Payments from maternity capital are provided. Receiving payments from maternity capital

Today, citizens whose family has a second and subsequent children have the opportunity not only to receive a number of benefits and maternity capital, respectively, but also to even cash out some of it.

This is very relevant, especially during the reigning modern economic crisis in our country.

Let's consider how to receive and cash out 25 thousand from maternity capital, who has the right to a lump sum payment, and what rules need to be followed in order to receive funds in hand.

Legislative acts

Is it possible to withdraw 25 thousand from maternity capital?

Law 181 of June 23, 2016, which was adopted quite recently, tells us about a new lump sum payment, which is awarded to citizens in the amount of 25,000 rubles.

This law came into force on the day it was signed.

This new measure has become very popular in a short time among all Citizens of our country who fall under the maternity capital program. Before the law came into force, young families could also receive a one-time payment from the funds of the state support measure under discussion, but in the amount of 20 thousand rubles.

Today, this amount has been increased due to the fact that a difficult situation has arisen in the economy of our country, and young parents are sometimes unable to provide themselves and their child with everything necessary.

All aspects related to increasing the amount of a one-time payment, as well as issues of obtaining these funds, are contained in Law 181-FZ.

If you have questions regarding how to get it, then you need to refer to Law 256-FZ, which talks about the main world of state support for the population, including the one that interests us.

When can I withdraw 25 thousand from maternity capital?

When can I get 25,000 from maternity capital? Can I withdraw this amount, you ask?

Any parent who has the appropriate certificate can count on the payment.

The law has come into force, and now any citizen who is the parent of a second and subsequent child has the right to receive payment. Applications begin to be accepted on July 1, 2016.

It doesn’t matter at all that you once already received 20,000 rubles in the format lump sum payment. The receipt of these funds was determined by the law in force at that time, which today has lost its relevance. Is it true that you can still get 250,000 from maternity capital?

Receiving a new one-time payment is not prohibited, even if you have already received 20 thousand rubles before.

Read about whether it is possible to receive 25,000 from maternity capital a second time.

Also, contrary to popular belief, you do not have to wait a certain period of time to receive this money. Parents can receive funds at any time after the birth of a child; they just need to prove their right to these actions and present a certificate. We will look in more detail about how to get maternity capital of 25 thousand below.

Who has the right to cash out part of the certificate?

How can you get 25 thousand rubles from maternity capital? Who has the right to receive funds from the support measures provided by the state?

This opportunity is available to families who have received the right to maternity capital in connection with the adoption or birth of a second or subsequent child.

Besides, this rule valid for those who carried out the above action before September 30 of the current year.

If someone has not spent their maternity capital in full, then this rule also applies to them:

  1. If the amount in the account is less than the one-time payment, then you will simply be paid the remaining funds.
  2. Pension Fund reserves the right to refuse families if there is some doubt that the lump sum payment can be issued.
  3. Refusals are received by those families in which the applicant is absent or has lost the right to receive maternity capital.
  4. The refusal also applies to those families where parents have been deprived of parental rights.
  5. A refusal can be received after it turns out that the funds on the certificate have been spent, and citizens demand more.
  6. For those who already received a one-time payment in 2016 and want to receive it again, it will be denied.
  7. If we look at the statistics, then out of the entire mass of people who have the right to receive a one-time payment from maternity capital, 70 percent of citizens apply for it.

    According to pension fund employees, this is due to the fact that many citizens simply do not know how to get 25 thousand from maternity capital.

How to get 25 thousand from mat. capital: step-by-step detailed instructions

In order for you to withdraw 25 thousand from maternity capital, the state provides you with several options where you can turn:

  1. The first option is to contact the Pension Fund branch, which is located in close proximity to your place of residence or stay.
  2. Also, you can contact one of the departments of the multifunctional center.
  3. In addition, today it is possible to apply for payment to the Pension Fund by mail, in a letter to which a self-completed application and copies of documents are attached.
  4. Also, those who easily have the ability to use the Internet have the opportunity to access the Pension Fund through.

Before receiving 25 thousand from maternity capital, citizens collect the relevant papers, which include a passport and copies, certificates, and also need to provide an extract of the funds spent, and draw up an application for a one-time payment.

The last document is the most important, as it includes basic information about the applicant and his family, and is also retained by Pension Fund employees for many years.

