Monopoly with bank cards. "Monopoly": rules of the game Monopoly rules with credit cards

Brief description of the game


Beginning of the game

Progress of the game

    pay taxes

    end up in jail

Passing the “Forward” field

Buying a property

Real estate ownership

Monopoly with bank cards

Stop at the station

    moved your chip

    got money

    went to prison

Stop at the tax field

Free parking


At home


Property For Sale


If you have no money left, but may have debts, you can get money by mortgaging some Real Estate or selling houses or hotels. In order to mortgage real estate, you must first sell all the houses and hotels built on the plots of the color group being mortgaged. When pledging, you receive from the bank an amount equal to half the cost of the plot being pledged. If you later want to buy out the mortgaged Property, you will have to pay the bank its full value, plus 10% on top.


Game Notes



First create the playing field. To do this, it is best to take a thick, high-quality sheet of cardboard or drawing paper that can withstand more than a dozen batches. Draw a closed playing field and then decorate the middle of the sheet as you wish to make a tabletop a game even more interesting and original. The size of the field, its shape and the number of cells also depend on you.

Think about how complex the board will be in your Monopoly game. This may not be a square, but a more complex shape that includes several intersecting paths with arrows indicating which path the player should go to. The refined version of the game may appeal to experienced players who are tired of the standard square board, but for beginners it may be too challenging.

Decide whether the playing field will be static or dynamic. The first option assumes that different symbols will be applied to the cells of the playing field. The second option involves creating symbol cards and placing them on the board at the start of each game. Dynamic playing field a game more interesting, since the location of the cards will be different with each desk.

Monopoly with bank cards. Rules of the game

By the way, you can also come up with a couple of special cards that are not included in the standard set of monopolies.

Select banknotes. You can make them yourself from paper, cardboard and other materials, and you can also use small coins. The simplest, but not the best option is to keep the score on a piece of paper. However, this will somewhat reduce interest in the game, so this option is only suitable as a temporary measure. Don't forget the numbers: let each player make or choose them for himself.

You can also change the rules by discussing them with other players. Amendments can be both simplifying and complicating, depending on the experience of each player. New rules must be written down so that there are no disputes or disagreements during the game.

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Monopoly game rules


The description and rules of the game are written for the classic version of Monopoly. If you don’t know the rules of the game, or don’t remember well, we recommend starting with the classic version for convenience and ease of understanding. Other versions of the game follow the same rules, but the names of the playing fields and cards may be different from those described in the rules.

Brief description of the game

Monopoly is a classic game where you can buy, rent and sell your property! At the beginning of the game, participants place their chips on the “Forward” field, then move them around the playing field depending on the number of points rolled on the dice.

If you find yourself on a Real Estate Plot that does not yet belong to anyone, then you can buy this Real Estate from the Bank. If you decide not to buy it, it can be sold at the Auction House to the highest bidder. Players who have Real Estate can charge rent from players who enter their Lot. When building Houses and Hotels, the rent increases significantly, so you should build on as many Lots as possible.

If you need money, you can mortgage your Property.

During the game, you should always follow the instructions written on the Community Chest and Chance cards. But don't relax - in some cases you may be sent to prison.


Remain the only non-bankrupt player.

Beginning of the game

The chips of all players are lined up on the “Forward” field, after which each player takes his turn in turn.

Progress of the game

When it's your turn, roll the dice. Your piece will move forward along the board in a clockwise direction. The field you land on determines what you need to do. Several chips can be on one field at the same time. Depending on what field you find yourself on, you will have to:

    buy plots for construction or other real estate

    pay rent if you find yourself on property owned by other players

    pay taxes

    draw a “Chances” or “Public Treasury” card

    end up in jail

    relax in the “Free parking”

    receive a salary of $200,000

Same number on both dice

If you roll the dice and they both come up with the same number of points (a double), your piece will move as usual and you will act according to the requirements of the square you find yourself on. You then have the right to roll the dice again. If you get the same number of points on both dice three times in a row, you immediately go to prison.

Passing the “Forward” field

Whenever you stop or pass the "Forward" space while moving clockwise, the Bank pays you a salary of 200,000. This amount can be received twice in the same turn if, for example, you end up on the "Chance" or " Public Treasury" immediately after the field "Forward" and pulled out a card with the inscription "Move to the field forward."

Buying a property

If you land on a space that represents unoccupied Real Estate (that is, on a building site not occupied by any players), you will have the first buyer's right to purchase it. If you decide to buy real estate, pay the Bank the money in the amount indicated on the playing field. In exchange, you will receive ownership of this property (the playing field will be colored in the color of your chip).

If you decide not to purchase the Property, it will be put up for auction immediately. In this case, it is purchased by the player who offers the highest price for it. A player who refuses to purchase Real Estate does not take part in the auction.

If, as a result of the auction, none of the players bought (or were unable to buy) the Real Estate, then it remains free.

Real estate ownership

Owning a property gives you the right to collect rent from any tenants who stay in the space that marks it. It is very profitable to own the real estate of the entire color group - in other words, own a monopoly. If you own an entire color group, you can build houses on any piece of Property in that color.

Stopping at someone else's property

If you stop at someone else's Property that was previously purchased by another player, you may be required to pay rent for that stop. The amount of real estate rent may vary depending on the houses and hotels built on the property. If all the Properties of one color group are owned by one player, the rent charged to you for stopping on any lot of that group is doubled, provided that there are no buildings on the lots of the group. However, if the owner of an entire color group has at least one portion of the Property in that group mortgaged, he cannot charge you double rent. If Houses and Hotels have been built on the Real Estate plots, the rent from these plots increases. No rent will be charged for staying on the mortgaged Property.

Stop at a utility field

If you land on one of these fields, you can buy that Utility if no one has already bought it. As with the purchase of other real estate, in this case you will have to pay the Bank the amount indicated in this field.

If you decide not to purchase the Property, the Utility is put up for auction and sold to the highest bidder. You cannot take part in the auction.

If, as a result of the auction, none of the players bought (or was unable to buy) the Utility Enterprise, then it remains free.

If this Utility has already been purchased by another player, he may demand rent from you. The rent for such a business will be four times the number of points rolled on the dice (you roll the dice again to determine the amount of the rent). If a player owns both Utilities, you will have to pay him an amount equal to ten times the number of points rolled.

Stop at the station

If you are the first to land on such a field, you will have the opportunity to buy this station. If you do not want to purchase the Station, it goes to auction and is sold to the player who offered the highest amount for it.

You cannot take part in the auction.

