When will the budget for the year be adopted? Correlation dependence of GDP

In the project approved by the government, projected revenues in 2018 were to be 15 trillion 182 billion rubles, expenses - 16 trillion 515 billion rubles. By the third reading in the State Duma, revenues were increased to 15 trillion 258 billion rubles, expenses - to 16 trillion 529 billion rubles. The projected budget deficit is 1.27 trillion rubles. (1.37% of GDP).

Compared to the original text of the budget law for 2017-2019, the parameters of income and expenses for 2018 increased by 1 trillion and 500 billion rubles. respectively.

The budget also includes a transition to a new budget rule starting in 2018. It implies that additional oil and gas revenues received from oil prices above the established level will be directed not to expenses, but to reserves. The base price for Urals oil is set at $40 per barrel in 2017 prices and is subject to annual indexation by 2% starting in 2018.

Budget for 2019-2020

In 2019, budget revenues are expected to amount to 15.54 trillion rubles, expenses - 16.38 trillion rubles, and a deficit of 819.1 billion rubles. In 2020, revenues are projected at 16.29 trillion rubles, expenses - 17.16 trillion rubles, and the budget deficit is projected at 869.9 billion rubles. It is planned that in 2018-2020 the Reserve Fund will not be used to finance the budget deficit, and in 2019-2020 the National Welfare Fund will be used minimally.

Budget priorities

As Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov stated, the main areas of spending federal budget in 2018-2020 the social sphere, defense and support will continue to remain national economy. The main volume of expenditures falls on the social sphere - 36.4%, on defense - 29%, on the national economy - 14.7%.

The budget provides for an increase in social obligations: the minimum wage in 2018 will be increased to 85% living wage(from January 2019 - up to 100%).

It is planned to spend 2.2 trillion rubles in 2018-2020 to implement the “May decrees” of the President of the Russian Federation.

Expenditures on national defense in 2018 will amount to more than 2.77 trillion rubles, which is 100 billion rubles. less than in 2017.

During the second reading, the following amendments were made to the budget: additional funds it was decided to allocate Russian companies railways"(25.9 billion rubles), RusHydro (1 billion rubles), United Aircraft Corporation (3.52 billion rubles).

Loans and income

The Ministry of Finance plans to receive external loans in 2018-2020 through the issuance of sovereign Eurobonds in the amount of $7 billion annually and for a period of up to 30 years. During this period, the Ministry of Finance can also exchange old issues of Eurobonds in the amount of up to $4 billion to reduce the volume of government external debt of the Russian Federation, reduce the cost of servicing it and reduce the total volume of payments on foreign debt. The volume of internal borrowings of the Ministry of Finance in the form of bonds federal loan(OFZ) is planned at 868 billion rubles. in 2018, 870 billion rubles. - in 2019 and 1.34 trillion rubles. - in 2020.

The Ministry of Finance plans to receive dividends from state-owned companies in the amount of 379.8 billion rubles in 2018. In 2019, this figure is expected to be 425 billion rubles, in 2020 - 456 billion rubles. The government expects to receive 36.63 billion rubles from the privatization of state assets: in 2018 - 13 billion rubles, in 2019 - 12.2 billion rubles, in 2020 - 11.4 billion rubles.

In the accompanying documents to the draft budget, the Ministry of Finance assumed that revenues from the export of fuel resources would decline. In the base scenario, the department expects a decrease in income from energy exports to $163.9 billion in 2018, to $162.8 billion in 2020. In a conservative scenario, the decline will occur to $134.5 billion in 2020. The government has included in the budget until 2020 a gradual decline in oil prices after the end of the OPEC+ agreement in March 2018.

Traditionally, the State Duma devotes the end of October to the beginning of November of each year to discussing state of the country next year. According to preliminary data, the Russian treasury project for 2018 is once again in deficit, expenses will again exceed budget revenues. At the same time, the authorities are convincing: the state budget is confidently moving towards balance, and in 2-3 years, it is planned not only to “patch” all the holes, but also to become “plus”.

In what ways is it planned to achieve positive economic dynamics in the country's main document? Which expense items will be saved on and which ones will be increased? Let's consider the key revenue and expenditure parts in the draft state budget of the Russian Federation for 2018.

What will it be filled with?

Traditionally, the sale of gas and oil is the largest portion of the Russian treasury's annual income. In the draft document for 2018, their share is planned to be reduced from 50% to 36%, however, this result, rather, not the systematic work of financial departments, but a reduction in the cost of raw materials themselves, and, as a consequence, a drop in income.