Be as careful as possible when drafting. This document is clearly regulated by law and must be drawn up in accordance with the sample.

You can take a sample on the Pension Fund website, by contacting the Pension Fund office in person, or simply search on the Internet.

You can fill out the paper either yourself or in the presence of Pension Fund employees. Remember that a properly drafted application will save you a lot of time.

The question of how to withdraw money from maternity capital in 2016 interests many Russians. In this article we will try to analyze in detail all the intricacies of this procedure.

The Maternity Capital program was founded in 2007. Then, at the beginning of her work, the amount due under the certificate was 250,000 rubles. As a result of annual indexing, by the end of 2015 it already amounted to 453,000 rubles.

The goal of the Maternity Capital program is, on the one hand, to encourage the desire to have more than one child in a family, and, on the other, to provide an opportunity to solve global family problems, including those related to housing, children’s education, and their socialization.

Funds of maternal (family) capital, or MSK , can be used exclusively by bank transfer and for very specific purposes, providing the necessary documents to the Pension Fund.

However, everything in life is subject to change, especially in conditions of a long-term, systemic crisis, which we are currently experiencing.

Times of crisis are characterized by deterioration financial situation population. The most vulnerable categories of citizens are most sensitive to it, which, of course, includes large families.

Therefore, the Russian government saw the need to support them financially, allowing them to receive some part of their maternity capital in cash, and use these funds for the current needs of the family.

As a targeted anti-crisis measure, it was decided to pay the amount of 20,000 rubles once a year. to the certificate owner, subtracting them from the total amount of MSC. In 2015, such lump sum payments were made.

There was already a similar precedent, when in 2009 and 2010 the right to cash out 12,000 rubles was granted twice. everyone who had a certificate for MSK.

Practice has shown that this money really helped families overcome financial difficulties, therefore, the current drop in household incomes, accompanied by rising prices, forced the Russian government to turn to similar measures.

At the end of 2015, in November, the government decided to re-pay families with children from MSC funds in the amount of 20,000 rubles. Law No. 88-F3 established such a one-time payment for 2016.

But already in March 2016, further events unfolded on the topic of MSK and cashing out part of it.

Before Prime Minister Medvedev had time to approve the updated anti-crisis plan for the current year on 03/01/2016, his deputy, Olga Golodets, already on 03/29/2016 announced a change in plans regarding one-time payments to families.

It turns out that the government has recently been considering various options for anti-crisis payments in the form of assistance to large families. One of the options even included monthly payments 5,000 rubles each, but not to all certificate holders, but only to especially needy families.

However, it was decided to abandon this, as well as the previously planned payment of 20,000 rubles.

The final decision was that all families holding a certificate for MSC and living in the Russian Federation should be paid an amount of 25,000 rubles.

Moreover, regardless of whether the family managed to receive 20,000 rubles. at the beginning of 2016.

This measure was announced by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev during his report to State Duma deputies on 04/09/2016, and in early May the bill could be read on the official website of the Duma. The President of the Russian Federation signed the corresponding decree on June 24, 2016

The validity of the law is limited to December 31, 2016, and applications can be submitted until November 30, 2016 inclusive. This means that the family is subject to this law, provided that the second child was born before this date.

Back in 2015, the issue of a one-time payment of 20,000 rubles was being resolved. from MSC funds, a list of documents required for this was approved.

It included:

  • application for this lump sum payment;
  • document confirming the identity of the certificate holder;
  • SNILS;
  • certificate for MSK;
  • banking information about the details in the name of the applicant.

To receive 25,000 rubles. in 2016, the list of documents remained the same, but there were more ways to submit applications. Here they are:

The last type is the most convenient and fastest, especially since the application can be submitted either through the Pension Fund website, if open « Personal Area insured person", or through the Federal portal of public services on the website

The period for consideration of an application for payment from the MSK is 1 month, the time is counted by Pension Fund employees from the date of registration.

If the decision is positive and the application is granted, then the money due for payment is transferred to the specified account within a month - as prescribed.

If payment is refused, then within 5 days (working days) from the moment the decision is made, information about the refusal is brought to the attention of the applicant. It arrives either to his postal address or in the form of an electronic notification.

