Obtaining a medical policy for a newborn. Medical policy for a newborn: what documents are needed, where to do it

The first month after the birth of a newborn baby is documented inseparable from the mother. Initial medical care for the baby is covered by the policy compulsory medical insurance women in labor and birth certificate coupons. For further provision of free medical care to a newborn, parents are required to issue a separate compulsory medical insurance policy within the time limits established by law. How and where can I get a policy Compulsory medical insurance for a newborn? More on this later.

Why do you need a policy for a newborn?

Insurance of citizens in Russia is a mandatory procedure. Every child literally from birth must have his own compulsory medical insurance policy, which gives him the right to receive free medical care under the compulsory medical insurance program.

Note! With a compulsory medical insurance policy, a newborn child can be observed in any district clinic, even if it is registered in a completely different area. The compulsory medical insurance policy enables parents to use the services, benefits and offers provided by the state in the field of medical care.

After discharge from the maternity hospital, the local pediatrician will have to come to the house where the baby lives and examine the child. Parents will also have to give him a sheet from the exchange card, which contains data on the condition of the baby at the time of birth and discharge.

The child must be attached to the clinic at the address of the actual residence. Further, the doctor will require the parents to issue a speedy registration compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn citizen of the Russian Federation.

Important! The policy in the clinic will wait no more than 3 months. And after this period, without a compulsory medical insurance policy, parents will pay for each appointment with the doctor. Therefore, it is in the interests of parents to issue a compulsory medical insurance policy for their child as soon as possible, especially since this is not at all difficult to do.

Required documents

It is possible to obtain a policy for an infant only upon presentation of such documents as:

  • baby's birth certificate;
  • mom's or dad's passport with registration in the region geographically located in the area of ​​​​the point of issue of the CHI policy.

You must provide the originals of the above documents. While the policy for the baby is being prepared, parents will be given a temporary analogue of the policy, the validity of which is limited to 1 month. The date of receipt of a permanent medical insurance policy will also be indicated.

Note! A temporary CHI policy for 1 month fully replaces a permanent policy: with it you can be observed at the clinic, write out free meals in a special direction.

How to apply for a policy?

The application must include the following information:

  • name of the child;
  • Date of Birth;
  • Place of Birth;
  • citizenship;
  • details and details of the birth certificate;
  • location;
  • date and place of registration;
  • contact information (telephones);
  • the category to which the child belongs (unemployed);
  • information about the type of policy (paper, electronic, plastic).

Where is the CHI policy issued for a newborn?

Parents have the right to issue a compulsory medical insurance policy at any insurance organization specializing in medical insurance of citizens. The compulsory medical insurance policy is recognized by all children's medical institutions, gives the right to a free visit to a pediatrician and narrow specialists. In addition, the CHI policy is valid throughout the Russian Federation, regardless of where it was issued.

Note! A compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn can be issued only after passing the registration procedure (temporary or permanent). This requirement is put forward by all UK; the type of compulsory medical insurance policy issued depends on what kind of registration the newborn will have.

There are 2 types of MHI policies:

  1. Temporary CHI policy: issued when the newborn has a provisional registration. As the registration of the baby is extended, the CHI policy will be simultaneously extended for the period indicated in the notice of registration.
  2. Permanent CHI policy: issued to a newborn if he has a permanent residence permit at the address of residence. Such a policy is made in the form of a plastic card and has an indefinite validity.

To obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy for an infant, you must contact the policy issuing point, which, as a rule, is attached to district clinics.

In some regions of the Russian Federation, it is possible to order compulsory medical insurance through the State Services website. This can be done remotely, parents do not have to go to an authorized company and present documents to them. The application is also submitted to electronic form. Other documents from parents will not be required, since most of the data is provided unified system identification of citizens, the rest of the operators receive through cooperation between departments. The state eventually plans to eliminate the presentation of paper or plastic policy Compulsory medical insurance when applying to a medical institution; and all data will be taken in a single database, where the details will be indicated electronic policy OMS.

In some cities, you can apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy and choose an IC at the Multifunctional Centers (MFCs).

When applying for insurance, parents will be told where they can pick up the CHI policy and will be warned that the document will be issued only after presenting the passport of mom or dad. If for some reason the parents cannot pick up the policy in person, then another citizen can do it for them by power of attorney. In this case, the following documents will be required:

  • passport of an authorized citizen;
  • power of attorney from a parent
  • application for a policy issued on the day of registration.

