Bank loan offers. The most trouble-free banks for loans

If there are no problems with the official salary, income level and CI, you can apply for cash at any bank. It’s better to go to the one with the lowest interest rates on loans, so as not to overpay. The minimum rate is usually available only to a limited circle of reliable borrowers, payroll clients and loans. But we have compiled a review of 10 banks with the lowest interest rates.

To be guaranteed to receive the smallest interest rate, first contact the bank where you receive the payment. If the conditions there are not too pleasant, then go to one of the list below. Read more tips on how to lower your interest rate at the end of the article.

Banks for loans at the lowest interest rates

January 2020

Homecredit currently offers the minimum interest rate. Sovcombank is a little bigger, but they are running a promotion “ Everything is under 0!“- the bank returns previously paid interest on the loan if you have issued and use their “Halva” card. Everyone else has the lowest rates of 9% to 10%, but not everyone offers them.

ATB, Vostochny, Otkritie, Promsvyazbank and MKB each issue only 1 document without income certificates and guarantors. With a damaged CI, you can contact Renaissance and Vostochny, they are loyal to problem borrowers, and with a good one, you can contact any of the tables above. Without official work, apply to Vostochny, MKB or Otkritie.

Read below for a more detailed overview of each of these loan offers.

Home loan - the most profitable and in 1 minute

  • Amount: From 10,000 to 1,000,000 rubles;
  • Duration: 1-5 years;
  • Rate: From 7.9%;
  • Age: 22-64 years;
  • Documents: 2 documents proving your identity, you can ask for a certificate of income.

Sometimes they may ask for a second document confirming your identity. You can take a driver's license, medical insurance or SNILS, which everyone definitely has. If there are doubts about the borrower, they also ask for a certificate of income. But in the case of a job with a lot of experience and a high salary, this does not become necessary.

Instant decision in 1 minute - you can get cash.

The loan term is a multiple of 1 year and can be applied from 22 to 64 years of age. They even lend, in this case do not forget to bring your pension certificate. With delays, bad history and lack of official work, you will most likely get a refusal.

Sovcombank - you can even do it for free

  • Amount: Up to 100,000 rubles;
  • Duration: 1 year;
  • Rate: from 8.9%;
  • Age: 20-85 years;
  • Documents: passport, 2nd additional + 2-personal income tax.

It offers a low interest rate of 8.9% on its loans, but issues only a small amount of up to 100,000 rubles and only for 12 months. If you have enough, you can apply, the main thing is that there are no delays or large debts before.

Do you want to not only get a consumer loan at a low rate of 8.9% per annum, but also use it for free? Additionally, apply for a free installment card ““ at Sovcombank, pay with it in stores, and the bank will return you the interest on the loan every month.

The application can be considered up to 5 days, so if you need it urgently, then contact other organizations.

ATB - low rate with experience of 1 month

  • Amount: Up to 700,000;
  • Duration: 1-5 years;
  • Rate: From 9%;
  • Age: 23-65 years;

ATB has the lowest interest rates on an express cash loan, which can only be issued with a passport in Moscow, Siberia, the Far East and beyond. Rates from 9% per annum. And simple requirements for experience - from 1 month. They issue, here the requirements are already - from 6 months after registration.

Approval in 1 day, you can get it today if you have time to send it to the bank before lunch. Issuance of money for any needs, no proof of income required.

Gazprombank - for borrowers with good CI

  • Amount: Up to 3,000,000;
  • Duration: Up to 7 years;
  • Rate: From 9.8%;
  • Age: 20-70 years;
  • Documents: passport, 2nd of your choice + proof of income.

Apply only if you have a good CI and an official job with at least six months of experience at your last job, and a total of at least 1 year of experience. But they are ready to offer their lowest percentage of 9.8% not only to salary clients, but also to all reliable borrowers who meet the conditions.

It is necessary to confirm income; you can not only use 2-personal income tax, but also according to the bank’s form. If you wish, you can repay early without penalties or interest. Interest will be recalculated based on the actual period of use of borrowed funds.

Rosbank - profitable loans and refinancing

  • Amount: From 50,000 to 2,000,000;
  • Duration: 1-5 years;
  • Rate: From 9.9%;
  • Age: 24-65 years;
  • Documents: passport + 2-personal income tax or certificate in the form of a bank.

At Rosbank you can not only get a good rate on a new one, but also get the same small rate of 9.9% per annum. True, the most favorable conditions are provided only for those who receive a salary on the card of this bank or work in one of its partner companies (look for the list on the official website). For the rest, it is traditionally calculated individually - it depends on the credit history, provided documents, length of service and level of confirmed income.

If you are too lazy to get a certificate, then it is possible to confirm your income through the State Services website. If you request more than 400,00 rubles, you will also need a copy of your work record certified by your employer.

Opening - small interest on 1 document

  • Amount: From 50,000 to 5,000,000;
  • Term: From 1 to 5 years;
  • Rate: From 8.5%;
  • Age: 21-68 years;
  • Documents: Russian Federation passport (sometimes 2-NDFL, copy of employment and additional documents).

Otkrytie is ready to lend based on just one document, without forcing you to collect a bunch of additional papers and waste time on filling out certificates. But at the same time, the minimum rate of 8.5% is available to everyone who has previously proven themselves well in this or other banks, and is ready to issue a 2-NDFL and bring additional papers.

