From management to support. BMC Atrium CMDB Configuration Management Database

I have already helped more than one company increase its income and reputation. What other technical support optimization systems exist and how to configure them?

Remedy service desk– a system that automates the processes of managing incidents and client requests. No matter how well a company works, from time to time clients appear who are dissatisfied with its services. And all this dissatisfaction falls on technical support, where, by the way, real people work. How to reduce the amount of stress among employees, and at the same time optimize the organizational process in their department? There is only one solution and quite simple - to implement remedy service desk or other similar product. However, the choice of a system that will take on such important tasks in the future must be approached very responsibly. Don't trust resources that offer free help desk systems , since all help desks from a high-quality, trustworthy manufacturer are paid. Some are more expensive, some are cheaper, but a certain amount is still required. A free help desk is most likely a trick of a scammer, or simply a low-quality product.

Remedy service desk demo version

The only thing more like the truth is not freehelp desksystems as such, but their free demo versions. A normal developer will definitely give you the opportunity to use a demo version of the system, but to extend it, you will have to make a certain contribution. But when you pay for your help desk, you can be sure that you are paying for safety, quality and convenience.

Remedy service desk and its tasks

Remedy service desk records and tracks not only incidents, but also the cause of their occurrence, known errors and requests for specific modifications. In addition, the program has a very user-friendly interface, does not freeze computers, and is designed specifically for multi-user mode. Contains its own knowledge base, easily adaptable to the characteristics of a particular organization. Knowledge base Remedy service desk is needed so that the support service operator does not have to waste time processing requests that are not actually relevant. Such a database helps in finding ready-made solutions and issuing them to the client.

Installation and implementation of the service

Remedy service desk and other similar systems also have their own instructions intended for those who have not used such services before. For example, if you have “Service Desk Plus” installed, type in the search engine service desk plussetting and you can easily find instructions for setting up applications yourself.

However, a competent service provider will always provide its clients with instructions and specialists who will carry out this setup. So look for instructions called " service desk plus setup" and people like her are completely unnecessary. The Eddy company will undertake the implementation of the service desk “from” to “to”, including the technical process of implementation and further configuration. Therefore, in terms of electronic dispatch, you can trust us completely and completely. Take your first step towards success by contacting us!

X5 Retail Group has completed a large-scale project of organizational changes. Based on the Management Directorate information technology a business support unit was created, responsible for the comprehensive operation of all systems and assets of the company. Reorgan experience

There are five phases through which any organization implementing a program of organizational change passes: stagnation, preparation, implementation, test of strength, achievement of goals. Let's look at the history of changes in X5 Retail Group N.V.


There was no stagnation as such; the IT management directorate was confidently moving towards achieving strategic goals of transferring the company to a new centralized trading activity management system based on SAP Retail. By September 2009 it was completed pilot project in one of the branches. It covered the work of not only stores and the branch office, but also distribution centers. At the same time, the creation of an appropriate IT infrastructure was underway. A project has been launched to transfer a unified user support system from the HP OpenView platform to the BMC Remedy platform. This was to be followed by the implementation of several more ITIL processes in the company. The BMC product was chosen as a comprehensive platform for them. But he intervened economic crisis. It became obvious that global leadership Russian market impossible without radical changes in company management aimed at increasing business efficiency. A transformation path was chosen that was based as much as possible on the methods of work of the Directorate for Information Technology Management (DIIT). It was at this stage that the decision was made to begin the preparation phase.


The Trinity project was launched, the main goal of which is to form a business support unit based on DUIT, the branch management department and the real estate and operation departments in the branches. Deputy Chief Executive Officer for Business Support Teymur Sternlieb was appointed head of the unit. The project team included two project managers, business analysts, developers and experts. It also included candidates for the positions of first-level department heads in the organizational structure of the business support unit.

