Bank home credit loan debtors. Home Credit Bank began forced collection of loan debt

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Last April 2012, I took out three loans from three different banks to open my own business in the total amount of 1 million 270 thousand rubles. I needed money urgently and so I decided to try taking out consumer loans. Bank Otkritie - 750 thousand rubles, Baltic Bank- 270 thousand rubles and Home Credit - 250 thousand rubles. The business failed, but I had an escape route in this case - my unofficial, highly paid job at sea, and it so happened that I also lost that. In general, the situation was catastrophic. Not knowing what to do and how to act in this case, I needed to protect my family from future consequences and I found a way through examples of letters submitted to banks in such cases, cat. I found it on the Internet. I have all the letters in my hands with inbox marks dated June 2012. The letter says that due to the economic situation that has developed without my will, I cannot pay the loan, but I do not refuse my obligations, the letter also indicated additional information, cat. has no legal force, I will not write about it. Not a single bank responded positively or offered a way out of this situation. After that, I continued to pay off the loans whenever possible, but ultimately I no longer have the ability to pay, at least for now.

Result: Baltic Bank reacted loyally, terminating the contract, they fixed an adequate amount of 254 thousand rubles, taking into account what had already been paid, and now on an individual basis I pay every month that I can. I submitted a free-form letter to Otkritie Bank for the second time! Employees of both banks of various departments and levels communicate at a high, decent level without being rude. But with Home Credit Bank the story is completely different - I went to them three times Main office to St. Petersburg on Gakkelevskaya Street - to no avail, they wanted me to pay according to the contract, if I was late, they charged fines and penalties in full. Phone calls 5-10 times a day, bank employees communicate exclusively in a rude manner, and sometimes they threaten with such phrases - they will come to you and explain everything in plain English! And not one, but two of their employees arrived, as soon as I was ready for their arrival, I recorded a video. It’s not clear why people turn a blind eye to this, my wife, a nursing mother, was scared to death, they were lucky that her milk didn’t burn!

Ultimately, this bank sold the case to collectors, and, naturally, the job of these employees is not to peacefully resolve issues. After this situation, I decided not to pay the bank a penny at all and resolve all issues through a personal lawyer. By the way, loan agreement They didn’t provide it to me, there was only a loan application with a link to some incomprehensible electronic agreement on the Internet. Perhaps they will be able to solve my problem here, I am not going to pay this criminal bank more than I took from them!

Home Credit Bank, like any structure, engages specialized agencies to collect debts. At Home Credit, collectors can be different, and the methods of their interaction with clients also differ.

The procedure for transferring debts to collectors

The stage when Home Credit sold the debt to collectors is considered the last. Before this, a number of events take place and the collection service of the bank itself comes into operation. She is looking for ways to interact with debtors and exerts moral influence in order to awaken responsibility.

Reasons for non-payment of a loan

If the client is unable to make payments for good reason, the bank is ready to revise the repayment schedule, provide a deferment, or launch a restructuring program. These may be considered:

  • Loss of permanent income (dismissal);
  • Changes in the family’s financial situation due to unforeseen circumstances;
  • Being on treatment or temporary loss of ability to work;
  • Birth of a child.

When faced with a problem, it is recommended not to wait for any action, but to go to the department yourself and explain the current situation. It is better to have documentary evidence that is attached to the application. We need to get it accepted. If the institution does not make concessions and does not offer solutions, a timely request from the client will indicate its respectable position. This will also come in handy in court if the case comes up.

The procedure for transferring debt to collectors

Home Credit transfers debts to collectors, starting with the most problematic ones. These include bills that have not been repaid by the borrower for several years, and he himself deviates from conversations, possibly changing his contact information and even his place of residence. The sale itself takes place openly through a tender.

Organizations that have purchased a certain amount of obligations have the right to add their own increase to the amount of the borrower’s debt, which covers their expenses associated with conducting business.

In order not to deal with such institutions and not to overpay later because of their markups, you should still interact with the bank itself and try to resolve all issues with it.

Features of interaction with collectors

Home Credit Bank collectors, whose reviews are very diverse, begin their contact by telephone.

Rules of communication with collectors

The debtor should remember the basic rules:

  • The bank must notify the borrower of the transfer procedure. If this did not happen before the collector “appeared,” it is worth visiting the branch and making sure that the actions of a particular company against you are legal.
  • The collector must have a contract with the bank on the transfer of debt, indicating the contract number, name and amount of overdue.
  • The collector has no right to threaten or take illegal actions against the debtor. When faced with this, you should file a complaint with the police, preferably obtaining evidence (for example, recording a telephone conversation).
  • There is no need to transfer funds to the account specified in the collector’s letter until you are sure of the legality of their actions.

