Sample instructions for storing goods and materials in a warehouse. Warehouse Regulations

For the successful development of any enterprise, regardless of its form of ownership and type of activity, it is necessary to properly organize

In most cases, a separate, well-equipped and guarded room is allocated for storing goods. Thanks to warehouse accounting, the safety of the entire volume of commodity and material assets is ensured.

This is especially important for companies specializing in the sale and production of products, where it is necessary to have constantly updated data on goods sold and remaining in stock.

According to the order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia, the organization of warehouse operations is entrusted to the financially responsible person.

15–20 years ago, almost everyone commercial organizations Warehouse operations were carried out manually, since not all enterprises could afford to use computer equipment.

Today the situation has changed dramatically and warehouse accounting is carried out using a specially developed software and full.

  • The warehouse can be used for the following purposes:
  • for storage of goods subject to further sale;
  • for storing finished products;
  • for storing work clothes, equipment, rags, personal protective equipment, etc.;
  • for storing spare parts and components involved in production and repair processes;
  • for responsible storage of commodity and material assets.

What are the requirements for warehouse workers?

Not a single warehouse will operate effectively without the participation of such highly qualified specialists as: warehouse manager, storekeeper (if the warehouse belongs to large enterprise, then there may be several storekeepers) and of course, the operation of a warehouse is unthinkable without loaders and cleaners.

Each warehouse employee is assigned certain responsibilities that must be specified in the accounting policy enterprises.

Requirements for a warehouse manager The warehouse manager must competently organize the work of all employees under his command. He personally controls all movements in the warehouse: the arrival of goods, the consumption of goods, the internal movement of goods.

The warehouse manager is also financially responsible for the safety of the commodity and material assets entrusted to him.

Specialists who meet the following requirements can apply for this position:

  • people with secondary or higher education in specialties related to accounting, finance and economics;
  • people who previously held leadership positions;
  • people who have a certain amount of experience working in a warehouse (if they have the appropriate education).

Requirements for a storekeeper Storekeeper is a warehouse worker whose responsibilities include organizing warehouse accounting of material assets. Every day it performs the following functions:

  • accepts goods and material assets received at the warehouse;
  • checks their accompanying documentation;
  • independently enters data on the arrived goods into warehouse accounting documentation;
  • issues commodity and material assets;
  • issues expenditure documents;
  • makes appropriate notes in warehouse accounting documentation;
  • carries out re-inventory of goods and material assets available in the warehouse, etc.

Requirements for loaders and junior service personnel Admission of people to the position of warehouse loader is subject to the candidate meeting certain requirements.

In particular, the loader must: be in good health, be physically fit, and must be able to operate specialized equipment that is usually involved in lifting and moving large amounts of cargo (forklifts). An additional requirement for a candidate for the position of a loader is the absence of bad habits.

Junior service personnel must keep the warehouse clean, doing regular dry and wet cleaning, and also remove accumulated garbage in a timely manner.

Documents for organizing warehouse accounting of inventory items

Warehouse employees must fill out primary documentation when performing any business transaction relating to commodity and material assets.

Their responsibilities also include drawing up regular reports that relate to the internal documentation of the enterprise. The terms and procedure for their preparation are established directly by the management of the company that owns the warehouse.

According to the current legislation in Russia Federal legislation, the organization of warehouse accounting at the enterprise should occur with appropriate documentation each completed transaction with inventory items.

Such documents include:

  • act of form MX - 1 “On acceptance and transfer of goods and materials for storage”;
  • act form MX - 3 “On the return of inventory items that were deposited”;
  • warehouse receipt;
  • warehouse receipt;
  • powers of attorney M - 2, M - 2a, on the basis of which you can receive goods from the warehouse on behalf of any enterprise;
  • receipt order M – 4 – a document necessary for accounting for inventory items arriving from suppliers;
  • acceptance certificate of goods and materials M-7, which indicates all the data on the goods received at the warehouse;
  • limit-fence card M-8;
  • invoice – requirement M-11. Used for internal inventory accounting;
  • invoice M-15, filled out when shipping commodity and material assets to third parties;
  • inventory card M-17, intended for in-warehouse accounting of material assets;
  • act of receipt of goods and materials M-35, filled out when dismantling fixed assets, etc.

