What is money for? The importance of finance in the modern world. Why does a reasonable person need money?

What is money for?? Have you ever thought about this question?

We all, by inertia, strive to receive, spend, accumulate them, but what can they actually give?

Money is completely subject to our consciousness, but as soon as we make it the purpose of our existence, we begin to miss such important components of a happy and fulfilling life as love, a feeling of gratitude for life in all its manifestations, joy and happiness from seemingly simple things, without which human happiness is impossible.

A harmonious consciousness is able to attract the amount of money necessary for a comfortable life.

As for the amount of money, there should be so much that you don’t have to think about it. A sense of proportion is important here. Money should provide freedom of expression, add mobility, free up time and energy for our development and enjoyment of life. Their number does not determine whether we will be happy. You can be the owner of a hefty bank account and still remain sick, lonely and unhappy. You can be happy with only the essentials. And at the same time, being satisfied with your life is not forced, when a person is content with what he has, but for real.

The problem is that for many, money becomes the only way to fulfill their desires, an object of dreams that pushes into the background, if not completely, many important aspects of life. A person loses the ability to simply be happy with what he has, and joins the race for more and more money, begins to consider money as a panacea for all possible troubles and problems, and devotes all his energy to earning as much money as possible. And when he succeeds, then for some reason satisfaction does not come, the person understands that this is not enough. And the race continues.

The state of dissatisfaction is actually not related to the amount of money, but to something completely different. Money is only one component of our lives, and the absence of other important components cannot compensate for everything.

We tend to fall into the illusion of excess - it seems to us that if we have as many goods as possible, then we will be happier. But in reality it turns out that these excess quantities, exceeding what we really need for a comfortable life, do not bring the expected happiness.

The material benefits we rely on require time and energy, we have worries, we have to force ourselves and ultimately subordinate ourselves to things and material values. We lose the balance between the needs of the body and soul, we forget that life itself has value, and not life in pursuit of material satisfaction.

We are not talking about extremes when you need to give up the material side of life, but it is still good to remember about balance. You shouldn’t overestimate, put money first, but you shouldn’t do the opposite - idealize the spiritual. One thing in isolation from the other will not be good for you and will not make you happy.

Start by identifying where the imbalance is in your life, in what areas, and what causes it. Once you figure this out and start taking action to change the situation, you will find that your sense of self in life changes, and along with it, your financial situation.

Use money to live. Don't use your life just to make money.

What role does money play in your life? Do you devote time to developing other areas? Share your opinion on this issue in the comments to the article.

Probably, each of us at least once asked such a simple, but at the same time very important question: “What is money for?” The answer will be provided in the article.

What is money?

Money is a kind of product that, in fact, is a general and universal equivalent of the value of many other goods or services. Karl Marx, for example, noted that all existing goods can be easily measured by the degree of effort and labor expended on their production. This can be done, for example, by comparing the employee’s qualifications and working hours. Thanks to this comparison, we will be able to determine the price of absolutely any product. This can be done with the help of another universal commodity - money.

Money is needed to determine the measure of value, to make savings and payments. At the same time, all finances must be supported with something. Perhaps this is with the help of precious reserves. In the Russian Federation, such a reserve is gold.

Is money evil?

Having understood what money is needed for, it is worth moving on to the equally important question of the essence of finance. Many people like to argue that all money is “real evil” and should be eliminated and never used at all. What motivates citizens who say this? As a rule, they look at things somewhat one-sidedly.

Finance is a very convenient tool that allows you to correctly assess the cost of a particular product. In the hands of a reasonable person, money will be only a means of satisfying one's own needs. But there are also madmen in our world who are ready to do anything for the sake of finance. Here we can draw a classic parallel with a knife: in someone’s hands a knife is a convenient household tool, but in someone else’s it is a dangerous murder weapon. So why does a reasonable person need money? The answer is simple and logical: to exchange one’s own labor for various kinds of elements and services necessary for quality life support.

Buying time

It is worth returning to the question of why money is needed. Three undeniable advantages of finance will be outlined below.

The first and probably the main advantage of money is saving time. Unfortunately, we cannot buy for ourselves even an extra hour of life (as is presented, for example, in many science fiction films). However, for a certain share of finances, it is quite possible to buy someone else’s time, thereby significantly saving your own. What exactly are we talking about?