Principles of debt collection

Depending on which collectors Home Credit works with, the principles of collection may differ significantly. In particular, there was a pleasant experience of interaction when collectors offered a convenient scheme and write-off of part of the fines. For a respectable borrower, this option will be acceptable. There are cases when contacts with agencies occurred almost in violation of the law, including threats and intrusive telephone calls.

Going to court

Sometimes, if a client’s debt has exceeded all normal limits due to constantly accruing fines and penalties, it was easier for the borrower to wait to go to court. This solution often allows you to significantly reduce the overall value. The loan amount including interest will always remain mandatory, but the court may cancel the remaining penalties if the borrower proves his integrity.


Considering how Home Credit collectors work, and reviews confirm this, it can be difficult to wait for a trial. Typically, collectors resort to this measure after prolonged exposure, having no other options to solve the problem.

The borrower has the option of going to court himself to get rid of the companies’ intrusiveness. At the same time, it is worth enlisting a lawyer experienced in such matters who will help reduce the amount of debt as much as possible. This will allow you to legally discharge your obligations.

Accumulation of debt is fraught with negative consequences for the borrower. The creditor is forced to take action - to involve its own department for working with debtors or to sell debts. The goal is to force the borrower to repay the loan and thereby “relieve” the financial institution’s credit record. Below we will look at who they sell debts to at Home Credit Bank, and what debtors should do in such a situation.

What are the consequences of debt to Home Credit?

When a large debt accumulates and it is impossible to collect it on its own, the bank is forced to sell the debt to a collection company. Before this, the lender’s internal service operates, offering the client different repayment options. If a client has financial difficulties, the lender is ready to accommodate them halfway. Based on the results of the discussion of the problem, it may be possible to revise the schedule, provide vacations (only interest is paid), and restructure.

Common reasons for debt to Home Credit Bank:

  1. Decrease in earnings (loss of job).
  2. Deterioration financial condition due to force majeure circumstances.
  3. Health problems forcing you to go to the hospital, loss of ability to work.
  4. The birth of a child and so on.

If you have debts to Home Credit, you cannot hide from banking institution. On the contrary, it is important to come to the branch and speak directly with a representative of the lender about the circumstances. You need to have documents with you confirming the deterioration of the current situation.

Even if the bank does not make concessions, the fact that the borrower applied indicates his integrity. This is a big plus if the matter comes to trial.

Who do they sell debts to at Home Credit Bank if there is no payment?

If internal measures do not produce the expected result, the debt is transferred to collectors. As a rule, this applies to hopeless borrowers who ignore their obligations to the bank for 1-2 years or more. Such clients do not make contact in order to wait for the deadline to pass. limitation period(three years).

The sale of financial obligations leads to the fact that debts to Home Credit Bank increase even more. This is due to the debt collectors charging their own increase to the amount of debt to cover internal costs.

To avoid difficulties in dealing with collection companies and not pay an even larger amount, it is better to go straight to the bank. Credit institutions are interested in returning funds, so if there are no options, they will accommodate you halfway.

What to do if collection of debts to Home Credit is transferred to collectors

With the advent of the new law in 2017, the options for collectors were limited. But this does not prevent them from using all available methods and psychologically putting pressure on the debtor. Personal conversations, calls, sending SMS messages are just some of the tools used to collect debt.

If Home Credit sold the debt to collectors, it is important for the borrower to consider the following:

  1. The lender is obliged to inform the client of its intentions. In the absence of a supporting document, it is important to personally come to the financial institution and confirm the company’s action.
  2. The collector must present an agreement with financial institution, confirming the transfer of the right to claim the debt. The document must contain information about the agreement number, full name and amount of the delay.
  3. A representative of a collection company cannot be threatened or act using illegal methods. In such circumstances, it is important to immediately go to the police with a statement. It is advisable to immediately stock up on evidence indicating the presence of violations.

Transfer of money to the collectors' account is possible only after the above measures have been completed.

If debts to the bank are not paid, what will happen?

If obligations are ignored and the amount of debt increases to a large size (including penalties and fines), the case ends up in court. This is not the worst option for the borrower. It allows you to fix the debt, and, if circumstances are successful, write off some of the fines and penalties. As for the “body” of the loan and interest, you still have to pay them. To achieve forgiveness maximum amount, it is important to enlist the support of specialists in the legal field.

Today, many are interested in whether there is an official website for loan debtors. He can help find himself on the list of debtors, but he is not there. After all, the information is secret.

You are wondering whether there are blacklists of loan debtors. They are of interest not only to you, but to everyone who took out a loan. Yes, of course, each bank has its own lists. There are, for example, home loan debtors. Each bank shares lists with other banks. This is said figuratively. That is, all lists are entered into the database and are available to all banks. This also applies to countries. But it's harder here. Each country has its own lists of debtors. For example, debtors on Russian standard loans are Ukraine. All banks in Ukraine have access to them. But it is more difficult to access the lists of another country. This is your entire credit history. If it is not very good, then it will be very difficult for you to get a loan. It is given only to those who have no bad story on loans.