We advise you to take your foreign passport with you if it has stamps for the last 12 months, as well as papers for a car or apartment, if you own them. In this case, loans are usually available even if you do not have the most crystal clear CI.

ICD - registration only by passport

  • Amount: From 750,000 to 5,000,000;
  • Duration: 1-5 years;
  • Rate: From 9.9%;
  • Age: from 18 years old;
  • Documents: Russian passport only.

Our favorite, MKB, is an almost trouble-free bank for all categories of borrowers, which only asks for a passport during registration, but at the same time offers a very small percentage of 9.9% per annum. One of the few is ready to lend money immediately starting from adulthood.

A decision on an application is made in less than 1 hour. You fill out the form in the morning, and after lunch you can come and receive your money. Issuance on the day of application.

There are credit holidays - for the first 3 months you can pay reduced payments if it is difficult for you to repay in large amounts. They do, but if you do, the rate automatically increases.

Vostochny - issue even with a bad history

  • Amount: Up to 3,000,000;
  • Duration: Up to 20 years;
  • Rate: From 9.9%;
  • Age: 24-65 years;
  • Documents: issued by passport.

The most loyal to damaged CI among Russian banks. Approves even those who have had large debts and arrears in the past. If only there were no current ones. True, no one will give 15 million to problem borrowers, but they will issue a loan of up to 500,000 rubles without certificates using just 1 document.

An ideal option for those who need cash today, at a low interest rate and only with a passport.

Promsvyazbank - for employees of reliable companies

  • Amount: From 100,000 to 3,000,000;
  • Term: From 1 to 12 years;
  • Rate: From 9.9% to 14.9%;
  • Age: 21-70 years;
  • Documents: Russian passport.

At Promsvyazbank, even the maximum rate is lower than what other companies offer the minimum. If even 14.9% per annum suits you, you can safely apply. True, loans are only approved here for employees of the bank’s partner companies; the list can be found on the website or checked by phone. The rest are refused. But if you happen to be one of these lucky ones, they will not ask you for anything other than your passport.

Even if you haven’t found a list of companies, you can submit an application and try to get approval.

Renaissance - without refusal to problem borrowers

  • Amount: up to 700,000;
  • Duration: 2-5 years;
  • Rate: from 9.9%;
  • Age: 24-70 years;
  • Documents: passport + second additional one to choose from.

Renaissance is another company that, like Orient Express Bank, willingly cooperates with problem clients. They lend to pensioners, individual entrepreneurs, and other categories of the population for whom it is difficult to confirm their income.

Indicate the requested amount in the form - in this case, registration without certificates only with a Russian passport.

Don’t forget to bring any additional document to the office - policy, TIN, license or SNILS. There are requirements for length of service - from 3 months, and salary - from 12,000 in Moscow and Moscow Region and from 8,000 in other regions.

4 conditions for obtaining the lowest interest rate

And finally, a few conditions for guaranteed receipt of a profitable loan. If you meet them, you can contact any bank you like. They will not refuse you and will make a good individual offer.

  1. Good credit history. No comments here. If you have already had several loans in the past, which you repaid regularly and paid off the debt on time, if you used credit cards and did not miss mandatory payments, then there is a high probability that you will not have problems with payments in the future. Such clients are approved by any lender 100% without refusal. With a damaged CI, everything is obvious - there were problems, there may be again. But with zero history, some people have questions. Like, how is it that I didn’t have any arrears, since I never took out loans? Our answer is that with pure CI, banks simply don’t know what to expect from you. That's why they refuse.
  2. Long experience and high white salary. Also pretty banal. Lenders need reliable borrowers, and the most solvent of them are those who have been working in the same job for several years and have climbed the career ladder, earning a large income. Here’s the paradox: loans are most readily given to those who already have money. And the lowest percentage is offered to those who can pay a larger monthly payment without compromising their usual standard of living.
  3. Owned car or apartment. Another confirmation of the client’s solvency is the presence of some significant property. Ideally, real estate, a house, a plot or an apartment, but a car is also suitable if it is not older than 10 years. So, when you go to the office to sign the contract, take with you an extract from the Unified State Register for an apartment or a title for a car. Get a lower rate.
  4. Ideal age from 25 to 40 years. Credit organizations consider the age of 25-40 to be the most solvent, since people here have already gained experience, built a career, achieved a high salary, but layoffs and retirement are still a long way off. They are the ones most willing to receive loans. But the most difficult thing to borrow cash for is students, people aged 18 to 21, and pensioners over 65 years old.

