Plan for the world economic crisis 1929 1933.

Lesson topic: World economic crisis (1929-1933). Ways out.

Lesson type : combined.

Goals: give the concept of economic crisis; to acquaint with the features of the economic crisis of 1929-1933 and ways out of it.

Equipment: textbook by O.S. Soroko-Tsyupa “ recent history foreign countries XX-StartXXIcentury." M., "Enlightenment", 2005 .; WITHD"The Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius". 2003.

Preliminary preparation: defining the goals and objectives of the lesson; selection of educational and additional literature for the lesson.

During the classes.

I. Org. moment.

Checking d / z. Testing on the topic "The capitalist world in the 20s."

Transition to the study of new material.

So, in the previous lessons, we examined the events and phenomena that were caused by a number of problems of the late 20s. What are these phenomena?

+ Recession, reduction in production.

+ Ruin of many enterprises.

+ Rising unemployment.

+ Fall wages.

+ Falling share prices.

Fine. Consider whether these characteristics apply to today. What do you think all these phenomena in the economic and social life of society lead to? What are we going to talk about today.

+ On the economic crisis.

II. Stage "Comprehension".

1. Work on the topic of the lesson.

On slide 1, the teacher places the name and plan that the children are familiar with at the beginning of the lesson.


Causes and the beginning of the global economic crisis.

· The Great Depression.

Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal.

· Economic crisis in the countries of the world.

slide 2 : Characteristics and development of the crisis.

An economic crisis is a sudden recession, a reduction in production, accompanied by the ruin of many enterprises, rising unemployment, falling wages and stock prices.

    The production of goods crosses the border set by the narrow limits of effective demand of the population, the economic crisis takes on the character of a general overproduction of goods and an overaccumulation of capital.

    The market economy develops cyclically:



A crisis.



(The teacher shows slide 2 to students after they themselves formulate the definition of the concept of "economic crisis")

2. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson.

Work with the textbook.

We open the textbook.

Assignment to the whole class : read the paragraph and completecluster on the pieces of paper that lie in front of you on the desks.

(On leaflets: the topic of the lesson is written in the center of the cluster, four rays go from the center)

Independent work.

Children work with the textbook, fill in the clusters.

We check. What did you get?

(Discussing the result of independent work of students on the board, a cluster is gradually filled, acceptable for further work:

1. World economic crisis (1929-1933)

a) features of the global economic crisis;

b) causes of the global economic crisis;

c) the consequences of the global economic crisis;

d) ways out of the crisis.)

Group work.

Now let's split into 4 groups:


Group 1 continues to fill in the cluster on the features of the global economic crisis;

Group 2: finds out the causes of m. eq. To.;

Group 3: working on the consequences of m. eq. crisis;

Group 4: takes the way out of the world eq. crisis.

Independent work.

(each group, working with the textbook, continues to fill in the cluster)

Let's see what we got. (Representatives from each group speak)

Cluster (continued)

2. Features of the world economic crisis.

a) depth (significant reduction in production, a sharp increase in unemployment);

b) scale (the crisis has become global);

c) duration (1929-1933, but the economy never reached its previous level before the start of World War II)

3. Causes of the global economic crisis.

a) first World War and the actions of the victorious powers (violation of traditional economic ties, the dependence of the world economy on the stability of the American economy);

b) the crisis of overproduction (the transition of American industry to technology mass production, low consumption of goods by the population);

c) the stock market crisis of 1929 (a sharp drop in exchange rates valuable papers);

G) financial crisis(reduction in tax revenues, budget deficit)

4. Consequences of the global economic crisis:

A) mass unemployment;

b) growing contrasts of wealth and poverty;

c) food riots

d) social protest movements;

e) the decline of morals and morals;

e) an increase in crime.

5. Ways out of the global economic crisis.

a) non-interference of the state in economic life (as the supporters of free market economy with a traditional liberal point of view);

b) strict government regulation (using the experience of mobilizing the economy during the First World War);

c) the establishment of a socialist centrally planned economy and distribution (communists and many socialists saw this as the only way out, believing that capitalism had collapsed);

d) Keynesianism (mass production corresponds to mass consumption).

