Will the Russian Standard bank close? Rustam Tariko found a buyer at NPF Russian Standard

Rumors that Russian Standard Bank is closing are not unfounded - many branches have already disappeared from the streets of large cities, and employees are talking about the beginning of staff reductions. True, it is still premature to panic - for example, one of the RBC articles spoke about the closure of 20 branches and a reduction of 6% of the staff, when the bank has 320 branches in total. At the same time, the bank's performance has worsened in recent years and this cannot be denied.

Thus, according to the Standard & Poor's rating agency, the bank did not get out of the negative position of B Nagative. The bank's profit in recent years has decreased since 2008 from 8 billion rubles a year to 1.4 billion. IN best years Russian Standard received more than 14 billion rubles a year. Moreover, most likely due to financial crisis, the downward trend in profits will continue. This is due not only to the general crisis banking system, but also with a decrease in purchasing power and rising prices.

Of course, the bank's management is very competently trying to maintain its positions and restore reserves. So, in 2014, the bank sold more than 20 billion rubles of overdue debt to collectors from SEKVOIA CREDIT CONSOLIDATION and the Swiss company DDM.

Obviously, in 2015 the bank will continue to sell overdue loans to collectors and try to reduce losses. It is also worth noting that the area consumer lending has a better chance of survival than a mortgage because it involves higher interest rates and shorter repayment periods. IN recent months December and the first months of 2015, due to the jump in the dollar and consumer hysteria, the bank earned quite well. But we must admit the other side - the number of deposits in such periods is invariably reduced. And this is despite the fact that Russian Standard offers deposits in dollars and euros under high percent- up to 17% per annum. Given the upward trend in the dollar, probably a lot of people invested their savings at such interest rates.

Will Russian Standard Bank close in the near future?

Of course, it is extremely difficult to predict whether Russian Standard Bank will close in the near future. Judging by financial reporting posted on the official website, the bank is quite stable, although in 2014 there is an increase in market and other risks. There are no prerequisites for the bankruptcy of the bank yet. The level of income steadily exceeds the level of expenses, thanks to the tightening of the rules for issuing loans, it was possible to increase the quality loan portfolio. The net assets ratio increased by 3.75% compared to the previous year, Russian Standard ranks 19th out of 820 Russian banks.

Therefore, of course, to say that Russian Standard Bank is closing prematurely, although it is obvious that in the coming years it will reduce the number of branches and try to minimize costs to the maximum. Also, the group of this bank includes other financial institutions, including insurance ones, which are also profitable. In recent years, Russian Standard has been conquering the niche of Internet banking quite well, introducing new technologies and standards. So everything is not so bad, although not to say that it is good. Depositors today should only be afraid of a total collapse of the ruble and, which can bring down the entire banking system in general. But this, in principle, is unlikely.

A bank from the top 30 may not be able to cope with the load of foreign currency debt. Almost half of the bank's loans are already overdue.

Russian Standard Bank, which ranks 25th in Russia in terms of assets, may not be able to service its foreign currency debt on time due to low profits and delinquency on loans, Sberbank CIB analysts warn.

Russian Standard Ltd, on behalf of which Russian Standard issued Eurobonds, has begun the process of identifying holders of securities maturing in 2022. On October 27, the bank must pay the first coupon on these Eurobonds in cash.

The fact that Russian Standard sent out an appeal to creditors with the aim of identifying them on the eve of the payment "raises certain concerns that the borrower may start negotiations on another debt restructuring against the backdrop of rather weak results of the bank," says Ekaterina, corporate debt analyst at Sberbank CIB Sidorov.

The bank's loan portfolio is declining, profits are only slightly above zero, and there are no noticeable improvements in the key business - consumer loans, she states.

For the second quarter, Russian Standard earned only 200 million rubles net profit. According to reports as of August 1, 42% of all loans issued by the bank were overdue. In consumer lending, delinquency reached 47%.

