Should there be insurance when registering a car? Do I need to take out an insurance policy when registering a car?

Every car owner needs to know all the legal aspects associated with re-registration of a car.

Many drivers wonder whether it is possible to register a car without insurance after purchasing it and, without having a compulsory insurance policy, re-register it. The answer to this question will also differ in different situations. To clarify all the subtleties and situations, it is worth dwelling on this issue in more detail.

The purchase of any vehicle is always accompanied by the resolution of various organizational problems, the most important of which is the registration of the vehicle with the State Traffic Inspectorate. Experts do not recommend entrusting this procedure to third parties - the entire package of documents must be drawn up exclusively for yourself, bypassing intermediaries. This approach will ensure minimal risk of falling into the hands of fraudsters.

In addition to ensuring the security of the transaction, completing all the paperwork yourself is much better in the sense that it will not take too much time, and will also be much cheaper than using intermediaries. However, to carry out the procedure competently, the driver needs knowledge and ability to understand the details of the process.

Today it is impossible to register vehicles without insurance.

  • In addition, according to Part 2 of Article 12.37, an owner who has not fulfilled the obligations established by federal law, consisting of compulsory liability insurance, must be punished with an administrative fine amounting to a total of 800 rubles.

In accordance with the law, a person who bought a vehicle must register it within 10 days, and this period includes holidays and weekends. You should know that for driving a car that does not have state marks, a more severe punishment is provided - either fines in the amount of 5,000 rubles, or deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle in the interval from 1 to 3 months.

Correct procedure

Before registering your car, you need to know all the basic provisions of the procedure. If the car is new, the duration of the process may increase, and the price tag for registration of the car will also increase. This is due to the fact that a new vehicle requires initial registration and issuance of license plates.

Today, vehicle registration can be carried out in any corner of the country, and the place of residence of the owner of the car does not matter for the procedure. You should not delay the registration, because after 10 days the driver will be fined.

The car registration process usually looks like this:

  • The owner of the car makes an appointment at the MREO, in person, by phone, or on the State Services website;
  • Next, you need to take out a mandatory insurance policy. This is one of the necessary conditions for registering vehicles. Also, you should not indicate too short terms in the insurance contract;
  • The next stage is paying the state fee, after which you need to go through a technical inspection, but you can only go through it if you have all the necessary documents in hand.

It is impossible to register a car without having MTPL insurance. However, you can do without a CASCO policy, since it can be issued at will.

It is also impossible to reverse the stages of vehicle registration - in order to pass a technical inspection, the driver must have an OS insurance policy, as well as a registration certificate, a receipt for payment of the state duty and an application for vehicle registration.

Renewal of insurance during purchase and sale

In case of sale of a used car, the MTPL policy is terminated and, as a result, loses its validity. In this situation, the insurance company is obliged to pay the balance under the contract. Sometimes some insurance companies try to impose their own conditions and withhold about 20% of the due amount, but this approach is fraudulent.

The new owner of the car must obtain a new policy. Moreover, if the contract stipulates that the buyer will only be given the right to use the car, then re-registration of the vehicle in this situation will be impossible - the insurance will remain the same. If the previous owner does not want to terminate the contract with the insurance company, the policyholder will be able to contact it in order to make the necessary adjustments to the contract under compulsory motor liability insurance. Based on this, the policy will be reissued.

Changes to the data in the insurance policy occur through new entries in the special notes section, where you must indicate the time and date of the changes made. Such data must be certified with the seal and signature of the insurer, or a new policy is issued instead. The period for issuing a new document is no more than 2 days from the moment the policyholder gave the old document.

So, there are 3 ways to solve the insurance problem:

  • Renewal of compulsory insurance for the new owner, in which case he needs to compensate for unused insurance expenses. The new owner is required to notify the company of his ownership;
  • Termination of the compulsory insurance contract by receiving compensation from the company for unused payments. To do this, you must submit an application to change the owner of the car and return the contribution to the insurance organization;
  • Renewal of an insurance contract for another car. This method will be convenient for those who have several vehicles that are insured by one company, or if the seller is going to purchase a new vehicle after the sale. To transfer the payment to another vehicle, the owner must submit a corresponding application.


