How to pay by placing a card. How to use a bank card in a store

08 02 2018 Anastasia Stasina

Residents of Russia and a number of other countries can be conditionally divided into owners of plastic cards and “observers of card owners.”

Unbelievable but true! There are countries on the planet where there are still no terminals or ATMs, and they know about the possibility of making electronic payments only from foreign films, and they are very skeptical about this.

Residents of civilized countries can hardly imagine their lives without this payment instrument.

It’s understandable - the item is convenient, compact and safe! An excellent substitute for cash. This is why it is important to know how to pay with a card.

Brief instructions for beginners

The “pioneer cardholder” needs to clearly know what kind of cards there are:

  • Credit (they contain the bank’s money, for the use of which a fee is provided, expressed as a percentage).
  • Debit (the money of the owner of the plastic card is there, which he himself put there).
  • Virtual (Internet payment instruments, which may contain money earned on the Runet and funds credited from “offline accounts”).

Before moving directly to the rules of “merchandising,” you should learn to distinguish between cards by type.

A visa card, for example, is an international payment instrument, while a mastercard has a geographically limited range of capabilities. This was said so that situations do not arise when the goods are in the basket, but the card is not accepted at the checkout! The situation is unpleasant, isn't it?

Paying for a purchase in a store

Stores that accept credit and debit cards post special signs on their doors in the form of logos of the payment systems they work with. Most often these are visa, mastercard, maestro and electron visa. To pay for your purchase using a card

  • Give the card to the seller
  • After the seller has done everything necessary, enter your PIN code (if required)
  • Sign the receipt (if you did not enter a PIN code)
  • Get your card back

The card can also be used to pay for lunch or dinner in a restaurant. The waiter will bring a special device (terminal), swipe the card through it, ask you to sign or offer to enter a PIN code, and then issue you a receipt.

In some cases, a passport may be required for reconciliation (bank requirements).

Payment by card online

A variety of online resources offer to buy goods and services from them, and online services are full of offers to make various payments using them. All of them help us, ordinary citizens, simplify our lives and purchase the things we need without leaving home, as well as pay mandatory credit, utility and even tax contributions.

In this case, a plastic card is assistant No. 1!

Payment for purchases in the online store occurs through an intermediary company, which guarantees the security of the transaction.

In order to make a purchase, you need to select a product (or service) and then fill out all the fields, including the card number. The buyer’s identification data must also be verified, that is, name, surname, card expiration date and, in some cases, the CVV (special card code on the back side).

The last step requires payment confirmation via SMS or email.

Having received such an SMS, enter the code received on your mobile phone in the field and wait for the result. If the “Thank you for your payment” or “Your payment has been received” window appears on the screen. The order is being processed", the operation was completed successfully.

About card fraud and security rules

Despite the security of bank cards, fraud in this area is far from uncommon. Here are a few “taboos” that will save your money from scammers from real and virtual life:

  • If you have lost your card, call the bank to have the card blocked
  • Never tell anyone your PIN code and CVV 2 (orally, in writing, by phone)
  • Always track the amount debited from your account after purchase
  • At the slightest suspicion of fraud, call the bank and ask everything you need.

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The holder of a bank card has a whole range of methods and means to use all the functions of this payment instrument:

ATMs and self-service terminals.
Mobile bank.
Sberbank Online, including its versions for mobile phones and tablets.
Cashless payment purchases and services on the Internet and stationary points of sale.
Carrying out transactions in bank branches.

Using a Sberbank card at ATMs

Cards of the payment system VISA, MasterCard, Maestro, American Express can be used in almost any ATM, regardless of its location and ownership credit organization. In this case, you need to take into account:

At the ATMs of the card issuing bank, that is, in our case, Sberbank, basic transactions with the card are carried out without commission.
When using terminals belonging to other credit institutions, a commission is charged. You can find out about its size during the transaction - the ATM operating system itself will determine the percentage of the commission, calculate the amount and provide the relevant information to the user before confirming the operation.
Increased fees are established at ATMs located outside the state in which the bank or branch where the card was issued operates.
As a rule, the conditions for using Sberbank premium cards provide free transactions at any ATM around the world.