All this "raises questions about debt servicing" of the bank's structurally subordinated Eurobonds, Sidorova says.

These securities were already issued as part of the restructuring of the bank's debts at the end of 2015 after lengthy negotiations with investors. Their issuer is a special legal entity, which does not give the right to demand a refund from the bank itself. However, there is security - a pledge in the form of a 49% stake in Russian Standard.

Loans also remain a concern for the high proportion of related parties in the bank's assets, Sidorova said.

"Although Russian consumer lending banks have recently shown the first signs of growth, Russian Standard Bank is clearly lagging behind Tinkoff Bank and HCFB in terms of credit recovery and margins, and it still has a higher cost of risk. It is not yet clear whether it will be able to achieve sustainable profit growth within the current business model," Sberbank CIB said in a review.

The operating environment for the Russian banking system remains challenging: real sector growth is still sluggish, despite an influx of oil and gas revenues, and household incomes have been declining for more than 30 consecutive months - as a result, from 20% to 24% of all loans issued in the Russian Federation are in a problem area : they are either not serviced in principle, or payments are received with delay, the international rating agency S&P indicates in a report on the sector.

In monetary terms, this potential "hole" in bank balance sheets reaches 11 trillion rubles (with a total amount of loans to the non-financial sector of 46.2 trillion rubles). This amount is equivalent to 75% of the annual budget revenues of the Russian Federation and almost three times more than the state has spent on supporting banks over the past 10 years.

Several cases have been linked to threats from collectors. So, as reported by the portal Dni.ru. in Novosibirsk in 2014, bank collectors were put on trial after they brought a disabled woman to the hospital. Collectors came to her house and demanded to pay off debts.

For non-payment, the woman was threatened with cutting off her hand. Complaints from Russian Standard customers were also related to "inflated interest" on cards and "accidental" write-offs from cards.

Tag: Russian Standard Bank

The credit card market recognizes the company as its leader along with Sberbank.

Also, the company can be safely attributed to the pioneers and serious equity holders of the high-margin consumer lending market.

The resource base consists of equal parts of deposits made by individuals and mobilized interbank loans. This noticeably reduces serious subservience credit structure from attracting finance from foreign markets.

Rates on deposits in 2019 of Russian Standard Bank

Those wishing to evaluate the benefits of the deposit, it is enough to contact the unit or online banking, with a passport and a specified payment amount: 30,000 or 10,000 rubles.

respectively. When opening an account in foreign currency, regardless of the choice of method, you should deposit from 5,000 dollars or euros. Since the deposit does not allow to produce additional contributions, it is better to immediately place the maximum possible amount. For accounts opened in the office, the transfer of income is carried out to a cardboard account, for online deposits, money is credited to the account from which the first installment was transferred.

To understand the current situation with the bank "RS" and what is the stability of the bank at the present time, it is necessary to carefully consider the dynamics of the bank's financial indicators, as well as pay attention to the bank's ratings from various rating agencies.

Therefore, let's get down and put on display the main problems in the bank for December 2019:

This is especially true for large depositors who keep more than 1.4 million rubles on deposits. It is better to shift funds to more reliable bank.

However, if you have broad financial resources, then it is still possible to keep a million rubles in a bank as a deposit, since the bank is in the deposit insurance system and if the bank does go bankrupt, insurance payment up to 1.4 million

rubles will be carried out in full.

Journal headings

The Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Short-Term Forecasts (CMASF) conducted stress testing of Russia's systemically important banks (the largest financial institutions on the stability of the functioning of which depends the stability of the entire banking system of the country).

The result was disappointing: more than 200 large Russian banks are now experiencing a shortage of liquidity. On the one side.

What will happen to Russian Standard Bank in 2019

rubles through OFZ (federal loan bonds).

Funds will be allocated from the NWF (National Welfare Fund).

