Bank card dumps. Parsing a bank card

- What is a dump?

- Where did you get the dumps?

- So what should I do?

- Which for example?


- On which slip?

- Where did you get the pins?

Wow! Tell me.

Full analysis bank card from a former carder.
An excerpt from the book “How I Stole a Million. Confession of a Repentant Carder.”

There is a common misconception among ordinary people that the balance is on a credit card, but this is not so - the money is not physically on it, the credit card is like a pass to the card account in the bank that issued it. In other words, it identifies the account owner - whether he can withdraw money from the chest that is in the bank. The seller swipes the card through a POS terminal (from the English Point of Sale - “point of sale”) - a device that reads the information recorded on the magnetic stripe of the card and contacts the bank to carry out the transaction, which connects to the processing center and transmits the data there from your card. Next, the processing contacts the issuing bank that issued the card and receives confirmation or refusal in the form of a code. Successful authorization code - 00 - APPROVED (approved). Otherwise, they receive a ban on the transaction, which is often played out in Hollywood films (“sorry, your account is frozen” and a demonstrative cutting of the card with scissors). Payment system type VISA connects all the links in this chain together, for which it takes up to 3.5% from each transaction.

- What is a dump?

A dump is a collection of information recorded on the magnetic strip of a credit card. Consists of three tracks (tracks). The first two are used directly for the operation of the card, and the third track is intended for recording various service information. The most important one is the second track. The first track duplicates the basic data of the second - card number, expiration date, CVV code, and also contains the name of the card owner.

Track1: В4 55990 75607 84214^SMITH/JOHN^110210 10000 00000 00000

Track2: 4559907560784214=11021010000052700000

Code 101 after the card's expiration date indicates that the card is international. If instead there is, for example, 201, this means that the card is local, that is, by default it works only in the “native” country. Having track2 in hand, you can easily generate track1, but doing the opposite is quite difficult. To get cash from an ATM, only the second track is sufficient.

- Where did you get the dumps?

At the moment there are three ways. Portable card readers are manufactured or purchased - tools for reading a magnetic track payment card. The smallest readers I have ever seen were the size of a matchbox and were manufactured in Ukraine by Boa Factory engineers. Then the devices are distributed to cashiers in boutiques and expensive stores, waiters in restaurants, currency prostitutes, and they swipe the client card not only through a legal POS terminal, but also through their reader. A large processing center of a bank or retail network, through which payments for physical (not virtual) stores, hotels, and restaurants pass, is hacked, and their customer base is obtained. They are simply bought from those who took possession of them in one of the above ways.

- The dumps still need to be recorded on the credit card itself...

Certainly. To do this, you need a special device called an encoder. They are sold completely legally and cost $800–1000. The most common model in carding circles is the MSR 206. Connect it to your computer via a USB port, drive the dump into a simple program, swipe the card through the slot - and you have in your hands a magnetic copy of the card of some American “Pinocchio”.

- Can we go to the store now?

No, it’s too early to go to the store, since although we have a duplicate of the real card, it’s on a piece of white “plastic” (usually CR-80 brand). The store clerk will be very surprised if you offer him such a card.

- So what should I do?

You make an agreement with a seller in some decent store, like: “Vasya, I have this kind of garbage, I’ll come to you, take a laptop and plasma, then we’ll sell the money in half.” It works - the owners of restaurants, boutiques and casinos gave us 40-50% in cash of the amount that they “rolled”, and we told them that they need to answer their bank if problems arise.

- Which for example?

Sooner or later, the real cardholder (card holder) will protest the payment. He complains to his bank, they complain to VISA, and now strong guys from the security service of the bank, who installed a POS terminal in this casino, came to our casino. They will come and say: “Why are you, you scoundrel, rolling around fake cards?” Well, here our oligarch should bulge his eyes wide and say: “I don’t know anything. Now I’ll call the cashier who worked that evening.” Calling Masha. Bankers to her:

Have you checked the card's expiration date?


Was the card owner's signature on the back?

