Big swap. What are swap transactions in the stock and currency markets

Hi all! Today we will talk about such a concept as a swap on the stock exchange: what is it? What role does it play in the foreign exchange market? How to trade with and without swaps?

A swap is a transfer of open trades through the night. It is positive and negative. In the first case, a commission is charged, in the second case, it is debited.

In most cases, this operation is used when making medium- and long-term transactions.

In order to make the concept of "swap" more understandable, it is recommended to first study the mechanism of the trader's work.

In Forex, there is a correlation between the prices of currency pairs. If you, for example, buy EUR/JPI pairs, then 2 transactions immediately take place: the euro is bought, and the Japanese yen is sold.

The Central Bank of Japan provides a loan at the refinancing rate. The currency you received is immediately exchanged for euros. The funds do not pass into the hands of the investor, but remain in the bank.

Plus, it earns interest. The loan to the Bank of Japan is repaid with interest received from the European Bank. The difference between these rates is the credit swap.


Every business day, all open trades are recalculated. A swap is charged for each, taking into account the current rate of the refinancing rate.

The minimum percentage is provided for the most famous pairs: pound/euro, dollar/euro and so on.

Forex does not work on weekends, so the triple rate is usually charged on the night from Wednesday to Thursday.

Positive and negative swap

If an investor has opened a long position in the EUR/USD pair, then during the transaction, the interest rate on the dollar (0.5%) is first calculated, and then the euro rate (0.25%) is deducted. The result is 0.25% (positive swap).

If the euro rate is equal to 1%, then the swap will be negative.

Default Swap

In addition to the currency swap, there is also a credit default swap. It is directly related to the provision of loans for exchange transactions in the conditions of default.

A credit default swap is a kind of insurance for a lender. When a bank, without much capital, issues a hefty loan to a trusted client, it must secure itself if the latter does not repay a certain amount.

The Bank enters into a risk protection agreement with the largest financial institutions at interest. In case of non-repayment of funds by the borrower, the lender receives compensation from another organization.

Income Opportunities

Is it possible to make money on swaps, you ask? This, I will tell you, is a very topical issue. Earnings are quite possible and methods appeared relatively long ago. This is a whole separate industry, and is called carry - trading.

In a short period of time, of course, it will not be possible to make a fortune, since there is also Forex. We have already discussed this concept with you in the previous article.

The swap is always less than the spread, which is charged once, and swaps are accrued every day. Therefore, if you hold a deal for a long time with a positive swap, then the spread will be closed and the trader will be able to benefit.

But there is a problem, because the market at this time does not stand still. So, if you opened for an increase in order to accumulate swaps, and at this time the bullish trend changed into a bearish one, then you will not see money like your own ears.

In order to earn, you must adhere to the following steps:

  1. Determine the currency pairs for which the largest swaps are charged and determine the required type of transaction.
  2. Study charts of weekly price fluctuations and identify the type of trend, make a forecast based on technical methods of analysis. It is recommended to take an integrated approach. With the help of technical analysis, you can determine a more suitable point for opening a trading rate in a certain direction.
  3. Study the initial data and determine where the market is looking. Even on the weekly chart there are movements that contradict fundamental analytics. Do not open long bets in this case. The best option would be when and match.
  4. Find price values.
  5. Make a forecast for how long the market will move in the right direction until it returns to the original one. In this case, volatility must be taken into account.

Trading without swaps

Does it make sense to trade without swaps? There are several ways to do this:

  • trading “intraday”: if you open a deal and close it in a day, no swap is charged. In medium-term trading, the coefficient is not large and your profit will not suffer because of it;
  • opening a swap-free account: most advanced brokers have this feature. Such an account can only be opened with position trading, when you want to hold a deal for several months.

Before deciding to open such an account, you need to think carefully about whether you can hold positions for a long time.

I am finishing for today. Be sure to subscribe to the blog update, as well as to the Telegram channel, because there is still a lot of interesting and informative things ahead.

Do not forget to share materials with friends on social networks. I wish you more profit on the trading floors!