The government has officially announced this Russian Federation. In general, if the state had not provided support to the bank, then at the end of 2015, or at the beginning of 2019, its license would have been revoked, or the bank would have been sanitized by other banks. But there is support from the state and the bank is very large in Russia, because it is in the top 40 in terms of assets.

Kommersant: Russian Standard plans to close its offices and go online

After that, the bank took emergency measures to optimize the business, in particular, more than halved the staff. The average headcount for 2015 decreased from 17.2 to 8.1 thousand people.

Also, the credit institution closed more than half of its offices - from 331 offices at the end of 2014 to 153 offices at the beginning of 2019. ACRA analyst Alexander Proklov believes that the transition of Russian Standard's activities online will be able to return the bank to growth.

Russian Standard goes online

“The bank has been working on changing the model for several years, but the time has come for radical decisions: the new concept will soon be submitted for approval to the shareholder (Rustam Tariko. - Kommersant),” says one of Kommersant's interlocutors.

The difficulties are also indicated by the fact that recently the chairman of the board has changed twice in Russian Standard.

In May last year, Dmitry Levin, who headed Russian Standard since 2001, was replaced by Ilya Zibarev (see.

Finance, Sep 05, 05:26

Rostelecom will offer Russians to pay for purchases in person ... in one of the retail chains. Rostelecom together with the bank Russian standard» in October of this year, they will present a technology for paying for goods and ... a coffee machine. As Vedomosti notes, at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) “ Russian standard» demonstrated the possibility of paying for coffee in a coffee machine using a QR code... Credit card holders are more likely to buy food on credit ... began to buy products in installments more actively, follows from the bank's assessments " Russian standard". The only product that is bought in installments more often than groceries is household appliances.... Such data are provided in a study prepared at the request of RBC by the bank “ Russian standard", which is in the top 5 credit organizations in terms of issued... loan funds in installments is relatively new for bank cards " Russian standard”, so their holders simply test the functionality in those categories where ... The court fined Russian Standard Bank for ₽26.2 million for bribing a bailiff Bank " Russian standard"according to the decision of the prosecutor of the Central District of Sochi, he was fined 26.2 ... applied to the prosecutor's office with a statement, according to which one of the employees " Russian standard"offered the bailiff a reward in the form of 5% of the seized funds, if ... Moody ""s withdrew ratings from Russian Standard Bank ... the bank's long-term deposit ratings had a stable outlook. In the press service Russian standard» RBC was informed that the bank decided back in December 2015... the agency was notified of this. "Moody's has since rated the bank" Russian standard» free of charge on their own initiative, without receiving data from the bank, based ... with one international agency - S&P Global Rating. Now at " Russian standard» S&P Global Rating B-/B with a stable outlook. The leader on the vodka market changed at the end of the year Rustam Tariko's Roust holding turned out to be the largest vodka producer in Russia at the end of the year, overtaking Beluga Group and Tatspirtprom. This result was ensured by record sales of cheap vodka, which accounts for 50% of the market. By the end of 2018, the distilleries that are part of Rustam Tariko's Roust holding produced a total of 10.29 million decalitres of vodka, follows from... The media learned about the negotiations of the Rothschild firm on behalf of Tariko with creditors ... « Russian standard", Bloomberg reported, citing two sources familiar with the situation. According to the interlocutors of the agency, the Rothschild company "acts on behalf of [the beneficiary" Russian standard... investors would prefer to reach an agreement with the Eurobond issuer. The conflict between Russian standard” and bondholders lasts almost a year. Tariko's representative refused...

Finance, 13 Sep 2018, 18:31

Russian Standard bondholders complained to the Central Bank about the Tariko deal ... , according to creditors, RSL and bank shareholders " Russian standard" (OOO " Russian standard-invest" and CJSC "Company" Russian standard”) do not respect their right to vote on pledged... the regulator “does not comment operating banks". Answer " Russian standard» A copy of the letter was sent by post to the bank « Russian standard", confirmed in the press service of the holding of the same name, adding ...

