Grounds for initiating enforcement proceedings. Enforcement proceedings compensation for enforcement proceedings...

Question for a lawyer:

Lawyer's answer to the question:
Why were you late... while your application is being considered by the court, enforcement proceedings are suspended...

The statute of limitations for enforcement proceedings...

Question for a lawyer:

Lawyer's answer to the question: grounds for initiating enforcement proceedings
The period of enforcement proceedings of 2 months is not restrictive!

Lawyer's answer to the question: grounds for initiating enforcement proceedings
Performing actions are carried out within 2 months, and the period for presentation writ of execution for execution - 3 years.

Question for a lawyer:

Lawyer's answer to the question: grounds for initiating enforcement proceedings
You can appeal to the court that made the decision to suspend enforcement proceedings in connection with an appeal of the court decision until the issue is considered. Or ask the higher authority considering your complaint to suspend enforcement proceedings.

How to suspend enforcement proceedings...

Question for a lawyer:

Lawyer's answer to the question: grounds for initiating enforcement proceedings
The question is not clear - if a writ of execution is issued, does that mean the decision has entered into force? Are you reinstating the deadline for filing a complaint?

Lawyer's answer to the question: grounds for initiating enforcement proceedings
Anna, if an appeal is filed and accepted for proceedings, then the defendant has the right to appeal to the Arbitration Court that made the decision with a request to revoke the writ of execution.

Lawyer's answer to the question: grounds for initiating enforcement proceedings
Well then, write to the bailiffs an application to suspend the enforcement proceedings and give a copy of the court ruling ordering an appeal hearing.

Lawyer's answer to the question: grounds for initiating enforcement proceedings
The Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, and the Law on Enforcement Proceedings detail all the grounds and procedure for suspending the execution of a court decision. It makes sense to find these few articles of codes and laws - and everything will become clear to you. If you consider the actions or decisions of the Ministry of Finance to be illegal, then they can also be challenged by the creditor and the debtor in an arbitration court or in court if there are legal grounds.

Lawyer's answer to the question: grounds for initiating enforcement proceedings
According to Art. 39 of the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings”, the court that made the decision may suspend enforcement proceedings in the event of a challenge to the judicial act (decision) on the basis of which the executive document was issued. Contact the court with an application to suspend the application. production. If it is suspended, the court will send the ruling to where the writ of execution is located.

Lawyer's answer to the question: grounds for initiating enforcement proceedings
In order to revoke the writ of execution, an application for revocation of the writ of execution is submitted to the bank or other credit institution to which the writ of execution was previously presented.

How to speed up enforcement proceedings?...

Question for a lawyer:

Lawyer's answer to the question: grounds for initiating enforcement proceedings
If the bailiff does nothing, write a complaint against him addressed to a higher official.

Lawyer's answer to the question: grounds for initiating enforcement proceedings
Vika, I read several of your questions, this is complete chaos on the part of the bailiffs. They need to be pressed very seriously, appealing against their inaction in in the prescribed manner. As practice shows, when working competently with bailiffs, it is possible to achieve results wherever possible. You do not need to file any claims for alimony right now.

How to suspend enforcement proceedings?...

Question for a lawyer:

Lawyer's answer to the question: grounds for initiating enforcement proceedings
It is necessary to appeal the order to the court and on this basis it will be possible to suspend the legal proceedings

Lawyer's answer to the question: grounds for initiating enforcement proceedings
Send objections to the court order and inform the bailiff that you are appealing this court order.

Question for a lawyer:

Lawyer's answer to the question: grounds for initiating enforcement proceedings
it was you who should have submitted an application to the bailiff to search for the debtor

How to stop enforcement proceedings...

Question for a lawyer:

Lawyer's answer to the question: grounds for initiating enforcement proceedings
Good afternoon. It is necessary to appeal the actions of the bailiffs in court.

How to cancel Enforcement proceedings?...

Question for a lawyer:

Lawyer's answer to the question: grounds for initiating enforcement proceedings
If you file a lawsuit to challenge the decision to collect an overpayment of social benefits, then the bailiff is obliged to suspend enforcement proceedings at your request.

compensation for enforcement proceedings...

Question for a lawyer:

Lawyer's answer to the question: grounds for initiating enforcement proceedings
You know about debt. Pay! What is the question even about? What does this have to do with the address?

All the best.

The deadline for the completion of enforcement proceedings...

