The DIA starts paying insurance compensation to depositors of VPB Bank (JSC). The Central Bank introduced a temporary administration in the military-industrial bank. Examples of the dates of the postponement of the issuance of pensions in the regions

07.10.16 19:16:00

The Public Relations Department of the State Corporation Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) announces that October 10, 2016 payments start insurance compensation contributors credit institution Bank "VPB" (JSC) (Moscow).

By Order No. OD-3258 of September 26, 2016, the Bank of Russia revoked the license to carry out banking operations, which is an insured event provided for by the Federal Law "On Insurance of Deposits individuals in banks Russian Federation". In accordance with it, bank depositors, including individual entrepreneurs(IE) are entitled to receive insurance compensation on accounts (deposits) opened with this credit institution. The obligation to pay insurance compensation is assigned to the DIA, which performs the functions of an insurer.

The insurance compensation is paid to the depositor in the amount of 100 percent of the sum of all his accounts (deposits) in the bank, including those opened for business activities, but not more than 1.4 million rubles in total. The amount not compensated by insurance will be repaid during the liquidation of the bank as part of the claims of creditors of the first priority (for accounts (deposits) of individual entrepreneurs opened for entrepreneurial activities - as part of the third priority). By bank account(contribution) to foreign currency insurance indemnity is calculated in rubles at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia on the date of revocation of the license - September 26, 2016. If there are counterclaims of the bank against the depositor, their amount is deducted from the amount of accounts (deposits) when calculating the insurance indemnity. In this case, the repayment of counterclaims does not occur.

Acceptance of applications for reimbursement of deposits and other required documents, as well as the payment of compensation are carried out with October 10, 2016 By October 10, 2017 through VTB 24 (PJSC),JSC Rosselkhozbank And RNKB Bank (PJSC) acting on behalf of the DIA and at its expense as agent banks. After October 10, 2017, the acceptance of applications, other necessary documents and the payment of compensation will be carried out either through agent banks or the DIA independently, which will be announced later.

In accordance with federal law payment of compensation on deposits is carried out during the entire period of liquidation of the credit institution.

To the attention of depositors: each of the agent banks is authorized to pay compensation only to a certain group of depositors of VPB Bank (JSC) depending on the initial letter of the depositor's surname and his place of residence (registration address). Distribution of depositors of VPB Bank (JSC) was carried out taking into account information about their address of residence (registration address) available at the bank.

The depositor has the right to apply to any of the divisions of the corresponding agent bank indicated on the official website of the DIA on the Internet.

Depositors of VPB Bank can receive compensation for opennot for businessaccounts (deposits) both in cash and by transfer Money to an account with a bank participating in the deposit insurance system specified by the depositor.

Payment of compensation for open for business activities accounts (deposits) is made only by transferring the amount of compensation to the account indicated by the depositor in the bank - participant of the deposit insurance system, opened for business activities.

The depositor can apply for the payment of compensation either personally or through his representative, whose authority must be confirmed by a notarized power of attorney (an approximate text of the power of attorney is available on the official website of the DIA on the Internet:, section " Deposit Insurance/Document Forms”).

If, after the payment of compensation, the bank's depositors have an unpaid part of the bank account (deposit), they will be able to file a creditor's claim against the bank by filling out the appropriate section in the application for payment of compensation on deposits when applying to the division of the agent bank for payment of compensation.

Depositors of VPB Bank can receive information about the list of divisions of the agent bank that pays compensation and their working hours by calling the following hotlines: VTB 24 (PJSC) — 8-800-505-24-24,JSC Rosselkhozbank — 8-800-200-02-90,RNKB Bank (PJSC) — 8-800-234-27-27.

An information message on the procedure for paying insurance compensation is published on October 10, 2016 in Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

To the attention of depositors of VPB Bank (JSC) who opened accounts (deposits) or replenished accounts (deposits) after August 29, 2016, except for depositors of St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk and Rostov branches: in connection with the non-transfer by the management of the bank of the temporary administration of the automated banking system As of September 26, 2016, information about such transactions may not be included in the register of the bank's obligations to depositors. In addition, the interim administration revealed signs of fraudulent actions with deposits and accounts, expressed in unauthorized debiting of customer funds.

In this regard, depositors of VPB Bank (JSC) are advised to have originals or duly certified copies of documents confirming the deposit of funds when applying to an agent bank for reimbursement.

In the event of disagreement related to the amount of compensation on deposits, or the absence of data on the depositor in the register of insurance payments, the depositor may submit a statement of disagreement with the amount of compensation (hereinafter referred to as the statement of disagreement) to the agent bank to transfer it to the DIA with the originals attached or duly certified copies of documents confirming the validity of the depositor's claims: agreement bank deposit(accounts), incoming and outgoing cash orders, etc. (hereinafter - additional documents), as well as copies of an identity document.