In addition to primary documentation, each warehouse must maintain accounting registers, into which responsible persons regularly enter relevant data.

Responsibility for knowing the nomenclature of commodity and material assets, their varieties, types, properties, etc., rests with the storekeeper. This warehouse employee must know the warehouse, freely navigate the premises and, at the first request of the recipient, issue the required amount of goods and materials.

At the end of each month, the warehouse manager must summarize his work. To do this, he studies the warehousemen's reports and enters summary data (the exact number of items received and shipped per reporting period goods) in the warehouse accounting book.

After this, they collect all received and written out primary documents and, together with the completed collection card (in addition to data on inventory items, it contains information regarding returnable packaging), is transferred to the accounting staff.

Responsibility for violations in the organization of warehouse accounting

In the event that warehouse employees violate the requirements of current legislation regarding the documentary accounting of the receipt or expenditure of commodity and material assets, the responsible persons are subject to financial sanctions.

Subsequent violations occurring within one reporting year, may result in increased penalties, the amount of which may increase. These requirements, which include the correct organization of accounting for warehouse operations, are regulated by Article 120 Tax Code Russian Federation.

Every manager who has been working for a long time or just open LLC, a commercial or government enterprise must take a responsible approach to organizing the work of its warehouse.

This applies to both cooperation with highly qualified specialists and modern technical equipment of the warehouse (computer equipment, specialized lifting equipment, etc.).

Regular monitoring of warehouse operations will help prevent the theft of commodity and material assets, which negatively affects the financial well-being of any enterprise, regardless of its form of ownership.

I APPROVED _____________________________________ (name of the position of the head of the enterprise)

____________________________________ (full name, signature)

"____"___________________ _____ G.


about the warehouse


1.1. The warehouse is a structural unit of the logistics department of the enterprise and reports directly to ____________________________.

1.2. The warehouse was created on the basis of the order of the head of enterprise No. _____ dated "__"_______ ____.

1.3. The warehouse manager and employees are appointed and dismissed by order of the head of the enterprise upon the proposal of the head of the logistics department.

1.4. The warehouse is guided in its work by:

Federal laws of the Russian Federation;

Decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation;

Resolutions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation;

Laws of the subject of the Russian Federation;

Charter of the enterprise;

By these Regulations.

1.5. The warehouse should have documents and materials on the following issues:

Regulatory and methodological materials on the organization of warehousing;

Standards and technical conditions for storage of inventory items;

Types, sizes, brands, grades and other qualitative characteristics of inventory items and their consumption rates;

Organization of loading and unloading operations;

Rules and procedures for storage and warehousing of inventory items, regulations and instructions for their accounting;

Terms of contracts for the transportation and storage of goods, for the rental of warehouse space and equipment;

The procedure for payment for services rendered and work performed;

Methods for the effective use of office equipment and other technical means of managerial work;

Internal labor regulations;

Labor protection rules and regulations.


2.1. The structure and staff of the warehouse are approved by the head of the enterprise.

2.2. The warehouse management is carried out by the warehouse manager.

2.3. The warehouse includes (specify positions):

- ___________________________________________________________;

- ___________________________________________________________;

- ___________________________________________________________;

- ___________________________________________________________.


3.1. Uninterrupted supply of structural units of the enterprise with material and technical assets.

3.2. Safety of stored inventory items.


In accordance with the tasks assigned to it, the warehouse performs the following functions:

4.1. Reception, storage and release of inventory items, their placement taking into account the most rational use of warehouse space, facilitating and accelerating the search for necessary materials, equipment, etc.

4.2. Ensuring the safety of stored inventory, compliance with storage regimes, rules for registration and delivery of receipts and expenditure documents.

4.3. Ensuring the availability and serviceability of fire fighting equipment, equipment and inventory in the warehouse and their timely repair.

