The official Sberbank consumer loan calculator calculate. Loan calculator Sberbank

Sberbank is the largest and most famous bank in the country, to which millions of people trust their funds. Therefore, you should not be surprised that when the need arises to take out a loan, a fairly large part of our fellow citizens turn to Sberbank for help. Another thing is that not everyone who wants a loan will be approved, however, the same applies to any other bank.

Some banks offer to calculate a preliminary loan amount that you can receive. To do this, use an online calculator, which can be found on the bank’s website. Fortunately, banks are gradually abandoning calculators, since in most cases they do not show the amount that the borrower can actually receive. For example, the calculator showed you that you can count on 200 thousand rubles, and after your application is approved, you can be given no more than 100 thousand rubles.

At the time of writing, we were unable to find a loan calculator on the Sberbank website, with the exception of a calculator for preliminary calculation of the cost of a loan for small businesses. Individuals cannot calculate the preliminary loan amount at Sberbank in this way. Our site, however, completely agrees with the bank, because, as was written above, the real amount may be completely different than the preliminary amount. This is especially true now, in the midst of the crisis, when, according to our data, the number of loans issued has decreased significantly.

How to calculate the loan amount yourself?

However, you can try to calculate the amount of a possible loan yourself. First of all, you need to remember that a loan from Sberbank is issued to persons whose age is . You will definitely need to provide a certificate of income in the form. Work experience - 6 months or more. Only if these conditions are met will it be possible to apply for a loan from Sberbank. Of course, you will need to provide a certain package of documents.

Let's say you earn 25 thousand rubles a month. If the maximum term of a consumer loan is 5 years or 60 months, then at a rate of 20% per annum you can receive no more than 550 thousand rubles, while the amount of monthly payments will be 12,054 rubles.

Of course, these figures should not be taken for granted, especially now that a financial crisis has erupted in the country. Most likely, the loan amount will be much lower than the indicated 550 thousand rubles, and in some cases the bank will simply refuse the loan. And do not forget that the interest rate on loans has increased significantly due to the increase in the key rate of the Central Bank.

Well, as for various calculators, you, of course, can use them, but do not be surprised when, after checking your profile, they tell you a completely different amount, and not at all the one you originally expected.

The loan calculator from Sberbank is designed to calculate mortgages and consumer loans online. The calculation algorithm is based on interest rates valid in 2019 - 2020. You can use it both on the bank’s website and with us.

The loan calculator will most accurately determine the size of the monthly payment, the total cost of the loan, the amount of payments and the percentage of overpayment. Moreover, the calculation of the latter indicator is available for both cash loans and credit cards.

The financial instrument is used by our clients to monitor and select a consumer loan with the most favorable conditions. The basis is the ratio of the amount of interest and the amount of principal paid in monthly installments.

Instructions for using the loan calculator

To calculate a loan online in 2019-2020, you should complete the following steps:

  • select the required loan amount;
  • indicate the desired loan term;
  • determine the interest rate depending on the type of loan - card or cash;
  • Click the “Calculate loan” button.

The repayment calculator will help you calculate online:

  • payment amount with interest,
  • payment amount for loans with early repayment,
  • payment amount for loans with partial early repayment.
  • calculate monthly payment
  • loan terms

This program is designed not only to effectively help users, but also to save time for bank employees. Having at hand the results issued by the program, the applicant already knows exactly which credit card to count on and what numbers will be written in the agreement. Such information solutions allow you to quickly search for optimal loans with loyal interest rates on cash loans remotely.

The Sberbank loan calculator is the most reliable, convenient and trouble-free software tool. Having received all the necessary calculations (loan term, size of monthly payments, total amount of payments on the credit card) online, you can avoid serious problems later, when monthly payments begin to drain most of the personal or family budget.

The loan calculator will calculate:

  • for salary and credit card holders,
  • for individuals (private) persons,
  • for pensioners,
  • for legal entities,
  • for individual entrepreneurs.

The parameters set on the calculator must comply with the conditions applicable to credit cards and consumer loans of Sberbank.

A consumer loan issued in 2020 is calculated for a period of up to 5 years with a maximum amount of 5 million rubles. The calculation will be approximate, since the interest rate and the final loan amount will become known only after the bank’s positive decision on the created application. The Sberbank manager will indicate specific numbers when drawing up the contract directly at the branch. The bank reserves the right to refuse to provide a loan to a client without disclosing the reason.

Credit terms approved for 2020

The following conditions apply to loans issued in 2019-2020:

  • the interest rate varies between 11.9% - 19.9%;
  • the minimum loan amount is 30 thousand rubles, the maximum is 5 million rubles;
  • You can borrow for a period from 3 months to 5 years.

Credit conditions and interest rates for cash loans at Sberbank 2019 - 2020

Consumer secured by real estate

Consumer guaranteed


Consumer without security

The specified data is also used to obtain detailed information on the loan using an online calculator on the Sberbank website.

