Where to get a loan up to a million. Loan for individual entrepreneurs without collateral or guarantor

What features does a loan for individual entrepreneurs have? How to get a cash loan without collateral? Where can I get a consumer loan for individual entrepreneurs for business development?

A friend of mine named Grisha decided to open an individual entrepreneur - printing and digital services. We needed money for equipment and for renting premises. It didn’t work out to borrow from friends, so I decided to take a loan from a bank.

One was refused, the other too, the third asked for collateral, which he refused to provide, the fourth was told that they needed guarantors and a business plan. Grisha realized that he was in a hurry - first he had to prepare, then go to financial institutions. I also agreed with him - such things need to be done thoughtfully.

Especially for Grisha and other beginning entrepreneurs, I decided to write an article that will tell how to take out a loan for an individual entrepreneur, what requirements banks impose on applicants, and what are the main reasons for refusing a loan.

Denis Kuderin is with you, financial expert of HeatherBober magazine. Close all other tabs and read to the end - in the final you will find a review of banks with the best lending conditions for individual entrepreneurs plus tips on how to reduce interest rates on loans.

1. What are the features of individual entrepreneur lending?

Individual entrepreneurs - subjects with special status. On the one hand, these are ordinary individuals, on the other, business owners who are engaged in business for the purpose of generating income.

This dual position when obtaining a loan either plays into the hands of entrepreneurs or creates additional difficulties.

For example, individuals (and individual entrepreneurs have exactly this legal status) have access to regular consumer loans. But at the same time, the bank has every right to refuse an entrepreneur who couldn't convince creditors in the commercial attractiveness of your business.

In other words, lending to individual entrepreneurs – complex and unpredictable banking industry. For some reason, banks refuse some entrepreneurs, while others are given a lot of money at an attractive rate.

In the article I will try to explain what banks are guided by when making decisions on or its development, and I will tell you how to increase the chances of a positive response.

The main requirement of financial companies for business clients is experience in entrepreneurial activity. Some banks need at least a year of experience, while others need a few months. But the main thing is to have experience.

A former employee who decides to start a business, or an unemployed person, is unlikely to be given money for commercial purposes.

In such cases it is easier to issue non-targeted loan to an individual. True, the amount in this case will be more modest, and the period will be short.

In this case, you will lose the chance to form a positive credit history for individual entrepreneurs and take advantage of more promising targeted small business lending programs.

If solid assets are needed, additional guarantees will be needed.

Most of all, banks like valuable collaterals:

  • liquid real estate;
  • transport;
  • liquid special machinery and equipment;
  • securities;
  • inventory.

When lending to individual entrepreneurs, employees of the credit institution conduct a full financial and economic assessment of the enterprise. If the activity is considered commercially successful, the chances of receiving a loan increase.

It is much more difficult for entrepreneurs who are just starting their own company. In this case, there is nothing to show them. It’s good when an individual entrepreneur can document that he has already made certain investments in the business and has a competent business plan.

What will the bank be interested in:

  • receipts for the purchase of raw materials, materials and equipment– or receipt of prepayment made;
  • certificate of ownership– or a lease agreement for real estate that will be used in business;
  • Bank statements, confirming the movement of funds that have gone or will go to business needs;
  • guarantors with regular income– solvent individuals or successful entrepreneurs.

There are several types - fact toring, leasing, investment loan, letter of credit and others. You need to use lending methods wisely. It would be a good idea to get help from a professional credit broker or consulting firm.

Generally Individual entrepreneurs are not very desirable clients for banks. Not because financial companies don't encourage private business, but because they take risks. For banks, individual entrepreneurs are a dark horse.

If the goals of consumer lending are more or less clear to lenders - buy a new car, go on a trip - then the goals of entrepreneurs are not so obvious. Individuals have a salary, but what does a newly opened individual entrepreneur have?

Entrepreneurship is always a risk. A significant portion of business projects fail before reaching the payback stage. That's why banks need collateral and proof of successful business activity.

Large financial companies are developing special lending programs for individual entrepreneurs. Small business loans– a serious source of income for financial institutions. But priority in receiving funds has Individual entrepreneurs who have been actively working in the market for several years.