4.4. Carrying out loading and unloading operations in compliance with labor safety standards, rules and instructions.

4.5. Collection, storage and timely return of loading details to suppliers.

4.6. Carrying out inventories of inventory items.

4.7. Maintaining records of warehouse operations and established reporting.

4.8. Development and implementation of measures to improve the efficiency of warehousing, reduce costs for transportation and storage of inventory, and introduce modern means into the organization of warehousing computer technology, communications and communications.

4.9. Organizes the maintenance of regulatory and reference information related to the functions of the warehouse.

4.10. Ensures, within its competence, the protection of information constituting state secrets and other information of limited distribution.

4.11. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, carries out work on the acquisition, storage, recording and use of archival documents generated during the operation of the warehouse.

The assignment to a warehouse of functions that are not within its competence is not permitted.


To solve the tasks assigned to it, the warehouse has the right:

5.1. Inquire at in the prescribed manner from the structural divisions of the enterprise information (materials) on issues within the competence of the warehouse.

5.2. Create expert and working groups on the problems of supplying the structural divisions of the enterprise with material and technical assets.

5.3. Make suggestions on issues within the competence of the warehouse.


6.1. In the process of production activities of the enterprise, the warehouse interacts with the following structural divisions:

- _____________________________________________________,

- _____________________________________________________.


7.1. The warehouse manager bears full responsibility for the quality and timely fulfillment of the tasks and functions assigned to the warehouse by these Regulations.

7.2. The responsibility of warehouse workers is established by current legislation and job descriptions.

7.3. The manager and other warehouse employees bear personal responsibility for the compliance of the documents they prepare and transactions with material and technical assets with the legislation of the Russian Federation.


8.1. Timely and high-quality implementation of set goals and objectives.

8.2. High-quality performance of functional duties.

Warehouse Manager: ___________/_______________/

All procedures for receiving, storing, moving, and releasing goods from the warehouse must be documented using appropriate documents and reflected in warehouse records. Manual preparation of documents is becoming a thing of the past: today, warehouse accounting is carried out using special programs and services. Read about automation of warehouse accounting operations and programs for maintaining warehouse document flow in our material.

What you will learn about:

Automation of warehouse accounting operations

The range of goods in the warehouse of a simple average company may contain several tens of thousands of units. And the safety of such a quantity of goods depends on the quality of warehouse accounting.

Some warehouses with a small range of goods keep inventory records in Excel, but modern entrepreneurs who try to keep their business up to date have long appreciated the advantages and convenience of warehouse process automation programs.

Why is warehouse automation necessary?

First of all, it is necessary because the occurrence of problems in the operation of warehouses can entail significant financial losses for business owners.

For example, due to the incorrect location of goods, due to improper reporting, erroneous accounting of balances, due to the human factor - inattention, personnel errors, as well as irrational use of the warehouse area, the entire process of the warehouse operation is slowed down, the system begins to fail.

Small warehouses with a narrow list of goods may remain unautomated, but if the business owner is focused on development and does not want to stop there, then automation of warehouse accounting operations is the most important step in the work, which will bring visible results in a very short time.

The main advantages of warehouse automation are:

  • Addressed storage of goods;
  • Systematization of the nomenclature directory of goods;
  • Operational accounting of incoming products;
  • Fast receipt, expenditure, write-off of goods;
  • Detailed arrangement of goods in the warehouse;
  • Control of stocks and balances of goods online;
  • Reservation management;
  • Drawing up documents for organizing warehouse operations in automatic mode;
  • Facilitation of the inventory process;
  • Facilitating the process of searching for goods in the warehouse;
  • Reducing the number of errors in goods accounting;
  • Reducing the amount of work for warehouse employees;
  • Printing price tags and labels;
  • Online tracking of processes and stages of customer goods orders;
  • Competent and effective management warehouse area;
  • Increasing warehouse productivity.

And these are just the main advantages that any warehouse acquires after process automation. You can automate warehouses using various programs and at different levels: partial, basic, full - it all depends on what automation goals are pursued by the company’s management and what result is planned to be obtained.

To fully appreciate all the benefits of warehouse automation, use the Business.Ru program. The program has an intuitive interface with the ability to customize it for the user. All of the above benefits are already included in the basic functionality of the Business.Ru program.

