How to make a new oms policy. The procedure for obtaining a medical insurance policy

  • all citizens of Russia, with the exception of military personnel and those equivalent to them in the organization of the provision of medical care persons;
  • foreign citizens permanently or temporarily residing in Russia, stateless persons, with the exception of highly qualified specialists and members of their families in accordance with the law "On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation"
  • persons entitled to medical care under the Refugee Law
  • temporarily staying in the territory Russian Federation in accordance with the agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union signed in Astana on May 29, 2014 (hereinafter referred to as the agreement on the EAEU), working foreign citizens of the EAEU member states (hereinafter referred to as the worker of the EAEU member state), as well as those working on the territory of the Russian Federation members of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission (hereinafter referred to as the Commission), officials (citizens of the EAEU member states appointed to the positions of directors of departments of the Eurasian Economic Commission and deputy directors of departments of the said commission), employees of the EAEU bodies located on the territory of the Russian Federation (citizens of states - members of the EAEU on the basis of employment agreements (contracts) concluded with them and who are not officials) (hereinafter respectively - a member of the Board of the Commission, an official, an employee of the EAEU body).

Thus, it does not matter whether you work or not, this does not affect the conditions for the provision and volume of free medical care.

What are the deadlines for the validity of the CHI policy?

    The policy is issued to citizens of the Russian Federation

    Foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing in the Russian Federation are issued a paper policy without expiration date

    Persons entitled to receive medical assistance in accordance with the Federal Law "On Refugees" are issued a paper policy with a validity period of until the end of the calendar year, but not more than the period of stay specified in the documents

    Foreign citizens and stateless persons temporarily residing on the territory of the Russian Federation are issued a paper policy with a validity period until the end of the calendar year, but no more than the period of validity of the temporary residence permit

    Workers of the EAEU member states temporarily staying in the Russian Federation are issued a paper policy valid until the end of the calendar year, but not more than the term of the employment contract concluded with the worker of the EAEU member state

    Foreign citizens temporarily staying in the Russian Federation, belonging to the category of members of the Board of the Commission, officials and employees of the EAEU bodies, are issued a paper policy with a validity period before the end of the calendar year, but no more than the period of execution of their respective powers

How to choose or replace a health insurance company?

Any person who has reached the age of 18 (or has NOT reached the age of majority, but is capable) can replace or choose an insurance medical organization (HIO). In this case, the choice of HMOs is carried out from the list of organizations published by the territorial CHI fund either on the official website or in other available sources.

Compulsory medical insurance for children from the date of birth until the expiration of thirty days from the date of state registration births are performed by HIOs in which their mothers or other legal representatives are insured. After thirty days from the date of state registration of the birth of a child and until he reaches the age of majority or until he acquires legal capacity in full, compulsory medical insurance is provided by HMOs chosen by one of his parents or another legal representative.

The application can be submitted personally or through your representative, and the representative must complete. No power of attorney is required for your legal representative (parents, guardians).

The following documents or their certified copies shall be attached to the application for the choice (replacement) of an insurance medical organization:

For children

After state registration of birth and up to fourteen years of age, who are citizens of the Russian Federation: birth certificate; identity document of the legal representative of the child, SNILS (if available).

For citizens of the Russian Federation aged fourteen years and older

Identity document (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation, issued for the period of issuing a passport), SNILS.

For persons entitled to medical care in accordance with the Federal Law "On Refugees"

A refugee certificate or a certificate of consideration of the application for recognition as a refugee on the merits, or a copy of the complaint against the decision to deprive the refugee status to the Federal Migration Service with a mark on its acceptance for consideration, or a certificate of temporary asylum in the territory of the Russian Federation.

For foreign citizens permanently residing in the Russian Federation

Passport of a foreign citizen or other document established federal law or recognized in accordance with international treaty Russian Federation as an identity document of a foreign citizen, residence permit, SNILS (if available).

For stateless persons permanently residing in the Russian Federation

A document recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identity document of a stateless person, residence permit, SNILS (if any).

For foreign citizens temporarily residing in the Russian Federation

Passport of a foreign citizen or other document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identity document of a foreign citizen, with a mark on a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation, SNILS (if any).

For stateless persons temporarily residing in the Russian Federation

A document recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identity document of a stateless person, with a mark on a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation, or a document of the established form issued in the Russian Federation to a stateless person who does not have an identity document, SNILS (in the presence of).

For the representative of the insured person

Identity document, power of attorney for registration as an insured person in the selected medical insurance organization, drawn up in accordance with Article 185 of Part One Civil Code RF.

