What do you need to insure an apartment in Sberbank? What is the cost of insurance and what to do if an insured event occurs? Features of property insurance in Sberbank Private home insurance Sberbank.

On September 25, 2019, in the evening, I discovered that my apartment was flooded by neighbors. The ceiling above the shower stall was stained yellow. Rising to the neighbors, no one opened the door. I contacted the UK company to fix what happened.

The next day, 09/26/2019, I called Sberbank insurance to leave an application and find out how the documents were submitted. The operator registered an application and offered a choice of 2 options for submitting documents: through a Sberbank branch or through mobile app Sberbank inspection (according to the operator, the latter is faster and more preferable for filing documents). Having agreed to the submission option through a mobile offer, I asked that the download link be sent to mobile phone, because I couldn’t find it myself, a day later they didn’t send the link, I had to call again, only after that I received a message with a link. About required documents: in the insurance policy, clause 4.10, it is said that for one insured event within 100,000 rubles, additionally requested documents are not needed, however, when applying, the operator announced the number 15,000 to me, if more, then it is necessary complete list documents. I asked for an email required list documents so that the complete set of documents to be collected is clear. from email [email protected] received a message with a list of documents.

After collecting the whole set, I tried to put everything in a mobile application, but with a modern phone, the application works extremely poorly. Documents were uploaded only after 2 hours.

A few days later, a message came from the sberbanklns number that the documents had been received by IC Sberbank LLC. I will be informed of the outcome of the review. The term of consideration is 10 working days. But no one called me, deciding to call myself, I was told that there was not enough copy of the passport of the owner of the apartment and bank details. I am an insurer, I paid for the policy, I am registered in this apartment, and my mother is the owner. When asked why this requirement was not immediately written down and why I paid for the policy, and the money will come to the owner, I did not receive an answer. The operator said that the documents must be sent by mail [email protected] I sent the passport and details of the owner by mail. They did not send me a reply that the documents had been received.

Called and clarified whether the documents had arrived. I was told that all the documents had been received and were under consideration, I asked to send confirmation by mail. However, nothing was sent, after a second call they sent that it was necessary to bring the originals of the act and the application.

Calling again, the operator said that if I chose online submission of documents, then I didn’t need to bring anything to the office, and she didn’t know why I was sent such a letter.

Then an employee of the Savings Bank called me and said that, according to my application, I need to bring the original documents to the bank. To the question that it may be necessary to decide how to transfer the missing documents, the answer was not received. And all this time, for a month, calling Sberbank, the operators first said that I had not sent anything, then, after clarifying the information, they found my documents, and each operator found different documents and said that I also needed to send different documents. Moreover, for example, in one letter there was a copy of the passport and Bank details, so one operator said that he sees a copy of the passport, the other that the details, although it was sent in one letter. And the operators said either you need it by mail, or you need it through the office.

Insurance is a common thing for most of us, it is an opportunity in case of an emergency to compensate you for at least material damage. Sberbank home protection insurance is an opportunity to secure material compensation for yourself in case of emergencies with your living space.

The insurance department of the main bank of Russia offers you not only to protect your home from possible risks, but also to insure your civil liability in case the property of your neighbors is damaged.

The client has the right to independently choose one of the 4 levels of protection within the insurance program. The most affordable of them will cost bank customers 1,750 rubles a year, in this case it will be possible to count on a maximum payment of 450 thousand rubles, of which 200 thousand is a payment for damage to interior decoration, movable property the maximum is estimated at 150 thousand rubles, and civil liability at 100 thousand. The maximum level of insurance implies insurance payments in the amount of 2 million rubles with an annual investment of 6,750 rubles. In this case, you can receive a payment of up to 1 million rubles for the elimination of repair damage and 500 thousand each for compensation for damage to third parties and for valuables. The pricing policy provides for the distribution of promotional codes, upon presentation of which the real price is lower than the originally declared one.

Sberbank home protection insurance insurance conditions provide for monetary compensation if the following elements or things are lost or damaged:

  • built-in and cabinet furniture;
  • Appliances;
  • audio and video equipment, electrical appliances;
  • interior items;
  • sports equipment and inventory;
  • baby carriages and toys;
  • personal wardrobe items (clothes and shoes), bedding.

What can be the object of insurance

When taking out an insurance policy, it is important to understand what is possible to insure, and in what cases you can expect to receive payments.