What should newbies do?

There are 2 options:

  • do not give up and look for the appropriate program;
  • take out a personal loan or order a credit card with a revolving credit line.

If you manage to get the maximum limit on the card, the funds will be quite enough. In addition, most modern credit cards have preferential interest-free period of use. Another thing is that the debt will have to be repaid regularly if you do not want to overpay.

2. What do banks pay attention to when issuing a loan to individual entrepreneurs - 4 main points

Now in more detail about what requirements do banks impose on applicants?.

Let's consider the option business development loan when the individual entrepreneur has already formalized his activities and has a certain work experience.

Point 1. Income level of individual entrepreneurs

Ordinary citizens only need to present a certificate of income issued by the accounting department of the company where they work. But the individual entrepreneur needs to be shown to the bank financial statements for at least the last six months.

The solvency of the borrower is the main requirement of a financial company. The entrepreneur must prove the stability of his income. Although having a profit now does not guarantee its receipt in the future.

That's why financial statements alone will not be enough.

Other evidence and guarantees are needed - primary documentation, audit documents on the level of business profitability, indirect signs of wealth (real estate, transport, special equipment, office equipment).

Point 2. Credit history

This requirement is the same for both individuals and private entrepreneurs.

What factors guarantee success:

  • all past loans have been successfully closed;
  • there are no penalties for delays;
  • there are no existing credit obligations or they are minimal;
  • the person has not declared himself bankrupt and has no claims from the tax authorities.

Zero credit history is not the same as a positive one. If you don't have a CI and you have time, take a quick loan from microfinance company, which transmits data to the BKI, and close it on time. This is an option.

Point 3. Business term

If you received a registration certificate just a couple of days ago, you are unlikely to get a loan for an individual entrepreneur. Unless you provide liquid collateral and surety.

Banks are not funds to assist private entrepreneurs. They are interested in a refund with interest. Therefore, financial companies work mainly with those individual entrepreneurs who have been operating for at least more than six months.


To my friend Grisha banks refused precisely for this reason - his company did not have any work experience. And there was no business plan either. Not surprisingly, he was refused by all the banks he applied to. Lenders need guarantees and proof of solvency.

Point 4. Compliance with legal norms

The lender will definitely check the legal status of the individual entrepreneur and find out if everything is in order with payment of taxes and debt obligations to counterparties.

If an individual entrepreneur has employees, the bank will find out how timely their salaries are paid. The Security Service will check whether the individual entrepreneur has administrative or criminal offenses, and whether there is any seized property.

3. How to get a loan for an individual entrepreneur - 5 simple steps

First you need to carefully study the requirements of credit institutions and Be sure to open a bank account. An individual entrepreneur without a bank account will cause financial companies, at best, bewilderment.

It is most convenient and quick to open accounts in these banks:,. Do it online so you don't waste time.

Step 1. Register an individual entrepreneur

Any citizen of the Russian Federation over 18 who is not in the public service and has not been declared bankrupt less than a year ago has the right to become an individual entrepreneur.

When registering you will have to pay a state fee 800 rub. The costs will be higher if you decide to act through a notary or order a seal for the company. Although the law does not oblige individual entrepreneurs to have this attribute.

There are special codes that must be specified during registration. Decide on them in advance so that no questions arise during the process.

And you still need to choose the most suitable one tax regime. The most common option for beginning entrepreneurs is a simplified taxation system (“simplified”).

More details about this in our separate publication.

Step 2. Prepare a business plan

A professional business plan increases the chances of a positive response. A business plan is not an abstraction, but a specific document in which the entrepreneur determines strategic and tactical development of your company.

It is recommended to submit the business plan to the bank in abbreviated form

The business plan will show exactly how the borrower is going to use the bank's money. Experts recommend creating a condensed and extremely understandable version of this document of 5-10 pages.

We wrote about that earlier.

Step 3. Select a bank and submit an application

Choosing a bank is a critical stage of the process. There are dozens of programs for small businesses. Your task is to choose the one that is ideal for your project.