At the same time, the share of tax collections to the treasury is growing steadily: fiscal services have intensified not only the collection itself, but also work to prevent the concealment of income. In 2018, high hopes are also placed on the results of the tax authorities’ efforts to fill the state treasury.

A new source of money coming into the country’s budget in 2018 is an increase. They have already announced an increase in the excise tax on alcohol and tobacco products by 5-10%. It is also planned to gradually increase the excise tax on fuel - next year it will increase by as much as 1 ruble per liter, which may lead to the increase in gasoline prices exceeding the level. According to the calculations of the financial department, the expected fees from consumers of alcohol and tobacco products, as well as domestic motorists, should be brought to the treasury additional income approximately 100 billion rubles.

What will they spend the most on?

The sphere of social payments, the defense industry, security, and additional injections to support the economic sector continue to make up the largest share budget expenditures. 2018 is no exception.

Social payments are an annual compensation of the deficit Pension Fund, payments, programs for subsidizing utility bills and other compensation for preferential categories of citizens.

Modernization of the country's defense complex and rearmament have led to a huge increase in defense and security spending. At the same time, officials assure that spending on this sector is gradually planned to be reduced in the coming years.

Expenditures to support economic development have also increased: in 2018 and beyond, it is planned to extend subsidy programs for the agricultural industry and programs to support small businesses.

But in the field of medicine and housing and communal services, the state treasury for 2018 shows a significant reduction. Officials explain this by the fact that active modernization took place in the healthcare segment several years ago. At the same time, in the situation with housing and communal services, it will be possible to reduce costs by increasing utility bills and implementing the program overhaul systems

Main items of state budget expenditure in 2018

Spheres Planned to be released in 2018 How the amount has changed over 5 years (in%)
Defense and security4.88 trillion. rub.+17%
Social politics4.71 trillion rub.+24%
Economic support2.4 trillion. rub.+30%
State apparatus1.31 trillion rub.+54%
Region support835 billion rubles.+25%
Expenditures on public debt824 billion rubles.+129%
Education663 billion rubles.-1%
Healthcare460 billion rubles-8%
Housing and communal services126 billion rubles.-29%
Culture94 billion rubles-1%
Ecology89 billion rubles+271%
mass media83 billion rubles+8%
Sport102 billion rubles.-13%
Total 16.53 trillion. rub. +24%

How will the budget deficit be covered?

Despite the fact that in 2017, the state treasury shows a tendency to reduce the deficit, in 2018 the question of how to plug budget holes will also arise.

Less than 3 trillion rubles remain in the accounts of the Reserve Fund, which, in fact, will be exhausted by the end of 2017. According to announcements from financial departments, next year it is planned to use funds from the National Welfare Fund - currently there are about 4 trillion rubles in its accounts. However, the problem with their use is that about 50% of these funds are involved in long-term infrastructure projects, and it is not so easy to withdraw these funds. Therefore, in the end, only half of the Fund's money remains available to cover the budget deficit.

It is known that the external lending program will continue - the Central Bank will issue government bonds to the domestic and foreign markets. This will lead to growth again government debt. However, officials from the Ministry of Finance reassure: its size will not exceed 20% of the Russian one, which means it will remain in a conditionally safe zone.

Expected state budget revenues

Sphere 2017 2018
Oil and gas revenues
5.79 trillion rub.5.48 trillion. rub.
Receipts from4.9 trillion rub.5.62 trillion rub.
Excise taxes980 billion rubles.1.05 trillion rub.
Income tax725 billion rubles.806 billion rubles
Customs duties
555 billion rubles.572 billion rubles.
Other income1.57 trillion. rub.1.72 trillion rub.
Total 14.72 trillion. rub. 15.26 trillion. rub.

What will happen to oil and the ruble?

“Black gold” is predicted to grow on world markets, which cannot but affect the state of the national economy. The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation agrees with this. But economic experts at the Accounts Chamber are confident that oil will be even higher than predicted by the Ministry of Finance. Let us remind you that in the project of the financial department, the price of “black gold” in a three-year perspective is set at 45 per barrel.

Most likely, in 2018, oil will not be able to maintain its favorable positions for the ruble, which, accordingly, will affect the situation national currency. The country's main financial department believes that in 2018 the ruble to dollar exchange rate will be 65 to 1, instead of the usual 58 rubles per 1 US dollar in 2017.

Further Russian ruble, according to officials' forecasts, will continue to gradually fall relative to the inflation rate - by 2020 for the purchase of 1 American dollar they will ask for as much as 68 rubles.

Back in the first half of 2017, the planned budget for 2018 and 2019 was discussed, reviewed and adopted. At that time, 334 deputies voted for the adoption of the budget for 2018, 100 voted against, but there were no abstentions.