The "Home Protection" policy from Sberbank for the insurance service implies protection for:

  1. Interior decoration and engineering equipment. This category includes repairs, all installed doors, kitchen equipment, plumbing, indoor video surveillance systems, ventilation systems, air conditioners, etc.
  2. Movable property. Portable equipment, wardrobe items, furniture fall into this category, but luxury items are not covered by insurance, in particular, furs, jewelry, antiques, etc. are not insured.
  3. Civil responsibility. This clause means that compensation will not be limited to your property. If, as a result of an accident in your home, the property of your neighbors is damaged, insurance will cover these costs.

The difference between private and commercial housing

Present an identity document (for example, a passport) and information about the property - this is enough to apply for insurance. A third party can submit documents and sign an agreement, but it is recommended to indicate the beneficiary of the one who owns the property.

What risks are included?

By purchasing a policy under the Sberbank Insurance Home Protection program, you receive comprehensive housing protection against common threats:

  1. Fire. In the event of a fire in your home, you will be able to receive compensation not only for the burnt property, but also for what was damaged by combustion products and smoke. Additional item - compensation for objects damaged during fire extinguishing (flooding with foam or water used by firefighters)
  2. Bay. Your home is protected from breaks in plumbing systems, the consequences of fighting a fire. If the water threat came from neighbors, this is also an insured event. This item implies protection against all liquids, in all their states of aggregation, therefore, if your home suffers from steam, then the damage will be compensated.
  3. Explosion. Protection against blast waves, blast clean-up activities and fragments or other items that could cause damage.
  4. mechanical influence. Your property was damaged during repairs in the apartment of neighbors or as a result of a change in layout by third parties.
  5. Civil responsibility. Your actions caused damage to the property or health of neighbors, including legal entities.

The procedure for issuing a policy

The contract can be issued at any convenient branch of the bank, or online, on the official website of the insurance division. Each client has the right to choose which of the options will be more convenient.

To purchase a policy at a branch, the client must have a passport and property data. It is important to make payment immediately after completing the necessary documents. The purchase will take no more than 10 minutes.

Making a policy online allows you to make a purchase without leaving your home. In addition, this option costs an average of 10% less.

Basic design methods

  1. Purchasing a policy from a bank.
  2. Selection of the program - the manager will acquaint you with the conditions and help you choose the optimal program.
  3. Price calculation – the client selects the desired amount of insurance.
  4. Drawing up an application form - issuing a policy, entering data.
  5. Payment document - signing the completed documents and paying for the purchase.
  6. Online purchase.

Requirements and documents

To purchase a policy, you need an identity document and information on the property. The buyer may be a third party, but in the event of insured event, the payment will be received by the owner. Insurance is purchased for the entire apartment or house. If there are several owners, it is impossible to insure only your part.

Sberbank Home Protection program must be activated within 14 to 30 days after purchase. The purchase scheme is simplified: the office manager himself sends the documents, scans the check. The client must activate the service.

Cost and prices

It is cheaper to issue a policy online, on average the difference is about 10%. When applying via the Internet, the minimum cost is 2250 rubles per year, the maximum is 6750.

For clients who apply to the department, the cost will be 2500-7500 thousand rubles.

How is the policy activated?

The product can be activated over the phone or on the bank's website. In the telephone version, you need to provide the manager with personal data, policy number, address of the insured object and the amount insured. On the site, the client must enter the same set of data in the appropriate "windows", also indicate the activation code

Which is contained in the application form, as well as enter the confirmation code from the captcha to protect against robots.

How to renew the policy

The procedure for renewing a policy is not much different from buying one. You can apply for an extension at a bank branch with the help of a manager, as well as on the website in your personal account.

Actions in the event of an insured event

In the event of an insured event, bank employees recommend that customers, first of all, remain calm and follow the instructions.

  • Call for help. Call for emergency assistance by calling a single number 112 or contact the utilities.
  • Try to minimize losses. If the situation allows, try to save the most important thing - money, documents, jewelry.
  • Contact the bank. Call 8-800-555-555-7, introduce yourself, give the policy number and report the details of what happened.
  • Prepare documents. Collect the necessary documents about the insured event.
  • Communication with an expert. Show the bank's expert employee, transfer the collected documents to him.