The keywords of the project were “integration” and “services”. Members of the project team came to the conclusion that combining departments providing service support into a single block would give a synergistic effect and improve the quality of the services provided, as well as increase the efficiency of support. The business support unit combines the operations, IT and branch management departments. It was understood that the transition to a service-oriented business support architecture would speed up the solution to many current problems, reduce the relative cost of the services provided, and, therefore, increase the efficiency of the company as a whole. Since the greatest difficulty was in the process of integrating disparate departments of IT support for business and operation of real estate, retail and engineering equipment, at this phase a list of functions and a list of specialists necessary to create a unified operation service were formed. The goal of the integration process was to create a “single window” mode for registering incidents, eliminating duplicative functions of employees of the joint operation service, using a unified approach to solving problems and a single tool for registering and processing user requests. To prepare the team for the changes and form a positive “public opinion” about the planned reforms, a survey was organized among the heads of the operations departments (IT and engineering) in all eight branches of the company. Judging by the responses received, department heads were actively involved in the discussion of the planned organizational changes.


At this phase, the formation of staffing schedules for five new directorates began. The organizational structure of the business support block was finally fixed. The key and basis for the formation of the staffing structure was the principle of service orientation of the directorates.

It was supposed to organize the work of all service departments based on business processes recommended by the ITIL library, such as Problem Management, Service Level Management, Configuration Management, etc.

The directorates included in the business support block are responsible for the development and support of groups of certain services. This approach makes it possible to make the relations between business directorates and service directorates more transparent. If previously the IT director was responsible for IT support for business services and the development of IT infrastructure, now there are directorates responsible for the support and development of all business services, there are directorates responsible for supporting all infrastructure services, and there is a directorate responsible for support for “other” corporate services that are not directly related to the company’s core business processes. At the same time, all directorates of the business support block now work according to a single principle based on the use of Service Desk and tested in the previous IT management directorate.

The Business Services Directorate consists of departments responsible for providing IT services to various business divisions of the company: logistics and procurement, finance and reporting, operations and marketing, etc. Each department has consultants, developers, user training and support specialists services. The Infrastructure Services Directorate is responsible for the performance of server equipment and communication channels, provides support for enterprise software, and is responsible for the architecture of the entire IT infrastructure and the development of engineering equipment systems. Its strategic objectives are to build an adaptive infrastructure that meets the requirements of a growing business, use standard proven solutions, and implement proactive monitoring. One of the key projects of this directorate was the strategic project “Energy Saving Program”, within the framework of which X5 plans to significantly reduce energy consumption and energy supply costs. Operations Services, with the updated ServiceDesk, meets the needs of multiple end users beyond just IT business support. The Branch Management Directorate has significantly expanded its functions for quality assurance, implementation of business processes in branches and interaction with local authorities. Its strategic goal is to bring all branches of the company to a single standard, covering business processes and the branch management system, facility equipment, quality management and certification systems. The Directorate of Corporate Services, in addition to a large number of internal services necessary for the normal functioning of the business support block directorates, provides a number of services directly to businesses and is responsible for the support and development of organizational and management services. Of these, the most significant are: IT support for new openings of retail properties and mergers and acquisitions processes, organization of company business processes (description, development, implementation), project and program management.

In parallel with the formation of new staffing tables, work was carried out to create an album of functions up to the third level of divisions of the business support block and the division of areas of responsibility of the new directorates was underway. As soon as the functions of the divisions were fixed, and first of all, the joint operation service, an order was issued to transfer functions to the area of ​​​​responsibility of the business support unit and transfer employees to the joint operation department in one of the company's branches. An analysis of how the transfer of functions was carried out within one month revealed planning deficiencies and difficulties associated with the introduction of new staffing tables. Additional complexity was created by the matrix management organization in the branches. The reorganization in the seven remaining branches proceeded, as a rule, more smoothly and with fewer failures. Now, although the employees of the operation departments in the branches still report to both the director of the branch and the managers of the operation service from central office, they, together with the branch director, are in a single structure - the business support block, which significantly reduces the likelihood of contradictions inherent in the matrix management structure. Maxim Efanenkov was appointed head of the joint operation service.