Conversation with a collector, home loan - video

The list of debtors has its own hierarchy. There are debtors who do not pay the loan at all, who rarely pay it. There are also those who have never paid, and so on. This is how, for example, the list of debtors for Sberbank loans looks like. That is, without paying the loan at least once, you are already included in the list.

Debtors on the loan

So, if you have not paid the loan, you will have to face some problems. To begin with, the bank will start calling you and reminding you that you have not paid. You will also need to explain the reason for your debts. If you have guarantors, they will also call.

If the calls do not help, then they will sue you, and then they will decide what to do with you. The court will consider all the nuances and then render a verdict. If you had a deposit, then they will definitely take it away; if you did not have it, then you may be fined or an inventory of the property will be made. But these punishments are individual.

It is very important to draw up the contract correctly. There you must indicate the amount you took, the amount that needs to be returned, the interest on the overpayment, the loan term, the collateral and the guarantor. You indicate the collateral and guarantor only when you have them. You can also specify in the agreement the reason why you may not pay the loan. We indicate them in the contract. The bank, of course, must agree to this. We sign the agreement with the help of a notary. You must read it carefully before signing it. Consider all the nuances and details. And most importantly, remember that if you signed the agreement, then there is no turning back, you agreed with its points. It is very important. The contract will then help you prove that you had a reason not to pay. But she must be very, very respectful.

Assistance in obtaining a loan for debtors

So, let’s say that you have already become a debtor and nothing can be changed. What to do? Of course, ask for help. You have the right to do so. There are several options for help you can receive. This is, for example, credit holidays. They are provided to those with a valid reason. For example, unexpected job loss, layoff. In this case, you may be given a deferment on payments. To do this, be sure to go to the bank and find out. If you decide to arrange your own vacation, even if the reason is valid, then you will be considered a debtor. The bank must be warned. And remember that you may not get credit holidays. This is decided individually.

Legal assistance for loan debtors is another option for assistance. It is provided to everyone. Here you can get help with paperwork, advice and much more. Also here they will tell you if you have the opportunity and at least a small chance of getting a loan again.

There is another option for help. This is credit union assistance. You must enter it and become a member. Only then will you receive help, advice, and cooperation.

Loan debtor database

Of course today there is single base loan debtors. That is, this database contains all the information about those who did not pay the loan. There is information about absolutely all banks. That is, if you have not paid a loan in one bank, then other banks will also know about it. All banks have access to it.

The database is electronic and is available only at the bank; by visiting the bank, you will find out if you are in it.

It’s better to pay the loan anyway and not worry about being a debtor. Remember that if you have a negative credit history, you will not get a loan. Only private individuals can give it to you, and their percentage of overpayment is much higher. Moreover, they can deceive. A bank is a bank and it's better to go there.

Home loan and debtors - video

When we issue a loan, we expect that we will repay it on time and in full. However, a person, as they say, only assumes. No one is insured against loss or reduction of income or sudden illness, and a loan, which until recently was perceived as salvation from troubles or reaching a new level, becomes an unbearable burden. Debt from Home Credit Bank also means high fines, which makes repaying the loan received an almost impossible task.

Under no circumstances should you let the matter take its course; the bank is unlikely to put the brakes on the matter; you will still have to pay. The question is how to minimize costs and negotiate with the bank on optimal terms for the borrower.

Forewarned is forearmed

It is better to notify the bank in advance that you are facing financial difficulties. If you plan to lay off your job, write an application to the bank. The bank cannot predict that the borrower is experiencing financial difficulties, nor can it predict when these difficulties will end. By the way, if you are fired due to staff reduction, job loss insurance may come in handy. Banks are imposing it en masse, why not take advantage of the opportunity to get rid of the loan and insurance payments at once.

The bank works with each debtor individually. He does not have general schemes for “knocking out debts,” so a lot depends on how the borrower behaves in a conflict situation. It is in his power, first of all, to calm credit institution. Therefore, it is best to notify the bank in writing of any difficulties that have arisen. There are two options here.

  • Deferment of payment of the principal debt (so-called credit holidays) for the period of searching for a job or rehabilitation after illness - if the bank makes a positive decision on the application, you will have to pay only interest on the loan for some time. The disadvantage of this strategy is that the principal debt does not decrease, and by the end of the holidays you come with the same baggage as at the beginning - the debt and interest will not change;
  • Debt restructuring, in other words, revision of the payment schedule or the amount of the monthly installment - as a rule, Home Credit increases the debt repayment period and thereby reduces monthly payment. It is clear that the overpayment on the loan in this case can increase several times.