That is, you can automate, for example, only the main warehouse operations, or you can automate all warehouse processes completely from “a” to “z”. An undeniable advantage that a business owner will receive after automating a warehouse is the preparation of documents for organizing the work of the warehouse.

As you know, all procedures for receiving, storing, moving, and releasing goods from warehouses must be documented using appropriate documents and must be reflected in warehouse records.

And, if previously it was necessary to draw up documents manually and spend a huge amount of time on this, then after the implementation of warehouse automation, all documents will be generated automatically, in the shortest possible time and with the exception of any errors. This means that the process of preparing warehouse documents will be simplified and accelerated significantly.

Types of warehouse documentation

Let's consider the main types of primary accounting documents necessary to formalize procedures for receiving, storing and selling goods in a warehouse.


Warehouse document


Reception of goods

Invoice from suppliers

The document is the basis for the receipt of goods.

Purchase Invoice

The document is drawn up on the basis of an invoice from the supplier and is necessary for accounting for products arriving at the warehouse

Consignment note according to form No. 1-T

The primary accounting document is issued to confirm the fact of acceptance and transfer of goods and materials that were delivered by transport. The first part of the invoice consists of a commodity section, which serves to write off goods from shippers and post them to consignees. The second part, transport, serves to record the work carried out transport work and payments for goods transportation services.

M-4. Receipt warehouse order

It is drawn up to account for materials and goods that arrive at the warehouse from suppliers, and is written out for the entire amount of inventory items actually received on a certain day. It can only be issued on the basis of another document, for example, an invoice.

M-7. Certificate of acceptance of materials

It is issued when goods and materials are not received from suppliers in full or without accompanying documents, or in cases where the documentation states a certain quality and quantity of goods, but the actual delivery is different, that is, there are discrepancies. Based on the Act, a claim to the counterparty is drawn up.

TORG-1. Certificate of acceptance of goods

It is drawn up to record inventory items upon acceptance and after checking the delivered goods for quality, quantity, weight, and completeness. Filling out the Act in the TORG-1 form is confirmation that the accepted goods have been checked and accepted into the warehouse/store.

TORG-2. Act on the established discrepancy in quantity and quality when accepting goods and materials

It is issued if, upon acceptance of the goods, the consignee discovers discrepancies in the quantity or quality of the goods that were specified in the sales contract or a discrepancy between the goods and its accompanying documents.

Storage of goods

TORG-11. Product label

To record goods in places of their storage, a product label is used, which is drawn up for each name of goods and is stored along with the goods. Contains information: product name, article number, grade, quantity of goods in stock. Information from the product label is necessary to fill out the inventory list.

M-17. Material accounting card

It is drawn up to record the movement of materials that are in storage in the warehouse and record their location. For each type, grade, size of goods, its own accounting card is filled out based on incoming documents, for example, an order in the M-4 form, on the day of the transaction.

Moving goods in the warehouse

M-11. Request-invoice

It is issued when moving goods within divisions of an enterprise or, for example, between materially responsible persons. One copy remains at the warehouse delivering the goods, and the second is given to the person receiving the goods. This document also formalizes the delivery to the warehouse of unspent materials that were previously received upon request.

TORG-13. Invoice for internal movement, transfer of goods, containers

It is issued during the internal movement of goods from the parent organization to its subsidiary using the company’s own transport. Used for accounting within an organization inventories and is drawn up in two copies for the structural unit delivering the goods and for the receiving unit for the posting of valuables.

Issue (disposal) of goods from the warehouse

M-15. Invoice for issue of materials to the side

It is issued when transferring material assets from one organization to another, as well as when disposing of materials after their sale. One of the copies of this document is necessary for the release of materials from the warehouse, and the second is transferred to the recipient of the materials. The invoice in form M-15 indicates the price of materials shipped from the warehouse. More often, an invoice is used when there is a need to accompany goods and materials from the warehouse of the head enterprise to its divisions located geographically in other places.

TORG-12. Packing list

It is issued for the direct release of goods from the warehouse when they are sold to third-party enterprises and for accounting for relevant operations. One copy of the consignment note remains with the seller and confirms the fact that the goods have been written off, and the second is given to the consignee as the basis for recording the goods and materials.

