How to get a loan restructuring in the Russian standard. Consequences of delinquency on a credit card Delay on a credit card Russian standard

A credit card from Russian Standard Bank is issued in two versions: MasterCard Standard or Visa Classic. The basic parameters for these cards are the same, the differences are only in the features of the functioning of international payment systems. But this is not so important, it is more interesting for customers calculation of interest on the Russian Standard card. How much will such a credit card cost when used?

Conditions on the Russian Standard card

Everything is individual - the bank has prepared about ten tariff plans for different categories of customers and different situations. When considering an application for a card, a decision is made on the choice of certain tariffs, as well as on the size of the available limit.

The main terms of borrowing on a Russian Standard Classic credit card are:

  • credit limit up to 299 thousand rubles;
  • interest-free period for purchases up to 55 days;
  • rate outside the grace period - from 17 to 58% per annum;
  • monthly you need to make a minimum payment of 5% of the limit or 1% of the card debt and accrued interest.

Credit card Russian standard with CashBack

Moreover, the validity of the card is 5 years, the annual service is 900 rubles, there are additional fees for withdrawing funds, money transfers and even for depositing funds into the account. There are also bonuses - up to 5-10% of the expenses will be returned under the Cash-back option

What will the owner of a Russian Standard Classic credit card have to pay for?

The fee for the annual service of the card is charged immediately after the first transaction on it. The credit card balance will go negative by 900 rubles, subsequently the same amount will be debited from the account every year. The card is valid for 5 years and all this time you will have to pay for its maintenance.

In addition to the service fee, it is mandatory to pay a fee for SMS informing - 50 rubles per month, which corresponds to an amount of 600 rubles per year. Money is debited for this service monthly.

An optional but desirable associated cost is insurance. The Bank offers customers to insure against several risks to choose from:

  • accident insurance - 100 rubles per month;
  • dismissal insurance - from 150 to 950 rubles per month, depending on the amount of coverage;
  • insurance of financial risks and protection against fraudsters - 100 rubles per month;
  • personal belongings insurance - 100 rubles per month.

You will also need to pay for the bank's services for organizing insurance protection - 1% of the balance of the debt monthly.

These expenses are common for all credit card holders, other expenses depend on the activity of the client and the intensity of use of the credit card. Calculation of interest on the Russian Standard card depends on how you use it: withdraw cash from an ATM, pay immediately with a card, or transfer money to another account.

Commissions for various credit card transactions

Interest rates and commissions depend not only on individual conditions and tariff plan, but also on the type of card transactions:

  • for spending own funds stored on the card, the commission is lower than when using borrowed money;
  • commission and fee loan funds less for non-cash card payments, and not for money transfers to other accounts or, even more so, when withdrawing money from an ATM and cash desk.

Let's compare costs for different transactions:

Withdraw cash 10,000 rubles will cost the client 150 rubles (and for some tariff plans - 200 rubles), if the card contains its own funds:

Commission for cashing out own funds = Withdrawal amount * Commission amount

10,000 * 1.5% = 150 rubles

Get 10,000 rubles in cash from the bank within credit limit it is possible with a commission in the amount of 780 or 880 rubles, depending on the tariffs:

Cash out fee borrowed money= Withdrawal Amount * Commission Amount + Fixed Fee

10,000 * 4.9% + 299 = 780 rubles

10,000 * 4.9% + 399 = 880 rubles

Transfer the balance of own funds to another account on a card in the amount of 10,000 rubles, when paying an accompanying commission of 150 or 200 rubles (subject to tariff plan restrictions):

Commission for the transfer of own funds = Transfer amount * Commission amount

10,000 * 1.5% = 150 rubles

With a non-cash transfer to a bank account of borrowed funds for the transfer of 10,000 rubles, you will need to deposit 789 rubles:

Commission for the transfer of borrowed funds = Transfer amount * Commission amount + Fixed fee

10,000 * 4.9% + 299 = 789 rubles

spending 10,000 rubles at a retail outlet or service organization is allowed without commission.

Refusal to cash out and transfers to other accounts will reduce spending on commissions. The card can be used to pay through POS-terminals in shops, cafes, gas stations without additional bank charges.