Finance, 07 Mar 2018, 13:57

Owners of Russian Standard default bonds issued an ultimatum to Tariko ... jar " Russian standardRussian standardRussian standard

Finance, 06 Mar 2018, 23:49

Tariko Company Discussed Bond Default with Investors ... jar " Russian standard". The restructuring scheme involved the exchange of bank papers for bonds issued by RSL. Formally, the bank and its direct shareholder - CJSC "Company" Russian standard» (KRS) - are not related to RSL. According to the bank's Russian standard» under IFRS, RSL is controlled by Roust Holding ...

Finance, 21 Feb 2018, 13:42

Owners of 27% of Russian Standard bonds refused to negotiate with Tariko ... the pool of securities holders " Russian standard"(available at the disposal of RBC). 49% of the shares of the bank “ Russian standard». Russian non-standard: how a default on bonds threatens the business of Rustam Tariko Details of the offer Company of the main beneficiary « Russian standard» Rustama Tariko suggested...

Business, 21 Feb 2018, 08:51

The media learned about two options for the repurchase of default Eurobonds by Tariko ... - 20% of the nominal plus a conditional right to the value of the bank's shares " Russian standard”, which served as collateral for the release. In the second option, payments will be ..., including through shares " Russian standard". Eurobonds secured by shares Russian standard", were issued by a Bermuda-registered specialized...