That is, you have to wait 2 months for money, at least those are the rules. In reality, it turns out to be three months, or even one and a half, as evidenced by thematic forums. Events happen most quickly if information is submitted electronically.

The payment will be either the declared 25,000 rubles, or the balance of the MSK, if it is less than this amount.

Will it be possible to withdraw money from maternity capital in 2017?

The President of Russia extended the validity of Law N 256-FZ of December 29, 2006 for another 2 years, for 2017 and 2018. This means that certificates will be issued in the same way as in the previous 10 years, while the amount of MSK will remain unchanged for this period, equal to 453,026 rubles.

Regarding payments in in cash, then at the beginning of the year those who submitted an application for this in November (or maybe October) 2016 will receive them. There is no information yet about the possibility of receiving payments for 2017.

Education of a child is one of the main expenditures of maternity capital. In Russia, school education is officially considered free, but in reality money is spent on textbooks and other things.

At the same time, the MSK program allows you to spend funds on the education of any child in the family, not necessarily the one in connection with whose birth (or adoption) a certificate was issued. And you can send him to study in anything educational institution Russia, be it a kindergarten, or a school, or a college, or a university.

As for the amount of MSC funds allocated for education, you can spend the entire capital on the education of a child (or several children), or you can spend only part of the funds, directing the rest to other purposes.

A child can study at the expense of MSK until he is 25 years old, no more.

In all these cases, non-cash payments are provided. Payments are made within the terms and according to the current accounts specified in the relevant agreement concluded between the certificate holder and the institution within whose walls the child will study.

At the same time, not every educational institution can be suitable for financing training from MSC funds, but only one that fully complies with all the requirements of the program.

These are the requirements:

  • educational institution must be accredited by the state and work on accredited educational programs;
  • he is allowed and has the right to provide educational services of the declared format and type;
  • it may be state or non-state, but must be located on the territory of Russia.

That is, It will not be possible to educate a child abroad at state expense, namely, at the expense of MSC.

In order to attract MSK funds to pay for training, the relevant documents are submitted to the PRF. In addition to the main package, there must be an agreement for the provision of paid educational services; information about the accreditation of the institution and its compliance with certain requirements is determined without the participation of the applicant.

If the child will live at a school, college or university, then a rental agreement for a room in a dormitory and confirmation of the fact of residence is required.

In other words, if we talk about the school, its services can be paid for with MSC funds. This applies to music, art and others, but only on the condition that the educational paid programs implemented during the training process are accredited, and the school itself is licensed.

Educational programs that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard are subject to state accreditation (federal state educational standards). These include the main school programs:

  • From 1st to 4th grade, primary education is carried out within the framework of primary school;
  • from 5th to 9th - basic education, or basic school;
  • from 10th to 11th - secondary, or high school.

Since education in the Russian Federation is considered free, paid educational services provided by the school include the following:

  1. In-depth study of subjects.
  2. Tutoring.
  3. Training in additional programs.

But not all of them can be attracted to MSK, for the simple reason that state accreditation is provided only for basic educational programs. A additional programs are not subject to accreditation, and it will not be possible to attract MSK to finance them.

Parents usually place the main emphasis on providing their children with a higher education at the expense of MSK, since studying at a university really requires substantial expenses.

But even earlier, in kindergarten and at school, it is possible to give children more if they wisely use the capabilities of the Maternity Capital program.

What does a monthly payment from MSC funds mean in 2019? President Russian Federation At the end of December 2017, a law was signed establishing measures to support families with young children from the state. Funds will be paid from maternal (family) capital for the second child born in the family after 2018, every month until he turns one and a half years old.

In addition to this innovation, a number of changes have been made to the maternity capital program that should have a positive impact on demographic situation in the country. These important innovations include:

  • extension of the program until December 31, 2021;
  • You can use MSC funds for the education of a preschooler without waiting for him to reach the age of three.

Initially, with the introduction of this program, the amount of funds under the certificate was 250 thousand rubles. Annual indexations increased the amount by the percentage established by Federal Law, taking into account the rate of inflation. As a result, maternity capital in 2019 amounted to 453,026 rubles.

Law on monthly payments for 2 children from maternity capital in 2019

The legislative basis for monthly payments to families from maternity capital funds is Federal Law No. 418, signed by the President on December 28, 2017 and approved by the Federation Council. Its validity begins on January 1, 2018, and from that moment on, the owner of the MSK certificate can, subject to certain parameters, qualify for a monthly benefit.