It is more reliable to cooperate with well-known companies that have branches or offices in your city and an impeccable reputation.

Other criteria:

  • the bank's operating time on the market;
  • interest rate;
  • conditions of specific programs;
  • reviews of other individual entrepreneurs who have had successful experience of cooperation with the bank.

Almost all modern banks offer their services online. Fill out the application form, submit it and wait for a decision. If you doubt success - send an application to several banks.

The Security Service will check you and make a decision. If the answer is yes, collect the documents and go to the nearest branch of the company to sign the contract.

Step 4. Collect and provide documents

The more documents you bring, the greater your chances of success.

A standard applicant kit will be required:

  • passport;
  • second document (preferably TIN);
  • individual entrepreneur registration certificate;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs received at least 2 weeks ago;
  • a bank statement showing all incoming and outgoing transactions on your current account;
  • tax return for the past period;
  • primary documentation of the individual entrepreneur (if any).

The bank has the right to require additional documents - in particular, a list of property owned by the individual entrepreneur. Loans without certificates and collateral It is very difficult to get an opportunity to open an individual entrepreneur - even if you are given such a loan, its cost will be 3-5% higher.

Step 5. Make a down payment and get a loan

Banks rarely provide large sums without a down payment. Therefore, be prepared to deposit 20-30% of the loan amount into the account of the financial company.

Even having a deposit is unlikely to exempt you from making a down payment. Banks must mitigate their risks, and they will do this by all means.

4. Where to get a loan for individual entrepreneurs - review of the TOP 5 popular banks

And now a review of the most reliable banks in the Russian Federation.

I remind you that in some cases It’s easier to get money for your business in the form of a consumer loan or credit card with a renewable limit. This option is suitable if you need a relatively small amount of several hundred thousand rubles.

1) Sberbank

is the most popular bank in Russia, working with both individuals and legal entities. At the time of writing this article, there is a popular program “ Confidence» - financing the needs of individual entrepreneurs and small businesses.

Loan amount – from 30 000 before 3 million rubles for a period of up to 3 years. The base rate is 16.5% per annum. The best part is that no deposit is required. Age requirements: from 23 to 60 years. The duration of the business is at least 6 months.

– loans for any purpose, including development and opening of a business. There are no special programs for private entrepreneurs, but there is a consumer loan for up to 1 million rubles and a base rate of 14.9%.

If you need a small amount for everyday business needs, order a card " Platinum" by filling out an application on the website. The answer will come in 2 minutes. Funds limit – up to 300,000 rub., interest-free lending period is 55 days. Issue and home delivery are free. The rate is from 12.9 to 29% for purchases and from 30% for cash withdrawals.

– consumer loans for any needs. If you need money to open an individual entrepreneur from scratch, it is easier to take just such a loan.

There are also special programs for existing individual entrepreneurs - “Business Prospects”, “Turnover”, “Overdraft” and others. Rates are relatively loyal - from 14%. Take advantage of the bank's offers depending on your goals.

4) Renaissance

, in addition to regular consumer loans, offers a quick loan on a card with a limit 200,000 rub.. The grace period on a credit card is 55 days, the rate is 24.9%.

The bank will make a decision within a couple of hours after the application. If the answer is yes, receive the card on the same day at the nearest bank branch. The client does not pay for production and maintenance.

5) Alfa-Bank

– when you need money right now, it’s easier to get a credit card. Alpha has record discount periods on cards - from 60 to 100 days. Pay attention to the map " Twins"is a debit and credit card in one product. Maximum amount – 500,000 rubles. The grace period applies to cash withdrawals.

Not all domestic banks today lend to individual entrepreneurs. And it is especially problematic to get a loan when it comes to an agreement without collateral. However, among reputable Russian companies there are still those that provide businessmen with loans without collateral or guarantors. This review is dedicated to these organizations.

Features of individual entrepreneur lending

In order for a small or medium-sized business to take out a loan without collateral, he must:

  • The first is to meet all the requirements imposed by the credit institution on borrowers.
  • The second is to provide a complete package of the requested documentation.