Otherwise... I even compared it with the signature in his passport. And he signed the slip in exactly the same way.

- On which slip?

The receipt that comes out after paying for the goods by credit card is called a slip. All information about the purchase is printed on it: time, date, name of the organization, details of the place where the purchase was made. By the way, the data for the slip is taken from the first track. And if the dump absolutely doesn’t care what name you indicate in the first track - the real owner of the card or the name that is indicated in your “left” passport, then the card number must still be written as original, otherwise the payment (transaction) will not go through. Otherwise, it would, of course, be nice: you stupidly get a “left” passport, stupidly go with it no matter what bank in any country, and just as stupidly open an account with a debit card. As a result, you have a credit card with the name Zhenya Sokolova with $5 on it and a passport in the same name with your photo. You erase all the data from the magnetic stripe, take a dump from what you have, change the name in the first track to Zhenya Sokolova, write this dump on the card and off you go - either to the bank or to the store. You run out of money on this dump - you erase it, prepare it and write a new one. And so on until all the banks and all the shops around the globe start looking for Zhenya Sokolov. Then you buy a new passport and go around again. Well, if they start recognizing you by sight, then it’s only plastic surgery.

The bankers will ask whether the cashier checked the card number and last name on the receipt and the front surface of the card - the cashier will answer that, of course, yes, he will add that the card was not damaged and there were no signs of forgery, and this is the end of the “interrogation” - regardless of all suspicions The bank has no legal grounds to block the payment. Of course, if sellers in Minsk stores checked whether the data on the slip coincided with the numbers on the card itself, then it would be impossible to turn an already used card into a reusable one, however, in Belarus - a country of unafraid idiots - cashiers everywhere “forgotten” the rules for safe service bank plastic cards and I often managed to make purchases from dumps recorded on original, but expired, or even completely discount cards. Working with white “plastic” often involved businessmen who were in debt to crime bosses and who had no choice. Of course, we didn’t “milk” one point too often, otherwise the servicing bank could take away the terminal and we would be left without work at all.

I hope you know what a PIN is?

I know, four numbers, without which you won’t get cash at an ATM.

Right. But I will add. Firstly, a PIN code is often required when paying for purchases. And secondly, the PIN (Personal Identification Number) does not necessarily consist of four digits. Its length should be long enough to minimize the likelihood of its selection by trial and error, and on the other hand, short enough so that the cardholder can remember it. Therefore, the PIN code length varies from four to twelve digits. More often, of course, four.

- Where did you get the pins?

- “Pins”... Ordinary cardholders are sure (and bankers constantly tell them this) that it is impossible to hack or steal a PIN code, but I know ten ways to do it.

Wow! Tell me.

Maybe not today? This is a topic for another conversation...

What exactly is the “method”?)
Stop stupidly copy-pasting topics, or at least create them in the appropriate sections

Attention! Everything described in this article
illegal and falls under the jurisdiction of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
The editors strongly do not recommend
use the methods given here,
providing information for general

Due to numerous requests from the fighters of our invisible front, I’m finally giving out a short review about real plastic. I hope that this will slightly reduce the number of questions, which are sometimes just annoying. Therefore, I will try everything on my fingers and in simple words.

This case does not pretend to cover everything in the world regarding real plastic, but simply gives some directions for thought. And again - no ready-made recipes - you will have to chew, swallow, and find the information yourself. Under the word
“Credit cards” in this article only mean VISA, MasterCard, JCB, Diners Club, Discover or AmEx, while debit cards and SMART cards require a separate approach.