To use a Sberbank card at an ATM, insert it into the receiving device and enter the PIN code. Next, you will be offered a list of available operations.

By sequentially selecting the desired menu items, you will quickly complete the transaction. Using an ATM, a cardholder can:

Withdraw cash. Please note that the bank sets daily limits on cash withdrawals.
Top up your account mobile phone. To perform this operation, select the appropriate item in the main menu, then enter the phone number and the amount to be credited.
Pay for housing and communal services, Internet, TV, landline phone.
Make a transfer Money to a bank account or other card.
Top up your wallet in the electronic payment system.
Top up your card account by depositing cash. This operation is only available for ATMs with a banknote acceptance function.

Using a card using Mobile Banking

The Mobile Bank service allows you to perform card transactions by sending an SMS with certain text commands. To use it, you need to activate this service using a Sberbank ATM for these purposes. In this case, the service will be tied to a specific mobile phone number, which can only be changed by submitting an appropriate application at a bank branch.

Through Mobile Banking you can perform a number of transactions:

Transfer of funds to other cards and accounts. Send an SMS to number 900 with the text: TRANSFER, the phone number to which the mobile bank of the payment recipient is linked, and the amount to be transferred.

Pay for a mobile phone. To top up your phone, send an SMS to number 900, for example, with the text 250, where the number means the amount you want to transfer. If you need to top up another phone, please indicate its number before the amount.

To expand the functionality of Mobile Banking, you can create SMS templates in the service Online Sberbank. This function allows you to create transaction templates with certain parameters and assign short commands to them, which then, if necessary, to carry out the corresponding operation are sent via SMS to number 900.

Using a bank card using Sberbank Online

To start using Internet banking, use a Sberbank ATM. In the main menu, select “Connect Sberbank Online”. Next, a receipt will be printed indicating the ID and permanent password. This data is required for authorization on the Internet banking website. In addition, to enter Personal Area, as well as to confirm all transactions on the phone connected to Mobile bank, SMS with one-time codes will be sent.

The functionality of Sberbank Online allows you to:

Transfer money between your accounts and cards at Sberbank and other credit institutions, transfer funds to the accounts of other persons and organizations.

Pay for mobile communications, Internet, housing and communal services, fines and duties, goods and services and much more.

Top up accounts in electronic payment systems. In particular, you can transfer funds to a Yandex.Money wallet without commission.
Receive complete information about your accounts and cards, transaction history, enable and disable various options.

To make any transaction, you need to select the desired item from the proposed list in the “Transfers and Payments” tab, then fill out a small form with the details of the payment addressee or any information used to identify the user, for example, an agreement number. Some operations involve charging commissions, the amount of which the system will calculate itself and provide the user with this information before making a payment.

Using a card to pay for purchases or services on the Internet and in stores

Most online services provide the ability to pay for services and goods with bank cards. Please note that such transactions should only be carried out with reliable operators that provide high level protecting user data.

To pay for a purchase online, you will be asked to enter your card details: the number located on the front side, and the code cvc2 or cvv2 - this is a numerical combination of 3 digits (for American Express cards - 4 digits), located on the back of the card on the strip designated for the user's painting.

In some cases, it is necessary to additionally indicate the validity period of the card - it can also be viewed on the front side of the card. Next, you will need to confirm your intention to carry out the operation by entering an SMS verification code.

In stationary stores, paying for purchases is even easier, but this is only possible if the outlet is equipped with a payment terminal. Simply present your card to the merchant and then enter your PIN. Be sure to check the contents of the receipt.

Using the card at a bank branch

At a bank branch you can withdraw cash and top up your card, enable or disable options. To do this, you need to have your card and passport with you.

