How to check estimates. Control checks of contractors

In the process of checking the estimate drawn up by the contractor, three main stages can be distinguished:

  • thorough check of the scope of proposed work indicated in the estimate;
  • checking the specified material costs and their costs;
  • checking the cost of proposed work.

Scope of work

The first stage, concerning the scope of work, is not particularly difficult and requires basic knowledge of geometry and mathematics. Checking estimates concerns calculations of surface areas requiring finishing, volumes of reinforced concrete structures, lengths of communication pipelines, and so on. It is very easy to carry out inspections on site or in the presence of a project. Difficulties may arise when a complex of work is performed, where each stage is taken into account separately. For example, before painting the walls, they need to be properly prepared, that is, primed, putty applied, leveled and sanded, and only then can you begin painting. In such cases, the inspector must know exactly the entire technology for correctly performing this or that work, and so that the contractor cannot deceive the customer, he must personally monitor the process at every stage. This will make it possible to make sure that all work is carried out in full, even those whose results are not visible in the end. In the context of large-scale construction work, it is more profitable for the customer to seek help from technical supervision specialists.

Consumption and cost of materials

The second stage of verification is also quite simple and is associated with mathematical calculations and knowledge in the field of prices for the main types building materials. The fact that when purchasing large quantities of materials is taken into account, the client can count on a decent discount. Often the contractor takes advantage of this advantage and keeps the saved amount of money for himself, as additional income. You can find out the conditions of the store where you plan to purchase materials by calling. Shipping costs may also be already included in the cost of materials, especially if you purchase the entire shipment of necessary materials in one place. IN otherwise The cost of delivery to the site can range from 7-13% of the order value. At this stage of verification it is calculated real consumption materials, which depends on the characteristics of the object. The approximate consumption of each type of building material can be indicated on the packaging, and information on this issue can be found on the Internet. A certain expense for waste and residues is also taken into account, the coefficient of which ranges from 5-20%. When working with small hard materials, such as ceramic tiles, the waste percentage will be up to 5%.

Cost of work

Prices for the work of craftsmen depend on the region, the specifics of the task, the complexity of the operation, the qualifications of the specialist and many other factors. Therefore, the check is carried out taking into account those criteria that in your situation have a greater impact on the cost of specialist work.

Always check that the contractor has SRO approval to avoid problems that may arise due to poor-quality construction services performed in violation of norms and standards. Otherwise, responsibility will rest not only on the contractor, but also on his client. For information on how to check SRO approval, read this article.

Cost of SRO admission

Why customers of construction work must check with the contractor for SRO approval

When contacting a contractor, customers must check the organization's SRO approval.

The SRO certificate gives contractors the right to perform work that directly affects the safety of structures classified as capital construction projects.

If, in the event of problems arising from poor-quality construction services performed in violation of norms and standards, or in the event of a force majeure situation, the absence of this approval is revealed, then responsibility will be assigned not only to the contractor, but also to his client.

Conducted in a timely manner verification of SRO certificate will ensure the competence and reliability of the construction company and avoid unforeseen circumstances.

How to check the availability of SRO approval through Rostechnadzor

Verification of SRO members can be carried out by anyone with access to the Internet in two ways. To do this, you need to go to the state register of Self-Regulatory Organizations and indicate the details of the contractor’s company or go to the official website of Rostechnadzor and act in a certain sequence:

  1. Go to the section of the site called “Construction Supervision”.
  2. Select the section “Maintaining the state register” self-regulatory organizations».
  3. Enter the “State Register of Self-Regulatory Organizations” menu.
  4. In the window that opens, the site visitor will be offered a list of registered self-regulatory companies and a list of SRO members.
  5. For convenience and to reduce time, you can use a special form to search for the SRO member you need. The form must indicate: type of activity, TIN, city, SRO and certificate. After that, click the “search” button.

If construction company has SRO approval, then you can easily find it. If the contractor company does not have SRO approval, then you will not see it in the search results.

You can check the availability of SRO approval through the Self-Regulatory Company

Individuals and representatives of large, medium and small businesses who plan to conclude contracts for construction work with business entities can be carried out without contacting Rostekhnadzor, inspection of the Russian Federation.

To obtain the necessary information about their contractor, clients should visit the official website of its self-regulatory organization. Usually such societies provide for open use information to all its members of the Partnership.

Method 1. Checking SRO admission by identification number

To quickly find a construction company, you need to enter its identification tax number into the search bar. The filter will quickly weed out other business entities and select the right contractor. If, when monitoring the site pages, the customer of construction services does not find any information about his contractor, he can be sure that he does not have SRO access, or this certificate has been revoked.

Method 2. Checking SRO admission using an official request

There is another way to obtain information about the authentication of SRO access from a business entity.