First, some terms, to make it clearer for those who have not dealt with this at all, and then I’ll spread my thoughts down the tree:

  • A dump is a collection of information that is recorded on the magnetic strip of a credit card. The dump can consist of tracks 1, 2 and 3, or 1 and 2, or 2 and 3
  • A track or track is a text file with certain information that is recorded on the magnetic track of a credit card. The main functional load is borne by Track 2 or the second road. Having Track 2, you can manually make Track 1, based on the data available in Track 2. Functionally, for some recording methods, it is enough to record only the second track on the card. Usually tracks 1 and 2 are used. Track 3 is used by different financial institutions on credit cards ah to record some additional information - for example, if the card was issued by Citibank jointly with American Airlines, then on the third road there may be information about points accumulated on AA flights, and so on. For us, the third road is not interesting.
  • Various types of plastic are used to make credit cards, but in 90% of cases it is the so-called CR-80, which is also used to make all sorts of passes, identification cards, casino membership cards, and so on. That is, it is distributed worldwide
    and is used not only for making credit cards.
  • POS terminal - a terminal for rolling credit cards when buying something there - seen in stores.
  • Dove and Globe - every VISA or MasterCard credit card currently has a hologram - on Visa there is a dove, on MC - hemispheres. We must pay tribute, there is no hologram on AmEx yet (although there is a hologram on the Optima card - a type
  • The balance is not on the credit card!!! “Gee - bros, how can I change the balance of 100 bucks to 10,000 on credit? Gee?” – I didn’t come up with this, these are the questions being asked. I explain that the balance is NOT on the credit card, that is, the money is not physically there. A credit card is like a pass to the account of this credit card in the bank that issued it. That is, the credit card simply identifies the account owner - whether he can withdraw money from the chest that is in the bank.
  • Where can I get dumps? – there are currently four ways to obtain dumps:
  1. Readers are bought, made, received - portable with batteries (like PMR-202, PMR-102, MSR300, MSR500, Smart Mag-DC), or stationary, like AMC C722, MSR206 - and depending on the country of residence, experience, circle acquaintances are distributed to agents: currency prostitutes, cashiers in decent stores, cafe workers, hotels - wherever there are foreigners who pay in loans. Payment for this work ranges from $10 to $200 for each dump collected by your agent.
  2. A very large processing center of a bank, or processing network, through which payments of physical, not virtual stores, and all sorts of things pass through, breaks down, and the database is torn out of there.
  3. You agree at the bank with the banker who is responsible for issuing cards or embossing them, so that he gives you all the cards made on a floppy disk at the end of each working day. The most unrealistic method, but sometimes it occurs, especially if the banker lacks a sense of self-preservation.
  4. Dumps are simply bought from those who have obtained them using one of the above methods.

Let's start from the beginning - you got a dozen dumps from somewhere, and you dug up a dozen clean CR-80s from somewhere. What
further? Let's go from simple to complex:

  • How to push these dumps onto this white plastic so that everything goes smoothly? Simple - for this there are writing machines, or in other words encoders (AMC C722, MSR206), by connecting it to the computer, and having figured out the program, you roll clean white plastic through the encoder, as a result of which the output is plastic with a magnetic stripe applied - a dump of the real one credit cards. In other words, you have a magnetic copy in your hands. If suddenly your agent, who took this dump from the terpila, got him drunk to such an extent that he shouted out his PIN in ecstasy (or wherever he found it in the notebook) - you can safely go to the ATM and try to get money. With a high probability, if there was no suspicion when the dump was taken from the owner, and he does not suspect that a copy was taken from his card, you will receive money - another thing is that it is not known what the limit is, and whether there is any money on it at all. But, as practice shows, PINs do not scream even in ecstasy. Thus, you have a duplicate on white plastic, with which you, of course, will not go to the corner store or to the ATM, since there is no PIN. What to do? Again - from simple to complex. First from the series quickly small
    sleep... uh, steal and get drunk on beer: you agree with the seller in some decent store that accepts cards, that, Vasya, I have this kind of crap, I’ll come to you, buy a laptop, then we’ll sell it , and the money in half. It passes. For players of a heavier weight - they collect a suitcase of such plastic with recorded dumps, open an office (probably possible in the Union, have not tried), start working - selling some kind of baby dolls. A bank account, an agreement with the bank, a POS terminal is installed, and at one fine moment this whole suitcase of white plastic is run through it. Money falls into the account. Take the cash and go to the girls. Of course, everything is not so simple, when starting any such topic, you need to carefully study the country, the banking system, possible pitfalls, the security system of the bank (what are the signs that throw out red flags), which supplied your United Bratva office with this terminal, the terms of enrollment, the ability to withdraw money, think through ways to escape, of course you can’t open such an office on your own, calculate costs - much more.
  • Let's move on to something more complex. Initially there is pure CR-80 plastic and dumps. How to print and make a credit card maximum one to one? With such a creed, you can safely go to any store in any country, and something else, which is discussed below. First you need to buy ready-made plastic with doves or a globe, or buy these holograms separately. Then you need to find a printing house, or buy your own equipment that will allow
    print something beautiful on blank CR-80 plastic - and practice shows that it makes absolutely no difference which bank is indicated there, and whether it matches real bank. The printing is, of course, double-sided. Pay special attention to the quality of the dove and globe - if something is wrong with them, this is very alarming to sellers and bankers. They printed it with grief. Now we need to make these depressed credit card number, name, etc. Again, you can negotiate with a banker who will arrange this for you, or buy the equipment yourself. In addition to all this, you need to stick on the back of the credit card a strip of special paper on which the signature of the card owner is placed. Less than six months have passed, and you already have a suitcase of duplicate credit cards that no one will find fault with. What are the options with a suitcase: if it’s about clothes, buy a ticket to Singapore, for example, or to Pretoria, and shop there until you run out of suitcases. Then somehow you attach all this iron or silver and gold somewhere, sell it, give it away. Option two - dump absolutely who cares what name you indicate on the first road - either the real owner, or, say, the name that you have in your second left passport, for example, purchased from BezNogi, or in your international license. You can manually change the card owner's name within tracks. That is, in the slip-e that comes out of the POS terminal, the name that you yourself made in the dump will be stamped. I hope it is clear that in the same way no one is stopping you from embossing all the cards with the same name. Or, for example, make John Smith on 20 cards, Moisei Abramovich Petrov on another 20, and Boris Berezovsky on another 20. Order passports for these three names with rights for reliability. And boldly go to the Main Coolest Commercial Bank Ivanovo in the same Ivanovo or there at the Union Bank of Switzerland in Zurich, and, presenting a passport and a credit card in the same name, withdraw money from it to the maximum. Cash. It is clear that you need to enter the country with a different passport, just in case. In general, think everything through. If you withdraw money from one bank, you go to another with another credit card in the same name, and so on. Change country. And again. With another passport and other credit cards.
  • Shura Balaganov was very amazed when Ostap bought an ink set for the “Horns and Hooves” office. “Ostap Ibrahimovic, weren’t you ashamed to pay REAL money for this ink set?” Shura was right. Option three is simple and classic. Stupidly get a left passport. You stupidly go with it, no matter which bank or in which country, and just as stupidly open an account with a credit card. As a result, you have a credit card in your hands with the name of Zhenya Sokolov with 5 dollars on it, and a passport in the name of Zhenya Sokolov with your photo. You erase all the data from the magnetic stripe. Prepare a dump from what you have - no matter whose or what country. Change the name on the tracks to Zhenya Sokolova. Write this dump to this credit card. And go ahead - even to the bank, even to the store - everything is there. You run out of money on this dump - erase it again, prepare it and record a new one. And so on until all the banks and stores around the globe start looking for Zhenya Sokolov. Then you buy a new passport - and in a circle again. Well, if they start recognizing you by sight, then it will only be plastic surgery.

I'm tired of pressing the keyboard, so I'll call it a day. I apologize to everyone who is aware of the topics raised for the fact that I presented all this in a somewhat simplified form - the article is not aimed at bison, but at beginners in this matter. Of course, the topic is endless, with many pitfalls at each stage. If someone has touched a nerve and wants to take it on, the directions are clear, look for information on each of the issues, study the materiel, Read The Fucking Manuals, banking systems, countries, languages, psychology of communication, security systems - the space for a fight is simply huge. Well, if anyone didn’t understand anything from all this chewed up, that’s fine, then it’s not for you. It’s also okay - Garik Kasparov plays chess, although he could also take up carding. And he feels good financially. Take up chess. Or checkers. Or continue doing regular virtual carding.

