Agreement on banking services for Alpha Bank. How to terminate an agreement with a bank on an Alpha Bank loan

“Agreement on comprehensive banking services for individuals at OJSC ALFA-BANK (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) Moscow 2010...”

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Approved by Order


dated December 30, 2008 No. 1403

(entered into force on January 11, 2009

in accordance with Order No. 1403 dated December 30, 2008)

Revision No. 20 dated 01.11.2010,

approved by Order of OJSC "ALFA-BANK" dated October 21, 2010 No. 959.

on comprehensive banking services for individuals

Moscow 2010

















Appendix No. 1 General terms opening and servicing a Current account in OJSC "ALFA-BANK".......27 Appendix No. 2 General conditions for opening and performing transactions on the "My Safe" Account in OJSC "ALFABANK"

Appendix No. 3 General conditions for opening and performing transactions on the “My Safe NT” Account / “Ulyotny” Account / “Yubileiny” Account in OJSC “ALFA-BANK”

Appendix No. 4 General conditions for the issue, maintenance and use of Cards

Appendix No. 5 General conditions for Accompanying a VIP client or his Representative

Appendix No. 6 General conditions for placing a Time Deposit in OJSC "ALFA-BANK"

Appendix No. 7 General conditions for termination of agreements previously concluded between the Bank and the Client and for carrying out mutual settlements in connection with the Client’s accession to the Agreement on comprehensive banking services for individuals at OJSC "ALFA-BANK"

Appendix No. 8 General conditions for the provision and maintenance of an Individual bank safe at OJSC "ALFA-BANK"

Appendix No. 9 General conditions for opening and servicing a Savings account at ALFABANK OJSC

OPEN JOINT STOCK COMPANY "ALFA-BANK", hereinafter referred to as the "Bank", on the one hand, and the Client, on the other hand, collectively referred to hereinafter as the "Parties", have entered into this Agreement as follows.


Activation – assignment by the Bank to the Card of a status that allows operations to be carried out in full in accordance with the terms of the Agreement. Activation is carried out by the Client at the Bank Branch or through the Alfa-Consultant Call Center. Activation of the Card by the Card holder - the third party in whose name it was issued, is carried out only at the Bank Branch. A card issued in the name of a third party can be activated by the Client through the Alfa-Consultant Call Center. Activation of the Card at the Bank Branch is carried out only at the time of its receipt. When the Card is received by the Client's representative (including the Authorized Representative), the Card is activated only by the Client himself. Activation of Credit VISA cards Classic Unembossed, issued in accordance with the Application Form for a Credit Card, is carried out by the Client independently by sending from the number mobile phone The client indicated in the Questionnaire-Application in the “Contact Information” section, SMS messages to the Bank indicating the last four digits of the Credit Card number to the number 2600 or +79037672600. Payments for sending SMS messages are made by the Client and the cellular operator independently (without the participation of the Bank) within the framework of the relevant agreement concluded between them for the provision of communication services.

“Alfa-Mobile” is a Bank service that provides the Client, upon the fact of his Authentication and Identification, with the opportunity to remotely use electronic means communications to carry out Alfa-Mobile money transfers, as well as receive information about the balances and movement of funds on the Accounts in the manner prescribed by the Agreement.

“Alfa-Check” is a Bank service sent to the Client’s cellular telephone number specified in the Client’s Questionnaire/Application Questionnaire, either upon the Client’s oral application issued through the Alfa-Consultant Call Center, or upon the Client’s application sent through Internet Bank "Alfa-Click", notifications in the form of an SMS message containing information about transactions carried out on the Card Account to which the service is connected, about the balance of funds on the Card Account, information about the expiration of the Card, as well as providing the Client with the opportunity to carry out Alfa-Check money transfers within the limits established by the Bank, make payments using the Alfa-Click Template, receive information about Alfa-Click Templates authorized for use in the Alfa-Check service.

Client Questionnaire – A questionnaire filled out by the Client according to the Bank’s form when opening the first Account with the Bank for the purpose of receiving any service provided by the Bank in accordance with the Agreement. The accuracy of the data in the Questionnaire is confirmed by the handwritten signature of the individual.

Questionnaire-Application – Questionnaire-Application filled out by the Client according to the Bank’s form for the Bank to provide him with a loan product. The accuracy of the data in the Application Form is confirmed by the handwritten signature of the individual.

Authentication - certification of the Client’s eligibility to contact the Bank to carry out banking transactions and/or obtain information on the Account in the manner prescribed by the Agreement.


