Where can I get snils? What is needed to receive snils.

For children, an insurance certificate is issued after receiving a birth certificate. Thanks to State Services, many documents can be ordered online without leaving your home. Today, you can get SNILS for a child through State Services in just a few clicks; the portal will help you fill out an application and make an appointment on the Pension Fund website.

Government services will help you register SNILS for a newborn and a teenager under 14 years old. This cannot be done on the website itself, but the portal significantly speeds up the process. Here you can download the form and make an appointment with a specialist via the Internet. All you have to do is come and pick up the finished document.

Let's turn to a small step by step instructions to find an application for SNILS for a child:

The document will automatically begin downloading in Word format to your computer. The application form to obtain a certificate for a child must be filled out either by hand, in block letters, or printed on a computer and taken with it to the Pension Fund or MFC by appointment via the Internet.

Fill out an application to obtain a child insurance certificate

Here is the ADV-1 form, downloaded from State Services. All fields that must be filled out are marked with a blank line (underscore). To receive SNILS, you must provide information about a child under 14 years of age in the application form. So, let's get started with the registration; our instructions will help you write an application for a newborn yourself and order a SNILS for your baby.

Form ADV-1 is almost completed. It is better to put the date and signature upon the fact of the application.

Making an appointment with the Pension Fund using your State Services account

The form has been filled out, now you need to take it to the Russian Pension Fund and get a SNILS number for the child there. The State Services Internet portal will again help with this. Here you can find out where the nearest Pension Fund branch is located. Let's structure the next step-by-step algorithm.

Production time for SNILS for a newborn and a child under 14 years of age

Thanks to the State Services website, documents can be completed very quickly, and if deadlines are not met, you can file a complaint against the department online.

You can receive SNILS within 2 weeks. The period for issuing an insurance certificate is strictly regulated by the pension fund.

Parents must pick up the document for the newborn. There is no need to take children with you. If a citizen has already reached the age of 14, then he must appear to receive a card. Making SNILS for the first time is absolutely free, so there is no need to pay any state fees.

The Pension Fund will need to take your passport and birth certificate. There, an employee will check the documents and set a day when the SNILS will be produced and you can pick it up.

You can also complete the entire procedure for obtaining a certificate for a child through the MFC. All you have to do is click on the link of the same name on State Services and select the nearest service office. You will have to wait exactly the same amount of time for the SNILS to be produced.

The already familiar abbreviation SNILS stands for “Insurance Number of an Individual Personal Account”. We usually equate it with receiving a pension in the compulsory pension system, but in fact it is a general social insurance document. That is, making it easier to track payments towards a future pension is just one of the functions of SNILS. Today it is the main one.

But the situation is changing quickly and the “insurance card” is rapidly expanding its areas of application.

By the way, “card” is already an anachronism. In April 2019, paper laminated equivalents of SNILS were cancelled. Now they exist only in virtual space - in the form of a number that is assigned to a person from birth and for life. Most likely, in the near future, SNILS will become an additional line in an electronic passport - a card with a chip on which all the citizen’s personal data will be collected. That is, immediately a passport, SNILS, driver’s license, medical insurance, TIN and everything else.

But let's return to the current status of SNILS. Today, the personal account number is used in the following areas:

  • Medicine
  • Education
  • Sphere of labor relations
  • Social support
  • Pension insurance

That is, everything indicates that this document (more precisely, the number) is necessary not only for adult citizens, but also for children, moreover, from birth. For young children, SNILS is received by their parents. A 14-year-old teenager who has a passport can apply for SNILS independently.

Registration in both cases takes place through the Pension Fund or the MFC (now the State Budgetary Educational Institution “My Documents”).

This article will try to cover all the issues of obtaining SNILS for minor citizens. We hope it will be useful to their parents and help them complete the document with minimal loss of time and nerves.

Individual insurance account number (SNILS) - what is it?

We have already touched upon this issue in general terms in the previous section. SNILS is a social insurance card. How did it appear in our country?

By and large - thanks to the development information technologies. At the end of the 90s of the last century, it was adopted requiring the creation of a system of individual registration of citizens in the compulsory pension insurance system. Until this point, records of pensioners were kept in the form of separate databases of territorial social security bodies of various sizes.