State Duma and latest news.

Approved State Duma The budget for a three-year period is a fairly important and significant document, which in turn provides for and is based on 2017 revenues in the amount of 13.487 trillion rubles, and expenses, in turn, amount to 16.240 trillion. As for the current year 2018, as well as 209, experts name the following numbers and levels for these two periods of time.

  • Firstly, 2018. Income will be 14.028 trillion rubles, and expenses will be 16.039 trillion rubles.
  • Secondly, 2019. Here, according to forecasts, income is 14.844 trillion rubles, and expenses will be 15.968 trillion rubles.

As a result, experts and analysts have concluded that the deficit for this year will be reduced to approximately 2.011 trillion.

But for 2019, up to 1.142 trillion. As you can see, there are significant shifts and changes that may lead to stabilization of the economic situation throughout the country.


In addition to the main budget, deputies also introduced and adopted a list of small but significant adjustments and amendments submitted for consideration by the government of the Russian Federation. According to the statistics available today, the number of amendments made to the Committee on Budget and Taxes was 551, of which only 301 amendments were considered and approved at a meeting of the State Duma, the remaining 214 amendments were rejected, and 36 were withdrawn directly by the authors themselves at the stage of their discussion and consideration. As experts note, such a number of redistributions have not happened for a long time, because more than 1 trillion rubles have been distributed over the three-year period. As Makarov himself claims, the redistribution of funds within the framework of the draft budget will become a reality and will be possible only through the prioritization of expenses and the redirection of money that was previously allocated for ineffective expenses. Moreover, the budget takes into account all those shortcomings and shortcomings that the president pointed out and named in his last Address to the Federal Assembly. Even Finance Minister Anton Siluanov himself, in a recent interview, noted the fact that the Ministry of Finance considers the budget to be fully finalized, and all its priorities are clearly defined.

Budget and its main points.

If you carefully and in detail study the budget for 2018, you can note and name the following most significant and priority areas, each of which is due to its own characteristics.

  • Firstly, support for credit institutions. In other words, as part of the amendments, additional subsidies will be made credit organizations, which in turn will be redirected directly to reimbursement of lost income from loans issued by enterprises operating in the field Agriculture. For 2018, this amount will be 12.652 billion rubles, but in 2019 it will be slightly less than 12.342 billion rubles. Moreover, a completely different amount of support will be allocated to support the agricultural sector, which this year will amount to 10 billion rubles.
  • Secondly, education and healthcare. There are also several important sub-areas highlighted here.
  1. 17.130 billion rubles will be allocated for the prevention of HIV and viral hepatitis B and C this year, and slightly less next year. The amount will be 16.756 billion.
  2. The Russian government planned to spend 1.578 billion rubles on preschool education in Crimea, and 1.480 billion rubles in 2019.
  • Thirdly, various social guarantees. According to the existing budget and real figures, additional funds, and this is up to 3.742 billion rubles for a three-year period, will be allocated and directed to the implementation of a program called “Accessible Environment”, as well as the created system of state guarantees for people with disabilities. As for the one-time payment to pensioners, the budget plans for this year to be just over 10.5 billion rubles. Money will also be allocated to support and maintain small businesses, which will amount to almost 13 billion rubles.
  • This is exactly what the country’s budget looks like for the period from 2017 to 2019. It is worth saying that today there are a large number of very different opinions speaking “for” and “against”.

    "Pros and cons".

    Among all the existing opinions, it is perhaps worth paying attention first of all to the following, each of which has an evidence base and, of course, is correct. For example, representatives of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the Liberal Democratic Party and A Just Russia. All these three parties oppose the adoption of such a budget, because, in their opinion, the budget is not just something, but the real destinies and lives of people. As a result of such a redistribution of funds, the crisis in the country will grow even more.

    Whether the country's budget for these years will be a salvation or, on the contrary, will lead the country into even greater decline, time will tell; we can only hope for the best.

    Draft budget for 2018. What numbers are included in it and what awaits us?