Virtual card is a bank card issued only in the name of the Client, which does not have a tangible medium and is intended only for paying for goods, works, and services on the Internet.

Contributor – an individual who entered into an Agreement in favor of a Third Party before 03/06/2006. When concluding an Agreement in favor of a Third Party, the Depositor provided information about the name of such person, as well as other information allowing the Bank to identify the specified person. The Depositor has the rights and bears the obligations of the Client in accordance with the terms of the Agreement, until the Bank receives written confirmation from the Third Party (in the form of a personally signed application for on paper in the form established by the Bank) about its intention to exercise the Client’s rights under the Agreement.

Account statement – ​​a report on transactions carried out on the Account for a certain period of time.

Money transfer "Alfa-Chek" is an operation to make a payment based on the Application "Alfa-Chek" from the Client's Account for crediting to the account of the Payment system for the purpose of subsequent transfer Payment system the specified funds in favor of the cellular operator servicing the Client’s cellular telephone number.

Alfa-Mobile money transfer is a transaction for making a payment based on the Alfa-Mobile Application from the Client’s Account for crediting to another Client’s Account or to the Payment System account for the purpose of subsequent transfer by the Payment System of the specified funds in favor of the recipient organization.

A proxy is an individual acting on the basis of a power of attorney. Identification of the Authorized Person is carried out using the Local Access Card and the DUL.

Agreement – ​​this Agreement on comprehensive banking services for individuals at OJSC ALFABANK.

DUL is an identity document in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

“Alfa-Mobile” application – the Client’s application to the Bank for the transfer of funds from his Account, received by the Bank through the “Alfa-Mobile” service.

“Alfa-Chek” application – the Client’s application to the Bank to transfer funds from his Account in favor of a mobile operator in the form of an SMS message received by the Bank through the “Alfa-Chek” service.

Identification – establishing the Client’s identity when he contacts the Bank to carry out banking transactions or obtain information on the Account in the manner prescribed by the Agreement.

Internet Bank "Alfa-Click" is a Bank service that provides the Client, upon Identification and Authentication, with the opportunity to remotely conduct banking transactions, fill out an application for the issuance of a Card with an individual design "My Alpha", open deposit accounts and replenish the Deposit in the cases established by the Appendix No. 6 to the Agreement, as well as receive background information O banking services via an Internet channel using encryption tools and connect to some Bank services.

Card – any bank card issued to the Client or a person specified by the Client under the Agreement, or under agreements concluded in accordance with the General Conditions for the provision to individuals Consumer card at OJSC ALFA-BANK, or in accordance with the General Conditions for issuing a Credit Card, opening and crediting a Credit Card account at OJSC ALFA-BANK.

Personalized Card “My Alpha” – Card Visa Classic PhotoCard/MasterCard PhotoCard Standard, design front side which the Client can create independently by selecting the appropriate image.

Client - an individual who has agreed to the terms of the Agreement. Further in the text of the Agreement, unless otherwise stated, the Client also means the Client’s representative (including the Trustee) and the Contributor.

Code word - a word indicated by the Client in the Client Questionnaire or Application Questionnaire, registered in the Bank’s database and used for Client Authentication in the AlfaConsultant Call Center.

“Change box” is a Bank service provided to a resident Client for the automatic transfer of funds from the Client’s Current Account in rubles to his “My Safe” Account in rubles after each payment by the Client for purchases using a Card issued in his name, for which the specified The current account is a Card Account.

Login is a unique sequence of digital symbols assigned to the Client by the Bank, allowing the Client to be identified in the cases established by the Agreement. The Login entered by the Client during the Identification procedure must correspond to the Login assigned to the Client and contained in the Bank’s information base. The login is assigned exclusively to the Client.

The Client's representative (including the Trustee)/Depositor is not assigned a Login.

Local access card – Card issued to the Client’s Authorized Person/Depositor for Identification of the Authorized Person/Depositor at the Bank Branch on business days of the Bank Branch.

The use of the Local Access Card at ATMs and Express cash desks is not permitted.

Local map mortgage lending- A card issued to the Client for the Mortgage Lending Account, with which the Client identifies himself at Bank Branches, Bank ATMs or Express Cash Desk. Using the Local Mortgage Lending Card, the Client can carry out the following operations: requesting the balance on any Client’s Account at the Bank’s ATMs and Express Cash Desk, transferring funds between Accounts at the Express Cash Desk, depositing funds into the Account through the Express Cash Desk. Expenditure transactions on the Local Mortgage Lending Card are not carried out.