For the legal representative of the insured person

An identity document and (or) a document confirming the authority of the legal representative.

For persons not identified during the treatment period

The medical organization submits an application for the identification of the insured person, containing the expected information about the insured person (last name, first name, patronymic (if any), gender, date of birth, place of birth, citizenship, place of residence), information about the applicant organization (name, Contact Information, surname, name, patronymic (if any) of a representative, seal), name of the territorial fund. If a medical organization submits an application for identification of the insured person, the territorial fund shall, within five working days from the date of receipt of the application, check for the presence of the insured person current policy V single register insured persons. The territorial fund submits the results of the check to the medical organization within three working days.

For workers of the EAEU member states temporarily staying in the Russian Federation

Passport of a foreign citizen or other document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as a document proving the identity of a foreign citizen; SNILS; employment contract a working state - a member of the EAEU; a detachable part of the form of notification of the arrival of a foreign citizen or stateless person at the place of stay or a copy of it indicating the place and duration of stay.

For foreign citizens belonging to the category of members of the Board of the Commission, officials and employees of the EAEU bodies located on the territory of the Russian Federation

Passport of a foreign citizen or other document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as a document proving the identity of a foreign citizen; SNILS; a document confirming the relationship of a person to the category of officials, employees of the EAEU bodies.

In what cases is the policy subject to replacement?

The policy is subject to mandatory re-issuance in cases of changes in full name, gender, date and place of birth, of which the insured person is obliged to notify the CMO within one month from the day these changes occurred. In case of loss or damage to the policy, you must obtain a duplicate of it. The renewal of the policy and the issuance of its duplicate is carried out on the basis of statements of the insured person submitted to the SMO. When submitting this application, it is also mandatory to provide all of the above documents (originals or certified copies).

If you are not satisfied with the actions of the employees of the insurance medical organization in issuing compulsory medical insurance policies, you can file a verbal or written complaint with the regional or federal leadership of the HMO. You can find out how this is done in the document "Procedure for Appeal of Decisions, Actions and Omissions of CMOs Carried out in the Course of Providing Policy Issuance Services".

What you need to know about the CHI policy
  • The compulsory medical insurance policy certifies your right to free medical care throughout the Russian Federation upon the occurrence of insured event in the amount provided for by the basic CHI program, and in the territory of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in which the policy was issued - in the amount established by the territorial CHI program
  • Under the CHI policy, you have the right to receive medical care at the place of residence and at the place of temporary residence only in those medical organizations that participate in the implementation of the territorial CHI program. The register of medical organizations can be found on the website of the territorial CHI fund or on the website of the health insurance organization that operates in your area. Information on all medical organizations in the regions of our activity is available here.
  • The insured person is entitled to have only one policy. The policy is in the hands of the insured person and is valid throughout the Russian Federation.
  • Since May 2011, the issuance of CHI policies of a single sample has begun. The policies held by the insured persons, which are valid until December 31, 2010, continue to be valid in full until they are replaced by policies of a single sample.
  • There is data on the CHI policy contact phone and CMO address.
  • When issuing a policy, the HMO is obliged to familiarize you with the rules of the CHI, the CHI program, the obligations of the HMO and the medical organization in relation to the insured persons, and the rights and obligations of the insured persons.

New type of insurance. Where to get them? What will be required for this? It is not so difficult to answer the questions posed. Especially if you prepare in advance for the process. CHI policies of a new type appeared in Russia relatively recently. But they are easier to use than the old model. Therefore, the population is increasingly thinking about how to produce new medical certificates. Not everyone understands where and how to get them. So what should every citizen know about the new policies? Where can you get them? What is required to issue paper?


What are policies health insurance new sample? Where to get them is another matter entirely. First you need to understand what kind of document, in principle, we are talking about.

This paper is a kind of certificate that allows you to receive medical care. New sample presented plastic card. It looks like bank plastic. Serves as an analogue paper policy Compulsory health insurance helps to receive free medical care.

The advantage is the durability of the document. On it, as well as on the paper analogue, there is information about the owner. But data processing information technologies happens faster. Yes, and it is more difficult to spoil a plastic card. That is why it is best to use such a policy.

Insurance companies

Now a little about where and how to receive the specified document. The thing is that modern citizens have a certain freedom of choice. They may apply to several different organizations to bring the idea to life.

Where to get? The first and most common option is to contact insurance company. That is, a citizen submits an application for the issuance of this document, then picks it up after some time.

You need to contact the insurance company that issued compulsory medical insurance policy old sample. But if you wish, you can, in principle, change the organization serving the citizen for insurance once a year.

