Early repayment of a consumer loan at a Russian standard bank. Early repayment at a Russian standard bank Early repayment of a loan at a Russian standard bank

The situation is this... In November 2012, I issued credit card at the Russian Standard Bank in the Kemerovo representative office on Stroiteley Boulevard. Nice camera girls (the only good memory:))...

And so, I continue... In the evening of the same day, money was credited to the card! Honestly, I sat half the night and thought: Why did I take it at such interest (I had to pay the amount twice as much as what I received), etc., etc., in short, “Toad” was strangling me! In the morning I called my relative and she kindly agreed to lend me the required amount! Next I call hotline to the bank to inquire regarding the refund credit money! They explained to me that this would be an early repayment of the loan...

I arrive, the girl operator explained everything to me. It turned out that once cash were transferred to my credit card, then the loan has already begun to operate and for early repayment I must not only transfer the entire amount back to the bank, but also pay a certain percentage for using the loan (as it turned out, this was the amount for insurance on the loan), something around 2000 rubles. Understanding this, I of course agreed, but it turned out that it was not so simple! The amount of the insurance itself was 10,000 rubles (this is for the entire credit period) and it was part of the loan and I had to transfer these 10,000 rubles. to the account of the insurance company (I don’t remember the name), and the insurers will take the 2000 rubles due to them from this money. and the rest will be returned to my account.

At that time I did not have such an amount, since I assumed that it would be clearly less. A week later, taking 10,000 with me, I returned to the bank. This time I was dealt with by another operator and it turned out that first I had to write an application for early repayment of the loan (logical)! I wrote... then I was sent to the cashier, where I transferred all the money transferred to me back to the bank. In response to my ardent desire to transfer 10,000 rubles. (insurance), they told me that I had to write an application again, but this time for the return of the unused part of the insurance (I don’t remember exactly, but in essence it sounds like this), that is, this application was no longer addressed to the bank, but to the insurance company . No problem! It’s necessary, that means it’s necessary!

And then here’s what... according to the loan agreement with the bank, I had to make my first payment within 30 calendar days (no question! I took the money with me), but the period for consideration of my application by the insurance company can last up to 45 days and while they it (the application) will not be considered, I can’t list anything (here are the ones, let’s go “non-folders” 30 days - bank / 45 days - insurance)...

Okay, I thought... I'll wait for the answer! A month has passed... 45 days have passed... no one told me anything about my further actions, neither the bank nor the insurance...

A little about myself... I am an obligatory person and I believe that if I have to, I must give! Let's move on... over the next week I managed to talk on the phone with both bank representatives and insurance representatives (I found the phone number on the Internet, called from a landline number), the latter explained that my application was in the accounting department and had not yet been considered... They said that they would send an SMS message to my cell phone, the account number and the amount that I would have to pay them! (Well, at least they calmed me down a little), they even set a deadline during which the application will be considered and the account number will be communicated. Another month has passed... all agreed deadlines have expired! Uffff... I'm already tired of waiting! Well, how else? A person has money, he knows that he must, so to speak, pay it, and most importantly, he wants to do it as soon as possible, but they don’t want to help him! ! Unbelievable but true!..

In February 2013, I made another call to “Zlatoglavaya” (the insurance company)... They told me: “Our company has already resolved your issue!” The bank transferred to us the entire required amount, so now you owe the bank, not us! Class! After this conversation, I didn’t call anywhere else, I was just waiting for any news from the bank itself.

They were silent for a very long time! And yesterday, May 15, 2013, a message arrived on my cell phone! I will quote: - Dear Client! We remind you that by May 18, 2013 you need to place 3,650 rubles on the agreement account XXXXXXX (I do not indicate the agreement number). CJSC Russian Standard Bank. Next Question! How can you remind a client about placing funds on the contract account if he was not previously notified of the need to perform these actions and was not informed of the time frame within which he must perform these actions? It has already been three months (if not more) since the last time I received any messages from Russian Standard Bank...