Local Express Card – a Card issued to the Client for making transactions on the “My Safe NT” Account, on the “Ulyotny” Account, on the “Yubileiny” Account (only for Clients who have not received a Service Package), on the Express Account and on the Current Credit mass business client account, at Bank ATMs, Express cash desks and at Bank branches. The Local Express Card is issued only to the Client.

Non-resident – ​​an individual who is not a Resident.

Unauthorized overspending – performing transactions in an amount exceeding the Account Payment Limit.

One-time password is a sequence of alphanumeric characters known only to the Client, associated with the Alfa-Click Login and Password assigned to the Client, which allows for unambiguous Authentication of the Client when submitting an order by the Client in Alfa-Click Internet Bank.

A one-time password is sent by the Bank as part of an SMS message to the Client’s cellular phone number specified in the Client Questionnaire/Application Questionnaire. The procedure for using the One-time Password for the purposes of Client Authentication in Alfa-Click Internet Bank is determined by the Bank independently.

Main account – Current account or “My Safe” account, established by the Bank in accordance with the Agreement or on the basis of the Client’s application, for charging indisputably (without additional orders from the Client) commission for the Service Package.

Bank branch – additional office OJSC "ALFA-BANK", which provides services to the Client in accordance with the Agreement, the credit and cash office of OJSC "ALFA-BANK" or the operational office of OJSC "ALFA-BANK", which provides services to the Client for certain types of operations specified in the Agreement.

Report – a paper document containing information about transactions carried out from the moment access to the Client’s Accounts was opened at the Bank Branch until the Client signed the Report, as well as containing individual conditions for the provision of services under the Agreement.

Service package – “Alfa Life” service package - a set of products and services of the Bank provided for by the Bank’s Tariffs. The term “Service Package” has been used in the Agreement since 06/01/2008. Until 06/01/2008, instead of Service Packages under the Agreement, the “Alpha-Life” Tariff Plan was established - a set of tariffs that are part of the Tariffs charged for performing operations on opening and servicing the Current Account, Current Account, My Safe Account and Cards issued under the Agreement. The “Maximum” service package can be purchased by the Client starting from September 13, 2010. From September 13, 2010, the “Status” service package

not available for new Clients.

“A-Club” service package - A service package that can be selected by a VIP client. The preparation of the necessary documents for the provision of the A-Club Service Package is carried out in the VIP branches. Depending on the type of transaction performed, servicing of the Client who has chosen the “A-Club” Service Package is carried out at any Branch and/or VIP branch of the Bank. The “A-Club” service package is provided after the Bank has positively reviewed the Client’s application for the provision of the “A-Club” service package.

Alfa-Click Password is a sequence of alphanumeric characters known only to the Client, associated with the Login assigned to the Client, which allows the Client to uniquely Authenticate when using the Alfa-Click Internet Bank.

Alfa-Consultant Password is a sequence of digital symbols known only to the Client, associated with the Login assigned to the Client, which allows Authentication of the Client when the Client contacts the Alfa-Consultant Call Center.

Alfa-Mobile Password is a sequence of digital characters known only to the Client, associated with the Login assigned to the Client, allowing the Client to uniquely Authenticate when the Client uses the Alfa-Mobile service.

Partner Card – a Card that allows the Cardholder to participate in an incentive program (bonus program) or other program for individuals conducted by the organization(s) cooperating with the Bank in the issuance of the relevant Partner Cards. The rules for conducting these programs are determined by these organizations independently and are brought to the attention of individuals in the manner established by them.

PIN – secret personal an identification number, assigned to each Card individually, which is analogous to the Client’s handwritten signature.

Payment system is an organization that provides the Bank with services for making the Alfa-Check Money Transfer/Alfa-Mobile Money Transfer in favor of companies, the list of which is independently determined by the Bank. The procedure for providing these services is determined by the agreement between the Bank and the Payment System.

Account payment limit – the amount of funds on the Account, including the balance own funds Client's Account and amount credit limit, minus the amounts of transactions blocked on the Account taking into account the corresponding commission or reserved on behalf of the Client submitted through the Internet Bank "Alfa-Click".

Debit transaction - any transaction performed by the Client on the Account related to the purchase of goods (payment for services) at a merchant, receiving cash from the Bank's ATMs, Express cash desk, ATMs or cash dispensing points of third-party banks, non-cash transfer of funds to other Accounts Client, by non-cash transfer of funds to accounts in other banks, payment to the Bank from the Account of commissions provided for in the Tariffs, as well as debiting by the Bank from the Account of funds erroneously credited by the Bank.