6 tips on how to get a loan at the lowest interest rate

  1. Contact your bank. The first and most important advice is to start by sending an application to the bank where you receive your salary on the card. In this case, banks are often ready to offer the lowest interest rate, a larger amount and a longer term. In some organizations, minimum rates are generally available exclusively to salary clients. If you don't like the conditions at your bank, then go to where you have an open deposit or a credit/debit card that you use.
  2. Don't be lazy to verify your income. Despite the fact that almost half of the companies from our review are ready to issue only 1 document without certificates, do not be lazy to draw up this very certificate and have it certified by the employer. If you have other sources of income, such as business, dividends on stocks and bonds, a rented apartment, or something else, try to get papers that can confirm this income.
  3. Send the application to several banks. Do you want to compare what individual conditions different banks will offer you? Submit several applications. The main thing here is not to overdo it; many simultaneous applications can become a reason for refusal, and this has a negative impact on the CI. 2-3 applications to the most profitable banks will be enough.
  4. Offer collateral. Do you need an even lower percentage, and even without certificates? Use secured loans. You can apply for a small one and receive cash at 7%-8% per annum only using your passport. The property and/or car must be your property. And you will have to repay the loan without fail if you do not want to lose the collateral (and they usually issue no more than 60%-70% of its value).
  5. Refinance old loans. It is not necessary to take a new one, if you can simply take one previously taken at a high rate - from any of those who now offer up to 10% per annum. And if you need cash, after restructuring you can leave the same monthly payment and the same term, but get an additional amount of “real” money in your hands. As a bonus, you will receive one payment, and not 2-3 on different dates that are not very convenient for you.
  6. Take a larger set of documents. The bank only asks for a Russian passport and 2-personal income tax? Bring a few additional documents with you. This will increase your chances of approval and allow you to count on a lower percentage. It is best to take with you documents on ownership of any real estate or car. A foreign document with travel notes for the last year is also a good confirmation of your financial solvency.

Who will wait several days if you can get cash right on the day of application? Only the one who is not in a hurry. But if you needed money urgently, and in general it was needed yesterday, then what should you do? Contact banks that quickly make a decision on your application and issue urgent loans on the same day. Some in general, and guarantors and even. Well, if you are ready to bring 2-personal income tax and some kind of second identification document, then all doors are open to you and the minimum interest rate on loans is available.

Banks that will quickly issue a loan on the same day

Bank Percent Sum Consideration
in 1 minute From 7.9% Up to 1,000,000 1 minute!
From 9.8% Up to 3,000,000 1-2 hours
with bad CI From 9.9% Up to 15,000,000 Up to 60 minutes
without refusal From 9.9% Up to 5,000,000 In one hour
From 9.9% Up to 700,000 20-40 min.
fast From 10.5% Up to 1,000,000 5-15 min.
From 8.8% Up to 5,000,000 15 minutes
according to your passport From 10.5% Up to 1,000,000 10 minutes
instantly From 0% Up to 30,000 Instantly
From 0% Up to 80,000 2-3 minutes
automatically Up to 1% Up to 15,000 Instantly

The most profitable quick loan is issued by HomeCredit - from 7.9%, and even the decision takes just 1 minute. Competitors Gazprombank, MKB, Renaissance and Vostochny are slightly behind - all less than 10% per annum. Conveniently, close to home and right on the day of application, apply for express loans from MTS. In the same place, in MKB and Vostochny they lend only by passport (there is a limit on the maximum amount), and in the latter they also approve applications with a damaged history. With a good CI, contact Gazprombank or OTP. And if the problems are so serious that banks have already refused several times, then in E-Kapusta and MoneyMan you can instantly get money, and if you are applying for the first time, then even at 0%.

Banks that issue cash on the same day

Not enough data? Read a more detailed review of banks that you should contact for an urgent loan.

Home loan - decision on application in 1 minute

  • Amount: From 10,000 to 1,000,000;
  • Duration: 1 to 5 years;
  • Interest rate: From 7.9%;
  • Age: 22-64 years;
  • Documents: 2 documents.
  • Solution: in 1 minute.

The main advantage is that they open consumer loans with an instant solution in just 1 minute. No income certificates are needed and, most often, urgent consumer loans are issued only with a Russian passport. But they may ask for an additional one - take SNILS, everyone has it, and that will be enough.

Do not forget to provide reliable information about your work and salary, although certificates are not needed, it is important for the bank to know that you are a reliable borrower and will be able to repay the interest on time. They do not cooperate with the unemployed, they refuse those who are overdue.

Gazprombank - quickly with good CI

  • Amount: From 50,000 to 3,000,000;
  • Duration: 2-7 years;
  • Rate: from 9.8%;
  • Age: 20-70 years;
  • Documents: passport, additional + certificate 2-NDFL;
  • Solution: in 1-2 hours.

It is worth applying if you have a permanent job with a total work experience of at least 1 year and at least 6 months at your current job, as well as a good credit history. With a bad CI or without a job, you will get a refusal, so it’s better not to waste time right away.

A certificate confirming your income and any additional document of your choice confirming your identity are required. But you can pick up cash right on the day of application if you send the application before lunch.

Eastern - for loans with a bad history

  • Amount: From 25,000 to 15,000,000;
  • Duration: 1 – 20 years;
  • Interest rate: From 9.9%;
  • Age: from 24 years old;
  • Documents: passport only.
  • Solution: in 1 hour.

Vostochny cooperates not only with reliable borrowers, but also with problem clients. Willingly lends to women, unemployed people, etc. It also does not refuse to those who do not have a very good CI, the main thing is that there are no current delays or large debts in the past.

You shouldn’t count on 15 million, but the loan is issued without proof of income.

ICD - on the same day according to the passport

  • Amount: From 750,000 to 5,000,000;
  • Duration: 1 – 5 years;
  • Interest rate: From 9.9%;
  • Age: from 18 years old;
  • Documents: passport.
  • Solution: in 1 hour.

The main advantage of the bank is that you don’t need to collect a bunch of extra papers. To receive an urgent loan, you only need a Russian passport. You send the form, within an hour you will receive a response from the bank, and if the decision is positive, you can go to the nearest office to get money.

