Thank you bonuses are reset to zero. When and why bonus points “Thank you from Sberbank” expire

Sberbank offers its clients to become participants in a special bonus program. The promotion offers the opportunity to earn points for using cashless payment when making purchases. Each unit is equal to 1 ruble. The user can pay for subsequent purchases with the accumulated amount, which encourages regular bank customers to often use non-cash payments. New users are often interested in the question of whether “Thank you” bonuses from Sberbank expire.

Savings may disappear unexpectedly for their owner. But for this to happen, there must be some reason. Regular customers who are aware of the loyalty program and regularly use non-cash payments can be calm about their savings.

It is not possible to just accumulate points for several years without spending them. This is the main condition for participation in the promotion. This situation is present in many loyalty programs. Its goal is to encourage customers to continuously use non-cash payments. An analogy with the effect of discount coupons and promotional codes, the period of use of which is also limited, is appropriate here.

It often happens that customers are not aware of this offer. They make purchases over a long period of time and thereby accumulate bonus accruals. And just when cashless payment users have discovered the benefits of the program, they may experience their sudden disappearance.

The write-off of accrued units is an unpleasant surprise for the participants of the promotion. Therefore, it is important to know what can lead to the loss of accruals, and in what cases it is possible to return the written-off amount back.

Why are bonuses subject to cancellation?

Several reasons lead to the sudden disappearance of accruals, which are set out in the terms of implementation of the “Thank you Bonuses” loyalty program on the official website of Sberbank.

  1. If the accumulated amount has not been used for three years or more from the date of its accrual, then it is subject to cancellation. This procedure is carried out every month following the month in which the period for using savings ended. The three-year period will not be suspended or interrupted if there is a restoration of accruals.
  2. The amount of accruals will be written off if the bank partner is liquidated or declared bankrupt, cannot bear the costs associated with the promotion, and also does not fulfill the obligations assigned to him within the framework of the current program.
  3. In case of returning a product after the purchase of which the account was replenished, points are also subject to debiting.
  4. If there are no transactions on the card for twelve months, the accumulated units are burned in full. The expiration of a calendar year does not affect the balance sheet in any way.
  5. If a loyalty program participant terminates the agreement with the bank, he will have to give up his existing savings.
  6. If points were awarded due to a technical error or software malfunction, they will be written off.
  7. Points awarded as a result of dishonest actions on the part of the client are also subject to cancellation.
  8. The participant can, if he wishes, participate in the promotion, the condition of which is to write off accruals in favor of charitable organizations.
  9. Some offers from bank partners provide for 100% cancellation of the point account as the main condition for participation.
  10. If the cardholder has been excluded from the circle of participants.

Interesting! The mechanism for writing off savings in the event of a product return is not entirely clear. If the accrued units from a partner were soon spent, and then it turns out that he is going through bankruptcy proceedings, will the bonus account go into the negative or will the write-off be applied to future points.

Ways to check the status of your bonus account

In order to make sure that your accumulated points are not lost, you need to regularly check the status of your balance. This action will make the member aware of the number of units that have been canceled in the last month. It is necessary to carefully monitor the information in order to be aware of the ongoing checks of the bonus account and check it for the loss of the accumulated amount.

Through Sberbank Online

“Thank you” bonuses in Sberbank Online can be checked for cancellation. After authorization, on the main page of your personal account you can see the “Thank you from Sberbank” section. The window that opens provides information about accrued bonuses for a certain time, the amount to be written off at the end of the month, as well as the places where accruals can be made. Internet banking is convenient because it allows you to independently track transactions on your bonus account at any time.

Healthy! The above information is also available in the official Sberbank Online mobile application. After logging into your account, you need to open the “My Finances” tab, after which the amount of accruals will be immediately visible. If you click on it, a map will open showing the bank’s partners closest to the client.

Through the “Thank you from Sberbank” application

The bank released a stand-alone application for mobile devices that would allow you to manage your bonus account at any time. The participant has access to the transaction history, which shows for which purchases and in what quantities savings were accrued or debited. The user will also be able to see the amount of accruals that expire at the end of the current month.

The appendix lists all the partners and the special offers they organize. Users can exchange the accumulated amount for discount coupons and use them in various online and offline stores. The main advantages of this method are the ability to monitor the balance regardless of the location and presence of a computer.