Resident - an individual who is a citizen of the Russian Federation, with the exception of citizens of the Russian Federation recognized as permanent residents of a foreign state in accordance with the legislation of that state, as well as foreign citizens permanently residing in the Russian Federation on the basis of a residence permit provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and stateless persons.

Savings account is a demand deposit account opened for the Client until April 4, 2005 inclusive in accordance with the General Conditions for Opening and Servicing a Savings Account at OJSC ALFA-BANK (Appendix No. 9 to the Agreement).

Access Tools – a set of tools issued by the Bank for Identification and Authentication when the Client uses the services of Alfa-Mobile, Alfa-Click Internet Bank, as well as the Alfa-Consultant Call Center. Access means are issued exclusively to the Client. Access means are not issued to the Client's Representative (including the Trustee), the Depositor.

Account – any of the accounts (both deposit accounts and bank accounts) (except for special accounts opened before 01/01/2007 for carrying out certain currency transactions), opened by the Bank to the Client for carrying out banking operations, in the manner and on the terms provided for Agreement.

Account for conversion – an account opened in the name of the Client for conversion operations between the Client’s Accounts, if he does not have a Current, Savings, Express account, My Safe Account, My Safe NT Account, or Anniversary Account in the appropriate currency. The conversion account is opened when the Client performs the first conversion transaction. Account servicing is carried out in accordance with the Bank's Tariffs.

Card Account – an Account (with the exception of a Credit Card Account, a Consumer Card Account, a Current Credit Account of a Mass Business client), from which funds are indisputably (without additional orders from the Client) debited for transactions made using the Card at merchants, at issuing points cash and ATMs of third-party banks, as well as debiting Bank commissions on the Card in accordance with the Tariffs. The Client determines the Card Account upon issuance of each Card.

Any Current Account of the Client can be selected as the card account, and for the Local Express Card the “My Safe NT” Account, the “Awesome” Account, the “Anniversary” Account and the Express Account can also be selected. In the future, the Client, at his own discretion, can change the Card Account (without re-issuing the Card) to any of his other Current Accounts or change the Local Express Card Account to another “My Safe NT” Account, “Awesome” Account, “Anniversary” Account or Express Account through the AlfaConsultant Call Center or a Bank Branch. For changing the Card Account, the Bank charges a commission in accordance with the Tariffs.

Credit Card Account - An account opened for the Client to record transactions carried out in accordance with the General Conditions for issuing a Credit Card, opening and crediting a Credit Card Account with OJSC ALFA-BANK. Servicing of the Credit Card Account is carried out in accordance with the Tariffs.

The Client instructs the Bank to open a Credit Card Account if the Bank decides to provide the Client with a Credit Card and deliver it by mail or by a Bank employee. The Bank does not accrue interest on the balance on the Credit Card Account. In the event of failure to conclude an agreement providing for the issuance of a Credit Card in accordance with the above General Conditions, the Credit Card Account is closed within 90 calendar days from the date of its opening.

Local Mortgage Lending Card Account – An account opened for the Client to record the receipt and further servicing of a mortgage loan at Bank Branches specializing in issuance and servicing mortgage loans. The fact of opening a Mortgage Lending Account is confirmed by the Report. Servicing of the Mortgage Lending Account is carried out in accordance with the Bank's Tariffs.

“My Safe” Account is an Account opened by the Bank for the Client in the manner and on the terms provided for by the General Conditions for Opening and Servicing the “My Safe” Account in OJSC “ALFA-BANK” (Appendix No. 2 to the Agreement).

“My Safe NT” Account is an Account opened for the Client by the Bank in the manner and on the terms provided for by the General Conditions for Opening and Servicing the “My Safe NT” Account in OJSC “ALFA-BANK” (Appendix No. 3 to the Agreement).

“Yubileyny” Account is an Account opened for the Client by the Bank in the manner and under the conditions provided for by the General Conditions for Opening and Servicing the “Yubileyny” Account in OJSC “ALFA-BANK” (Appendix No. 3 to the Agreement).

Consumer Card Account – An account opened for the Client to record transactions carried out in accordance with the General Conditions for the provision of a Consumer Card to individuals at OJSC ALFA-BANK. Servicing of the Consumer Card Account is carried out in accordance with the Bank's Tariffs. The Bank does not accrue interest on the balance on the Consumer Card Account.

In the event of failure to conclude an agreement providing for the issuance of a Consumer Card in accordance with the above General Conditions, the Consumer Card Account is closed within 30 calendar days from the date of its opening.

