The most profitable currency. What is the most expensive currency? This is not the US dollar, or even the British pound! How is the “reliability” of a currency determined?

When talking about saving money, foreign exchange and exchange immediately come to mind as a way to save money. As practice shows, storing money in national currency is very unprofitable, especially when it comes to the ruble.

Over the past decade, the ruble has been no less than fell 10 times in price against the same dollar. And this is clearly not a sign of stability and reliability. Of course, in recent years the government has been directing a lot of efforts to strengthen the ruble, including the proposal to conduct settlements in the national currency, but this is only the beginning of the process of strengthening the national currency. In the meantime, it is unstable, you need to determine the top most reliable currencies in which you can store your own savings and not be afraid that in ten years they will depreciate.

In ancient times, when the concept of a national currency did not yet exist, and commodity exchange already existed, the first money began to emerge, they were made of gold and silver and had real value and weight. But over time, it became too expensive to use precious metals, and paper money was invented. Their release is strictly limited by the real gold and foreign exchange reserves, and they cannot be printed to your heart’s content.

Zlatnik - the first ancient Russian gold coin,
minted in Kyiv at the end of the 10th - beginning of the 11th century, shortly after the Baptism of Rus' by Prince Vladimir.

Depending on the development of the country and its economy, the size of the gold and foreign exchange reserve, economic relations between countries, world trade turnover, the investment attractiveness of the country, the goods it sells and buys, the value of the national currency is formed.

The most expensive currencies have advanced economies. This is due to the stability and reliability of the country's economic well-being. Moreover, it does not matter at all whether the country is large or very small, for example, Switzerland, but due to its status and reliability, the currency of this country is one of the most expensive in the world. It is not for nothing that many people choose Swiss banks to save their savings. Even Swiss watches have the status of the most accurate, reliable and durable. And this once again emphasizes the level of development of the state.

Let's return to the ruble, and what do we see? In fact, Russia is the largest state in the world, but its currency is completely dependent on the same dollar, although it is not considered the most reliable, and in recent years has not even been included in the top five currencies in the world, although it is a reserve currency. The value of the ruble directly depends on the export of oil and gas, and since recent years have become very difficult for the country due to the introduction of a huge number of sanctions, one should not be surprised at the level of the ruble.

Top 10 world currencies by stability

Probably, for most citizens, when the word “currency” is mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind is dollars and euros, although the latter are probably a little less common. The dollar has become the most popular currency for the whole world, which is recognized and accepted for payments by most of the countries of the world. Although in fact, its level of reliability is far from in first place.

How are things going today with the leaders of the foreign exchange market? To get the answer, it is enough to analyze real data on the value of different currencies. And this is what we get:

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Swiss francs (CHF)

We have already focused on the fact that Switzerland is rightfully called one of the most developed countries in the world and at the same time has one of the most expensive currencies in the world. The country's economy is structured in such a way as to maintain the exchange rate of its own franc as much as possible, even forming a reserve fund with 40% reinforcement in the franc. The main emphasis in the country's development is on the development of the banking system. Swiss banks are not only the most reliable in the world, but also guarantee complete confidentiality to their own depositors. It doesn’t matter who wants to make a deposit and what amount to place in the bank’s accounts, everyone will be under the reliable protection of sealed banking secrecy.

The franc is not prone to sudden jumps and falls; this is precisely what guarantees the stability of economic development. Even in times of global crisis, the country has created conditions for the natural growth of the national currency. At the same time, the inflation rate over the past decades does not exceed 0.5-0.6% per annum. Today the price of one franc is 63.37 rubles.

Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD)

The Kuwaiti dinar can rightfully be called the most expensive currency in the world. He has held his high position for more than 20 years. Such a high level of currency development is achieved due to the stable development of the country’s macroeconomic indicators, and one of the main components is the gigantic oil production in the world. Like most other currencies, the dinar is still tied to the dollar, and even having the status of the most expensive and stable, it cannot compete with the dollar for popularity. It is worth paying tribute to this currency for its resistance to various downturns in the economy, but it will most likely never be possible to make it a reserve currency. It is very difficult to buy currency in the public domain; most often, its acquisition is available at auctions and financial trading markets. According to exchange rates as of May 2019, the value of the Kuwaiti dinar is 212.45 Russian rubles.

Bahraini Dinar (BHD)

Another dinar, which ranks second in terms of its cost, is the Bahraini dinar. Its market value in relation to the ruble is 171.28. Like Kuwait, Bahrain is one of the developed powers, the main component of whose GDP is formed through oil exports. An important feature of Bahrain is its free economy. It provides free employment opportunities for foreign workers, which makes the country as interesting as possible both for workers and for investment.

Omani rial (OMR)

Oman is a country with an absolute monarchy, in which there is really no unemployment or homelessness. While creating a high standard of living for its citizens, the country is actively developing and maintaining its own currency at a very high level. The main export item is black gold, which has helped the rial for several decades to occupy a high position among the most popular, expensive, and, most importantly, stable currencies in the world. Today, purchasing one Omani rial will cost 168.43 rubles.

Japanese yen (JPY)

Japan is increasing the level of development of the country, and along with it the rating of its national currency is growing. The yen is one of the ten most stable currencies in the world, thanks to which more than 1/5 of transactions on the foreign exchange market are carried out with its participation. In confirmation of its stability, the annual inflation rate does not exceed 1.2%, and the last denomination was in Japan 65 years ago. Let’s not forget to mention the country’s gold reserves: Japan ranks 8th among countries in the world in terms of gold reserves. And this once again emphasizes the level of development of the country, which even a nuclear disaster could not bring down. Exchange rate 1 yen = 0.58 rubles.

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Pound sterling (GBP)

One of the most attractive currencies for investing money is the pound sterling. It is the national currency of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is worth noting that its exchange rate is almost 2 times higher than that of the dollar, and this is guaranteed to become a heavyweight among world currencies. For many countries, it is the state's reserve currency. The pound to ruble exchange rate is 84.45.

Euro (EUR)

Another young but significant currency in the world is the euro. For many countries it acts as a reserve currency, and although it is prone to fluctuations, like the dollar, it will not be able to go into decline and lose its status. The euro is used in all EU countries and helps to boost the economies of less developed countries, from which it itself seriously suffers. For those who decided to keep their savings in euros, the forecasts are not entirely comforting; due to the protracted European crisis, the euro may still lose its position and drop almost to the dollar exchange rate, although these will be temporary difficulties for the currency.

US dollar (USD)

So, it is the most sought after, exchanged and popular currency all over the world. Almost 90% of transactions on financial exchanges are carried out using the dollar. This is not only a reserve currency for many countries, but also a national one, and not only for the United States, but also for El Salvador, for example. In some countries, the dollar is used for everyday life on a par with the national currency. Of course, the dollar is unlikely to fall to its historical low, but let’s not forget that America has long since lost its own gold and foreign exchange reserves. Although their country is very developed, the reality is that the dollar is, in fact, an unbacked piece of paper, the real value of which is inflated many times over. But if you plan to save your money in dollars, then you don’t have to worry; in the coming years, 50 dollars will take its stable position in the foreign exchange market. Today the dollar exchange rate is 65.22 rubles.

Swedish krona (SEK)

The Swedes are prudent and thrifty people, none of them are too poor, and the state provides many benefits for people. Swedish financial policy is based on the fundamental principle of maintaining the exchange rate of its national currency. Thanks to this, there is virtually no inflation or devaluation in the country, which has helped the krone become one of the most stable currencies in the world, and, accordingly, earn the status of a reliable one. Let us also draw attention to the fact that even being a European state, Sweden is not going to give up its currency for the sake of the euro, but on the contrary, the course is aimed only at its strengthening and further strengthening. However, if you plan to start buying crowns to save your own money, then such an investment is not entirely justified. Although the country’s economy is one of the most stable, the exchange rate for this currency is still “floating”, and for investors this is a signal to think about it. And the exchange rate today is only 6.85 rubles.