Question for a lawyer:

Lawyer's answer to the question: grounds for initiating enforcement proceedings
Article 15. Establishment and calculation of deadlines in enforcement proceedings

1. Time limits in enforcement proceedings are determined by a calendar date, an indication of an event that must occur, or a period during which the action can be performed.

2. Terms are calculated in years, months and days. Periods calculated in days do not include non-working days.

3. Unless otherwise established by this Federal Law, the course of a period calculated in years, months or days begins on the next day after the calendar date or the day of the occurrence of the event that determines the beginning of the period.

Article 16. Expiration of deadlines in enforcement proceedings

1. A period calculated in years ends on the corresponding month and day of the last year of the established period.

2. A period calculated in months ends on the corresponding day last month established deadline. If the end of a period calculated in months falls on a month that does not have a corresponding date, then the period ends on the last day of that month.

3. The period, calculated in days, ends on the last day of the established period.

4. Unless otherwise established by this Federal Law or another federal law, then in cases where the last day of the period falls on a non-working day, the first working day following it is considered the expiration date of the period.

5. The period specified in the executive document by the calendar date ends:

1) on the day immediately preceding the date specified in the executive document, if the executive document orders certain actions to be performed before this date;

2) on the day specified in the executive document.

6. An action for which a deadline has been established can be completed before twenty-four hours of the last day of the established period.

7. If an application, complaint, other documents or sums of money were submitted to the body or the person authorized to receive them or submitted to the post office before twenty-four hours of the last day of the established deadline, then the established deadline is not considered missed.

8. If the action must be performed directly in the organization, then the established period ends at the hour when the working day ends in this organization or the corresponding operations cease.

Article 17. Consequences of missing deadlines in enforcement proceedings

1. Missing the deadline established by this Federal Law, other federal laws or by the bailiff for fulfilling the requirements contained in the executive document entails liability provided for by this Federal Law and other federal laws. Missing a deadline does not exempt you from fulfilling the requirements contained in the writ of execution.

2. Missing the deadline established by this Federal Law, other federal laws for appealing to a higher official of the bailiff service decisions and actions (inaction) of the bailiff, other officials of the bailiff service, entails the return of the complaint to the person who filed it, without consideration essence. Such a complaint is considered not filed.

Article 18. Restoration of missed deadlines in enforcement proceedings

1. A missed deadline for filing a complaint can be restored provided that, simultaneously with the complaint, a petition to restore the missed deadline is filed and the official of the bailiff service considering the complaint recognizes the reasons for missing the deadline as valid, and the deadline for filing a petition to restore the deadline is reasonable.

2. The restoration of the missed deadline by a separate resolution of an official of the bailiff service is not formalized and is expressed in the acceptance of the relevant complaint for consideration on the merits.

3. The refusal to restore the missed deadline is formalized by a resolution of the official of the bailiff service who examined the petition. A copy of this resolution is sent to the person who filed the petition no later than the day following the day the resolution was issued.

4. The decision to refuse to restore the missed deadline may be appealed.

5. Restoration of missed deadlines for going to court is carried out by the court in the manner established procedural legislation Russian Federation.

Article 19. Suspension of deadlines in enforcement proceedings

1. The course of all unexpired terms is suspended simultaneously with the suspension of enforcement proceedings.

2. From the date of resumption of enforcement proceedings, the deadline continues.

Article 20. Extension of deadlines in enforcement proceedings

1. The period established by the bailiff may be extended by him at the request of the person participating in the enforcement proceedings. A decision is made on the extension or refusal to extend the period.

2. The decision to extend or refuse to extend the period established by the bailiff may be appealed.

Article 21. Time limits for presenting writs of execution for execution

1. Writs of execution issued on the basis of judicial acts, with the exception of writs of execution specified in parts 2, 4 and 7 of this article, may be presented for execution within three years from the date of entry into force of the judicial act or the end of the period established by granting a deferment or installment plan for its execution.

2. Writs of execution issued on the basis of judicial acts of arbitration courts, for which the arbitration court has restored the missed deadline for presenting the writ of execution for execution, may be presented for execution within three months from the date the court issues a ruling to restore the missed deadline.

3. Court orders may be submitted for execution within three years from the date of their issue.

4. Enforcement documents containing demands for the collection of periodic payments may be presented for execution during the entire period for which payments are awarded, as well as within three years after the end of this period.

