Bps deposits in Belarusian rubles. Income deposits in BPS Bank

I introduced a deposit with the festive name “New Year’s”.

Sberbank also made its lucrative New Year’s offer for 2019–2020, which depositors, as they say, will not be able to refuse. This

Calculation of Sberbank New Year's deposits 2019-2020

Let's calculate how much you can earn if you make deposits offered by Sberbank for the New Year 2020. For example, we will invest 100,000 rubles for various periods.

✓ 4 months - “New Year’s bonus” with a rate of 4.85% will bring income 1,628 rubles. “Profitable Start” cannot be opened for such a period.

✓ 6 months - “Profitable start” at 5% will bring an income of 2,527 rubles, and “New Year’s bonus” with a rate of 4.85% will allow you to earn 2,451 rubles.

✓ 9 months - “New Year’s bonus” with a rate of 5.25% will bring income 4,016 rubles. “Profitable start” is not issued for such a period.

✓ 12 months - “Profitable start” at 5.5% will bring an income of 5,642 rubles. You can’t open a “New Year’s bonus” for 1 year.

✓ 18 months - “Profitable start” with a rate of 5.85% will bring an income of 9,140 rubles. The “New Year’s bonus” cannot be issued for a year and a half either.

Conclusions: which of Sberbank’s New Year’s deposits is the most profitable today?

As our simple calculation showed, it is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. It all depends on how long you plan to deposit the money. If you want to invest for 4 or 9 months, then the “New Year’s bonus” will be more profitable. And if for 6, 12 or 18 months, then “Profitable Start” will be more attractive.

This year, when choosing a winter holiday contribution I don’t advise you to get hung up on Sberbank, continues website deposit program expert Viktor Davidenko. For example, in Pochta Bank the “New Year” deposit for 275 days (9 months) can be opened at 6.2% per annum. And the Sberovsky “New Year’s Bonus” for the same period gives only 5.25% per annum.

Will deposit interest rates rise in the future?

Many people ask this question today. Here's what banking professionals can say about this.

“If inflation does not accelerate, for example, due to external shocks, then we can expect a further reduction in rates on ruble deposits,” says the head of the department of operations in the Russian stock market IC "Freedom Finance" Georgy Vashchenko.

Vyacheslav Putilovsky, junior director for banking ratings at Expert RA, believes that the downward trend in deposit rates is highly likely to continue until the end of this year. “At the same time, traditional New Year's promotions in the deposit market will most likely cause a small local increase in profitability, but will not change the trend,” he suggests.

And the Chairman of the Board of FC Otkritie Bank, Mikhail Zadornov, paints a completely sad picture. According to him, Russian population for the first time realizes that banking system deposit rates can be either 4% or 5%. “It is clear that a Russian citizen, who is basically accustomed to either buying housing investment, or keep money in banks, will pay more and more attention to investment products and investments,” he believes.

Contacts for inquiries

Find out more about the conditions and interest rates of the new Sberbank deposit, as well as other deposits, on the official website www.sberbank.ru or at bank branches.

OJSC "BPS-Bank" was formed back in 1923 in the Republic of Belarus. Until 1941 he provided long-term lending in various industries and energy sectors. He expanded the scope of his activities and opened new branches in the regional centers of Belarus.

During the Second World War, the bank ceased its activities due to the temporary seizure of the territory. In the post-war period, BPS-Bank very quickly began work and fully fulfilled the tasks assigned to it for the prompt use of money that was allocated for the restoration of the national economy.
In 1987, a banking reform was introduced, as a result of which the Industrial and Construction Bank of the USSR was formed. BPS-Bank began to implement the full complex banking operations, which included not only investments and lending, but also a number of other banking services.

In October 1999, BPS-Bank was renamed into Open Joint Stock Company Belpromstroybank. 10 years after this event, the Representative Office of the Republic of Belarus and Sberbank of Russia signed an agreement for the purchase by Sberbank of Russia of 93.27% of the shares of OJSC BPS-Bank, as well as the conclusion of an investment agreement for the long-term development of BPS-Bank.

In October 2001, it was decided to slightly change the name financial organization and now it is the Open Joint Stock Company "BPS-Sberbank".

Today, BPS-Sberbank is a universal organization that provides all types of banking services to individuals and legal entities. Various credit programs. Any individual or legal entity, if they have the appropriate package of documents, can issue consumer loan, take money to buy real estate or a car, to open or expand an existing business.

You can apply for a loan in the following forms:

  • overdraft on the card;
  • opening a credit line;
  • provision credit funds in cash or by bank card.

Any bank is interested in the reliability of its partner, therefore certain requirements are imposed on each potential client. Here are just a few of them:

  • borrower's income;
  • whether there are credits, debts and borrowings from other organizations;
  • for how long will the funds be issued?
  • in what currency the client will issue a loan;
  • collateral for loan money;
  • type of loan product.

It is impossible to definitively answer whether the bank will refuse to issue cash or approve the application. If you have never had problems on the above points, then your cooperation with the bank will be a pleasure.