In addition, banks enter into loan agreements with individual entrepreneurs (individual entrepreneurs) only for certain purposes. Currently, you can get a loan without collateral or guarantors for the following needs:

  • Acquisition of necessary equipment and machinery;
  • Expansion of its production assets;
  • Purchase of raw materials and supplies for production;
  • Payment for certain services;
  • Restructuring of previously issued loans;
  • Purchase of commercial real estate.

In some data organizations the list may be more extensive.

Required documents

Before coming to the bank to sign a loan agreement, a businessman (individual entrepreneur) must collect a package of the following mandatory documents:

  • your personal civil passport of the Russian Federation;
  • registration certificate of an individual entrepreneur"
  • an act stating that the businessman is included in the state register;
  • a certificate from a tax organization confirming registration;
  • all available accounting acts - income and expense receipts, checks, ledgers, and so on;
  • an extract from the credit history bureau (read about how to check whether you have debts through the credit history bureau for free).

Also, at the branch of the financial company, the borrower must personally fill out an application - a questionnaire for a loan.

Maximum term

You can get a business loan for both a short and long term. The maximum lending period is offered by Sovcombank. It is equal to 60 months from the moment the loan is issued.

Top 5 bank offers

An individual businessman can apply for a loan without collateral or guarantors in many financial institutions. However, the most favorable conditions are offered by the following Russian banks (top five best offers):

  • Sberbank of Russia – “Trust” program;
  • Sovcombank – consumer loan without collateral;
  • OTP Bank – offer “Overdraft for business”;
  • Raiffeisen Bank - Express project;
  • Renaissance loan is a loan without collateral on a card.

Let's look at the offers of these companies in more detail.


Sberbank is presenting a special profitable project called “Trust” for individual entrepreneurs. Its conditions:

  • interest rate – from 16.5% per annum;
  • the maximum amount is 3 million rubles (most often the bank confirms applications for);
  • minimum threshold - 30,000 rubles;
  • The maximum loan term is 36 months.

Additional requirements for the borrower: age from 23 to 60 years, period of continuous running of your own business - at least six months. More information about business loans from Sberbank can be found at


The conditions for providing a consumer loan for individuals and individual entrepreneurs for any purpose without collateral or guarantors are as follows:

  • interest rate - from 12% per annum;
  • the largest amount is 400 thousand rubles;
  • The agreement period is 5 years.

This type of loan is available even to entrepreneurs with zero reporting.

OTP Bank

For representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, OTP Bank offers the “Overdraft for Business” project for a short period at a low interest rate and without collateral:

  • overpayment percentage – from 11.5% per year;
  • amount – 200,000 – 5,000,000;
  • overdraft period – 1 year;
  • trench period – within 2 months;
  • The period for consideration of the application is no more than three days.

An individual entrepreneur can apply for a loan online through the company’s official resource. You can also go to a branch of a financial institution and personally fill out an application form. You can pay for an OTP Bank loan via the Internet using a Sberbank bank card. (Instructions)

Raiffeisen Bank

Raiffeisen Bank lends to small businesses without collateral or guarantors under the Express program on the following conditions:

  • interest rate – from 12%;
  • maximum amount – 2 million rubles;
  • lending period - from 4 to 48 months.

An application submitted by an individual entrepreneur via the Internet is processed within 15 minutes.

Renaissance Credit

The Renaissance Credit company offers individual entrepreneurs a loan on a card on the following favorable terms:

  • annual percentage – from 24.9%;
  • interest-free use limit – 55 days;
  • the maximum loan amount is RUB 200,000.

In addition, the bank does not charge money for issuing and using the card, and a decision on a loan is made in no more than a couple of hours.

Not all “newly-minted” entrepreneurs start their own business without attracting credit funds. Banks, in turn, are constantly introducing such loan products and issuing loans to individual entrepreneurs for business development in Moscow, in particular for the purchase of equipment, the purchase of goods, etc. Let's consider the terms of the loan.

On what terms are loans issued to individual entrepreneurs for business in Moscow?