"Public services"

But this is only the first scenario. In fact, there are several places to obtain these documents. Where can I get a new health insurance policy? It is proposed to choose the exact place of receipt on the portal "Gosuslugi". There, when applying for the production of a document, you will be asked to select an organization (depending on registration) that will issue a card.

In each city it is proposed to take a document:

  • in the MFC that serves a particular area;
  • at the insurance company that originally makes the plastic.

The exact address of the place of receipt will be indicated at the end of the application. Or a citizen will be able to see it after he receives a notification of a successful application for a policy.


It is not so difficult to guess what other organizations you can contact in this or that case. Where can I get new health insurance policies? In Russia, it is proposed to apply for this service to multifunctional centers. They are in every city.

You can either use "State Services", or go to the MFC of the district in which the citizen is registered. In the first case, it is enough to submit an electronic application for the production of a new policy, in the second - to make such a request personally through the multifunctional center. The process is no different from contacting an insurance company.


And now a little about where exactly to apply in some cities to bring the idea to life. The policy of the new sample is a kind of innovation. It has not yet spread to all insurance companies. And this fact should be taken into account by every citizen. It is likely that in a particular locality, certain insurance companies have not yet produced new-type policies. Then it is best to implement the idea through the MFC.

But where can I get new type compulsory medical insurance policies in Moscow? At the moment, it is worth paying attention to some insurance companies offering a similar service. Namely:

  • "Sogaz-MED".
  • UralSib.
  • "Consent-M".
  • "Ingosstrakh-M".
  • "Spassky Gate-M".
  • "MSK Medstrakh".
  • "RGS-Medicine".

This is not the whole list of organizations that offer residents of the capital to get new health insurance policies. But they are most often used by citizens. Of course, do not forget about multifunctional centers. The exact addresses of these companies can be found on the official websites of the MFC. There are a lot of them. Therefore, it is clearly not worth listing everything.


Where can I get new MHI policies in the Moscow region? Exactly in the same place as in the capital. More precisely, it is proposed to apply to similar insurance companies, as well as to multifunctional centers.

Residents of the Moscow region are more interested in the second type of organizations. Indeed, in them it is often easier to issue a card for further free medical care. Where exactly to apply? Accurate information should be clarified for each settlement. For example:

  • Svirskaya street, 2a, Shchelkovo - MFC No. 50.
  • Lenina, 96A, Orekhovo-Zuevo - MKU MFC.
  • 190 Oktyabrsky Avenue, Lyubertsy - Lyubertsy MFC.
  • Sovetskaya, 4, Balashikha - a multifunctional center in Balashikha.

Quite often in the regions of the Moscow region there are several multifunctional centers. Accordingly, you can apply to any of them. Preferably one that serves a particular area of ​​the city.


Now a little about others settlements Russia. Where can I get new-type health insurance policies in Yekaterinburg? In this city, as in all others, you can use the MFC. And what about insurance companies? What organizations currently issue plastic card-policies?

Among the most common options are:

  • "Ural Recipe M".
  • "VSK-Mercy".
  • "Astra-Metal".
  • "Sogaz", Yekaterinburg branch.
  • "Astramed-MS".

Is not complete list. It's just that these companies are in great demand for the manufacture of new-style policies.


And what about the residents of other cities? Similar principles remain in all cities of the Russian Federation. Either a person applies to an insurance company, or he embodies the idea through the MFC.

Where can I get new health insurance policies? Rostov-on-Don is not such a small city. In it, unlike all previously listed regions of the country, it is insurance companies that are in great demand. Namely:

  • "MSK-Maximus".
  • "Spassky Gate".
  • "MSK-Panacea".
  • "RGS-Medicine".
  • "AsStra".
  • "Sogaz-Med".

In general, almost all modern insurance companies are already issuing CHI policies of a new type. There shouldn't be any problems with this task.


Where can I get new health insurance policies? Kirov invites the population of the area to contact:

  • "ROSNO-MS".
  • Alpha Insurance.
  • "Sogaz".
  • "Max-M".
  • "Mercy".
  • VTB MS.


And what exactly is required in order to obtain the specified document? To date, the policy CHI of the old and a new sample is issued according to similar principles. A citizen must bring a certain package of documents with him.

Among them are:

  • application for the issuance of a policy;
  • old CHI policy (if any);
  • identification;
  • birth certificate (if we are talking about a child);
  • registration certificate (optional);
  • SNILS of the applicant.

If it's about foreign citizen, then he will have to provide additionally:

  • migration card;
  • other evidence of legal stay in the country;
  • visa (if any).