First of all, in the pilot region, operations staff involved in supporting retail facilities and technological infrastructure were connected to the modernized ServiceDesk system. Now in unified system User requests for troubleshooting problems in office computers, refrigeration units in stores, etc. are registered. The work of service departments is organized according to a single principle, which makes it possible to obtain objective information about the quality of services provided to the company. Based on the methods developed and implemented in the IT management directorate, engineering service employees received their own performance indicators (KPIs), on the basis of which they are rewarded. All this became possible after the implementation of the Incident Management process. Currently, the implementation of two more ITIL processes is nearing completion - Service Level Management and Configuration Management. ITIL processes were the methodological basis for building business support processes.

The longest activity of the Trinity project was the development of a strategy for the business support block, containing the goals of the block for a three-year period and the activities necessary to achieve the goals. Much attention was paid to building a tree of block goals down to the level of each directorate.

The regulations on directorates set out indicators for achieving goals (Key Goal Indicators, KGI). The COBIT approach was used, which defines KGI as a key indicator of goal achievement. In this case, these are metrics that show management whether business goals have been achieved and to what extent. It turns out that if you replace the IT letters with the BS (Business Support) letters, many of the COBIT approaches turn out to be quite applicable. The same applies to the ITIL library. The strategy contains a description of the block management model, including the principles and levels of decision-making. As a main tool effective management branches are considering decentralization. The project provides for the creation of a new operational reporting system covering the indicators of all newly formed directorates.

Test of strength

It is safe to say that the Trinity project team and the created division are already firmly on their feet. Of course, not everything went smoothly. However, the preliminary study of possible risks bore fruit and many troubles were avoided. It is clear that it is impossible to review, change, coordinate and approve dozens of regulatory and administrative documents at once. Therefore, it was decided to temporarily keep the existing orders in force. The issue with the budget was resolved in approximately the same way: correct budgeting of functions new to departments is impossible without deep knowledge of the budget structure. Since the employees who were previously involved in drawing up the budget for the operation of buildings did not transfer to the newly created directorates, there was a real risk of receiving an inadequate financing plan. To avoid negative developments, temporary agreements were reached to support the budgeting process during the transition period. At the same time, difficulties arose due to the lack of experience of such transformations in Russia. It was difficult to find references to some integration solutions based on IT departments in terms of creating a unified operation service. However, in these cases there were no precedents for such a large-scale coverage of all aspects of business support. For example, if previously, when a refrigerator in a sales area broke down, store employees called either a specific engineer involved in store support, or the company responsible for the performance of the equipment in a given store, or the head of the operation service at the branch office, now for all incidents with any equipment they call a single Service Desk phone. Changing the way users interact with service providers has proven challenging. To more clearly demonstrate the depth and breadth of the area of ​​responsibility of the business support unit in X5, we can give some quantitative characteristics of the unified system of unified user support. The number of employees registering incidents in ServiceDesk exceeded 9,000 people. There are more than 1,000 specialists assigned to these incidents and service requests (and these are not only company employees, but also employees of contractors connected to ServiceDesk). These specialists are divided into 144 support groups. More than 2,500 applications and service requests are registered in ServiceDesk per day. The last thing to be connected to ServiceDesk was a product quality control system, which significantly increased the transparency of the corresponding service, but significantly increased the load on ServiceDesk. Today, the business support unit employs almost 1,500 specialists.