Families where a second or next child is born (adopted) can receive a measure of state assistance in the form of a maternity capital certificate. However, monthly payments from these funds are due only with the birth of the second child.

However, there are no restrictions on the use of these amounts. This means that a cash payment is transferred to the family for any needs, similar to one-time payments from MSC funds. If you can fully manage the funds of the certificate only in several directions, then one-time payments are given for current needs, limiting the recipient only to the amount.

Who will be able to receive payment every month?

To receive funds from maternity capital every month, the following conditions must be met:

  • the emergence of the right to issue a certificate;
  • family need, documented.

Need to calculate total income family, dividing it into all members, derive the ratio to the regional living wage working population. If this value is below 1.5 sizes, the family has the right to receive from MSC every month sum of money equal to the child's subsistence minimum.

The calculation of the total and average per capita family income takes into account all cash payments and income received by all family members during the previous year. The following material quantities are involved here:

  • official wage, remuneration under civil contracts (they can be confirmed by certificates from accounting and copies of contracts);
  • pension and social payments, scholarships;
  • compensation payments under government programs;
  • insurance payments (for legal successors);
  • income from activities (for entrepreneurs);
  • monetary allowance (for military personnel).

Cannot be added to total family income material aid from the state in the event of a natural disaster, as well as payments related to the consequences of terrorist actions and emergency incidents.

The benefit is established until the child turns one and a half years old. But the initial period is one calendar year, after which you will need to contact the Pension Fund again and prove your need for payment. It is also possible to terminate the receipt of such benefits at the initiative of the certificate holder.

Payment termination occurs in the following cases:

  • with full use of MSC funds;
  • when the family moves to another locality;
  • when the child reaches the age of one and a half years.

How to calculate and who is entitled to monthly payments from maternity capital

The family can independently determine whether it is entitled to a monthly payment from MSC funds. To do this, you need to know the cost of living in your region. It is set quarterly by regional authorities, and you can check with the local administration or committee social protection population. For the calculation, the PM for able-bodied citizens established for the 3rd quarter of 2018 will be accepted.

For example, for the Moscow region according to the relevant Resolution, the minimum wage of an able-bodied citizen was 18,580 rubles. This is what we will use as a starting point when calculating a family’s need for government support.

According to the Law, each family member must receive at least 27,870 rubles, which is the size of the monthly wage of an able-bodied citizen multiplied by 1.5. Let's make a series of calculations:

  1. All family income for 2018 is added up. It should be borne in mind that “black” income is taken before deduction of mandatory taxes.
  2. Then the resulting amount must be divided by 12 (the number of months in a year). Afterwards it is displayed monthly income for each family member.
  3. The result is a value that is compared to 27,870 rubles. If it is less, then the family has the right to receive a monthly payment from the MSC. It is not difficult to calculate that for a family of four people (2 children and parents) the monthly income should be at least 111,480 rubles, and for three people (2 children and one parent) at least 83,610 rubles.

The benefit is equal to one time the subsistence minimum per child in the 3rd quarter of 2018, which will be 13,938 rubles.

Let us clarify that all calculations are taken for the Moscow region; in other regions the values ​​will differ. But the average payment across the country will be 10 thousand rubles per month.

Living wage table in Russia

Since for the calculations the minimum for able-bodied citizens is accepted, and the payment is set at the minimum for a child, it makes sense to indicate them in the table by region of Russia. The PMs established for the 3rd quarter of 2018 are indicated and are valid until March 31, 2019.

Region PM of an able-bodied citizen, rub. Child's PM, rub.
Moscow and Moscow region18580 13938
Saint Petersburg12079,50 10754,60
Perm region10804 10289
Chelyabinsk region10289 9551
Vladimir region10385 9374
Stavropol region9183 8764
Krasnodar region11075 9716
Rostov region10285 10117
Nizhny Novgorod Region9952 9355
Saratov region9390 8947
Samara Region10876 9608
Novosibirsk region11217 10800
Voronezh region9427 8528
Altai10241 10098
KHMAO15615 14352


Simultaneously with applying for a maternity capital certificate, you can apply for a benefit. If it occurs later, the following rules should be taken into account.