How not to pay interest on a credit card Russian Standard Classic

Similarly, you can not pay interest during the grace period - they are not charged for card purchases. You can pay without commissions and interest for online and offline shopping, paying for your purchases through POS-terminals, Internet banking cabinet, mobile banking or through special payment services in online stores.

Everything is clear with the list of preferential transactions, it is more difficult to understand the principle of operation of grace.

How the grace period works

Russian Standard Classic is "dishonest" and can take up to 55 days, it includes two stages:

  • billing period - a month before receiving the next statement on the card, and the statement comes monthly from the date of issue of the credit card;
  • payment period - 25 days from the date of the end of the billing period when the purchase was made.

For example, the card was issued on the third day of the month and every month on the third day the client receives an extract indicating the amount of the next payment and the amount of the current debt. The holder of the credit card must pay his obligations within 25 days, that is, before the 28th.

If the purchase is made on the 7th, then it falls into the "tomorrow" statement and the grace period is only 1 + 25 = 26 days. If the debit transaction was made on the 4th, then you can return the money without interest in a month and 25 days, which will eventually amount to 53-55 days of the grace period.

In order to take advantage of the benefit and not pay interest on this card, you must pay off all existing credit card debt in full by day X (the end of the grace period). It is impossible to return only the last debts for the last month or only money from preferential transactions, it is necessary to reduce the total amount of debt to zero.

Consider an example:

  1. On June 3, a card was received with a limit of 200 thousand rubles.
  2. On June 4, 10,000 rubles were spent in the supermarket,
  3. On June 15, 5,000 rubles were withdrawn from an ATM,
  4. On July 2, 7,000 rubles were left in the store again.

All these operations will be reflected in one billing period and will be taken into account in the statement on July 3. It will indicate that before the 28th day (3 + 25 days) you need to return the entire amount of the principal debt, as well as interest and commission for cashing out and fees for additional services and options (insurance, SMS informing). Specific amounts depend on the tariff plan, in this calculation we take everything to the maximum.

Payment = Amount annual service+ Principal amount + Interest on the cashed amount + Cash withdrawal fee + SMS fee

900 rubles + (10,000 + 5,000 + 7,000) + (5,000 * 58% * 17 days / 365 days) + (5,000 * 4.9% + 399) + 50 rubles = 900 + 22,000 + 135 + 644 + 50 = 23,729 rubles

The same extract will provide information for those who understand that grace cannot be pulled, it will be enough for them to pay the minimum by the same date mandatory payment on the card and continue to use the credit card. In size minimum payment will include additional interest for non-cash transactions, and not only for withdrawals from the account.
Option 1.

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What is the risk of late payment on a credit card?

"The vicissitudes of fate: collectors knocked out a debt
from the debtor with an iron, which he took on credit "
(KVN, Prima team)

Not in vain, dear readers, there was an idea to start this article with a joke. Indeed, today the topic is more than serious - delay in payment: what it is and what it threatens. The poet and playwright Gotthold Ephraim Lessing said that you shouldn't borrow money unless you're sure you can pay it back. But it's no secret that situations in life are different. However, let's leave the moral aspect of the problem, and let's talk about the punishment that will follow in case of non-payment.

Credit Card Delay: Uninvited Guest

Where can delay come from? After all, almost every bank now issues credit cards with a grace period, allowing you to use the funds for free. Moreover, the term is rather long - 55 days (SMP Bank and OTP Bank), 50 days (Raiffeisenbank and Sberbank), 62 days (Gazprombank).

In fact, everything is simple: a person who has just received a credit card tries to clearly control this very grace period and replenishes the account with the right amount. But if he does not do this sooner or later, interest begins to accrue, which (together with part of the principal debt) must be paid before the end of a certain period. If this payment is not made on time, then here you will have to pay a fine.

Late Payment Penalty - It Hurts

What are the penalties for late payment in monetary terms?

User comments:


Sweet, highly educated girl. You are either an employee of a bank, or you write what has entered your soul.

People are asking specific questions. Can bank employees or authorized agencies disturb people at certain times? IN LAW? And you write I apologize for the expression of some kind of nonsense. Yes, even under the auspices of the cap of the highest category (rectangle with a tassel) YOU ALWAYS DECIDE YOU ARE A LAWYER ON THESE ISSUES OR A PROSECUTOR??? THE SITUATIONS IN OUR COUNTRY ARE CHANGING DAILY..........