Insurance is relevant at all times, because there is always the possibility of damage to someone else's property.

Having taken out insurance, you can be calm, because in the event of trouble, the insurance company will compensate for the damage.

When choosing an organization, pay attention to its reputation, term of work and solvency. Sberbank - big bank that deals with home insurance. Clients are offered several insurances, it is worth noting the following:

  • "Protection of the house";
  • "No worries";
  • "Quick insurance policy" for 999 rubles;
  • property insurance that was bought with a mortgage.

What do customers get with the first offer? "Home Protection" allows you to protect real estate (apartment or house) from the most common risks. The program is complex. Insurance, if the amount does not exceed 100 thousand rubles, is paid without references.

The program is presented in three forms, it all depends on the amount. This is civil liability, such a policy costs 7,500 rubles, damage to movable property - 5,500 rubles; repair - 2500 rubles.

The more expensive the policy you purchase, the more compensation will be available to you. The agreement that you conclude with the bank will be valid for 1 year.

You can sign a contract by choosing convenient way. This can be done on the bank's website, or when visiting one of the branches.

By choosing Sberbank's No Worries program, you make the most of your funds.

This is a comprehensive offer, all risks are collected in one policy.

This is not only insurance to protect a house or apartment, civil liability is included in the policy.

In addition, you will protect your bank cards and personal expenses. Also, the insurance will cover medical expenses, if such appeared while traveling in Russia.

When compared with the cost of apartment insurance in Sberbank separately for each option, the “No worries” policy is much more profitable. You can choose the insurance program that best suits your needs. A policy can be issued in a few minutes - at a bank branch or on the website.

The objects of insurance may be real estate, funds on debit or credit cards Sberbank, personal items, such as a passport and other documents, gadgets.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the protection of real estate acquired under a mortgage agreement. The bank offers a loan with affordable rates for citizens.

If the rest insurance policies acquired on a voluntary basis, then in the case of mortgage loan object insurance will be mandatory. In this case, housing will be considered as collateral.

When applying for a mortgage, apartment insurance in Sberbank is purchased for the entire time the contract is in effect. Buck does this to ensure that the property is worth the money borrowed.

If the property is damaged, the object will lose value. Insurance program will turn on if the client does not repay the loan, and the property is not worth the money that was previously invested.

What do you need to insure an apartment in Sberbank?

The client must provide the bank with the following package of papers:

  • passport;
  • real estate documents;
  • statement.

After the application is completed, the bank employee will prepare the policy and the Agreement for signing. The bank keeps copies of these documents.

Requirements and rules of registration

You can buy a policy online at a bank branch. The client must provide copies of documents certified by a notary.

When buying an online policy, together with a copy of the Agreement, it will be sent to the branch at the place of residence of the client.

In addition, he can order a policy by calling the bank's contact center. It is also easy to apply for insurance in a mobile bank by sending SMS.

How to carry out the procedure?

So, how to insure an apartment in Sberbank:

  1. Select a bank branch. Tell the specialist that you want to insure the property. Provide documents.
  2. Specify the object you wish to insure.
  3. Define the risks. Specify the term of insurance and the amount.
  4. Pay for insurance. Get a policy and a memo from a bank specialist.

If you decide to buy a policy on the site, the steps are as follows:

  1. Open the bank's website and find the "Insure yourself and property" tab.
  2. Check the box "Choose a policy".
  3. Select the appropriate option and click "Learn More".
  4. Specify the place of issue of the policy. This can be a bank branch, or take out insurance for an apartment in Sberbank online.
  5. Specify the object, identify the risks. Select the amount of insurance coverage.
  6. Check out the cost of apartment insurance for Sberbank and click "Apply".

Policy for 999 rubles

This policy is called "fast", its cost is 999 rubles. Apartment insurance from Sberbank is suitable even for rented housing, inventory and property valuation is not performed.

You can insure any apartment located on the territory of Russia.

You protect property from the most common risks. This is a breakthrough in sewerage, heating systems, a breakthrough in water supply. The policy includes protection against natural disasters and theft. The policy is valid for 1 year, for registration you need a passport and a document for an apartment.

How to act in case of an insured event?

If an insured event occurs during the insurance of an apartment in Sberbank, then the client must call the contact center.

If a theft or other illegal activity is detected, call the police.