The customer must contact the Self-Regulatory Company indicated by the contractor in writing. This letter should briefly and succinctly outline the essence of the issue. Representatives of the SRO will have to provide answers to all questions asked within 10 working days.

It is recommended to obtain information from a Self-Regulatory Company only after its registration has been confirmed on the official website of Rostechnadzor. Such reinsurance will help people avoid cooperation with charlatans who work using fake documents.

What should an official certificate of admission to an SRO look like?

When planning to order the construction of a facility from a contractor, individuals and representatives of large, medium and small businesses should find out what the certificate of approval of an SRO should look like. The form of this document is approved by the Order of Rostechnadzor, issued under number 356 dated July 5, 2011. At the beginning of 2013, minor changes were made to the certificate form.

The SRO admission form must contain the following information:

  1. Full name of the contractor, which can be either commercial organization, and an individual entrepreneur.
  2. All details of the business entity are indicated.
  3. Certificate number.
  4. Name of the Self-Regulatory Organization of which the contractor is a member.
  5. All types of activities (construction) in which contractors are allowed to provide specialized services are indicated.
  6. The basis that served as the reason for issuing an SRO permit to a business entity is entered.
  7. The date from which the certificate will be considered valid is indicated. This document is unlimited, so contractors do not need to contact Self-Regulatory Companies to renew it.

This article describes how clients (customers) can select and monitor asphalt workers.

How to choose and control the contractor (performer) of asphalt work and not be deceived by asphalt workers?

How asphalt workers deceive clients.

The first and main thing that dishonest asphalt contractors deceive is, of course, the thickness of the asphalt. In the total estimate for asphalting, on average 50-75% of all Money goes to purchase asphalt. Therefore, if the contractor reduces the thickness of the asphalt by at least 20%, then he will thus “earn” quite a significant amount, and the customer, of course, will not know anything about it. You will learn further about how to protect yourself from such a fate.

The second thing they deceive customers on is the cost of asphalt at the asphalt plant. That is, the client is told that they are buying good, expensive asphalt. Let’s say they buy asphalt from a factory at a price of 1,600 UAH. for 1 ton (prices as of September 1, 2015 in Kharkov), and themselves...

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How to check a contractor's estimate at negotiated prices

1. Checking the scope of work

2. Checking the consumption and cost of materials

3. Checking the cost of work

There is basically nothing complicated here. Knowledge of geometry and mathematics is required. We calculate the surface area, volumes of reinforced concrete structures, pipeline lengths, etc. It's much easier to do this when there is a project. Difficulties arise when performing complex works, for example, such as painting surfaces (first you need to prime, then putty, then just paint the surface). In these cases, it is necessary to know the technology for performing the work and so that contractors do not “inflate” the estimate, it is necessary to personally see whether this work is being carried out or not. If the volume of work is large, it is better to contact a technical supervision specialist.

In fact, there is nothing complicated here either. The cost of materials is now very easy to determine - look at price lists on the Internet :) You just have to take into account that with a large...

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In construction, when drawing up estimates, a developed and agreed upon methodological and costing and regulatory framework is used. Its basis is the documents developed by the State Construction Committee of Russia: a set of rules, guidelines and methodological documents in construction. These regulatory developments use prices as of January 1, 2000, which are adjusted to modern prices using adjustment factors that take into account inflation.

When drawing up estimates, use the methodology introduced on March 9, 2004 (MDS 81-1.99) and other MDS and guidelines Gosstroy of the Russian Federation. In these regulatory documents are given general information on the pricing process in construction and provisions for determining its cost.

MDS 81-1.99, the main state methodological document, provides recommended coefficients that take into account the influence of work conditions. In addition, you can find uniform samples in it estimate documentation and decoding...

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Once your chosen construction company starts work, the next question arises: how to control them?

There are professional and non-professional supervision. Control is professional government organizations and construction companies.

During the construction process you need to obtain technical certificate to your home, for this you need to invite specialists from the BTI to check the premises’ compliance with all the necessary norms and regulations. This procedure applies to all types of construction, regardless of the size of the object and construction technology.

In addition, depending on the characteristics of the structure, SRO approval may be required. This is a certificate of admission to construction or design work, which is issued in accordance with the current norms and standards of a self-regulatory organization. This certificate is required if the construction project involves:

More 3 floors;

Designed for accommodation of more than 2...

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Each of us was renovating our apartment. And we have all encountered problems when purchasing construction materials: we purchased too few materials or too many, and after finishing the work it is not clear what to do with the remainder. There is no need to talk about high prices for materials.