    • $43.8 per barrel– this price per barrel of Urals oil is included in the basic forecast of the Ministry of Finance for 2018.
    • 64,7 – annual average dollar exchange rate in 2018.
    • 3,7% – inflation.
    • 15.182 trillion. rubles - planned income budget in 2018. They are 1.5 trillion higher than the level.
    • 16.514 trillion. rubles – amount of expenses budget of the Russian Federation in 2018. Expenses remained at the same level.
    • 17,6% of which are classified.
    • Shortage in volume 1.332 trillion.(1.37% of GDP or 8.7% of revenue) will be financed from the National Welfare Fund. A little more than 4.2 trillion remains in the National Welfare Fund. rubles
    • 2,1% – this is how much Russia’s GDP will grow during 2018, the department believes.
    • 97.462 trillion. rubles($1.68 trillion) – projected GDP volume.
    • On 1 ruble will be promoted excise tax on gasoline from the new year.
    • 9,489 rubles will be equal to the minimum wage from January 1, 2018.
    • 868 billion rubles. The Ministry of Finance plans to borrow on the domestic market in 2018.
    • 453 thousand roubles.- size maternity capital for next year. It will not be indexed, just like 2 years before.
    • On 11% The article “Pension provision” is being reduced.
    • More than 2 times programs to support small businesses, integrated development of single-industry towns and e-health will be reduced.

    Budget expenditures 2018 by item: infographics

    Structure of budget expenditures 2018: table

    Articlemillion rubles%, 2018 %, 2017 Change
    Social politics4 966 417 30,96 30,79 +0,17
    National Defense2 729 151 17,01 17,23 -0,22
    National economy2 263 802 14,11 12,85 +1,26
    Law enforcement1 876 158 11,70 7,71 +3,99
    National issues1 224 647 7,64 6,69 +0,95
    Public debt servicing847 976 5,29 4,66 +0,63
    Interbudgetary transfers767 160 4,78 4,42 +0,36
    Education619 142 3,86 3,33 +0,53
    Healthcare410 021 2,56 2,2 +0,36
    Culture, cinematography93 079 0,58 0,56 +0,02
    Environmental protection77 973 0,49 0,52 -0,03
    mass media68 566 0,43 0,46 -0,03
    physical Culture and sport56 550 0,35 0,44 -0,09
    Housing and communal services39 043 0,24 0,36 -0,12

    The economic crisis today has significantly slowed down and the Russian Federation has begun to gradually recover, so it is worth discussing the Russian budget for 2018 in figures in detail. How full is the state budget? Russian Federation Should we expect a budget deficit? financial resources and how do the authorities plan to manage finances in 2018?

    Today, the main source of filling the state treasury is oil, and let the authorities today try to move away from the dependence of the federal treasury on raw materials, so far they have not been very successful. Accordingly, one cannot help but say that the budget of the Russian Federation for 2018 will completely depend on that, and the dependence in this case is very simple - the higher the cost of “black gold”, the more financial resources will be in the internal accounts of the Russian Federation.

    In modern times, most analysts are confident that the state is awaiting a new round of economic development, so we can expect the economy to begin to gradually grow in 2018. The projected GDP growth is 1.7%, and this is a direct damage to the fact that the state is recovering from the crisis, respectively, last news about the Russian budget for 2018 should look optimistic.

    The authorities have already presented to the public calculations for future period, but recently they have changed a little, because the factors influencing this or that area of ​​activity in the country remain unstable (experts strongly recommend regularly monitoring the updated ones, because the numbers change very quickly). According to the latest data, it can be said that the expected revenues to the federal treasury will be approximately 14 trillion rubles, but even with this it is unlikely to reach a self-sustaining level, while it is expected to be at the level of 2 trillion rubles.

    The indicators are calculated on the basis, but the most important influence on them is the cost of oil, with which literally all areas of government activity in Russia are very closely interconnected. The average expected oil price level will be around $40 per barrel, but it is worth taking into account the fact that the figure may change up or down. The authorities are considering reducing the production of petroleum products and thereby provoking an increase in their cost, but it is difficult to say how useful and effective this decision will be.

    What's worth knowing?

    Today the Russian budget for 2018 was adopted and we can say that the deficit in it will be relatively small (especially in comparison with last year’s period). The problem in this case is also that the authorities used almost all the funds from the Reserve Fund to cover their own expenses, which means that in the future they will not be able to use additional funds. Modern government officials are actively striving to reduce the size of external debt, and today the external debt of the Russian Federation to other countries is already less than three billion dollars.

    An additional item of expenditure will be the social sphere, because it is aimed at improving the well-being of the country's citizens. It must be said that about 30% of the state budget will be spent on this area of ​​activity, and you should not worry that the amount seems excessively high, because the “lion’s” share of the above Money will be aimed specifically at social support for citizens (it is approximately planned to finance four dozen programs).

    In conclusion, it is worth saying that the Russian budget for 2018 in dollars does not look particularly impressive, especially if you analyze how much money is needed to finance a particular area of ​​activity. Today, the first task for government officials is to find new sources of funding, and today they are doing everything to find them. They change the taxation system, promote the development of industry, agriculture and everything else, which means that soon the state budget deficit will become almost invisible, and the treasury will be filled with new financial revenues.