Renaissance - small loan in 30 minutes

  • Amount: From 30,000 to 700,000;
  • Duration: 2-5 years;
  • Rate: from 9.9%;
  • Age: 24-70 years;
  • Documents: passport (over 200,000 - income certificate);
  • Solution: in 20-40 minutes..

OTP - quick decision on the application

  • Amount: Up to 1,000,000;
  • Duration: 1-5 years;
  • Interest rate: From 10.5%;
  • Age: 23-65 years;
  • Documents: Russian passport + 2-NDFL certificate.
  • Solution: in 5-15 minutes.

Applications are processed almost instantly, and we are ready to issue cash on the day of application if you remember to bring a complete set of documents. You will need a passport, TIN of the company you work for, and a certificate confirming your income. To be on the safe side, we recommend taking SNILS. Experience from 3 months.

The minimum percentage is 10.5% - only for a loan of 300,000, less - from 14.5%.

They cooperate with individual entrepreneurs - in this case, additionally bring with you an individual entrepreneur registration certificate and a copy of the tax return to confirm your income. Low rates on consumer loans are available to all reliable borrowers with a good history.

Alfabank - cash at low interest

  • Amount: From 50,000 to 5,000,000;
  • Duration: 1 – 7 years;
  • Interest rate: From 8.8%;
  • Age: 21-65 years;
  • Documents: passport, 2 additional + 2-NFDL.
  • Solution: in 15 minutes.

The minimum interest rate is offered to salary clients and reliable borrowers. For others, the rate is determined individually. A current work experience of at least 6 months and a salary of 10,000 rubles are required (confirmation of income is required in the form of a bank or standard 2-NFDL).

The set of papers is the largest; in addition to the passport and 2-personal income tax, two more documents are needed. You can bring your TIN or insurance policy or others from the list on the bank’s website.

MTS - express loans near your home

  • Amount: From 20,000 to 1,000,000;
  • Duration: 1-5 years;
  • Rate: from 10.5%;
  • Age: 20-70 years;
  • Documents: Russian passport + SNILS;
  • Solution: in 10 minutes.

Minimum 10.5% per annum - for salary clients or those who were not too lazy to bring a 2-NDFL certificate. Without it, rates start from 15.9% and the limit is up to 200,000. But if this is enough for you, but you need a loan right on the day - send a form, get an answer in 10 minutes and go to the nearest MTS office, of which there are plenty in any city, and can be found near your home or work.

Ways to get a loan as soon as possible

  1. Prepare all documents in advance. It can be very disappointing when you sent an application, received approval and are already rushing to the bank to get money, only to find out that you don’t have a copy of your work record or you didn’t take a second document confirming your identity. Or they took it, but it doesn’t suit you, since the bank has approved a list of those that you didn’t have. Study in advance what papers and their copies need to be provided to the bank, and do not forget to take them with you.
  2. Provide accurate information. A mistake of one letter in the last name or the name of the organization in which you work can cost you not only refusal from this company, but also a damaged CI. And an obvious lie with salary, length of service or place of work guarantees rejection of the application and submission of data about the unscrupulous borrower to the BKI. There are few banks, so you shouldn’t deceive and embellish.
  3. Submit your application early in the morning. Everything is simple here, the sooner you send your application, the faster the manager will check it and issue a decision on the application. This means that the sooner you can go to the bank to sign an agreement and receive a consumer loan. Many work until 17:00; if you send a form after lunch, you risk not having time to pick up cash on the day of application.
  4. First of all - to your bank. The fastest way is to check a client with whom you have been cooperating for a long time. The easiest way to borrow money is from a salary bank - the conditions there are usually more favorable, and income certificates are not required, a passport is enough. You can also go to where you have a credit/debit card or deposit account.

If even a complete set of documents, contacting your bank and up-to-date information about yourself did not help you, and you were rejected by 2-3 banks, and you still needed money yesterday, there remains a last resort. Contact the MFO. They are loyal to bad history and are more willing to lend even to problem borrowers.

3 microloans that you can instantly get on your card

Difficulties with a bank loan, no official job or no opportunity to obtain an income certificate? Bad credit history and the bank always refuses? Or do you just need a small amount? Contact microfinance organizations that provide loans to new clients - there are many of them now; if you contact different ones each time, you may not have to pay interest. The main thing is to remember to pay off your debt on time. By the way, this is also a good way.

E-cabbage - 24-hour loans from 0% per day

  • Amount: Up to 30,000;
  • Duration: From 7 to 21 days;
  • Rate: 0% for new clients, then up to 0.99% per day;
  • Age: from 18 years old;
  • Documents: Russian Federation passport.

What makes MFOs convenient is that you need to take a minimum of steps to open a term loan. Fill out a short form on the website, indicate your details, and the money will be on your card. Cash can be received by debit or credit card, Yandex money or by transfer Zolotaya Korona or Contact. In the latter case, however, you will still have to leave the house and go to the company office to pick up the cash.

  • Amount: From 300 to 15,000;
  • Term: From 7 to 30 days;
  • Rate: 1% per day;
  • Age: 21-65 years;
  • Documents: passport only.
  • Loans are issued around the clock automatically using a scoring program. If everything is relatively fine with your credit history and you have provided reliable information, you can receive money on your card at least at 3 a.m. literally 1-3 minutes after filling out the application. No certificates required.

