How to find out how much to pay transport tax. How to check transport tax on a car online

Usually, when purchasing a new vehicle, the owner understands perfectly well what the amount of transport tax will be.

This indicator largely determines how much it will cost you to use a car.

If you don't know how to find out your transport tax online, be sure to read this article to the end.

The most popular way to find out exactly what the amount of transport tax is is to receive a receipt from the tax office.

Every year at the end of October or beginning of November, car owners receive a notification with payment information.

If you have not received the letter, please contact tax office requesting re-issuance of the receipt.

Public services - a single portal federal significance, so all the data you find on it will be official.

To use the service, you need to register. Registration usually takes several weeks, as you will receive a registered letter to confirm the code.

If you don’t know how to view your transport tax online, be sure to use this site.

After you go to your personal account, adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. Open the “Public Services” window.
  2. Go to the “Checking tax debts” section.
  3. Once you have read the list, go to “Get a Service”.
  4. After you enter the data, the database will begin to select TIN information for you. If this parameter is not entered, the check cannot be carried out.

Many car owners often wonder how to find out their transport tax debt via the Internet. If you want to do this by last name, then you will have to visit the website of the Federal Bailiff Service.

On it, go to the “Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings”. At the very bottom of the page you will find a form for filling out personal data, which must be entered without fail.

Within a few seconds the service will provide you with the result. If he doesn't find anything, then you have no debt.

If you see it, you must make payment immediately. IN otherwise After some time, the case will be brought to court. This method is suitable for checking old debts.

Some car owners have long figured out how to find out their vehicle tax via the Internet.

Today the World Wide Web is accessible to almost every person. The most convenient service for determining the amount of transport tax is the official website of the Federal Tax Service.

To register in it, you will have to contact the tax office - they will generate a login and password for you.

Once you have access to the site, log into your personal account. There, open “Objects of taxation - all the property you own should be highlighted.

Find a car in the list and open it. All data about it will be displayed in a new window. You can also click “Accrued” - the amount indicated in the window will be your transport tax. You can also pay via the Federal Tax Service website using a bank card.

How to find out debt by car number?

If you do not know how to obtain transport tax via the Internet, you can contact the traffic police.

Thanks to unified databases data, they can easily find this information for you. To generate data, you will have to indicate the last name, first name, patronymic of the owner, as well as the TIN number.

In this case, the vehicle number is absolutely not needed. Thus, it is impossible to find out the transport tax by car number.

Having a debt on transport tax (and all other taxes too) can lead to extremely undesirable consequences for a person who has not made payment on time.

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It's fast and FOR FREE!

This is explained by the fact that a citizen who has violated the law is additionally required to pay off penalties, the amount of which is growing every day.

It is for this reason that you need to find out the existing debt as early as possible and start paying it off.

Where can I watch it?

In addition to this, a lot of work online services and electronic databases through which you can find out the amount of debt.

You can check your transport tax by TIN online in just a few minutes.

In most cases this service is provided absolutely free, but you need to be careful in this matter - TIN and other personal information should be trusted only to trusted resources that guarantee complete confidentiality.

Many citizens are interested in how they can check their car tax. This is quite normal. After all, different payment cards tend to get lost at the most inopportune moment. And all taxes and other receipts have to be paid on time. Otherwise, a lot of problems will arise. So today we will find out everything related to transport tax: what it is, how to find out, how to calculate it, what payment methods are available. This information very useful for drivers, especially beginners.

Car tax

First, let’s find out what a transport tax actually is? It is always important to know and understand what you are paying for. This payment applies only to owners of vehicles equipped with motor engines. It is paid to the regional treasury of the state for registration with the traffic police. And every year.

It turns out that the transport tax is an individual payment for each subject of the Russian Federation. It is calculated using simple formulas. Every citizen can check their car tax. There are many options for this. But first you need to understand how much to pay.

How to calculate?