“Ulyotny” Account - an Account opened by the Bank for the Client in the manner and under the conditions provided for by the General Conditions for Opening and Servicing the “Ulyotny” Account in OJSC “ALFA-BANK” (Appendix No. 3 to the Agreement).

Tariffs – a collection of commissions and their values ​​payable by the Client in cases provided for in the Agreement and/or other agreements concluded by the Client with the Bank.

Current account – An account opened by the Bank for the Client in the manner and on the terms provided for by the General Conditions for Opening and Servicing a Current Account with OJSC ALFA-BANK (Appendix No. 1 to the Agreement).

Current credit account - an account opened for the Client upon his application specified in the Application for a Consumer Loan at OJSC "ALFA-BANK", or in the Application for a loan for the purchase of a car and the transfer of the purchased car as collateral, or in the Application for a loan for payment for a car purchased by a third party. The Current Credit Account carries out transactions stipulated by the Consumer Loan Agreement concluded with the Client in accordance with the General Conditions for Providing Consumer Loans to Individuals at OJSC "ALFA-BANK", or the Lending and Pledge Agreement in accordance with the General Conditions for Providing a Loan for the Purchase of a Car and collateral of the purchased car, or a Lending Agreement providing for the provision of a loan to pay for a car purchased by a third party in accordance with the General conditions for providing a loan to pay for a car purchased by a third party, or a Lending Agreement in accordance with the General conditions for providing a Personal loan (a loan with the condition of a monthly repayment of debt in equal installments). Servicing of the Current credit account is carried out in accordance with the Bank's Tariffs. The Bank does not accrue interest on the balance of the Current Credit Account. In the event of concluding a Consumer Loan Agreement, or a Lending and Pledge Agreement, or a Lending Agreement providing for the provision of a loan to pay for a car purchased by a third party, or a Lending Agreement, the closure of the Current Credit Account is carried out in the manner prescribed by the above agreements. In the event of failure to conclude a Consumer Credit Agreement, or a Lending and Pledge Agreement, or a Lending Agreement providing for the provision of a loan to pay for a car purchased by a third party, the Current Credit Account is closed within 30 calendar days from the date of its opening.

Current credit account of a Mass Business client - An account opened for the Client upon his application contained in the Questionnaire-Application for a loan at OJSC "ALFA-BANK", drawn up by the Client in order to obtain a "Partner" loan. Servicing of the Current credit account of a Mass Business client is carried out in accordance with the Tariffs. Only a Local Express Card can be issued to the Current Credit Account of a Mass Business client. Using the Current credit account of a Mass Business client, it is possible to carry out the following operations: depositing cash, including with conversion, through a Bank Branch and Express Cash Desk; crediting to the Current credit account of the Mass Business client of funds received by non-cash means from other Client Accounts; transfer of funds from the Current credit account of a Mass Business client to other Client Accounts, including with conversion; cash withdrawal through the Bank's ATM, Express cash desk and Bank branch, including conversion, using a Local Express card. The commission for the Service Package and other commissions (including in case of insufficient funds on other Client Accounts) are not allowed to be debited from the Current credit account of a Mass Business client, except in cases expressly provided for by the Bank's Tariffs for the specified account and with the exception of the commission for processing a loan application established Tariffs of the Bank and specified in the Loan Agreement. The Bank does not accrue interest on the balance on the Current Credit Account of a Mass Business client. In the event of failure to conclude a loan agreement, the Current credit account of the Mass Business client is closed within 30 calendar days from the date of its opening. The closure of the Current credit account of a Mass Business client is carried out in accordance with Section 13 of the Agreement.

Current consumer account - an account opened for the Client upon his application specified in the Application Form for receiving a Non-targeted loan “Fast Loans” at OJSC “ALFA-BANK”. Operations are carried out on the Current consumer account as provided for in the Agreement concluded with the Client on Non-targeted loan in accordance with the General Conditions for the provision of Non-targeted loans “Fast Loans” to individuals at OJSC ALFA-BANK. Servicing of the Current consumer account is carried out in accordance with the Bank's Tariffs. The Bank does not accrue interest on the balance on the Current Consumer Account. In the event of concluding an Agreement on a Non-Targeted Loan, the closure of the Current consumer account is carried out in the manner prescribed by the above agreement. In the event of failure to conclude an Agreement on a Non-Targeted Loan, the Current Consumer Account is closed within 30 calendar days from the date of its opening.