Repairing a car yourself can take a significant amount of time; and in the end, it will be impossible to guarantee that the car is perfectly repaired. And if you give it to professionals, then your own time will be saved, and the car will be properly repaired. The same can be said about ateliers, hairdressers, laundries, etc. All this is called the service sector. Various companies that are ready to perform this or that service significantly save our precious hours. And again, money contributes to this.

Improving life

Be that as it may, life is a pretty boring thing. Many people are only able to work without having time to enjoy the delights of the world around them. How to get out of this situation? Here again we will have to turn to the question of what money is needed for.

Traveling around the world, meeting interesting people, enjoying the benefits of the world around you - all this is possible thanks to money. A person who earns well is able to rest well. And, again, only finances will help you competently combine work and leisure. Money really makes people's lives better, more colorful and more interesting. But it is precisely here that danger can await: often a person is not able to stop, and therefore he goes “in all seriousness.” This is why finances need to be used wisely. On the other hand, a person who makes good money, but at the same time lives a boring and monotonous life, must think: is he doing everything right?

Extending life

It has already been said above that it is impossible to buy extra life hours, days or years. This is, of course, absolutely true. However, we should not forget that with the help of money you can improve your health and, although not guaranteed, still extend your life.

Of course, everything here depends to a greater extent on the person himself, on his actions. You can pay huge amounts of money for treatment, but at the same time lead a far from healthy lifestyle. But we should not forget about those cases when people undergo expensive operations to prevent an early death. We are talking here again about the service sector, but this time about a very unique one: it directly concerns life extension.

So why do people need money? If I answer very briefly, then in order to live.

Five more reasons

For some, the three presented benefits of cash may not seem enough. That is why it is worth giving five more proofs that finance is a convenient and useful thing. Here's what money is for:

All the evidence presented above will certainly be enough to finally answer the question posed about what money is needed for.

  1. Affirmation of personal value.
    Money gives you a sense of self-importance - it may seem that those who managed to earn a lot are better than those who were not able to do so. Behind this feeling is the desire to fill the inner emptiness, to give yourself weight in your own eyes. It can be expressed in the attitude: “If I have money, then I’m worth something!” But, unfortunately, almost always someone has more money, and therefore the happiness of owning it eludes.
  2. Security and control.
    We are worried about the education of our children, about the prosperous retirement of our parents, about our own health - and for many of us, only money can give us peace of mind and confidence in the future. Money gives not only basic security, but also a feeling of control over the situation: with its help you can “solve problems”, “agree” and even “go around the corner”, feel “at the top” among the less wealthy.
  3. The need for love and recognition.
    By spending large sums on gifts for other people or on charity, but forgetting about our own needs, we try to demonstrate to others how good we are. The desire to receive the love of others by paying for it came to us from the past, when the groom was obliged to pay a ransom for the bride. But you can also pay for recognition - for example, a person dreams of money to spend on scientific experiments, on opening a museum, writing great music, paintings, books: this is how he wants to remain in people’s memory, he is afraid of dying unknown. In addition, money can give a feeling of being chosen - a person thinks that in this way the love of the world, of God, is manifested: “if money came to me, it means that I am special.”
  4. The desire for freedom and independence.
    Very often, when talking about big money, we believe that with its help we will get complete freedom. But what are we going to do with it and how does it express itself for us? The desire to escape to a desert island may indicate not only the need to be alone and eat tropical fruits, but also a reluctance to take responsibility for others, a fear of contact, and a lack of development. When a person says, “I want to see the world,” he may really be dreaming of travel, or he may just want to escape from his life.
  5. Thirst for power.
    Big money can mean omnipotence - when you have it, you can control everything. Even time. Many people have an irrational fantasy: time can be exchanged for money, and then back. In this case, we work without seeing the white light - in order to then relax and heal properly. But when money is earned, time has already passed, and desires disappear somewhere... The belief that time thoughtlessly invested in making money can be compensated in the future is often not justified. It is important to learn to have fun today.

Probably, each of us at least once asked such a simple, but at the same time very important question: “What is money for?” The answer will be provided in the article.

Find out what you really want

But it is also true that there is always a way to do what you love, regardless of money or saving it to achieve a goal. So the question is, what are you really interested in? Try this little exercise: Imagine that money is no longer an issue in your life because every month you receive $1 billion from the gods into your bank account in Cayman. What would you do if I had all this money? What would you not do again? Okay, before you buy seven houses, you arrange for everyone you love, spend a month in India and do a lot of charity, but after the initial euphoria, what would your day be like?

What is money?