Accordingly, these documents must be submitted either to the insurance company or to the MFC. The application must indicate what is required new sample policy. After some time (usually about 30 days), a citizen will be able to present an identity card and receive new policy. A similar principle is relevant for all cities of the Russian Federation.

Compulsory medical insurance policies, both old and new, will be valid throughout Russia, as they are indefinite, the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (FOMS) reported.

As noted in the message on the website of the fund, persons who have not yet received a "new policy" will be able to receive medical assistance in full.

If a citizen wants to get a new policy, he can contact the medical insurance organization indicated on the existing policy. You can do this at any convenient time in accordance with the work schedule of policy issuing points.

In addition, every Russian can change the insurance company, for example, if he is not satisfied with the quality of work of the organization that issued him the policy. However, this can be done no more than once a year and until November 1. After that, citizens will be able to receive a document from the new insurance company no earlier than January 1, 2019. As noted, the time frame for changing the insurance medical company(from January 1 to November 1 of each year) are prescribed in Russian legislation.

The press service of the Moscow centers of urban services "My Documents" once again noted that the break only applies to the replacement of the insurance company, and the CHI policy itself can be changed to a new document "at any time during the year."

It is worth remembering that the change of the CHI policy is carried out at the request of the insured person.

Earlier, the Moscow Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund announced that the issuance of new policies would be suspended from November 1 and allegedly resumed only in January.

It also became known that although the form of the new policy has been valid throughout the country since 2011, Russians are in no hurry to change their old policies. Thus, in Moscow, out of 12.3 million people insured under CHI, less than half (5.8 million people) use a new type of policy, the rest (6.5 million) present the “old” policy in medical institutions.

The director of the MGFOMS explained that the introduction of a new single policy is necessary to avoid confusion if a person goes to a clinic or hospital not at the place of insurance.

Between Russian subjects there is a system of mutual settlements for payment for medical care received outside the insurance region. "... medical organization cannot remember what the old compulsory medical insurance policies of 86 regions of Russia look like, so I would recommend that all owners of old policies change them," Zelensky stressed.

By law, in an emergency, a medical institution does not have the right to refuse assistance or hospitalization to a patient with an old policy. But a refusal is possible if the case is not urgent.

This summer, the President of Russia signed a law designed to improve the mechanism for monitoring whether Russians have a CHI policy.

So, a citizen who has passed into the category of Russians who are not subject to compulsory health insurance, now must submit an invalid compulsory medical insurance policy or report its loss to any medical insurance organization.

The exception is citizens passing military service by invitation.

New rules have also appeared for the federal and territorial compulsory medical insurance funds, which are required to reflect monthly new information on the number of insurance suspensions or refusals.

In May of this year, Minister of Health Veronica announced plans to change the system of compulsory health insurance. In her opinion, it is necessary to make the CHI system more centralized and controlled by the Federal CHI Fund in order to avoid distortions in territorial programs state guarantees.

Currently, territorial CHI funds are subordinate to the heads of departments and regional ministries of health, Skvortsova noted.

“In our plans to raise the issue of verticalization CHI systems, system transformation territorial funds CHI in territorial divisions federal fund compulsory medical insurance, and the introduction of the “two keys” rule,” she said at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF).

According to the current legislation, every citizen of the Russian Federation must have a compulsory health insurance policy or compulsory medical insurance. You can get it from various insurance companies that are licensed to issue it. Despite the fact that the document is now provided indefinitely and does not depend on the place of work of the insured, it can be changed if desired independently. How to change the CHI policy

This is a document that is required for service in medical institutions countries. Based Clause 1 of Art. 45 FZ-326, it operates throughout Russia. Article 45. Compulsory medical insurance policy

Today there are two types of policies:

  1. Temporary.
  2. Constant.

Both of them are equally valid, however, the first one becomes invalid upon receipt of a permanent one, while it must be returned to the insurance company upon receipt of a policy of a permanent type.

Without a policy on hand, you will not be provided with standard medical services provided for 41 articles of the CRF. Article 41

These include:

  1. Ambulance.
  2. Examination and treatment in municipal clinics.
  3. Planned hospitalization.
  4. Part of the operations that are financed from the regional and federal budgets.

The policy must be obtained by citizens, regardless of their age. At the same time, you can choose where to go. Types of CHI policies in Russia

When replacement is needed

FZ-326(you can see the text of the law) provides for the following cases of replacing the CHI policy:

  1. Damage to it due to external factors.
  2. Policy loss.
  3. Liquidation of the company where it was registered.
  4. Expiration date (relevant for old-style policies).
  5. Personal desire of a citizen.
  6. Detection of various errors in personal data.
  7. Change of permanent residence and moving to another subject of the Russian Federation, as it may be difficult to serve in municipal clinics with a policy from another region.
  8. Change of personal data (last name, first name, place of birth, etc.).
  9. Passport replacement.