If you do not have access to Internet banking, you can find out details about the charges by sending an SMS to number 900. In the message you send, you need to write “Thank you” and indicate the last 4 digits indicated on the front side of the card as its number. You can use this service if the cardholder has activated Mobile Banking. The disadvantage of this method is that it is not possible to find out the amount to be burned at the end of the month.

Via terminal and ATM

You can also control the consumption of accrued units at an ATM by inserting the card into the terminal and selecting the “Bonus program” section. This method features:

  • accessibility (terminals are located in almost any shopping center or other public place);
  • does not require a computer or mobile phone at hand;
  • free;
  • simplicity.

What to do if bonuses disappear

You can find out the exact reason for canceling your “Thank You” account balance by calling the hotline. The specialist will help track expense transactions and advise the participant of the promotion on why the “Thank you” bonuses from Sberbank disappeared.

In addition to the reasons for the cancellation of bonuses established by the rules, there are other circumstances that can lead to the loss of accruals:

  • the participant of the promotion simply forgot that he had already spent bonuses in the process of paying for his next purchase;
  • the card and accrued units could be used by relatives without informing the client about it;
  • the card could have been stolen or lost, which could have led to the use of savings by unauthorized persons before blocking;
  • the client could accidentally refuse to participate in the promotion.

Advice! If the accrued amount was unexpectedly written off and the card has expired, then you just need to reissue it and the savings will be returned to your account within 24 hours.

If there is a possibility of illegal debiting of points, then you should file a complaint with your local bank branch or through the official website in the “Help” section.

The “Thank You” promotion is a convenient and profitable loyalty program for participants. The unexpected disappearance of the accumulated amount can take a person by surprise, since he could count on using it when making any purchase. There can be many reasons for the cancellation of savings, therefore, when the “Thank you” bonuses from Sberbank expire, it is important to immediately take the necessary actions in this situation.

Those who use various banking products from Sberbank are in most cases aware of the Thank You program and the benefits it provides. Unfortunately, accumulating bonus points can sometimes be easier than spending them: in order to earn bonus points, you need to meet a number of conditions. Therefore, the question about the validity period of Thank You bonuses from Sberbank is quite relevant, because no one wants to lose benefits and the opportunity to save money.

How long are bonuses valid?

Since the program was activated, changes have been made to it several times. That is why today those who are looking for information about the validity period of Thank You from Sberbank can find very different data from each other. The thing is that over the years of operation of this bonus program, the bank has changed the conditions for its clients. So, from the initial 12 months in 2105, the validity of Thank You bonuses was increased to 24, and last year to 36 months.

However, it is a mistake to believe that if the validity period of the Thank You bonuses from Sberbank has not yet expired, then nothing will happen to them. The conditions for issuing points indicate that in some cases they may be written off regardless of when they were awarded. And in order to avoid burning, you need to know exactly the deadline for crediting bonuses. Thank you from Sberbank.

How to check expiration date

To find out how many points you have in your account, when they might expire, and to have time to prevent it, you need to do one of the following:

  • Use an ATM. This is the most common way to find out the validity period of Thank you bonuses from Sberbank. After inserting the plastic into the ATM, you need to select the tab - bonus program, after which the current program about your participation in the promotion will open. This method has one drawback: only the number of points is visible, but not their validity period.
  • Using Internet banking. In your personal account registered to your card, you can always find out not only how much you have in your Thank You from Sberbank account, but also the validity period of the bonuses. To do this, you will need to expand the “transaction history” menu, view the dates of points accrual and add 36 months to them.
  • Via SMS notification. From the phone number linked to the card, you should send an SMS to number 6470. The message must contain only one character - the number 9. Within a minute you will receive a response message indicating the number of accumulated points. The service is paid, the cost is three rubles.

As you can see, the only way to find out not only the quantity, but also the validity period of Thank You bonuses is to use the capabilities of your Personal Account on the bank’s website.

Can points expire before they expire?

Unfortunately, they can. In some cases, clients, wanting to know the deadline for crediting Thank You bonuses and, accordingly, the period of their validity, suddenly discover that there is nothing in the account. This is possible in two cases:

  1. No card transactions for 12 months. If your card, on which the bonus program is activated, has not been used for a whole year to pay for purchases, withdraw cash or make a transfer, all accumulated Thank You bonuses from Sberbank, the validity period in this case does not matter, will be cancelled.
  2. Termination of the agreement with the bank. The terms of use of Thank You indicate that this program is intended exclusively for bank clients. Therefore, those who decide to stop cooperating with Sber may not count on additional privileges.