It is possible to re-register a car without issuing an MTPL policy only if the buyer only receives the right to operate the car. The insurance remains in the name of the previous owner. You should also know that it is prohibited to drive on the territory of the Russian Federation without a compulsory insurance policy, therefore in any other cases the car will be re-registered only after receiving the necessary insurance document.

Any vehicle on the territory of the Russian Federation must be insured from the risk of damage to both the car and the life and health of its owner. Federal Law No. 40 “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance” talks about this.

Traffic police officers must be sure that they are registering a car that the owner has previously protected from possible road accidents. Therefore, the MTPL policy can be included in the list of necessary documents for the registration procedure.

But today, such a need is not strictly regulated and a car can be registered and re-registered to another owner with a certain list of documents.

Is it necessary to confirm the presence of a “motor citizen”?

Already on July 10, 2017, a new procedure began to operate in our country, which regulates the registration of vehicles on the territory of the Russian Federation. One of the amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 139 states the abolition of the mandatory presentation of an MTPL policy during the registration procedure.

Important! Before you become the owner of a car and take steps to register or re-register it, we recommend that you check for any fines on the car. It is likely that such fines may be inherited by you along with the car.

Registration in MREO traffic police

It is necessary to make an appointment with the traffic police in order to carry out the actions of submitting documents. If you are unable to appear in person, you can use the Public Services portal. Also, the State Services portal works not only as a way to submit documents, but also as a way to make an appointment.

If you prefer to come to the department, you will be placed on a waiting list. Upon arrival of your turn, you receive a special coupon, which indicates a specific time and day of appearance. If the queue is long and they won’t be able to accept you in the coming days, then instead of a coupon you will be given a special PIN code. It will need to be entered on the appointed day in order to receive a coupon and get an appointment.

What documents are required when registering a vehicle?

It is necessary to submit documents to the traffic police inspector. These include:

Payment of state duty

Registration of a vehicle is a paid government service. You need to pay the fee using the details that apply specifically to your traffic police department. Payment can be made at any bank branch.

Also, in many traffic police departments there are terminals that provide assistance in paying state duties. When paying the fee through the terminal, the commission amount will be approximately 50 rubles.

The state fee for registering a vehicle will be 850 rubles, but only if you leave the previous numbers.

Passing a technical inspection

The traffic police officer must conduct a technical inspection of the vehicle, to ensure that the vehicle can participate in traffic and does not pose a danger to other drivers.

A technical inspection is carried out after drawing up an application for registration. The inspector examines the car body, its engine, and checks information with technical documentation.

Traffic police officers pay close attention to the car, engine number, and also check the codes in their databases. If the condition of the car meets the requirements of the traffic police officers, a mark is placed on passing the inspection.


For individuals There are regulations that provide not only the procedure for completing the procedure, but also the timing.

Thus, you will have to spend from one and a half to three hours on the registration procedure. This means that you can complete all the necessary actions in one day.

Checking the availability of electronic compulsory motor liability insurance during registration

If a citizen has completed the application, he is not required to carry a printed form with him. This means that the inspector must carry out independent actions to check the availability of the policy. To do this, he can use the special database of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the Russian Union of Auto Insurers.

By entering the citizen's data in the empty fields, the inspector will receive comprehensive information about the date of registration of the MTPL policy, its owner, and the insurer. If the MTPL policy has not been issued, the inspector will not receive any data, which means the registration procedure will be denied.

What should be the minimum contract period?

In order to register a vehicle, its validity period must meet minimum requirements. Today there is a requirement that requires that The insurance policy must be valid for at least 3 calendar months. If your insurance policy was issued for a year, but it expires in less than 90 days, then you will also be denied the registration procedure.

What happens if the owner cancels the policy?

If the owner of the vehicle does not want to register the car before registering it, then he must be prepared to receive a refusal from an employee of the insurance company. Registration cannot be carried out until the MTPL form is provided. Very often, the traffic police department issues an insurance policy. Use this method.

Before registering a vehicle in the traffic police system, be sure to read all the rules that relate to this procedure. I would like to believe that you will not encounter any difficulties that will accompany this process.

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After purchasing a vehicle, it is necessary to resolve many issues, not least of which is registering the car. This point must be complied with, otherwise the driver will face a fine or even deprivation of his license for a certain period.