If you are skeptical about lending, but like to make money easily, then an excellent option to increase your capital would be cash deposits in any currency. For individuals and legal entities there are time deposits with a minimum period of 1 and 3 months. Maximum term The term for which the bank enters into a deposit agreement is 3 years. Accordingly, the larger the deposit amount and the period for which you open a bank account, the greater your interest income will be.

Cash services

Even if you have never taken out loans, and there are simply no free funds for deposits, then you can simply evaluate the work settlement and cash services in the bank. Of course, it is most convenient to connect to the BPS Internet bank and make all payments without leaving home from a desktop computer or tablet, but so far not all bank clients have mastered this technology.

Cash settlement services at BPS-Sberbank are maximum convenience for customers, high speed and reliability. The client can use the services of settlement and cash services, as in Belarusian rubles, and in foreign currency.

  • opening an account;
  • any payment transaction;
  • money transfers around the world;
  • receiving pensions and benefits.

Upon registration bank card, the client is connected to the Internet banking of BPS Bank. Using Internet banking, you can make transfers from one card to another, pay public utilities, top up your deposit, view the balance on your card, pay for purchases in online stores.

Situations often arise when a payment went wrong due to a technical glitch or an error in entering a personal account. If such a situation arises, the bank is ready to withdraw payment document, track down payment, carry out necessary requests and provide statements of client accounts.

Other bank services

A banking service is not only about opening a deposit account or receiving a loan, but also cash transactions. Any client of BPS - Sberbank can use:

  • electronic service that works from anywhere in the world, subject to the most basic security requirements for your account. A striking example of such electronic banking services provided by BPS Bank - Internet banking;
  • plastic calculations Visa card anywhere in the world;
  • foreign exchange transactions, as well as consulting on foreign exchange legislation;
  • collection services and delivery of money to legal entities and individuals;
  • individual bank safe, which will keep your securities, money, shares or jewelry safe and sound. A separate guarded room is allocated for storage, where the client can choose a safe of the size he needs.

BPS - Sberbank services the largest factories in Belarus. All activities of the bank are absolutely transparent. Branches and representative offices of the bank are open not only in the Republic of Belarus and Russian Federation, but are already beginning to develop in Poland. The first branch of the bank outside Russia and Belarus has already been opened in Warsaw, and in the future the banking network plans to grow and develop in other cities of the post-Soviet space.

OJSC "BPS-Sberbank" is one of the largest long-lived banks existing in the Republic of Belarus. It is an open institution that regularly provides its financial results.

BPS Bank, whose deposits for the population always turn out to be the most profitable for the growth of funds, is the most popular and reliable. The institution has a huge international system connections. Today, depositors have the opportunity to draw up agreements on bank deposits in any currency. This is also due to the fact that the interest rate in foreign currency is an order of magnitude lower than the interest rate in rubles. But, nevertheless, the most popular currency at BPS Bank is the Belarusian ruble.

The bank provides the opportunity to make deposits in Belarusian rubles of your choice.

Interest rate


From 12.5 to 26.5%

Draws up for a period of 90 to 1000 days. In this case, the client independently chooses the exact expiration date of the contract. Monthly interest accrual on a bank card.

"Time for surprises"

Time deposit Minimum amount two million Belarusian rubles. Interest is fixed for the entire period of 3 months. They are credited to the bank card at the end of the term. Possibility of opening in a different name.


Duration – 35 days. The minimum amount is 2 million Belarusian rubles. Replenishment can be made for any amount.


From 18 to 28.5%

For a period of 90 to 1000 days (inclusive) from monthly payment percent.


From 17.75 to 28.4%

The minimum amount is 500 thousand Belarusian rubles. Monthly interest accrual on a bank card.

Clients can use different types of bank deposits: “on demand” and “term”. The latter have a higher interest rate, but demand deposits allow the withdrawal of all funds at any time.

The most popular options among customers are “Save”, “Replenish” and “Manage”. Their advantages include:

  1. Foreign currency savings are placed for an individual period. Thus, the client invests money for a period convenient for him. Due to the fact that interest rates are not strictly fixed, the client does not lose his interest accrual in the event of a shortage of days.
  2. Flexible conditions for calculating interest rates and withdrawing them. The client has the opportunity to use the accrued interest at any time convenient for him. If the client does not use the interest, it is automatically added to the principal amount of the deposit. In this case, your final income increases.
  3. Simple early termination. If it is necessary to close a bank deposit early, the interest savings that the client was counting on are not lost. Depending on the period specified in the contract, upon termination after 3 months, from 50% to 100% of accrued income will be paid.
  4. Easy automatic extension of the current deposit. In the event that the client does not need to withdraw funds from the deposit, it is automatically extended for a new, similar period. In this case, there is no need to appear at the bank branch yourself, which saves the client’s time.
  5. The amount of additional contributions is not limited. Clients can easily top up their bank deposits for the amount deemed necessary.

OJSC “BPS-Sberbank” has been introducing a new bank deposit called “Time for Surprises” since February 24, 2014. Cash deposits may be not only in Belarusian currency, but also in foreign.