If, as a result of the auction, none of the players bought (or were unable to buy) the Station, then it remains free.

If the Station already has an owner, the person who ends up there must pay rent. This fee depends on the number of stations the player who owns the station you are staying at has. The more stations the owner has, the higher the fee.

Stop at the "Chance" and "Public Treasury" field

Stopping on such a field means that you get one of the cards from the corresponding group. These cards may require you to:

    moved your chip

    paid money, for example, taxes

    got money

    went to prison

    released from prison free of charge

You must immediately follow the instructions on the card. If you pick up a card that says “get out of jail free,” you can keep it until you need it, or you can sell it to another player for a negotiated price.

Note: The card may say that you must move the piece to another space. If you cross the Forward field clockwise while driving, you will receive $200,000. If you are sent to Prison, then you do not cross the “Forward” field.

Stop at the tax field

If you have settled on such a field, you just need to pay the appropriate amount to the bank.

Free parking

If you stop on such a field, then simply rest until your next move. You are here for free and are not subject to any penalties.


You are sent to Prison if:

    You landed on the "Go to Jail" box, or

    You picked up a "Chance" or "Public Chest" card that said "Go to Jail" or

    You get the same number of points on both dice three times in a row in one turn.

Your turn ends when you are sent to Jail. If you go to Prison on a card, the $200,000 salary will not be paid to you, no matter where you were previously.

To get out of Prison you need:

    pay a fine of $50,000 and continue playing, or

    buy a “Get Out of Jail Free” card from another player and use it to free yourself, or

    use the card if you already have one, or

    stay here, skipping three of your moves, but every time it comes to your turn, roll the dice, and if you get a double on both dice in one of these moves, you can get out of prison and go through the number of fields that fell on cubes.

After you have missed three turns while in Jail, you must leave the Jail and pay $50,000 before you can move your pawn to the number of spaces rolled on the dice.

While in Prison you have the right to collect rent for your Property if it is not mortgaged. If you were not sent to the Prison, but simply stopped at the Prison space during the game, you do not pay a penalty, since you "just visited" it. On your next turn, you can move on as usual.

At home

Once you have collected all the Property lots of the same color group, you can buy Houses to place on any of the lots you have. This increases the rent you can charge tenants staying at your Property. You can buy houses during your turn before rolling the die. The cost of a home varies depending on the line to which the Real Estate color groups belong. In one turn, you can build no more than one house on fields belonging to the same color group.

The maximum number of houses on one site is four.

You can also sell houses back to the bank if necessary. The cost of the house in this case will be the same for what you purchased it for.

You cannot build houses if at least one plot of this color group is laid out.


Before you can buy hotels, you need to have four houses on the site where you want to build a hotel. Hotels are bought in the same way as houses, at the same price. When a hotel is erected, four houses from this site are returned to the bank. Only one hotel can be built on each site.

Property For Sale

You can sell undeveloped plots, train stations and utility companies to any player by entering into a private deal with him, for an amount agreed upon between you. If there are houses or hotels on the plots you are selling, then you cannot sell such real estate. First, you need to sell the houses and hotels located in all areas of this color group to the bank, and only after that offer the deal to another player.

In a transaction, both sides may be offered for exchange both plots of Real Estate, money and prison release cards. Exchange combinations can be very diverse at the discretion of the players. If the player is not interested in the proposed deal, he can refuse it.

Neither houses nor hotels can be sold to other players. They can only be sold to a bank. Making deals with other players is only possible during the first stage of your turn, i.e. before you roll the dice.

If necessary, in order for you to receive money, hotels can be replaced with houses again. To do this, you need to sell the hotel to the bank and receive four houses in return, plus the cost of the hotel itself.


If you have no money left, but may have debts, you can get money by mortgaging some Real Estate or selling houses or hotels.

Monopoly with bank cards (2015 edition)

In order to mortgage real estate, you must first sell all the houses and hotels built on the plots of the color group being mortgaged. When pledging, you receive from the bank an amount equal to half the cost of the plot being pledged. If you later want to buy out the mortgaged Property, you will have to pay the bank its full value, plus 10% on top.

If you mortgage any Property, it still belongs to you. No player has the right to buy it back from the bank instead of you.

Mortgaged Properties cannot be charged rent, although rent may still flow to you for other Properties in the same color group.

You cannot sell pledged Property to other players.

The opportunity to build houses on plots appears only after purchasing all plots of one color group without exception.


If you owe the bank or other players more money than you can collect from your gaming assets, you are declared bankrupt and out of the game.

If you owe the bank, the bank gets all your money and all your Real Estate. The property returned to the bank goes on free sale. Also, get-out-of-jail cards are returned to the bank.

If you go bankrupt due to debts to another player, all your assets are sent to the bank. The property returned to the bank goes on free sale. And the Bank pays your debtor the amount of the debt.

You can also become bankrupt if you do not have time to complete any game action within the allotted time.

Game Notes

Money can be given as a loan to the player only by the Bank and only on the security of Real Estate.

No player can borrow money from another player or lend money to another player.


The last participant remaining in the game is the winner.

1. Steampunk Electrical Monopoly

If you're a Monopoly fan, you'll love this new electric version that cleverly combines art, electronics and the popular board game Monopoly. This new Monopoly creation added a few extra features to this wonderful game, such as a water tower, with specially designed settings for the new board game.

2. Gold Monopoly

The world's most expensive version of Monopoly leads straight to Wall Street. An 18-karat gold version of the Parker Brothers' famous game will go on display Friday at the Museum of American Finance. A gold and inlaid Monopoly board can cost around $2 million. The dice set, which has 42 diamonds by point count, is valued at $10,000. The entire board is decorated with jewels, with a total of 162 stones. The "Chance" and "Community Fund" cards are shown in the photo. The inspiration for this version of the board game began in 1988, when a San Francisco jeweler heard about a Monopoly tournament being held in London. He asked the Parker brothers for permission, and then set about creating the golden game, working tirelessly day and night for a year.

3. Circle and old Monopoly

This round board made of oilcloth from 1933 is one of 5,000 works of art by Charles Darrow. It is the only round monopoly board that existed before today. Her hand is colored with colored pen and ink, and her parts are made from a wooden cornice. Darrow based his version on political activist Lizzie Magee's play The Landlords, which was created to highlight social injustice at the turn of the century. Darrow created his game during the difficult times of the Great Depression in Atlantic City, when he himself remained unemployed, but his family supported him.