First of all, the company applying for a loan must be a resident of the Russian Federation and operate in the region of registration of the bank. Another requirement that almost all Moscow banks put forward is to provide collateral for the loan. To open or maintain an existing business, you can get a loan secured by:

  • apartments;
  • houses or cottages;
  • land plot;
  • transport (including special equipment);
  • office, retail and warehouse premises;
  • commercial real estate.

If you need it in Moscow from scratch, then banks are also ready to consider this option and issue a loan for the purchase of commercial real estate, including those under construction. This loan is designed for 5-10 years. You can apply for such a loan without certificates confirming solvency, as well as without collateral or guarantors at a rate of 12% at Sberbank of Russia. The purchased property will act as collateral for the loan.

A loan for individual entrepreneurs to start a business is issued only in Russian rubles by crediting to the account. A cash loan can be obtained if the bank makes such a decision after considering the application.

To develop your business, you need money, but not all businessmen have a sufficient amount of financial resources - in this case, a loan comes to the rescue.

Banks have developed individual entrepreneur lending programs that vary in interest rate, amount, required documents and other conditions.

An entrepreneur must be registered with the tax authorities and pay all fees. The minimum period for running your business is from 6 months, IP age – from 21 to 60 years.

Without collateral, an individual entrepreneur can count on up to 500 thousand rubles, with provision it increases significantly.

Loan without guarantors and collateral

If an individual entrepreneur issues a loan without guarantors and security, then banking organizations will issue him up to 150 thousand rubles.

You should think about what purposes the funds will be spent on, since banks are more willing to give money for the development of a business rather than for other purposes (for example, issuing wage arrears does not increase the trust of the organization).

Loans secured by property

Getting a secured loan is easy because it poses less risk for banks. If the borrower cannot pay the financial obligations, they will sell the collateral.

  1. Collateral can be movable/immovable property, bank accounts.
  2. If the collateral is an apartment, then parameters such as area, location and infrastructure of the area will affect the loan amount.
  3. The individual entrepreneur has the opportunity to receive 60% from the market value of the collateral.

Loans with collateral are issued at a lower interest rate than loans without it.

Consumer loans

An individual entrepreneur is an individual, so to apply for a consumer loan you will need to send an application to the bank, find guarantors or security, and then receive the money. Rates depend on the loan term, amount and banking organization.

  1. You should not contact an MFO. Such organizations issue express loans without guarantors or collateral, but the overpayment will be high.
  2. Such high interest rates are set by organizations in order to cover their risks and receive money if the borrower cannot repay the debt.

Business development loan

Banks can issue a loan for a small amount intended for business development. They take a risk because the individual entrepreneur provides only his own business ideas.

  • To increase your chances of receiving a loan, you need to draw up a competent business plan, reflecting future expenses and income.
  • The state also provides assistance to budding businessmen. Individual entrepreneurs who contact the employment center, upon presentation of a business plan, can receive 58,800 rubles. Those employed in agriculture should apply for a soft loan from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

Targeted loans

Institutions develop special loans for certain purposes.

  1. Development of your business:
  2. Investments.
  3. On-lending.
  4. Support and development of narrowly focused activities.
  5. Buying a property.
  6. Purchase of special equipment and machinery.
  7. Purchasing a personal car.
  8. Purchase of transport that will be used in business.


  • presence of Russian citizenship;
  • registration in the region where the bank branch operates;
  • borrower's age – from 21 to 65 years old;
  • minimum annual revenue – 700 thousand rubles;
  • duration of running your business - from 1 year(some banks increase this threshold to 5-6 years);
  • absence of zero or unprofitable financial results;
  • positive credit history.

Banks also set their own limits regarding the number of people employed on the entrepreneur’s staff.

There are factors on the basis of which the interest rate is set:

  • credit term;
  • amount of money issued;
  • borrower's solvency;
  • availability of liquid assets;
  • the presence of reliable guarantors with stable income and positive CI;
  • registration of insurance that provides a guarantee of security for individual entrepreneurs and the bank.

Sometimes banks negotiate interest rates individually. You should submit an application and discuss all the details of interest with a bank employee.

Features of obtaining a loan for individual entrepreneurs

If you urgently need to make a trade turnover or cover advance payments, getting a loan from a bank is beneficial for an individual entrepreneur.