SWOP (English, swap, swop) -1) a type of financial transactions in which the buyer () of a currency, securities at the time of its purchase (sale) undertakes to sell (buy) this currency, securities after some time. Transactions of this kind are convenient for banks in terms of maintaining the liquidity of their balance sheet. Operations are accompanied by the payment of interest, and each of the parties seeks to satisfy its commercial interest by agreeing on the level of interest rates for the period of using the currency, gold or other object of transactions. There are a number of types of swap transactions: a swap to extend the maturity of securities represents the sale of securities and the simultaneous purchase of the same type of securities with a longer maturity; a currency swap operation consists in the purchase of foreign currency with immediate payment in national currency with the condition of subsequent repurchase; swap operation with gold consists in the sale of gold on a cash delivery basis with the simultaneous conclusion of a transaction for the repurchase of gold through a certain ; An interest swap transaction consists in the fact that one party () undertakes to pay to the other the interest received from borrowers at the rate " " in exchange for a repayment at a fixed rate in the contract. This is a game in which the side that better predicted the dynamics of rates wins; A swap operation with debt claims consists in the fact that creditors exchange not only interest, but also the entire amount of debt of their clients according to the terms of the contract concluded between them. These types of "swap" transactions can be combined into one combined transaction; 2) simultaneous exchange for securities (the sale of one security and the simultaneous sale of a similar one for tax reasons). C. in order to extend the term - the sale of a security and the purchase of another with a longer maturity.

3) an operation to exchange the national currency for a foreign one with the obligation to reverse the exchange after a certain period of time; usually carried out between central banks.

4) sale of cash currency - (slot) with its simultaneous purchase for a period () or vice versa.

5) the difference in interest rates for two currencies for the same period. See also. .

Economics and law: a dictionary-reference book. - M.: University and school. L. P. Kurakov, V. L. Kurakov, A. L. Kurakov. 2004 .


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    - [English] swap exchange] 1) economy. temporary purchase with a guarantee of subsequent sale; 2) fin. the difference in interest rates for two currencies (CURRENCY) for one term. Dictionary of foreign words. Komlev N.G., 2006. swap (English swap exchange) exchange operation ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

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Hello friends. Victor Samoilov is with you. There are a lot of things in Forex that are incomprehensible to a beginner, which makes him fear the mysterious exchange, believing that it is very difficult to make money here. I undertook to fix this, and this time I will describe another important tool that keeps Forex - the so-called swap. What is it in simple words and how to use it will be discussed further.

The essence of Forex trading!

In order for you to better understand what a swap is, you need to describe the basic essence of the Forex market, how the mechanism works and what a trader actually does when he opens a new trade. So, let's begin.

We are buying the EUR/JPI (Euro/Japanese Yen) currency pair. At the same time, traders habitually say: I bought a quote, but the question is: is it possible to buy a quote at all? A quote is the ratio of the prices of two currencies, so how can you buy this ratio? In fact, when we buy EUR/JPI, we are making two trades at once. First, we buy the euro, and secondly, we sell the Japanese yen. Thus, we bet on the fall of the second and the rise of the first.

But many probably have a question: how can you sell a currency that we do not have? The account is opened in dollars or rubles, but definitely not in yen, since then it can be sold? One more question: from whom do we buy euros? At a broker? From other traders? At the bank? Too many questions, it's time to answer them.

In fact, the answer to all this lies in one four-letter word - swap. It is thanks to the swap that we can sell what we do not have and buy another currency and an inexhaustible source. How does everything really happen? When we click on the "Open Order" button, the following actions are performed:

  1. We take a loan from the Central Bank of the country whose currency we are selling. In our case, this is Japan. For the loan, you need to pay interest set by the Central Bank.
  2. We change the received currency from the Central Bank of the country whose currency we are going to buy, in this case the European Central Bank. At the same time, the amount of euro received by us does not pass into our hands, but remains in the same bank, and interest is charged for it, as for a deposit.

What do we end up with? The Bank of Japan demands payment from us on the loan taken from it, and the European Bank accrues this interest to us. So, the difference between the interest rates of the ECB and the Central Bank of Japan is our swap, and it can be both positive and negative.

If the ECB rate is 2%, and the Japanese Central Bank is 1%, then in the end our swap will be 1%, and we will earn some money on it with an open position to buy EUR/JPI. And in the event that the Japanese rate becomes equal to 3%, then our swap turns into a negative one, because you need to pay more on a loan than we receive on a deposit.

This is the main principle of Forex trading. Without such a tool as a swap, we could only buy a currency, but not sell it in any way. Using this tool, we can make predictions on any quote and in any direction, even if none of the currencies involved in it is the currency of our account. Before reading the article further, I recommend subscribing to our mailing list to receive the latest portal news by email.

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Swap (Swap): what is it in simple words? Definition!

So now it's time to define it. What is a swap in simple words?