    Without refusal

    To take out a loan of less than 10% per annum in Vostochny, Raiffeisen and Renaissance credit, the advantage of these banks is that they consider applications without providing a certificate of employment. Tinkov and Sovcombank also do not require proof of income, but their minimum level is 12% per annum. It is quite possible to receive money at a relatively low interest rate of 15% at UBRD.

    Best cash loans

    Alfa Bank is the largest Russian private bank, one of the top 10 most significant credit institutions.

    A universal bank that carries out all main types of banking operations, serving private and corporate clients, investment banking, trade finance, etc.

    A cash loan in the amount of up to 3,000,000 rubles is issued from Alfa Bank with an interest rate of 9.9% for a period of 1 to 5 years.

    A consumer loan up to 1,000,000 rubles is issued at a rate of 14.99%; for the first 100 days no interest is charged for using the money. All you need is a passport.

    Alfa Bank has a huge selection of credit and mortgage lending and deposit options, free savings services, programs and loans secured by property.

    The application approval rate is high.

    Summary: Alfa Bank is a reliable bank that maintains a leading position and offers various services on favorable terms.

    Low interest loan

    Home Credit Bank - loans up to 1,000,000 rubles from 7.9%!

    Home Credit Bank is a leader in the consumer loans market at points of sale. To complete an online application and receive a loan, you only need a passport.
    A wide range of products for clients of different social status. Additional favorable conditions for regular customers. Customer deposits are insured.
    The Bank actively participates in the social life of society.

    Summary: Home Credit Bank ranks first in the consumer loan market, thanks to low interest rates, customer focus and modern services.

    Low interest cash loan

    "Renaissance Credit" - up to 700,000 rubles at 11.3%

    A bank with low interest rates, where you can get a consumer loan using two documents. It operates in almost all major cities of Russia, issues cash on the day of application for up to 5 years, and has a special program for pensioners.

    Summary: Renaissance Credit is a bank with the lowest interest rates, where you can get a loan using two documents.

    Low interest cash loans

    Raiffeisen Bank - flat rate 10.99% for loan amount up to 2 million rubles

    The bank follows the highest quality standards in its work, so clients trust it and agree to long-term cooperation.
    To apply for a loan up to 300,000 rubles, you only need a passport; up to 1,000,000 rubles - passport and proof of income; up to 2,000,000 rubles - passport, proof of income and employment. The term of use is from 1 year to 5 years.
    A decision on an online application is made in 2 minutes. You can receive an approved loan at the branch or with free courier delivery.

    Summary: Raiffeisen Bank issues loans for large amounts at a reduced interest rate.

    Low interest loans

    "Eastern Bank" - low interest and high chances

    In our opinion, Vostochny Bank does not offer the lowest rates, but it has the highest chances of having an application approved, even for borrowers with a bad credit history. In this bank you can take out a loan using your passport, without an income certificate or any additional documents. Applications are accepted online and reviewed within 5-10 minutes.

    Summary: Vostochny Bank - not the smallest interest rates, but the maximum chances of approval of the application.

    Lowest loan interest rate

    "SKB-Bank" - simple and convenient lending.
    SKB-Bank issues consumer loans in the amount of up to 300 thousand rubles without a certificate of income, up to 1.3 million rubles with a certificate. Interest rate from 9.9%. Loan term from 1 to 5 years. The loan application is reviewed within 2 business days. Early repayment is possible without commissions or penalties.
    Convenient, modern and free online banking and mobile application.
    Instant money transfers between cards of any banks.

    Summary: SKB-Bank - low interest rates on loans for any purpose; universal online service.

    Take out a small loan

    Sovcom Bank is among the top 10 banks with the most favorable loans in 2018.
    At Sovkom Bank you can take out a loan in the amount of 5 thousand to 1 million rubles for a period of 1 to 5 years. Interest rate – from 12% per annum. For a loan of up to 40 thousand rubles, you only need a passport. The best offer is a loan of 100,000 rubles for 1 year at 12% per annum. You can fill out an online application in 2 minutes.
    There are special loan programs for pensioners. A larger amount can be obtained using a car or real estate as collateral.
    If you have a bad credit history, the bank offers the Credit Doctor program.

    Summary: Sovcom Bank is a large financial institution with attractive consumer lending conditions.

    Take out a consumer loan at a minimum interest rate

    Tinkoff Bank is a modern and practical bank with a full range of financial services.
    A loan of up to 2 million rubles for 1-3 years is issued without certificates, guarantors or a visit to the bank. The interest rate on the loan is from 12%.
    All applications are completed online, the card will be delivered by courier in 1 to 7 days to any location. Partial early repayment is possible - at any time by phone. Free replenishment at 300,000 points across Russia. There are mortgage lending programs.
    The first Russian bank to completely abandon branches. Banking transactions are carried out instantly over the phone or via the Internet.

    Summary: Tinkoff Bank is the best online retail bank with a variety of credit and debit cards for any need.

    Consumer loan the most favorable conditions

    Pochta Bank is a new retail bank with branches in Russian post offices.
    At Pochta Bank you can get a loan of up to 1.5 million rubles for a period from 1 to 5 years. All you need is a passport and SNILS. For payments of 10,000 rubles per month, the interest rate is reduced from 12.9% to 10.9%. A decision on an application is made within 1 minute.
    The Element 120 bank credit card allows you to make purchases with payment within 120 days. The bank has special conditions for loans for education and.