In addition, this is in the interests of the car owner: registering a car declares ownership rights to it. In the worst case, there is a risk of even becoming a victim of scammers. Not everyone knows about the nuances of this procedure.

Let’s try to figure it out and also answer a frequently asked question: is it possible to register a car without insurance and, if not, what fine does the driver expect for “failure to register” the vehicle?

First, let's look at what is needed to register a car:

  1. Register with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate.
    This can be done by phone call or online; there is no need to start from your place of registration.
  2. It is imperative to have a compulsory motor liability insurance policy, since it will not be possible to register a car without insurance.
    Now you can apply for compulsory motor liability insurance online, which greatly simplifies the procedure.
  3. Pay a fee, the amount of which is specified directly at the MREO or on their website.
  4. Pass a technical inspection, to which you must come prepared, having all the necessary documents with you.

Vehicle registration rules change periodically. In 2017, they were even simplified a little. After purchasing a car, 10 days are given for registration, as before. in the amount of 1,500 rubles, so it’s better to do everything on time.

A 10-day period has been established, after which owners face a fine for violating the car registration rules, for:

  • for individuals it is 1500-2000 rubles;
  • legal – 5000-10000 rubles;
  • officials will be 2000-3500 rubles.

In addition, there is a separate clause in the legislation that concerns driving an unregistered car.

During a traffic stop by traffic police, the owner of the car must pay a fine for lack of documents in the amount of 500-800 rubles. If the owner of the car is caught again, the amount will increase to 5,000. If you refuse to pay the fine for late registration of the car, you may be deprived of your license for 1-3 months.

Is it possible to register a car without compulsory insurance?

Often car owners are interested in whether it is possible to register a car without compulsory motor third party liability insurance.

Insurance is a mandatory item that must be completed in order to register the car. It will also not be possible to re-register a car without insurance. IN

In the event of an accident, the person responsible for the accident is forced to compensate the owner of the damaged car. It is not always possible to do this on time, so the MTPL policy makes it possible to receive money for repairs.

If you purchase a used car that was previously insured, the new owner can buy new insurance or make changes to the existing one.

How to quickly apply for compulsory motor liability insurance

The car owner has the right to contact any insurance company. You should remember about the period for registration, which is 10 days.

Expert opinion

Natalya Alekseevna

The procedure for applying for an MTPL policy is simple: after collecting documents, you need to pay an amount, which will subsequently determine how much the insurance company will compensate for damage in the event of an accident.

After registration, the car owner will receive an MTPL policy and an accident notification form, which is required to fill out in the event of an accident, as well as a list of representative offices, which includes addresses and telephone numbers.

As for a used car, there is another option - renewing the policy for yourself, that is, adding it to an existing insurance policy. After the sale of the vehicle, the old contract is transferred to the new owner. In order to make changes, both owners with documents are needed.

According to the rules, the new owner must return to the seller that part of the insurance that was not used. This procedure is possible only after the consent of all parties. When renewing your insurance, make sure that it does not expire.

To quickly obtain an insurance policy, contact the company’s office or visit the website, now they also provide insurance online.

You must have the following documents:

  • registration certificate or vehicle passport;
  • identification documents – driver’s license or passport of the owner of the car;
  • You may probably need a power of attorney to drive a car;
  • if, according to the agreement, other persons are allowed to drive the vehicle, then it is necessary to provide their licenses and passports.

Bottom line

Vehicle registration is a mandatory item that must be completed by the owner after purchasing a vehicle: new or used.

According to the rules, cars are registered within ten days after purchase, otherwise it will not be possible to avoid punishment, which may subsequently include a fine for overdue registration of the car or even deprivation of rights for a short period.

Some owners who register their cars are wondering whether it is possible to register or re-register a car without insurance. The answer is clear - no, a car cannot be registered without insurance.

In addition, having a policy is also beneficial for the owner of the car - in the event of an accident, the culprit is not always ready to quickly pay the amount of damage to the driver of the damaged car.

All vehicles must go through the state registration procedure in the traffic police for the ability to move on roads.

But, there is only one option - the former owner writes a power of attorney for you and includes you in his car insurance policy. But this option is relevant for the duration of the policy, so it is still better to apply for a compulsory motor vehicle license. In addition, sellers most often prefer to terminate the MTPL agreement in order to return part of its cost (we talked about this).