A swap is the difference between the interest rate of the central bank whose currency you are buying and the rate of another central bank whose currency you are selling. The swap can be both positive and negative, and sometimes even absent if the rates of both banks are equal.

But should you be afraid of swaps or pay attention to them? No, you should not do this if you hold your position for up to 3 months. In this case, the size of the swap will be completely invisible to you, because the fluctuations of the currency pair are much more significant and cover all the profit or loss that you incur on the swap.

When is the swap charged and for whom is it relevant?

Swap is charged for rolling your position over to the next day. Accordingly, those traders who trade intraday (they are scalpers) do not depend on the swap, whether it is positive or negative. Swap is charged at 00:00 GMT or 2:00 Moscow time.

Only traders who hold a position for more than a week should pay attention to the Swap size. In this case, with a strong difference between the rates of the two banks, you can suffer serious losses or receive a good income. However, this happens quite rarely, because the rates of the leading world powers, whose currencies we trade, are very small and are not capable of bringing either serious profit or loss. Where swap is displayed in your terminal, you can see in the figure below:

Swap Free Accounts! Exit for the long term!

If you have been trading on the same position for more than 3 months, it is recommended to open swap-free accounts. In this case, you will be charged an increased spread, but this does not matter to you, because you hold the position long enough and the spread is not able to affect the profit. You must indicate the desire to receive a swap-free account during registration, because a standard one will open by default. This service is provided by all brokers in the table below.

Spread from 2 points from 0.1 points from 0 points from 3 points from 0.4 points from 0.1 points
Min. deposit 0,02$ 10$ 10$ 1$ No No
Year of creation 2007 2005 2006 2007 2009 2008
PAMM accounts There is There is There is There is There is No
Leverage (max) 1:500 1:1000 1:500 1:1000 1:500 1:2000

Do people trust swaps?

As soon as this system was introduced, traders looked at it with apprehension, but now the popularity of Forex speaks for itself. It makes no difference how exactly it turns out to trade like this, because the main thing is that it makes a profit, with the right approach, of course. Learn basic knowledge, a trading strategy, choose a reliable broker - and you will definitely succeed, no swaps will interfere.

2 important truths about swaps:

  1. You can't lose money on swaps, no matter how long you hold the position. The reason for this is the large leverage offered by the broker, as well as significant currency fluctuations. Do not be afraid that with a correct forecast and entry into the market, all profits will be “eaten” by a swap. Firstly, it can help you make some money, and secondly, its size is too small to have a strong impact on trading.
  1. You can't make money on swaps, for the same reason that you can't lose - its value is very small. You should rely only on your forecast, in which the swap does not participate. I also warn scalpers: don't hold positions the next day just because you have a positive swap. Without exception, all intraday trading strategies require that the trade be closed during the day, which is why trading is called "intraday". But a violation of the rules of the TS is the worst mistake of a trader, for which you will have to pay from your deposit.

To the end!

So, what is a swap in simple words? This is the difference between two interest rates, which can be either positive or negative. This difference is credited to all open trades at 2:00 Moscow time (00:00 GMT). But do not think that the swap will greatly affect your profits. If you trade in popular world currency quotes, such as euro-dollar or pound-dollar, then the swap will not be noticeable against the backdrop of chart fluctuations. But if you trade on "exotic" currencies from Third World countries, or hold a position for more than 3 months, it is recommended to open swap-free accounts.

Good luck and big profit!

Sincerely yours, Victor Samoilov!

The profession of a trader is very complex, it requires extensive knowledge in the field of finance. But the problem is not the availability of information, there are many books and articles on the Internet that help to understand this craft. The problem is that it is difficult for a beginner to immediately grasp the essence of countless new terms. And the economy itself is replenished with new concepts every year.

Options, futures, swaps - these words can often be heard in the news from the world of financial markets. And if the first two concepts have only one meaning, and they are quite easy to study, then difficulties arise with the third. But if you figure it out, it's not all that difficult.

Swap in the economy

Financial market participants use many tools that are aimed at making a profit and developing the sector as a whole. Swap is a fairly broad concept, and such operations can be carried out between any counterparties.

The general definition for the term is the exchange of securities, currencies and other assets for a certain, pre-agreed period of time. The operation consists of two transactions that are opposite to each other. The first is executed immediately after the conclusion of the contract, the second transaction is made at the end of the agreed period.