If the depositor submits the originals of additional documents to the agent bank, then the agent bank copies them, certifies that the copy is true to the original and attaches the copies of the documents to the statement of disagreement, which is submitted to the DIA. The agent bank returns the original documents to the applicant. If the depositor submits duly certified copies of additional documents to the agent bank, then the agent bank attaches them to the statement of disagreement, which is submitted to the DIA.

The depositor can independently send a statement of disagreement by mail to the DIA, attaching originals or duly certified copies of additional documents, as well as a copy of an identity document.

Information on the registration of a statement of disagreement with the DIA, on the beginning of its consideration and on the possibility of obtaining additional amount insurance compensation will be available to depositors of VPB Bank (JSC) through a special service "Find out the status of a statement of disagreement" on the official website of the DIA (section "Deposit insurance / Insured events" / "VPB" Bank (JSC)).

Detailed information about the payment of indemnity, as well as the time, form and procedure for accepting applications for receiving insurance indemnity can be obtained by calling hotline DIA (8-800-200-08-05), as well as on the DIA website (, section "Deposit insurance/Insured events").

For reference:

According to the received register of obligations of VPB Bank (JSC) for the payment of insurance compensation in the amount of about 28.7 billion rubles. about 78 thousand depositors can apply, including about 760 depositors who have accounts (deposits) for entrepreneurial activities, in the amount of about 70 million rubles.

Insurance indemnity will be paid in 47 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including Moscow and the Moscow Region for the payment of insurance indemnity in the amount of about 19 billion rubles. about 53 thousand depositors can apply, in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region in the amount of about 1.7 billion rubles. about 3.3 thousand investors can apply, in the Ryazan region for an amount of about
RUB 1.8 billion about 4 thousand depositors can apply, in the Rostov region in the amount of about 440 million rubles. about 800 investors can apply, in the Novosibirsk region in the amount of about 680 million rubles. about 1.4 thousand investors can apply.

The message of the Bank of Russia states that the VPB, in particular, did not comply with the legislation regarding combating money laundering

Moscow. September 26th. site - The Bank of Russia has revoked the license for banking operations from the Military Industrial Bank (VPB, Moscow), the Central Bank said in a statement.

"With the unsatisfactory quality of assets, VPB inadequately assessed the risks taken in connection with this. A proper assessment of credit risk and an objective reflection of the value of assets in the reporting of a credit institution led to a complete loss of its own funds(capital)," the regulator said in a statement.

In addition, the bank did not comply with the requirements of the legislation in the field of combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism in terms of the timely submission of information to the authorized body.

The provisional administration, represented by the Deposit Insurance Agency, having begun to fulfill its duties, faced significant difficulties in its work due to the actions of the bank's management, which did not ensure the transfer of title documents for the assets of a credit institution, the Central Bank notes.

A temporary administration has been introduced in the bank until the appointment of a bankruptcy trustee or liquidator.

The credit institution is a member of the deposit insurance system.

Payments to depositors will begin no later than October 10, the DIA reported. Agent banks will be selected on a competitive basis until September 30th.

The bank's work was actually suspended

In early September, it became known that the Central Bank disconnected the Military Industrial Bank from the BESP payment acceptance system. The VPB introduced restrictions on cash withdrawals from deposits, as well as from bank cards and stopped accepting new funds from citizens.

Yuri Koltok, chairman of the board of directors of VPB, told Vedomosti that the regulator had actually stopped the bank's work. So, a financial institution cannot increase the balance on any accounts of individuals, and in order to issue funds from a deposit, it needs to transfer funds from a deposit account to a current one. VPB can no longer calculate interest on deposits, pay salaries and pensions. Also, the VPB has a limit on the turnover of funds on the accounts of legal entities - no more than 6 billion rubles per month.

Koltok noted that the bank asked for clarification from the Central Bank, but did not receive a response, and therefore filed an application with the Moscow Arbitration Court to recognize the decisions and actions of the Bank of Russia as illegal.

Interim management

On September 16, the Bank of Russia introduced temporary administration at the Military Industrial Bank represented by the DIA for a period of six months. The regulator suspended the powers of the bank's management bodies for the period of the provisional administration, related to the adoption of decisions on issues within their competence. The Central Bank also limited the rights of the founders of the bank associated with participation in its authorized capital, including the right to convene general meeting shareholders.

The introduction of a temporary administration was aimed at obtaining operational control over the activities of the bank, this measure will ensure the protection of the interests of depositors and creditors.

The largest shareholders of the Military Industrial Bank are citizens of the Russian Federation: Alexander Kachur - 18.8%, Vasily Nosal - 20.6%, Mkrtich Pichikyan - 6.6%, another 7.3% belong to Kamelot LLC, 7.1% - JSC "Rhodes"

According to the results of the first half of 2016, the Military Industrial Bank ranked 98th in terms of assets among Russian banks in the Interfax-100 ranking prepared by Interfax-CEA. As of August 1, the bank's liabilities to individuals amounted to 30.7 billion rubles. . According to the Bank of Russia, as of September 1 this year, this credit institution ranked 89th in terms of assets in the banking system of the Russian Federation.