Important! So temporary policy a single sample is plastic card so it takes longer to make.

You can also register a newborn directly with the insurance organization, which is located in the region of residence. Action insurance document extends throughout Russia as well as in those countries where a medical insurance agreement has been concluded with the UK.

If it was not possible to issue a compulsory medical insurance policy immediately after the birth of the baby, do not worry. The baby is obliged to serve free of charge in any medical institution within 3 months after his birth. A compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn is a guarantee of the provision of medical services. However, you still need to have time to issue an insurance document within 3 months.

In the absence of a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn, only ambulance doctors will be able to visit the child free of charge.

Important! Without registration CHI insurance it is impossible to register a baby in a polyclinic and put him for treatment in a hospital for free. No one will be treated for free without a issued compulsory medical insurance policy.

How to restore OMS after loss?

The loss of any documents often causes panic and turns into an unpleasant problem. If the medical policy is lost, then parents need to immediately start restoring the insurance document. After all, without a policy, all medical services and medicines for babies will have to be paid for, and this often turns out to be quite expensive.

In this case, parents need to apply to the medical IC with a new application, presenting to the employees:

  • passport (father or mother);
  • baby metric.

The restoration of the medical policy will take up to 30 days, but for this period the employees of the insurance company will issue a temporary insurance document, according to which you can receive all medical services free of charge for 1 month.

As you can see, the procedure for issuing a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn takes a little time and effort. But parents and the baby receive guaranteed assistance from the state in the form of free medical care.

So, your long-awaited baby was born. In addition to your love and affection, he needs to get documents, which will confirm his citizenship, rights and obligations.

One of these documents is which guarantees provision of timely and quality medical care every citizen Russian Federation.

Get a policy as soon as possible in order to be sure that medical services to the baby will be provided at the proper level and without payment.

In this article, we will tell you in detail about all the intricacies, about what documents you need to collect, and also answer frequently asked questions regarding obtaining a policy.

What documents are required to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn?

Before obtaining a policy, you must register the child in the registry office, having received a birth certificate. Next - registration of the child at the place of residence or stay. Only then can you get a CHI policy.

insurance company or company you can choose according to your personal preference.

For example, you yourself can be registered with a company and take out a policy for a newborn in the same company, or choose a company whose office is located in your area or in a nearby area.

Documents required to receive compulsory medical insurance policy (CHI) for a newborn:

  • birth certificate child;
  • passport mother or father;

It is possible and necessary to issue a policy within 3 months of the birth of the child. To do this, it is necessary to have the original birth certificate and the original passport of the mother or father of the child, registered at the place where the compulsory health insurance policy was provided.

Temporary CHI policy: validity period

At the time of making a permanent policy, you will be issued a temporary one. It gives the right to receive timely medical care free of charge, as well as permanent.

Temporary CHI policy is valid within thirty working calendar days.

How much do they get a policy?

Registration of a permanent compulsory health insurance policy usually takes 30 days.

Where do you get a policy?

The CHI policy is obtained from the company to which you applied for its execution.

How to get an OMS policy?

On the day of receipt of the compulsory medical insurance policy, it must be pick up yourself. If this possibility is not foreseen, then this can be done person with power of attorney to receive a policy.

Documents you will need to pick up the policy:

  • birth certificate child;
  • your passport;

Documents required by a person who will replace you upon receipt of the policy:

  • passport;
  • power of attorney permitting the receipt of a compulsory health insurance policy for a newborn;
  • application for a, which was given to you after applying for a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn.


Question. My husband and I are residents of St. Petersburg, but for four years we have been living in Arkhangelsk, where we have a permanent job. Literally a week ago, our daughter was born in one of the Arkhangelsk maternity hospitals. Where can I get a compulsory health insurance policy for a newborn? Who to contact?

Answer. Based on the new law, parents can obtain a compulsory compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn not only at the place of formal registration at the place of residence, but also at the place of stay. In your case, you can apply for insurance company in Arkhangelsk, providing the necessary documents (passport of the father or mother and birth certificate of the child).

