When a temporary certificate of OMS policy is issued. Temporary certificate confirming the execution of the OMS policy

A temporary compulsory medical insurance policy is issued in case of loss of the document and is valid for 30 days. After this period, the client of the insurance company receives a new full-fledged document. The renewal process is not complicated. To start it, it is enough to present SNILS, a passport and write an application.

Temporary CHI policy

Issuance of a temporary compulsory medical insurance policy is possible only after the cancellation of the lost document. The essence of the recovery procedure is to write an application and present several documents, after which the employees of the insurance company begin to act according to the standard scheme.

The new certificate receives exactly the same registration number as the old document.

During the period of validity of an interim certificate, it has the same legal force as a standard document.

Temporary certificate confirming the execution of the CHI policy

A temporary CHI insurance policy for a child is issued upon registration at the place of residence on a non-permanent basis. If the family settles at a certain address for a long time, it makes sense to get a permanent CHI policy for the child. For registration of the document, the presentation of the passport of one of the parents and the birth certificate is required. After writing the application, the procedure for registering the child at the place of stay or residence follows.

Advice from Sravni.ru: To obtain a temporary and permanent policy CHI Russian children under 18 require a birth certificate, as well as a passport and SNILS of one of the parents. For adult citizens of the Russian Federation, a policy is issued on the basis of SNILS, a passport or a temporary identity card. If the policy is received by the representative of the insured person, a power of attorney is also required. Refugees for insurance need a document confirming the status or a certificate that shows that the corresponding application is under consideration.

Temporary compulsory medical insurance policy: to whom it is issued, how long such a document is valid, how to reissue the policy and get a duplicate

To receive free medical services every Russian must first issue a policy. Such a document has no time limits and is considered valid throughout the life of the owner.

However, there is also a temporary CHI policy, which is issued for a specific period to certain categories of people.

In what cases this happens and who receives a certificate giving the right to treatment in Russian medical institutions for a limited period of time, you will find out further.

Who is entitled to a temporary compulsory medical insurance policy

First of all, temporary certificates, according to which you can get the opportunity of medical care, are issued for the period of registration of a permanent policy.

These documents are valid for 1 month until the applicant receives a ready-made card of a single sample.

The terms of validity of the main insurance, which is issued to citizens of the Russian Federation free of charge, are not limited. Therefore, if you are a Russian and have a Russian passport, you have the right to issue a permanent policy and use medical services as part of compulsory medical insurance.

There are other categories of people who are given the opportunity to obtain a temporary certificate, but with a time limit. The period during which they will be provided in Russia CHI services must end on December 31st of the current year.

The validity of the temporary MHI may end earlier if the period of stay of these people in Russia, according to the permits, expires before the end of the calendar year.

  • Persons who permanently reside in the Russian Federation, but do not have Russian citizenship.
  • Persons residing in our country temporarily or without citizenship, but who have received permission to stay in Russia for a specific period.
  • Refugees who have been granted the right to medical care by the Russian government.
  • Citizens of the EAEU member states (Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan) employed in the Russian Federation under labor contracts.
  • Foreigners who are employees of the EAEU, endowed with special powers in our country.

Extradition procedure

The insurance company is provided with a statement indicating the selected medical institution. On the same day, issues a temporary document to the applicant confirming his right to receive medical care and other medical services.

The certificate must be signed by the head or authorized representative, as well as the seal of the company.

This certificate contains the following information:

  1. Name of the insurer, his phone number, address;
  2. Full name of the insured, if there is no middle name, write only the first and last name;
  3. Date, place of his birth;
  4. Data from a passport or other identity card;
  5. Temporary policy number, date of issue;
  6. The expiration date of its validity;
  7. Owner's signature;
  8. Full name of the IC employee who issued the document, the signature of this employee.

The temporary certificate replacing the policy is valid for 30 days only.

Replacement of the insurer

If a person decides to change the insurance organization, he must submit an appropriate application. Information is immediately entered into his personal file and sent to the territorial fund.

There is a check through the regional register. Within 2 days, it turns out whether this person has a CHI policy in his hands.

If the test result regional segment will be positive and the insured person has current policy, he will be sent a refusal within 5 days due to the availability of CHI from another insurer.

If, however, information confirming the existence of a valid medical insurance, no in territorial fund will check the availability of the policy for the central segment.

The maximum period for checking and submitting an application for a change of insurer to the Federal Fund is 10 days.