Sometimes contractors purchase material on their own and provide a list of it upon completion of the repair. As a result, the cost can be quite significant. The contractor often uses the purchase of construction materials as a mechanism to inflate the construction budget. At the same time, he plays on both the quality of the material and its quantity, regardless of where construction and repair work is carried out: in a small apartment or on a construction site.

The amount of building materials can be played in different ways. One of the striking examples is its incorrect reflection in the estimate documentation. For example, in the installation estimate plastic windows the contractor indicates that he needs six cans of polyurethane foam...

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How to properly check a contractor's estimate

Determining the cost of construction and installation work, both new and reconstruction or repair work, is one of the main tasks of any construction project. Therefore, the calculation of the main expected expenses, such as the cost of operating mechanisms and necessary materials and equipment, payment fund labor resources, is the key to peace and success. Drawing up an estimate will save you from possible errors. Where are they hiding? Let's take a closer look at how to properly check a contractor's estimate.

Selecting a contractor

When choosing a company to carry out work, you should pay attention to some features, namely:

Professional composition of employees; certification of qualifications of management personnel; a list of waste facilities without violation of contractual obligations; availability of clearance for carrying out construction and installation works at this site; Does the company have a production base?

Of course, this information will not give a 100% guarantee of certainty, so use the search for recommendations...

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An estimate is a document that describes all the costs of constructing a specific facility.

There are investor and contract estimates.

The investor estimate is carried out for a specific house project. It is done either by a design organization (together with the project), or by an estimate organization (by finished project). The investor's estimate determines: cost, duration, labor intensity and material intensity of construction.

These standards clearly indicate how much time, labor intensity, and cost it takes to complete a unit of work (for example, 100 m3 of concrete preparation, or laying 100 pieces of concrete blocks, etc.).

The investor's estimate must include:

Labor cost according to relevant standards; cost of materials and structures; cost of construction machinery, according to estimated prices machine shifts; the cost of equipment requiring installation; cost of procurement and storage costs. the cost of purchasing equipment, tools, inventory...

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Fraud in estimates and more

“Incorrectness” of the estimate can be internal or external. Internal - this is when estimate document it is clear that it includes unnecessary items and incorrect numbers. External - when a completely correct document does not reflect reality, that is, workers are paid half as much, and the materials are not what is needed. As a rule, in all dubious estimates both aspects are present, in different ratios presented in certain types of deception.

“Overheating” of the estimate is the simplest fraud, consisting in the fact that the document includes materials and types of work that are supposedly necessary, but in fact are not.

Builders actively “increase” the supply of wires, cement or wood beyond the norm, motivating this with the desire to build so-called excess reliability into the design. What can we say about “little things” such as valves, pipes, filters - they can be present in the estimate in quantities that are twice the requirement. Except...

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Selecting a contractor is an important stage in the implementation of a construction project, which almost any construction organization faces. From the right choice The contractor depends on meeting deadlines, the scope of the estimate and the quality of the work performed.

If the choice of contractor is unsuccessful, certain problems may arise associated with his change during the implementation of the project. All this poses significant additional costs. In addition, the new contractor will no longer assume warranty obligations for this facility.On the Internet you can find a lot of evidence that companies are faced with poor-quality work: exceeding the budget or missing deadlines when working with unscrupulous contractors. For example, when repairing the Shchelkovskoye Highway in Moscow, it was necessary to complete the project in February 2014. It was the fault of the contractor that this did not happen, which resulted in fines amounting to millions of rubles. Another examplecould serve as the construction of stadiums for the World Cup in Russia. Thus, when the stadium construction was missed by six months, the contractor was fined almost 9.5 billion rubles. The project implementation period has decreased, and now the customer needs to find new contractors who will implement it faster than the previous contractor (based on materials from the website

To avoid such difficulties, most experienced companies use two approaches to selection contractors:

  1. Conducting a competition or tender for each object among all willing companies.
  2. Selection based on the most important criteria from a previously generated register of potential contractors.

In this article we will focus on the second approach - selecting a contractor from an existing roster of suppliers of goods and services. We will look at three main points that you should pay attention to when choosing a contractor. Let us give an example of what the register of contractors should be and what should be included in it. We will determine by what criteria to include a contractor in the register and where to get all the data necessary for analysis.

1. Selection of contractors to be included in the register

What is important when compiling a register? Of course, it should include potential contractors for all main types of construction work: earthworks, construction of overhead power lines, commissioning works, landscaping, etc. In order to fill the register, it is necessary to conduct a thorough preliminary selection of candidates, which minimizes the risks arising during the implementation of any project. First, you need to include well-established companies with which you have already had positive experience working with. And only then add contractors who have expressed a desire to perform work as contractors.