This will relieve you of anxiety. Fill out an application stating that an insured event has occurred.

Documents must be sent to the bank. This can be done by mail by sending a registered letter.

A copy should be emailed.


Sberbank apartment insurance will help you save your money. At Sberbank you will find a wide range of policies, programs that protect your interests for a reasonable price.

A comprehensive insurance solution designed for the insurance protection of your flat, apartment, house or cottage. All programs include both protection in case of many risks and troubles, as well as insurance of your liability to your neighbors.

What is insured?

Finishing and engineering equipment K interior decoration and engineering equipment include:

  • door and window blocks(including glazing),
  • floors (excluding floors);
  • light internal partitions (plasterboard, chipboard, fiberboard, etc.);
  • a layer of finishing materials applied or attached to the surface of the floor, ceiling and walls;
  • plumbing and engineering equipment;
  • wiring;
  • electric meters;
  • wiring and other similar products.
Movable property Movable property includes:
  • furniture (built-in, cabinet);
  • Appliances;
  • Computer Engineering;
  • office equipment;
  • peripherals;
  • television and audio equipment;
  • means of urban telephone communication;
  • clothing and footwear;
  • sports and tourist equipment;
  • bed dress;
  • interior items;
  • personal items;
  • baby carriages and toys.
Civil liability Civil liability to neighbors in the event of a flood or damage. Structural elements Structural elements include walls, partitions and ceilings (in flats, suites and rooms); foundations with a plinth, external and internal walls and partitions, ceilings (basement, interfloor, attic), roof, including roofing (in buildings). The cost of structural elements does not include the cost of finishing.

For home or cottage also:

Structural elements Structural elements include walls, partitions and ceilings, foundations with a plinth, external (including external finishing) and internal walls and partitions, ceilings (basement, interfloor, attic), roof, including roofing (in garden houses, Additional outbuildings). Ancillary buildings Ancillary buildings include those within the same Land plot with a Private House, separate buildings indicated on the Plan of the Land Plot, designed to meet the household needs of citizens, including Baths, Garages, Fences, Sheds, Greenhouses, Sheds and not intended for habitation individuals.

What is insured against?


    The situation in a certain territory that has developed as a result of an accident, a natural hazard, a catastrophe, a natural or other disaster that may or have caused human casualties, damage to human health or the environment, significant material losses and violation of people's living conditions. A state of emergency must be introduced in respect of the territory where the event occurred.
    Impact on the insured property of fire, smoke, combustion products, combustible gases, high temperature and fire extinguishing agents used to prevent further spread and extinguish fire (water, foam, etc.).
    Impact on the insured property of water, steam. As well as other liquids that conduct heat (oil, refrigerants, etc.), or fire extinguishing agents.
Illegal actions of third parties
    Theft with illegal entry into the premises, robbery, robbery, deliberate destruction or damage to property by third parties, hooliganism, vandalism.
    Impact on the insured property of fire, expanded gases or vapors, propagated by a shock wave and objects/objects moved by it. As well as damage resulting from the application of measures to stop or prevent the impact of the explosion.

Civil responsibility

    Obligation to reimburse expenses in case of damage to life, health and / or property of individuals or legal entities as a result of careless use of the insured premises.
Mechanical impact
    Causing damage to the insured property as a result of overhaul or reorganization (re-planning, re-equipment) of neighboring premises.
Natural disasters
    Destruction or damage to the insured property as a result of a flood, high water, high water, storm, whirlwind, hurricane, tornado, typhoon, hail, mudflow, avalanche, landslide, rockfall, earthquake, volcanic eruption, snow pressure, frost, heavy rain, tsunami.
Lightning strike
    Thermal, mechanical or electrical (atmospheric overvoltage) impact on the insured property.
The fall of aircraft and their parts
    Damage to the insured property as a result of the fall of the hull or parts of the hull of the aircraft, cargo or other objects on it, as well as the impact of an air shock wave caused by their fall.

Choice of protection option

Our comprehensive offer is for those who want to protect themselves from unpleasant surprises, appreciate the peace and security of their loved ones.

Make a responsible decision to protect your home, apartment or cottage - take out a policy by choosing the insurance option that is convenient for you.