Monopoly - board game rules

He sold the patent for the Monopoly game to the Parker Brothers Company in 1934. It was then that his financial problems ended and he no longer had to worry about the future of his family.

4. Electronic Banking Monopoly

Still playing with Monopoly money? It's 2005. And now you can play Monopoly with debit cards. In the new version, producers the Parker brothers have eliminated the standard multi-colored cash. Instead, players can use a Visa gaming debit card to track their cash flow for losses or winnings. They are inserted into an electronic machine through which the banker identifies the earnings and payments of cardholders. She has 6 pewter pieces including a personal traveler, a shuttle, a flat screen TV, a baseball cap and a dog in her purse.

5. Communist Monopoly

This isn't exactly a great version - a definitively capitalist board game and left-wing politics. But the creators of the new communist version of Monopoly, called Queue, believe it could be a real hit. Officials at a research institute in Poland have found a solution that makes it possible to see players tasked with buying items from a list, such as bread and eau de toilette. Instead of forcing players to go bankrupt, "The Line" offers another option, namely lining up in neat lines in front of government stores. This network isn't meant to build a powerful empire, is it? However, the creator of this game, Carol Madage, believes that it will be a very valuable educational tool, and of course, fun. “The game is not only designed to make players understand the procedure for going to a store in Poland under communism. It also teaches players that queuing is something people have forgotten,” he said. Sounds great, right?

6. Fallout Monopoly

Elizabeth Redel created the game Monopoly, a stylized version of the video game Fallout! The streets are locations taken from the game instead of Atlantic City. Even the cards are Fallout oriented. The board was printed on a plastic sheet. Each street is a location from the game "Fallout". Only instead of “GO” you will find “G.O.A.T.”, and instead of “free parking” you will find “please stop here”. Each card takes advantage of Fallout3 or Fallout New Vegas and features a beautiful design that looks like old playing cards on the back.

7. Klingon Monopoly

Finding the perfect gift for a Star Trek addict is never an easy task, especially if he already has everything he wants or needs. But if he doesn't already have everything from Star Trek (besides a few special occasion suits in his wardrobe), this game is the best you can buy. Enter the new limited edition of the classic Monopoly board game - Star Trek Klingon Edition. In fact, what could be better? Details of the game itself - ownership, board appearance, etc. – have not yet been disclosed.

8. Monopoly for iPad

After decades of unsuccessful adaptations of the Monopoly video game, today it has finally found a natural home on the iPad. All the realities of the game are perfectly displayed on the device's awe-inspiring screen. The author of the game is Electronic Arts, and this is a really good hint of what the game should be like. Simply brilliant and very entertaining!

9. Monopoly “There Will Be”

Do you love the movie There Will Be Blood? Want to own a board game based on the movie? Something you can play while drinking a milkshake? Don't worry - There Will Be Monopoly is exactly what you need.

10. The world's largest open-air Monopoly game

In San Jose, next to the Children's Discovery Center and near River Park and Guadalupe Gardens, Meadow of Discovery, home of the Guinness Book of Worlds, is located. The largest open-air Monopoly board is also located here. Built in 1992 by San Jose company Cypress Granite and Memorial, it was exhibited and looked very original at the San Francisco Landscape and Design Show that year. After the show ended, the set was purchased by San Jose Beautiful and then placed in the Meadow of Discovery, which opened in 2002.

The playing board area is 930 square feet. Each corner piece weighs over 100kg and each standard side piece weighs around 64kg. The game uses a giant cube and wears large hats in the form of chips, symbolizing a car, a shoe and other things standard for the game. Moreover, they must wear prison clothes if they are unfortunate enough to end up in the "Go straight to jail" position.

Monopoly game rules


The description and rules of the game are written for the classic version of Monopoly. If you don’t know the rules of the game, or don’t remember well, we recommend starting with the classic version for convenience and ease of understanding. Other versions of the game follow the same rules, but the names of the playing fields and cards may be different from those described in the rules.

Brief description of the game

Monopoly is a classic game where you can buy, rent and sell your property! At the beginning of the game, participants place their chips on the “Forward” field, then move them around the playing field depending on the number of points rolled on the dice.

If you find yourself on a Real Estate Plot that does not yet belong to anyone, then you can buy this Real Estate from the Bank. If you decide not to buy it, it can be sold at the Auction House to the highest bidder. Players who have Real Estate can charge rent from players who enter their Lot. When building Houses and Hotels, the rent increases significantly, so you should build on as many Lots as possible.

If you need money, you can mortgage your Property.

During the game, you should always follow the instructions written on the Community Chest and Chance cards. But don't relax - in some cases you may be sent to prison.


Remain the only non-bankrupt player.

Beginning of the game

The chips of all players are lined up on the “Forward” field, after which each player takes his turn in turn.

Progress of the game

When it's your turn, roll the dice. Your piece will move forward along the board in a clockwise direction. The field you land on determines what you need to do. Several chips can be on one field at the same time. Depending on what field you find yourself on, you will have to:

    buy plots for construction or other real estate

    pay rent if you find yourself on property owned by other players

    pay taxes

    draw a “Chances” or “Public Treasury” card

    end up in jail

    relax in the “Free parking”

    receive a salary of $200,000

Same number on both dice

If you roll the dice and they both come up with the same number of points (a double), your piece will move as usual and you will act according to the requirements of the square you find yourself on. You then have the right to roll the dice again. If you get the same number of points on both dice three times in a row, you immediately go to prison.

Passing the “Forward” field

Whenever you stop or pass the "Forward" space while moving clockwise, the Bank pays you a salary of 200,000. This amount can be received twice in the same turn if, for example, you end up on the "Chance" or " Public Treasury" immediately after the field "Forward" and pulled out a card with the inscription "Move to the field forward."

Buying a property

If you land on a space that represents unoccupied Real Estate (that is, on a building site not occupied by any players), you will have the first buyer's right to purchase it. If you decide to buy real estate, pay the Bank the money in the amount indicated on the playing field. In exchange, you will receive ownership of this property (the playing field will be colored in the color of your chip).

If you decide not to purchase the Property, it will be put up for auction immediately. In this case, it is purchased by the player who offers the highest price for it. A player who refuses to purchase Real Estate does not take part in the auction.

If, as a result of the auction, none of the players bought (or were unable to buy) the Real Estate, then it remains free.

Real estate ownership

Owning a property gives you the right to collect rent from any tenants who stay in the space that marks it. It is very profitable to own the real estate of the entire color group - in other words, own a monopoly. If you own an entire color group, you can build houses on any piece of Property in that color.