In connection with the listed reasons for the burning of points, we can come to the conclusion: it is better to always have up-to-date information about Thank You bonuses at hand - the terms of enrollment and use in order to spend them in a timely manner or use the card in time to pay and record the transaction.

Other reasons for missing points

If you still remain a client of the bank and constantly use its card to carry out various transactions, but your points are still missing, do not rush to panic. Perhaps your Thank You bonuses have not yet expired, and the reason for combustion is completely different. There may be several of them:

  • Liquidation of a partner Thank you: Sberbank sets the validity period for bonuses the same for all its partners, however, if a store closes and ceases to function, then all points awarded to customers under the bonus program will be written off.
  • Refusal from partnership: if suddenly one of the partners decides that they no longer want to participate in the program from Sberbank Thank you, the validity period of the bonuses ceases to matter - they are completely canceled.
  • Client participation in the promotion. The habit of our fellow citizens to automatically mark “I am familiar with the rules,” without even reading them, has more than once played a cruel joke on them. Thus, sometimes promotions are held, in order to participate in which you must confirm your readiness to completely reset your bonus account. Those who agreed to participate without realizing that all points were being eliminated may be unpleasantly surprised by the disappearing bonuses.

Listed here are only the most common reasons why Thank you bonuses from Sberbank, the validity period of which still allowed you to use them, suddenly disappear from your account. In fact, the situations may be different, and if you do not understand why there are fewer bonuses, contact the bank for clarification.

If you know that you have Thank You bonuses that are about to expire, find a way to spend them. This may require you to make an additional purchase to bring your points up to redemption levels.

And if you have Thank You bonuses on your account, which are expiring but cannot be used (not enough), find out about the possibility of transferring them, for example, to charity. Such actions are provided for by the terms of the program.

If any controversial issues arise regarding the unauthorized debiting of points, please immediately contact the support service, providing, if possible, current data on the Thank you program.

The bonus program called “Thank You”, offered by Sberbank, is designed to meet the needs of its regular customers and actively attract new ones. The essence of such a loyalty program is to provide the opportunity to receive additional discounts on those purchases and services for which you pay directly with a bank card.

Bonuses are awarded for purchases for which payment is made by credit card. The bank client has the right to use the latter at any time convenient for him. Whether accumulated points can be burned, and how this happens, we will consider further in our material.

About the “Thank you” program from Sberbank

Those Sberbank clients who mainly make payments with a bank card automatically receive bonus points to their account when they connect to the program. These points are used as discounts when purchasing goods and services in all stores that are partners of Sberbank. The amount of the discount depends on the promotions that are offered during a certain period of time.

The main advantage of the “Thank you” program from Sberbank is that a bank client can accumulate bonuses on his card without any additional effort on his part. To do this, you need to go through a simple registration procedure and make purchases with this card.

As a result, the greater the number of transactions carried out using a bank card, the greater the number of bonuses you will receive.

Are your bonuses burnt out? How to check?

There are several ways to check the number of bonuses on your card:

  1. One of the most common verification methods is an ATM. To get all the information on the promotion, you need to go to the information tab of the terminal, where all the information on your bonuses will be displayed.
  2. One of the fairly new, but no less popular methods is the use of the Sberbank Internet system. To check bonuses through the online system, you need to go to your Personal Account in the “My Bonuses” section. This method is gaining increasing popularity among bank clients due to its ease of use. The convenience lies in the fact that all operations can be carried out without leaving your home or office; you just need access to the Internet and registration in the system. All information regarding the “Thank you” promotion is displayed in the right menu of your Personal Account.
  3. Another effective way to check bonuses is your mobile phone. To do this, you need to send a message with the text “9” to the number – 6470. It is worth noting that such a message costs three rubles. All the necessary information on bonuses will come in a response message in about a minute.

Can bonuses expire?

Many Sberbank clients are interested in the question of whether it is possible that bonuses may expire. This may be in cases such as:

  • if the card client has never used the card to pay for purchases or services in the bank’s partner stores throughout the year;
  • if the cardholder and the bank terminate the agreement, as a result of which their relationship is considered completed;
  • if the cardholder has not used the accumulated bonuses for three years.

Many Sberbank users are interested in the question “Do Thank You bonuses from Sberbank expire?” To be very brief, they burn out. However, such a fate should not befall regular customers. If you're a loyalty program user, having your points written off won't come as a surprise. A special application allows you to find out how many bonuses you have in your account. The bank's partner companies also report this. The accumulated Thank You points can be immediately spent on services and goods.