Matkapital for the first child Putin promises to give. The payment for the second one will increase.

Russian President Vladimir Putin promised to pay maternity capital for the first child. This made a statement he 01/15/2020, reading out the Address to the Federal Assembly.

An additional payment, he said, will be received by families in which a second child was born. And they will have more maternity capital:

  • at the birth of the first child - 466,617 rubles;
  • at the birth of a second child - 616,617 rubles. (additional 150,000 rubles to maternity capital);
  • upon the birth of a third child, the state will pay 450 thousand rubles for the family. the mortgage loan she took out.

Note: According to Putin’s promises, the maternity capital program will be extended at least until the end of 2026.

The concept of “maternity capital” is familiar to many. However, not everyone has information about the possibilities and features of obtaining it. In this article we will tell you what maternity capital is, how regional maternity capital differs from federal capital, who has the right to receiving maternity capital for the first child and what documents are needed for this.

general information

Maternity capital in Russia is a form of state support intended for families under certain conditions.

Maternity (family) capital- this is an additional measure of support for family, motherhood and childhood from the state.

The difference between maternity capital and benefits is that its recipient cannot take advantage of in cash in their real terms. Instead, he receives a certificate for maternity capital, which should be used for its intended purpose.

You can use maternity capital only by bank transfer. Any cash transactions will be considered illegal. The result of such illegal actions may be that the owner of the capital is held accountable as an accomplice to the crime.

The support program has been in effect since 2007, but some changes were made to it in 2011 and 2013.

Changes made to the program in 2011:

  • If the right to receive financial capital arose from January 1, 2011, then receiving 12 thousand rubles in cash becomes impossible.
  • It has become possible to use maternity capital to repay a loan to purchase a home without waiting until the child turns three years old.
  • If the child died in the first week of life, then the registry office must issue a birth certificate (previously a certificate was issued). Maternity capital can be issued on the basis of the child’s birth certificate.

Changes made to the program in 2013:

  • The emergence of regional capital. It is also called municipal. The amount of this support ranges from 30 to 200 thousand rubles. Thus, the government of some regions of Russia encourage citizens to have a third child.

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Amount of maternity capital

PeriodAmount of maternity capital (in rubles)Law
2020466 617,0 dated 02.12.2019 N 380-FZ
2019453 026,0 dated November 29, 2018 N 459-FZ
2018453 026,0 dated 05.12.2017 N 362-FZ
2017453 026,0 dated December 19, 2016 N 415-FZ
2016453 026,0 dated December 14, 2015 N 359-FZ
2015453 026,0 dated 12/01/2014 N 384-FZ
year 2014429 408,5 dated 02.12.2012 N 349-FZ
year 2013408 960,5 dated 03.12.2012 N 216-FZ
year 2012387 640,3 dated November 30, 2011 N 371-FZ
2011365 698,4 dated December 13, 2010 N 357-FZ
2010343 378,8 dated 02.12.2009 N 308-FZ
year 2009312 162,5 dated November 24, 2008 N 204-FZ
2008276 250,0 dated July 24, 2007 N 198-FZ
2007250 000 (basic value)
the federal law dated December 29, 2006 N 256-FZ

Important facts about maternity capital

Facts about MK:

  1. You can receive financial capital only once.
  2. Maternity capital is subject to annual indexation.
  3. Indexation of financial capital is carried out in accordance with the inflation rate. As a result, its amount increases significantly every year.
  4. There is no time limit for submitting an application to the Pension Fund for the issuance of capital.
  5. An application for disposal of MK funds or part of them can be submitted after three years from the date of birth or adoption of the second child.
  6. If there is an urgent need to repay debt and pay interest on loans, incl. mortgage, for the purchase or construction of housing, then the funds of financial capital can be used at any time after the birth or adoption of a child.
  7. Mat.cap is not subject to personal income tax.
  8. The certificate for receiving an MK is valid only upon presentation of an identification document.
  9. The validity of the certificate for maternal capital is terminated in the event of the death of the owner, or deprivation of his parental rights in relation to the child, in connection with whose birth or adoption the right to receive the capital arose.
  10. The certificate may also be terminated if a deliberate crime is committed against a child by the certificate holder.
  11. If the certificate has been lost, you can obtain a duplicate by contacting the territorial office of the Pension Fund of Russia.
  12. You can apply for a certificate to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at your place of residence, actual residence or stay
  13. An application for a certificate and documents can be submitted not only in person, but also through an authorized representative or by sending them by mail.
  14. It does not matter whether children were born from the same or different fathers.
  15. When twins are born, maternal capital is due for one child of the twins who is born second.
  16. To receive MK, it does not matter whether the woman is married (official or “civil”) or is raising children alone.

