Will they pay 25,000 from maternity capital? Is it possible to receive maternity capital in cash?

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Maternal capital - social program, adopted by the state to support families who have decided to have (or, alternatively, adopt) a second child. The appearance of children can break through even a very stable family budget, because the family bears expenses not only in the first days of the baby’s life - pregnancy, childbirth and the maintenance of a newborn result in large financial losses. The lack of necessary funds has become a stumbling block to increasing the birth rate. In order to overcome this obstacle and level out the expenses of young families, a program with the simple name “Maternity Capital” was adopted.

Like many social benefits, maternity capital suffers all the hardships of inflation and economic instability. In 2016-2017 The Federation budget does not provide for indexation or any other options for increasing the amount of maternity capital. However, as an anti-crisis measure, the Government decided to make a one-time payment from maternity capital.

On March 6, 2017, Dmitry Medvedev announced that the period for transferring maternity capital would be 10 days.

Latest news about payments from maternity capital

At a press conference on June 1, 2017, Maxim Topilin, a representative from the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, told reporters that cash payments from maternity capital would not be expected in 2017. The Pension Fund provided similar information.

On June 15, another “Direct Line with the President” took place. V.V. Putin, answering one of the questions asked, expressed the opinion that it is necessary to think about allocating part of the maternal capital for direct support of families, which in the current economically unfavorable time is an extremely necessary measure for many.

Already on June 29, the issue of payments from maternity capital was taken up in the Federation Council, as reported by Speaker V. Matvienko herself. However, she pointed out that the very purpose of maternity capital is more than simple social payments. Therefore, payment of parts will inevitably call into question the achievement of the objectives of the certificate.

One-time payment from maternity capital in 2017: today's realities

The amount of a one-time payment from maternity capital today is 25,000 rubles. This is exactly the amount specified in Law No. 181-FZ, adopted on June 23, 2016. It is noteworthy that this legislative act entered immediately on the day of its publication, that is, in the shortest possible time.

According to this document, every family entitled to payments under the state program can apply for a one-time lump sum payment. The amount of such compensation benefit is 25,000 rubles. This payment is the second in a row, since last year the parents of their second child had the opportunity to receive 20,000 rubles. from the same maternity capital. And even if parents took advantage of the method provided by the state to compensate for their expenses for children, no one takes away the right to re-payment from them.

Families who received a certificate before September 30, 2016 and did not use maternity capital for targeted needs are eligible for payment. The payment will be made from the principal amount of the capital. According to the Federal Law, in 2016 and 2017 the amount of maternity capital is equal to 453 026 rub. From this amount it will be possible to “take away” 25,000 rubles. The remainder will go to four main areas provided for by law and possible anti-crisis payments next year.

How to receive a lump sum payment from maternity capital

In order to receive a one-time payment in 2017, you must submit an application to the Pension Fund authorities, attaching the social benefit certificate itself.

The website of the Ministry of Labor contains the Rules for submitting a corresponding application for this payment, the procedure for filing, a list and samples necessary documents. It is important that these Rules imply the simultaneous submission of an application for the issuance of the certificate itself and an application for the announced amount from it.

The time to submit an application for a one-time payment in 2016 was limited - documents were accepted until November 30. Payments will be made until December 31, 2016.

One-time payment from maternity capital in 2017

One-time payments from maternity capital in the amount of 25,000 rubles, as is known, will not be paid in 2017 - at least the Federal Law clearly states the dates “until December 31, 2016 inclusive.” Will there be any progress in this area next year, 2017?

Deputies from the Liberal Democratic Party introduced for consideration a bill that provided for 2017 compensation payments, similar to existing ones. Sum lump sum payment from maternity capital in 2017, according to deputies, should have amounted to 50,000 rubles. However, this proposal did not find support in the government, and the bill was returned to the developers with a formal statement about incorrect execution and filing. No other action regarding an increase in one-time payments by this moment no more was attempted.