Today is May 16th, that is, tomorrow - May 17th - is the last day when I can transfer money! And this is called “Reminder”? Where were you before? Why don’t you fulfill your obligations to your client in full and within the specified time frame? The client is the most precious thing (literally and figuratively) that a bank can have! Having observed this attitude towards me all these months, I now understand what a Client really means to you! Empty place! This is sad!

P.S. I didn’t want to rate it (there’s simply no rating below one)! But I'll give it a 1! After communicating with Russian Standard, I was left with just a sea of ​​emotions, but the emotions, unfortunately, are only negative! The staff, in fact, turned out to be simply not prepared for such situations - Early repayment loan (12 hours after this loan was approved)... I don’t want to be a client of this bank anymore, God forgive me!

This article will talk about early repayment of a loan from Russian Standard Bank. The conditions and procedure for early repayment will be considered. Full and partial early repayment, repayment methods and insurance will be discussed.

Conditions for early repayment at Russian Standard Bank

At Russian Standard Bank, early repayment of loan debt is carried out in accordance with section No. 5 of the Loan Conditions. Let's consider the main features of partial and full early repayment for contracts that were concluded from July 2, 2014. Let's start with the fact that clause 10.1 guarantees the right to early repayment to each bank client.

To repay the loan ahead of schedule at Russian Standard Bank, the client only needs to deposit the required amount of funds into the account before the date of the next next payment. A schedule of all payments is issued to the client when applying for a loan. It is recommended to find out the exact amount of debt on the loan from the bank’s SIC by calling 8 800 200-6-200 or visiting a bank branch. This information can also be obtained in Internet banking (registration required) or in the form of an SMS message if the service “ mobile bank" Clause 5.2.2 states that additional documents and applications for full early repayment are not required from the client. The bank automatically debits the required amount from the account strictly on the date of the next payment.

At the same time, clause 1.18 of the loan conditions indicates that in certain cases, which will be discussed below, the client must notify the bank of the decision to close the loan early. loan agreement a written application, which can be submitted either in person or sent by mail, or use the services of a courier. In this case, the borrower assumes full responsibility for the timely delivery of this notice to the bank.

Within 30 calendar days from the date the loan was issued, the client has the right to repay early the entire principal amount or part thereof without prior notice to the bank. Thus, the client simply deposits the required payment in full into the account. And the notice indicates any repayment date, but taking into account that it fits into the period: the day of receipt credit institution application and until the thirtieth day starting from the date of loan provision.

To repay the principal amount of the debt after 30 calendar days from the date of issuance of the loan, Russian Standard Bank provides the following procedure (Partial early repayment):

  • a written notice of early repayment of the loan is submitted by the borrower to the bank no later than thirty days before the repayment date indicated therein;
  • then the amount of funds indicated in the notification is deposited into the account.

If the date of repayment of the debt and the date of the next payment coincide, then the amount placed may not be enough to pay the commission for cash settlement services. Find out the exact refund amount from a bank employee, otherwise such payment will subsequently be considered unpaid under the terms of the agreement.

Commissions for early repayment at Russian Standard Bank on this moment not provided.

The loan repayment amount for early repayment, calculated up to and including the date of the next payment, includes the following parameters:

  1. Principal debt on the loan;
  2. Interest charges;
  3. Bank service commission (BSC);
  4. Penalty and missed payments.

In case of partial early repayment, the borrower is provided with a new payment schedule.

Methods for depositing funds in case of early loan repayment

Russian Standard Bank has a large number of payment methods, which differ not only in the timing of crediting to the account (instantly or within several days), but also in the presence of a commission.

Free payment methods:

  1. through the bank's cash desk, funds are credited no later than the next business day;
  2. ATM, crediting on the day of payment (until 19.00);
  3. debiting from the “Bank in your pocket” card, funds are credited to the account instantly.