Car road tax is extremely important. Without paying it, you will not be able to drive any vehicle. This means you should worry about paying for it in advance. How much will the car tax be in this or that case? It is impossible to answer unequivocally. As already mentioned, this is a regional payment. Each city in the Russian Federation sets its own standards. But knowing the main components, you can easily calculate the exact amount.

How? You will need to find out the tax rate in your city. This is what the road tax on the car is made up of. It is individual for cars, trucks and other vehicles. You will also have to take into account engine power (in horsepower), ownership period and production date of the car. The cost will also not be excessive. After all, there is a so-called increasing coefficient. It is needed when average price for transport (passenger cars) is at least 3,000,000 rubles.

What's next? The standard formula to help you find out how much to pay (car tax) is to multiply the rate by the number of horsepower in the engine. If the vehicle has been owned for less than a year, then the resulting amount is additionally multiplied with the quotient of dividing the number of months of ownership by 12.

Do you have a luxurious and expensive car? In this case, you need to multiply the standard formula by a multiplying factor. And when exactly the same vehicle has been owned for less than 12 months, the second proposed option is multiplied by the “increase”. That's it. Now you know how to calculate the amount due. What about debt verification? You can find out the tax on a car, as already mentioned, in several ways.

Traffic police and tax

The first way is to personally contact the traffic police or tax authorities in your city. Here you will need a PTS (if you don’t have a payment card), as well as a passport (civilian) and TIN. This data will help you find out about your debt.

All you need to do is come to the appropriate department, report your intentions and present everything necessary documents. After some time, you will be informed how much you must pay and by when. Sometimes you can ask for a payment slip in your hand. This is relevant if you have lost your previous account.

You can also call the traffic police or the tax office. But, nevertheless, these options are not in great demand. After all, if you are wondering where to check your car tax, you can use the Internet. This is a modern solution to the problem posed.


But before that, take your time. You can check your car tax the old fashioned way. Which one? Just wait until the next notification from the tax office arrives at your email address. It will definitely contain a receipt for payment.

IN this document The tax amount is displayed, as well as your debt. Just remember: the longer you wait, the higher the debt will be. Penalties are growing daily. Therefore, many citizens do not like this method. This means that you can use other methods.

Public services

It doesn’t matter whether the tax on old cars or new ones interests us. The fact remains that debt is recognized in all cases according to the same principles. For example, modern approach To solve the problem - this is an appeal to the State Services portal. This is where, using your profile, you can not only find out the car tax, but also pay it. It is also possible to complete some documents online.

What is required to verify debt? First, a work account and authorization. Once you get through it, search for “debt-vehicle tax.”

Secondly, you need your TIN. Or personal passport details. Select the exact payment search method in the list that appears (the second option is more convenient) and complete the request. That's all the problems are solved. The amount of debt and the penalties assigned to you will be displayed on the screen. at the moment. Now you can make payments.

Payment for government services

The next resource that can help you find out your car tax is the “Payment for government services” service. Here you can not only see it, but also pay with a bank card. Registration is not required, so the portal is in great demand.

Go to it, then type “debt, transport tax” or “transport tax” in the search bar. Next, you will need to select “By TIN” (debtor search). Enter your details in the window that appears and click on the button to complete the transaction.

After a few seconds, information about your debt will appear on the screen. Here you will see not only the tax accrued for payment, but also the amount of the fine and penalties. Next, you will be able to make a payment. If you wish, you can immediately implement your idea and print it directly from the site. However, here you need to write bank details your card.

Tax website

It's no secret that in Russia the tax authorities have a single website that provides all the information they are interested in and important information. Here you can contact the tax authority in your city or view all your debts.

How is this done? You can check the tax on a car by selecting the item “Individuals - checking debts” on the official website “”. Attention: the inscriptions may differ, but their meaning does not change. Next, enter your details. For example, TIN. Or data about your car. You can get by with simple passport data, but this is not recommended.

After making the request, information about the payer, his debt, characteristics of the transport medium and repayment terms will be displayed on the screen. All this can be printed or paid online.

How to pay?