Stopping at someone else's property

If you stop at someone else's Property that was previously purchased by another player, you may be required to pay rent for that stop.

Monopoly board game rules

The amount of real estate rent may vary depending on the houses and hotels built on the property. If all the Properties of one color group are owned by one player, the rent charged to you for stopping on any lot of that group is doubled, provided that there are no buildings on the lots of the group. However, if the owner of an entire color group has at least one portion of the Property in that group mortgaged, he cannot charge you double rent. If Houses and Hotels have been built on the Real Estate plots, the rent from these plots increases. No rent will be charged for staying on the mortgaged Property.

Stop at a utility field

If you land on one of these fields, you can buy that Utility if no one has already bought it. As with the purchase of other real estate, in this case you will have to pay the Bank the amount indicated in this field.

If you decide not to purchase the Property, the Utility is put up for auction and sold to the highest bidder. You cannot take part in the auction.

If, as a result of the auction, none of the players bought (or was unable to buy) the Utility Enterprise, then it remains free.

If this Utility has already been purchased by another player, he may demand rent from you. The rent for such a business will be four times the number of points rolled on the dice (you roll the dice again to determine the amount of the rent). If a player owns both Utilities, you will have to pay him an amount equal to ten times the number of points rolled.

Stop at the station

If you are the first to land on such a field, you will have the opportunity to buy this station. If you do not want to purchase the Station, it goes to auction and is sold to the player who offered the highest amount for it. You cannot take part in the auction.

If, as a result of the auction, none of the players bought (or were unable to buy) the Station, then it remains free.

If the Station already has an owner, the person who ends up there must pay rent. This fee depends on the number of stations the player who owns the station you are staying at has. The more stations the owner has, the higher the fee.

Stop at the "Chance" and "Public Treasury" field

Stopping on such a field means that you get one of the cards from the corresponding group. These cards may require you to:

    moved your chip

    paid money, for example, taxes

    got money

    went to prison

    released from prison free of charge

You must immediately follow the instructions on the card. If you pick up a card that says “get out of jail free,” you can keep it until you need it, or you can sell it to another player for a negotiated price.

Note: The card may say that you must move the piece to another space. If you cross the Forward field clockwise while driving, you will receive $200,000. If you are sent to Prison, then you do not cross the “Forward” field.

Stop at the tax field

If you have settled on such a field, you just need to pay the appropriate amount to the bank.

Free parking

If you stop on such a field, then simply rest until your next move. You are here for free and are not subject to any penalties.


You are sent to Prison if:

    You landed on the "Go to Jail" box, or

    You picked up a "Chance" or "Public Chest" card that said "Go to Jail" or

    You get the same number of points on both dice three times in a row in one turn.

Your turn ends when you are sent to Jail. If you go to Prison on a card, the $200,000 salary will not be paid to you, no matter where you were previously.

To get out of Prison you need:

    pay a fine of $50,000 and continue playing, or

    buy a “Get Out of Jail Free” card from another player and use it to free yourself, or

    use the card if you already have one, or

    stay here, skipping three of your moves, but every time it comes to your turn, roll the dice, and if you get a double on both dice in one of these moves, you can get out of prison and go through the number of fields that fell on cubes.

After you have missed three turns while in Jail, you must leave the Jail and pay $50,000 before you can move your pawn to the number of spaces rolled on the dice.

While in Prison you have the right to collect rent for your Property if it is not mortgaged. If you were not sent to the Prison, but simply stopped at the Prison space during the game, you do not pay a penalty, since you "just visited" it. On your next turn, you can move on as usual.

At home

Once you have collected all the Property lots of the same color group, you can buy Houses to place on any of the lots you have. This increases the rent you can charge tenants staying at your Property. You can buy houses during your turn before rolling the die. The cost of a home varies depending on the line to which the Real Estate color groups belong. In one turn, you can build no more than one house on fields belonging to the same color group.

The maximum number of houses on one site is four.

You can also sell houses back to the bank if necessary. The cost of the house in this case will be the same for what you purchased it for.

You cannot build houses if at least one plot of this color group is laid out.


Before you can buy hotels, you need to have four houses on the site where you want to build a hotel. Hotels are bought in the same way as houses, at the same price. When a hotel is erected, four houses from this site are returned to the bank. Only one hotel can be built on each site.

Property For Sale

You can sell undeveloped plots, train stations and utility companies to any player by entering into a private deal with him, for an amount agreed upon between you. If there are houses or hotels on the plots you are selling, then you cannot sell such real estate. First, you need to sell the houses and hotels located in all areas of this color group to the bank, and only after that offer the deal to another player.

This article will describe the rules of the game. If you have never played this game, we recommend that you refer to the article for help. Each game has different names for areas, tasks or bonuses. Below are the rules for the standard version.

A monopoly is a large enterprise that is under the control of some kind of production. It's the same in the game. There is a large field (enterprise), which is disbanded into different groups, first you need to buy plots of the field, houses or rent, and then build it up with houses, hotels, train stations and, of course, as in any business, you can sell your real estate.

To start the game, you need a dice to know the number of steps. The set also contains chips of different colors. The game set includes cards that represent factories, houses, and hotels. If you don't have enough money, you can sell this property to improve your financial situation or buy something more necessary.

During the game, participants pay a fine or tax to the bank. For failure to complete a task within the specified time, you can go to prison.

Monopoly Rules

The purpose of this game.

The goal of the game, like the meaning of life for all businessmen, is not to go bankrupt.

Progress of the game.

In order to start, you need to walk around. To find out how many steps you need to take, roll the dice. What number is on the die - you take so many steps.

There is a task on the entire field, which task your chip is on, then the task must be completed. The tasks are different, there are positive and negative. You can go to jail, or you can get a large amount of money as a bonus.


You can go to jail not only by not completing tasks, but also by getting the same number of steps three times in a row.

To be released, you need to ransom yourself. If you do not do this within three turns, then in order to advance further you must pay the required amount.

Purchase of real estate.

If your chip is on a free plot, then you have the right to buy it. If the site is occupied, you have the right to buy it from another participant. To redeem, pay an amount higher than the initial one; if you buy, pay the initial amount, which is indicated in the field under your chip.

You also have the right not to buy it if you don’t have the money or don’t need it. If you do not buy the property, another player will buy it, but at an auction in which you do not participate.

Your property.

If you are a property owner, other players will pay a tax for standing on your part of the field. The more real estate you have, the greater the chances that you will ruin your opponent faster.

You can sell your undeveloped plot to your opponent. You come up with the amount yourself. You can ask for a “get out of jail,” another property in return, or just money.