Other payment methods:

  • via Internet banking, the amount of commission depends on tariff plan, enrollment up to one working day;
  • through the accounting department, carried out at the place of work, funds are credited from 1 to 3 working days;
  • through terminals, funds are credited on the same day, the commission ranges from 1 to 1.6%, but, as a rule, not less than 50 rubles.
  • postal transfer, commission 1.5% of the payment amount, credited to the account up to 10 working days;
  • bank transfer, commission depends on the sending bank, funds arrive in the account within a few business days;
  • via mobile phone, SMS message, the amount of commission depends on mobile operator(MTS - 2.5% and Beeline - 2.99%), if the payment is made before 20.00, funds are credited on the same day;
  • CONTACT system, commission is 1% of the amount, funds are credited on the same day.

Insurance service for early loan repayment

The insurance contract is usually concluded at the time of applying for a loan, and the insurance premium is paid monthly from the bank's loan funds. As a rule, the term of the insurance contract is equal to the term of the loan. It is worth considering that if the loan is closed early, the validity period of any insurance program does not automatically terminate.

To terminate the insurance contract, the client must submit his passport and the original contract to a bank branch.

There is no imposed service. Please find me an article of the Civil Code which this agreement may contradict.

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Perhaps this is Article 782. Unilateral refusal to execute a contract for paid services
1. The customer has the right to refuse to fulfill a contract for the provision of services for a fee, subject to payment to the contractor for the expenses actually incurred by him.

Here is a commentary on it: Commentary on Article 782 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

1. The article establishes the right of the customer and the contractor to refuse to fulfill the contract and the conditions under which it is permitted. Its rules apply when refusal to perform a contract is not related to the parties’ violation of obligations under it.
Although the article does not indicate the time during which the parties can refuse to fulfill the contract, it appears that refusal is possible at any time before the start of the provision of the service (for example, refusal of a pre-booked hotel room, table in a restaurant, international or long-distance telephone conversation, etc.), and at any time during its provision before completion (for example, leaving a hotel room before the deadline for which it was rented, ending a long-distance telephone conversation ahead of the time that was determined when ordering as the duration of the conversation) .
2. In accordance with clause 1, the customer’s refusal is permitted subject to reimbursement to the contractor for the expenses actually incurred by him. Thus, losses are not subject to compensation in full, but only actual damage to a certain extent.
It is necessary to take into account that the customer’s refusal to fulfill the contract may occur both before the start of the provision of the service and during the process of its provision. If the customer refuses to perform the contract before the start of the service, the customer is obliged to reimburse the contractor for his actual expenses incurred in order to fulfill the contract until the moment of refusal. In case of refusal to fulfill the contract during the provision of the service, the customer reimburses the contractor for his actual expenses that he incurred up to this point in order to fulfill that part of the contract that the customer refused. The same part of the service that the customer used must be paid by him according to the rules of Article 731, if the service was provided by a person engaged in entrepreneurial activity to a citizen to satisfy his household and other personal needs (see commentary to it), and according to the rules of Art. 717 - for all other services (see commentary to it). It should be noted that the provision of Article 717 on compensation to the contractor for losses within the difference between the price determined for the entire work and part of the price paid for the work performed should not apply to services, because contradicts the principle of compensation for losses in a limited amount, enshrined in paragraph 1 of the comment. articles.
3. The contractor’s refusal to fulfill the contract for the provision of paid services is permitted subject to full compensation for losses to the customer. Clause 2 contains no exceptions to this rule. However, the application of this rule to public contracts (Article 426 of the Civil Code) seems at least controversial. The obligatory nature of the conclusion of such an agreement by the performer makes no sense in the right to refuse its execution, because The contractor who refuses to provide the service is obliged, at the request of the customer, to immediately re-enter into an agreement with him.

Let's look at point 2 of the comment, this point should work in theory.

According to the terms of provision consumer loans at Russian Standard Bank, the borrower can repay the debt early in full or in part.