5. Certificates issued by labor dispute commissions may be presented for execution within three months from the date of their issue.

6. Acts of bodies exercising control functions drawn up in the prescribed manner on the collection Money with the attachment of documents containing marks from banks or other credit organizations in which settlement and other accounts of the debtor are opened, about complete or partial failure to comply with the requirements of these authorities due to the lack of funds in the debtor’s accounts sufficient to satisfy these requirements, may be presented for execution within six months from the date of their return by a bank or other credit institution.


The provisions of Article 21 apply to decisions on the imposition of administrative punishment that entered into force after the date of entry into force of Federal Law No. 71-FZ of April 21, 2011.


7. Judicial acts, acts of other bodies and officials in cases of administrative offenses may be presented for execution within two years from the date of their entry into legal force.

(as amended by Federal Law dated April 21, 2011 N 71-FZ)

8. The deadlines for presenting for execution executive documents not specified in this article are established in accordance with federal laws.

Article 22. Break of the deadline for presenting a writ of execution for execution

1. The deadline for presenting a writ of execution for execution is interrupted:

1) presentation of a writ of execution for execution;

2) partial execution of the writ of execution by the debtor.

2. After the break, the period for presenting the writ of execution for execution is resumed. The time elapsed before the deadline is interrupted does not count towards the new deadline.

3. If the writ of execution is returned to the claimant due to the impossibility of its execution, the period for presenting the writ of execution for execution is calculated from the day the writ of execution is returned to the claimant.

4. If the execution of a judicial act, an act of another body or official has been delayed or suspended, then the period for submitting a writ of execution for execution shall be resumed from the day the execution of the judicial act, act of another body or official is resumed.

5. In the event of an installment plan for the execution of a writ of execution, the period for presenting it for execution is extended by the installment period.

6. The effect of parts 1 - 4 of this article does not apply to judicial acts, acts of other bodies and officials in cases of administrative offenses.

how to resume enforcement proceedings?...

Question for a lawyer:

Lawyer's answer to the question: grounds for initiating enforcement proceedings
in order to receive alimony in a fixed amount monetary amount The defendant, the ex-spouse, must have an irregular income, no permanent place of work, or be engaged in entrepreneurial activity for which it is not possible to determine the amount of income.

Article 438. Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation Resumption of enforcement proceedings

1. Enforcement proceedings are resumed by the court at the request of the claimant, bailiff or on the initiative of the court after the elimination of the circumstances that caused its suspension.

2. The periods for suspending enforcement proceedings established by federal law may be reduced by the court.

Lawyer's answer to the question: grounds for initiating enforcement proceedings
Yes, no one will pay you in a fixed sum of money, if the debtor’s salary is 7,000 rubles, do you want him to pay you 10,000?

how to terminate enforcement proceedings?...

Question for a lawyer:

Lawyer's answer to the question: grounds for initiating enforcement proceedings
Paradoxical as it may seem, you will have to obtain a writ of execution for the second case (about recognizing you as not having the right to use the apartment) and also present it to the bailiff service for execution. The proceedings will be combined and the bailiff will end them, since the requirements of court decisions are mutually exclusive.

Lawyer's answer to the question: grounds for initiating enforcement proceedings
write a statement to the bailiff service

how to resume enforcement proceedings...

Question for a lawyer:

Lawyer's answer to the question: grounds for initiating enforcement proceedings
Good afternoon.

A notarized copy of the writ of execution has no legal force.

You need to contact the court that made the decision with an application to issue a duplicate of the writ of execution. Based on the court ruling, the office workers will prepare a duplicate for you on stamp paper, which you will re-send to the Bailiff Service.

Sincerely, Deineko N.G.

Lawyer's answer to the question: grounds for initiating enforcement proceedings
Good afternoon, and then you need to contact the court that made the decision with an application to issue a duplicate of the writ of execution (your notarized copy has no legal force). Based on the determination, you will be given a duplicate of the writ of execution made on stamp paper.

Sincerely, Deineko N.G.

Lawyer's answer to the question: grounds for initiating enforcement proceedings
Contact the bailiffs with an application to issue a writ of execution and request a written refusal. The registered letter has an identification number, contact the post office with a request to search for the letter and receive a written response that you did not receive the letter in person (in person). Then you need to contact the court that made the decision with an application to issue a duplicate of the writ of execution.

Sincerely, Deineko N.G.

how to suspend enforcement proceedings?...