If the site is built up with houses or something else, first you need to sell everything to the bank, and then sell the site.

At home.

If you already have a certain number of plots, you can populate them. Buying a house will increase the deposit on your plot for other players. Each game has a different maximum number of houses on one site. Most often it is from 4 to 6.

If you want to buy a hotel, one plot should already have the maximum number of homes that will go to the bank after purchasing the hotel. The bank will pay the same amount you bought the house for.

Free parking.

The most advantageous area of ​​the entire field is free parking. You can just stand on it, you don’t need to buy anything and you don’t have to pay fines either.


Taxes must be paid if your chip lands on a section of the field with this task or if you are standing on someone else's property.

Field "Chance", "Treasury".

If you stand on one of these fields, you are given one card, the task of which is either to pay taxes, or receive money, and much more. The task on the card must be completed immediately.


If you have little or no money, you don’t have to sell the property, you can simply mortgage it. In this case, you will receive exactly 50% of the amount for which the property was purchased. If you buy it back, you give the bank the initial amount plus 10%.

While the property is in the bank, it is still yours and no one will buy it, nor is it possible to sell it.

While the property is mortgaged, other participants whose property is located on your site do not pay taxes on it.


A player who goes bankrupt loses.

All real estate is transferred to the bank for debts. Your money also goes to the bank.

If you go bankrupt due to debts to a rival, then the property is transferred to the bank and the bank returns the debt.

Game features.

No matter how friends the players are in life, you cannot borrow money from each other in the game.


If you own all or most of the real estate, plus you haven’t gone bankrupt, then you’ve won. And you can consider yourself the “king of business.”

Print, cut and play, this way you can save your money but still have a good board game to enjoy with your friends and family. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the rules of this popular game.

Beginning of the game
1. Place houses, hotels, title deeds and money (at face value) in separate sectors of the playing field. There is a diagram on the board showing the correct placement of all game pieces.
2. Separate the Chance cards, shuffle them, and place them, back side up, on the appropriate areas of the game board.
3. Separate the Treasury cards, shuffle them and place them, back side up, on the appropriate areas of the game board.
4. Each player chooses a playing chip and places it on the “START” field.

Banker and Bank
5. One of the players is chosen as Banker. If there are more than 5 players in a game, the Banker may, at his discretion, limit himself to only that role in the game. The banker gives each player $1,500 in the following coupons:

  • Two $500 bills
  • Four $100 bills
  • One $50 bill
  • One $20 bill
  • Two $10 bills
  • One $5 bill
  • Five $1 bills

In addition to money, the Bank also has cards for Title Deeds, Houses and Hotels until they are purchased by the players. The bank also pays salaries and bonuses, gives loans secured by real estate and collects all taxes, fines, returns loans and interest on them. During an auction, the Banker acts as an auctioneer.
A bank can never go bankrupt, but it can issue as much money as needed in the form of IOUs written on a regular piece of paper.
6. Players roll both dice. The one with the most points starts the game. The player to his left will be next, then the next one, and so on.

When it's your turn, roll both dice and move your piece forward along the board in the direction indicated by the arrow. The field you land on determines what you need to do. Several chips can be on one field at the same time. Depending on what field you find yourself on, you will have to:

  • buy plots for construction or other real estate;
  • pay rent if you are on Property owned by others;
  • pay taxes;
  • pull out the Chance or Treasury card;
  • end up in prison;
  • relax in the free parking lot;
  • receive a salary of $200

Same number of points on both dice
If you roll the dice and they both come up with the same number of points, move your piece and act according to the space you land on. You then have the right to roll the dice again. If you get the same number of points on both dice three times in a row, you immediately go to Prison

Passing the "START" field
Whenever you stop or pass through the "START" field, moving in the direction indicated by the arrow, the Bank pays you $200. You can get this amount twice in the same turn if, for example, you find yourself on the Chance or Treasury field, immediately after the “START” field, and pull out a card that says “Go to the “START” field.”
If you land on a space that represents an unoccupied Property (that is, a Building Lot for which no other player has a Title Deed), you will have first choice to purchase it. If you decide to buy Real Estate, pay the Bank the money in the amount indicated on this playing field. In exchange, you will receive a Document of Ownership of this Property, which you must place in front of you with the text facing up. If you decide not to buy this Property, the Banker must immediately put it up for auction and sell it to the highest bidder, starting from whatever price one of the players is willing to pay. Even though you refused to purchase the Property at the original price, you can take part in the auction.

Property Ownership
Owning a Property will give you the right to collect rent from any “tenants” who stay in the space that marks it. It is very profitable to own all the Real Estate of one color group - in other words, own a monopoly. If you own an entire color group, you can build houses on any Property of that color.

Stopping at someone else's Property
If you stop at a Property that was previously purchased by another player, you may be required to pay rent for that stop. The player who owns this Property must ask you to pay the rent before the next player rolls the dice. The amount payable is set out in the Title Deed for the Property and may vary depending on the number of buildings constructed thereon. If all the Properties of one color group are owned by one player, the rent you will be charged for stopping on any undeveloped property of that group is doubled. However, if the owner of an entire color group has at least one parcel of the Property in that group mortgaged, he cannot charge you double rent. If Houses and Hotels have been built on the Property plots, the rent will increase, which will be shown on the Title Deed for that Property. No rent will be charged for staying on the mortgaged Property.

Stop at the service enterprise field
If you settle on one of these fields (Water or Electric Company), you can buy this business if it has not already been purchased by anyone. As with the purchase of other Real Estate, pay the Bank the amount indicated in this field. If this Real Estate has already been purchased by someone else player, he can charge you rent according to the number of points that were rolled on the dice when you made the move that brought you to this field. If the other player owns only one of the Utilities, the rent will be four times the number of points that were rolled on dice. If he owns both businesses, you must pay him an amount equal to ten times the number of points rolled. If you were placed on this space as a result of the instructions on the Chance or Community Chest card you took, you must roll the dice to determine how much you will have to pay. pay If you decide not to buy this Real Estate, the Banker puts the service enterprise up for auction and sells it to the player who gives the highest amount for it. You too can take part in the auction.

Stop at the Sea Port
If you are the first to land on such a field, you will have the opportunity to purchase this port. Otherwise, the Bank puts it up for auction, even if you refused to purchase it at the original price, you can also take part in the auction. If the Port already has an owner when you arrive, you will need to pay the amount stated on the Title Deed. The amount to be paid depends on the number of other Ports owned by the player who owns the Port you are staying at.