TORG-16. Certificate of write-off of goods

Issued when goods are damaged for various reasons. Based on this act, materials and goods are transferred from used to unused and then written off.

As we can see, there are quite a lot of the most important primary warehouse accounting documents, and manually filling out each of them is a long and labor-intensive process. Modern systems warehouse accounting automation allows you to generate various types of such documents immediately in electronic form, with the ability to print them out and subsequently store and use them.

Today, computer programs are increasingly used to generate acts, invoices, and product cards. One of the most convenient and functional is considered to be an online service for automating the work of online stores, retail and wholesale trade, and warehouses called. Let's consider the capabilities of this program in terms of maintaining warehouse records and document flow in the warehouse.

Software for maintaining warehouse document flow “”

"" offers all the necessary tools for trade and warehouse for both individual entrepreneurs and medium-sized companies. The ability to automatically fill out document forms is provided in the Online program for trade and warehouse “Business.Ru”.

In addition, users have long appreciated other convenient functions of the program in terms of automation of warehouse accounting and warehouse document flow.

In the Business.Ru service, current standard document forms are filled out automatically;

  • Documents are printed immediately with the signature and seal of the organization;
  • In the Business.Ru program, letterheads are created with the company’s logo and details;
  • Using the Business.Ru program to automate warehouse accounting, the user has the ability to unload necessary documents in Excel, PDF, CSV formats;
  • The program has a built-in function for sending documents to counterparties by email;
  • The program integrates with the 1C: Accounting program
  • The Business.Ru program has the ability to create commercial proposals using the user’s own templates.

An undeniable advantage of the online program for trade and warehouse “” is the availability of all documents for organizing the work of a warehouse directly in the system, as well as the ability to print fifty current forms of primary documents.

By automating the company's warehouse accounting using an online service, an entrepreneur can control all warehouse operations for acceptance, posting, write-off, inventory, goods, track all internal movements of goods in the warehouse and shelf life of products, and quickly and easily carry out inventory.

Thanks to a convenient program, a business owner can plan inventory of goods, taking into account the pace of sales, delivery methods and lead times of orders from suppliers.

It is also possible to keep records of consignments of goods, and the number of warehouses that can be “introduced” into the system is unlimited. Users can also get statistics on the turnover of goods by warehouses, batches, and analysis of illiquid goods for which there were no sales for a certain period.

Thanks to the online service, the user can quickly and easily track related documents, write out all Required documents, invoices, delivery notes, certificates of work performed.

Absolutely all users of the program appreciated its convenience and confidently say that brings tangible benefits to businesses right from the first days of its use. Anyone can start using the program and evaluate its capabilities absolutely free of charge right now.

Warehouses are used to store goods and materials at enterprises. General provisions on the accounting of materials in warehouses is contained in the order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 28, 2001 No. 119n. Thus, warehouses can be central (special, main) and warehouses of branches and other divisions of the enterprise. By order of the enterprise, each warehouse is assigned a number, which will contain all documents on operations.

Reception, storage, accounting of material assets in each warehouse are assigned to the appropriate officials (for example, this may be a warehouse manager, storekeeper), who are responsible for the correct reception, release, accounting and safety of the stocks entrusted to them, as well as for the correct and timely registration reception and release operations. Agreements on full financial responsibility are concluded with these employees.

Do not forget that there is a document flow between the accounting department and the warehouse. It is the warehouse workers who depend on the reliable, high-quality creation of documents and their transfer for reflection in accounting and reporting.

In order to streamline the work of the warehouse, it is advisable to develop at the enterprise a regulation on the warehouse of goods and materials . This document is not mandatory - the company is not obliged to develop it, the absence of this document is not a violation. However, this document can document many important aspects of the operation of enterprise warehouses.

The warehouse regulations regulate the procedure for inventory accounting in warehouses, and also establishes the procedure for providing information and documents from warehouses to the enterprise’s accounting department and regulates interaction with it. Document flow between the warehouse and the enterprise is carried out in the manner prescribed by the manager and chief accountant of the enterprise.