Money is a kind of product that, in fact, is a general and universal equivalent of the value of many other goods or services. Karl Marx, for example, noted that all existing goods can be easily measured by the degree of effort and labor expended on their production. This can be done, for example, by comparing the employee’s qualifications and working hours. Thanks to this comparison, we will be able to determine the price of absolutely any product. This can be done with the help of another universal commodity - money.

Take a blank sheet of paper and answer this question in extreme detail: first make a list of all the great things you would do if you were full of money, and then write about your billionaire: what time do you wake up in the morning and how do you your bed and your room? Where do you live and how is the rest of your home? What do you do as soon as you get up, what do you eat for breakfast and with whom? How do you spend your free time?

When you are finished, read what you wrote and highlight anything that is different from your current life. Then, armed with two markers of different colors: one highlights all the things you could do now because they have nothing to do with money, and the other highlights those you think are impossible because you don't have enough money. If in some cases both factors are found, confirming both colors.

Money is needed to determine the measure of value, to make savings and payments. At the same time, all finances must be supported with something. Perhaps this is with the help of precious reserves. In the Russian Federation, such a reserve is gold.

Is money evil?

Having understood what money is needed for, it is worth moving on to the equally important question of the essence of finance. Many people like to argue that all money is “real evil” and should be eliminated and never used at all. What motivates citizens who say this? As a rule, they look at things somewhat one-sidedly.

For example, if you wrote that you get up early and will make a long breakfast, money won't work, but maybe time, because now that you only have five minutes before leaving for work, use the first color to highlight that voice. A trip to India, on the other hand, could only do this if you had those billions in the account, so it should be highlighted in a second color. You also wrote that you will do yoga every day, and here you will need more time and money to pay a teacher who comes to your house daily, of course, so in this case he highlights the voice with both colors.

Finance is a very convenient tool that allows you to correctly assess the cost of a particular product. In the hands of a reasonable person, money will be only a means of satisfying one's own needs. But there are also madmen in our world who are ready to do anything for the sake of finance. Here we can draw a classic parallel with a knife: in someone’s hands a knife is a convenient household tool, but in someone else’s it is a dangerous murder weapon. So why does a reasonable person need money? The answer is simple and logical: to exchange one’s own labor for various kinds of elements and services necessary for quality life support.

This is the most important step, and you know that you only have two options for each item on the list: find the time or find the money. Thinking “I can’t afford it” or “I can’t” is no longer a hypothesis suggested by my dear! Analyze the words you highlighted, one by one, and find a way to start doing these things from today. Would you like to have some breakfast? You can make sure that you get up early in the morning to get the time you want out of your day.

Do you want to do yoga every day? Dear, this is just to make your wish a goal and save the money you need. The first thing to do is to stop thinking that you don't have enough money to do anything because that automatically makes you never give up. Even if it looks like a huge thing, then start asking for a real estimate: how many return flights to India are there on average? How much do hotels, taxis, transportation, meals and activities you would like to do during your trip cost?

Buying time

It is worth returning to the question of why money is needed. Three undeniable advantages of finance will be outlined below.

The first and probably the main advantage of money is saving time. Unfortunately, we cannot buy for ourselves even an extra hour of life (as is presented, for example, in many science fiction films). However, for a certain share of finances, it is quite possible to buy someone else’s time, thereby significantly saving your own. What exactly are we talking about?

Start researching and planning your projects as if you had money: you'll likely find that they need less than you think to begin with, and then, once you've set an exact number to put aside your dreams, it will be much easier to do this is because you remember that with these 10 euros it is better to go to India than to have breakfast twice more.

Did you enjoy this exercise? This is one of the many things you can do to transform your relationship with money and one of the many things we are doing together on my journey: Because there is only one spot for this service this month, so if you know what you need wait longer because it will change your life!

Repairing a car yourself can take a significant amount of time; and in the end, it will be impossible to guarantee that the car is perfectly repaired. And if you give it to professionals, then your own time will be saved, and the car will be properly repaired. The same can be said about ateliers, hairdressers, laundries, etc. All this is called the service sector. Various companies that are ready to perform this or that service significantly save our precious hours. And again, money contributes to this.

The topic of money and its role in people's lives is widely discussed today. When talking about the role of money, three opinions are mainly formed. The first is to maintain the existence of money as a medium of exchange, having a beneficial effect on people's lives by helping them in various ways. The second opinion is the opposite of the first, denying the existence of money completely. Proponents of the second opinion believe that money causes greed, violence, destruction, and therefore it no longer has a place in our lives.