Question. My husband and I are citizens of Ukraine. But we have been living in Moscow for several years now. Childbirth will take place, respectively, in Moscow. Is it possible to apply for a CHI policy for a newborn child?

Answer. Yes, there is such a possibility. Contact the insurance company at the place of residence, having the necessary documents with you: a birth certificate, as well as a document that confirms the right to reside in the Russian Federation on a permanent basis.

Question. I am a citizen of the Russian Federation, my husband is a citizen of another country. What documents do you need to provide in order to apply for an OMS policy?

Answer. Required documents: 1) birth certificate, which indicates the citizenship of the Russian Federation; 2) a document that confirms the identity of the parent of the child.

Question. After the birth of the child, I plan to go to my grandmother in the village with the child. How will medical care be provided there under the insurance policy for newborns?

Answer. Once you have made the exact decision to leave, inform your pediatrician of your plans and address of your future residence. Then the doctor himself will decide how the examination of the child will be carried out.

In the local medical center, children are patronized by a midwife or nurse until they reach the 1st year of life. In the first month, the examination is carried out by a local pediatrician.

If you do not leave information about the future place of residence in your maternity hospital, then be sure to correct this or contact the obstetrician of the local medical center.

Question. With an MHI policy, is it possible to treat children with anomalies?

Answer. Yes, of course you can. Treatment of children with malformations is carried out at the expense of the MHIF. To get the necessary assistance, contact the clinic in which you are registered, to your district pediatrician, who will compile a list of necessary tests and studies for you.

Both adults and children need. Without a compulsory medical insurance policy, it is difficult to count on receiving medical services.

So, as you can see, getting a policy is an easy procedure with a minimum of documents. The only thing you need to stock up on while waiting for the CHI policy is it's patience as in any insurance company there is a live queue.

Video: how is the issuance of mandatory medical insurance for newborns.

Read more:


    The compulsory medical insurance policy, of course, guarantees the child to receive timely emergency medical care, but this help is far from always of high quality. Therefore, more and more often parents of children with serious problems are forced to turn to private clinics. And they are helped financially in this by simple people with a good heart, who are not indifferent to someone else's misfortune.

Newborn children, along with adults, become participants in the program, which is implemented throughout the country.

What is it and why is it needed

A health insurance policy is a document that is the basis for providing a person with free medical services throughout the state, regardless of the place of registration of the person.

The certificate of health insurance is issued after the conclusion of an agreement with the insurance company. The data displayed in the medical certificate must fully correspond to the data provided by the person to the insurance company.

Medical policy represents:

With this document, the person deserves help medical organizations of the following categories:

  1. emergency medical care;
  2. outpatient;
  3. dental;
  4. dispensary.

Medical services are provided free of charge to a person regardless from his permanent place of residence.

In accordance with the regulation on health insurance, one of the categories of persons who must have a medical certificate of insurance are children.

For newborns The certificate of insurance is a rather important document, which parents should immediately take care of obtaining.

Without this document newborn cannot free of charge:

  1. Be attached to a children's clinic;
  2. If necessary, receive medical assistance provided by ambulances;
  3. See a local therapist, as well as get the opportunity to call a specialist at home.

You can apply for a health insurance certificate during three months from the moment of his birth.

As a rule, within 30 days from the date of birth, the newborn's medical expenses are covered by the mother's insurance document. However, after this period, medical services may require the provision of a personal certificate of insurance for the baby and refuse to provide free medical care.

Collection of documents

To issue a child insurance certificate need to get documents:

  1. . Get it in the registry office or the MFC. To receive it is:
    • certificate from medical organization where the baby was born;
    • passports of both parents (or mother);
    • certificate that the marriage was registered in the prescribed manner.
  2. Certificate that the child was registered at the place of residence;

Directly to the insurance company appear:

  1. Baby's birth certificate;
  2. Parent's identity document.

In case of submission of documents representative, in addition to the above information, the package is accompanied by:

  1. Representative's passport;
  2. A power of attorney certified by a notary in the prescribed manner, reflecting the right of the representative to submit information to obtain an insurance policy.

Design rules

The procedure for obtaining a policy for newborn children does not differ from the procedure for obtaining a certificate for adults, except for one feature: employers do not provide insurance for children.