For an apartment:

For private houses and cottages:

Insurance of a private house or cottage Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
General sum insured 900 000 1 700 000 2 500 000
Interior and exterior decoration,
engineering equipment,
structural elements
700 000 1 200 000 1 600 000
Movable property 50 000 100 000 150 000
Civil responsibility 100 000 300 000 600 000
Additional household
buildings: internal and external
decoration, engineering equipment,
structural elements
50 000 100 000 150 000
Policy cost for 1 year 3 490 5 990 7 990
Tariff Archive Home Protection

Need insurance coverage for a large amount?

Additional service for clients


Call 8 800 555 555 7.

  • Assistance in organizing household repairs at a discount from partners of IC Sberbank Insurance LLC *.

* The discount is provided if there are current offers from partners in the territory where the insured property is located.
You can find information about the partners of IC Sberbank Insurance LLC, the amount of discounts, as well as regions where discounted services can be provided, on the website.

  • through ,
  • Also, if it is necessary to inspect the damaged property by the experts of the insurance company, you can transfer all the necessary documents through the expert organization on the day of the inspection of the damaged property. An expert is called by an employee of the insurance company after registering the appeal in the Contact Center.

3. We will help you solve your issue:

If the event is recognized by Sberbank Insurance as an insured event, the payment insurance compensation is made within 15 (fifteen) business days after receipt of all necessary documents in accordance with the Insurance Conditions, confirming the fact of the occurrence of the insured event and the amount of damage caused.

4. Would you like to know the status of your issue?

Contact us at free number phone 8 800 555 555 7 (for calls from the territory of Russia) or leave your question through indicating your policy number.⁠

It is required to amend or terminate the insurance contract

1. Call us at 8 800 555 555 7 . Contact center specialists will help you to solve your problem.

2. Fill out the application and prepare the necessary documents.

Send documents to insurance company in a convenient way for you:

  • through ,
  • through any branch PJSC Sberbank,
  • by letter to the address Russia, 115093, Moscow, st. Pavlovskaya, d. 7.

A comprehensive insurance solution designed to protect the integrity of your apartment or house. All programs include both protection in case of many risks and troubles, as well as insurance of your liability to your neighbors.

What is insured?

Finishing and engineering equipment. interior decoration and engineering equipment include:

  • door and window blocks (including glazing);
  • floors (excluding floors);
  • light internal partitions (plasterboard, chipboard, fiberboard, etc.);
  • a layer of finishing materials applied or attached to the surface of the floor, ceiling and walls;
  • plumbing and engineering equipment;
  • wiring;
  • electric meters;
  • wiring and other similar products.

Movable property: Movable property includes:

  • furniture (built-in, cabinet);
  • Appliances;
  • Computer Engineering;
  • office equipment;
  • peripherals;
  • television and audio equipment;
  • means of urban telephone communication;
  • clothing and footwear;
  • sports and tourist equipment;
  • bed dress;
  • interior items;
  • personal items;
  • baby carriages and toys.
Civil responsibility. Civil liability to neighbors in the event of a flood or damage.

What is insured against?


    Impact on the insured property of fire, smoke, combustion products, combustible gases, high temperature and fire extinguishing agents used to prevent further spread and extinguish fire (water, foam, etc.).
    Impact on the insured property of water, steam. As well as other liquids that conduct heat (oil, refrigerants, etc.), or fire extinguishing agents.
Illegal actions of third parties
    Theft with illegal entry into the premises, robbery, robbery, deliberate destruction or damage to property by third parties, hooliganism, vandalism.
    Impact on the insured property of fire, expanded gases or vapors, propagated by a shock wave and objects/objects moved by it. As well as damage resulting from the application of measures to stop or prevent the impact of the explosion.

Civil responsibility

    Obligation to reimburse expenses in case of harm to life, health. and / or property of individuals or legal entities as a result of careless use of the insured premises.
Mechanical impact
    Causing damage to the insured property as a result of major repairs or reorganization (re-planning, re-equipment) of neighboring premises.
Natural disasters
    Destruction or damage to the insured property as a result of a flood, high water, high water, storm, whirlwind, hurricane, tornado, typhoon, hail, mudflow, avalanche, landslide, rockfall, earthquake, volcanic eruption, snow pressure, frost, heavy rain, tsunami.
Lightning strike
    Thermal, mechanical or electrical (atmospheric overvoltage) impact on the insured property.
The fall of aircraft and their parts
    Damage to the insured property as a result of the fall of the hull or parts of the hull of the aircraft, cargo or other objects on it, as well as the impact of an air shock wave caused by their fall.