2. Register of contractors

We will determine the main criteria by which it is necessary to include a contractor in the register. All of the above data must be checked and the results of the check must be included in the template for the register of contractors. What is important to pay attention to:

  1. The Contractor must have personnel (production and engineering) with the necessary qualifications,
  2. The contractor must have the equipment or equipment to perform the required type of work,
  3. The contractor must be officially registered in Russia,
  4. The contractor must exist for at least 3 years,
  5. The contractor must have confirmation of compliance with the deadlines for commissioning of already constructed facilities,
  6. The contractor must have positive reviews of the quality of work,
  7. The contractor must have a minimum number of comments (instructions) from supervisory authorities,
  8. The contractor must not participate in legal proceedings for the last 3 years,
  9. The Contractor must comply with the absence of debts to tax authorities;
  10. The contractor must have positive reviews from the managers of previous facilities;

And one of the most important criteria for adding a contractor to the register is: price and timing of projects.

When conducting an inspection, it is important not to believe the contractor’s brochures and comments. It is worth focusing only on facts in the form of documents and figures, which the customer always has the right to request from contractors. These documents do not constitute a commercial secret and can be transferred to the customer for review.

3. Where to get data to evaluate a contractor

To confirm official registration, the organization must provide copies of the constituent documents certified by the seal and signature of the head (or authorized person):

  • Evidence of state registration legal entity ( individual entrepreneur);
  • Certificates of tax registration of a legal entity on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • Extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, generated no later than 30-60 days before the date of conclusion of the contract.

In addition, you can check the information about potential contractors yourself using the Internet. Attached is a list of sources where you can collect useful information.

  • Information about the inclusion of an organization in the Unified State Register legal entities(Unified State Register of Legal Entities) is worth checking on the website Federal Tax Service .
  • On the site Arbitration Court You can check which trials the candidate is involved in. If the amount of claims is more than a million rubles, the organization should not be included in your register of contractors, as this increases the risks of working with it.
  • On bailiffs website We advise you to check how the enforcement proceedings are proceeding according to the accepted court decisions. If the organization does not pay writs of execution, her chances of being included in the register are zero.

So, the list has been formed, next you need to decide on the choice of contractor. Price is of course one of the the most important criteria selection of the work contractor, but not decisive. The contractors who gave the minimum price can be asked to provide a more detailed justification for it. In practice, there are cases when they offer a lower price after inattentively studying the project, without taking into account all the associated costs during the work. Sometimes contractors give a clearly reduced price, in the hope of concluding an agreement, to increase the cost with additional work during the construction of the facility. The same applies to the deadlines for completing work and all other items in the register. We recommend rating each item of the contractor on a five-point scale and deriving the average coefficient for the contractor. This will allow you to rank contractors in descending order of coefficient and make a decision on further cooperation and selection for the implementation of work. This is the mode in which we work withour customers .

Thus, the process of selecting a reliable and efficient contractor is as follows:

  1. A register of potential contractors is compiled in compliance with the recruitment necessary conditions inclusion in the register.
  2. Contractors and candidates for inclusion included in the register are checked according to the main criteria: availability of the necessary personnel and equipment, absence of debts on enforcement proceedings and taxes, etc.
  3. Each contractor in the register is assessed and selected for project implementation.

If you take into account all these nuances, you can choose a high-quality, competent contractor and not worry about your project.

We have already prepared all the necessary materials to include the ISK “ElectIS” company in your register of contractors. Click on the link and a ready-made letter of request will open, in response to which we will send you the necessary documentation to be included in the register.

Cooperation with an unscrupulous contractor threatens not only significant losses, but also loss of reputation. Working with dozens and hundreds of organizations, it is difficult to check each partner for honesty. But there is a simple algorithm of actions to reduce the likelihood of signing an agreement with an unscrupulous contractor.

Check the accuracy of the SRO approval

Study the documents yourself or seek help from lawyers. The SRO website must provide all the necessary information about the participants, otherwise you are dealing with a fraudulent company.

Check the SRO under whose name the permit was issued

The system of self-regulation in the construction industry is developing and improving, but there are also commercialized SROs with opaque entry conditions and issuing “seasonal” permits. They are distinguished by a high growth rate in the number of participants (more than 30 subjects economic activity per month). It is better to refuse cooperation with companies that have approvals from such self-regulatory organizations.

Study the documentation of the contractor company

All required documentation(admission, license from the Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Emergency Situations, certificates of NAKS, Rostechnadzor) must be provided upon request. You can independently familiarize yourself with key information about the organization by submitting a request for an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

Assess the company's reputation

Cooperate only with trusted contractors

Even when it means increasing the cost of work. By trusting trusted companies, you don’t have to worry possible problems when working together on complex projects that require specific permits and approvals (passing