The third main opinion that is formed in society when it comes to money is to support the first two opinions by finding a balance between them. Consider the pros and cons of money and seek a new mechanism for using it to be more effective, emphasizing the positive aspects of using it as a medium of exchange and minimizing the negative effects it has on people's lives.

Improving life

Be that as it may, life is a pretty boring thing. Many people are only able to work without having time to enjoy the delights of the world around them. How to get out of this situation? Here again we will have to turn to the question of what money is needed for.

The subject of money in the context of the economic crisis is a particularly sensitive topic that provokes many debates in society. The biggest opponents of money often oppose it by believing that "money is enslaving humanity and that it is the reason we are losing our freedom." Very strong words that can convince, because at first glance it really looks like this, but let's look deeper and understand the truth about them.

Nothing in life is created by chance without its own purpose and purpose. Finding the true purpose of money for which it was created will help us use it more wisely in our lives, achieving greater success with it. It's like giving the answer to a guy who knows what to do with it. Such a person would use it to light a fire when there is a need to keep it warm.

Traveling around the world, meeting interesting people, enjoying the benefits of the world around you - all this is possible thanks to money. A person who earns well is able to rest well. And, again, only finances will help you competently combine work and leisure. Money really makes people's lives better, more colorful and more interesting. But it is precisely here that danger can await: often a person is not able to stop, and therefore he goes “in all seriousness.” This is why finances need to be used wisely. On the other hand, a person who makes good money, but at the same time lives a boring and monotonous life, must think: is he doing everything right?

But let's not forget that if we give the same match to a person who doesn't know what to use, it can create a lot of fires that can cause serious losses. The same thing happens with financial energy, when more money falls into the hands of people who do not know with it wisely to serve, then it causes problems that make people think that money is to blame for them, But not money, but people. who serve them are the real “culprits.” Think about how the match is to blame for someone using it to create fire.

Extending life

It has already been said above that it is impossible to buy extra life hours, days or years. This is, of course, absolutely true. However, we should not forget that with the help of money you can improve your health and, although not guaranteed, still extend your life.

Just because someone hasn't used it wisely doesn't mean the match shouldn't exist and help people burn when they need it. Now let's look at the picture from above and analyze what has been seen to help us feel with our hearts the truth about money and its purpose in people's lives.

What are you willing to do for money? The respected idiot was not surprised. People strived for one hundred and three hundred blows in the bindings of all kinds of insects. Some of them began exchanging contacts with relevant agencies. Did he write a potentially dangerous terrorist? Or is he a completely normal guy who is different from other honest ones? From time to time we are all in a situation where we do something just for money. We smile at the boss even if we can't even feel it. Work is poison for him, but we do it for a paycheck, right?

Of course, everything here depends to a greater extent on the person himself, on his actions. You can pay huge amounts of money for treatment, but at the same time lead a far from healthy lifestyle. But we should not forget about those cases when people undergo expensive operations to prevent an early death. We are talking here again about the service sector, but this time about a very unique one: it directly concerns life extension.

At home we fight with our partner, we do our best, but we don't want to grow. We believed that we would be worse off financially. Undoubtedly, it is the little things that enliven life. But what can we do when we find ourselves in a situation where we really need money?

Just like him, every few weeks on Prima, he teaches ten other Jehovahs. Compared to the American version of the competition, the Czech began as a weak fragment at the end of August. Before the Czech creator arrived to check on the American licensee's representative, and the result was noticeable. The Czech moderator confirmed that weirder types of contestants are coming to the studio week after week.

So why do people need money? If I answer very briefly, then in order to live.

Five more reasons

For some, the three presented benefits of cash may not seem enough. That is why it is worth giving five more proofs that finance is a convenient and useful thing. Here's what money is for:

All the evidence presented above will certainly be enough to finally answer the question posed about what money is needed for.

For example, Mother Jehovah, who, without thinking, said that she would not allow her daughter to overflow or endanger her life. Even though the version of this show compared to others in the world is still a parent-owned one, he is shocked at how many people want to publicly humiliate themselves and their close friends for money. Or is it a few unbalanced shipwrecks and most people didn't do it?

Why do tens of thousands of viewers watch unhappy people on TV? They talk about them and they don't say, "We won't look at it." Anything that affects earning money means we are enjoying. Let's get married that we will have a lot of them, although we are no different from those who take them on television competitions.

Krylova Alexandra

During the research, I planned to find out what money is and why a person needs it, to substantiate the reason for the need for reasonable handling of money.