Achievements of goals

It is too early to talk about achieving the final goals - the project of organizing a business support unit is not completed, only the first stage has been completed. However, the unconditional correctness of the chosen path is illustrated by the words of an ordinary director of one of the Perekrestok stores: “Over the past four months, I have had the feeling that someone cares about the store. Problems began to be resolved, and quite quickly.” There are still many difficult problems to be solved. Among them: increasing the capacity of the BMC Remedy system to connect hundreds of stores and dozens of distribution centers that open annually and introducing several ITIL processes (Problem Management, Change Management, Event Management, Asset Management), developing a business continuity plan, creating and signing numerous SLAs, modernizing existing ones and implementation of new business processes. But there is no doubt that the business support unit will be able to improve the quality of services provided and the efficiency of the company.

Anrey Grudev - head of service development project management at X5 Retail Group N.V.;[email protected]

Company portrait

X5 Retail Group N.V. - the largest retail company in Russia. It is developing three chains of stores: Pyaterochka discounters, Perekrestok and Green Perekrestok supermarkets, and Karusel hypermarkets.

At the end of 2009, the company managed 1,372 stores located in Moscow, St. Petersburg and 43 other cities in the European part of Russia, the Urals and Ukraine, with a total retail area of ​​more than 1 million sq.m. The company has 23 distribution centers in 8 regional branches. Consolidated retail revenue, including turnover of the acquired Paterson chain, at the end of 2009 exceeded 275 billion rubles.

Across different channels and systems, automate and optimize a range of tasks.

In particular, a single platform allows you to automatically discover assets in multi-cloud environments and on companies’ own sites. Users will also be able to proactively monitor events, alerts and anomalies, detect vulnerabilities and neutralize them. The platform will also help optimize capacity management and IT costs in the company. Users of the platform will be able to proactively provide the same high-quality service to all employees of the organization in all communication channels (including Skype, Slack, chat bots). Previously, these functions were performed by several separate BMC Software solutions.

The BMC Helix solution (formerly Remedy) has already established itself in the market as a leader in cognitive IT service management, according to research company Gartner. The updated platform, in addition to BMC Helix itself, will include BMC Helix Remediate (formerly TrueSight Vulnerability Management), BMC Helix Optimize (formerly TrueSight Capacity Optimization) and BMC Helix Monitor (formerly TrueSight Operations Management).

In Russia and the CIS, the distributor of BMC Software is DIS Group.

The updated BMC Helix platform for December 2019 is available in the Russian and CIS markets. – IT landscapes of companies have become significantly more complex. These can now include multiple clouds, the Internet of Things, various DevOps tools, and machine learning. Chatbots and artificial intelligence can also be used to improve user service. A single platform covering IT management issues from IT infrastructure to business processes (ITOM and ITSM) becomes indispensable in such conditions,


According to information as of August 2010, the BMC Remedy IT Service Management IT service management system includes the following applications - BMC Remedy Service Desk, BMC Remedy Asset Management Module, BMC Remedy Change Management Module, and Service Level Management Module BMC Service Level Management. All of these applications work with one included BMC AtriumTM configuration management database, providing a comprehensive view of how technology components support business services. All of these applications are powered by one of the industry's leading service process management platforms, the BMC Remedy Action Request System.

BMC Remedy Service Desk

BMC Remedy Service Desk is responsible for automating incident and problem management processes, allowing IT professionals to quickly and effectively respond to situations that affect the provision of key services. BMC Remedy Service Desk handles requests and incident information from users, as well as incident data from infrastructure elements. With its comprehensive, flexible features and capabilities, it reduces the time required to restore normal operations, helps prevent future events from negatively impacting your business, and improves IT staff productivity.

The workflows implemented in BMC Remedy Service Desk capture and maintain relationships - from incident occurrence to problem attribution, root cause, known errors and change requests. When used in conjunction with the BMC Remedy Knowledge Management module, Help Desk provides extensive authoring, natural language search, and self-service capabilities that reduce user call volume on a given event and reduce troubleshooting time. The BMC Atrium Configuration Management Database identifies services and users affected by an event and helps identify the root cause of the event by mapping infrastructure dependencies.