(What is written in brackets is not written in the cluster - representatives of each group talk about it, or the teacher directs them in this direction)

Problem question:

Look closely at the cluster. Why did the crisis put the problem of state regulation of the market economy on the agenda?

What leads to the choice of a decision on this issue?

(Students express their opinions, discuss. Together they come to the conclusion that we are talking about the nature of the political regime.)

What types of political regimes do you know? (list)

For European countriesXXcentury, indeed, characterized by democratic, totalitarian and authoritarian regimes. Now we will pass comparative analysis these modes.

We work in notebooks . (Using the reception"Summary Table").

Consider what lines of comparison you can consider. We work in pairs. Write it down.

Complete the table using the textbook material on pages 87-90.

3. Consolidation of the studied . Let's check. What did you get?

(The answers of several students are heard, the guys make additions, correct each other)

III. Reflection.

What are we working on today?

Now, will you select a question of any type from the "Daisies of questions" and, taking into account the remaining time of the lesson, formulate and ask your question to a specific student? (Using the reception"Daisy Bloom")

Now let's go back to the first slide. What do you say?

Yes, indeed, of all the points, we have analyzed only the first one. We will work on the following points of the plan in the next lessons.

Well done. You have learned the topic of the lesson. Now evaluate the work of your classmates, justify your assessment.

At home, while studying paragraph 10, reflect on the material covered, as in the next lesson we will try to answer questions such as:

- Why did the economic crisis affect the countries of the world in different ways?

- Why did these countries choose different ways out of the crisis?

- How did the crisis affect the further political, social, cultural development of the world's leading powers?

Think about the additions in the cluster we made in the lesson.

(One student is invited to prepare a message about Franklin Roosevelt)

The global economic crisis that hit the world's leading powers between 1929 and 1933 is still considered the worst in history. Its consequences were very severe and were of a global nature.

Causes of the global economic crisis

The causes of the world economic crisis consisted of several factors at once. The first is the crisis of overproduction, when industry and agriculture produced more than people could consume. The second is the lack of regulators. financial market, which led to fraud in the securities market, and ultimately to the stock market crash.

Beginning of the global economic crisis

It all started with the United States, after that the crisis spread to the countries of Latin America. Due to high import duties (the government hoped to support the domestic manufacturer in this way), America “exported” it to Europe. Financial ties between countries have weakened due to numerous trade disputes. France was able to avoid the crisis in 1929, when it came to most European countries, but already in 1930 a difficult time came for her.

Which countries suffered the most during the global economic crisis?

So, the first blow fell on the United States - October 25, 1929 on the New York stock exchange there was a complete collapse of the shares. After this, the manifestations of the crisis began to grow like a snowball: during the crisis years, more than five thousand banks were closed, the volumes industrial production and agricultural production decreased by almost a third, demographic situation was also deplorable - population growth stopped. These years went down in history as the Great Depression.

African Americans were the hardest hit by the Great Depression, as they were the first to be cut from their jobs.

Rice. 1. African American worker.

Germany also suffered greatly from the economic crisis - like America, this country did not have colonies where surplus goods could be sold. In 1932, which was the peak of the global crisis, its industry fell by 54% and unemployment was 44%.

TOP 4 articleswho read along with this

It is against the backdrop of crisis phenomena in the economy in politics and public life Germans increased the influence of the National Socialist Party under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, who subsequently unleashed the Second World War.

Rice. 2. Adolf Hitler.

Other world powers - England, France, Italy and Japan - suffered less from the crisis, but still the impact on their economies was significant.

All states were forced to look for their own ways out in this situation, they mainly consisted in strengthening the influence of the state on the economy and regulating financial institutions.

Consequences of the World Economic Crisis of 1929-1933

Despite the fact that overcoming the crisis in all world powers began quite early, the process still dragged on for 4 years and had rather difficult results.

Rice. 3. The market in Germany during the economic crisis.

Reduced industrial production and production in agriculture, about half of the working-age population was left without work, which led to poverty and hunger. Also, interstate relations have become aggravated, the volume of world trade has decreased. In addition, this first economic crisis soon gave rise to a second one, albeit on a smaller scale.