Do I need this product?

Our comprehensive offer is for those who want to protect themselves from unpleasant surprises, appreciate the peace and security of their loved ones.
Make a responsible decision to protect your home or apartment and take out a policy by choosing the insurance option that is convenient for you.

Term of insurance

The effective date is the 15th calendar day from the date of payment.

The policy is valid for 12 months

The policy is valid for 12 months


In what territory is the property insured? The insurance territory is indicated in the policy - this is the address of the real estate (apartment or house) that is insured.
What is a payout limit? Is there such a limit in my policy? This is a limit set on the total number of insurance payments, or the amount of insurance payment for one event, made under the Insurance Policy. As part of the Home Protection Online product, a limit is set as a percentage of the sum insured for damage to the finish.

There is also a limit of 25,000 rubles for 1 unit of damaged or lost property. Can I pay for the policy in installments? Installment payment of the insurance premium is not provided.

Does my policy have a deductible? The product does not include a franchise.
What property can be insured? Finishing an apartment, buildings, structures, movable property, including household and personal items: furniture, audio, video and electronic equipment, household electrical, acoustic musical instruments, technical media (audio and video cassettes, records and CDs), in addition to the information on it, optical instruments (binoculars, spyglasses and magnifiers), carpet and other weaving products, dishes, a book library (not antique), clothes, shoes, bags, etc.

Can I insure jewelry? The program does not provide protection for jewelry.

What is third party misconduct? This is theft with illegal entry into a house / apartment, robbery, robbery, deliberate destruction or damage to property, hooliganism, vandalism, entry into a house or apartment through burglary.

I - individual entrepreneur Can I insure my property? The product is designed to insure the property of individuals only (property not used in business activities). If you buy our product, then your apartment or your house will be insured.
Can property be insured for less than a year? The policy is only valid for 12 months.
My place of registration has changed, is it valid
concluded policy?⁠ If the place of registration has changed, then the policy will not be valid at the new address. If the owner has changed, then all rights and obligations under the contract are transferred to the new owner. Accordingly, the payment of insurance compensation will be received by the new owner.
What is civil liability? This is a liability associated with the obligation to compensate for harm to life and health, as well as property of third parties, caused during the possession, use and disposal of an apartment or house.
Is non-pecuniary damage compensated? Losses incurred as a result of the victim's claim for compensation moral damage, not refundable
The policy never came to my mail, what could be the problem? It is necessary to check the "spam" folder in your mail, because. Perhaps your box is configured in such a way that some messages immediately fall into the spam folder. If there is no letter in the "spam" folder, then please let us know about the problem via , we will contact you and resolve the problem. ⁠
Is Home Protection eligible for mortgage insurance? No, it doesn't fit.

Do you have any questions?

Contact us at the toll-free number 8 800 555 555 7 (for calls from Russia) or leave your question via indicating your policy number.⁠

Buy online

An insured event has occurred

1. Call us toll-free phone number 8 800 555 555 7. Contact Center specialists will help you resolve your issue

What else needs to be done:

    to get acquainted with the procedure for the occurrence of an insured event (download the memo),

    photograph all damage in accordance with the recommendations outlined in,

    fill out an application for an insured event

    get acquainted with the list of documents for applying for an event that has signs of an insured event in accordance with the Insurance Rules (download).

2. Fill out the application and prepare the necessary documents.

Send the documents to the Insurance Company in a convenient way for you:

  • through ,
  • through any branch of PJSC Sberbank,
  • by letter to the address Russia, 115093, Moscow, st. Pavlovskaya, d. 7.
  • Also, if it is necessary to inspect the damaged property by the experts of the insurance company, you can transfer all the necessary documents through the expert organization on the day of the inspection of the damaged property. An expert is called by an employee of the insurance company after registering the appeal in the Contact Center.

3. We will help you solve your issue:

If Sberbank Insurance recognizes the event as an insured event, the payment of insurance compensation is made within 15 (fifteen) business days after receipt of all necessary documents in accordance with the Insurance Terms and Conditions confirming the occurrence of the insured event and the amount of damage caused.

Attention! Please, before concluding an insurance contract, read in detail the terms and conditions of insurance on which a specific insurance contract is concluded.