    Summary: Pochta Bank is a universal retail bank with affordable loans for various purposes.

    Banks consumer loan

    Rosbank is part of the Societe Generale group, the leading universal European bank.
    The bank offers a “Just Money” loan without collateral in the amount of 50,000 to 3,000,000 rubles with an interest rate of 13.5% to 19.5% for a period of 13 to 84 months. A passport and a certificate of income are required; if the amount exceeds 400,000 rubles, the bank requests additional data. The credit limit may be increased upon presentation of information about additional income. More attractive conditions are offered for borrowers who receive wages into an account at Rosbank, employees of partner companies, pensioners, public sector employees, etc.
    Rosbank approves 8 out of 10 submitted loan applications.

    Summary: Rosbank offers loan programs at rates above average.

    Advantageous loan

    OTP Bank is a universal credit organization that is part of the international financial OTP Group.
    At OTP Bank you can get a loan in the amount from 15,000 to 4,000,000 rubles. Rates vary from 10.5% to 14.9%, determined by the bank taking into account the client’s risk level. Loan term up to 7 years. Application review time ranges from 15 minutes to 1 business day. There is a paid service “Change of payment date”.
    Bank offices in 3,700 locations across the country. In addition to individuals, the bank cooperates with representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, develops credit solutions for corporate clients, and is a reliable partner for financial institutions.

    Summary: OTP Bank provides loans to corporate clients and individuals, the interest rate is determined individually.

    Take a loan from a bank at a minimum interest rate

    UBRIR is the largest bank in Russia, offering high-quality service and simple financial solutions.
    The bank offers three types of loan products:
    ● “Available” loan - up to 200,000 rubles with an interest rate of 11% without certificates and guarantors only with a passport;
    ● “Open” loan - up to 1,500,000 rubles, rate from 11%, you need a passport and income certificate;
    ● “120 days” - from 30,000 to 299,999 rubles for 3 years. Interest for using the loan is not accrued for the first 120 days; after the grace period, the rate is 28-31%. For registration you need a passport and income certificate.
    Commission for maintaining a card account and withdrawing funds. Early repayment is free.

    Summary: UBRD provides loans for various requests at affordable interest rates.

    How to get a consumer loan at a low interest rate?

    Start with “your” bank. If you receive a salary on a card, apply for money to the bank that issued this card. You will probably enjoy lower interest rates and minimal requirements for the package of documents. For example: standard consumer loan at Alfa Bank 15.99%. And if you receive your salary on a card, the interest rate is reduced to 13.99%

    To increase your chances of finding the best deal, consider several options. Apply to two or three places at once, find out your individual rate and choose the bank that offers the most favorable conditions.

    Gather your documents. Many banks issue cash loans without proof of income, and sometimes simply with the passport of a Russian citizen. This is convenient, but if you are counting on low interest rates, try to confirm your financial situation with some documents. Best of all - a certificate in form 2-NDFL and a copy of the work book.

    Reasons for refusal and how to avoid them

    If you have already decided which bank is better to take a cash loan from the proposed list, you should be prepared for a possible refusal. There may be several reasons:

    1. Damaged history of past loans. This is either a completely unpaid debt or a late payment. For example, for Post Bank the critical moment is a delay of at least 5 days.
    2. Sometimes the age of the client can also make it difficult for young people under 21 to take out a small loan. However, there are exceptions to the rules.
    3. False information, such as salary, fake certificates or documents.
    4. Appearance can also serve as a reason for refusal, especially if you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
    5. When making a decision, the bank takes into account expenses, and if you already have existing loans, you should tell the bank employee about it.
    6. Returning to the topic of wages: it should be twice as high as the possible monthly payment. And that's the minimum.
    7. The bank will not approve a cash loan at a low interest rate if the borrower does not even have temporary registration where the branch of the financial institution is located.
    8. And you shouldn’t discount the fact that a bank may refuse to issue a profitable loan without explanation. The application will reach him if the automated system missed it.

    It's easy to get a cash loan at low interest rates.

    Just fix it:

    • If you don’t have a residence permit, apply for one. And remember: the longer its validity period, the larger the loan amount, and, accordingly, the more organizations where it is more profitable to take out a loan.
    • If wages are low, you can either find guarantors (wife-husband, brother-sister, cohabitant, etc.) or provide collateral (apartment, car).
    • If you have already made a choice about which bank to borrow cash from, but you have existing loans, theirs. Some organizations pay off debts based on the documents provided, and the person receives the remainder of the approved amount. Others allow themselves to close contracts in other banking institutions. And if documents are provided within one or three months, loan rates may decrease.

    Problems with BKI and several solutions.

    The first problem that can prevent a person from getting favorable interest rates on loans is a complete lack of credit history. This happens most often to young people. A financial institution carries great risks, so it is unlikely that you will be able to get profitable loans even with a high salary.
    The solution is to issue a couple of small or commercial loans and repay the loans without delays. Another option is to apply for a credit card, payments on which are also recorded by the Credit History Bureau (CBI).