BMC Remedy Service Desk will help:

  • increase the reliability of your most business-critical systems by reducing the time it takes to resolve a problem or resolve an incident
  • reduce the duration and number of calls from users
  • increase productivity of support staff
  • establish the main causes of the incident and, thanks to this, prevent the emergence of new similar problems
  • Monitor performance against service level agreements to ensure compliance with commitments
  • create common decision for various global, regional and local IT organizations
  • promptly send requests to the technical support specialists to whom they are intended
  • increase the reliability of the IT infrastructure

BMC Remedy Change Management Module

BMC Remedy Change Management has extensive planning functions, managing strategy development processes that help reduce the time to implement changes and systematize them, while minimizing business risks. This module allows you to define and implement standardized change implementation processes that cover the entire life cycle of a change request - from submission, through planning, implementation, and verification.

It ensures that the actions that are actually needed are taken, issues are agreed upon by the decision-makers with whom they should be agreed, and reliable, fail-safe procedures are in place. BMC Remedy Change Management, supported by the BMC Configuration Management module, takes a change request from the planning stage to the execution stage and obtains ongoing status information about the change implementation and review processes. Thanks to this, the change implementation procedure is carried out in accordance with the developed plan, and its complete transparency is ensured.

The addition of BMC Remedy Change Management dashboards provides change agents and IT managers with clear, graphical reports so they can monitor the status and performance of the entire change process, from request to implementation to verification.

BMC Remedy Change Management will help:

  • control all stages of the closed process of change and customization and thereby reduce the risks associated with the implementation of changes
  • implement accepted change management processes on a global scale
  • increase the reliability of key business systems
  • accelerate the implementation of changes
  • Streamline the process for prioritizing change requests and thereby support the most critical business services
  • Reduce help desk call volume by minimizing change-related disruptions
  • control changes at the user desktop and data center level
  • manage changes in both personal computer and data center environments.

BMC Remedy Asset Management Module

BMC Remedy Asset Management helps you reduce your IT budget, ensure compliance, and improve your return on investment. By having your IT assets and ITIL operational processes rely on the same configuration management database data, you get a clearer, clearer picture of how incidents, issues, changes, configurations and service level agreements impact your assets, and vice versa, and get the opportunity to take the necessary measures in a timely manner.

BMC Remedy Asset Management helps reduce unnecessary software license and compliance costs by integrating software license management into your IT asset management and operational processes. Included Reference Library software ITIL defines the relationships between change requests, software licenses, software descriptions, authorized system software locations, and detected production events. The module allows you to obtain data about existing assets and manage them throughout the entire life cycle of each IT asset - from the moment you place an application for it until the moment it is written off. In addition, the contract management functions of this module allow you to automate the binding of assets to software licenses, rental contracts, maintenance and support. Its financial management features allow you to track total cost of ownership, chargebacks and depreciation.

BMC Remedy Asset Management will help:

  • align the composition of IT assets with the needs of the enterprise
  • reduce software license costs and reduce the risk of non-compliance with regulations and requirements
  • avoid oversupply and shortage of hardware and software
  • reduce long-term rental costs and fines
  • optimize interaction with change, incident, problem and configuration management processes
  • Use IT asset management to get more value from your configuration management database implementation in a shorter period of time

BMC Service Level Management Module

BMC Service Level Management helps customers align critical IT infrastructure and service delivery processes with business priorities. BMC Service Level Management provides automation, monitoring and management of a wide range of processes that support service level agreements.

In addition to monitoring service support parameters, such as problem resolution time, BMC Service Level Management collects data from infrastructure management data sources, incl. BMC Performance Manager, BMC Transaction Management, and SNMP. The result is comprehensive management of the process of providing and supporting business services in the light of the commercial challenges facing the enterprise. The application also tracks service level agreements for configuration items contained in the BMC Atrium CMDB.