In fact, there was no single base. The advent of computers made it possible to think about its creation, which was done.

The personalized accounting system was tasked with recording and storing information about citizens' pension contributions. Since the data existed in electronic form, it was easy to operate with it, therefore, the procedure for assigning all kinds of social payments (pensions in the first place) was significantly accelerated and simplified.

All necessary data for calculating a pension for each insured person was collected on a single personal numbered account - SNILS. It contained:

  • Employee salary information
  • The amount of pension contributions made by the employer
  • Time of experience
  • Pension contributions of self-employed citizens (individual entrepreneurs)
  • Voluntary contributions to the funded part of the pension

Then the gradual filling of the base began. Citizens received SNILS gradually, as needed. Then SNILS numbers began to be assigned even to newborn children, simultaneously expanding the scope of use of the information contained in SNILS.

Until recently, SNILS had the form of a “paper” document - a laminated greenish card. The front side contained personal data:

  • Number
  • Date and place of birth
  • Date of opening a personal account

The reverse - general information about the purpose of the document and the rules for using it.

The most important content of SNILS is its number itself. It consists of eleven digits:

  • The first nine represent the insurance number, also known as the account number.
  • The remaining two are a code (control) number for internal purposes (the Pension Fund of Russia uses it for identification)

Those who are used to keeping important numbers in their heads and know how to do this can safely remember the SNILS number - it is given for life and will never change, no matter how much time passes. That is, a baby who received a SNILS number in the first weeks of life will retire with it in due time. Each number is unique, no two numbers are exactly the same, so there is no chance of confusion.

At the moment, cards have been abolished. Old SNILS will be valid until they are lost or damaged. Duplicates will no longer be issued. But the number assigned to a specific person will remain the same.

Why does a child need SNILS?

This question is often asked by parents who are faced with the need to register their child in the pension insurance system and are not delighted with the need to complete an additional bureaucratic procedure. For a new citizen, you already need to obtain a birth certificate, a medical policy, registration at the place of residence, and some other papers - there is enough hassle.

The need to draw up yet another document (and just think, related to a pension!) does not please parents at all. Meanwhile, SNILS is required in children's clinics, kindergartens, schools, and when contacting some government bodies. For what?

In fact, for now, most often it’s just “in reserve.” The system of universal insurance accounting potentially contains many opportunities to simplify the interaction between citizens and the state. With its help you can:

  • Promptly provide all kinds of social services and benefits
  • Identify a citizen in the process of interdepartmental communication (which means a simplified procedure for obtaining a number of documents)
  • Eliminate information “gaps” (which is important, for example, in the question pension provision- all length of service will be unconditionally taken into account, and the pensioner will not have to look for evidence that he worked twenty years ago, but cannot confirm this fact, since the work book has been lost and the employing organization has long ceased to exist)
  • Design social benefits and services remotely
  • And much more

Therefore, it is important that personalized registration in the social insurance system covers 100% of the population. Russia is currently very close to this indicator. Almost all adults who at least once in their lives got a job official work, SNILS have. Queue for children.

If electronic passports are indeed introduced in the near future, new children will receive them immediately at birth, along with a social security number. But for people already living to receive electronic document they will need all the information they need. The SNILS number refers to such information.

At the moment, with the help of SNILS, a child (through his legal representative) can:

  • Make an appointment with a doctor through a single portal
  • Apply for benefits for medications and special meals if you have a disability
  • Receive a free trip to the sanatorium if indicated
  • Inherit your relative’s funded pension and start building your own based on it funded pension for the future
  • Design monthly benefits and various cash payments
  • Work during the holidays (after reaching a certain age)

The functions of SNILS are expanding every year. So a child needs it just as much as an adult. This is not an “extra” document at all, but one of the fundamental ones.

Why do newborn children need it?

Currently, primarily to obtain medical policy. Compulsory medical insurance is essentially a part of social insurance.

Some time ago, policies were issued independently of the list of insured citizens - on the basis of a birth certificate and registration address. Now the lists of socially insured and insured persons in compulsory medical insurance system unite. And in order to receive a policy (and therefore the right to free medical services, which newborns certainly need, since they regularly undergo preventive medical examinations during the first year), it is necessary to present SNILS.