Since humanity invented money, it has played a very important role in the life of both society and each person individually. We hear the expression “no money” all the time. There is not enough money for everyone. And not only for those who have a small salary, but also for those who have a large one. And all because many people simply do not know how to count their money, do not know how much they need to live until the next salary, and do not know how to spend correctly so that there is no constant overspending.

The knowledge that I acquired during my research will help me in my future adult life, planning my purchases and expenses, all this will save my time and money.



Nizhnekamsk city

MBOU "Gymnasium No. 25"

Class 4


Topic: What is money and why does a person need it?

Head Krylova Olga Sergeevna

first qualification category

Student Krylova Alexandra Vladimirovna


1. Introduction

2. Main part

3. Conclusion

4. References

5. Application


Since humanity invented money, it has played a very important role in the life of both society and each person individually. We hear the expression “no money” all the time. There is not enough money for everyone. And not only for those who have a small salary, but also for those who have a large one. And all because many people simply do not know how to count their money, do not know how much they need to live until the next salary, and do not know how to spend correctly so that there is no constant overspending.

Purpose of the study:
Find out what money is and how it came into being; justify the reason for the need to handle money wisely.

Research objectives:

1. Get acquainted with the history of the creation of money; find out what the family budget is.

2. Analyze the knowledge obtained during the study.

3. Conclude about the need to use money wisely.

Main part

1. The history of the appearance of money. Where did the money come from? Who came up with the money?

A long time ago, in the Stone Age, people got along quite well without money. Why did they need them? They received everything they needed for life from nature. After all, what is most important for a person is food and housing. And people lived in caves, went hunting with clubs and stone axes, and collected plants.

But it turned out that not every person who knew how to make axes and other weapons was also a good hunter! An idea arose: let the gunsmith make a weapon, and the hunter goes hunting with this weapon, and the hunter pays the gunsmith for the weapon with prey!

Thus a mutually beneficial exchange arose - barter . Rather than a person doing everything himself, including things that he is poorly versed in, isn’t it better to distribute responsibilities and exchange one product for another that you cannot do yourself?

Over time, goods emerged that were easily exchanged. These were animals, furs, precious stones, salt, grain, dishes, furniture, shoes, clothing, precious metals, etc. It was from precious metals (gold and silver) that the first coins began to be minted.

It is believed that coins first appeared in 687 BC, in Lydia, today the Asian part of Turkey, and the first Lydian king to mint gold coins was Croesus. Lydian coins were minted from electrum – a variety of native gold with a high silver content.

Lydian coin 6th century BC.

Coins are metal plates with a pattern. To confirm the established weight of the pieces of metal, a pattern was stamped on them. The minted design played the role of a seal, or mark, with which the ruler guaranteed the accuracy of the weight of the coin. Coins quickly spread throughout the Hellenic world. The experience of making coins turned out to be successful and soon spread to Europe.

Only half a century passed, and coins were already being produced en masse. However, we should not forget that by this time, regardless of European civilization, coinage was invented in Ancient China. Their coins were created by an original casting method; they had square holes in the middle, which made it possible to place them on a cord for easy storage.

Chinese coin

2. Study of the function of money.

Money is a medium of exchange. People receive money in return for the goods and services they provide; in the future, they can spend the money on those goods and services that they need.

Functions of money.

Conclusion: Money is a medium of exchange. Most often, people use the following functions of money: a measure of value, a medium of exchange, a means of payment, a means of storage, world money. The paper money we use is a paper means of value; it is a substitute for real money.

3. Research into the reasons for the need to manage money wisely.

Family budget research:

After studying the necessary information, I learned what a family budget is.

Family budget- the ratio of income and expenses for a week, month or year characterizes her well-being, the degree of prosperity.

At home with my parents, I analyzed the income and expenditure side of the family budget. The income part was taken as 100 points. The consumable part was presented in the form of a diagram.(Annex 1)

Based on the results of the work, it was established that a family can only spend the amount that its members earned. Parents spend most of the money they earn on food, buying clothes and paying for utilities.

Conclusion: Money needs to be spent wisely, soberly assessing your financial capabilities and needs. Saving allows you to reduce unnecessary expenses and spend money on more necessary things.

4. Research of prices for some products in city stores.Using the method of observation and survey, I decided to find out how the prices for selected products differ in city stores. On November 8, 2010, I visited the following stores: “Narodny”, “Essen”, “Magnit”, “Factoria”.