There is currently no law providing for one-time payments in 2017 in the amount of 50,000 rubles.

However, rumors about possible future payments are constantly circulating. And it is not surprising - there is a basis for such assumptions. Thus, speaking about the one-time payment in 2016, representatives of the Ministry of Labor argued that the remaining amount of maternity capital would be used not only for targeted expenses, but also for upcoming anti-crisis and compensation payments next year.

Maternity capital in 2017

However, regarding the program social benefits and maternity capital in 2017 there is also positive news. And first of all, this is the news that the social support program for families who have decided to have or adopt a second child will continue next year.

As is known, the initial validity period state program for the payment of maternity capital was ten years - from 01/01/2007 to 01/01/2017. But, given the enormous popularity of the program and its obvious need in today’s difficult conditions, the President instructed the Government to find the possibility of extending the payment system. Despite difficulties with financing and difficult economic crisis, which influenced the formation of the budget, the most discussed social program was extended - two more years were added to its validity period. Now its end date is December 31, 2018. This is stated in Federal Law No. 433.

When will it be possible to withdraw money from maternity capital?

Since the relevant ministries and committees were unable to agree on everything necessary, it is impossible to withdraw money from maternity capital in 2017.

There can only be one positive scenario for the development of events - direct intervention in the process of V.V. Putin, who can quickly resolve the situation, especially since the 2018 presidential elections are coming up soon. Indirect confirmation is that he mentioned maternity capital and payments from it on his annual live line on TV.

As you can see, the new deadlines are actually included in the existing one. legislative document, that is, all the rules for payments for maternity capital that exist today will be in force in 2017.

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It is known that a feature of the maternity capital program is that money under this program is issued only in the form of a certificate, and not in cash or money in a bank account for free disposal. However, in previous years, payment of part of the capital in cash was tried. Of course, those expecting a new addition to the family are interested in whether a one-time payment from maternity capital is planned in 2017.

What are we even talking about?

Despite the fact that the issuance of maternity capital funds in cash is not provided for by the program, the government has begun to practice issuing a small part of it in the form of “real” money.

As is well known, maternity capital is issued to parents or adoptive parents of the second, third or any of the following children (but only one) in the form of a certificate for an amount specified by law. Starting from 2016, this amount has been frozen and is equal to 453,026 rubles; it will remain this way until at least 2020. The certificate can only be used for a very limited list of purposes, and, unfortunately, many parents often simply keep it and cannot use it. These goals are:

  • Improving living conditions - many people manage their capital funds in this way, but 400 thousand cannot be called a sufficient amount to completely close a mortgage or purchase a home, so if parents simply do not have the funds to cover the remaining cost of housing, they cannot do anything. Regarding recent questions, of those who nevertheless decided to use maternity capital, 73% will use it for this purpose.
  • Education for a child is a good option, but you need to wait until the child grows up and you can send him to study at a paid university. The problem is that over these years the funds will be eaten up by inflation. However, 25.5% still chose this option.
  • Mother's pension - parents rightly do not trust the country's pension system, and the government's actions regarding savings accounts citizens confirm that they are right. Only 0.5% chose this option.
  • Purchasing goods and services for a disabled child - fortunately, the list of acceptable expenses of capital has been expanded by this item, and it will be a little easier for parents who find themselves in such a difficult situation to cope with it. But, fortunately, they are a minority - 1.5%.

Four out of five certificate holders have made their choice, and every fifth does not yet know what to do with it. Thus, it turns out that the program does not work as we would like, but parents always need money. Based on this, especially given the deteriorating economic situation, the government decided to make one-time payments from maternity capital. In 2015 it was 20,000, in 2016 - 25,000.

How does the system of lump sum payments from maternity capital work?