The Sberbank international bank card is a universal tool that has a wide range of useful and convenient functions. Among them there are those that require the physical presence of a card...

The Sberbank international bank card is a universal tool that has a wide range of useful and convenient functions. Among them there are those that require the physical presence of a card: cash withdrawals, payments at points of sale of goods or services to the public (shops, restaurants, etc.) and those that do not require: payments through Internet services and mobile banking services, ticket booking and hotels, car rental (for premium cards) and others. To use a card without it itself, you only need to know all its details.

How to use a Sberbank credit card?

The most important thing when using a credit card is to comply with the repayment deadlines for loans taken on the card. Then using the card will be convenient and inexpensive financial service. Otherwise, the client will be forced to pay a penalty twice the amount credit interest, for Sberbank credit cards it is 37.8% per annum. On credit cards with grace period It is quite difficult to keep track of the repayment period, since it may vary depending on the date of use of the loan funds. It is much more convenient to pay special attention to the monthly report and receive it no later than the reporting date.

How to use a Sberbank Visa card?

Bank cards of the Visa payment system have their own characteristics of use. Visa cards issued by Sberbank are no exception here. Thus, when paying through POS terminals with a Visa card, entering a PIN code is most often not required, unlike in cases of similar use of MasterCard cards. The client just needs to sign a copy of the check for the cashier. For non-cash payments Visa cards or receiving cash abroad in a currency other than the card currency, exchange rate conversion will take place through the US dollar. In such cases, double conversion through the dollar occurs.

How to use a Sberbank debit card?

You can use a Sberbank debit card throughout the territory Russian Federation and beyond. When using a debit card, the client has the amount of funds available on the card. At the same time, for some clients, Sberbank provides an overdraft limit for debit cards, which can be used when your own money on the card has run out. Also, with any card, an unauthorized overdraft is possible - spending bank funds in excess of the established limit. This situation may arise in cases where there is not enough money to pay annual maintenance cards, currency conversion and in other situations.

How to use a Sberbank gift card?

Before using a Sberbank gift card, the card holder must put his signature on a special tape pasted on the back of the card. Since Sberbank issues gift cards in payment system Visa, the holder may be asked to sign the purchase receipt and even compare the signature with the sample in the passport. When making payments online, you should use the 3-digit CVV2, also located on the back of the gift card. This map not personal, therefore, if the payer needs to indicate his first and last name, they should be entered in Latin characters according to the model of a foreign passport.

How to use a Sberbank social card?

To use social card Sberbank needs to transfer pension payments to this card. After this, the card can be used as a regular debit card, with all the additional services that Sberbank provides: online banking, Mobile Banking service and others. You can pay via online banking or using an ATM from your social card account public utilities, mobile communications and many other services. There is no fee charged for depositing money into a social card, or for withdrawing cash. In addition, 3.5% deposit interest per year is charged on the card balance.

How to use a Sberbank plastic card?

Using Sberbank plastic cards is extremely intuitive. At the same time, there are actions that are strictly prohibited from being performed with a plastic card in order to prevent money from the card account from falling into the hands of criminals. You shouldn’t just tell anyone your Sberbank card number. There are services that allow you to pay for goods using the card number, its expiration date and the holder’s full name (such a service, for example, is used on You also cannot report any codes that come in the form of SMS messages from a Sberbank number. Knowing this code and card number is enough to transfer money through the Mobile Bank service.

How to use a Sberbank salary card?

A salary card has all the features of a debit card and often has an overdraft limit of several months' salary. Such a bank card can be used as a salary card only while working in an organization that has issued salary project. After dismissal, the employee must inform the bank about this, after which the card can be returned to the bank or used as a regular Sberbank debit card.

How to use a Sberbank instant card?

The Sberbank instant card has two main functions: receiving money and paying for services (goods). Transferring money to an instant card can be done at a bank (card number and passport are required), via the Internet or mobile services and in other ways. The money received on the instant card can be converted into cash at any ATM. Payments using instant cards can be made remotely (via the Internet or mobile phone) or directly through POS terminals at retail outlets. You can set up auto payments on your instant card, such as mobile phone top-ups, utility bills, etc.