After submitting the application and all checks, the finished policy from Federal Fund within 2 weeks will be delivered to the territorial office. You can receive it no later than 30 days later.

All this time, until the receipt of the finished document, the citizen will use a temporary insurance certificate. Upon receipt, he is obliged to sign in the registration journal.

Change of personal data

Any changes in information relating to the personal information of a citizen should be reported to the insurer within 1 month. After that, the insurance will be reissued.

This is required for:

  • change of a person's name, patronymic or surname,
  • changes in the date or place of his birth,
  • change of place of residence,
  • detection of errors, misprints, inaccuracies in the information entered in the insurance document.

In any of the above cases, the policyholder is obliged to submit an application for reissuance and submit a passport, other supporting papers with updated personal data.

Getting a duplicate

The policyholder may ask for a duplicate in the following cases:

  • the plastic card has been damaged and cannot be used due to missing text, rupture, failure of the electronic chip, etc.,
  • the insurance document was lost.

To obtain a duplicate, you will need to fill out an application form, which indicates:

  • Standard information about the insured, including passport and SNILS, contact phone number.
  • Information about the representative of the owner of the insurance (name, passport, phone number).
  • The name of the health insurance company.
  • Indicate what type of policy was used (on paper, in electronic version, as an entry on the universal card).

The completed application is given to the representative of the insurer, he puts his signature and certifies it with the seal of the company. You can get a ready-made policy at special points of issue.

Registration has the right to carry out only the insurance organization that has a license to provide this type of service.

Recall that a temporary CHI policy is issued only for the period of manufacture of the main insurance policy or no more than a year to persons who are not entitled to permanent free medical care in Russia.

If you are a citizen of the Russian Federation, you can expect to receive a permanent policy and the opportunity to use free services under compulsory health insurance.

In Russia, to receive free medical services of any kind, a compulsory medical insurance policy is required. In his absence, the clinics will be able to offer only paid services.

Despite this, if the policy has expired, it has been damaged or issued in another region, people are in no hurry to change it.

This situation is caused by the fact that no one plans to get injured, get sick and face other troubles that can happen.

In the list of cases, the replacement of the CHI policy is one of the last places. But in practice, the problem of providing free medical care is very acute.

Therefore, it is important to know how to get a compulsory medical insurance policy in Moscow if registered in another city.

A huge number of people work in the capital who came from other regions and do not even have a residence permit. If it is necessary to visit a doctor, a person is faced with the fact that it is quite difficult to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy without a residence permit.

Therefore, it is important to carefully understand whether it is possible to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy without a residence permit, and what nuances exist in this matter.

The presence of a compulsory medical insurance policy allows a citizen to seek help from a polyclinic, hospital, city treatment centers and others. medical organizations that participate in the compulsory health insurance program.

If a person lives in the Moscow region and received a policy on the territory of his region, then he has the right to receive additional medical services that are not included in the list of the state basic program.

For example, seek help for tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, mental and behavioral disorders, including those associated with the use of psychoactive substances.

A complete list of services that an insured citizen can apply for can be found in the Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region “On the Moscow Regional Program state guarantees free provision of medical care to citizens.

For many, the actual question is how to apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy in Moscow, without registration. If a person works officially in the capital, then he will have no problems obtaining a policy.

Since the employer regularly deducts contributions for him to Pension Fund and the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. With a request to issue a CHI, a citizen can apply to his superiors in the personnel department or in the accounting department.

In this case, no documents, including those confirming registration, are required to be presented.

It will take approximately two months to issue a policy through an employer.

The term will depend on the competence of the responsible officer. By law, the employer is given 2 weeks to prepare all the necessary papers and send them to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.

But if a person quits, he needs to give the policy to the employer. During maternity leave and parental leave, compulsory medical insurance, which was received through the employer, continues to operate.

It is quite difficult to get a compulsory medical insurance policy in Moscow for an unemployed person without a residence permit. In this case, a citizen can replace the temporary registration document with a lease agreement for the apartment he rents.

But this option has several nuances:

  1. A lease agreement is concluded only if a realtor is involved in the transaction. Most tenants try to save on the services of intermediaries and rent an apartment without a contract.
  2. The insurer may require the personal presence of the owner of the apartment or a statement written by him personally. The landlord rarely agrees to such actions.

If a person does not have a temporary residence permit or permanent registration, he should present convincing arguments and hope that they will give a positive result in disputes with the insurer.