Is conducting a survey financial position bank in order to determine its objective financial position," the Central Bank said in a statement. The regulator also suspended the powers of the bank's management bodies for the period of the temporary administration. The Central Bank also limited the rights of the founders of the bank associated with participation in its authorized capital, including the right to convene a general meeting of shareholders. The function of temporary administration in the VPB was assigned to.

As of September 8, the deposit insurance system included 818 credit institutions, of which 543 operating banks, five banks that have lost the right to attract funds from individuals, as well as 270 organizations that are in the process of liquidation.

VPB is included in the first hundred Russian credit institutions. According to the RIA Rating ranking, in the first half of the year, the bank ranked 89th in terms of assets (64.2 billion rubles). As of August 1, the bank raised 30.7 billion rubles. at individuals.

The largest shareholders of the Military Industrial Bank are Russian citizens Alexander Kachur (18.8%), Vasily Nosal (20.6%) and Mkrtich Pichikyan (6.6%), another 7.3% belong to Kamelot LLC, 7.1 % - Rhodes LLC.

The bank's problems began in September: last week on Friday, the Central Bank disconnected it from the system of banking electronic urgent payments (BESP).

At the same time, VPB stopped accepting new funds from citizens and limited the withdrawal of cash and deposits from bank cards, and also set a limit on withdrawals from its ATMs in the amount of 150 thousand rubles. per month.

In early September, the bank applied to the Moscow Arbitration Court with a statement declaring the decisions and actions illegal, referring to the lack of clarifications from the regulator, the media reported referring to the chairman of the board of directors of VPB, Yuri Koltok. The bank drew attention to the fact that it complied with the order to create additional reserves in the amount of more than 6 billion rubles, without violating the mandatory standards, the report specified. The report on the implementation of this part of the instruction was submitted by the VPB to the regulator on September 5. It should be noted that, according to the bank, there is no threat to creditors and depositors.

“The Military Industrial Bank has a chance to restore work, since there has not yet been a license revocation by the Central Bank,” Yury, an analyst at Veles Capital, explained in a conversation with Gazeta.Ru. “However, as practice shows, the Central Bank may well freeze all processes in the bank.”

Since the beginning of the year, the Central Bank has revoked licenses from 69 financial institutions.

Insurance payments to VPB depositors may amount to 27.6 billion rubles. in case of occurrence insured event, RIA Novosti reported, citing a source.

According to Yuri Kravchenko, in the event of the most negative scenario - license revocation - VPB depositors will receive insurance payments:

“The Central Bank is trying to respond promptly. Most likely, the answer about the future of the bank will follow no later than in two weeks.”

On financial market the situation is unlikely to change. “Recently, such cases with banks have become more frequent,” says Kravchenko. “After the check, it will be clear whether the Military-Industrial Bank has a chance to continue working.”

The Department of Public Relations of the State Corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency" (DIA) announces that on October 10, 2016, payments of insurance compensation to depositors of the credit organization Bank "VPB" (JSC) (Moscow) begin.

Bank of Russia Order No. OD-3258 dated September 26, 2016 revoked the banking license of this credit institution, which is an insured event stipulated by the Federal Law On Insurance of Individuals' Deposits in Banks of the Russian Federation. In accordance with it, bank depositors, including individual entrepreneurs (IEs), are entitled to receive insurance compensation on accounts (deposits) opened with this credit institution. The obligation to pay insurance compensation is assigned to the DIA, which performs the functions of an insurer.

The insurance compensation is paid to the depositor in the amount of 100 percent of the sum of all his accounts (deposits) in the bank, including those opened for business activities, but not more than 1.4 million rubles in total. The amount not compensated by insurance will be repaid during the liquidation of the bank as part of the claims of creditors of the first priority (for accounts (deposits) of individual entrepreneurs opened for entrepreneurial activities - as part of the third priority). For a bank account (deposit) in foreign currency, the insurance indemnity is calculated in rubles at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia on the date of revocation of the license - September 26, 2016. If there are counterclaims of the bank against the depositor, their amount is deducted from the amount of accounts (deposits) when calculating the insurance indemnity. In this case, the repayment of counterclaims does not occur.
Acceptance of applications for the payment of reimbursement on deposits and other necessary documents, as well as payment of reimbursement are carried out from October 10, 2016 to October 10, 2017 through VTB 24 (PJSC), Rosselkhozbank JSC and RNKB Bank (PJSC), acting on behalf of DIA and at its expense as agent banks. After October 10, 2017, the acceptance of applications, other necessary documents and the payment of compensation will be carried out either through agent banks or the DIA independently, which will be announced later.