Registration of an insurance coupon for these purposes

Now let's get acquainted with the process of applying for a compulsory motor insurance policy.

If a vehicle is purchased at a dealership, then its employees will very eagerly try to sell it as an “all-inclusive” package - MTPL, CASCO and a lot of other valuable and useful services, including.

But here it’s worth turning on logic and thoroughly thinking through this situation in advance, because The choice of insurance company should lie with the owner, and he must choose the most profitable and convenient MTPL insurance conditions.

OSAGO is compulsory insurance, so its cost is regulated by law.

Do you need a car insurance policy or can you do without it?

The list includes:

  1. passport identification;
  2. vehicle passport;
  3. driver's license of the owner and persons who will drive the car or other vehicle;
  4. a document confirming the right to use and own a car;
  5. If you have already taken out a compulsory motor liability insurance policy before, you can provide proof of accident-free driving.

Now let’s learn more about choosing the type of insurance. There are several options:

  • 3 months is the shortest period, but it will need to be extended, so it is not beneficial for all cases;
  • for 6 months - suitable for seasonal transport - motorcycles, convertibles, etc.;
  • for 12 months – the classic period for which the policy is issued.

It is worth considering all the factors that will influence the operation and storage of the car when applying for motor insurance. Duration of operation, geography of travel, number of persons admitted to management.

Only after receiving an MTPL policy and an agreement with an insurance company can you go to the traffic police to register your car or other means of transportation.


After you have provided all the documents, you must provide your car for inspection by a specialist at a specialized inspection site. Upon completion of all procedures, the owner of the car receives: two state registration numbers, a state-issued registration certificate, and all original documents that he submitted initially.

According to Russian legislation, if the owner refuses to insure the car, then it must be registered and you cannot drive it. There will be disciplinary and administrative penalties.

As already mentioned, if a car is purchased under a general power of attorney, then the original owner can add a new one to his policy by paying a certain amount, but if its validity is terminated, it will need to be renewed, and if communication with the one who issued the power of attorney is lost, it’s all the same you will have to formalize it.

Video on the topic

What documents are required when registering a car and whether a compulsory motor liability insurance policy is needed can also be found in this video:


The word of the law clearly speaks of the need to issue compulsory motor liability insurance. This requirement is dictated primarily by ensuring road safety, and you should also not lose sight of your own benefits in the event of an accident. It is worth remembering that CASCO is additional insurance and does not replace compulsory motor liability insurance (?).

Starting from July 10 of this year, an order came into force at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, according to which some changes are made to the regulations for registering personal vehicles of citizens. They are designed to simplify the re-registration procedure and make it more convenient.

So, until recently, if you decided to register a car with the traffic police, then you were required to present a compulsory motor liability insurance policy. Meanwhile, compulsory motor liability insurance policies issued in electronic form are now becoming increasingly popular. That is, the car owner could not provide this document, printed on a counterfeit-proof form, which caused certain difficulties. Now such problems are a thing of the past, since traffic police officers are entrusted with the responsibility to independently check the availability of a policy through a system of electronic interdepartmental interaction. Therefore, if you are offered to issue an MTPL e-policy, you should not refuse this opportunity. The document will be entered into the general RSA database; it cannot be lost, but traffic police officers will be able to familiarize themselves with it without any problems if necessary.

Another significant change is that the procedure for registering stolen and subsequently returned to the owner of vehicles and cars whose identification numbers were damaged as a result of corrosion is being simplified. As a rule, after stealing a car, criminals change the identification numbers and when such a vehicle is returned to the owner, it becomes a big problem for him to register it again. Now the re-registration procedure is simplified for this category of car owners. At the same time, traffic police officers are given the right to cancel registration if they identify illegal changes made to the design of the car. But, if the identified violations are eliminated, the car owner will be able to register the car at any traffic police department, regardless of his place of residence.

In addition, it has become easier to register vehicles for those who apply for this through the official government services portal. If earlier such an application required a visit to the traffic police department, where a printed application was issued, now there is no need to do this. It is enough to visit the website of the government services portal without leaving your home and then at the appointed time you need to drive up to the inspection site.

Persons with disabilities were not left behind. They are given the right to visit the premises of the traffic police with guide dogs, and to use sign language interpreters to communicate with employees.