The entrepreneur gets the opportunity to buy goods in installments, discuss deferred payments or affordable interest rates.

The larger the amount an entrepreneur needs, the longer the bank will consider his application ( from 2-3 to 7 days).

Applying for a loan without guarantors and collateral has the following advantages for individual entrepreneurs:

  • quick decision making by the organization;
  • a small list of required documents;
  • You can get a loan with or without guarantors, collateral;
  • programs for individual entrepreneurs are carried out without commissions;
  • It is possible to repay the loan early.

Procedure for obtaining a loan

The documents that an individual entrepreneur needs to prepare include:

  • passport;
  • borrower questionnaire;
  • individual entrepreneur registration certificate;
  • business plan (for beginning entrepreneurs);
  • TIN;
  • accounting Report.

Employees of banking institutions may ask you to bring other certificates - statutory papers, declarations. The individual entrepreneur must agree to receive requests from the BKI.

The contract is concluded in several ways:

  • annuity payments – equal monthly payments throughout the entire loan term;
  • differentiated payments - monthly payments, the amount of which begins to gradually decrease towards the end of the term;
  • payments according to an individual schedule developed and established by agreement of the bank and the individual entrepreneur.

List of banks issuing loans for individual entrepreneurs

We have prepared for you 10 banks with various individual entrepreneur lending programs.


The organization offers entrepreneurs the “Trust” program, which allows them to receive funds without collateral for business development or current needs.


  • loan term – up to 3 years;
  • interest rate – minimum 17%;
  • the maximum amount to be issued is 3 million rubles;
  • provided to individual entrepreneurs, small business owners and small enterprises whose maximum annual revenue is 60 million rubles;
  • The minimum age of the borrower on the day the loan is issued is 23 years;
  • the age of the borrower at the date of repayment of obligations is 65 years;
  • The shortest period of doing business is 1 year.

VTB 24

The bank has developed the Kommersant program for individual entrepreneurs and small business owners, money from which can be used for any purpose. There are three loan options within the program - Economy, Express and Comfort.


  • amount – from 30 thousand to 1 million rubles;
  • interest rate – 18, 22 or 26% (depending on the duration of the loan).


  • interest rate – 20, 24 or 28%;
  • Application review time is 3 hours.


  • amount – from 30 thousand to 750 thousand rubles;
  • interest rate – 22, 26 or 29%;
  • simplified package of documents.

Alfa Bank

The bank offers an overdraft to pay short-term cash gaps and replenish working capital for the development of its business.


  • period – up to 2 months;
  • there is no need to provide collateral (sometimes the bank may require it);
  • guarantors are required.


The bank offers small business owners an Express loan.


  • the maximum amount to be issued is 2 million rubles;
  • there is no need to provide collateral and confirm revenue;
  • a guarantee is required;
  • The business owner must keep a bank account with turnover.

Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development

The organization offers an “Overdraft Express” loan to replenish working capital.

Requirements established by the organization for individual entrepreneurs:

  • the maximum amount to be issued is 500 thousand rubles;
  • duration – up to 2 years;
  • annual interest rate – from 24 to 27%;
  • there is no need to look for guarantors and provide collateral;
  • business period is from six months.

The bank developed the MDM Express loan.


  • amount to be issued – from 500 thousand to 3 million rubles;
  • annual interest rate – up to 27%.
  • pledges and guarantors are optional, there are no commissions.

The bank offers loans to small businesses to replenish working capital.


  • amount to be issued – from 500 thousand rubles;
  • loan term – up to 3 years;
  • annual interest rate – minimum 12.5%;
  • collateral is required in the form of a car or real estate;
  • there is a possibility of early repayment of obligations;
  • You can create an individual repayment schedule according to the characteristics of your business (taking into account seasonality and other factors).

The organization has developed several loan products for medium and small businesses.


  • amount to be issued – from 100 thousand to 1 million rubles;
  • annual interest rate – from 17%;
  • loan term - up to 5 years (if money is needed to replenish working capital - up to 36 months);
  • collateral in the form of a car is required.