We already understand how you can check the tax on a car. What to do with payment? Individuals are required to pay transport tax before April 30 ( advance payment), and legal entities, including organizations, until March 1. Debts, of course, will have to be paid off as quickly as possible. How can I make a payment? Here are the following ways to solve the problem:

  • at the bank (through the cash desk);
  • Traffic police and tax authorities (also at the cash desk, if available, or using a special terminal);
  • ATMs;
  • electronic wallets (here you can see the debt);
  • payment terminals;
  • online services (such as "Sberbank@Online");
  • "Government services" and "Payment for government services."

This is all. To complete this task, you will have to have a payment card (not necessary), a passport, bank card(or cash cash), TIN, certificate of ownership (preferably, especially when contacting the tax service), PTS. Once you have made your payment, keep your receipt. It may be useful to you in the future. On average, such a document needs to be stored for 3-5 years. From now on, try to pay your car taxes as soon as possible. Otherwise, you can end up with a lot of problems. The exception is for citizens who are beneficiaries. In each region they are installed individually. Your

If a person does not pay taxes on time, increasing his debt, then he can expect unpleasant consequences in the form of:

Transport tax

A similar situation applies to car owners who need to pay transport tax. This type The tax is paid on the basis of a notification received from the regional tax authorities, which is sent by registered mail to all owners of vehicles registered in the subordinate region.

Deadline for payment of transport tax

It is not recommended to pay transport tax before receiving the relevant notification. In each region, the deadline for paying transport tax is determined by local authorities. However, sending a tax notice before November 1 is prohibited. Typically, a car owner is given 30 days to pay the transport tax, therefore, indicated in the tax notice for mandatory payment the date is calculated taking into account the designated 30 days.

Find out your transport tax debt

In theory, the car owner learns about the amount of the accrued tax and the date of its payment through a postal notification from the tax authority. In practice, not all motorists receive such notifications:

  • timely;
  • at all.

Therefore, every car owner should be aware of the need to pay transport tax and independently check the existence of debt if tax notifications have not been received.

How to find out debt - possible ways

A motorist can find out the existing debt that arose when paying transport tax in several ways:

1. Directly in the regional tax authority. Contacting the tax office at your place of residence will allow each motorist to receive:

  • information about the resulting debt for payment of transport tax;
  • duplicate payment receipt.

These documents are issued to any car owner upon presentation of his own passport or a substitute document. Considering the development of information services offered by the Internet, this method is becoming less and less relevant, since it takes the car enthusiast considerable time to:

  • a trip to the tax office;
  • standing in queues;
  • other bureaucratic delays.

2. Via the Internet. You can use this method while at home. To do this, the car owner will need:

  • personal computer;
  • free access to the Internet;
  • knowledge of personal tax identification number.

Find out your transport tax debt via the Internet

On the Internet, a motorist can obtain information about the presence of arrears in payment of transport tax on the following sites:

The car enthusiast can visit these resources directly or use the service specially created by the tax service

When visiting these resources, the car enthusiast will be required to know his personal data. A car registration number is almost never required, although in some databases information about vehicles is linked to their license plates. But knowing only the car registration number will not allow you to obtain information about the existing debt for payment of transport tax, if the matter has not come to the implementation of a court decision to collect it. In some regions, vehicles are also kept track of by their registration numbers through the use of the “Road Bailiffs” hardware and software complex

Instructions for using the Federal Tax Service website

To obtain information about the presence of debt on the Federal Tax Service portal, the car owner should follow these steps:

  • go to the website of a government organization;
  • select the “Taxpayer Personal Account” section on the website;
  • go through the registration procedure based on the instructions that open, following the specified procedure;
  • log into the taxpayer’s personal account by entering the login received from the system and matching the TIN, as well as the selected password;
  • the window that opens after logging into your personal account allows you to view the available information about the debt for payment of transport tax by clicking the corresponding tab in the “Overpayment/Debt” section;
  • An additional window will open in which all information about the taxpayer’s debts for tax payments, including transport tax;
  • if the car owner has arrears in paying transport tax, you must print a payment receipt by clicking on the “Pay debts” section;
  • The debt can also be paid online.