Here is a simple description of the swap operation. Example: one holder of securities, be it a trader, a bank, a corporation, a broker, agrees with another on an equivalent exchange on certain conditions. But at the same moment they make a deal to return their assets to each other, which should happen after a certain amount of time. Basically, these transactions are over-the-counter.

Swap transactions are of different types, but their main advantage is that the risks of losses due to fluctuations in interest rates, exchange rates, stock prices are minimized, because the parties discussed all the conditions in advance and wrote them down in the contract point by point.

Features of banking operations

Swap transactions in this area mean the simultaneous purchase and sale of a certain currency with different dates of execution of the initial and final exchange. The first part of the transaction is called the value date, the second - the swap end date. Such an operation is called a currency swap, and its purpose is to make a profit and support the sphere within its country, since not a single financial institution can function normally if such transactions are not carried out. Otherwise, you can simply go bankrupt, because access to the world market of the economy will be closed.

Before concluding a deal, banks carefully assess the risks and calculate in detail the possible profit. Conditions are negotiated in advance and written into the contract. It is also important to predict possible fluctuations in the exchange rate so as not to lose money. As a rule, bank employees are highly qualified financial specialists with many years of experience, whose work is well paid, which means that miscalculations rarely occur.

After this operation, banks can issue loans, make up for the lack of currency or place it on deposit at a higher interest rate than the one at which they purchased these funds. This is a very important part of the world economy, because the exchange rates are largely determined by the exchange between banks. And corporations that do business not only within their own country cannot conduct transactions with their foreign partners without the use of currency, so they turn to financial institutions for it.

What is a swap in the Forex market?

When a trader does not have enough equity capital for the volume of trade he needs, he uses leverage. This means that the broker provides him with a loan for the required amount, but sets a percentage for using the funds. It is calculated based on the rate of the central bank (CB) of the country whose currency is used. If the broker does not currently have the required amount, then he himself takes a loan on the same conditions and gives money to the trader. In this case, an additional commission is charged. More about this is written in the contract for the provision of brokerage services.

For example, a trader wants to buy yen for euros, the broker borrows euros for him at the rate of the European Central Bank, buys yen for them and places the currency on deposit at the rate of the Japanese Central Bank. This is very similar to a currency swap. It is important to remember that you can hold a position without paying interest for no more than a day. Accordingly, if the difference in interest rates is negative, then the trader suffers losses, if it is positive, then he receives income. Another name for such an operation is carry trading.

It is important for a trader to calculate all possible risks and losses. Before making such an operation, you should study the economy of the country whose currency is being bought. You also need to predict the course by reading current financial news, looking at current indicators and finding information about economic plans that may affect prices. This is called fundamental analysis, and there are many books written on this topic that you need to read before you start trading on the stock exchange.

Payment Exchange

An interest rate swap is a type of exchange transaction that is available to both an individual and a legal entity. With the help of such an operation, it is possible to significantly reduce the costs that a person or organization incurs when servicing a loan received. How does this happen?

When someone takes out a loan, he is obliged to return not only the amount received, but also the established interest for using the funds, and it can be of two types: fixed and floating. The bottom line is that everyone has the advantage of servicing the loan on certain terms, not always beneficial for themselves, but beneficial for the other, and then the two borrowers can make a deal to exchange payments.

This is a very good deal for both parties. Before concluding a contract, it is better to write down all the conditions in detail, anticipate possible situations and analyze the economic component of the transaction. As for creditors, they usually do not care who pays them, the main thing is that the funds are received. But it is best to let them know so that there are no questions in the future.

Use in the insurance industry

Credit default swap (CDS) as a financial instrument has appeared relatively recently. In this type of transaction, three parties are involved, and it is not necessary for everyone to know each other. One person, be it a person, a company, a bank or a state, issues a loan to another person, and the conditions in this case are not important. The lender wants to protect himself, so he turns to a third party, which is the seller of the CDS, buys this document from him and at the same time receives a guarantee of repayment of the debt if the borrower stops paying his bills.

A credit default swap is a contract in which the buyer of this agreement pays a certain premium, and the seller undertakes to pay the debts of a third party, the borrower, in the event of its bankruptcy. A kind of insurance against bankruptcy, only the creditor acquires it.

CDS sellers, having received a reward for the transaction, put these funds into circulation in order to get a profit that can be used to repay the debt, if the need arises, or keep it if the borrower repays the loan. The conditions for the return of the so-called insurance premium are discussed in advance, since not all companies do this. In general, these actions raise a lot of doubts, so it is worth considering how such operations arose.