Australian dollar (AUD)

Another fairly stable currency is the Australian dollar, which is the national currency of the entire continent and its surrounding islands. At the same time, this dollar is used not only in Australia, it turns out quite well in the world as a whole. Due to its isolation, Australia is less susceptible to global crises, but the exchange rate is still associated with the import of raw materials for the chemical industry, oil, and agricultural products supplied by the country to the world market. Many buyers are willing to make payments with the country in its national currency, having previously purchased it from stock brokers and at auctions. The value of the crown at the beginning of May is 45.82 Russian rubles, which is significantly less than the US dollar.

Every day, investors analyze currency quotes charts, trying to figure out which currency is the hardest and most stable. What is it for? It’s very simple - to ensure peace of mind for the safety of your own savings. For what reasons does one currency become stable, while another cannot withstand the waves of economic crises sweeping across the planet? And what monetary units are the most reliable in the world?

Why does a currency become reliable?

Before you find out which currency is considered the most stable in the world, it is worth deciding for what reasons it becomes strong and reliable. The answer is quite simple: stable currencies belong to countries with the best developed economies. At the same time, the area of ​​the country's territory or the standard of living of its population may not matter at all. Another important factor is the support of the currency by the state’s gold reserves: the share of the state’s gold in the global reserve determines its stability.

So, what currency is the most reliable and in what should you keep your savings?

The Asian “economic miracle” can indeed be called a miracle: the yen has long been considered one of the most stable in the world. Minimal inflation, as well as the fact that there has been no devaluation in the country over the past seven decades, allows us to confidently advise keeping your savings in yens. The national currency is also strengthened by the fact that Japan is one of the world's main importers of high-tech equipment.

However, even the quietest harbor can be overtaken by a storm. The Japanese economy was greatly affected by the nuclear disaster. To correct the situation, banks are buying gold, which will support the national currency. However, the Japanese yen is currently the most stable currency. And analysts predict that in the near future the yen will become much stronger than the dollar, which is currently the reserve currency.

Probably everyone knows the expressions “reliable, like a Swiss watch” or “reliable, like a Swiss bank.” The same can be said about the Swiss franc: almost all economic activity of the state is aimed at maintaining a stable and fairly stable exchange rate of the national currency. The franc is backed by gold and foreign exchange reserves by almost 50%, and the state’s national bank does not allow either a fall or a sharp rise in the exchange rate.

Well, if you add that the Swiss franc has been leading the ranking of the most reliable monetary units in the world for more than eight decades, it becomes clear where you should invest your savings.

Of course, recent geopolitical events have somewhat shaken the status of the euro as one of the world's hardest currencies. Nevertheless, even despite the decline in quotations, the euro does not intend to lose its status.

However, the euro may face new challenges in the near future. For example, if previously only countries with developed economies joined the European Union, recently developing countries have joined the EU. And this means only one thing: the “old-timers” of the European Union will have to take on the difficult task of raising the economy of the “new recruits” to the appropriate level. In addition, the migration crisis is affecting the euro exchange rate.

True, there is no point in waiting for a collapse of the EU economy, and therefore a significant depreciation of the euro: the maximum to which this currency can fall is one dollar.

Nevertheless, eminent investors recommend not to rush to convert their savings into euros, which are currently experiencing difficult times. In addition, countries that are not members of large associations react less to global crises, which means their currencies behave in a more predictable manner.

The dollar is a global reserve currency, which means people will never stop investing their savings in it. Although the United States has a fairly large national debt, and many economic areas of the country are stagnating, the dollar is not losing ground. True, there is one very significant “but”: the stability of the dollar is largely due to the fact that the national bank periodically turns on the “printing press”. However, the annually predicted “crash” never happens, and many people continue to keep their savings in American currency.