A citizen has the right to refer to the law "On health insurance of citizens Russian Federation”, it states that registration is not a prerequisite for obtaining compulsory medical insurance.

Thus, the refusal of the insurance company can be appealed in court. To apply to the judicial authorities, the insurer must request a written refusal to provide the policy.

You can also refer to the definition Supreme Court RF dated 2011. This document states that the visitor has the right to receive a policy without presenting papers, which confirm registration.

In any case, a person without a residence permit must be ready for legal proceedings.

Insurers believe that it is better to issue CHI only at the place of registration. If the court decides not in favor of the citizen, then the best option will find a job, conclude an agreement with the landlord or change the place of residence.

In accordance with the law, get a policy CHI citizens RF in 2020 can at the place of their actual residence. Permanent or temporary registration has no effect.

CHI of a single sample does not contain information about the place of residence and registration of a person. But these data are entered into a single electronic register of insured citizens when issuing a policy.

If a citizen moves to live in another place, he is obliged to inform the insurer about it within 1 month.

When the new place of residence does not have the insurance company in which the insurance policy was issued, the citizen can choose a new insurance company for CHI.

In the case when a person is forced to constantly move, it is worthwhile to understand that it is best to take out insurance where a citizen lives most of the time.

Regarding the question of whether it is possible to be treated in another city for free under the MHI policy, it is worth considering some of the nuances:

Obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy in Moscow, if registered in the Moscow region, is quite simple. To do this, you must follow these instructions:

  1. Collect the necessary documents.
  2. Decide on the choice of insurance company.
  3. Apply.

It will take about a month to make a policy, for this period a person is issued a temporary policy, according to which he will be able to receive all guaranteed services.

To obtain a policy, you need to prepare the following papers:

After preparing the documents, it is necessary to decide on a medical organization. It is better to choose it at the place of actual residence. Since it will be possible to receive services not only under the basic, but under the territorial program.

Applying for CHI registration is carried out in the insurance company itself, in the clinic to which the citizen is attached or through the MFC. In the multifunctional center, the service is provided only for children under one and a half years old.

The procedure for submitting an application can be clarified on the website of institutions or by calling the numbers indicated in the register. The application form will be issued on the spot. You can pick up the finished document after 30 days from the date of submission of all papers and the application.

Recently, the legislation on compulsory health insurance has changed more than once.

Therefore, quite often people do not exercise their rights simply because they do not know about them or do not understand how to obtain enforcement in practice.

According to the current rules, you can not only get CHI without a residence permit, but also choose a clinic, an attending physician, and even a hospital for hospitalization.

In this matter, it is worth paying attention to the following points:

  1. You can choose a polyclinic for attaching or permanently receiving medical services once a year.
  2. A person is not required to be attached to a district clinic at the place of registration or actual residence.

It is possible to choose a medical facility near work.

At the same time, it should be understood that each polyclinic has service areas assigned to it - medical sites for providing home care. Therefore, it is important to think about everything in advance and evaluate possible situations.

A citizen has the right to choose a new attending physician once a year. To do this, you just need to write an application addressed to the head physician.

Citizens with a Moscow residence permit and a compulsory medical insurance policy who are registered on the portal of the mayor of the capital - www.mos.ru can be attached to the clinic on the same site by indicating SNILS.

To do this, you need to go to the "Services and services" section and apply on your behalf. In three days, a person will be assigned to the polyclinic he needs and the remote recording service will be connected to specialists through the website.

All users can apply online, except for residents of New Moscow and those who have a temporary CHI. If you wish, you can apply for a personal visit to the clinic.

But the question of how to attach a compulsory medical insurance policy to a clinic in another city does not lose its relevance. To do this, residents of the capital with policies in other regions should initially apply with a policy to an insurer, their own or another.

If a citizen has an old-style compulsory medical insurance, then first of all, he needs to issue a compulsory medical insurance policy of a new uniform sample. After re-registration of the policy, you can contact any clinic of your choice for attachment.

In some cases, additional documents may be required for registration:

In the absence of a policy, it can be issued at any insurance company, and then contact the desired clinic for attachment.

Thus, obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy in Moscow without registration is not a problem. According to the rules that are in force in 2020, it is enough to indicate only the actual place of residence for registration.

In the CHI policy of a single sample, there is no information about the residence and registration of a citizen. These data are entered into the unified electronic register of insured citizens.

Under the CHI policy, you can be treated free of charge in another city in the scope of the basic CHI program.