When using the Federal Tax Service website, a motorist should know that all information about existing debts is issued taking into account the designated deadline for their payment. If the deadline for payment of transport tax has not yet arrived at the time of the inspection, then information about the existing debt will also not be available on the website.

Instructions for using the EPGU website

To obtain information about the presence of debt on the EPGU, the car owner will be required to enter the following information to register:

  • passport data;
  • last name, first name and patronymic;
  • dates of birth;
  • registration addresses;
  • numbers insurance certificate state pension insurance(SNIPS);
  • personal mobile phone numbers;
  • own email addresses.

The registration process for the EPGU will take more time from the motorist, but on this resource you can get information not only about the debt to pay the transport tax, but also information about other debts.

Instructions for using the FSSP website

On this website you can obtain information on submitted to enforcement proceedings cases of forced collection of debts by court decision. If a car owner finds himself in such a situation due to late payment of transport tax, he can obtain information about the debt on the FSSP website. To do this he needs:

  • go to the FSSP in the section “Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings”;
  • open the “Search for individuals” tab located there;
  • upon request, enter information about yourself;
  • click “Search”;
  • enter a designated set of letters or numbers to protect against spam;
  • view information provided by the site about existing debts;
  • if necessary, print a payment receipt.

When assessing the capabilities of these resources, experts recommend using the specially created Federal Tax Service portal On it the car enthusiast will be able to:

  • almost instantly receive any information of interest, including transport tax debt;
  • print a payment receipt;
  • make payment online.

Using this portal will not cause difficulties even for a person far from computers and the Internet.

Each car owner must register his vehicle (VV) in accordance with the procedure established by law, and regularly pay the appropriate transport tax. Subtleties of calculating this obligatory payment regulate regional laws on transport tax, clarifying the terms, benefits and base rates within the limits outlined by the provisions of Chapter 28 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The question arises: “How to calculate car tax?”

Monitor the correct calculation of transport tax, as well as timely provide changes in information regarding car ownership and documents confirming the right to tax benefit, are the responsibility of the vehicle owners themselves.

Calculation of transport tax on a car

The amount of automobile transport tax is determined using a standard formula. Specified in technical passport of a car, the number of horsepower (hp) is sequentially multiplied by the current tax rate, and then by a coefficient calculated as the ratio of the number of full months of owning the car to the total number of months in the year, that is, by 12.

Example 1.

Let's say we are the owners of a Renault Logan car, the engine power is 75 horsepower and we live in the Moscow region. The transport tax rate in Moscow and Moscow Region today is 12 rubles. Then the cost of transport tax for 1 year will be:

12 rubles x 75 horsepower = 900 rubles.

Example 2.

Let's say we have owned a VAZ Priora car for 9 months and live in Moscow. The rate in Moscow is 12 rubles per hp. The car's power is 98 horsepower. Then the cost of transport tax for 9 months will be:

12 rub. x 98 hp x ((9 months we own the car) / (12 months a year)) = 882 rubles.

Car tax is paid only for the period in which the car was registered to a specific owner. For the month of transfer of transport from one owner to another, only one owner pays.

When calculating the coefficient, a month of car ownership is considered complete if the car

  • registered with the traffic police from the 1st to the 15th;
  • or deregistered after the 15th.

In other cases, the month of registration of the car or its deregistration will be taken into account when calculating the transport tax for the other party to the purchase and sale transaction ().