The Norwegian currency is one of the “strongest” currencies of the European Union. This was not always the case, because for a long time Norway in its foreign economic activity was focused on oil production, and the cost of hydrocarbons, as we know, can fluctuate. However, over time, the situation changed, and the crown took the lead, having managed to accumulate quite impressive gold and foreign exchange reserves over the years of exporting oil and gas. Even the current decline in oil prices has not affected the krona, which says a lot.

The Swedes decided to take advantage of the example of economically prosperous Switzerland. Instead of printing new banknotes, Swedish banks are focusing on maintaining the exchange rate of the national currency. Thanks to its developed economic policy, the national bank does not give the crown any chance of inflation and devaluation, which allows us to safely recommend keeping savings in this currency.

For what reasons is the Australian dollar considered one of the most stable currencies in the world? It's very simple: Australia's geographical location played a role in this. This mainland state does not interfere in geopolitical conflicts and is neutral towards all existing communities. In addition, Australia has a fairly low unemployment rate. This is why the Australian dollar is so attractive to investors.

It is worth adding that the Australian economy is largely based on the export of minerals. And since an impressive share of raw materials on the world market comes from this continent, it becomes quite convenient to pay Australia with its national currency.

Achieving stability of a national currency is not easy: to do this, you need to take into account a huge number of different factors and build the right relationships with partner states. Unfortunately, residents of Russia can only hope that someday the ruble will be included in the list of the most stable world currencies.

There are some discrepancies among expert opinions, but a general trend can still be noticed. In this article, we will consider what is meant by a stable and stable currency, as well as the money of which countries belong to it.

Why do currency values ​​vary?

The value of currencies of different countries cannot be the same, since all states have their own special features and characteristics. These include: geographical location, availability of support in the form of a reserve or gold and foreign exchange fund, status on the world stage, competent economic management.

So, the more developed the country, the better and better the government, the better the national body responsible for the financial situation copes with its tasks in the economic field, the stronger and more stable the currency of this state will be.

How is the “reliability” of a currency determined?

Many people are interested in what other criteria are used to determine the most stable currency. It is necessary to conduct a small analysis of the main indicators of the state, including:

  • extraction of natural resources and raw materials;
  • volume of imports and exports;
  • development of the main modern industrial sectors (oil, gas, information technology).

Having assessed the country according to the proposed criteria, we can draw a conclusion about the reliability of its currency. It is worth clarifying that stability does not mean high cost. Thus, the most reliable monetary unit is not always the most expensive currency.

The most stable currencies and their descriptions

Let's consider which countries' national currencies are considered stable and reliable. It should be noted that the American dollar is not included in the ranking: despite its popularity and widespread use when paying for goods and services, due to constant crises and problems in the economy, it is not included in this top.

Swiss frank

The most reliable currency at the moment is the Swiss currency. The country behaves wisely economically, supporting in every possible way. It is backed by 40% gold and foreign exchange reserves. The National Bank does not allow devaluation, as well as sharp fluctuations in the exchange rate of its currency. Therefore, despite the small number of bonds, it is most profitable to invest in francs.


One of the most common currencies in the world is . Despite the ambiguous economic situation in European countries, as well as the enormous difference in the situation of some of them, the value of this monetary unit, although sometimes reduced, still remains quite high and stable. We can say for sure that the euro will definitely not lose its status as a reserve currency.

Japanese yen

There are good reasons to choose the currency for your deposit. First of all, the low level of inflation (no more than 1%), also the absence of denomination. Over the past 65 years it has never happened. At the same time, you need to understand that the Japanese economy is based on high technologies and developments in the field of programming, and in the last two to three years the demand for them has decreased. This is due to financial crises and problems in many countries around the world. However, the yen exchange rate is now stable, and there is no reason to doubt its reliability.