Stop at the “Chance” and “Treasury” fields
Stopping on such a field means that you need to take the top card from the corresponding pile. These cards may require you to:

  • moved your piece;
  • paid money - for example taxes;
  • received money;
  • went to Prison;
  • released from prison free of charge.

You must immediately follow the instructions on the card and place the card on the bottom of the appropriate pile. If you pick up a card that says “Get Out of Jail Free,” you can keep it until you need it, or you can sell it to another player for a mutually agreed upon price.
Note: The card may indicate that you must move your piece to another space. If you pass through the “START” field while driving, you will receive $200. If you are sent to Prison, you do not go through the START box.

Stop at the Tax Field
If you choose such a field, you just need to pay the appropriate amount to the Bank.

Free parking.
If you land on such a field, simply rest until your next turn. You are here for free and are not subject to any penalties, you can enter into transactions as usual (for example, collect rent, build buildings on the Property you own, etc.).

You will be sent to prison if:

  • you will stop at the “You are under arrest” box, or
  • you took a Chance or Treasury card that says “Go to Jail”, or
  • you get the same number of points on both dice three times in a row in one turn.

Your turn ends when you are sent to Jail. If you end up in Jail, you cannot receive your $200 salary, no matter where you are on the board.
To get out of Prison, you need:

  • pay a $50 fine and continue playing when it's your turn, or buy a Get Out of Jail Free card from another player at a mutually agreed upon price and use it to get yourself free, or
  • use the Get Out of Jail Free card if you already have one, or
  • stay here, skipping your next three turns, but every time it comes to your turn, roll the dice and, if on one of these turns you get the same number of points, you can leave the Prison and go through the number of fields that falls on cubes.

After you have missed three turns while in Jail, you must leave the Jail and pay $50 before you can move your pawn the number of spaces rolled on the dice.
While in Prison, you may receive rent for your Property if it is not mortgaged. If you were not "sent to Jail" but simply stopped at the "Jail" space during the game, you do not pay any penalty since you "Just stopped in" for a while. On your next turn, you can move.

At home
Once you have all the Property lots in the same color group, you can buy Houses to place on any of your existing lots. This will increase the rent you can charge from tenants staying at your Property. The cost of the house (object) is shown on the corresponding Title Deed. You can buy houses during your turn or between other players' turns, but you must build your plots evenly: you cannot build a second house on any of the plots of the same color group until you have built one House on each of the plots of this color group, the third - until two have been built on each, and so on: the maximum number of Houses on one plot is four. Houses also need to be sold evenly. You can build up your objects only immediately before your turn, maximum - 3 houses (objects) per 1 turn. Without building Houses (objects), you can, however, receive double rent from any player staying on any of the undeveloped Property lots of your color group.

Before you can buy Hotels, you need to have four Houses on each lot of a color group that you completely own. Hotels can be bought in the same way as Houses, but they cost four Houses, which are returned to the Bank, plus the price indicated in the Title Deed. Only one Hotel can be built on each site.

Lack of buildings
If there are no Houses left in the Bank, you will have to wait until one of the other players returns their Houses to him. Likewise, if you sell Hotels, you cannot replace them with Houses unless you have any extra Houses in the Bank.
If there are only a limited number of Houses or Hotels left in the Bank, and two or more players want to buy more buildings than the Bank has, the Banker auctions off the buildings to be sold to the highest bidder, taking the starting price the one indicated on the relevant Document of Ownership.

Property For Sale
You can sell undeveloped Lots, Ports and Service Enterprises to any player by entering into a private transaction with him for an amount agreed upon between you. However, you cannot sell a Plot to another player if there are any buildings on any other Plot of the same color group. If you want to sell any Lot of a color group that belongs to you, you first need to sell to the Bank all the buildings located on the Lots of this color group. Homes should be sold evenly, just as they were bought. (see “At Home” item above).
Houses and Hotels cannot be sold to other players. They should be sold to the Bank at a price two times less than that indicated in the relevant Document of Ownership. Buildings can be sold at any time.
When selling the Hotel, the Bank pays you half the cost of the four Houses that were given to the Bank when purchasing the Hotel. All Hotels of the same color group must be sold at the same time.
If necessary, in order for you to receive money, Hotels can be replaced with Houses again. To do this, you need to sell the Hotel to the Bank and receive in return four Houses plus half the cost of the Hotel itself.
Mortgaged Real Estate can only be sold to other players, but not to the Bank.

If you have no money left, but need to pay off your debts, you can get money by mortgaging some Real Estate. To do this, first sell to the Bank any buildings located on this plot of Real Estate. In order to pledge the Real Estate, turn the Title Deed face down and receive from the bank the pledge amount indicated on the back of the card. If you later want to pay off your debt to the Bank, you will need to pay it this amount plus 10% on top.
If you mortgage any Property, it still belongs to you. No other player can obtain it by paying the deposit amount to the Bank.
You cannot collect rent on a mortgaged Property, although rent may still flow to you for other Properties in the same color group.
You can sell the pledged Property to other players at a price agreed upon with them. The buyer can then decide to pay off the debt taken on the security of this property by depositing the corresponding amount of the deposit plus 10% with the Bank. He can also pay only 10% and leave the Property as collateral. In this case, upon final removal of the collateral, you will have to pay another 10% to the Bank.
When none of the Lots of one color group are mortgaged anymore, their owner can begin to buy Houses again at full price.

If you owe the Bank or other players more money than you can collect from your assets, you are declared bankrupt and out of the game.
If you owe the Bank, the Bank receives all your money and Title Deeds. The Banker then auctions off each of the Properties to the highest bidder.
You must place the Get Out of Jail Free cards at the bottom of the appropriate pile.
If you become bankrupt due to debts to another player, your Houses and Hotels are sold to the Bank for half their original value, and your creditor receives all the money, Title Deeds, and Get Out of Jail Free cards you have. If you have any mortgaged Property, you must also transfer it to this player, he must immediately pay 10% on it to the Bank, and then decide whether he should immediately buy it back at full value or keep it as collateral.

Game Notes
If you owe more rent than the amount of cash you have, you can pay your lender partly in cash and partly in Real Estate (that is, undeveloped Building Lots). In this case, a lender may agree to accept a piece of Property (even if it is mortgaged) for a price much higher than what is listed on it, in an effort to obtain additional Construction Site or to prevent another player from establishing control over that Property.
If you own any Property, then the responsibility to collect rent rests with you.
Money can be given in the form of a loan only by the Bank and only on the security of the Real Estate.
Neither player can borrow money from or lend money to another player.
For using another player's piece during your turn, you must pay a fine of $50.
You are required to pay a fine of $50 in case of an extraordinary move when you moved instead of another player.
You will also be forced to pay a fine of $50 if during your turn the dice leave the playing field (improvised, for example, a table or special flooring designated for the playing field

The last participant remaining in the game is the winner.