If the baby has serious health problems, SNILS will additionally provide the opportunity to apply for and receive benefits and allowances due to disabled people. In some regions, children under three years of age and children from low-income families under six years of age receive free medicines. Their receipt is also registered through SNILS.

Where and how to make SNILS for a child?

There are quite a few ways to bring children into single list personalized pension accounting.

  • If we are talking about a child under 14 years old, SNILS is issued by the parents. This can be done at the Pension Fund or MFC. Dad or mom just serve required package documents and fill out an application. The child's presence is not required.
  • Teenagers over 14 (who have received a passport) can do this on their own. If a high school student decides to work part-time during the holidays, SNILS can be issued by his first employer.
  • The procedure for obtaining SNILS at birth is simplified as much as possible. legitimized interdepartmental interaction between the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and civil registry offices. So now you can issue SNILS simultaneously with your birth certificate.
  • Also, in recent years, SNILS have begun to register educational institutions on a centralized basis. Almost all colleges do this immediately after their annual enrollment. The data of those whose SNILS has not yet been issued is collected and transferred to the Pension Fund by an employee educational institution. So if your child goes to college, don’t worry, SNILS will be given to him there.

And don’t forget - cards have not been issued since April of this year. Therefore, you will not need an additional visit to the Pension Fund or MFC to receive it. This is a clear plus.

What documents are needed for registration?

You do not have to collect any special documents to obtain SNILS. All you need is:

  • Child's birth certificate and passport of one of the parents (if the child is under 14 years old)
  • Passport of the child himself (if he receives SNILS himself)

The form is filled out on the spot. You can print it out in advance by finding a sample on the Internet and fill it out at home. Then, even if the “homemade” form is not accepted, transferring information from it to a similar one issued by a civil servant will not be difficult.

You can apply for SNILS:

  • To the territorial division of the Pension Fund at the registration address
  • To the nearest MFC (“My Documents”)

Obtain a pension certificate from the Russian Pension Fund

The procedure is standard - you submit a package of documents and wait for a decision. It will be positive, unless it turns out that you provided incorrect information in the application form. In this case, you will have to repeat everything again.

While the cards were being issued, Pension Fund employees announced the deadline within which they had to appear for them. Now you will simply be told how you can find out your personal account number after it has been assigned. The Pension Fund of Russia will enter the number independently into the database from which interested organizations (clinic, school, etc.) can “get” it.

Order SNILS for a child through State Services (Internet)

Modern people, including parents of small children, have already appreciated the capabilities of the State Services portal, which allows them to complete many legal transactions without leaving home. Therefore, the request is quite frequent.

Unfortunately, the answer is “Impossible.” And an adult, by the way, will also not be able to receive SNILS in this way. The questionnaire to be filled out contains personal confidential information. prohibits its disclosure.

That is, you cannot use the Internet to transmit questionnaire data. And the State Services website does not provide such a service.

Processing time for SNILS insurance certificate

Since cards are no longer issued, we are talking, rather, not about the period of production of the document, but about the period of time for the information to pass through and be entered into unified system data. Since the procedure provides for certain internal regulations of the Pension Fund, the deadlines are considered not days, but weeks:

  • If you apply for SNILS in person, it will be ready in 2-3 weeks.
  • A legal entity (employer) will need 6 weeks to complete the registration.

After this period, the child will definitely be assigned an individual unique SNILS number, and throughout his life the citizen will be the owner of this particular social insurance personal account.

If you still have or have questions related to obtaining a SNILS number for children or adults, you can ask them to qualified lawyers at any time on the website portal.

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The pension system in Russia is structured in such a way that every citizen, upon reaching retirement age, can count on receiving a pension. For this purpose, it is envisaged to allocate unique individual numbers for each citizen of our state. Briefly, these pension account numbers are called SNILS.

The employee must present the SNILS number to the accounting department upon employment; it is to this account that pension accruals will be transferred from wages. Over time, pension capital is formed on this personal account.

The SNILS card itself is a certificate of assignment of an insurance pension number. In recent years, the SNILS number is required not only for pensions, so its registration has become mandatory. If you did not issue it for your child immediately after birth, you can get it later by contacting your insurer. A child over 14 years old can apply for it independently, and his employer can do this for an adult citizen. You will learn about how this happens and all the nuances from our article.

What is SNILS and why is it?