Swedish krona

It is considered one of the most reliable national currencies. In some countries, the economy is supported by constantly issuing new money, but this approach is not used in Sweden. Its policy is aimed at preserving and maintaining the current course. This is what is considered an advantage of the crown, which does not provide a chance for devaluation or increased inflation.

Norwegian krone

The first time the national currency of Norway was recognized as stable and reliable was in 2008. After this, the rate of increase in its value was not too fast, but confident: upward trends were visible. This has led to it now being one of the top 5 most stable currencies. You must understand that the economy of this northern country is based on oil, so some fluctuations are present and observed almost always. However, Norway was able to accumulate an impressive reserve fund, which keeps the kroner at one of the highest rates against the American currency.

Australian dollar

The reasons why it is considered one of the stable national currencies are simple: its geographical location on the map. It is located at a distance from all armed conflicts, and also tries to maintain neutrality in relations with all other countries. Low unemployment is also a factor. That is why investments in the Australian dollar are recognized by experts as economically profitable and justified. It should be added that the country lives off the export of natural resources, so minor fluctuations in the exchange rate are possible.


The official currency of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is indeed very stable. Its exchange rate is usually considered unfair and overpriced by tourists, but from the point of view of investments and investments, it is quite stable and profitable. It has also seen a surge in popularity over the past decade: in 2006, for example, it became the third most widely used reserve currency.

Canadian dollar

This currency, as the name suggests, is common in Canada. About ten years ago, it ranked seventh among the most actively traded currencies in the money markets. At the moment, it is believed that the American economy is most affected, this is due to its geographical proximity to the United States, as well as the large volume of imports from the neighboring country. In addition, now the exchange rate in the state is considered to be freely floating, and directly depends on the level of inflation.

Hong Kong dollar

This currency is common in Hong Kong. For about 30 years, its exchange rate has been pegged to the US dollar. For this purpose, the so-called Monetary Board regime is used. With it, relative fluctuations are possible, but they must occur within established limits: no more than 7-8 per 1 US dollar.

Kuwaiti dinar

The national currency of one of the Middle Eastern monarchies. The economy of this country is thriving mainly due to active oil production and export. If we talk about the exchange rate of this monetary unit in relation to the US dollar, then at the moment 1 Kuwaiti dinar is equal to 3.3 dollars. However, it is, of course, not as popular among investors as the American currency.

If a person wants to make a deposit and ensure its safety financially, he must remember that only reliable currencies are least affected by crises. Usually we are talking about the funds of strong and developed economic states. However, as already said, they are not considered a good choice since America's financial situation is not so stable and its gold reserves are small. Therefore, it is better to pay attention to the above rating in order to choose a truly stable currency for deposit.

There is no doubt that the American dollar is the most popular currency on planet Earth, but not the most expensive. The most expensive bitcoin today is a virtual currency that is accepted by more and more sellers of goods and services every day. 1 Bitcoin can be bought for 21,574.20 rubles. An unprecedented price for something that cannot be touched.

However, there is one “but” here - Bitcoin is not officially recognized as a currency. " Now Bitcoin can only be considered as a start-up, not a completed project“,” says Konstantin Grebennikov, advisor to the chairman of the board of Promregionbank. " The central bank of the state in whose territory the currency is in circulation is responsible for issuing money. Bitcoin is a virtual currency that can also be used as a means of payment, but only to pay for goods or services from sellers who are ready to accept them. Accordingly, Bitcoin cannot be called a currency.“- adds Ivan Farafonov, Deputy Head of the Treasury Department of the Bank of Settlements and Savings.

If we consider real money stored in people’s wallets, the leader in currency value is the Kuwaiti dinar, which costs 123.92 rubles. It is used by only about 3 million people living on the shores of the Persian Gulf. The state is rich in oil, which keeps the dinar exchange rate at a high level.

The second place among the most expensive currencies in the world is occupied by the Bahraini dinar, sold on the market at 92.97 rubles, and in third place is the Omani real, costing 90.96 rubles. The well-known British pound sterling occupies only 6th place in the ranking (59.44 rubles), the euro – 8th place (46.87 rubles), the American dollar and all in 15th position (34.81 rubles).