Finance, 08 Feb 2018, 17:07

Tariko's creditors united to recover 49% of Russian Standard Bank ... the paper is completely illiquid.” Roust holding and bank Russian standard' declined to comment. Rust Holding and Bank Russian standard"owned by Russian businessman Rustam Tariko (168 ... 85.47% of the voting shares of CJSC "Company" Russian standard"(14.05% of the shares of this company belong to the bank" Russian standard"). Is it possible to recover the deposit "And the issue itself ... Structure of Rustam Tariko defaulted on Eurobonds ... $451 million. 49% of the bank's shares became collateral for the restructured bonds. Russian standard». Russian non-standard: how a default on bonds threatens the business of Rustam Tariko In ... November, a source close to the bank " Russian standard”, RBC said that the company does not plan to pay. In the press service Russian standard”reported that with investors“ are being ... Russian non-standard: how default on bonds threatens the business of Rustam Tariko ... (RSL) October 27, could cost the holding " Russian standard"and its beneficiary Rustam Tariko 49% of the shares of the bank" Russian standard” pledged as collateral for this loan ... coupon is comparable to the amount of the bank’s annual profit “ Russian standard”, therefore, apparently, the task of the shareholder “ Russian standard"- to make sure that investors agree to the next... Russian Standard started negotiations with holders of troubled Eurobonds ... this is unknown, several holders of Eurobonds told RBC " Russian standard". The press service of the bank Russian standard» specify that the Eurobond issuer is Russian Standard ... with an estimate financial condition « Russian standard”, concludes the analyst. Reputational issue In assessments of what consequences the situation with Eurobonds will have “ Russian standard» for the market, experts... Rustam Tariko Bank lost 2 billion rubles. because of his alcohol business ... to him the same jar " Russian standard". In 2016, they increased by almost 15 times compared to 2015. Bank " Russian standard”, controlled by a businessman ... and a Russian bureau credit histories « Russian standard". During 2016, the RSV and credit bureaus " Russian standard» the bank's share remained unchanged - 23 ... of an associate, taking into account currency revaluation which had a significant impact." " Russian standard» is one of the leaders in the Russian banking retail market. He occupied... "Russian Standard" will be headed by a native of Post Bank ... Deputy Chairman of the Board of Post Bank. IN " Russian standard he came in October 2016. Formerly head of Russian standard» Ilya Zibarev decided to leave the bank... on the website « Russian standard”, Zibarev collaborates with the Konstantin Khabensky Charitable Foundation. In 2014 and in the first half of 2015 Russian standard"showed record... There was a technical failure at Russian Standard Bank ... « Russian standard". RBC also failed to promptly contact the bank's call center, the answering machine reported that all operators were busy. According to the press service " Russian standard... with technical work in the bank. According to the Chairman of the Board of the Bank, Russian standard» Ilya Zibarev, the reason for the failure is the reinstallation of equipment. “Currently most... The media talked about the possible resignation of the head of the bank "Russian Standard" ... Rustam Tariko, and the issues of business development are supervised by the vice-president of the holding " Russian standard» Eldar Bikmarev. As sources noted, when Zibarev took office ... would he have agreed, ”an acquaintance of Zibarev believes. The resignation of the current head of the bank " Russian standard may take place in early 2017. Sources emphasize that Zibareva ... Rustam Tariko will share alcohol assets with creditors ... to shareholders The most important changes in the structure will be the transfer of the vodka brand “ Russian standard"- one of the main alcoholic assets of the group - to the balance of Roust Corporation ... is on the balance of Roust Trading Ltd). According to CIFFRA, the share of " Russian standard» in the premium vodka segment in Russia as of May 2016... Rustam Tariko's company will be capitalized by $500 million ... clarified that the terms of the restructuring could include the consolidation of the group's alcoholic assets " Russian standard» Tariko, which are not part of Roust. As the newspaper notes, the only ... Tariko that is not part of the Roust Corporation is the vodka brand “ Russian standard vodka". He, according to the general director of the Center for Federal and Regional Research ... S&P assessed the need for additional capitalization of Russian Standard Bank ... , capital buffers hold back the recovery of most financial indicators, the agency notes. If " Russian standard» will not be able to restore business dynamics, improve margins and reduce ... the bank was corrected by restructuring subordinated Eurobonds, which gave « Russian standard» an additional $451 million. Also in 2015, to increase capitalization... Making money on the crisis: why consumer lending began to grow The reduction in lending rates and the stabilization of the Russian currency caused a revival in the consumer lending market. In July, the volume of loans issued by banks to individuals showed the highest increase since the beginning of the year Lower rates - more loans After a long decline in the consumer lending market, there have been signs of recovery, major participants state... "Russian Standard" will redeem part of the debts sold to collectors ... . In particular, " Russian standard» the share of overdue loans to individuals as of July 1 was 43.6%. According to the banker, Russian standard» is also thinking about buying out the obligations of its borrowers from other credit institutions. The newspaper notes that before Russian standard"actively sold... Rustam Tariko's company defaulted ... , When " Russian standard» bought from Roust Trading Ltd (unites Tariko's alcohol assets) 23% for 9.35 billion rubles. authorized capital company " Russian standard vodka" (producer of vodka " Russian standard and the owner of the brand of the same name). Then the bank was in dire need of ... which, following the results of 2015, “ Russian standard» was able to make a profit of 16.5 billion rubles. In 2016 " Russian standard» returned to losses, having lost for... Bank of Rustam Tariko reduced the loss by almost six times ... . Sidorova notes in the review of Sberbank CIB the decrease in liquidity indicators for “ Russian standard': his own cash and equivalents decreased over the quarter in... rub. a year earlier. According to the reporting, the instant liquidity ratio (N2) for “ Russian standard"In January-March, it dropped significantly - from 222.6 to 138 ... if losses were minimized," writes Sidorova. She notes that capital Russian standard”, which was replenished in 2015, including for ... Rustam Tariko found a buyer for NPF "Russian Standard" ... the exchange businessman had to mortgage the NPF " Russian standard". Rustam Tariko put up for sale his financial structures - NPF " Russian standard"and UK" Russian standard- in the fall of 2015. In November 2015, BCS gained control over the management company " Russian standardRussian standard ... "Russian Standard" again slipped into losses after a profitable year ... year. " Russian standard"continues to add provisions for problem loans, and this is reflected in its results," he says. According to the reporting Russian standard", in January ... 2015 " Russian standard» was able to make a profit of 16.5 billion rubles. at the expense of its shareholder Rustam Tariko, who twice capitalized " Russian standard» shares of its own...