Question for a lawyer:

Lawyer's answer to the question: grounds for initiating enforcement proceedings
There are no grounds for suspending the IP.

How to resume enforcement proceedings?...

Question for a lawyer:

Lawyer's answer to the question: grounds for initiating enforcement proceedings
Dear Natalia!

The period for submitting a writ of execution is 3 years. If the proceedings are initiated, the execution of the actions may be indefinite. If you have withdrawn the writ, and a termination order has been issued, and 3 years from the date of issue have expired, the proceedings under this writ cannot be resumed.

Is enforcement proceedings legal?...

Question for a lawyer:

Lawyer's answer to the question: grounds for initiating enforcement proceedings
Enforcement proceedings are legal, most likely the writ of execution was issued on the basis court order which, in principle, could be endured in your absence. If you do not agree with this, then you should have written an application to cancel it to the same court within a month from the moment you learned about it.

Enforcement proceedings were illegally initiated...

Question for a lawyer:

Lawyer's answer to the question: grounds for initiating enforcement proceedings
Natalia. if the trial was 05.02. 2013, then the period for appeal may be restored. Upon your request to restore the period for appeal. If you don’t appeal, then what’s the point of arguing with the bailiffs, they act in accordance with the court’s decision.

Statute of limitations for enforcement proceedings...

Question for a lawyer:

Lawyer's answer to the question: grounds for initiating enforcement proceedings
Good afternoon.

2. Yes, but the bank must change the party from the old claimant to the new one.

3. No, this period is determined only for submitting a writ of execution to the bailiff to initiate enforcement proceedings.

Sincerely, Deineko N.G.

Tel. 200-87-02

Official website:

How to cancel enforcement proceedings...

Question for a lawyer:

Lawyer's answer to the question: grounds for initiating enforcement proceedings
Appeal this court decision and at the same time indicate in the complaint that a ruling has been issued to suspend enforcement proceedings until the court considers the case.

how to suspend enforcement proceedings...

Question for a lawyer:

Lawyer's answer to the question: grounds for initiating enforcement proceedings

Article 38. Postponement of executive actions and application of measures enforcement

1. The bailiff has the right to postpone enforcement actions and the application of enforcement measures at the request of the claimant or on his own initiative for a period of no more than ten days.

2. The bailiff is obliged to postpone enforcement actions and the application of enforcement measures on the basis of a judicial act.

3. The claimant’s application and the judicial act must indicate the date until which enforcement actions and the application of enforcement measures are postponed.

4. On the postponement or refusal to postpone enforcement actions or the application of compulsory enforcement measures, the bailiff shall issue a resolution, a copy of which, no later than the day following the day of its issuance, is sent to the claimant and the debtor, as well as to the court, other body or official, who issued the executive document. The resolution on the postponement of enforcement actions or the application of compulsory execution measures shall indicate the date until which the enforcement actions or the application of compulsory execution measures are postponed.

Article 40. Suspension of enforcement proceedings by a bailiff

1. Enforcement proceedings are subject to suspension by the bailiff in whole or in part in the following cases:

1) the death of the debtor, declaring him dead or recognizing him as missing, if the requirements or obligations established by a judicial act, an act of another body or official allow for succession;

2) loss of legal capacity by the debtor;

3) participation of the debtor in hostilities as part of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies created in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, performance by the debtor of tasks in conditions of a state of emergency or martial law, armed conflict or the request of a claimant located in the same conditions;

4) revocation from the debtor - credit organization license to carry out banking operations, with the exception of enforcement proceedings, which, in accordance with the Federal Law "On Banks and banking" is not suspended;

5) application by the arbitration court in relation to the debtor-organization of the bankruptcy procedure in the manner established by Article 96 of this Federal Law;

6) the court accepts for consideration the debtor’s claim for a deferment or installment plan for collecting the enforcement fee, reducing its size or for exemption from collecting the enforcement fee;

7) referrals by the bailiff to the Federal tax service or the Bank of Russia notice of seizure of the property of the debtor organization specified in paragraph 4 of part 1 of Article 94 of this Federal Law.

2. Enforcement proceedings may be suspended by the bailiff in whole or in part in the following cases:

1) the debtor is undergoing treatment in a stationary medical institution;

2) search for the debtor, his property or search for a child;

3) requests of the debtor passing military service upon conscription in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies created in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

4) sending a resolution to order certain enforcement actions and (or) apply certain enforcement measures in accordance with Part 6 of Article 33 of this Federal Law.