The vast majority of currencies can only be purchased in the country in which they are circulated. Therefore, if you are going to travel to one of the exotic countries, then take cash euros or dollars with you. " The most convenient and profitable way is to buy dollars and/or euros - in any country, even those isolated from the outside world like the DPRK and Cuba, you can exchange them for local currency“, advises Ivan Farafonov.

Also, do not forget about the plastic card. " It is always better to have a bank card with you from one of the international payment systems with a cash reserve corresponding to your spending for two or three days. Ideally, for security reasons, a card for foreign travel should be separate from the main one and must have connected Internet banking, so that additional funds from the current account can be transferred to it at any time“, recommends Konstantin Grebennikov.

Top 20 most expensive currencies in the world

Currency name Cost of one unit (rub.)
0 Bitcoin 21574,20
1 Kuwaiti dinar 123,92
2 Bahraini Dinar 92,97
3 Omani rial 90,96
4 Saint Helena pound 59,67
5 Falkland Islands pound 59,65
6 GBP 59,44
7 Jordanian dinar 49,42
8 Euro 46,87
9 Azerbaijani manat 44,44
10 Cayman Islands dollar 42,71
11 Swiss frank 38,56
12 Panamanian Balboa 35,02
13 Cuban Peso 35,01
14 Bahamian dollar 35,00
15 U.S. dollar 34,81
16 Australian dollar 32,88
17 Canadian dollar 32,47
18 Singapore dollar 28,29
19 Brunei dollar 28,29
20 Bosnia and Herzegovina convertible mark 24,09

Currency values ​​are given as of July 24, 2014. The source of the courses is the resource

In our difficult times, almost every person thinks about where to invest their money most rationally. However, not all people realize that any investment is a significant risk, especially when it concerns a currency that is not entirely stable. In this article we will look at what is the most stable currency in the world today, its features, and also review other strong national currencies of the planet that can also claim leadership in the financial sector in the future.

The situation with the ruble

The Russian currency is far from the best option for emulating other money. And that’s all, because if you analyze the trend from the period of the creation of the ruble to its current state, it will become clear: the currency almost constantly shows negative indicators, declining in relation to other money. Literally over the last 20 years, the “wooden” (this is the popular name for the Russian ruble) has fallen in price relative to the American dollar by almost 14 times.

Absolute leader

When studying the currencies of the world, you should pay close attention to a country called Switzerland. Yes, not every one of us will immediately find this small power on the map, but for many years this country has confidently held the palm in its economic and financial stability. In this regard, we can say with complete confidence that the most stable currency in the world is the Swiss franc. This fact is largely explained by the wise macroeconomic policy of the state leadership, as well as the presence of bank secrecy, which guarantees confidentiality to an individual, company, or corporation.

In 2011, the franc had a real opportunity to grow against the euro due to the economic crisis in the EU, but the head of the Swiss National Bank made a seemingly unpopular decision for many people in the post-Soviet space - not to allow the franc to grow above 1.2 euros, that is keep your own currency from strengthening.

Of course, the fact that the strongest currency in the world does not allow its own sharp rise and devaluation is very important from the point of view of investors, who can safely make their investments in francs or keep bank savings using these banknotes without worrying about sharp fluctuations in the exchange rate in one direction or another.

Miracle from Heaven

Of course, it cannot be stated unequivocally that the most stable currency is the Chinese yuan. Despite its authority, the Asian banknote is still not the undisputed leader. Nevertheless, this monetary unit confidently retains its second position in the conditional ranking of the most powerful national currencies in the world.

The yuan began to gain strength after it lost its peg to the US dollar in 2005. Over the past few years, Chinese government leaders have embarked on a controlled devaluation of their own currency in order to increase the country's economic growth. At the same time, in relation to the ruble, the yuan has risen in price by 228% over the past ten years.