    Bad credit history is the second problem. You cannot get a loan at a low interest rate in cash. Moreover, it can be damaged both through the fault of the borrower and through the fault of the bank. There are several solutions to the problem:

    • Bank loan rates if you issue a plastic card are higher, but this is a way out. Due to the so-called grace period, you can, for example, withdraw several tens of thousands of rubles from the card and put them back 2-3 days before the end of this period.
    • Before looking for banks that issue consumer loans with low interest rates, read the agreement if you have already taken out loans. It should tell the credit bureau where your payments will be recorded. It is advisable to contact them in advance and request a report, which will come in .pdf format. Moreover, you can request it 2 times in 1 year for free.

    It happens that, due to the fault of the bank, the Bureau is updated with incorrect information. And here the problem arises not in which bank is better to take out a loan, but how to correct the history, especially if you are sure that there were no such delays. It’s great if you have saved the receipts, but they will only be needed in case of problems with the bank.
    The steps are not complicated: an application is submitted on the BKI website indicating personal data (full name, passport), and a description of the situation with the financial organization (when the loan was taken out, contract number, whether there were any delays (if so - quantity, duration), what mistakes were made ). After 30 days, the Bureau must deal with the current situation and send a response.

    It is worth emphasizing two main points. First, take an interest in your history. Secondly, do not succumb to scammers’ persuasion that for a certain amount they will be able to fix it. This is wrong.
    The bureau can correct the history only if the borrower writes an application. And only in case of actual factual errors. But the dialogue will now be conducted exclusively between the Bureau and the organization issuing the loan and sending inaccurate borrower data.

    If the CI is bad, contact the microfinance organization. If you are approved by several microfinance organizations, choose the one with the best conditions. Banks, when they see a lot of loans from different microfinance organizations, regard this as the presence of financial problems.

    Which bank is better to take out a cash loan if you have a bad history? Pay attention, for example, to Sovcombank and its Credit Doctor program. It allows you to take out an amount for a short period of time just so that the Bureau receives a positive story. Other financial organizations also have such programs.

    1. After studying which bank has what interest rate on the loan, read reviews about it. Sometimes in the comments there are tips that will help you obtain a loan profitably.
    2. If the bank where it is profitable to take out a loan is a salary bank, then it is better to apply to it first. As a rule, such organizations reduce the package of documents down to one passport.
    3. If, when answering the question of where it is more profitable to take out a loan, you chose a bank with a deposit opened in it, refuse it. The situation is changing so quickly that a reliable bank today could lose its license tomorrow. Therefore, the deposit and insurance will not be paid until the debt is paid off.
    4. When deciding which bank to take out a loan from, go to the website, study all the conditions, even those written in small print, and calculate the possible payments at the minimum and maximum rates offered.
    5. Before deciding where it is better to take a loan, from which financial institution, fully consider all possible situations: loss of a job, loss of ability to work, and the like. It’s unpleasant when the bank agrees to a meeting, especially with a damaged credit history, and the borrower cannot repay the loan.

    Taking out a loan with better terms, rates, and interest rates is a normal desire of any person. We hope that the information you have read will help you do this with the least loss of time.

    AND . Two proposals are even for borrowers, but the rates are already higher. Issuance in cash or by card.

    First, a couple of tips:

    • Contact a bank you know. Banks offer the lowest rates to salary clients - they already know everything about your level of income and its regularity. Usually they don’t even ask for anything other than your passport. If this is not an option, go to where you have an open deposit or a credit/debit card. Or where they took out and repaid loans on time earlier.
    • Provide truthful information. You should not inflate your salary, especially where they ask for 2-NDFL certificates. Do not lie about other open loans, past or present delinquencies and other data that the bank will still request from the BKI. Any discrepancies between the questionnaire and reality are grounds for refusal.
    • Request an adequate amount. Ideally, the monthly payment on a loan should not exceed 30% of your official income, which you can at least somehow confirm. Don't fall within these boundaries? Reduce your “appetites” or increase the term - this will reduce your payment. For calculations.

    7 banks where you can get a consumer loan

    If you have a problem with obtaining a certificate confirming your income, then it is best to take a cash loan from MTS, Tinkoff or Homecredit, since they issue without certificates - only with a passport or two documents. If you are officially employed and receive a good salary, contact HomeCredit - they have the smallest percentage. And if you need it quickly, then go to MKB or MTS.

    ICD - can be obtained from 18 years of age

    • Maximum amount: 5,000,000;
    • Duration: Up to 5 years;
    • Percentage: From 9.9%
    • Documents: passport only;
    • Age: from 18 years old;
    • Review: no more than 1 hour.

    The main advantage is that they are issued at the age of 18; they can even apply, but a good credit history is required. With a bad one, they can also approve, but only if you have no arrears and past debts have been closed.

    They quickly review profiles in 10-20 minutes, with a high percentage of approvals and low percentages. Plus a minimum set of documents, a Russian passport is enough. But the low rate is only available when you activate the insurance service. For rates already from 13.9%.

    Vostochny - a large amount without certificates

    • Maximum amount: 15,000,000;
    • Duration: Up to 20 years;
    • Rate: From 9.9%
    • Documents: Russian passport;
    • Age: from 22 years old;
    • Review: on the day of application.

    One of the few banks that even if your credit history is damaged. Of course, no one will give out 15 million, but they approve it. And all you need is a passport. For large amounts, they may ask for a second document or confirm income.