Reasons for deducting points Thank you

Sberbank offers its regular customers a loyalty program in which you can accumulate Thank you bonuses when paying with a bank card. This reward can be conveniently spent on purchases from the bank’s partners in the future. Sellers participating in the program also offer the most favorable terms for rewards.

Thank you bonuses allow you to pay for purchases

But, nevertheless, it is impossible to accumulate bonuses forever. They expire if their validity period passes, and the person does not use the card for a long time or terminates the service agreement with the bank. This situation applies not only to Sberbank. Points, miles and coupons from other companies also expire. Bonuses are a kind of gratitude, encouragement from your bank. And, of course, it is better to use these compliments in a timely manner. You should not think that the reward will accumulate forever in unlimited quantities.

Unfortunately, many users of the main Russian bank are not even aware of this program. They deprive themselves of the opportunity to accumulate and spend points from their purchases. In this situation, possible points are burned out without ever appearing.

By activating the “Thank you from Sberbank” program, the bank client begins to save and spend bonus rubles.

Although regular Sberbank customers will most likely not experience points being written off, it is worth knowing the basic rules according to which this can happen.

Write-off of Thank You bonuses occurs if:

  1. You have not used a Sberbank card for more than 12 months. This is a situation where absolutely all your accruals are burned.
  2. Bonus points cannot be used for 36 months from the date of accrual.
  3. The “Card Agreement” has been terminated for any reason.
  4. Sberbank has excluded you personally from the Thank you from Sberbank program, with good reason.
  5. You returned the item to the seller for which bonuses were awarded.
  6. Thank you points can be written off if the partner goes bankrupt or fails to fulfill his obligations to Sberbank.
  7. Thank you points were awarded in error.

All of the above cases are rare. Conscientious bank clients should first of all remember how long bonuses are stored.

Points can also be used to pay for air tickets.

Common customer questions

Clients are often interested in whether bonuses can expire on January 1, when the New Year begins. No, bonuses do not expire. The onset of the New Year does not affect their combustion in any way. The year is counted from the time you stopped using the card. That is, if you do not use plastic for exactly 12 months, bonuses will be written off at any time.

If you change your Sberbank card, you shouldn’t be afraid of losing your points. Your Thank You bonuses are not tied to a specific plastic card, but to an account, so they will remain unchanged. The same applies if the card is stolen or malfunctions. There are no changes to the bonus account.

How to check the number of bonuses Thank you

There are several ways to check your bonus account. The client can easily find out how many points have been accumulated and written off, the validity period of the bonuses, and whether they have expired:

  1. Using a Sberbank ATM.
  2. Using the Sberbank online mobile application.
  3. Via SMS notification. The client needs to send a request with the number “9” to the short number 6470. To track your points, you can choose the method that is most convenient for you personally.

We can conditionally divide all users of the bonus program into 2 large groups: those who prefer to immediately spend their Thank You bonuses on small items in stores or lunches in cafes, and those who save up for a large purchase. The second group of users should be attentive to the simple rules of Sberbank, use the card regularly and not accumulate bonuses for more than 3 years so that the points for the desired purchase do not expire.

View bonuses at Sberbank online

You should always remember that compliments from the bank accumulate gradually and should also gradually be written off if not used on time. So, if you notice that Thank You bonuses from Sberbank have disappeared for the purchase of children's goods purchased in March 3 years ago, then the same fate awaits points from April purchases at a cosmetics store in a month. Having already faced the loss of a certain number of bonuses, you can prevent the rest from burning out. Knowing how long the remaining incentives last, you need to hurry up and choose what you want. You can purchase the product you need by partially paying with bonuses. Thank you. The rest of the amount can be added with real money.

Sberbank is a recognized leader in the banking sector. It has many branches throughout Russia, offering a full range of services to clients: from plastic cards to a full cycle of settlement and cash services. Some services come with bonus programs. And the most popular of the programs is “Thank you”. Next, let’s look at whether “Thank you” bonuses from Sberbank expire.

You can spend Thank you bonuses with Sberbank partners

Essence of the program

When receiving a plastic card, the client will always be warned about the possibility of connecting to a cashback program and how long the points are valid. Cashback - return of funds in the form of bonuses. You can use bonuses from your account to pay for purchases. Points are awarded when you pay by card in any store.