What have we learned?

In an article on history for grade 11, we talked briefly about the global economic crisis of 1929-1933, as well as what features and consequences it had for the great powers, which of them suffered the most and what it led to as a result .

Topic quiz

Report Evaluation

Average rating: 4.6. Total ratings received: 833.

1.Features of the global economic crisis years. 1.Global, worldwide 2.The longest in history

4. Liberal-democratic regime Great Britain France Scandinavian countries USA Canada Mexico ... What measures were taken in these countries to overcome the crisis? (p) L.D.R. - based on the recognition of the people as a source of power, on their right to participate in solving state and public affairs and providing citizens with a wide range of rights and freedoms.

5. Totalitarian regimes. Germany Spain Portugal Italy T.R. - an anti-democratic regime in which the state establishes complete control over a person, all manifestations of civil society are eliminated, there is no opposition, parliamentary democracy, freedoms and human rights; repression is being carried out.

Features of totalitarian regimes: 1. Read the text - p. State. Property of the State Planning Regulation of all aspects of life Eradication private property Equal distribution Mass repressions

6. Authoritarian regimes Turkey, Yugoslavia Greece ... A.R. - a regime in which political power belongs to one leader or one party, the political rights of citizens are limited and public organizations, state intervention in the life of society is insignificant, there is no large repressive apparatus.

Consolidation: 1. What are the features of M.E.K.? 2. What are the reasons for IEC gg. (Choose the correct answer) 1. Restriction of competition as a result of monopolization of production in a number of industries. 2. Speculative boom in the securities market 3. Limitation of mass consumption in conditions of mass production 4. Absence of the regulatory role of the state 5. Strengthening state intervention in the economy. 6. Unlimited element of market relations 7. Falling prices for agricultural products

3. What is the main principle of Keynesianism? 1. In a crisis, government spending should be reduced. 2. Under conditions of a crisis of overproduction, wages and prices should be frozen. 3. Mass production must correspond to mass consumption ("effective demand")

4. Enter the names of political regimes. 1. _________________ regime is characterized by the absolute control of the state over all areas of public life, the complete subordination of a person to political power and the dominant ideology. 2.__________________ The regime is characterized by the state-political structure of society, in which political power is exercised by a specific person (class, party, elite group, etc.) with minimal participation of the people. 3.__________________ The regime is based on the recognition of the people as a source of power, on their right to participate in solving state and public affairs and on providing citizens with a wide range of rights and freedoms.

Sources: Soroko-Tsyupa O.S. The latest history of foreign countries, XX-beginning of the XXI century: A textbook for the 9th grade of educational institutions / O.S. Soroko-Tsyupa, A.O. Soroko-Tsyupa.-M.: Enlightenment, Soroko-TsyupaO.S., Soroko-Tsyupa A.O. Workbook for the textbook "Recent History"

Photos and drawings:


Full name (full name)

Permyakova Svetlana Semyonovna

Place of work

Branch No. 3 GKVOU TSO at the Institute of Institution of the Samara Region

Job title

History and social studies teacher

World economic crisis 1929-1933

Basic Tutorial

N.V. Zagladin. The latest history of foreign countries of the twentieth century. - M .: Russian word, 2008

    The purpose of the lesson:

Educational Purpose: To contribute to the formation of a bright, emotionally colored idea of ​​the situation of people in the conditions of the world economic crisis of 1929-1933 in schoolchildren. Lead students to an independent conclusion about the causes of this phenomenon and the influence of political regimes on the scope and nature of state intervention in the economic and daily life of society and the individual.

Development goal: the formation of educational and cognitive and value-semantic competencies of students based on the analysis of graphic and textual information, generalization and systematization of the knowledge gained, the ability and skill of independent work with a digital educational resource, the development of reflective skills.

educational goal: the formation of a sense of compassion in schoolchildren for people who find themselves in a difficult socio-economic and moral and psychological situation in connection with the world economic crisis of 1929-1933.

to orient students to democratic ways of resolving contradictions between the individual, society and the state.

    Lesson type: a lesson in learning new knowledge

    Flesson form: combined.