By issuing a new policy, the previous one becomes invalid. That is, it is not possible to receive medical services on a non-commercial basis. The strength of different types of CHI policies

What documents need to be provided

Depending on the status of the applicant, various documents are required. The table below has information on this.

ApplicantProvided DocumentsAdditional Information
Citizens of the Russian Federation over 14 years oldPassport.
Valid indefinitely
Citizens of the Russian Federation under 14 years oldBirth certificate.
SNILS if available.
Passport of the applicant, which may be parents or guardians
Valid indefinitely
Foreigners permanently residing in RussiaPassport of a citizen of another state.
Resident card.
Confirmation of OPS or DPO
Valid indefinitely
Foreigners temporarily residing in the countryPassport of a foreign state.
SNILS if available.
Temporary registration mark
Has a limited period of validity
Stateless persons permanently residing in RussiaConfirmation of statelessness.
Resident card.
SNILS if available
The document is issued indefinitely
Stateless persons who are temporarily in the countryMark of statelessness.
Resident card.
SNILS if available
The validity period of the document has a limited period of validity
RefugeesRefugee status confirmationThe policy has a limited period of time

These are the main cases when it is necessary to issue a policy. However, it is worth understanding where to go and what is the procedure for its registration or replacement.

Video - Electronic CHI policy

The procedure for replacing the CHI policy

There are two ways to replace the policy: with the replacement of the insurance company and in the same organization. The essence of the process is the same, but in the second, everything happens much faster. All policy replacement services are provided free of charge.

Replacing a policy with a change of insurance company

If you have a desire to change the insurance company, you must follow these steps:

  1. Select the organization you are interested in. It is recommended to choose based on the reliability of the organization and the number of offices in the city. If there is only one office, then there is a big risk that the company will close its representative office. In this case, there will be many difficulties in servicing in the future.
  2. Prepare full package documents. It includes SNILS, passport and application. If a policy is issued for a child, then a birth certificate will be additionally required.
  3. Get temporary policy, which is issued immediately upon application. It is valid until the permanent one is ready. It usually takes 30 days for production and delivery to the company's office.
  4. When the policy of a permanent sample is ready, you must come to the office with a passport and a temporary policy, give the latter and get a permanent one.
One of the types of compulsory medical insurance policy

Important! Some companies are especially popular with citizens, so the queue for them is quite long. To avoid wasting time, some firms offer to make an appointment for a specific appointment.

Although many clinics have their own preferences for insurance companies, they are required to provide medical services impartially.

Replacing a policy without changing an insurance company

Since all the documents are already in the database of the insurance company, you only need to present your passport and write an application for required document. You will also be issued a temporary sample at the time of application, and within 30 days you will need to receive a permanent one. Policies of a new sample

Important! The application must indicate the reason for replacing the policy. If the insurance policy has been lost, the account number in the company is attached to the application, but if the document is in hand, it is handed over along with the questionnaire.

According to FZ-326, policies of the new sample are termless. Initially, a new type of policy is issued to children and adolescents under the age of 14, as well as to persons who have arrived in the Russian Federation from another state for permanent residence. Important information about the CHI policy

Additional Information

The law provides for the possibility of changing the insurance company no more than once a year, if there are no good reasons for issuing a replacement. Here are the main reasons that allow you to apply for policies more than once a year:

  1. Bankruptcy of an insurance company.
  2. Revoking a license from an organization.
How to get or exchange a compulsory medical insurance policy

If you only have a temporary policy, you will need to go to the health facility in person or make phone calls to make an appointment or make a house call. Electronic services are not available on it, you need to have a permanent document.

It is worth noting that in many medical institutions there are representatives of insurance companies who are ready to issue a temporary policy on the spot. This allows you to get the necessary services without wasting time. That is, you receive a new document and immediately go to the registry for registration. According to Article 16. FZ-326(you can see the text of the article), without a policy, a citizen is only entitled to receive emergency assistance. Types of CHI policies

Since the policy data is obtained in commercial institutions, it is impossible to order them through the State Services portal. What exactly is included in the standard list of free services can always be clarified in Government Decree No. 1403 “On the Program state guarantees free provision of medical care to citizens for 2017 and for the planning period of 2020 and 2020.

Video - Plastic card instead of the usual paper medical policy