Full early repayment of the loan is carried out without submitting an application on one of the payment dates for the next payment specified in the schedule. To do this, you need to deposit the balance of the debt into your account in advance (several days in advance).

It is better to check the amount for early repayment at the bank’s call center. If funds are not enough for full repayment loan, payments will be debited according to the payment schedule from the funds placed on the account.

After repaying the loan, it is recommended to contact the bank to obtain a certificate of no debt on the loan. This is also worth doing in order to once again make sure that the loan is closed. For example, the client will still remain a debtor if the loan payment was made on the next banking day or the call center operator inaccurately stated the balance of the debt.

To carry out partial early repayment of the loan, it is necessary to issue a notice of partial early repayment of the loan at the bank branch indicating the planned amount of partial early repayment. Such notification is issued no later than 30 days before the planned date of partial early repayment. Upon receipt of the notification, the bank adjusts the payment schedule taking into account the amount of partial early repayment and recalculates monthly payment on loan.

By the date specified in the adjusted payment schedule, the amount of the partial early repayment must be posted to the account. It will be written off on the specified date. Further loan payments are made in accordance with the adjusted payment schedule.

There is no fee for full/partial early repayment.

In Russian Standard there is the possibility of full and partial early repayment of the loan. This is guaranteed by the contract and stated in general conditions lending. When repaying a debt ahead of schedule, it is important to follow the procedure correctly and not make a mistake with the amount.

Early repayment procedure

The loan can be repaid partially or completely. In the first case, you yourself determine the amount that needs to be deposited into the account. In the second, you need to check the size with the bank. This can be done in any of his offices, by calling the hotline 8 800 200 6 200 or at personal account site and mobile application.

No special notice is required for full early repayment. This is equivalent to the presence of the required amount in the account. It should include:

  1. The amount of the principal debt as of the date of the last scheduled payment (including itself).
  2. Amounts of all commissions and penalties as of the repayment date.

If these conditions are met, the bank writes off all funds on the scheduled payment date, and the loan is considered closed and all obligations are fulfilled.

At partial repayment it is necessary to send a notice of intention to the bank containing an indication of the desired write-off amount. In this case, it is possible to postpone the date of the next payment, but a commission is charged for this service. The client who has made a partial early payment receives from the bank a new schedule for repaying the loan with a reduced amount of the annuity payment.

Today you can find calculators on the Internet that allow you to calculate the amount of early payment. But experts still recommend that clients visit the bank after payment to obtain a certificate of no debt on the loan.

Methods of depositing funds

Russian Standard has many ways to allow a client to repay loan funds:

  1. Pay with the “Bank in your pocket” card. The money is credited immediately, there is no commission.
  2. ATM or terminal. If the client deposited money before 19.00 (metropolitan time), it will be credited on the same day. There is no commission.
  3. Via the Internet in online banking. The operation is performed in the “Transfer money” section. Credit funds are transferred within 24 hours, the amount of the commission payment is specified in the tariff.

  4. At the bank's cash desk. The money is credited to the account within one day, the cost of the service is 100 rubles.
  5. At partner box offices. When applying for the first time, crediting is carried out using the contract, card or account number. Next, a mobile number or ID card is used for identification. The money is credited to the recipient’s account within a minute, and in case of technical failures, the next day.
  6. Bank transfer. The money will be credited to the Russian Standard account within 1-3 business days, the availability and size of the commission will be specified in banking institution, from which the transfer is made.
  7. Postal transfer through Russian Post. When carrying out the operation, the client must indicate his passport details. The money will be credited to your credit account within 72 hours, the commission is 1.5% of the transfer (minimum 40 rubles).
  8. Sberbank Online service. The transfer is carried out within half an hour. There is no transaction fee if the client has an agreement on remote servicing.

  9. Accounting on site. With this payment method, the client is required to fill out a special application. The transfer will be credited within a few days. The fee for the service is specified directly in the accounting department.
  10. "Eleksent" or online wallet. Enrollment period from 5 minutes to 3 days, commission – 1.2%.