Transport tax on luxury car

Formula for calculating transport tax for a car whose cost is more than 3 million. rub. and if you own it for more than 1 year:

Transport tax amount = (Tax rate) x (L. s) x (Increasing coefficient)

Calculation of tax on a car whose cost is more than 3 million. rub. and if you own it for less than 1 year:

Transport tax amount = (Tax rate) x (L. s) x (Number of months of ownership / 12) x (Increasing factor)

Increasing coefficient (Chapter 28, Article 362 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation):

1.1 - for passenger cars with an average cost of 3 million to 5 million rubles inclusive, from the year of issue of which 2 to 3 years have passed;
1.3 - for passenger cars with an average cost of 3 million to 5 million rubles inclusive, from the year of manufacture of which 1 to 2 years have passed;
1.5 - for passenger cars with an average cost of 3 million to 5 million rubles inclusive, no more than 1 year has passed since the year of manufacture;
2 - for passenger cars with an average cost of 5 million to 10 million rubles inclusive, no more than 5 years have passed since the year of manufacture;
3 - in relation to passenger cars with an average cost of 10 million to 15 million rubles inclusive, no more than 10 years have passed since the year of manufacture;
3 - for passenger cars with an average cost of 15 million rubles, no more than 20 years have passed since the year of manufacture.

Online transport tax calculator

You can also use the transport tax calculator on the website of the Federal Tax Service (FTS) of Russia.

Horsepower Tax Rates

The tax rate on a car is determined by the target laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, but does not go beyond the limits established by Article 361 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and depends on:

  • machine engine power in l. With.;
  • region;
  • can be differentiated taking into account the category, age and environmental class of the vehicle.

For very expensive cars with a price of 3 million rubles or more, additional increasing coefficients () are applied. In some cases, this coefficient increases the tax amount three times. Lists of models and brands of cars that are subject to increasing coefficients are updated annually by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

Table. Transport tax rates in Moscow and Moscow Region.

Name of taxable object Tax base Tax rate (in rubles)
(engine power)
Passenger cars up to 100 l. With. up to 73.55 kW 12 rub.
Passenger cars over 100 l. With. up to 125 l. With. over 73.55 kW to 91.94 kW 25 rub.
Passenger cars over 125 l. With. up to 150 l. With. over 91.94 kW to 110.33 kW 35 rub.
Passenger cars over 150 l. With. up to 175 l. With. over 110.33 kW to 128.7 kW 45 rub.
Passenger cars over 175 l. With. up to 200 l. With. over 128.7 kW to 147.1 kW 50 rub.
Passenger cars over 200 l. With. up to 225 l. With. over 147.1 kW to 165.5 kW 65 rub.
Passenger cars over 225 l. With. up to 250 l. With. over 165.5 kW to 183.9 kW 75 rub.
Passenger cars over 250 l. With. over 183.9 kW 150 rub.
Motorcycles and scooters up to 20 l. With. up to 14.7 kW 7 rub.
Motorcycles and scooters over 20 l. With. up to 35 l. With. over 14.7 kW to 25.74 kW 15 rub.
Motorcycles and scooters over 35 l. With. over 25.74 kW 50 rub.
Buses up to 110 l. With. up to 80.9 kW 7 rub.
Buses over 110 l. With. up to 200 l. With. over 80.9 kW to 147.1 kW 15 rub.
Buses over 200 l. With. over 147.1 kW 55 rub.
Trucks up to 100 l. With. up to 73.55 kW 15 rub.
Trucks over 100 l. With. up to 150 l. With. over 73.55 kW to 110.33 kW 26 rub.
Trucks over 150 l. With. up to 200 l. With. over 110.33 kW to 147.1 kW 38 rub.
Trucks over 200 l. With. up to 250 l. With. over 147.1 kW to 183.9 kW 55 rub.
Trucks over 250 l. With. over 183.9 kW 70 rub.
Other self-propelled vehicles, pneumatic and tracked machines and mechanisms (per horsepower) (per horsepower) 25 rub.
Snowmobiles and motor sleighs up to 50 l. With. up to 36.77 kW 25 rub.
Snowmobiles and motor sleighs over 50 l. With. over 36.77 kW 50 rub.
up to 100 l. With. up to 73.55 kW 100 rub.
Boats, motor boats and other water vehicles over 100 l. With. over 73.55 kW 200 rub.
up to 100 l. With. up to 73.55 kW 200 rub.
Yachts and other motor-sailing vessels over 100 l. With. over 73.55 kW 400 rub.
Jet skis up to 100 l. With. up to 73.55 kW 250 rub.
Jet skis over 100 l. With. over 73.55 kW 500 rub.
Non-self-propelled (towed) vessels for which gross tonnage is determined (from each registered ton of gross tonnage) 200 rub.
Airplanes, helicopters and other aircraft with engines (per horsepower) (per horsepower) 250 rub.
Airplanes with jet engines (per kilogram of traction force) 200 rub.
Other water and air vehicles not having engines (per vehicle unit) 2,000 rub.