SNILS is a unique insurance number of a citizen’s personal account in the pension fund database. This account is credited pension contributions, forming a future pension; in addition, the citizen’s work experience is recorded in the register using this number.

In addition to pension functions, this account is used to provide medical services (registration of compulsory medical insurance), when admitting a person to educational institution, to receive various benefits, benefits, etc.

Because of this, it is important to obtain a pension account number in a timely manner in order to enjoy all benefits from the state.

What people can receive SNILS?

Who can receive SNILS?

Who can open a personal account in a pension fund is a question of interest to many citizens. So, not only a citizen of Russia, but also a foreigner staying in the Russian Federation for work can receive an insurance pension certificate. At the same time, even a non-working Russian citizen must have a SNILS card to receive various public services.

Both the citizen himself and his employer can issue a certificate of pension insurance. Also, his authorized representatives, parents, guardians and trustees have the right to register SNILS for a person. If a child is 14 years old and still does not have a certificate, he can apply for it independently by contacting the pension fund department with a passport.

A foreigner, in addition to documents confirming his identity, will need to provide a residence permit or temporary residence permit.

Where do unemployed citizens receive SNILS?

The first thing you need to know is that if you are officially employed, then your employer should be responsible for issuing a pension certificate. He must begin processing the certificate no later than two weeks after hiring you.

If a citizen is unemployed, then you need to apply for SNILS yourself or through legal representatives at the Pension Fund.

If a parent wants to issue a SNILS for a child under 14 years of age, he can do this alone by contacting the territorial branch of the Pension Fund. From the age of 14, the child must receive the certificate in person. Just as in the case of a working citizen, an educational organization can issue SNILS for a student child.

Registration procedure

To register a citizen in the compulsory pension insurance system and receive SNILS, a person must contact the department Pension Fund Russian Federation at the place of residence with a passport or other identification document of the person for whom the certificate is issued.

If a citizen works, he submits an application for registration of SNILS through the employer to the personnel department, otherwise, he submits the application directly to the Pension Fund.

Then the insured person’s questionnaire is filled out. After submitting all documents, questionnaires and applications, the citizen is assigned a day to receive SNILS. On the appointed day he needs to come and pick it up. It usually takes 1-3 weeks to issue a certificate.

Documents to be received

Documents to be received

For registration of SNILS you will need to provide the following documents:

  • Passport or birth certificate;
  • Questionnaire in form ADV-1;
  • Residence permit or temporary residence permit (for a foreigner).

The questionnaire indicates:

  • Last name, first name, patronymic of the citizen;
  • Passport details;
  • Citizenship and so on.

Registration via the Internet

We would like to immediately warn you that it is not possible to register SNILS via the Internet. Such a function is not yet available either on the website of the Pension Fund, or on State Services, or on other portals. The only thing is that you can order the registration of SNILS through various companies, for which you will issue a power of attorney to receive documents on your behalf. But this method is not the safest, and it is also expensive; on average, companies ask about 2.5 thousand rubles for this service. Therefore, we do not advise you to use such services, in addition initial registration SNILS for personal use is free.


The Pension Fund is currently developing a project for registering SNILS via the Internet, so it is possible that this will become possible in the coming years. But today, such a function does not exist.

Cost of SNILS

Like an individual taxpayer number, registration of SNILS is free. This number cannot be replaced and is given to every citizen for life. Of course, it is possible that you will have to pay for the execution of this document, if drawing up a power of attorney on your behalf for another person or organization is a paid notary service, but the certificate itself does not require payment upon execution.

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Every year, 5 million people - both adults and children - register with the Pension Fund Russian Federation and receive information about the unique SNILS

In addition to the fact that SNILS is needed to form a pension, it is necessary to receive government services in electronic form and benefits, reduce the number of documents when receiving various services, etc.

FIU reminds

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation reminds citizens that they can obtain a document confirming registration or change personal data contained in an individual personal account at any Pension Fund Client Service throughout Russia.

Customer services provide registration services in the individual (personalized) accounting system and issue a document confirming registration immediately upon application by a citizen.

Also on the Pension Fund website at personal account a service has been implemented for obtaining a document confirming registration in the individual (personalized) accounting system online, which allows a citizen to obtain information about SNILS in electronic form without leaving home.