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Regional maternity capital

Any family in which a second child was born or adopted can receive a federal MK. However, in addition to this opportunity, in some regions of the Russian Federation it is also possible to obtain a regional MK.

The leadership of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, at the expense of the regional budget, can determine additional method support for families in the form of regional (municipal) capital.

The rules for receiving, as well as the amount of assistance, are determined according to the capabilities, socio-economic development of the region, as well as the well-being of the residents who live there.

You can spend regional capital depending on the established rules of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation where it was received.

For example, in Kaliningrad, families are paid financial support in the amount of 100 thousand rubles. You can spend them to improve your living conditions, purchase a car or buy furniture. But in Smolensk, an amount of 150 thousand rubles can only be spent on improving living conditions or a child’s education.

Many examples can be given on this topic, for each region separately. That is why, when receiving regional support, it is necessary to clarify the possibilities of its expenditure.

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Who is eligible to receive materiel capital?

This type of state support is valid from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2018, after the law of December 29, 2006 came into force."

Condition: The child must have Russian citizenship. But in what place this child lives, from whom he was born and where it does not matter.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the following categories of persons can receive maternity capital:

  • A woman who is a Russian citizen and who adopted or gave birth to a second or subsequent children after 01/01/2007.
  • A man who is a citizen of Russia, being the sole adoptive parent of the second or subsequent children in the presence of a valid court decision, starting from 01/01/2007.
  • The father or adoptive parent of a child in the event of termination of the right to state support of the woman who gave birth to or adopted this child (if the mother was deprived of rights, died or committed an intentional crime against the child). The citizenship of the father (adoptive parent) does not matter in this case.
  • A minor child or children in equal shares, as well as a full-time student child until he reaches 23 years of age in the event of termination of the right to receive MK of the father (adoptive parent) or a woman who is the only parent (adoptive parent)

Confirmation of the right to receive maternity capital funds is a state-issued certificate.

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Maternity capital in the event of the death of a child

If the child died at birth, then you cannot receive a mat.cap.
Until 2011, in the event of a child’s death in the first week of life, receiving MK was also impossible.

Since 2011, if the first child died and the second child was born between 2007 and 2016, maternity capital must be received.

Documents for obtaining financial capital

In order to receive maternity capital, documents must be submitted to the branch of the Russian Pension Fund.

The package of documents must include:

  1. Application for a certificate.
  2. An identification document of the applicant, namely a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  3. Birth certificates for all children.
  4. For adopted children - a court decision on adoption.
  5. If one of the parents is not a Russian citizen, then a document will be required that will confirm the child’s Russian citizenship. It is provided by passport and visa services.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, copies of documents should be transferred to the Pension Fund, and the originals should remain in the hands of the mother. If all documents are in order, then no later than one month the child’s mother (father, adoptive parent, etc., depending on the specific situation) should receive a certificate. If the recipient of the certificate is not able to personally come to the Pension Fund to receive it, then the specified document can be sent by mail.

In the event of the death of a woman who gave birth or adopted children, documents confirming the fact of her death are also provided. In other cases (committing a deliberate crime against a child, deprivation of parental rights, etc.), documents confirming these circumstances must be provided.

To declare your desire to allocate funds for specific needs, you must provide:

  1. Application for disposal of maternity capital. It can be obtained from any branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
  2. Original or copy of the state certificate for receiving MK.
  3. Insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance of the person who received the certificate.
  4. Documents proving the identity and place of residence or stay of the citizen who received the certificate.

If the application for the issuance of a state certificate was applied to the MK not personally by the recipient, but by his authorized representative, then additional documents proving his identity, place of residence or stay, as well as the powers of the legal representative (power of attorney, passport) must be provided.