History of KDS

All market participants knew what a swap was, but the financial industry did not stand still, as it is now. New tools appear all the time, one of them is KDS. Such agreements gained popularity in the early 1990s. The one who issues them is called the "issuer" in another way. This innovation was accepted with a bang by credit organizations. But this area of ​​​​activity was not regulated for a very long time, so there was plenty of speculation and fraud here. Although central banks considered the CDS to be a very attractive instrument.

Many authorities in the economic world have argued that these operations could destabilize the market and should be declared illegal. The financiers argued this because many companies that sold swaps went bankrupt, and banks, using such services, could undermine economic activity.

During the financial crisis of 2008, many companies selling CDS simply could not meet their obligations, because they simply did not have such an opportunity. It was difficult for them to cope with the influx of bankruptcies. At that time, honest market players urged financial regulators to pay attention to these operations, come up with a management mechanism, or even ban it. Now the situation has leveled off, but some organizations still use a credit swap as a means of risk management.


A swap agreement is drawn up for any transaction in order to clarify all the conditions and have grounds for litigation in case of failure to comply with one of the clauses of the agreement. As such, there is no general pattern, but for each type of swap, basically the same points are prescribed. The parties do not have to meet to sign the agreement, everything is done electronically, and transactions are carried out almost instantly. Counterparties usually cooperate with trusted partners, so disputes are resolved quickly, as they know each other's interests. And an example of reporting on such operations can be viewed on the website of any bank.

Below is an excerpt from the universal swap agreement.

A novice trader, especially one who uses leverage, needs to carefully delve into all the terms of the contract for the provision of brokerage services. Swaps and other trading instruments should be given a separate chapter detailing all possible actions. Before you start trading, you need to learn the methods of market analysis. And when buying any pair of currencies, be sure to calculate all the nuances and risks so as not to go into the red.


Banks, entering into transactions with each other, study several indicators: interest rates, exchange rates and their projected changes, possible profits or losses. The conditions of transactions are basically similar, as they are carried out often and between the same organizations. The main reference point is the economic situation of the country whose currency is bought or sold.

The interest rate swap is calculated individually, based on the advantages of the borrowers. Everyone decides for himself what conditions are beneficial for him, and when drawing up the contract, the interests of both parties are taken into account. It is important to correctly calculate the risks and possible situations.

When calculating swaps, CDS sellers assess the condition of the lender and the borrower's capabilities, take into account the amount of funds that the first party allocated to the second. The cost of the agreement is set after the forecast of possible risks and probable profit.

Also for the correct calculations in books on economic theory there are many formulas. Their study is very important if you want to master all the nuances of the financial world. The most important thing is to understand why this or that operation is carried out, how the markets are arranged, and then the difficulties will become less.

How is the settlement in the Forex market

Here, the trading instrument is a pair of currencies, and the trader earns on the exchange rate change. The first currency in a pair is called the base currency, the second - the quoted one. That is, in the EUR/USD pair, dollars are bought for euros at the current rate. Here you need to resort to a thorough analysis of the situation on the market, since many factors affect the fluctuation of quotes, many of which can be predicted. In addition to fundamental analysis, there is also technical analysis. They can be used singly or in combination, depending on the circumstances.

When buying a currency, the cost of one point per one lot is calculated. Based on these data, a swap is calculated, which can be positive or negative. If the position is held for more than a day, then at night the swap will be accrued or written off, respectively. All the necessary data for calculation is in the trading terminal, which is provided to the trader by the broker for making transactions. There are many such subtleties in the Forex market, all of them need to be discussed when concluding an agreement.


Swap is translated from English as "exchange", so this term is used in many areas of life. Probably, many of you may have heard the expression swap party or swap booth. They are simply places where people exchange things with each other.

It is always very difficult for a beginner in the financial field at the beginning. You have to deal with many unfamiliar concepts, but the main thing is to understand their essence of what a swap is, and then the details will be easier to learn. During the operation, counterparties can exchange any assets, having discussed the conditions in advance. This is necessary in order to satisfy the necessary needs in the market that arise at a certain moment. Such a financial instrument, like many others, is very useful and moves the world economy forward.

Now you know what a swap is.

Success in financial terms implies education and knowledge in this area. In order not to lose your opportunities to earn money, you need to know how exactly you can do it. In this article, we will look at what swap (swap) transactions with foreign currency are and in what situations they can be used.

What is a swap deal?