Business, 30 Mar 2016, 08:09

The media named a possible buyer of the Russian Standard pension fund ... Mikail Shishkhanov and Mikhail Gutseriev, who holds " Russian standard". According to Vedomosti, the participants are only discussing the conditions so far, before closing ... provides exclusive access pension funds groups to the network of bank branches " Russian standard”, this condition is included in the deal. On similar terms, O1 was previously ... estimated at 500 million rubles. UK " Russian standard» received in November financial group BCS. NPF " Russian standard” turned out to be pledged to the BIN group, so ...

Finance, 23 Mar 2016, 04:43

The media reported a record credit delinquency in Russian Standard ... the share of overdue loans as of March 1 was the bank " Russian standard". The share of such loans was 40%. In second place... As of March 1, the share of overdue loans in the portfolio " Russian standard”exceeded 40%, Vedomosti writes, citing data from the balance sheet ... rub. In second place after Russian standard”turned out to be the Orient Express bank with 23% of overdue loans. "Russian standard reporting assumes that overdue include ... Tariko's pension business was pledged to Shishkhanov ... NPF savings " Russian standard"is placed through the management companies of the BIN Group," the interlocutor of RBC, close to the group, knows. In addition, recently NPF " Russian standard» switched to service in the OSD depository, where the funds of the BIN Group are serviced. IN " Russian standard"and the BIN Group was refused ... In 2015, BCS gained control over the management company" Russian standard". "As part of the transaction for the purchase of the UK" Russian standard» Rustam Tariko and I agreed on a partnership... ... . The rights to issue the main line of cards in Russia belong to the bank " Russian standard”, but this agreement does not apply to prepaid cards. Amex... The ghost of panic: how the payment of $ 4 billion by banks will affect the ruble ... . Another bank in the top three in terms of currency REPO volumes is “ Russian standard". As of November 1, he had 428.3 billion rubles. liabilities ... rub., or 25%, accounted for foreign exchange REPO with the Central Bank. Addiction " Russian standard»from the currency liquidity of the Bank of Russia S&P analyst Sergey Voronenko... for different periods, « Russian standard"uses these tools depending on the needs and the market situation," the press service said. Russian standard". Where do you keep your savings... Roust bondholders given reason to demand $700 million from Rustam Tariko ... , due to a purchase transaction subsidiary Roust vodka distributor Russian standard”, which is owned by the parent company Roust. Thus, the company violated two ... Tariko already had problems with the bondholders of his bank " Russian standard". In September 2015, the businessman had to pledge 49% of the bank to holders ..., which make up 5%. Otherwise, already in November this figure " Russian standard"could drop to 4.5%, by the end of the year - to 2 ... Sberbank CIB warns of possible write-off of Uralsib Eurobonds ... in the damages section", has already been applied Russian banks. In particular, the shareholder Russian standard» Rustam Tariko restructured subordinated debt for $550 million in October... Rustam Tariko - RBC: "I can see how you spend money" ... year, the holding's specialists created their own premium vodka " Russian standard", which was produced by the company" Russian standard vodka". Initially, the drink was produced at the St. Petersburg distillery ... money? - A very successful business - vodka " Russian Finance, 29 Oct 2015, 17:26 Rustam Tariko put up for sale financial assets ... « Russian standard» wanted to get 15-20% of the value of assets (that is, about 1 billion rubles). As of July 1, 2015, the assets of the NPF " Russian standard» constituted... capital « Russian standard» decreased to 0.64 billion rubles, which is less than 1% of the bank's assets. In August, the shareholder of the bank, Rustam Tariko, capitalized Russian standard"on ... could only on the condition that" Russian standard» will begin to generate profit for two consecutive quarters on international standards reporting and/or will not start...