Without exception, all citizens of the Russian Federation have the opportunity to receive the minimum necessary medical services free of charge thanks to the system of compulsory medical insurance controlled by the state.

Policy (from the Italian "polizza" - receipt, receipt) - a document evidencing the right to receive free medical care for state program OMS.

As soon as a citizen has submitted a package of documents, he acquires the right to full medical care under the state program.

The insurance company cannot provide the policy immediately. It takes 15 to 30 days to process it. In order not to deprive a citizen of the opportunity to use medical services for this period, he is issued a temporary compulsory medical insurance policy.

Where to get

To obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy, you need to collect required package documents and contact one of the addresses:

  • to an insurance company that has a license from the Compulsory Fund Medical Insurance(FOMS);
  • to the point of issue of policies in the clinic;
  • at the MFC.

Series and number

The certificate contains the owner's data: full name, passport data, as well as date of birth, gender and an identification number out of 9 digits. This is the temporary policy number.

The number of the temporary certificate most often begins with the combination 001.

On the reverse side of the temporary insurance, the number of the form and the series - 11 digits are written.

In addition, the temporary certificate is signed by the insurer and the insured person.

Under temporary insurance, you are entitled to a full range of services, without restrictions


The term of temporary insurance is 30 days.

But the preparation of a permanent CHI policy is given one month. If the insurance is not ready in a month, you can complain to the insurer at.

After receiving the main document, the temporary certificate must be handed over to the insurers. It is prohibited to use it and transfer it to other persons.

Documents to receive

To obtain an MHI policy, you must prepare a package of documents:

For adults:

  • passport;
  • SNILS.

For newborns:

  • birth certificate;
  • passport of the parent or guardian;
  • SNILS.

If documents are drawn up at once by several people from the family, then someone alone can do this by proxy.

The power of attorney is drawn up in free form, indicating the date, signatures of the parties, as well as listing the powers that the principal transfers to the authorized person. Notarization of the document is not required.

The insurance company must fill out an application form in a special form.

From temporary to permanent

Temporary CHI insurance policy is issued immediately at the time of application for a period of 30 days. This period simultaneously determines the date of replacement of the temporary policy with a permanent one.

Within the specified period, the citizen:

  1. Comes to the insurance company.
  2. Presents a passport.
  3. Renting out a temporary policy.
  4. Gets the main document.

A permanent MHI policy does not have an expiration date. It is issued for life. Replacement is made only in the event of a change in passport data or the unusability of the policy due to damage.

In addition, you can replace a paper policy with an electronic one. Although this is not considered necessary and is not encouraged in some regions.

For example, in Sverdlovsk region bulk free replacement paper policies on plastic has led to an increase in the expenditures of the budget of the MHIF by 300 million rubles.

If a citizen decides to change the insurer, this can be done only once a year, no later than November 1.

If the insurer has lost its license, then you will have to change the insurer and issue new policy.

Features of use

List of services provided by temporary policy, the same as the main insurance.

However, some organizational difficulties are possible.

First, the temporary certificate does not have a barcode. This does not allow you to make an appointment with a doctor using Internet portals.

The barcode can be provided at your request from the insurance company that issued the temporary policy.

Attachment to a polyclinic not at the place of registration - only with the permission of the head physician. Then, after checking your provisional certificate, you must be registered.

Therefore, many citizens prefer to go to the clinic with a temporary certificate only as a last resort.

It is especially difficult for citizens who have temporary insurance issued on a passport with temporary registration.

In some polyclinics, they even refuse admission in this case, which is illegal.

You can complain about hotline Ministry of Health.
There are several multichannel numbers where you can call from any region of Russia:
8-800-500-27-29, ext. 843.
8-800-333-45-15, ext. 848.

In addition, in case of any refusal to provide medical services, you can file a lawsuit in court.

This will help make your Insurance Company. Insurers have lawyers and expert departments dedicated to protecting the rights of their clients.

As for the ambulance, they are obliged to provide it, even in the absence of a policy.

Pregnant women are also entitled to services without insurance.


The CHI policy is a document that is indefinite and is issued to all residents of the Russian Federation from birth.

A temporary MHI policy is issued for a 30-day period, after which the insurer is obliged to issue a permanent certificate.

State CHI program provides all residents of the Russian Federation with the right to receive medical care, regardless of social status and employment.

Services are paid from the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. List basic services, which are required to provide medical organizations with a policy, is the same in all regions. Additional services are paid from the regional budget.