The bodies to which you can apply for insurance are:

Insurance Company parents or legal representatives are chosen independently. As a rule, insurance is carried out in a fund in which one of the parents is insured. If for some reason this fund is not suitable, then you can choose an insurance company on the website Federal Fund compulsory health insurance. It lists all companies that insure individuals throughout Russia.

After the choice of the insured is made, it is necessary to visit the site of the insurance service and make an appointment. When making an appointment, you must select the day of admission, time, and also indicate your contact details.

On the day of the appointment, you must come with the documents and, before filling out the application for the service, consult about the procedure, as well as the services that will be available after the process is completed. Next, you need to submit documents and appear on the day indicated by the representative of the fund.

If it is not possible to personally submit documents, you can send documents by mail. To do this, on the official website of the insurer, you must download the application form, fill it out and certify it with a notarized signature. After that, documents should be sent by registered mail with a list of all documents.

Multifunctional centers, located in every city throughout the country, also provide a health insurance service. In order to process the receipt of a document with the help of the MFC, it is necessary to come with a package on the receiving day. An employee of the center will consult on the insurance services available in the region and issue an application form. After filling it out, you will need to attach documents that will be registered. An employee of the center will be informed of the date when it will be possible to pick up the document.

Design health insurance, without leaving home with the help of Internet portal "Gosuslugi". To do this, you should go to the portal and enter the user's account. After that, in the “Category of services” tab, select “Obtaining a medical policy”. The page will display the fields that must be filled in, then the service will offer to add photos of documents. After that, an application for a policy will be generated.

Documents are checked and a policy is issued on the basis of the Law on compulsory insurance organizations within a month.

After submission of documents, mandatory issuance is subject to temporary compulsory health insurance policy. This certificate is a document giving the right to receive the same categories free help provided by medical institutions, like a regular policy, only its validity period is limited to one month from the date of receipt.

The registration procedure at the place of residence of a newborn is a mandatory procedure that parents must carry out before submitting documents for insurance.

Child registration bodies carry out:

Regardless of which body will be registered, parents are represented the following information:

  1. Identification documents of the parents (of one of the parents);
  2. Birth certificate of the child;
  3. Certificate confirming the conclusion of marriage in the prescribed manner;
  4. Statement of no objection regarding the registration of the child at the place of registration of the other parent.

It is important to know that if one of the parents is not the owner of the residential premises, the procedure for registering a newborn will be carried out regardless of the desire of the owner. It is not permissible to register a newborn separately from the parents.

The procedure for issuing an insurance policy is described in the following video:

CHI for a newborn: list of documents, choice of insurer, procedure for obtaining, important points regarding infant health insurance

The appearance of a baby in the family is the joy of the long-awaited event and at the same time a lot of trouble. First of all, a new citizen must be registered, get the necessary papers for him. One of the important points is compulsory medical insurance for a newborn.

It secures the child's right to enjoy medical services from the first days of his life. Moreover, these services will be provided free of charge.

From our article, you will learn all the details of obtaining insurance for a recently appeared family member and you can quickly and seamlessly apply for health insurance in his name.

Documents required when applying for compulsory medical insurance for a newborn

Before going for medical insurance, you must first contact the registry office and register your child there. A birth certificate will make it possible to register a son or daughter in your apartment. The third stage will be health insurance.

The insurer will not ask you to bring any special documents for CHI to a newborn.

You only need:

  1. the original of the mother's/father's civil passport with registration in the city where the contract will be concluded,
  2. original birth certificate of a boy/girl.

Provisional Certificate

While the MHI policy for the newborn is being issued, your son or your daughter will be able to receive all the necessary medical services under a temporary certificate. It has the same force and guarantees the provision of free medical care in clinics and other institutions.

The certificate is only valid for 30 days. However, in a month you will already be able to receive a compulsory medical insurance policy for compulsory medical insurance for a newborn, start using it and receive due attention from doctors.

Choosing an insurer

Many people do not know where you can get a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn. Russians are given the opportunity to independently choose a company that will provide their children with insurance support within the framework of compulsory medical insurance.

You can conclude an agreement with the same company that previously issued the policy to you, or you can choose one that is located near your home. The finished document will be issued at the same office where you applied.

Getting a ready policy

The person who submitted the application must come for the MHI policy for a newborn. Another person can also take the insurance, but subject to the availability of a power of attorney from the applicant. Upon receipt of insurance, you will again have to present your passport and metric.