Explanation of the abbreviation SNILS - Insurance number of an individual personal account.

The document itself, which looks like a green card with the number and name of the owner, is called a State Pension Insurance Certificate.

You will learn about what SNILS is and why you need it, and how to get it in Moscow in 2019 in this article.

What is SNILS and why is it needed?

More recently, obtaining SNILS was required only for working people about whom the employer transferred information to the Pension Fund - this was necessary for calculating contributions to the Pension Fund. With the introduction of new information technologies, the functions of the “green card” are expanding very quickly.

Today, the Individual Pension Insurance Account Number has become a connecting link in the information exchange of different departments. For example, this number is used for identification on the Public Services Portal.

In the future, the role of SNILS as a universal identifier to which personal data of citizens is linked will only increase. It is likely that soon the insurance number of the personal account will become an identifier electronic card citizen, will be able to replace many existing documents, such as a passport, TIN and will allow you to receive services in the medical and social security systems.

Nowadays, without a “green card” it is impossible to officially get a job or receive many state or municipal social services and benefits.

Why does a child need SNILS?

A “green card” is a certificate of state pension insurance; a child will need it when receiving various services:

  • To obtain Spa treatment and free travel to the resort
  • for registration of various benefits
  • when receiving preferential medications, special food for disabled children
  • after the child grows up and wants to earn extra money during the holidays, he will again need SNILS

Why does a foreign citizen need SNILS?

The answer is very simple - for the same reason the Russians need it. Without SNILS it is impossible to get free medical service and other social services. Contributions to the pension fund made by the employer will allow you to apply for a pension in the future.

How to get SNILS - a “green card” of insurance certificate

Children under 14 years old

To obtain SNILS for a child, one of the parents with a passport and birth certificate must apply to the Pension Fund of Russia or the MFC at their place of residence. There you need to fill out a form, and in two weeks the insurance certificate will be ready.

Children who are already 14 years old can obtain the document independently with their passport.

For adults

There are two main options:

  1. At the employer's. When registering an employee, the employer sends his data to the territorial office of the Pension Fund. Within three weeks, the Insurance Certificate is transferred to the employer, who issues it to the employee.
  2. On one's own. At the Pension Fund of Russia or at the “My Documents” centers at your place of residence. You must present your passport and fill out a form. It will take three weeks to issue an insurance certificate.

You can find the nearest “My Documents” government service center on the Internet at: mos.ru/pgu/ru/md/

For foreign citizens

The procedure for obtaining an insurance certificate for foreign citizens is no different from the procedure for obtaining it for Russian citizens. In the same way, you can apply for receipt through your employer or directly at the territorial branch of the pension fund.

Obtaining an insurance certificate card, like many other government services, is absolutely free. Foreign citizens may need a notarized translation of their passport and will have to pay for it.

How to get a duplicate if lost

The sequence of actions is no different from that as if you were receiving an insurance certificate for the first time.

You need to contact your employer or directly to the Pension Fund of Russia (MFC at your place of residence), and after a month you will receive a new card with the old number.

You will also have to get a new card if you have changed your last name or first name. In all other cases, replacement is not required; the document has no restrictions on the period of use.

How to find out SNILS via the Internet online

If you have not received an insurance certificate, then you will not be able to find out the number via the Internet using your passport, surname, TIN or other means without contacting your employer or the Pension Fund of Russia.

The Pension Fund website explains why you can’t just find out the number - everything is explained by the confidentiality of personal information.

If you have already been registered on the government services website gosuslugi.ru (which is simply impossible to do without an insurance certificate with a number), it will be very easy to find out SNILS online - just use the service in the section “Pension, benefits and benefits” - “Obtaining information about the status of an individual personal account."

As a rule, it is not available to military personnel and law enforcement officers who are already receiving or will only receive a pension through their department, as well as citizens who do not have insurance period, for example, housewives.

Military personnel can obtain a “green card” through their military unit. Housewives - through the MFC or a branch of the Pension Fund. Foreign citizens permanently or temporarily residing in Russia, as well as stateless persons (excluding highly qualified specialists in accordance with federal law dated July 25, 2002 No. 115-FZ “On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation”), can obtain an insurance certificate with SNILS through their employer or in person at the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at their place of residence.