I will hope. Did I offend anyone at all? Let's see how loyal your site is to other opinions.

Boris, it is not entirely clear which part of this article excited you so much and which particular girl you mean (because the author of the article is Alexander Bykhno).

The entire staff of our site does not act in the interests of any specific credit institutions, promoting their products and services, we only try to the best of our ability to help ordinary people understand banking system and some of the nuances of her work.

And there are no lawyers or prosecutors here, there are contractual relations between the bank and the client, which are binding on both parties. And if the majority of borrowers do not read the terms of use of credit cards, the contracts under which they put their signatures, and then complain that credit organizations are deceiving them, it seems to me that this is not entirely fair.

It turns out that, having used other people's money, some clients consider it possible not to return debts to banks for one reason or another. Of course, there are situations when financial institutions turn out to be wrong, in such cases, if it is impossible to resolve the issue peacefully, you need to apply to the courts.


The size of the punishment at OTP Bank is an order of magnitude higher, the delay for the first time, for each day of delay a fine of 16% per annum of the loan amount. With a debt of 215 thousand, the monthly payment is 10383 rubles. for 3 days of delay fines accrued 6100r.

Irina, indeed, in OTP Bank, as not in every credit institution quite stringent measures have been established in case of violation of the terms of payment of the loan, and a whole section of the Terms of the loan agreement is devoted to this issue.

Thus, for the first, second and third missed payments of the monthly payment, the client is obliged to pay a fine to the Bank in accordance with the Bank's Tariffs, while the obligation to pay the fine arises from the date following the date of the next payment, if the client has not paid or not paid in full monthly payment. Also, in case of violation by the client of the terms of payment of monthly payments, the Bank has the right to demand from the Client early fulfillment of obligations under the loan agreement.


Hello! I have such a question, if I overdue the effusion on a Sberbank credit card for 2 days, prada that I can’t get a mortgage, will the court go to court within 1 month?

Sergey, if you are late in paying your credit card debt, you need to pay it off, after which, upon the formation of a new credit card report on the corresponding date of the next month, you will be able to send an application for mortgage loan. In this case, there will be no delay, which will positively affect the analysis of your personal data by the Bank and the decision on the loan application.

Otherwise, the Bank will simply refuse to apply for a mortgage without giving reasons.


Hello! My question is: if a card loan was provided for two years, and after the expiration of the Credit Card, the bank refused to reissue the Credit card, then the contract was terminated by the Bank, what further fines and penalties can we talk about? There is no contract, no obligations.

Tatyana, if the bank refuses to reissue the card to you at the end of its validity period, this does not mean at all that the agreement banking service terminated with you. Unfortunately, you did not indicate which bank you are the credit card holder of, so it is not possible to accurately quote the clause of the agreement.

However, as a rule, the agreement contains the standard phrase "the agreement is valid until the parties fully fulfill their obligations", while the rates for accruing penalties and other penalties are not tied to the borrower's possession plastic card, but are applied in the event of late payments.


Hello, Natalia!

No agreement was signed with MKB. An agreement was signed on the issue of CC for a period of two years.

She did not use it for 13 months, but circumstances arose. - I needed the whole amount at once and transferred it.

I always repaid on time with an overpayment, and at the end of the card validity period, the bank informs that the agreement with you has been terminated, please repay the entire amount immediately with penalties of 1% per day. I continued to make overpayments before the amount began to increase fabulously.

The bank ended up suing.

Tatyana, in this situation, you can file a counterclaim, after consulting with an experienced lawyer in these matters. As a rule, in such cases, the chances of resolving the case in your favor and continuing to repay the debt according to the previously established payment schedule are quite high, without paying the amount of the fine (unless, of course, you really violated the terms of the banking service agreement).


Good afternoon. Tell. I have a Rosselkhozbank credit card with a credit limit of 10,000. I took six and four left. Then I received a message from the bank that I had overdue the recommended deposit amount and the amount of non-payment was increasing. Arriving at the ATM, I saw that the card was -5 thousand with almost six kopecks .. as a result, I deposited seven thousand and the card became plus 1 thousand. Tell me, will the fines and forfeits go on every day until I deposit the remaining 9 thousand, or how does it work?