BMC Remedy Level Management will help:

  • increase the degree of satisfaction with the quality of services
  • achieve increased business value through competent management of IT investments
  • optimize interaction between IT and company departments, end users and senior management
  • demonstrate customer value and, if desired, cost of services
  • improve the company's operating results by identifying and tracking key parameters
  • identify trends, identify and resolve problems, and maintain expected service levels

General Services

BMC Remedy IT Service Management includes several common services for more efficient service management, including the BMC Atrium CMDB and Reference Software Library.

BMC Atrium CMDB Configuration Management Database

The BMC Atrium CMDB shows the extent to which technology meets your business needs. It is an open, intelligent, and scalable repository of data used by BMC Remedy ITSM applications and other BMC solutions. This database allows data and tasks to be manipulated within service management processes through common control points across assets, configurations, application topologies, business services and their dependent users. For example, a system monitoring tool might open an incident related to a configuration item in the configuration management database, thereby allowing help desk technicians to see information about that configuration item, including what business services it serves, the assets and users associated with it, previous configurations, recent changes, asset contracts, associated service level agreements, etc.

Reference Software Library

The ITIL reference software library provides a unified view and management of your software applications. It automates the relationships between reference software descriptions, detected production events, authorized system software locations, and software licenses. This allows you to more efficiently deploy software and make changes to software configuration or software license management configuration and resolve software issues more quickly.

Closed-loop processes for business service management

BMC Remedy ITSM applications work in conjunction with other BMC solutions to automate task sequences that improve the efficiency of IT management in terms of solving business problems:

  • Reducing disruption by responding to infrastructure issues based on business impact and root cause data—before users call
  • Increase cost-effectiveness, reliability, and productivity by leveraging closed change processes to manage data centers and desktop systems—from authorization, through execution, verification, and compliance monitoring;
  • viewing the available capacity of server resources in order to analyze their performance, as well as the distribution of finances and contracts;
  • Monitor and enforce service level agreements to balance service and support metrics.

Additional Solutions

BMC Discovery for maintaining a configuration management database

BMC Discovery is a scalable solution for working with data about assets, configurations, application topologies, and even your users, allowing you to see the interdependencies of assets and services that are delivered to your users.

Manage your software with BMC Configuration Management

Adding the BMC Configuration Management module automates the provisioning and maintenance of your client software configurations and server assets. Combined with the BMC Remedy Change Management module and the BMC Configuration Management reference software library, you can automate the entry of configurations and software license policies in a repeatable, closed-loop process from authorization to execution to audit.

Understand why with BMC Analytics

The BMC Analytics module allows you to analyze the effectiveness of IT service management. Business Objects XI technology presents data in a way that users without SQL data skills can understand. Such users can receive up-to-date information about trends and events affecting service management.


BMC Remedy ITSM applications have a multi-member architecture with role-based security at the row level. This way, one IT service management team can serve multiple parts of the enterprise or multiple customers with a single deployment. BMC Remedy ITSM applications are fully Section 508 compliant.

All BMC Remedy ITSM applications are built on the BMC Remedy AR System service management platform, which enables rapid deployment, scalability and adaptation to your unique and ever-changing needs. Graphical interface

The BMC Remedy AR System allows IT administrators to quickly expand application functionality without the need for programming. Moreover, it provides a single point for integrating third-party applications and tools through a fully open application programming interface, web services, enterprise integration engine, component object model, OLE, and direct SQL access.

Success stories


About company

X5 Retail Group is a leading food retailer
company in Russia - manages a portfolio of network brands
stores, aiming to meet the needs of all groups
Russian buyers.

X5 Retail Group is a business that maintains an entrepreneurial spirit
and the role of the industry driver. This is a business built on the principles
customer focus, creating value for customers, and, due to this,
values ​​for shareholders, employees and partners.

X5 Retail Group sees its mission as improving the quality of life of people through the distribution of services modern trade, while respecting the differences in tastes, lifestyles and income of customers.