IN modern world It’s hard to imagine life without plastic bank cards. There are cards for students, pensioners, enterprise employees, deposit cards, credit cards and many others.

However, their classification and scope of application remains something incomprehensible and complex for many. Let's learn the basics of using plastic bank cards.

What are bank plastic cards for?

First of all, bank plastic cards are intended for non-cash payments. But how to use them is up to everyone.

Bank cards are used:

How to use the card

Bottom line

So we learned how to use by bank card. We also learned why these cards are needed and what advantages they have.

It should be noted that for individual transactions it is necessary to create a separate card. For example, from a pension card (in addition to receiving a pension), you will be able to pay for services and purchases, but you will not be able to take out a loan from a bank through it. Or, with a credit card you will be able to take out a set credit limit, pay for services, etc., but you will not be able to receive a pension, scholarship or salary on it. Thus, you can (and should) have several cards of different directions in the future.

There are many nuances and subtleties in handling bank cards, as well as their varieties, however, the knowledge that was proposed above is enough to perform the most common actions with plastic cards.

Plastic cards have firmly entered the life of modern people. They are reliable, practical and convenient, which is why they are becoming increasingly popular. Sberbank offers several types of plastic cards, which are simple, convenient and anyone can understand.

A definite plus plastic card the fact that you do not need to carry a lot of cash with you, which to some extent protects you from thieves. This is convenient both in life and when traveling, especially when crossing the border when you need to transport a large amount of money. If the card itself is stolen, it can easily be blocked by calling Sberbank. The required amount can be withdrawn at any time using a Sberbank terminal or at any bank office. Sberbank plastic cards are convenient for paying utility bills, fines, duties and other necessary payments. You can pay all bills without any queues in just a few minutes using the terminals. Or connect to the Sberbank Online service and make all payments directly from home. To do this, you should conclude an agreement at a Sberbank branch and activate the service, as well as use the mobile support service. Then you won't have to take one-time passwords at bank branches.

It is easy to pay with a Sberbank plastic card in stores, gas stations, hotels, restaurants - an increasing number of companies accept plastic cards as payment for goods and services. In addition, Sberbank’s partners often provide discounts for non-cash payments, and the bank itself, in turn, rewards clients with bonuses - in the form of returning a certain percentage of the purchase amount back to the account.

Another convenient feature from Sberbank is called Autopayment. You can enter a list of phones and they will be automatically topped up from your account when you reach a certain fund limit on your phone. Also, all data and reports on the movement of funds in the account will be sent to your phone. So you can control your accounting in real time, and also react in a timely manner if money is debited from your card in an unauthorized manner.

In addition to regular debit cards, on which you can hold funds or receive wages and other payments, there are also credit cards. There are some subtleties here - you can use the money on the card as usual, but at the same time, if you do not repay the card payments on time, you will be charged interest. However credit card is a kind of insurance in case you urgently need money. By the way, this same card is extremely convenient when traveling abroad if you are going to rent a vehicle and need to pay a large amount as collateral. Easier to block credit funds, in this case the interest will not be calculated, and the money will be debit card you can spend as you wish.

The Sberbank card is universal; you can withdraw money from it from any ATM of any bank, even while abroad. However, remember that the intermediary bank will withdraw from your account the amount for the service - about 3% of the withdrawn amount, but not less than 90 rubles.

Before using a Sberbank plastic card, carefully read the terms of the agreement and ask questions to a Sberbank consultant or operator. Do not share the card password with other people and do not leave the card unattended. In addition, do not forget about scammers; remember that Sberbank employees will never send you SMS messages demanding or asking you to provide the card password or make a call to any number to obtain information on the card. SMS messages from Sberbank come from the short number 900. And to resolve any questions you may have, you should call hotline – 8 800 555 55 50.