Regulations on warehouse accounting at the enterprise

The regulations are developed by the enterprise independently. The document must reflect all the information that regulates warehouse accounting, the work of warehouse workers, and determines the procedure for document flow between divisions of the enterprise. At the end of the article we will provide a sample warehouse provision. It is worthwhile to carefully approach the preparation of the document and reflect all the main aspects of the warehouse operation.

What sections are appropriate to include in the warehouse regulations?

  1. General provisions. In this chapter it is necessary to outline the very concept of warehouses, their purpose, and tasks. For whom the warehouse provision is mandatory, what is meant by inventories, etc.
  2. Warehouse structure. Who approves the structure and staff, who manages the warehouse.
  3. It is advisable to include information on the organization of workplaces in warehouses, equipment, issues of safe movement of goods, General requirements safety during unloading, loading, etc.
  4. Functions performed by the warehouse. Reception, ensuring the safety of valuables, accounting for goods, etc.
  5. Warehouse accounting. How is accounting kept (for example, the grade method - this means that inventory items are stored by name and other distinctive features), how product cards are filled out, who registers them, to whom they are issued, who keeps track of the movement of inventories.
  6. Inventory process. How often the inventory is carried out, who takes part in it, other details. The process of conducting an inventory can be described in detail in a separate document (for example, a regulation on conducting an inventory).
  7. Responsibility – who is responsible for the quality and fulfillment of assigned tasks, the responsibility of employees, etc.
  8. Final provisions. Who should be familiar with the text of the document, when the document comes into force, etc.

Below is a sample provision on warehouse accounting.

In this article we will talk about document flow in a warehouse, and will clearly show how warehouse accounting is carried out. This procedure is a mandatory part of calculating the inventory of the entire enterprise. It is not carried out the way the manager or accountant wanted, but is regulated by special methodological recommendations and an order of the Ministry of Finance. All rules are aimed at systematizing and simplifying control. What it is and how it is carried out will be discussed below.

Definition of concepts

Document flow is the main component of the organization of accounting, management, warehouse and other types of accounting. It was created to conduct continuous surveillance of economic activity companies. Without it, not a single enterprise can operate, everyone will be confused, and it will become extremely difficult to pay taxes. Primary document warehouse accounting is everyone who was the basis for any operation. It is compiled either during the event or after by representatives of all interested parties. It is also the legal basis for creating an account.

Each of them is drawn up only in accordance with its standard form approved by law. They are a prerequisite for the uninterrupted operation of all newly opened companies in our state. Moreover, it is not necessary to compile everything in paper form; electronic form is often sufficient.

Forms of the most popular documents for downloading

Basic list of types of warehouse documents

To understand what exactly is used in the work of an organization, let’s look at why they are created and how they are used to design all internal procedures.


View Name Base
Reception Invoice from suppliers Based on this, acceptance occurs.
Purchase Invoice Needed to take into account incoming products.
TTN No. 1-T It is issued to confirm the movement of inventory items. The first section reflects the transported items, the second – logistics and calculations of the activities carried out.
M-4 It reflects the materials and goods actually received during the day. It is not written on its own, only if there is a reason.
M-7 Formed if the receipt was not in the required volume or with incorrectly drawn up reasons after drawing up a report of all the shortcomings.
TORG-1 They write it out when the item has been rechecked and no defects or damage have been found. This is confirmation that everything is now considered accounted for.
TORG-2 The consignee creates it if he wants to reflect discrepancies and inconsistencies at the time of acceptance.
Storage The main list of warehouse documents necessarily contains documentation that allows you to monitor the condition of the product and how it moves within the company TORG-11 It is designed for each name and contains a lot of information. Required to fill out inventories during the audit.
M-17 With their help, you can easily track the location in the warehouse. A separate card is filled out for the size range, models - each raw material, element of the assortment.
TORG-13 Created if it is necessary to transfer between enterprise branches at different addresses. In 2 copies, one for the sending party, the second for the receiving party.
Disposal The circle of warehouse documentation ends upon release from the storage location M-15 It is issued when things are moved from one organization to another or at the time of sale. A mandatory item is the cost of the shipped property.
TORG-12 Formed for direct release of materials and sales, as well as similar operations.
TORG-16 Reflects the write-off of low-quality, damaged and unused items.