In accordance with federal law, the payment of compensation on deposits is carried out during the entire period of liquidation of a credit institution.
To the attention of depositors: each of the agent banks is authorized to pay compensation only to a certain group of depositors of VPB Bank (JSC) depending on the initial letter of the depositor's surname and his place of residence (registration address). Distribution of depositors of VPB Bank (JSC) was carried out taking into account information about their address of residence (registration address) available at the bank.

The depositor has the right to apply to any of the divisions of the corresponding agent bank indicated on the official website of the DIA on the Internet.
Depositors of VPB Bank can receive compensation for non-business accounts (deposits) both in cash and by transferring funds to an account with a bank participating in the deposit insurance system specified by the depositor.

Payment of compensation on accounts (deposits) opened for entrepreneurial activity is made only by transferring the amount of compensation to the account indicated by the depositor in the bank - participant of the deposit insurance system, opened for entrepreneurial activity.
The depositor can apply for the payment of compensation either personally or through his representative, whose authority must be confirmed by a notarized power of attorney (an approximate text of the power of attorney is available on the official website of the DIA on the Internet:, section " Deposit Insurance/Document Forms”).

If, after the payment of compensation, the bank's depositors have an unpaid part of the bank account (deposit), they will be able to file a creditor's claim against the bank by filling out the appropriate section in the application for payment of compensation on deposits when applying to the division of the agent bank for payment of compensation.

Depositors of VPB Bank can receive information about the list of divisions of the agent bank that pay compensation and their mode of operation by calling the following hotlines: VTB 24 (PJSC) - 8-800-505-24-24, Rosselkhozbank JSC - 8-800-200-02-90, RNKB Bank (PJSC) - 8-800-234-27-27.

An information message on the procedure for paying insurance compensation is published on October 10, 2016 in Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

To the attention of depositors of VPB Bank (JSC) who opened accounts (deposits) or replenished accounts (deposits) after August 29, 2016, with the exception of depositors of the St. system as of September 26, 2016, information about such transactions may not be included in the register of the bank's obligations to depositors. In addition, the interim administration revealed signs of fraudulent actions with deposits and accounts, expressed in unauthorized debiting of customer funds.

In this regard, depositors of VPB Bank (JSC) are advised to have originals or duly certified copies of documents confirming the deposit of funds when applying to an agent bank for reimbursement.

In the event of disagreement related to the amount of compensation on deposits, or the absence of data on the depositor in the register of insurance payments, the depositor may submit an application for disagreement with the amount of compensation (hereinafter referred to as the statement of disagreement) to the agent bank to transfer it to the DIA, attaching the originals or duly certified copies of documents confirming the validity of the depositor's claims: bank deposit (account) agreement, cash receipts and debit orders, etc. (hereinafter - additional documents), as well as copies of an identity document.

If the depositor submits the originals of additional documents to the agent bank, then the agent bank copies them, certifies that the copy is true to the original and attaches the copies of the documents to the statement of disagreement, which is submitted to the DIA. The agent bank returns the original documents to the applicant. If the depositor submits duly certified copies of additional documents to the agent bank, then the agent bank attaches them to the statement of disagreement, which is submitted to the DIA.

The depositor can independently send a statement of disagreement by mail to the DIA, attaching originals or duly certified copies of additional documents, as well as a copy of an identity document.

Information about the registration of a statement of disagreement with the DIA, the beginning of its consideration and the possibility of obtaining an additional amount of insurance compensation will be available to depositors of VPB Bank (JSC) through the special service "Find out the status of a statement of disagreement" on the official website of the DIA (section "Insurance deposits/Insured events”/“VPB” Bank (JSC)).

Detailed information on the payment of compensation, as well as on the time, form and procedure for accepting applications for insurance compensation can be obtained by calling the DIA hotline (8-800-200-08-05), as well as on the DIA website ( .ru, section "Deposit insurance/Insured events").

According to the received register of obligations of VPB Bank (JSC) for the payment of insurance compensation in the amount of about 28.7 billion rubles. about 78 thousand depositors can apply, including about 760 depositors with accounts (deposits) for entrepreneurial activities, in the amount of about 70 million rubles.

Insurance indemnity will be paid in 47 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including Moscow and the Moscow Region for the payment of insurance indemnity in the amount of about 19 billion rubles. about 53 thousand depositors can apply, in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region in the amount of about 1.7 billion rubles. about 3.3 thousand depositors can apply, in the Ryazan region in the amount of about 1.8 billion rubles. about 4 thousand depositors can apply, in the Rostov region in the amount of about 440 million rubles. about 800 investors can apply, in the Novosibirsk region in the amount of about 680 million rubles. about 1.4 thousand investors can apply.