So, the litigation is over, and the claimant receives a writ of execution in his favor. But it’s too early to rejoice. At this stage, only half of the work is done. The most difficult thing remains - to collect what is due from the debtor. Here you can proceed in this order:

  1. Notifying the defendant in writing of the initiation of enforcement proceedings. This is usually done by a bailiff. He must take necessary actions to enforce all points court decision;
  2. In turn, the defendant is obliged to pay the plaintiff what is due within the period established by the bailiff. If this does not happen for any reason, and the enforcement official fails to act, steps should be taken to expedite enforcement proceedings.

What is acceleration of enforcement proceedings?

Acceleration of enforcement proceedings means total control over the actions of the bailiff in order to quickly obtain a sum of money/property/property rights from the debtor in favor of the claimant. Such actions are taken if bailiff:

  • Deliberately delays the case without justifying his actions at the legal level;
  • Inactive for no apparent reason.

In addition, the process can be accelerated if the defendant completely ignores the bailiff’s orders and the deadlines for their implementation. As a result, the plaintiff gets what he needs with the help of competent lawyers.

Important: in accordance with Russian legislation, a civil servant of the FSSP ( Federal Service Bailiffs) is obliged to involve the debtor in the execution of all points of the court decision within two months. If this does not happen within the specified period, the claimant has every right to begin accelerating enforcement proceedings.

Legitimate methods to speed up the process

To obtain positive results in enforcement proceedings, it is recommended to use the services of a lawyer. Specialists, relying on their own knowledge base and practical experience, speed up the process and resolve it in favor of the client. This is exactly how the lawyers of the consulting company “Audit PRO” work. For 23 years now, the company’s specialists have been defending the interests of their clients in the courts and other authorities in Moscow, the Moscow region and Zelenograd. If enforcement proceedings are delayed, the client of “Audit PRO” is guaranteed to receive the following services from the lawyer:

  • Control of receipt of the writ of execution by the state bailiff at the place of registration of the defendant;
  • Control over the timing of initiation of enforcement proceedings (no later than 10 days from the date of receipt of the document);
  • Requesting and receiving the necessary information from the bailiff about the progress of the process;
  • Assistance in drawing up petitions addressed to the bailiff for additional verification of the defendant’s solvency and control over the actions of the civil servant in this direction;
  • Professional assessment of the debtor’s solvency and informing the FSSP employee about this;
  • Filing a complaint against an official in the event of his inaction regarding the implementation of all points of the court decision.

“Audit PRO” lawyers thoroughly know and understand the legislation of the Russian Federation, and therefore work with 100% efficiency. With this approach to business, the client of the consulting company wins in any case.

– This is perhaps the most difficult, lengthy and unpleasant part of the debt collection process. The court decision to collect the debt in your favor must be executed immediately and at the same time. But the debtor is in no hurry to comply with the court’s resolution even after the end of the trial. This is when enforcement proceedings begin. It may take from 2 months, established Federal Law 229 “On enforcement proceedings”, up to several years. The Legal Support Center will help you speed up the process of executing a court decision and control the execution of enforcement proceedings.

Stages of enforcement proceedings

As mentioned above, debts can take a very long time to be repaid. This happens because most of the time is taken up by paperwork and the lack of organization and proper level of qualifications in the actions of bailiffs. The bailiff must take measures to establish the location of the debtor and his property, to search for funds and sources of income of the debtor.

Enforcement proceedings can be divided into several stages:

  • Presentation of the writ of execution to the bailiff service and initiation of enforcement proceedings
  • Notifying the Debtor about the initiation of enforcement proceedings and providing the Debtor with the opportunity to voluntarily execute the court decision (this aspect is very important when applying subsequent collection tools within the framework of enforcement proceedings)
  • Search for the Debtor's property, funds and other assets belonging to him, preliminary assessment of identified assets.
  • Taking measures aimed at limiting the Debtor's rights, seizing accounts, foreclosure on funds and income of the Debtor.
  • Control and support of the execution of procedural decisions of the bailiff with the subsequent transfer of collected funds in favor of the claimant.
Describes a very labor-intensive and difficult process, during which you will lose a lot of time and health, taking into account the specifics of the activities of bailiffs and officials executing his decisions.
At first it seemed that all you had to do was win the case and that would be the end of it. However, as has already become clear, this is only the beginning of the collection process.