These measures are temporary and will help for several months, and then only if the debtor has the ability to pay the loan. Then the problem will have to be solved radically.

How to get rid of debt with Home Credit

In general, you will not be able to pay the loan only if the period of claim for it has expired. It is calculated from the date of the last payment and is equal to three years. In all other cases you will have to pay. And here a logical question arises - where to get money to repay a loan from Home Credit Bank.

The best option would be to refinance the loan with another bank. It's no secret that Home Credit charges very, very high interest rates By consumer loans, and their credit cards can be considered a role model for the number of hidden fees. Therefore, refinancing, even at 20-25% per annum, often turns out to be a much more profitable solution than restructuring.

If you have no opportunity or desire to contact banks, then you should use the available resources. The easiest ways are to borrow from friends or sell some of your property, or find a part-time job. The main thing is that you should not take out new loans to pay off old ones. This is a direct path to a debt hole from which you can no longer get out. Yes, you can get a microloan, for example, with an imperfect credit history, but how can I return it later? If banks, when working with debtors, are forced to remain within the legal framework, then “bouncers” from MFOs rarely use exclusively civilized methods of repaying overdue debts.

Let's say the money is found, what next?

Then we go to the bank and fix the amount of debt. It is advisable to obtain written confirmation of the amount of debt as of a specific date. We deposit the required amount, receive receipts and a certificate of no debt. They must be stored for 3 years until the statute of limitations expires. If the debt is already with collectors, you will have to deal with them, however, it would not be a bad idea to verify with the bank that the debt was sold to a specific collection agency.

What should a debtor prepare for?

The bank uses a standard debt repayment scheme. It includes:

  1. Calculation of fines. Fines are assessed every few days. The longer the period of continuous debt, the higher the fine. The amount of the fine depends on the type of loan ( credit card or consumer loan) and is determined by the terms of the contract. In this case, the bank can accommodate the borrower halfway by reducing fines or canceling them altogether;
  2. Alerts. Calls and SMS will pour in like from a cornucopia. If, even in the absence of debt, the bank sends reminders with enviable regularity, then if you have debt, prepare for a long siege. Calls will be sent to all numbers known to the bank, including work and contact numbers. Moreover, often employees do not call the debtor directly, but prefer to communicate with relatives and friends of the borrower. In principle, the calculation is clear - if the debtor calmly accepts threats and pressure, then this situation does not give his relatives much pleasure, and they begin to unwittingly help the bank, and in rare cases, pay the loan themselves in order to;
  3. Auto-dial is a mandatory attribute for debt collection. Calls are made at regular intervals, several times a day. The auto-informer politely informs about the existence of a debt and correctly threatens with all sorts of punishments. Calls are made during the legally permitted hours (from 8 to 23-00), but not always. The “game of nerves” can last for more than one week, and does not require any special expenses from the bank;
  4. Scheme "Bad and good cop." The standard scheme for working with debtors, which everyone knows about and which, oddly enough, still works. First, an “angry” person calls the debtor, scolds him, and deliberately evokes a lot of negative emotions. Then it’s the turn of the “good policeman,” who understands everything, listens carefully, promises to sort it out, and punish the “evil one” for his inappropriate behavior. As a result, the debtor is ready to do anything to justify the trust placed in him;
  5. Attracting collectors. , cannot return it on his own. And this is a completely different level of communication. In general, collectors have no more rights than a bank. They cannot even enter the debtor’s apartment without his permission. What can we say about the inventory of property, which often scares us. Another thing is that collectors often act using methods that fall under the article of hooliganism (posting notices, notifying neighbors, damaging locks and entrance doors), so you will have to be extremely patient in order to communicate with them.

Collection of overdue debt through court

If you have overdue debt, the most important thing is to stop the problem and prevent it from growing. Sometimes the debtor manages to come to an agreement with the bank, but it is extremely important to formalize any agreements in writing, especially with regard to the procedures for calculating fines and interest. Sometimes you have to go to court to resolve the situation. But litigation is the most extreme option for the bank, and by the way, not the worst for the borrower.

In practice, Home Credit rarely goes to court - it is much more profitable for the bank to make a profit from the debtor by charging huge fines and penalties than to waste time and money on litigation. Moreover, a court decision usually protects the interests of the borrower as much as possible: the amount of the debt is fixed, and all accrued interest and fines are canceled. The bank may defer collection by court decision for 1 year. But if the bank is not satisfied with the rate of debt repayment, the bailiffs come into play.

At judicial collection debt, it is important to avoid charges of fraud: under this article, the debtor faces criminal penalties. In order to avoid going to prison, you must prove the absence of intent, and this is possible if you pay off the loan at least for the first time.