    They work with individuals and... You can take it for a long period - you will overpay more, but the monthly payments will be feasible even for a small salary.

    Home loan - the smallest percentage for everyone

    • Duration: Up to 5 years;
    • Rate: From 7.9%
    • Documents: passport + 2nd additional;
    • Age: 22-70 years;
    • Review: 1 minute.

    Homecredit now offers the lowest interest rates, and if you have no problems with your credit history and obtaining a 2-NDFL certificate, it is best to take out a loan here.

    Instant decision on an online application - in just a minute you will receive approval, and you can go to the bank to get cash right today.

    They willingly issue loans to pensioners under 70 years of age (counted at the end, not the beginning, of the loan agreement). As an additional document you can use:

    • SNILS;
    • International passport;
    • Driver license;
    • Pensioner's ID.

    Raiffeisen - for reliable borrowers

    • Maximum amount: 2,000,000;
    • Duration: Up to 5 years;
    • Rate: From 8.99%
    • Documents: passport + income certificate;
    • Age: 23-70 years;
    • Review: 1-2 days.

    The bank is large, well-known, and can choose who to cooperate with and who to refuse. Therefore, the requirements for borrowers are quite stringent. A minimum of 6 months of experience in your current workplace and an income of 25,000 for Moscow and Moscow Region and 15,000 for other regions are required. Plus, you need to confirm your income with a 2-NDFL certificate.

    The smallest percentage is for large amounts from a million for Moscow and 700 thousand for the regions. And with insurance. If you refuse insurance, rates automatically increase by 4%. But you can apply for a small interest rate, and then - according to the law, you can do this unilaterally within 2 weeks.

    Tinkoff - online without visiting the bank at all

    • Maximum amount: 1,000,000;
    • Duration: Up to 3 years;
    • Rate: from 12%;
    • Documents: Russian passport;
    • Age: from 18 years old;
    • Review: 10-20 minutes.

    The most popular online bank in Russia, which has no branches anywhere except an office in Moscow, offers loans to almost everyone and without waiving 12% per annum. At the same time, the age threshold is low, you don’t need anything other than a passport, and you don’t even have to go to the bank. The card with money is delivered to your home or work by a courier, and you can withdraw it at any ATM. Including Tinkoff - there are now enough of them in any city.

    They approve almost without refusal and work with students, people who do not have an official job, or those who cannot confirm their income in any way, as well as with legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

    Gazprombank - without refusal with good CI

    • Maximum amount: 3,000,000;
    • Duration: Up to 7 years;
    • Rate: From 10.8%;
    • Documents: 2 documents + proof of income.
    • Age: 20-70 years;
    • Review: 10 minutes.

    The largest set of papers: in addition to the passport, you need a second additional one, confirming the identity of the borrower, as well as a 2-NDFL certificate or in the form of a bank, confirming income sufficient to pay the monthly payment. But if there are no problems with this, and the story is good, then up to 96% of all submitted questionnaires will be approved. They review them in 10 minutes, so you won’t have to wait long for a decision.

    Cash loan in Moscow

    Consumer lending is very popular among people with different income levels. Each bank has dozens of programs through which you can receive cash. Some of them provide for concluding a transaction without guarantors, security or proof of income. Thanks to this, the process of submitting an application and waiting for approval takes a minimum of time. Before filling out the form, carefully and soberly assess your capabilities: the debt along with interest will have to be repaid sooner or later. Spend some time comparing conditions and requirements across different organizations.

    What's on display here?

    In this catalog we have collected current offers from Moscow banks that provide cash issuance. Among them there are options without proof of income and without the need to provide collateral. The amount ranges from 200-300 thousand to 5 million rubles. Each offer is accompanied by detailed information on key parameters, requirements, a table of rates and necessary documents. To select a suitable solution, use the search filter - specify the amount, term and currency. The system will leave only what matches the entered data. To speed up your search, sort the available options by popularity and rate.

    How to make the right choice?

    Before you begin the application process, review all the terms and conditions and clarify the requirements. The following points are of great importance:

    • Monthly payment. Study the repayment schedule, which indicates the required payment monthly. Compare its size with your source of income. It would be a good idea to find out the full cost of the product, taking into account the “body”, interest and commissions.
    • Cost of related services. Sometimes banking institutions charge a fee for processing the application and issuing cash.
    • Redemption. Be sure to find out whether penalties are imposed for early repayment: partial and full. Additionally, learn about ways you can pay off debt. The more there are, the better for you.
    • Overdue. Find out how much it will cost you to delay your next installment.

    First, prepare your documents. Depending on the conditions, you will need a 2-NDFL certificate from your place of work and a copy of your work book. In addition, sometimes additional documents are required (for example, TIN or SNILS). Next steps:

    • Fill out the application form in the office or online.
    • Getting approval.
    • Visit the office at the appointed time.
    • Signing the necessary papers.
    • Issuance of funds at the cash desk.

    About our portal

    Today, the site facilitates the conclusion of transactions that are beneficial to both companies and their clients. We have collected the services of all banks, leading microfinance organizations, insurance companies and customs brokers in the country. Both individuals and business representatives can find suitable products on the site. To make your search faster, use our filters and interactive services. Based on feedback from clients and employees of organizations, we constantly update the “People’s” and “Service” ratings of banks, respectively. Check them out so you don't make a mistake when choosing a company.

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