Most Frequently Asked Questions

In life, there are different situations related to the need to move, lack of registration and other unstable factors that complicate the insurance of an infant and obtaining documents in his name.

Answering the most common questions will help you understand more clearly how to act in a given situation.

Where can I get a compulsory medical insurance policy for a child born in another city during a long trip of parents?

Obtaining compulsory medical insurance for a newborn is possible not only where the parents are permanently registered, but also in the city where they temporarily reside. The mother or father of a newborn can apply to any local insurer in the city where they currently work.

Is it possible to get medical insurance for a child born in Russia if the mother and father of the baby are citizens of Ukraine?

It is possible to issue compulsory medical insurance for a baby born in Russia. Parents will only need to add to the above documents a permit for permanent residence in the Russian Federation.

What documents should be submitted if the child has a Russian mother, and the father is a citizen of another state?

The documents are the same. The contract can be concluded by the mother by presenting her Russian passport.

Is it possible to use free medical services if the insurance is received in another city?

Medical assistance and all necessary services will be provided to the infant in any locality RF. It is recommended that you inform your pediatrician about your move and indicate the address of your stay.

Then he organizes an examination of the baby in a new place. During the first month of life, this is done by a doctor, until the age of one year the child is examined by a nurse from the nearest polyclinic to the place of new residence.

If you have not reported the temporary move at your clinic, simply contact your local health center for proper care for your baby.

Does CHI coverage cover children with anomalies?

Yes, the MHIF provides polyclinics with the means to provide the necessary assistance to such children. You need to contact your local pediatrician to register your child.


As you can see, obtaining compulsory medical insurance is a very simple procedure. Special documents for obtaining CHI for a newborn are not required, only those that confirm the identity of the infant, his mother or father are needed.

It is important to get a metric at the registry office in advance and find some time to choose an insurer and go to his office.

Since every newborn needs compulsory medical insurance so that he receives qualified medical assistance in a timely manner, it is better not to delay the paperwork and do it in the very first month of his life.

You will immediately be issued a temporary certificate, with which you can go to the doctor with your child and use all the services of medical institutions absolutely free of charge.

Every citizen of the Russian Federation has certain rights and obligations. He acquires them from birth. However, a newborn child, who was recently born, does not yet have any documents. It takes time to complete them.

One of the main documents that every newborn baby should have is a compulsory medical insurance policy. All worries when obtaining a policy fall on the shoulders of the parents.

How to get a medical policy? What documents are needed for this? And what procedures need to be followed before starting its registration?

You can learn about all these questions of interest from this article.

What is it needed for?

The MHI policy makes it possible to receive medical care at any clinic, and you can also undergo treatment not only in the hospital at the place of residence, but also in the one that is most convenient.

Having a medical policy in hand, not a single medical institution has no right to refuse assistance to a newborn. You can get free services that are prescribed by law.

What should be done before registration?

As soon as a newborn child is discharged from the maternity hospital, a district doctor comes to the place of his registration in a few days. It is he who attaches him to the clinic after examining and studying his documents.

List of documents to receive

The company where the newborn will be insured can be absolutely anyone. Usually I choose the one that is close to the place of registration or where the parents themselves are insured. In this case, the choice may be different.

The insurance company will need the following documents:

  • A completed application form of a special sample;
  • Submitted birth certificate of the child;
  • Passport of one of the parents.

Production time

The medical policy will be ready within 30 days. In return, he receives a temporary compulsory medical insurance policy. The functions of such a policy are the same as those of a permanent one. You can get medical care and baby food for free.

The date is put on the temporary certificate, exactly when it comes, it is necessary to obtain a policy of a permanent sample.

Obtaining procedure

On the day when you need to pick up the policy, you need to have all the same documents as when applying (passport and birth certificate). But it may happen that parents cannot pick up the policy, do not despair, this can be done by any trusted person. Such a person must have:

  • Passport proving his identity;
  • A power of attorney by which he can receive a policy;
  • Application received at the time of submission of documents and with the help of it you can get a policy.

Parents are not limited in time to receive the policy. But so that the newborn does not have problems with medical care it is worth taking care of this in advance. The very procedure for issuing a CHI policy does not take much time, the most unpleasant thing is to stand in line when submitting documents.