Dima, fines and penalties are charged only if you are late in making a mandatory monthly payment. Thus, if the amount you have deposited to date exceeds the recommended amount, no late fees will be charged.


hello, I just started using credit visa card gold withdrew 2 thousand 8 thousand in cash spent by bank transfer, they explained to me that since I used cash, there will be no preferential periods, as a result of which I get a delay in payment by two or three days, will I face fines, etc., and what


Good afternoon

My son withdrew 1500 rubles from the BinBank credit card in November 2013 and lost it. The bank was silent for 4 years, and in May 2017 a letter was received from M.B.A. The finances of the LLC, that its debt + interest + overdue interest = 4500 rubles, and penalty interest is 24 356 rubles. He immediately paid the debt and interest, but the bank refuses to close the contract. And how is it possible that there were such large penalty interest on 1500r? Does the Bank have the right to charge such large fines? And what can be done to at least reduce them?


Hello, I would like to know if the repayment of a Sberbank credit card is overdue for 1 day, what could threaten me?


I purchased a tablet with a credit card in factory quality without marriage. The cost of the device is 11990 rubles. The device is completely satisfied, but there were difficulties in paying the debt on the card, I want to return the tablet. The tablet is in excellent condition, warranty, check in place. In the MTS communication salon itself, where I bought a tablet and issued a credit card, they themselves removed the protective film for me. Planshu week, picked up a couple of times. Is it possible to return the tablet and return the credit money back to the card within 2-3 weeks upon application, and will it definitely work according to the law?


My brother has overdue debts on a credit card of the Savings Bank of Russia, my brother handed me the card and asked me to pay for it I live in Kazakhstan how can I pay?

Tolik, in order to pay off the debt on the Sberbank of Russia credit card, you need to make a cashless transfer at any bank. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to have the card itself in hand (in fact, transferring the card to third parties is a violation of the terms of use bank cards, therefore, in such a situation, bank employees can even withdraw the card), you just need to know the full details for the transfer. You can find them on the official website of Sberbank of Russia or, if you contact Sberbank of Kazakhstan, bank employees will help you with this. At the same time, in the "payment purpose" field, you can specify the card number and full name of the owner, if you do not know the card account number.


I think that every person, before receiving a credit card, should familiarize himself with the agreement on this card and understand that if he does not have time to deposit money during the grace period, then interest will immediately be charged. I always deposit money on time, so I have never had any problems. But I would like to say that it is better to pay everything on time because the bank is unlikely to meet.


The question is this: I have a Sberbank credit card, it so happened that due to circumstances I could not pay the payments within 3 months. After the entire debt + interest paid at a time. Now the card is not blocked, the contract with the bank is not terminated, the balance is positive. But when trying to pay for something through a card or cash withdrawal, the answer is negative. Although in the mobile bank, when viewing a card, there are menu items for withdrawing cash and an amount for purchases. What does it mean?


For the first time I didn't deposit min. payment on credit Tinkoff map platinum. Payment must be made by 02/24/18. I now have the opportunity to deposit only a small part of the mines. payment. Does it make sense to deposit some small amount? Because interest "drops" on the total debt. Or should I contribute full amount minimum payment, when will it be possible?

Sveta, according to credit card rates bank Tinkoff, in the event of a delay, a penalty of 19% per annum will be charged, which is valid for the entire loan amount (this rate ends on the date of the invoice-statement, in which the non-payment of the minimum payment was not recorded), and it will also be necessary to pay a fine of 590 rubles (if the payment was missed for the first time), 1% of the debt plus 590 rubles (for the second time in a row), 2% of the debt plus 590 rubles (for the third or more time in a row).


if the loan is overdue for more than 3 years, is there a statute of limitations?


Tell me, I have a Sberbank credit card for 50 days, I don’t have time to repay the entire amount before the end of 50 days, I made a mandatory payment. Can I repay this debt gradually with mandatory payments, or do I have to return the entire amount at once?

Evgenia, you need to fully repay the entire amount of the debt if you plan to use grace period lending and not pay interest on borrowed funds.