Interest rate

The standard interest rate on a consumer loan taken in cash for any expenses for 2020 is set at 12.9% per annum. Preferential conditions apply to bank card holders and recipients of pension and salary payments to a Sberbank card or current account. These clients will be able to obtain a loan at 11.9% per annum. The promotional offer is valid only for individuals who are salary clients. The final interest on a loan taken on general terms directly depends on the loan amount.

Terms for credit card

The credit limit set on the Sberbank card in 2020 will be burdened with the previous interest rate, which is valid in 2019. Its size depends on the tariff chosen by the client, as well as the type of card. The minimum rate for a card with a personal limit is 21.9%, the maximum is 23.9%. For a card issued under general conditions, the rates are 23.9% -25.9%, respectively.

Types of loan calculators

Each client can use one of several types of financial instruments:

  • credit;
  • mortgage;
  • universal;
  • car loan;
  • for consumer refinancing;
  • to refinance a mortgage loan.

Online lending

Clients who apply for a consumer loan on the Sberbank online service can take advantage of a reduced interest rate. To do this, a citizen must follow simple instructions:

  • registration or authorization on the Sberbank Online portal;
  • fill out a short borrower questionnaire and form an application;
  • the bank will send an SMS message to the specified phone number in which it will notify the client about the preliminary decision on the loan;
  • If the application is approved, the money is transferred to a Sberbank card or bank account.

The borrower will need three documents, including a passport with registration and Russian citizenship, a financial certificate in the “2-NDFL” form, and a photocopy of the work record book, which will confirm the citizen’s employment.

Client requirements

The borrower must meet certain criteria:

    minimum age 18 years;
  • on the date of repayment, the client’s age should not exceed 65 years;
  • continuous work experience at the current workplace should not be less than 3 months.

In addition, the borrower must have Russian citizenship and permanent registration in the Russian Federation. Temporary registration is allowed, but in this case you must provide a document confirming registration at your place of residence.

You can take out a loan:

  • cash,
  • for the development of small businesses,
  • for the purchase of a car (for a car),
  • for the purchase of housing,
  • for building a house,

We wish you a pleasant settlement and the most favorable conditions.


DomClick from Sberbank:

A loan is a certain amount that a borrower (client) borrows from a bank to meet his needs, with the charging of so-called interest - remuneration to the bank for the use of its funds. The most important issue that worries every borrower is the interest rate on the loan and the amount of monthly payments.

The largest bank in Russia offers a large number of different types of loans, from minimal to the largest. A program specially created for this purpose, the Sberbank loan calculator, can make an approximate calculation and calculate a loan at Sberbank. With its help, in just a few seconds, based on the parameters specified by the client, you can select the most suitable loan, as well as find out the interest rate on it and plan upcoming payments.

When concluding an agreement, you should be especially careful, since it is there that all the conditions are stipulated: the loan amount, interest rates, conditions for increasing it, the type of payments (differentiated or annuity), as well as such a condition as early repayment. The agreement is given special attention in such a serious matter, since it is a document that will be valid throughout your entire cooperation with the bank. Sberbank provides a loan calculator as only an approximate calculation of possible payments, so you should not rely on it 100%, since you can make mistakes in the calculations. The best way to get advice is to contact the bank itself, where qualified specialists will be able to tell you everything in more detail.

The Sberbank loan calculator is very easy to find: Sberbank, consumer loan, interest rate 2019, calculator - in each of these queries it is possible to find exactly what you are looking for. The bank is interested in clients, and often makes various concessions and compromises to attract them.

When issuing a loan, the bank draws up a loan agreement. The loan agreement specifies the amount, date of issue, term, type of payments, interest rate. The loan agreement also specifies the formula by which the current loan payment is calculated. The bank also issues a payment schedule, where the above parameters are indicated and you can always see how much and when you must pay the bank.
However, sometimes there is no payment schedule, or there were early repayments and you need to understand whether the bank calculated the current payment correctly. This will help you. A special feature of this program is the calculation of the payment schedule taking into account dates. The same payment schedules, taking into account dates, are issued by VTB24 and Sberbank or in any Moscow bank.
Initially, to check the results of payment schedule calculations, you need to go to the websites of VTB24 or Sberbank. This is a hassle and the search can take a long time.
Find loan calculators there and do the math.
However, even here the calculation will not be correct.
Can be used

Early repayment of a loan with annuity payments at Sberbank

To calculate early loan repayment you need

  • Calculate monthly payment
  • Calculate the early repayment amount
  • Calculate how the term or amount of the next payment will change in case of early repayment

N – number of whole months
i – loan rate per month (i.e. annual rate / 12)
The loan amount from Sberbank is without the down payment amount, i.e. the amount specified in the contract.
Let's calculate a loan of 1 million. rubles at 12% for a period of 60 months. We will consider the date of issue to be January 12, 2012.
Substituting the data into the formula, we get 22244.45 - the amount of the monthly payment. This is what the payment schedule looks like

Let's say we made an early repayment with a reduction in the amount - this means that early repayment reduces the amount of the monthly payment by .
Let's add early repayment in March 2012, before the next payment date. This early repayment will be taken into account in March and the new payment will only be made in April.