Third place

When studying the question of what is the most stable currency in the world, one cannot help but pay attention to the Israeli shekel. Many will not understand why it is, but the whole point is that its rate, although floating, is still quite stable. Over the past decades, the shekel has fallen very slightly against the US dollar.

Norwegian krone

It was the most stable currency on the planet in 2008-2009, according to HSBC analysts. It is worth understanding that it very much depends on the volume of oil exports, and therefore the crown exchange rate is at risk because the price of oil fluctuates. But nevertheless, the state managed to accumulate a colossal reserve fund, which allows maintaining the crown at a high and stable level for quite a long period of time.

Money of the Land of the Rising Sun

The post-war “economic miracle” of the Japanese has led to the fact that their yen has been one of the most reliable and stable currencies in the world for many years. At the same time, inflation in the state is within 1.2%, and redenomination has not been carried out even once over the past 65 years. All this suggests that this currency can be trusted.

The Japanese yen against the dollar today has a ratio of 100 to 0.89. But it was not always so. Just six years ago, the Japanese yen had a rate of 1 to 1.25 against the dollar, but due to the decline in Asian interest in high-tech products, the value of their currency decreased.

Rumor has it that Japanese bankers will soon begin to actively allocate quite large sums for the purchase of gold in order to strengthen their currency as much as possible. By the way, Japan is now in eighth position in the world in terms of gold reserves, which also cannot but have a positive impact on the position of the yen.

Near East

At the moment, the Kuwaiti dinar is the most expensive currency in the world. In rubles you will need to pay more than 200 units for one Kuwaiti dinar. This rate can be explained by the huge export of oil from Kuwait to the world market.

The Bahraini dinar is another national currency of the Middle East region, which is distinguished by its stability in general and its high cost in relation to the Russian ruble. This situation is observed due to the impressive oil reserves of this small country.

One cannot help but recall such a world currency as the Omani rial in a review of the most powerful monetary units on the planet. The rial is so strong that the Omani government issues banknotes in denominations of 1/2 and even 1/4.

European titanium

The EU currency - the euro - is, in principle, not the most stable currency, but it is still quite strong. Of course, how could it be otherwise if on the European continent the euro is used in several dozen countries, among which there are many real economic “super heavyweights”. In addition, the euro is the second reserve currency in the world, which covers 22.2% of all savings on the planet, while for the US dollar this figure is 62.3%.

Money of Foggy Albion

The British pound is consistently among the leaders in value on the planet. By the way, the colonies of the Kingdom also issue their own banknotes, which are quoted in a 1:1 ratio to British money, although they have a different appearance. However, the native English are extremely reluctant to accept “other” pounds as payment for goods and services.

American money

The US dollar, due to the fact that it is the main world reserve currency, has the opportunity to “circulate” around the world. Simply put, anyone can use this money to pay in almost any country on earth. At the same time, in 2018 the dollar is no longer as good as it was before. Even the Thai currency was able to show a higher rate of growth than the US national currency.

Australian currency

The Australian dollar is the currency used by the entire continent. Largely because of this, this money is quite popular in the world, since it covers a very large planetary region. At the same time, Australia is isolated from other countries of the world geographically and occupies a neutral position militarily. Thanks to all this, the national one is strong and stable. This dollar is also called the commodity dollar, since it is used to pay for oil, chemical and agricultural products, etc., supplied to the world market from this continent.

I would also like to note that the most reliable world currencies are not only the above money, but also, according to the respected American financial holding JP Morgan, the Singapore dollar. It is this monetary unit that not only the giant of the US financial sector pays attention to, but also the World Bank, which in turn again predicts in the period 2018-2019 the beginning of a new crisis, repeating every 10 years. At the same time, the Singapore dollar seems to modern experts to be one of the most recession-resistant currencies, capable of withstanding and successfully withstanding all the difficulties and threats of a critical period in the global economy and financing.