The main nuances of the program are as follows:

  • 0.5% of the check amount is returned from purchases;
  • if the purchase is made in a bank partner store, then up to 50% of the amount is returned with points;
  • You can use points to pay for the full cost of your purchase (some stores allow you to pay only part of the amount with points, for example, the Rigla pharmacy chain – 50%).

The bonus system is quite profitable in comparison with cashbacks from other banks. Sberbank has a large list of partners. Today it includes the following organizations:

  • Teremok – restaurant chain – up to 5%;
  • various chains of fur salons – up to 7%;
  • Letual - a chain of perfume stores - up to 7%;
  • Nordman – shoe store – up to 5%.

On average, partners credit bank card users with 5-7% of the purchase amount. In other words, if a purchase is made with a card in the amount of 2,700 rubles, then the bonus account will increase by 135-189 rubles.

You can spend points in a limited list of organizations: Kari, Burgerking, Euroset, Rigla pharmacy chain and others.

One of the options for connecting the program is through a Sberbank ATM

How to connect

Usually, at the time of receiving and activating a plastic card, a store employee asks about the need for a bonus program. Then it connects automatically. If the card was received a long time ago and the bonus program is not activated, then the procedure is as follows:

  • access the electronic device and insert the card;
  • enter your PIN code and select “Personal information...”;
  • select “Bonus program” from the menu - activate.

After this, points will begin to accrue from purchases. Balance information is available by calling 900. In this case, it is possible to call a specialist (the call is free) and, using the code word, request a balance. Or send a message: THANK YOU (card number) to the same number. The message will contain information about the account status.

Please note that the service can be connected to any card, be it debit or credit. The conditions differ in the amount of cashback, which is usually lower for credit cards.

It is also possible to connect a bonus program through Online Banking. To do this, you need to follow this algorithm:

  • get a login and password using your phone by registering on the Sberbank website;
  • Select “My bonuses” in the menu and enter your email address and mobile phone in the window;
  • the system will generate a code and send it to the number linked to the plastic. The code must be entered into the form on the website.

There is a limitation on using the “Thank You” system - for instant issuance cards, the opportunity to register in the bonus program will appear only 5 business days after receiving it. We also note that when points expire, the bank notifies the user via SMS.

List of cards and bonus amounts

Plastic is divided into credit and debit. You can connect a bonus account to any of them, but the percentage of points credited differs. Let's introduce some payment instruments and the size of bonuses:

  • Platinum Visa (debit): price – 4900 rub. per year of service, when connecting to the Premier service package - free. 20% cashback;
  • Youth MasterCard: designed for young people. The cost of service is 150 rubles. per year, and bonuses return up to 10% of the cost of purchases in partner stores;
  • Gold plastic Visa: Service – 3000 rub. per year, cashback – 5%;
  • Classic Master and Visa cards: service – 750 rub. in a year. Refund – up to 20%;
  • WORLD social: free service, cashback - 0.5% of the purchase amount;
  • Visa and Master Instant: service – 750 rub. per year, return to the bonus account - 10% of all purchases on the card.

Not all Sberbank payment instruments involve the return of bonuses. For example, Aeroflot allows you to accumulate miles, and Troika allows you to accumulate miles on public transport. In addition, it is worth noting that the higher the level of the card (Gold, Platinum), the more points the owner can receive. In general, such plastic provides other advantages: participation in closed events, insurance and legal assistance anywhere in the world.

You can check the balance of bonuses through number 900, as well as in Sberbank Online


The bonus program has a number of limitations and nuances:

  • bonuses are valid only for 3 years, after which they expire;
  • If the plastic is not used for 12 months, the points disappear. If bonuses are lost, it is impossible to return them;
  • if the agreement with Sberbank PJSC is terminated, the points expire. Card servicing is also stopped;
  • the maximum possible accrual amount is 20,000 bonuses;
  • if there are several cards, then 20,000 bonuses are the total of all cards.

Bonus accrual periods vary. So, if the payment amount is less than 15 thousand rubles, then on average it takes 5 working days for enrollment. If the amount is more than 15,000 rubles, then points can be awarded within 40 calendar days. When returning the goods and the amount to the account, the points are canceled.

Thus, the bonus program is designed to return part of the paid amounts to customers. Of course, there are some restrictions on paying with bonuses, since transactions are only possible in partner stores, but up to 99% of the purchase price can be paid with bonuses. In addition, points are valid for 3 years.