And the last note - if suddenly once again you see somewhere that someone is selling dumps with PINs - do not believe your eyes. If you have carefully read this case from top to bottom, then I hope it is clear that dumps with PINs are like cash in your pocket. But no one has yet sold $100 for $20. If $100 is printed in Washington, of course, and not in Grozny or Tehran.

PS. Don't forget that almost all ATMs have video recording equipment.
And the video recordings are stored indefinitely - depending on the degree of chaos in the bank that owns the particular

It's probably no secret to anyone that a credit card is not a reliable means of storing money. Credit cards are withdrawn and cashed online or in real stores. Today I would like to talk about the most sophisticated method of fraud with plastic cards - when they steal a dump (a copy of a credit card) and a PIN code, and then withdraw money from ATMs. This is a multifaceted matter, so I will describe it step by step and at the same time support it all with photographs.

Fraudsters who work with plastic cards are called “carders”, but carding is fraud with plastic cards. What does a carder need to withdraw money from your plastic card via bakomat? Its full copy or the so-called dump (dupm) and your pin code (pin) - a four-digit number that the ATM asks each time to make sure that the card is yours.

You can get a credit card dump different ways, but the difficulty is that the plastic card does not store information about your PIN code, and if only the dump is stolen, then it is useless for getting money from an ATM (credit cards without a PIN are cashed out in a different way and this is the topic of another article). This means that the fraudster needs to receive a dump of the credit card along with the pin, which makes the task much more difficult. Here you won’t be able to get a job as a waiter or salesperson and copy credit cards; the client must enter a PIN code, and the PIN code must become known to the fraudster. You can, of course, stupidly take away your credit card and extort your PIN by threatening to do something dangerous, but firstly, this is not subtle, and secondly, it falls under the article “robbery” where the terms are much steeper. And where are the guarantees that the “client” will tell the correct code? And even if true, the “client” needs to be somehow isolated so that he doesn’t accidentally realize that he can call the bank and block the credit card or, even worse for the criminal, dial 02 and catch the thief warm at the ATM. The risk is great, and there may be a very small amount on the card, and working for Visa Platinum it’s expensive, usually such “clients” have security guards who can knock you on the head.

But an inquisitive mind will always find a way out (and scammers are savvy people). The only place where you can get a plastic card dump and pin is an ATM. The conclusion suggests itself: you need to install special equipment so that it collects information that the fraudster could use in the future to enrich his pockets.

A skimmer is a fraudster’s device that reads and stores in memory (options: sends SMS or radio signal) information from the magnetic tape of a payment card. Here's the dump for you. The skimmer is installed in front of the ATM card reader and is usually made to match the design of a specific ATM so that the card owner does not suspect anything. When a person who wants to withdraw money from a card inserts the card into an ATM, the skimmer reads the data from his card, which goes to the fraudster. Below are photos of skimmers so that you can more accurately understand what they are:

This is a skimmer with which scammers can get a dump plastic card. But as we already found out earlier, one dump is not enough, you also need a PIN code. That’s why you need to install a skimmer on the ATM, so that you can find out the PIN at the same time as the dump. In order to find out the PIN code of a specific card, there are two ways. The first is the simplest, install a camera next to the ATM, which will record the dialed pin. You can hang a box with booklets on the ATM itself, where a hidden camera is mounted, or, for example, make a decorative canopy with a hidden camera above the ATM. See photo examples:

The second way is to make a fake keyboard overlay that will look like a real one. This patch will save (send) the PIN code. Let's look at the photo:

If everything is done competently and carefully, then the client will not even notice that a dump was taken from his card and his pin was recorded, through the skimmer the card will fit into the ATM card reader and the ATM will process it, and a high-quality overlay will be pressed through and duplicate what was typed on the real ATM keyboard.