Reception of goods

Taking into account data from methodological instructions, materials mean a fairly wide range of assortments:

  • container;
  • raw materials for production;
  • semi-finished products;
  • auxiliary details that are not related to the creation process;
  • spare parts;
  • waste.

If a company has a warehouse, then it must have a person who will be financially responsible for it. This is approved by order of the director. All inventory items placed at the disposal of such an employee must be provided with all the necessary papers. To capitalize and take into account everything that has arrived, you will need an invoice. But even without accompanying documentation, movements can be carried out in the warehouse in rare cases.

When an receipt is accepted, it is important to check all differences from the inventory according to condition and recalculate. Everything must correspond to what is written in the receipt order. If deviations appear, a special TORG-2 discrepancy report is filled out. If no differences or damage were found, then signatures and stamps are placed on two copies of the documentation - the supplier and the recipient.

Movement of products within the enterprise: documents

During the production activities of any company, there is a regular need for the movement of materials within the walls of the organization. For this purpose, they also create reports and store them in archives and software. If you need to move, then a demand invoice M-11 is drawn up, and it will be issued in 2 copies - for the sending and receiving parties. By order of management or after certain events, an inventory is carried out. It will be mandatory if:

  • the person in charge of the premises was replaced;
  • the company is liquidated;
  • an emergency has recently occurred;
  • identified persons who damaged property;
  • regularly, at least once a year.

A decree is created, a commission is selected, then an inspection is carried out in the presence of the person responsible for the materials. All its results are transferred to the accounting department and compiled:

  • INV-22;
  • INV-3;
  • INV-18 if necessary.

Such a system makes it easy to carry out re-registration and control the actual state of the storage location. You can quickly identify material shortages or excesses, find damaged parts and change real balances in accounting reports.

Release of products from the warehouse to the outside: documents

The work of this department is also accompanied by constant documentation. Among the regulatory documents the following stand out:

  • Shipping instructions. Comes from the sales department. It indicates the invoice and agreement according to which the goods need to be moved. The form, type, cost and required quantity must be indicated.
  • Sales Invoice. Shipment occurs in accordance with it.
  • Fence sheet.

Product storage information

The value and importance of this part of the document flow is reflected in:

  • Material accounting cards. Here a separate sheet is created and recorded by size, shape, license plate. Then it is transferred to storekeepers along with the assortment itself.
  • Collation statement. Store for several years. It contains information about when the last inventories were carried out and how they ended. Using them, you can identify the features of high-quality storage of raw materials and finished products.

Warehouse card

It is important to create it in order to determine the number of stored valuables, their varieties, down to the item number. The first standard forms were created in the Soviet Union - M-12 or more modern M-17.

It must certainly contain information about:

  • name of the enterprise;
  • to whom it belongs;
  • number of each card separately;
  • name of the premises;
  • details of the value that is stored;
  • information about where it is located in the room.

Any deposit or expenditure transaction will be reflected in these cards. The day and month of the event, the number of the order that became the basis for the action are recorded. Also - the name of the counterparty who caused the change in quantity. The volume is added to each incoming operation, and at the time of expenditure the change is entered in the corresponding field. The employee then signs and dates it.

Reports upon request of the manager

If necessary, they are compiled and provided at the request of the organization’s management. They can be arranged and combined at the request of the head of the department. All reports that were compiled remain in the archive for 5 years. The enterprise is obliged to provide fireproof conditions for reporting.

Parish Operations

Warehouse receipt orders are papers that help register the receipt of goods and materials. This is not primary documentation; it is drawn up using an invoice or a surplus act. No one has the right to write out this document without reason.

It states:

  • name of the consignee company;
  • the name of the counterparty from whom the supplies were received;
  • number is a required condition;
  • Date of preparation;
  • name of premises;
  • code of the accounting account on which the values ​​will be recorded.

Not all organizations decide to use an expense order; it does not apply to strict reporting documents.