Did you like the game Monopoly? We invite you to play for free online!

Board game

Number of players
From 2 to 6

Party time
From 60 to 180 minutes

Game difficulty

Board game "Monopoly: Millionaire" This is a modern version of everyone's favorite game. One of the most popular economic games for a fun company and an excellent family vacation. The board game introduces the player to basic knowledge of economics and entrepreneurship. The version differs from the classic Monopoly only in the purpose of the game. The rules of the game are the same. The level of difficulty (from easy to difficult) depends on the version of the game and may vary.

Goal in the board game Monopoly

Become a millionaire. In the classic version of Monopoly, you need to capture all the companies in a certain industry (become a “monopoly”) and ruin your rivals.

Board game Monopoly: game rules

  • The game is intended for 2-6 players.
  • Before the game, each player receives starting capital, which he can invest in an insurance policy or shares.
  • In the game, each player has his own specific role. For example, a stockbroker monitors all financial transactions in the game and so on.
  • Monopoly is played on a square playing field consisting of nine sectors. Each sector symbolizes a specific industry. The 2nd-3rd companies are given eight industries and they are located close to each other. In the center of the playing field is the main industry, which is the most expensive in the game. Her four companies are also located next to her on each side of the playing field.
  • To move around the playing field, players roll 2 dice in turn.
  • The player moves his pieces based on the points rolled on the dice.
  • The game begins from the field called “Start” and moves further clockwise.
  • If a player throws a double, then he goes again.
  • If a player throws a double three times in a row, he is sent to the police.
  • Each cell on the field corresponds to a specific company card with a specified price list for rent, purchase price and property taxes.
  • There are also cells on the playing field called “Chance” and “Fortune”, which are an addition and give the player orders. These instructions may or may not be very useful. For example, deprivation of shares, tax exemption.
  • If a player, during his turn, stops on a cell of the field with free real estate, then he can purchase it or refuse to purchase it.
  • If a player, during his turn, stopped at a cell of “someone else’s” real estate, then he will have to pay rental services to the owner.
  • For each completed circle on the playing field, the player receives a bonus and pays taxes when moving to the “Tax Office” cell. This field is located next to the “Start” field. You won't miss it.
  • On the opposite side is the “Tax Police”. If a player hits it, he will have to throw the dice 3 times in a row until a double is rolled out. If this does not happen, then the player must pay a fine in order to leave the field of the police station.
  • There is an additional “Jackpot” cell on the playing field. If the player hits it, he makes a bet, lays out his money and rolls 1 die 3 times in a row. If you have a winning combination, your money is multiplied by this coefficient. If not, then the money remains in the “Jackpot”.
  • The insured event in the Monopoly game is the lack of money to cover expenses. This may include paying rent or taxes. If there is an insurance policy, then the player can save himself from the current situation.
  • A player who owns all companies in one industry becomes a monopolist and can acquire branches. This means that he has the right to increase the rent for all “guests” who come to his site. But at the same time, property taxes also increase and the player will have to pay more to the tax authorities.

the site is a portal for board games, where we tried to collect the most popular board games, as well as the latest in the gaming industry. The Economic Board Game Monopoly page provides an overview of the game, photos and rules. If you are interested in the "Economic board game Monopoly", we recommend that you familiarize yourself with games in other categories with similar characteristics.

The board game Monopoly is known as the most popular and best-selling game in the world. Of course, it’s difficult to judge for the entire world, but about half a billion people are familiar with the game.

History of creation

Classic Monopoly was born in the mid-thirties of the last century in the USA. It was a difficult and difficult time, a period when the Great Depression was raging. The birth of one of the most famous board games was not easy and in itself could well become the plot for the success stories so beloved by Americans. When the unemployed Charles Darrow brought her project to board game manufacturers, they refused to take it, considering it unpromising, boring and full of errors.

The future author of the most successful economic board game did not give up, and a game made by “samizdat” ended up on the counter of one of the Philadelphia stores. When the circulation exceeded five thousand and the author and his colleagues could no longer cope with independent production, the Parker Brothers company saw what a jackpot it had almost missed and took Monopoly into print.

The very next year, in the midst of the Great Depression, a game about how you can make millions by doing business - or lose everything - became a bestseller in America.

In subsequent years, games like Monopoly, Businessman and others appeared everywhere, at times ignoring copyrights, especially in the nineties in the post-Soviet space. And even homemade products drawn with colored pencils were not uncommon.


Monopoly is designed for a minimum of two players and a maximum of six. This is an economic board game where you can buy, rent and sell real estate.

The game is ambiguously children's and ambiguously adult, not only for girls and not only for boys. It is intended for a wide audience, starting from seven to eight years old. Many people like it as a family leisure option.


Over its history, Monopoly has changed several publishers. Now the rights to the game belong to Hasbro, a famous toy manufacturer. It supplies the shelves not only with the classic Russified version, but also with numerous variations. This, of course, does not count pirated publications.

What is in the box

Hasbro's traditional Monopoly set includes:

  • the actual playing field with a circular track, where there are properties that you can buy, streets on which you can build, and various pleasant and unpleasant things - for example, a prison where you can end up, or the need to try your luck by drawing a Chance card;
  • cards:
  1. Ownership documents (issued upon purchase of real estate) – 28;
  2. Public treasury (cards that can either bring you money or force you to part with it) – 16;
  3. Chance (unforeseen circumstances with a plus or minus sign) – 16;
  • luxury chips, they are also player chips in the form of various figures, for example, a cat or a shoe - 8;
  • set of banknotes denominations of 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 500 Monopoly dollars (or thousands of rubles in the Russified edition) - of course, not intended for exchange for real goods;
  • Houses(they can be built by placing them on the field, and then rented out) – 32;
  • hotels(like home, only cooler and more profitable) – 12;
  • hex dice – 2;
  • organizer for cards and banknotes.

How to play

This board game has several variants of the rules - regular, shortened, and with homerules. We will look at the classic rules of the game that have been established for decades.

The goal of the Monopoly game is to stay with the money in your pocket while everyone else goes bankrupt one by one. Not without your help, of course. There is no place for honor here - you need to leave your opponents penniless at any cost.