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The state will not increase maternity capital

The State Duma has begun preliminary consideration federal budget for 2016. According to the State Duma press service, according to the project, the amount of maternity capital for the second and subsequent children will remain at the 2015 level - 453 thousand 26 rubles. Social support will be targeted based on the criterion of “need.”

The minimum wage (minimum wage) in 2016 will increase by 4% from the current 5,965 rubles to 6,204 rubles per month. In the public sector, the increase in wages with an increase in the minimum wage will be carried out through the redistribution of the wage fund.

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The return of maternity capital to the Pension Fund does not deprive the right to its further use

If maternity capital funds were returned to the Pension Fund, because at a certain point in time there was no longer a need for them, then when applying for these funds again, the Pension Fund does not have the right to refuse to dispose of them.

Thus, one family entered into an agreement to participate in shared construction to improve their living conditions and within the framework of this agreement, maternity capital funds were transferred to the developer. However, the contract was subsequently terminated, and the maternity capital was returned to the Pension Fund. Later, this family decided to purchase housing, and therefore applied to the Fund with an application for disposal of maternity capital funds, but the Pension Fund, in turn, refused.

Reading time: 29 min

2018 was marked by the introduction of several important measures to support families with children in accordance with the decree of the President of Russia. In particular, families in need have the opportunity to receive monthly payments in connection with the birth of a second child. But for families who were hoping for the resumption of the lump sum payment, the news is disappointing.

One-time payment from maternity capital

For many families with children, the question of receiving this year remains relevant. This issue has not been discussed at the state level for a long time and in 2019 the situation will remain unchanged - no such payments will be made.

The cash that citizens received several years earlier was part of the government's strategy to help families in a difficult economic situation. At present, the crisis stage is considered to have passed and the government’s immediate plans do not envisage the introduction of such measures.

In previous years, one-time payments were received by a huge number of families - most of the certificate holders. The ability to receive funds in cash without breaking the law explains the phenomenal popularity of this type of payment. Citizens could use the withdrawn amount to pay for family needs at their own discretion, without adhering to the mandatory provisions of the program to support families with two or more children.

Provided that any owner could exercise the right to receive these funds in cash.

Monthly payments from maternity capital in 2020

Within the limits of the law, it is possible exclusively by issuing monthly payments for a second child.

V.V. Putin, speaking 15.01.2020 with a message to the Federal Assembly, devoted a lot of time to the demographic problem. He stated that maternity capital will be issued at the birth of the first child, and the size of the program will be increased(at the birth of the second, the amount will increase by another 150 thousand rubles)! Thus, the total amount will be 616,617 rubles. The program will be extended until December 31, 2026.

Also in the near future (possibly from 01/01/2020) will be introduced payments for children from 3 to 7 years old for needy families, whose income does not exceed 1 subsistence minimum per person.

On this moment details of the innovations have not been published. Judging by the statements of the President, the changes will come into force this year, which means draft changes will appear in the near future. The information on the site will be updated immediately!

How to get

A monthly payment is due if a number of conditions are met:

  1. the birth (adoption) of a second child occurred no earlier than January 1, 2018;
  2. the certificate holder and the second child have Russian citizenship;
  3. family income per each member is no more than 2 times the subsistence minimum for able-bodied citizens, established in a specific region in the 2nd quarter of last year (in our case, 2019).

To receive compensation you need to submit it to the regional office of the Pension Fund or MFC following documents:

  • statement on the use of maternal capital funds;
  • original birth certificate of children;
  • information about account details for crediting funds;
  • applicant's passport;
  • a certificate of income for each family member for the last year.

The benefit is provided from birth until the child reaches 3 years of age. The only difference is in the period of application of the certificate owner:

  1. until the child reaches six months- credits will be made from birth;
  2. after reaching the age of six months - enrollment will be made from the moment of application until the age of 3 years.

On January 1, 2020, amendments to the Federal Law of December 28, 2017 No. 418-FZ “On monthly payments to families with children” came into force. You can receive monthly payments until the child turns 3 years old! Maximum income per family member increased up to 2 times the value living wage.

When payments stop

The decision to provide the required amount will be made no later than 30 days from the moment the request is recorded. During 10 days from the moment the application is approved, the amount must be credited to the current account of the certificate holder.

Initial transfer of benefits issued for a year, in the future it will be necessary to re-submit documents to receive it within next twelve months. Thus, Payments will cease to be made when the child reaches the age of 3 years.