Now we have dumps and pins of credit cards, but the ATM has nothing to do with this information; it accepts cards. Next we need white, clean plastic on which we will write this information. Let's look at the photo:

I heard somewhere that they got tricky with ATMs and now they “see” that the plastic is pristine white and stupidly swallow it, so the scammers began to apply a design on the white plastic with the help of ordinary string players. By the way, I’ll say by the way that the magnetic tape on credit cards is rewritten, and nothing prevents a fraudster from getting real cards somewhere for next to nothing and recording information on them, and even if by chance the teaching staff catches you doing this, then in the hands of a real credit card, and who what is written on it only God (and the fraudster) knows. Recording devices are sold quite legally, which is not surprising, since these devices are also used to write a lot of things, for example, bonus and discounted supermarket cards. Let's look at the photo:

By the way, the reader usually comes with a pair of white plastic cards for experiments. All you have to do is write down the dumps on white plastic and withdraw money from the ATM. Yes, I foresee the next question, there are cameras on ATMs. So what? Who forbids a fraudster to put on a little makeup, wear a wig, wide dark glasses and a cap? And in this case, the built-in camera is as useless as milk from a goat.

How to protect yourself from this? Eat the new kind cards with an electronic chip, the protection there is much better and, as far as I know, they have not yet been hacked, so ask the bank for a card with a chip and nothing else, perhaps it is more expensive, but as you know, the miser pays twice.

Well, the universal way to combat any fraud is ATTENTION. If you see that something is sticking out at the ATM card reader, that the ATM keyboard is unnaturally raised, is made “somehow wrong” or is moving, there are booklets hanging on the ATM (the banks themselves do not hang them on the ATM) or, something else suspicious, not Be lazy, look for a more reliable ATM. Yes, and you need to use ATMs in crowded places, preferably in large shopping centers or supermarkets, since there are a lot of cameras there, and scammers usually choose a less risky path and will naturally choose some kind of ATM located somewhere on the outskirts of the city, rather than risk installing equipment in a large shopping center full of surveillance cameras and security.

Unauthorized copying of all information contained on the magnetic stripe of an active credit card for the purpose of illegally creating a counterfeit credit card that can be used by cybercriminals to make purchases. Credit card swipes are used by scammers to collect valuable card information such as card number and expiration date. "Credit card surrender" is another term originally used underground that has found its way into widespread public awareness due to the growing prevalence of credit card counterfeits, identity theft, and other types of cybercrime.


Credit card deposits can be obtained in several ways. A popular method used by criminals is “skimming,” which involves using an illegal card reader to copy credit card data. Other methods include hacking into a retailer's network or using a point of sale device infected with malware.

In many cases, the consumer may not be aware that his or her credit card information has been dumped. Cybercriminals try their best to dump credit cards undetected, since cardholders can simply cancel their cards if they suspect the card's security has been compromised. In fact, the first indication that data dumping has occurred frequently occurs either when a consumer discovers an unauthorized purchase on his or her credit card, or when the consumer receives notification from a merchant that credit card information may be stolen due to a hacker attack.

A credit card dump that contains data for a US card can be sold in the underground economy for between $20 and $80. The value of this information is an incentive for hackers to try to penetrate the networks of established retailers. Once they succeed, it will be possible for them to have a dump for thousands of credit cards. The rise in hacking attacks in recent years at a number of large, high-profile retailers suggests that this problem is here to stay.

What are the consequences of responding to such a proposal? Won't trying to make extra money on someone else's bank card turn into a criminal case where you are not the victim at all?

Profit or deception?

The “work” scheme is quite simple: you receive a bank card by mail, the PIN code will be in the instructions that will be attached to the card. The “employer” claims that he orders bank plastic from abroad, purchases a dump (information about the card in electronic form) from banks and writes it onto the plastic. “The data is foreign - you have nothing to fear,” the craftsmen assure in their advertisements.

It's all frighteningly simple. Get two cards with 30 thousand rubles. At each one you can at the post office, or they will be delivered by courier. You only pay for delivery - 1000 - 2000 rubles. Next, you withdraw and transfer part of the amount to the “employer’s” account, the remaining tens of thousands of rubles are yours, and you take the percentage right away...