Credit "Stronger+":

  • annual interest rate – 15-25%;
  • loan term – up to 3 years.

"Higher +":

  • amount to be issued – from 100 thousand to 10 million rubles;
  • interest rate – 16-20%;
  • loan term – up to 2 years.

The organization offers lending to small and medium-sized businesses.

Program options:

  • "Negotiable": up to 2 million rubles, up to 2 years, rate – from 13.5%;
  • "Investment"
  • "Secured by real estate": up to 300 million rubles, up to 5 years, rate – from 13.5%;
  • "Overdraft": up to 60 million rubles, up to 12 months, rate – from 13%;
  • "Guarantee": up to 100 million rubles, up to 3 years, rate – from 3%.

The bank offers loans for small businesses.

Universal credit product – “Business without borders”.


  • amount to be issued – from 300 thousand to 29 million rubles;
  • annual interest rate – from 11.6%;
  • loan term – up to 10 years.

Any business constantly requires investment of additional funds. And if friends and relatives cannot come to the aid of an individual entrepreneur, there is only one option left - contact the bank. In the article we will tell you whether it is easy to get a loan for an individual entrepreneur, which banks issue them, and also consider in detail the terms of the loan. Let's present some real customer reviews.

Conditions for obtaining a loan

The main thing that banks pay attention to is the client’s solvency.

Of course, for an entrepreneur, getting a loan is a very convenient way to solve problems. Money can be used for any need:

  1. company development;
  2. replenishment of working capital;
  3. equipment of new workplaces;
  4. expansion of the product base, etc.

The main factor that banks take into account when considering an application is the client’s solvency. Credit institutions assess possible risks. In this case, two categories of borrowers are considered - employees and business owners.

Banks are much more willing to issue loans of the first category - to employees. They can easily provide proof of their solvency - a certificate of income, a work book, a lease agreement. Not only salary, but also additional profit is taken into account as a source of income:

  1. interest on deposits;
  2. property rental;
  3. pension;
  4. benefits;
  5. part-time employment.

Entrepreneurs cannot fully prove their solvency. Basic current income can still be confirmed by accounting reports, declarations and a ledger of income and expenses. But what will the income be in the future? To make an approximate calculation, banks require individual entrepreneurs to make a business plan. It must contain detailed information about what the borrowed funds will be used for and from what sources they will be reimbursed.

List of documents

To get money on credit, you need to decide on a bank and a program. Next, collect the necessary documents. Usually require:

  1. passport;
  2. military ID;
  3. completed application form;
  4. registration certificates;
  5. extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  6. license.

In addition, an individual entrepreneur must provide:

  1. financial statements;
  2. balance sheet;
  3. book of income and expenses;
  4. property collateral statement;
  5. business plan.

You can provide a package of documents to several organizations at once, in case of refusals.

Reasons for refusal to issue a loan

Individual entrepreneurs who have the greatest chance of getting a loan:

  1. Good credit history.
  2. No criminal record.
  3. There are no late payments.
  4. Liquid assets owned that can be easily sold.
  5. Duration of activity is at least 1 year.

The main reason for refusal is insufficient solvency. In this case, you need to develop a business plan in detail. Banks are biased towards individual entrepreneurs because they can easily complete their activities and close their business. Therefore, there is more trust in those who can provide property as collateral. Other factors for refusal are:

  1. Delays in tax payments and contributions.
  2. Salary debts.

To minimize the risk of failure, entrepreneurs are advised to:

  1. Contact organizations where they have a current account through which funds flow regularly.
  2. Provide the maximum possible number of documents that confirm the quality of the business.
  3. Maintain a positive credit history.
  4. Have no outstanding loans at the time of application.

Types of loans

Typically banks offer the following types of loans.

  1. Express loan. Suitable for clients who urgently need to receive a small (within 100 thousand rubles) amount of money. Interest rates are usually high, but the application process is very simple - you only need a passport and a driver's or pensioner's license. Spending areas are also limited.
  2. Consumer loan. Spending purposes are not limited, but business ideas are not included. It can be taken by individuals only if there is no intention to use the funds for the development of the company. Otherwise, the bank will refuse to issue it. The interest rates are lower, but you will need to collect more documents. When borrowing large amounts, a guarantor or property registration as collateral may be required.
  3. Target program. Special lending programs for different types of businesses. They are offered for use for specific purposes - for example, the acquisition of expensive property. It also becomes collateral for the loan. Interest rates are correspondingly much reduced.