Payment amount

The amount of monthly compensation this year will be equal to the child's subsistence level for the 2nd quarter of 2019. It depends on the location of the subject of the Russian Federation. For example, for residents of Moscow it is 15,225 rubles. To view the table, click on the spoiler.

Region of the Russian Federation Maximum income per family member before taxes, rubles Monthly payment, rubles
Belgorod region 20078 9084
Bryansk region 23442 10606
Vladimir region 23492 10780
Voronezh region 20280 9190
Ivanovo region 23026 10327
Kaluga region 23834 10839
Kostroma region 23138 10458
Kursk region 21854 10107
Lipetsk region 21030 9840
Oryol Region 22248 10316
Ryazan Oblast 22250 10154
Smolensk region 24176 10898
Tambov Region 21048 9490
Tver region 23782 11399
Tula region 22762 10427
Yaroslavl region 23262 10571
Moscow 40390 15225
Moscow region 29094 12688
Republic of Karelia 30534 13167
Komi Republic 29736 13691
Arhangelsk region 28588 12774
Vologda Region 24796 11171
Kaliningrad region 24918 11005
Murmansk region 35682 17193
Novgorod region 24260 10994
Pskov region 24552 11057
Saint Petersburg 25169 11176
Leningrad region 23292 10379
Nenets Autonomous Okrug 42098 21112
Republic of Adygea 20206 9599
Republic of Kalmykia 21184 10211
Republic of Crimea 23024 11225
Krasnodar region 24060 10639
Astrakhan region 22134 11256
Volgograd region 21588 10123
Rostov region 22742 11099
Sevastopol 24762 12094
The Republic of Dagestan 20726 10119
The Republic of Ingushetia 20452 10246
Kabardino-Balkarian Republic 25668 13707
Karachay-Cherkess Republic 21596 10402
Republic of North Ossetia 20866 10087
Chechen Republic 22700 10811
Stavropol region 20444 9843
Republic of Bashkortostan 20868 9789
Mari El Republic 20996 10066
The Republic of Mordovia 19828 9442
Republic of Tatarstan 20170 9373
Udmurt republic 21216 9964
Chuvash Republic 20268 9541
Perm region 22676 10703
Kirov region 22108 10461
Nizhny Novgorod Region 22496 10658
Orenburg region 20442 9900
Penza region 20682 9817
Samara Region 23938 10714
Saratov region 20552 9708
Ulyanovsk region 22220 10482
Kurgan region 21856 10616
Sverdlovsk region 23526 11514
Tyumen region 24138 9204
Chelyabinsk region 22166 10661
Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug 33136 15164
Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug 35414 16700
Altai Republic 20936 10259
Tyva Republic 22250 11322
The Republic of Khakassia 23504 11705
Altai region 21674 10203
Krasnoyarsk region 26850 13192
Irkutsk region 24650 11959
Kemerovo region 22022 10778
Novosibirsk region 24972 12037
Omsk region 21728 10437
Tomsk region 24874 12177
The Republic of Buryatia 24000 12065
The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 36322 17660
Transbaikal region 25596 12842
Kamchatka Krai 43320 22099
Primorsky Krai 27916 14442
Khabarovsk region 30520 15181
Amur region 26018 12727
Magadan Region 41648 21052
Sakhalin region 31614 16109
Jewish Autonomous Region 30508 14870
Chukotka Autonomous Okrug 46164 23272


What income is taken into account when assigning payments?

To identify the average per capita family income, you must divide the amount of income received over the last year (excluding the month of circulation) by 12 and by the number of family members.

The following income is taken into account upon appointment:

  • parents' salary, including bonuses;
  • payment for certificates of incapacity for work, alimony, compensation for various benefits, scholarships and pension income;
  • payment of pension savings to the successors of deceased insured persons;
  • compensation to citizens performing state or public functions;
  • compensation due to citizens who undergo military service, as well as other public service on law enforcement.

All of the above income should be taken into account before personal income tax deduction. Income from the provision of housing for temporary use, interest on deposits, as well as economic assistance from the state in the event of emergencies will not be taken into account.

Income cannot be taken into account if family members:

  • are in prison or under arrest;
  • are undergoing compulsory treatment due to a court decision;
  • deprived of parental rights.