Most often, such offers come to schoolchildren and students. Young people, sometimes minors, also replicate them on their pages on social networks, not understanding how such “cooperation” could turn out.

Sad consequences

Banks constantly encounter the use of counterfeit cards. This type of “earning money” is a fraud, and both those who sell cards and those who are going to buy and use them are fraudsters, says Vladimir Bakulin, head of the electronic business monitoring directorate of a large bank.

According to the expert, cards reach criminals in different ways. Most often, data is simply purchased online. Thus, there is a high probability that the sellers immediately intended to deceive the buyers and the cards are most likely invalid.

Although it happens that organized scammers are actually looking for people to cash out counterfeits (so-called “drops”). Remember: participation in such schemes is fraught with criminal liability under the article “Fraud” with all the ensuing consequences, reminds V. Bakunin. - Credit organizations take a variety of measures to combat fraud. From monitoring operations to helping law enforcement arrest criminals. But Nizhny Novgorod residents should also be vigilant - not to help cyber fraudsters.

With the development of non-cash payments and the plastic card market, the number of different types of fraud in this segment is also growing. The above scheme is designed for financially illiterate citizens hungry for easy income. Remember: money cannot come from nowhere! It cannot be ruled out that the authors of the “super-profitable” scheme, having collected money for “delivery”, will soon disappear from the horizon, says Alexander Yudin, financial advisor, director of a branch of a large financial company in Nizhny Novgorod.

Be careful!

Today, criminals go to great lengths to seize other people’s money. They counterfeit bank cards and create fake websites for payments via the Internet. Waiters and cashiers can discreetly withdraw your money from the card you handed over to pay.

The most common type of fraud is skimming (illegal creation of duplicate cards using special electronic reading devices on ATMs). And it causes the greatest damage,” says Alexander Yudin. - Despite the measures taken by the state, financial supervisory authorities and banks, most often the weak point in protecting the money on the card is the negligence of the citizens themselves. Cards are often lost, handed over to the wrong hands, the PIN code written directly on the credit card, someone else's computer used when shopping online, etc.

When making payments online, it is better to use a separate card, which only contains the amount for a specific purchase. Do not store a lot of money on such a card! And when shopping online, use only trusted sites.

It makes more sense to make purchases only from your own computer. It is useful to activate the SMS notification service about completed transactions. Mobile bank ing is quite vulnerable, experts admit. It has a wide range of issues related to safety of use. The first threat is related to unauthorized access to data stored in your memory. mobile phone. If you don’t have an antivirus, it will be easy for scammers to get hold of bank client profile data.

Turn off Bluetooth when not in use;

Install anti-virus software if you actively access the Internet from your mobile phone.

Another common threat is losing your phone, either accidentally or due to theft. In this case, you need to contact your bank’s support service as quickly as possible in order to block the provision of the Mobile Banking service for your account and preserve your personal savings. Be careful!


An offer to earn extra money using someone else’s bank card should immediately raise doubts: why can’t the other person cash out the funds themselves? - AiF-NN was informed by the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Nizhny Novgorod Region. - Of course, each case needs to be analyzed separately. So far, the Nizhny Novgorod criminal investigation department has not received complaints from Nizhny Novgorod residents about such schemes. If you receive such an offer, you should contact the police.

Cases of fraud using bank cards are common in the region, according to law enforcement officers. Often it is young people who become defendants in such cases. The latest sensational case: in the summer of 2013, three Borsk residents appeared in court, accused of stealing 7 million rubles. from 30 banks. According to investigators, the attackers stole funds using fake bank accounts. payment cards. They used ATMs to withdraw large sums from the accounts of clients of foreign banks.

According to the defendants, they received the scheme for theft of funds from unknown people on the Internet: they sent young people information about bank clients. The guys, using this information, made a duplicate of the plastic card and received cash from ATMs. The information provider (whom the investigation also identified) received 70-80% of the withdrawn amount.