First of all, one of the participants is appointed Banker. It is he who will be responsible for issuing banknotes, real estate cards, collecting fines and taxes and other monetary transactions. The place where no one else's money and cards are still located is called the Bank.

The Community Chest and Chance cards are placed in their proper places on the playing field. All Houses and Hotels are displayed in a certain place.

Player chips are placed on the starting cell. The roll of the dice determines the turn order.

The banker gives each participant $1,500: two five-dollar bills, four hundred, one fifty, one twenty, two tens, one five-dollar bill and five one-dollar bills.

Progress of the game

Participants alternately roll two dice. The sum of the dropped values ​​indicates how many steps he moves forward. Almost like in a regular adventure game, but not quite. Each cell on the field forces players to make certain other actions:

  • buy a no-man's plot and build a House or Hotel there and then take rent for it;
  • buy real estate that does not belong to anyone;
  • pay money to the site where they ended up;
  • give taxes to the state;
  • try your luck by drawing cards from the Chance or Community Chest piles;
  • end up in debt prison;
  • skip the Free parking lot;
  • get a salary of 200 bucks by passing through the Forward square or ending up on it.


If a double appears on the dice, the player can go again. First, he fulfills the conditions of the cell after the first throw, then after the second. Carefully! Three takes in a row lead to jail.

Buying a property

There is no minimum price at the auction - nor is there a maximum

If a player finds himself on a square with a Construction Plot that no one has purchased yet, he can purchase it at the price written there and receive a card confirming his ownership rights. Or not, and then the banker must put the land up for auction - someone will definitely buy such a valuable thing.

There is no minimum price at the auction, nor is there a maximum price. Moreover, a participant who initially refused to purchase can participate in the auction and, if lucky, save a lot.

The same thing happens when entering the fields of Utilities and Stations.

Real estate ownership

When someone lands on a space with another player's property, he pays him rent. Its size depends on the number of buildings on it and on how many cells of the same color the owner has grabbed. If he has all the plots of this category, then he will have to pay the maximum as a monopolist.

When all the plots of the same color are collected in one hand, construction can begin on them. House or Hotel chips on them allow you to charge higher fees to those who get there. It is allowed to build a Hotel only after there are four Houses on each site in a sector of the same color.

If there are not enough Houses in the Bank, you will have to wait to purchase them. And if several participants want to buy the last building at the same time, then the Banker puts them up for auction.

For the owner, real estate can not only generate income, but also a loss in the form of taxes.


Real estate can be mortgaged if there is a lack of finance to pay off debts. To do this, first all the Houses and Hotels are sold to the bank, and then the ownership card is turned over and the participant receives the amount written on the back. To repay the loan, you need to pay it back plus ten percent on top.

You cannot charge rent for a pledged object, but it can be sold to other players for an agreed amount. While at least one plot of the color group is pledged, purchasing Houses at the regular price is not available.

Loans are given only by the Bank secured by Real Estate - players cannot borrow money from each other.

Property For Sale

Utilities, Stations and - attention - areas where not a single cell is built up in the color group can be sold to other players at a price that you agree on. If there are buildings on the site, they are first sold to the Bank at half price. By the way, it is quite acceptable to simply sell Houses and/or Hotels if you urgently need money, but keep the site.


What a nuisance! The player ends up in Prison in the following cases:

  • hit the field Go to jail;
  • drew the card Go to prison immediately;
  • threw a double three times on one move.

The player does not go to prison, does not receive a salary and does not enjoy life. But he can receive rent as usual. To be released you need:

  • pay a fine of $50;
  • or use the Get Out of Prison Free card (if you don’t have it on hand, try to buy it from your rivals);
  • or miss three turns trying to roll a double on the dice. If the double does not fall, you will still have to pay a fine.

If you ended up in the Prison cell because you were “just passing by,” then on the next turn you simply continue the game as usual. This counts as a regular visit.


Everything the bankrupt owes the Bank is sold at auction

When a participant owes the Bank and others more than he has, including all real estate, he is declared bankrupt and is eliminated from the game. Everything he owes the Bank is sold at auction. Debts to another player are paid by selling Houses at half the cost and transferring the pledged property to him. In order for the creditor not to be too happy, he must pay the Bank ten percent, and then think about whether to pay off the entire collateral or not.

Ending the game

The winner is the one who is the only one who will not go bankrupt. Given that the game can last up to several hours, home rules are often used, setting different criteria for winning to speed up the process. For example, to become the richest at a certain point in time. This doesn’t interfere with playing Monopoly and having a good time.

Additional materials

Variety of options

Manufacturers' fantasies on the topic of Monopoly are limitless. Dozens of varieties - and these are only the official ones.

My first Monopoly

The board game (there was previously a Monopoly board game for kids, but it was discontinued) is designed for ages five to ten and up to four players. The rules are simpler: if you go to an unoccupied property, you can buy it and everyone who gets there will pay rent. No complications with pledges, construction plans, etc. The pictures, of course, are bright and child-themed. All bills are denominations of one for ease of counting.

Monopoly Masha and the Bear

Another children's version. The bills in it are called berries, and streets, real estate and Chance cells are replaced with Masha’s friends and proposed adventures.

Monopoly World Edition

Enjoy doing business on the world stage: the most famous cities on Earth are present on the field. The cards mention the customs of different countries. There is a worldwide “Monopoly”, where instead of banknotes there are bank cards and a real terminal, with the help of which money is written off or credited to them.

Monopoly Bank Without Borders

It is not only equipped with a terminal - it now reads all cards, keeping in its memory all the relevant information on the current game. The rules have been slightly changed. Actions take place on the territory of Moscow. The packaging and game elements have a stylish design.

Monopoly Russia

Almost completely repeats the classic version, but the field is made with adjustments to our country, and is decorated with domestic landmarks. The disadvantages of the packaging include the lack of a convenient organizer for money and cards.

Monopoly Empire

The center of this game is not buying real estate, but buying brands. New - the construction of skyscrapers, one of four on the field. The cells of the skyscraper are filled with brand chips. Create your own trading empire!

Road monopoly

Inexpensive pocket set in a box 16 by 23 centimeters. You can play it according to the classic rules.

FIFA Monopoly 2018

Collector's edition for the World Cup in Russia. All inscriptions in it are made in two languages ​​- Russian and English. New themed figurines. Instead of buying real estate, we will buy teams participating in the championship, and it will be necessary to build stadiums and stands. The cities on the map are real cities that hosted the World Cup. Random event cards have been replaced with First and Second Half cards.