The results of the observation were presented in the form of a table. As a result of the study, I found that the same products cost different things in different stores.(Appendix 2)

Conclusion: When going to the store to make a purchase, you must remember that the price of goods in all stores is different. In order to save money, you need to find a better place to buy. Based on the conducted research, we conclude that it is more profitable for the buyer to purchase products in Supermarkets and Hypermarkets.

5. Research on the topic: “Desirable and Necessary.”

On the instructions of the teacher, I made a list of goods that I would like to buy for 100 rubles, and found out their exact cost in the store. Then I tried to check what healthy products I could buy with that money.(Appendix 3)

Conclusion: There is a well-known folk wisdom: “Buy not what you want, but what you need.” When you want to buy or ask your parents for what you want, don’t forget that your whim can cost the same as a necessary thing for the family.


During the research, I planned to find out what money is and why a person needs it, to substantiate the reason for the need for reasonable handling of money. Using various research methods, I achieved my goal. My family buys food in stores where the price is lower than in other stores. Therefore, I can spend the money I save at my discretion.The knowledge that I acquired during my research will help me in my future adult life, planning my purchases and expenses, all this will save my time and money.

The research I did taught me a lot, but I don't want to stop there. I am planning to conduct a new study that will help me find out how much money means to the economic prosperity and well-being of our country. To do this, I want to find out what the state budget is, why you need to pay taxes, why you need to save electricity, gas, and water.


1. Mukhina E.A. People and money “On the role of money in world history” 2006

2. “Lessons in financial well-being” (for children and their parents) Jane Pearl

3. Children's encyclopedia “I explore the world “Economics””

4. Materials from Internet sites:


  1. Annex 1

Budget of the family of Alexandra Krylova

2. Appendix 2


The shops





Granulated sugar (1 kg)

36 rub.

33 rub.

At first glance, this question seems strange. It's clear that everyone needs money and always. And additional explanations are completely unnecessary here. But in reality everything is quite complicated. First you need to find out what money really is.

If you look at Wikipedia, the existing definition reads like this: “ Money is a kind of commodity, which serves as a universal equivalent of the price of goods and services.” From this we can conclude that money serve as a means of payment for goods and services provided.

According to Karl Marx, it is possible to measure all goods according to the amount of labor expended during their production. An example would be a comparison of working time costs and employee professionalism. Using this comparison, the cost price of absolutely any product is determined, expressed in monetary units.

Without affecting the economic definitions of this category, it is worth noting that currently money is paper bills, with the obligations of the state assigned to them. Each state obliges all enterprises and organizations to accept their currency for payment. These banknotes are nominal equivalent, but have no intrinsic value.

Today money acts as a medium of exchange, a measure of value, a means of storage and means of payment. To play the role of a store of value, money is faced with the task of not losing its value for a long time. This is precisely why the state creates a gold reserve. The size of the gold reserve affects citizens' confidence in their currency.

Inclusion " printing press“Without confirmation of issued cash with gold reserves, as world practice shows, it necessarily leads to an increase in inflation.

People want to have money for various reasons:

  • some people enjoy watching them " blood» money in the process of circulation brings new income;
  • others like to move a large sum from one pile to another and rejoice that it belongs to them;
  • Still others enjoy the realization that a round sum of money is in the bank in their own account.

But, nevertheless, most people associate money with the goods and services that can be bought with it. This aspect raises a new question: where and how earn even more money so that you can satisfy all your desires and needs. Can everyone do this?

So, of course, if you are an excellent specialist, then it will not be difficult for you to find a job with high pay. In this case, you will be able to satisfy almost all your desires regarding money.

But there are people who will dream of big money, but at the same time they will lie on their favorite sofa and wait for a miracle, for example, a big win in the lottery.

Each of us has a “little worm” that is constantly nagging us: we need this, we need that, and everything should be of the best quality. This “worm” is often used by individual citizens to increase their well-being.

Money is the result of human labor, and people often exchange their labor for goods and services that they do not need. Thoughtless waste of the results of labor comes down to a feeling of satisfaction from the possession of “prestigious” but unnecessary things.

Advertising of “useful” goods, products and services has filled the airwaves. After watching an advertisement, a person immediately runs to the store to buy them, even despite their exorbitant cost. Such simpletons become victims of cleverly placed traps and traps.

Money is the equivalent of barter. Together with them, brilliant people appeared who, with their help, are able to control people and make them their slaves. The moment you become your own master and begin to manage your life, only then will financial problems and working until you're blue in the face leave you forever.

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