About company

X5 Retail Group has collected retail chains in its portfolio
various formats: “convenience stores” under the Pyaterochka brand, Perekrestok supermarkets, Karusel hypermarkets. Retail chain stores and distribution centers of X5 Retail Group are located in 63 regions Russian Federation on the territory of seven federal districts. X5 Retail Group sees its main goal as maintaining leadership in the Russian food retail market and being the No. 1 food retailer in the hearts of Russian customers.


Mikhail Polyutin Head of Portal Support Department,
mobile applications and loyalty

My guiding light when building a career at ITX5 was a huge interest in everything new and technological. Starting as a support engineer, I moved to different departments, gaining new knowledge and experience. Over 10 years of work, I have developed my own recipe for success - you need to set ambitious goals and never give up. This rule has proven its viability time after time - both during a project to update the IT change management process and when improving service delivery. non-cash payment in the Pyaterochka retail chain, and while improving the incident handling process. At ITX5 there is always the opportunity to realize your ideas - managers are open to discussion, there are platforms for testing innovations and large projects where you can try new solutions and gain tremendous experience.


Artem Stopchansky Senior Analytics Specialist
"HR analytics"

I got into X5 thanks to the Start X5 summer internship, for which I applied immediately after finishing my master’s degree at the National Research University Higher School of Economics. During the internship, I tried to do my best and show good results, which allowed me to successfully complete the internship and get a position in the company. During the internship, I developed my skills in working with large amounts of data quite well, as well as my communication skills, which now helps me in my new position.

In less than two years of working in the company, I grew from the position of an intern to a senior specialist in HR analytics. Working at X5 provides extensive possibilities for rapid learning and development, which is very important in initial stage building a career. Available for employees various courses, seminars and webinars that promote fast receipt and mastering the necessary skills and allowing you to quickly adapt to the company. It was thanks to this that I quickly adapted to my first job and got into the work.

For me, working at X5 is an opportunity to take part in large-scale and large-scale projects that have an impact on a large number of people across the country, because X5 is the largest retailer in Russia.


Natalia Kim Head of Department
infrastructure solutions

Over the course of 2 years at ITX5, I went from a simple manager to a department head. My experience says that in order to achieve results, you need to love your profession and get a buzz from it, believe in yourself, in your ideas and strengths. And it is also very important to be able to work in a team and trust it, root for the overall result, support and insure colleagues. And these principles, first of all, apply to the X5. I am glad that I came to work in a team of just such people.

For me, career growth, especially in large company- this is an opportunity to study and work with people who can and know more than me, the best in the profession. At X5, my manager, Vera Savenko, became such a person for me. Working with her in a team is a special source of pride for me, a reason not to stop there, to strive for new achievements and results.

#ITX5 is:

  • More than 330 information systems, including products
    SAP, IBM, Ortec, GK Software, JDA Infor
  • More than 690 changes in IT systems per month
  • More than 20 million logical reads per second in the world's largest SAP ERP
  • 150 mobile and web solutions
  • 6 most popular stacks in the world (Java, Python, PHP, .Net, Golang, Scala)
  • 20 programming languages, most often used - JAVA, Python, SQL
  • More than 150 IT projects are in progress at the same time
  • More than 500 projects in the X5 innovation funnel
  • 1300 employees and we continue to grow

Retail for
IT specialists are:

  • IT specialists in retail solve problems unique to the market, allowing you to realize your abilities, gain unique competencies and apply a non-standard approach. Big Data, robotics and mobile technologies are some of our key areas of work.
  • Tangible and quick results of work. System changes made today will impact the lives of more than 13 million customers tomorrow.
  • The opportunity to be first. IT and innovation in retail have just begun to actively develop, so this is where you can introduce a new solution or technology that no one has tried before either in Russia or even in the world.
  • Communication and development with experts and professionals in the field of IT and innovation with experience both in Russia and abroad.
  • A platform to start a career in IT- a young support specialist can become a project manager or analyst in 2 years.