How to speed up the enforcement process

Contact the Legal Support Center for help. During the consultation, the lawyer will examine the circumstances of the case in detail and will be able to explain the methods and procedures on how to speed up the process of conducting enforcement proceedings. In addition, our lawyers can monitor the actions of the bailiff, petition for the application of certain measures provided for by law, aimed at forced collection debt.
Documents and decisions made by the bailiff are requested and studied. Certain actions of the bailiff are appealed, challenges and petitions are filed, applications are drawn up, a continuous process of support of enforcement proceedings takes place, aimed at the result - debt collection!
In addition, our employees can independently search for the debtor and conduct an independent assessment of his property. You will be aware of everything that is happening, the debt can be collected much faster. If the bailiff is not always interested in completing the process, then our lawyers take your side and work for a positive and quick result.

Making a court decision is not the last point in resolving any dispute, both for the plaintiff and the defendant. We all know that the actual execution of a court decision depends not only on the actions of bailiffs, but also on the participation of interested parties in this process, their perseverance and legal literacy.

We are ready to help both the claimant and the debtor in conducting enforcement proceedings.

To protect the interests of the claimant, we take the following actions:
-preparation of a set of documents for transfer to the bailiff service or to the debtor’s bank (application to initiate enforcement proceedings, covering letter, a set of attached documents, if necessary - an application for seizure of known property of the debtor);
- filing an application to initiate enforcement proceedings to the bailiff service or to the debtor’s bank;
- monitoring the legality, and most importantly, the timeliness and efficiency of the actions of the bailiff;
- competent preparation and submission of complaints, monitoring their effectiveness, as well as judicial appeal against the actions/inactions of the bailiff (if necessary);
- petition to disqualify the bailiff (if necessary);
- filing an application for an inventory and seizure of the debtor’s property and other actions;

To speed up the enforcement process, we perform the following actions:
-transfer of acts of the bailiff to credit institutions, which revealed the presence of accounts/deposits belonging to the debtor;
- in case of seizure of the debtor’s property - search for this property (including participation in enforcement actions for direct seizure), and in case of property being found in third parties - transfer of documents to the court and participation in legal proceedings;
-full control over the progress of the sale of the debtor’s property;

In our work, we try, together with the bailiff, to find ways to solve emerging problems. Upon completion of our work on enforcement proceedings We provide the client with a full report on the work done in the form of a copy of the enforcement proceedings describing our actions and the actions of the bailiff.

When protecting the interests of the debtor, our lawyers carry out the following actions:
-professional legal advice on the course of enforcement proceedings and its prospects;
- assessment and analysis of the legality of the actions of bailiffs;
- assistance in postponing the execution of judicial acts, installment plans, changing the method of implementation, etc. (by preparing and submitting applications to the court on these issues, participating in court hearings, receiving court documents and submitting them to the bailiff);
- if necessary and desired by the customer - delaying enforcement proceedings by filing numerous complaints against the actions of the bailiff (quite often this method can actually contribute to the endless delay of enforcement proceedings without actual execution);
- drawing up and filing complaints in the event of illegal actions committed by judicial officers, participation in the resolution of these complaints;
-providing assistance in releasing seized property;
- recovery of damage caused as a result of enforcement proceedings bailiffs(breaking locks, damaging property during enforcement proceedings, etc.).

Other legal services in enforcement proceedings:
Our agency’s specialists provide other legal assistance to their clients in the form of:
- written and oral consultation on issues of enforcement proceedings;
- conducting negotiations with an opponent on the voluntary execution of a court decision;
- appealing individual actions or inactions of the bailiff service;
- appealing the actions of the debtor or creditor in court

The following is a list of legal services provided by usin the field of enforcement proceedings is not exhaustive. The volume and type of legal assistance provided is determined for each application on an individual basis.

The cost of services for conducting enforcement proceedings depends on the type of service and form of payment:
Conducting enforcement proceedings on the part of the claimant - from 10,000 rubles for a period of work of four months. It is possible to conclude an agreement with payment as a percentage of the funds actually received by you.
Conducting enforcement proceedings on the part of the debtor - from 2000 rubles per month. A fixed payment for a certain period or a list of actions is possible.
Preparation of documents - from 1,000 rubles.
Consultations - from 500 rub. (provided free of charge upon concluding any contract with our organization).
In any case, all conditions are discussed individually. This list of prices is indicative.