In addition, there are government programs aimed at supporting small and medium-sized businesses. Many banks support them. In this case, the Small Business Assistance Fund can act as a guarantor for the loan. Condition – the entrepreneur must work for at least 3 months. Regional budgets can also offer their assistance. All loans offered to individual entrepreneurs can be divided into:

  1. Loans for starting a business. Banks can issue them under state and municipal programs. A business plan and collateral (the borrower's own property or acquired assets) are required. Duration – up to 3 years.
  2. Loans for business development. They have a mandatory target direction. Usually this is the replenishment of working capital, the purchase of materials, raw materials and assets.

Thanks to a large number of banking programs, individual entrepreneurs can solve their problems. The advantages of lending include:

  1. availability of special programs;
  2. individual approach to the client.

Of the minuses it is noted:

  1. high interest rates;
  2. long registration period;
  3. mandatory confirmation of solvency.

Banks with loans for individual entrepreneurs

Many large banks in the country provide assistance to entrepreneurs. They offer many programs. Let's take a closer look at whose offers are the most profitable.


  1. For entrepreneurs whose income does not exceed 400 million per year, the following programs are provided: “Business turnover” (from 150 thousand rubles, for a period of up to 4 years, at 14.8%), “Business real estate” (for the purchase of real estate , term up to 10 years, at 14.7%), “Business overdraft” (up to 17 million, at 12.9%, up to 1 year).
  2. Express loans for individual entrepreneurs with revenue up to 60 million per year: “Trust” (up to 3 million, for 3 years, at 19.5%), “Business Trust” (without collateral, up to 3 million, for 4 years , at 18.9%).
  3. Leasing programs for the purchase of vehicles. You can get up to 24 million for up to 21 months, an advance payment of 10% is required.

VTB 24

  1. "Overdraft". From 850 thousand rubles, for a period of up to 2 years, at 18.5%.
  2. "Revolving Loan". It is provided on the same terms as Overdraft, only the interest rate is lower - 16%. Designed to replenish working capital.
  3. “Loan for collateral property.” An amount of up to 150 million for a period of up to 10 years is issued for the purchase of property pledged to the bank. A 20% down payment is required.

"Bank of Moscow"

  1. "Overdraft". An amount of up to 12.5 million rubles is issued for a period of up to 1 year. Directions: paying taxes, issuing salaries to employees.
  2. "Business Perspective". From 3 to 150 million for a period of up to 5 years, to replenish fixed assets. Conditions are individual.
  3. "For development." Owned property is accepted as security. Amount – up to 150 million, term – up to 60 months.
  4. “Turnover” - an amount from 1 to 150 million to replenish working capital for a period of up to 2 years. The percentage is set individually.


  1. "Express". Small loans without collateral or commission. Amounts up to 750 thousand, up to 1 year at 35%.
  2. "For business people." For entrepreneurs whose period of activity is at least 12 months. Issued 200 thousand for 3 years at 29%.
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  1. "Entrepreneur". For individual entrepreneurs, for any purpose without collateral or guarantors. If there is property, the interest rate may be reduced. Amount – 750 thousand for 5 years at 22%.
  2. "Business trust". Loan to entrepreneurs for any purpose. A guarantor is required. You can get up to 3 million for up to 3 years at 20%.


  1. "Become a farmer." Targeted loan for the development of a business sector such as agriculture. You can get up to 15 million for a period of up to 10 years. Down payment – ​​10%. It is necessary that the client be a participant in the target program.
  2. "Express". Loan up to 1 million rubles, guaranteed. Down payment – ​​10%. Targeted loan to replenish working capital.
  3. "Rational loan". The same target loan, but with a larger amount - up to 30 million, for a period of up to 5 years. Not only is a guarantor required, but also a collateral.