A swap transaction is a financial transaction based on the exchange of one currency for another. In this case, the exchange agreement is concluded in both parties. On a certain date, a currency is bought, and on another, its reverse exchange is a sale. Moreover, this transaction usually implies pre-known conditions for buying and selling currency, they can be either the same or different.

However, it is not always very easy to understand what a swap transaction means. In order to understand this and better understand how it works, examples are needed. A few of them will be presented below.

Let's look at a few examples where this concept can come in handy. So you can better understand how it works, and in what cases it can help you.

FX Swap: Deal Example

There is an investor who has the opportunity to make a profitable transaction by buying bonds in the amount of 1 million dollars. According to the terms of this deal, he will be able to make a profit of 5% in one year, that is, 50 thousand dollars. However, the problem is that bonds are sold for dollars, while the investor's money is kept in euros.

In this case, he has several options for the development of the situation.

Consider the simplest and, perhaps, the first one that comes to mind - currency exchange. The bank offers the investor to buy currency from him at the rate, for example, 1.350. At the same time, in a year, he will be able to sell this currency back to the bank at a different rate. At the time of the sale, he could have sold the same currency at 1.345.

Calculate the amount of investment in euros by dividing by the current exchange rate. We get 741 thousand euros for 1 million dollars. In this case, one year after receiving a profit from the transaction, namely 50 thousand dollars, it is necessary to convert the money back into euros.

By simple calculations, we get that if the rate rises above 1.417, then with the reverse transaction you will already receive small losses. This is bad, because initially everything was planned only in order to make a profit. Depending on the exchange rate in this case is very impractical.

This means that it is necessary to look for other ways to solve this problem. To do this, you can use the swap deal.

For such a transaction, the bank offers the following conditions:

  • Purchase of 1 million dollars now at the rate of 1.350, that is, for 741 thousand euros.
  • Sale of 1 million dollars in a year at the rate of 1.355, that is, for 738 thousand euros.

At the same time, you still have your 50 thousand dollars of profit from the deal with the purchase of bonds. Their conversion into euros will already depend on the market rate, but you, as an investor, still remain in the black.

If during this time the rate has grown in favor of the investor, then the net profit will be more than 37 thousand euros. And at the same time, there are no risks and dependence on the course.

Yes, of course, if the rate changes to a more profitable one for you, this will mean that you could earn more. However, the risks you would have to take are not justified.

As you can see, a swap transaction with foreign currency gives the investor confidence that his investment will be justified and will not cause losses when exchanging currencies. In this situation, both parties remain in the black, both the investor, who insures himself against the risks of losing money, and the bank, which receives a specific profit from the transaction.

The bank knows that it will now give $1 million at one rate, and then buy them back at an already known rate and make a profit of 3,000 euros. And at the same time, he will remain with his money, lose nothing and risk nothing.

There is also such a thing as an interest rate swap.

This is an agreement between two parties, which is concluded with the condition of making payments both on the one hand and on the other with a certain percentage.

Interest is calculated depending on the terms of the transaction and is different for both parties. To make it clearer what it is, let's look at the example of an interest rate swap.

For example, the World Bank needs a long-term loan in francs. At the same time, the interest rate for such lending from a Swiss bank is too high. But at the same time, the bank has the opportunity to attract, for example, a long-term loan in rubles from the Russian Bank, which, for example, can borrow francs at a better interest rate and needs to replenish ruble capital.

To solve this problem, banks can begin to cooperate through an interest rate swap.

In this case, banks take the loans described above and exchange currencies, while paying a certain percentage. After the expiration of the term of the concluded agreement, banks make a reverse transaction.

As a result, both parties are in the black, as they received the desired amounts at a lower interest rate and did not lose a lot of money.

As you can see, swap deals are very useful in many cases. Their application can be found in many areas and for different purposes. It is very important to understand all the intricacies and nuances of transactions in order not to miss anything important.

Summing up

A swap transaction is a process of exchange between two parties of different, or rather opposite, currency conversion transactions.

In this case, one party receives confidence in receiving a fixed profit, and the other - a guarantee of a constant exchange rate during a reverse currency exchange. Moreover, this rate (both buying and selling) is determined in advance, at the conclusion of the transaction, and may even contain the same purchase and sale costs.

Swap transactions are a good solution for saving money. A currency swap allows you to know a specific rate before the actual exchange. You know in advance how much you will give for a certain amount, and how much you will receive for it later. The bank, in turn, knows in advance how much profit it will receive. Both sides do not take risks and do not depend on exchange rate fluctuations.