Consignment note

This is a document from the storekeeper at the warehouse, which proves that goods and materials were transferred using road or other transport. This is significant documentary evidence - the basis for writing off or recording for storage. If something was imported from abroad, it is allowed to be accepted on the basis of reports submitted by the sender of the goods. A certified real TTN is not always able to take into account features and sudden changes. Some industrial establishments create their own documentation forms. If the state likes it, it is accepted and they begin to use it.

Printed in 4 copies. You keep one for yourself, the rest are given to the carrier. Based on this document, the assortment is delivered to the warehouse, and the cargo carrier delivers its copies to management for signing. Form T-1 - it contains a lot of details of both parties - names, BIC, TIN, legal and actual addresses, many other questions. But it is worth noting that not everything must be filled out.

Packing list

Another paper that is compiled at the time of sale or replenishment of stocks. It differs fundamentally from similar documentation in the absence of a clause about transportation. Now, to successfully carry out such an operation, you need TORG-12. Compiled in 2 copies - one remains with the seller, the second is sent to the buyer. Visually they are similar to TTN, but their meaning is different. The technical specifications do not contain details and there is no data on the cost of products.

Internal movement invoice

It differs mainly in that it is issued only for movements within the enterprise - to the workshop, to the warehouse. The first thing to do is to enter the date. Looking at it, the one who sent the cargo will write it off, and the one who accepted it will credit it. Without this value, the sheet becomes invalid. The number of the future document must be created. For this, not only numbers, but also letters can be used. Then enter the shipper and the acquiring party.

  • volumes;
  • what is it measured in?
  • at what cost?

The last line presents the total data - the sum of all columns. Signed by both parties.

Acts drawn up for shortage or excess quantity

In any company there is always a situation when an unaccounted product is discovered or there is a shortage of it, although according to the papers there should still be one. In this case, the document is drawn up in accordance with the task - to take into account what is superfluous or reflect what is missing. This is the primary warehouse documentation, which must be reflected in all accounting data. Write-off of inventory items is carried out only after it has been compiled and signed. The main difference is that they are deregistered not because they were sent somewhere or sold, but because of their absence, expiration of possible use, loss or theft, non-compliance with sanitary standards or hygiene.

The responsible employee, MOL, conducts the research and draws up documentation. Then this applies to the head of the enterprise. Write off in the presence of a commission. Its participants are required to sign papers and thereby confirm the fact of a fair event. The act will indicate the cost of each unit of property being written off and the total value. If there is a need, information is entered into where and why the product disappeared or where it could have come from if it is surplus. The manager signs all actions and makes a decision - at whose expense to write off, from whom to recover and how to punish the responsible persons. It could be:

  • at the expense of the person responsible for the products;
  • if within the limits of the norms, then the expense is included in the company’s costs and production costs.

This documentation is prepared according to the form and sent to the accounting department. There it will be accepted for accounting and reflected in it. After the work has been completed, the programs no longer show the incorrect amount of products or raw materials.

Automation of everything that happens

To ensure the smooth and efficient operation of all services, you will need high-quality equipment. It is sold by the Cleverens company. This organization has extensive experience in developing its own high-quality software and monitoring the work of existing ones. The human factor cannot be ruled out. Without technical innovations, the work of employees becomes labor-intensive and costly. For business owners, this can result in problems and financial losses.

Automation has many advantages:

Programs and products for warehouse document management

Among the most popular software it is worth noting:

  • Mobile SMARTS: Warehouse 15.
  • Mobile SMARTS: Store 15.
  • Reception using TSD and Warehouse 15.
  • Address storage module.
  • Picking and shipping orders without re-grading.

Document flow diagram

Receipt of goods from the supplier to the warehouse:

  1. Inventory.
  2. Write-off of defects/damage.
  3. Formation of internal/external reporting.
  4. Return to supplier.
  5. Return from buyer.
  6. Sale.
  7. Entering a document into the system.
  8. Reception and recount.

If a company is aimed at constant development and is not going to stop at a couple of dozen items, then it needs to install software on the equipment and regularly update it for the most efficient operation. With the help of correct and high-quality accounting, you can reduce the number of personnel errors and failures due to inattention.

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