Hello! After the death of her husband, his Sberbank credit card remained. I immediately went there to record the fact of his death. The bank immediately blocked the card. I was told that I could live in peace until I inherited, but no one explained. that you still need to pay a mandatory monthly payment. As a result: a debt formed on the account, and the bank, immediately after my entry into the inheritance, sent me a demand for the return of the entire amount of the debt at once. For me, this is not realistic, because. My only income is my pension. In addition, the bank removed the penalty from the accruals, but left the interest. Several times I applied to the local branch of the bank, to no avail. Can you tell me what can be done in this situation? How can I negotiate with the bank. to pay the debt in equal, reasonable monthly payments?

Lucia, if you officially entered into an inheritance, you are really obliged to pay off the existing debts of the deceased, but only in an amount proportional to the amount of the inheritance received. At the same time, I recommend that you repay in court, especially since you do not agree with the final amount of the debt to be repaid.

Through the court, you can also resolve the issue of not accruing interest after the death of the borrower, as well as determine the repayment schedule available to you.


Hello. I have such a situation 2 years ago I received a card from the Russian Agricultural Bank with a limit of 36 thousand for 3 years almost immediately cashed out the entire amount almost every month I made a payment more than the minimum amount set by the bank. There were many delays, and as a result, the bank put up the entire remaining amount of 17 thousand and set a payment period of 3 days. Since I had financial difficulties, I could not pay the whole amount during this period, but only 5 thousand, and I was charged a penalty from 384 r to 2881 r in 3 days. Now the amount of delay is 15 thousand, together with a penalty. The question is what threatens me if I cannot pay off all this for another 2-3 weeks? How much is this in total? I can’t contact the bank branch, I live in a remote area

Thank you in advance)


Hello, I have a credit card. If I do not fully repay the amount that I used for 50 days, can I use the card and in cash on her. The required payment has been paid.

Julia, you can make debit transactions on the card within the available balance of the credit limit on it. If you have not repaid the entire amount of the debt during the interest-free loan period, the amount of borrowed funds will simply accrue interest according to the established tariff plan.


Catherine, thanks for your reply! A year ago, letters came in the amount of 380,000 tr, and then they stopped writing from the bank! Are they deliberately taking time so that the interest drips? What to do in such a situation so that the bank finally sues

Veronica, send an application to the court on your own initiative, so that the procedure for repaying the debt and its amount are determined in this order. You can first call the Bank and clarify the availability and current amount of debt according to their information.


Hello! My grace period ends on 12/28/2018. The mandatory payment on the Mastercard gold credit card of Sberbank will be calculated. The amount used on the loan is 245,000 rubles. How much can be charged to pay the mandatory payment? And it is very important for me to know.... If I pay the mandatory payment on time, will I be charged interest on the loan until the next mandatory payment? I am afraid that if interest is charged on such an amount every day, then I will not be able to pay off the loan. Sincerely, Kirill.

Kirill, in the terms of using the grace period for lending, it is determined that interest for the use of borrowed funds is not charged only in case full repayment debts in due time. If you make only the minimum mandatory payment, which is 5% of the debt amount (in your case, this is at least 12,250 rubles), then interest will be charged according to the established tariff plan for the actual number of days during which you used the credit limit.

Natalia, if you are not able to pay the entire amount of the debt to the card in order to take advantage of the grace period for lending, then you can pay off only part of the debt by replenishing the credit card with the amount of the mandatory monthly payment. For Vostochny Bank cards, this is, as a rule, 1% of the principal amount plus interest and other commissions charged by the Bank (at least 500 rubles).


Hello Ekaterina! Tell me what to do if the credit card was issued to the husband’s name, the limit was 30 thousand, the ex-wife spent all this money, three years passed, the bank only notified the card owner that he had a debt of 30 thousand. What should I do in this case?

For most borrowers, becoming the only option when credit debt arises. Many financial institutions are willing to carry out this procedure for their clients, who turned out to be. From the publication, you will learn about the main parameters and requirements of restructuring and refinancing programs for Russian Standard Bank credit products (*).

Solving the debt problem in Russian Standard

The press service of Russian Standard announced the main policy of the bank in relation to existing overdue debts on credit products. According to repeated statements by the lender, the financial institution does not plan to conduct large-scale sales of loan debt in 2016. Also not included in the plans of the bank and. The management of the institution took the position of independent work with problem borrowers. And actively offers such consumers the possibility of restructuring and refinancing the loans received.