On May 22, Sergei Dmitrievich from Moscow legally got rid of debts through bankruptcy proceedings. He had only one creditor - Russian Standard Bank. According to the debtor, the bank lost its money due to greed and unwillingness to compromise.

Sergey Dmitrievich, good afternoon! Congratulations on your debt relief! Let's start in order. Tell us how you ended up in a situation where you could not pay your loan.

Thank you! If from the very beginning, then I had 3 loans: consumer and 2 credit cards. One of my creditors was Russian Standard Bank. He constantly sent offers for refinancing: he offered to combine all loans into one and pay only to them. At one point, I agreed, as it turned out more profitable due to less interest rate. It was December 18, 2015.

And until April 2016, I fulfilled my obligations in full, until I temporarily lost my ability to work. It happened after the operation. I would not like to give details.

Have you tried to solve the problem yourself? Find some agreements with the bank?

Had tried. Three times I applied to the bank branches and asked for a deferred payment or restructuring. But every time they refused me.

The most interesting thing is that if the Russian Standard had agreed, I would have paid everything. The loss of my disability is temporary. Yes, I'm unlikely to find a job with the same income. But now I already have earnings, and I would close all the loans.

So, you can say that the bank lost money because of its greed.

How did you decide to file for bankruptcy? And why did you decide to contact us?

Very simple. When the Russian Standard Bank refused me for the third time, I began to look for alternative options. The issue had to be resolved somehow.

I began to study materials on the Internet, even read the bankruptcy law. I realized that I did not understand anything. And I decided to turn for help to the site where I once studied bankruptcy. It turned out that you are not just publishing materials, but also practicing lawyers. That's how I started working with you.

Sergey Dmitrievich, now tell us how the bankruptcy procedure went. How long did it last? Were there any difficulties?

First, the lawyers prepared a list of documents for me to collect for bankruptcy. I must say, the list is rather big: about 30 certificates, contracts, copies and extracts. I got everything together in about 2-3 weeks.

And then I basically did nothing. The application was drawn up by lawyers and together with collected documents sent to court. I didn't even go there. I drew up a power of attorney and my legal representatives did everything for me.

In terms of duration: on September 8, the court accepted my application, and on May 22 it completed the procedure and canceled the debts. It turns out, 9 months.

There were no difficulties, because after collecting the documents I did not have to do anything.

Were there any problems with collectors or collection services of banks during the procedure?

No. The calls stopped almost immediately. At first, the lawyers set the forwarding on themselves. That is, they themselves communicated with the bank. And as the court accepted the application, the bank completely lost interest. He can't recover anything from a bankrupt.

What expectations did you have when you first started the bankruptcy procedure?

Of course, I was not sure that the debts would be written off. But what was left to do? I could not pay, and the bank did not go forward. If I hadn’t turned to Bankrupt FizPlits then, increased interest rates, penalties, and so on would have gone. The debt would constantly grow so that it would not be paid off until the end of life.

Bankruptcy is not free. How do you assess the proportionality of the costs of it compared to the benefits of debt relief.

I owed about 620 thousand rubles. In my case, bankruptcy is 5 times more profitable. And that's not even counting the fines that the bank would charge for delay.

When you found out that the debt was being written off from you, what did you think at that moment?

I still don't believe it. But seriously, I thought that greed and arrogance should be punished. And so it happened.

Are you talking about Russian Standard Bank?

Yes. I repeat once again that I have addressed them several times with a request to make concessions. He explained his situation, I had all the certificates on hand. And I did not refuse to pay, I would close everything if there were acceptable conditions. But Russian Standard behaved the way banks used to. I hope they will soon change their policy and treat people with understanding.

What advice would you give to people who are in a similar situation?

To not give up. Try to understand the problem deeper, look for other ways out, study the law. If something is not clear, contact the lawyers of the portal "". I recommend what I did myself. And it helped me.