For other regions of Russia, you can find out the transport tax rates.

Video: How transport tax is calculated on a car

Transport tax benefits

According to most regional laws, veterans and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War are exempt from paying car tax. Patriotic War, Heroes Soviet Union, Heroes of Russia and other groups of taxpayers. The list of Muscovite beneficiaries even includes representatives (one of two parents) of large families.

But in St. Petersburg, only one of the parents of a family with at least four minor children can take advantage of such a benefit, and a number of citizens will be able to use the established benefit only on the condition that their vehicle is domestically produced and has an engine with a capacity of up to 150 hp. With.

Deadlines for paying car taxes

Car tax is paid at the place of registration of the car, and in the absence of such, at the place of residence of the owner of the vehicle.

1. Individuals must pay car tax no later than December 1(), based on tax notice, received from the Federal Tax Service along with the completed payment document.

If you fail to pay your car tax on time, a penalty will be charged.

IMPORTANT! Tax authorities calculate transport tax taking into account data on state registration car. If the car owner does not have the right to a preferential tax exemption, then, having not received a tax notice before December 1, the car owner is obliged to inform the territorial tax office about the tax he has. vehicle, and receive the document necessary to pay the car tax.

NOTE! Only with a certificate provided from the internal affairs bodies stating that the car is wanted, the tax office can suspend the calculation of car tax and continue it from the month of return if the car is found and returned to the owner.

2. Legal entities They themselves calculate the transport tax and make quarterly advance payments (one-fourth of the total amount). If the tax is calculated on an expensive car included in a special list of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, then advance payments are paid immediately, taking into account the required increasing factor. At the end of the year, the remaining tax must be paid by February 1 of the year following the reporting year, that is, before the deadline established by law for submitting annual tax returns.

Online check

It will not be possible to find out the amount of transport tax based on the state registration number of the car. All data is available only if information about the owner of the vehicle is provided.

The car tax liability can be clarified online through the official websites of government agencies.

1. Personal account of the taxpayer, operating on the website of the Federal Tax Service. Introduction required individual number taxpayer (TIN) and password.

You will first have to activate the service by personally appearing at the tax office, where after registering the application they will issue an access password recorded in the registration card, the login will be the taxpayer’s TIN. When the deadline for accruing tax on a car comes, its amount can be checked using the “Accrued” link by selecting the appropriate object of taxation (car). Until the tax is calculated, the results can be viewed in the “Overpayment/debt” column.

2. State Services Portal, by last name, first name, patronymic and insurance number individual personal account (SNILS) of the payer. You will first have to register by entering personal data in the appropriate fields (full name, date and place of birth, residential address and email, etc.)
Then you need to fill out an application to provide information on tax debt. Information is provided free of charge, no later than 5 working days, as the system will forward the request to the Federal Tax Service.

3. The website of the Federal Bailiff Service allows you to find out about overdue transport tax debts. Without prior registration, by entering the full name and date of birth of the debtor in the appropriate search lines and selecting the desired region from the list.

Transport tax is paid annually by all car owners. For individuals calculates the amount of car tax tax service, however, citizens need to monitor the correctness of these calculations independently.

If inaccuracies are discovered, taxpayers are required to inform the Federal Tax Service of the errors made and the need to make appropriate changes. Thanks to development modern technologies, you can clarify and adjust the calculations received from tax authorities not only by appearing in person at the tax office or by sending registered letters by mail, but also online, through the personal account of the tax payer.