According to the annual report for 2015, problem loans accounted for more than 52% of the entire loan portfolio of the financial institution. Most of them are consumer loans, which borrowers have not serviced for more than six months. The debt on them amounted to more than 51 million rubles. Loan debt balance on plastic credit products exceeded 119 million rubles.

Given these circumstances, the lender has chosen a policy to enable clients to restructure a problem loan. The majority of Russian Standard borrowers took advantage of this offer. At the end of the reporting year, the share of retail loans restructured by the bank reached 17.5% (compared to 3.6% in 2014).

And in the current year, 2016, the financial institution is actively offering borrowers with emerging debt obligations on loans to take advantage of the restructuring program. Due to this, the loan debt in the first quarter of 2016 decreased:

  • for consumer loans - up to 49.5 million rubles. (from 51.7 million rubles at the beginning of the year);
  • on credit "plastic" - up to 106.5 million rubles. (from 119.6 million rubles at the beginning of the year).

As of the end of the first quarter of 2016, the total volume of loans to individuals restructured by Russian Standard exceeded 31.9 million rubles. Their share in the portfolio of credit products of the institution is 20.41%. In 2015, the amount of such loans was in the range of 29.9 million rubles.

What is a loan restructuring in Russian Standard

A loan is considered restructured if it has:

  • extension of the loan term;
  • lowering the interest rate;
  • change in the order of calculations.

As a rule, in the course of working with problem borrowers, the bank itself acts as an initiator. This option of "resuscitation" of the client's solvency is offered by the lender after repeated omissions by the consumer of mandatory payments. A prerequisite prior to the restructuring procedure in the Russian Standard is the presentation by the bank to the borrower of the final invoice-demand.

Credit card restructuring

The restructuring of the "plastic" products of the institution takes place using the following parameters:

  1. The debt on the card is fixed at a certain amount.
  2. The holder pays the existing delays in interest and commissions. If there are circumstances that do not allow making such a one-time payment before the restructuring, their amount is added to the total loan amount.
  3. A debt repayment schedule is established in equal installments.

Loan restructuring

The special program "Restructured loans" provides for:

  1. One-time partial payment by the client of a certain part of the total debt. The amount is set individually, depending on the amount of debt, and starts from 10 thousand rubles.
  2. The remaining part of the debt is covered by a new loan for a longer period using an annuity payment schedule.

The official Internet resource of the institution does not contain any information about the conditions and parameters for restructuring / refinancing loans. Consumers can get all the necessary information about such special programs either by personally contacting the lender's branch, or by contacting the bank's call center by phone 8-800-200-65-43.

The borrower should understand that this is the right of the financial institution, and not its obligation. Therefore, when considering a client's request, the bank makes a decision on an individual basis in each specific case.

Accordingly, in the event of a positive response to the consumer's application for restructuring, the creditor will offer to carry out the procedure on its own terms. The applicant will only have a choice: to agree to the proposed parameters of the transaction or not.

Application for restructuring

There is no specific approved application form. , but must contain the following mandatory details:

  • addressee - the name of the creditor;
  • full identifying and contact details of the applicant;
  • details of the problem loan: number, date of the agreement, term and amount of the loan, etc.;
  • the current state of the applicant's performance of his obligations under the loan: delinquency, debt, last payment etc.;
  • reasons for the debt;
  • the pleading part is a request for debt restructuring with specific conditions: provide "holidays", reduce the rate, extend the term, etc.

Sample Application

Consumers who do not have current debt on the loan are entitled to take advantage. Russian Standard has provided for the possibility of such a procedure for those customers who have a delay in payment. True, its period should not exceed one month.

In order to refinance the loan, the client must independently apply to the lender with an appropriate application. The main condition for applying the program is that the applicant has temporary financial difficulties. For example, a certificate from the hospital about a long-term illness (resulting in temporary partial or complete disability). Documents on salary reduction or reduction, etc., etc. will do.

The special program "Refinancing" provides for:

  • granting the applicant a new loan without a lump sum mandatory contribution during its execution;
  • the possibility of skipping the first two payments according to the schedule - "payment holidays".