Let's look at the example of a law adopted in the summer of 2016. According to this law, all parents who have a fully unused certificate for maternity capital, as well as all those who will receive the right to it before September 30, 2016 (that is, those who will have a second or third child before that time), can up to 30 November, submit an application with a request to give them a lump sum payment, and after a positive decision, they will receive 25 thousand, which will be written off from the remaining amount of maternity capital. If the balance is less than this amount, then the payment will be in the amount of the balance and the certificate will be closed.

This is approximately how a one-time payment of 25,000 rubles from maternity capital worked; another such law may be signed in 2017, but this is not a fact at all.

Will there be a lump sum payment from maternity capital in 2017?

A one-time payment of 25 thousand or more from maternity capital in 2017 will have to occur only after the possible adoption and signing of the relevant law. Obviously, every year the government calculates whether the budget can allow such a payment and in what volume. So in 2016 the amount was even increased - in 2015 it was 20 thousand. Before the parliamentary elections, some deputies made proposals that were completely pleasant for the voter - for example, fixing the annual issuance of 50 thousand rubles from capital funds, then it would be possible to cash out the certificate in 9 years and spend these funds on anything. On the one hand, this would be nice and would consistently help parents with the purchase of things necessary for the child, even just getting their children ready for school every year. But on the other hand, not all parents would approach this money responsibly enough, and the idea of ​​maternity capital is that, first of all, the benefit should be for the child. However, in any case, the bill was not even submitted for consideration by parliamentarians, since it did not pass the examination and was declared legally illiterate.

In principle, the law on payments is signed by the Russian president, and he is painfully concerned about his rating, especially since he has another re-election soon, so it is likely that there will again be a one-time payment from maternity capital in 2017 of 25 thousand rubles, the timing of signing such a law and the duration of its action will probably remain approximately the same as a year earlier. That is, the law will be extended to parents of children born before the fall of 2017, and the payment will need to be received by the end of the year. Perhaps the amount will be higher - if not 50 thousand, then at least 30.

But this is nothing more than a guess, exact information does not yet exist, and, apparently, everything will depend on the state of the budget.

Will there be a cash payment from maternity capital in 2017?

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Tell me, is it possible to withdraw 25 thousand from maternity capital in 2017? There is information on the Internet that a one-time payment can be issued from July 1. Is this true or not? And in general, will they pay 25,000 rubles again this year?

In many unofficial sources, under the guise of information about a new one-time payment from maternity capital in 2017, old materials from last year about a one-time payment of 25,000 rubles are being distributed (at the same time, without much bother, unscrupulous authors of publications and their editors most often simply change only the year in the description - from 2016 to 2017, which misleads people).

Considering the great urgency of this issue among families with children this year, many readers believe such publications and themselves disseminate untrue information that right now or in the near future (most often the date is July 1, 2017) it will be possible to re-register a one-time payment from maternity capital in the amount of 25,000 rubles.

These precise instructions on application deadlines, having nothing to do with reality, appear in such unreliable publications also by analogy with last year’s one-time payment from maternity capital in the amount of 25 thousand rubles.

Let us recall that in 2016 the law on a one-time payment of 25 thousand rubles was published and came into force exactly a year ago - June 23, and in many populated areas countries, applications for its receipt began to be accepted in the branches of the Pension Fund and the MFC within a week (in electronic form this opportunity became available from July 1, 2016). That is why there is now such increased excitement about this issue (although similar publications misleading readers have occurred before).

Let us add on our own that the possibility of a one-time payment from maternity capital in 2017 is still being discussed by the country’s leadership (a week ago the President of Russia joined in on this issue during the annual “Direct Line” Vladimir Putin who promised again think about this question). But until now, no decisions have been made to pay a new lump sum payment from maternity capital (again in the amount of 25 thousand rubles or otherwise). That is so far the answer to this question is negative- there will be no payments in 2017!

This information confirmed press service of the Pension Fund with reference to the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of Russia Maxim Topilina.

The Government differs on the advisability of providing this type of material support now, when, with reference to Rosstat data, various officials make official statements about the country’s exit from the crisis (however, at the same time, the level of income of the population