Let's figure out how the calculation is carried out. After payment on February 12, 2012, the principal amount will be 975,733.43. Let us subtract from this amount the amount of early repayment and the amount to repay the principal debt for February. It is equal to 12203.13.

975733.43 — 100000 — 12203.13= 862766.45

The resulting amount is the principal amount after early repayment.
Now let's calculate the monthly payment. To do this, let’s substitute the amount 862766.45 into the formula of the Sberbank calculator.
Since 3 months have already passed from the date the loan was issued, the new loan term will be equal to

n= 60 – 3 = 57.

As a result, we get a monthly payment according to the above formula 19931.25

Calculating a loan in Sberbank using a loan calculator for iPad/iphone

Let's look at the payment schedules obtained using a loan calculator and from the Sberbank of the Russian Federation website.

If you look closely, the mortgage payments are the same.
However, for the Sberbank calculator there is no detailing by dates; only months are displayed.
The difference in the total amount of interest - The amount of overpayment for the entire period is 827,291.47 rubles versus 827,008.2. The difference for a period of 10 years is insignificant.
Therefore, we can conclude that the calculation results of our loan calculator and the Sberbank loan calculator are the same. This calculator can be used instead of the Sberbank loan calculator.

Sberbank loan calculator and formulas for calculating annuity payments

More details on how the loan payment schedule is calculated and what formulas are used can be found on the page. These formulas are standard and are used in many banks. Questions can be asked in the comments to the article.
Sberbank often calculates loans taking into account weekends and holidays. Therefore, the payment schedules for the Sberbank loan calculator and the online calculator presented on the website will differ

Sberbank's loan calculator will help you calculate a consumer loan in cash based on data for 2019 - 2020. Make the calculation using the 2019 - 2020 calculator from the official website and choose the most profitable loan.

A credit card is an opportunity to get the thing you are interested in without the long and tedious accumulation of money, or not getting the necessary amount in case of objective need or unforeseen circumstances. However, to ensure that the loan program does not turn into a heavy financial burden for you and your family, you should wisely and thoughtfully choose a suitable line of credit.

To make the loan agreement as profitable as possible, you should use a financial instrument specially created for this purpose - a cash loan calculator from Sberbank. It allows:

  • Determine the maximum allowable loan amount based on the amount of monthly income;
  • Get objective data on monthly payments;
  • Plan, if necessary, to close the loan with early repayment.

Do you need a truthful and highly effective online calculator to analyze your loan term? Then it is best to choose Sberbank loan calculators.

Loan terms 2019 - 2020

  • Borrower's age: from 18 to 75 years (at the time of repayment);
  • Minimum amount: 30,000 rubles;
  • Maximum amount: 5 million rubles;
  • Duration: from 3 months to 5 years;
  • Loan issue fee: none;
  • Security: guarantees from individuals – citizens of the Russian Federation (no more than 2).

Interest rates in Sberbank

Name of consumer loan - Interest rates
Educational with state subsidies 7.76%
Calculation example: if you take a consumer loan in the amount 100,000 rub.. for a period of 12 months. at 7.76% per annum, then the monthly payment on a consumer loan will be RUB 8,694.62, you will overpay RUB 4,335.55, which is 4.34% of the consumer loan amount. Total loan cost: RUB 104,335.55
Refinancing 12.5 - 13.5%
1,000,000 rub. for 12 months at 12.5% ​​per annum, every month you will pay RUB 89,195.21 RUB 70,342.52, which is 7.03% of the consumer loan amount. In total, a consumer loan will cost you RUB 1,070,342.52
Consumer without collateral 12.5%
Calculation example: consumer loan amount: RUB 1,500,000, term: 12 months, interest rate: 12.5% ​​per annum. Under these conditions, every month you will pay RUB 133,792.76 The overpayment will be RUB 105,513.78, which is 7.03% of the consumer loan amount. As a result, the total cost of a consumer loan will be RUB 1,605,513.78
Mortgage loan 7.4-10.0%
Calculation example: you took out a loan 10,000,000 rub. for 120 months at 9% per annum, every month you will pay RUB 127,611.98 The overpayment on a consumer loan will be RUB 5,313,413.80, which is 53.13% of the consumer loan amount. In total, a consumer loan will cost you RUB 15,313,413.80

A competent choice of a particular lending program is provided by a loan repayment calculator, which allows you to instantly calculate the monthly payment and get a visual table with payments on the loan of interest:

  • For individual entrepreneurs.
  • For pensioners.
  • For individuals.
  • For legal entities.

Particularly attractive conditions are available for salary credit card holders.

The calculation calculator takes into account all the necessary information, including options for closing a loan with early repayment and even partial early repayment, with the ability to download the result.

You can take out a loan:

  • Cash.
  • For refinancing.
  • For the development of small business.
  • To buy a car.
  • To build a house, to buy a home.