    Mteaching methods: reproductive (introductory words of the teacher), partially exploratory (independent work in groups), general discussion of problematic tasks, filling in the table, work with ESM.

    Means of education: FCIOR module "Great Depression".

    Forms of student work: analysis of textual and graphic information, preparation of oral reports on the topic, group work with the text of the textbook and ESM.

    Required technical equipment: computer, projector, screen.

Lesson stage.

The name of the used EER (indicating their serial number in table No. 2

Teacher activity

(indicating actions with ESM, for example, demonstration)

Student activities

1.Org. moment.

The topic of the lesson on the blackboard, equipment check

Checking readiness for the lesson, textbook, notebook

2. Introduction to the study of the topic, updating knowledge.

Conversation with the class. In our country, you often hear the familiar word “crisis” on the screen. What associations do you have with this word?

The teacher summarizes the answers and voices the topic of the lesson, formulates the goal: to study the main events of the global economic crisis of 1929-1933, its causes, manifestations and ways out of it in different countries peace.

Students name associations and express opinions that this topic is relevant.

Record the topic and lesson plan in a notebook.

3. Learning new material

Module 1 "Great Depression"


Demonstration of module pages.

Crisis in the USA

    The world on the eve of the crisis: work with the concept of "stabilization of capitalism"

2) The US economy on the eve of the crisis.

A) a portrait of C. Dawes.

B) Task: Make a logical chain that led to the crisis.

C) Question: Could the creation of financial pyramids have been avoided?

3) The beginning of the Great Crisis and its causes.

A) Portrait of G. Hoover, photographs of those years.

Task: Name the causes of the crisis

4) The spread of the crisis

A) photo "Social canteen"

B) photo "Unemployed selling apples"

Question: What color is the crisis?

5) F. Roosevelt's "New Deal"

A) photo “Slums on the outskirts of the metropolis - hooverville”, “Hooverville life”, “Caricature

era of depression - hoovervilles"

Task: Comment on the cartoon.

Portrait of F. Roosevelt

Portrait of D. Keynes

Based on module text

Write down the main features of the New Deal policy and explain why it is new.

6) The effectiveness of the New Deal policy

Work with propaganda posters of those years in the USA.

Question: What do the images of playing cards and a happy family mean?

Page 2: Economic Crisis in Europe

Task: Study the material in the group to fill in table No. 1

See Appendix 1.

3 page:


dictatorships in the 1930s

A) Nazism in Germany

Exercise. After viewing the photos, answer the question: What do you see as the reasons for Hitler's popularity?

b) Hitler in power

The teacher gives the task to fill in the table number 1 (material about Germany)

B) Fascization of Europe

Working with a historical map

Writing a concept in a notebook

Student Brief

Logical Chaining: US Economic Leadership - high level life - buying shares on credit - formation of financial pyramids

They answer the question.

Students name the causes of the crisis:

1. Stabilization and economic boom in the absence of mass consumption.

2. Unregulated market.

3. Creation of financial pyramids.

4. Dependence of the world economy on the USA.

Students name the color gray, dark green.

Students comment on the cartoon

Brief student information about F. Roosevelt

A short message from a student about the English economist D.M. Keynes and his theory of "effective demand"

Students write down major New Deal reforms V table: No. 1

Student responses

Students work in groups and independently study blocks of the page: Great Britain, Crisis in France, Fascism and the Popular Front, Germany in an era of crisis.

Brief information about A. Hitler.

Student responses

Students fill out table number 1

Students find countries that have established fascist regimes.


fixing the topic

Discussion of the results of the work on compiling the table

Students report on their work

5. Fixing the topic

Module 2


Frontal work with module 2

Students complete Module 2 tasks

6. Summing up the lesson. Reflection.

Information about homework instructions for its implementation.

Students take notes and evaluate their work in class.

Appendix No. 1 to the lesson plan

World economic crisis 1929-1933

Table No. 1

A country

Features of manifestation


Measures to overcome the crisis

Political regime

Great Britain



Table number 2


Resource name

Type, type of resource

Form of presentation of information (illustration, presentation, video clips, test, model, etc.)

Module 1 The Great Depression

Information module

Illustration, photo, text


Module 2 The Great Depression

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