period. In the event that information on the specified amounts of compensation is not disclosed separately in the Statement of Financial Performance, such information is disclosed in Explanatory note presented as part of the accounting (financial) statements.

53. For the investment property group of property, plant and equipment, the following information is also disclosed:

a) a description of the investment property;

b) the criteria for recognition of fixed assets used when assigning assets to the group of fixed assets "Investment property";

c) amounts recognized as income from payment for the use of property (rent) and (or) increase in the value of real estate accounted for in the investment property group of fixed assets;

d) amounts recognized as expenses (including expenses for major repairs and (or) maintenance of property) associated with investment property, income from fees for the use of such property (rent) and (or) from an increase in the value of such property reflected in the financial result of the reporting period;

e) amounts recognized as expenses (including expenses for major repairs and (or) maintenance of property) associated with the ownership and (or) use of investment property, for which reporting period no income was received from the payment for the use of such property (rent) and (or) from the increase in the value of such property;

f) the presence of restrictions on the possibility of selling investment property or receipts of economic benefits (income) from disposal, as well as the amount of these restrictions.

54. An accounting entity using in its activities real estate objects received under lease agreements (property lease) or agreements for gratuitous use, recognized in accounting as part of fixed assets, discloses in the accounting (financial) statements information:

a) about objects of investment real estate received under lease agreements (property lease) or under agreements for gratuitous use;

b) about objects of investment property transferred under lease (sublease) agreements (property lease (sublease) or under agreements for gratuitous use.

55. The accounting (financial) statements disclose the nature and consequences of changes in the estimates of fixed assets that have an impact in the reporting period or that will have an impact in subsequent periods in relation to:

X. Transitional provisions of the Standard on its first application

57. Accounting items subject to reflection in accordance with this Standard in accounting on the relevant balance accounts, which were not previously recognized as such in fixed assets and (or) reflected in off-balance accounting, are recognized as the subject of accounting in fixed assets (shown in accounting on the relevant balance sheet accounts) at their cost as determined in accordance with this Standard.

58. Objects of immovable state (municipal) property that meet the criteria for recognition of an item of fixed assets, provided for in paragraph 8 of this Standard, are reflected upon the first application of this Standard in accounting on the relevant balance sheet accounts at their cadastral value, which is recognized as the carrying value of the specified items of fixed assets .

Accumulated depreciation calculated at the date of revaluation of the value of such properties is to be written off.

When revising the value of such properties, the useful life of the property is reviewed subject to the provisions of Chapter VI of this Standard.

Further depreciation for such properties is based on the revised carrying amount and useful life.

59. If, for any reason, a cadastral valuation for a property is not available as of the date of first application of this Standard, the accounting entity records such assets at the carrying amount formed as of the date of first application of this Standard, until the moment when the cadastral valuation for such a property will be determined.

Information about such fixed assets is subject to disclosure in the accounting (financial) statements separately from other information.

If data on the value of a real estate item that meets the criteria for recognition of an item of fixed assets provided for in clause 8 of this Standard is not available for any reason, such an item of fixed assets is reflected in the balance sheet accounts in a conditional value equal to one ruble. After receiving the cadastral valuation of the real estate object, the accounting entity shall revise the book value and useful life of the real estate object in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 58 of this Standard.

60. The financial result formed upon the first application of this Standard from the recognition of fixed assets that were not previously reflected in accounting, as well as from the revision of the carrying value of real estate objects, is reflected by the accounting entity as an adjustment to the indicator of the financial result of previous reporting periods at the beginning of the reporting period.

The results of this adjustment are disclosed in the notes to the accounting (financial) statements separately from other information.

61. On initial recognition of an item of property, plant and equipment (other than real property) in accordance with this Standard, any accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses associated with that item of property, plant and equipment are recognized simultaneously as if the accountant had always applied the provisions of this Standard.

Comparative information on items of property, plant and equipment (their additions, disposals) for the years prior to the first application of this Standard is not restated.


*(1) Approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 33n of March 25, 2011 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 22, 2011, registration number 20558), as amended by orders of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of October 26, 2012 . N 139n (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 19, 2012, registration number 26195), dated December 29, 2014 N 172n (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 4, 2015, registration number 35854), dated March 20 2015 N 43n (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 1, 2015, registration number 36668), dated December 17, 2015 N 199n (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 28, 2016, registration number 40889), dated November 16, 2016 N 209n

*(2) approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2016 N 256n "On Approval of the Federal Accounting Standard for Public Sector Organizations" Conceptual Framework for Accounting and Reporting of Public Sector Organizations "(registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 27, 2017 , registration number 46517.

*(4) approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of December 1, 2010 N 157n "On Approval of the Unified Chart of Accounts for Accounting for State Authorities (Government Bodies), Local Self-Government Bodies, Management Bodies of State Extrabudgetary Funds, State Academies of Sciences, State (municipal) institutions and Instructions for its application" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 30, 2010, registration number 19452), as amended by orders of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of October 12, 2012 N 134n (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 10, 2012, registration number 26060), dated August 29, 2014 N 89n (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 20, 2014, registration number 34361), dated August 6, 2015 N 124n (registered in Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on August 27, 2015, registration number 38719), dated March 1, 2016 N 16n (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 25, 2016, registration number 41570); dated November 16, 2016 N 209n (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 15, 2016, registration number 44741);

*(5) approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2016 N 259n "On Approval of the Federal Accounting Standard for Public Sector Organizations "Impairment of Assets" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, registration number).