Telephone center "Alfa-Consultant" is a system of software and hardware systems of the Bank, which allows the Client, after his successful Identification and Authentication through a telephone channel in automatic mode and/or with the participation of an operator - an employee of the Bank, to remotely conduct banking operations and receive reference information about banking services in in the manner and on the terms provided for in the Agreement.

Third party – an individual in whose favor the Contract is concluded by the Provider.

TSP is a trade and service enterprise.

Loss of the Card – loss due to loss, theft or other reasons of the Card (including transfer of the Card to other persons), as well as receipt of information about the number, expiration date and encoding of the magnetic stripe of the Card by other persons.

Loss of Access Tools - receipt by third parties, with or without the Client’s knowledge, of one of the Access Tools.

Template "Alfa-Click" - a set of payment details created by the Client in the Internet Bank "Alfa-Click", stored in the Bank and used by the Client to issue orders for transfers via the Internet Bank "Alfa-Click", "Alfa-Mobile" or "Alfa-Chek" "

Express cash desk is a multifunctional electronic software and hardware complex of the Bank, designed for Clients to deposit cash into the Account without the participation of a Bank employee, as well as for Clients to perform all or some of the following operations without the participation of a Bank employee: withdrawal of cash from the Account, transfer of funds funds between the Client's Accounts, as well as performing other transactions, if the Bank has the technical capability, in the manner and on the terms provided for in the Agreement.

Express account - An account opened by the Bank to the Client for the subsequent placement (withdrawal) of funds into the Time Deposit (from the Time Deposit) in the manner and under the conditions provided for by the General Conditions for placing a Time Deposit in OJSC "ALFA-BANK", unless otherwise established

Appendix No. 7 to the Agreement. The following operations can also be carried out using an Express account:

depositing cash, including with conversion; crediting funds received by non-cash means (from other Client Accounts and from other banks); transfer of funds to other Client Accounts, including conversion; transfer of funds to accounts in other banks; write-off of commissions provided for in the Bank's Tariffs.

VIP client – ​​a Client who has chosen the “A-Club” Service Package and is served according to it, having completed the necessary documents, in the event positive decision Bank on providing the Client with the “A-Club” Service Package, as well as the Client who did not choose the “A-Club” Service Package, but is a holder Maps World Signia MasterCard.

VIP branch – a Bank branch intended only for servicing Clients for whom the Bank has issued the “A-Club” Service Package.


2.1.The Agreement determines the conditions and procedure for the Bank to provide comprehensive services to Clients.

Comprehensive banking services to Clients are provided in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, banking rules and the Agreement.

The Agreement is considered concluded between the Parties from the date the Bank personally receives from the Client written confirmation of adherence to the terms of the Agreement on paper in the form established by the Bank, signed by the Client in his own hand, upon presentation of the DUL and other documents, the list of which is determined by the Bank in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation And regulations Bank of Russia. The documents presented by the Client must be valid on the date of their presentation to the Bank. Documents submitted to the Bank, drawn up in whole or in any part in a foreign language, must be accompanied by a translation into Russian, certified in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Confirmation of adherence to the terms of the Agreement with a mark of acceptance by the Bank is the only document confirming the fact of conclusion of the Agreement. The second copy of the confirmation of adherence to the terms of the Agreement with a mark of acceptance by the Bank is handed over to the Client.

2.2.Conclusion of this Agreement by the Client who previously concluded an Agreement with the Bank on banking services for individuals at OJSC "ALFA-BANK"; agreements: on the opening and procedure for maintaining an account covering personal international plastic card VISA – Alfa-Bank\Eurocard/MasterCard – AlfaBank; on the opening and procedure for maintaining an account covering a personal international plastic card VISA Electron– Alfa-Bank/Cirrus\Maestro – Alfa-Bank; bank deposit(demand deposit), bank deposit (time deposit); bank account in rubles; a bank account (for individuals) in euros intended to receive compensation from the Claims Conference Foundation; demand deposits in rubles and/or US dollars, intended for the implementation of the settlement program with individual clients of JSCB SbS-AGRO and those wishing to terminate the above agreements, is carried out in the manner established by clause 2.1 of this Agreement, taking into account the provisions of the General Conditions termination of agreements previously concluded between the Bank and the Client and carrying out mutual settlements in connection with the Client’s accession to the Agreement on comprehensive banking services for individuals at OJSC ALFA-BANK (Appendix No. 7 to the Agreement). The Bank and the Client mutually undertake to make the necessary payments and terminate the said agreements in the manner and within the time limits established by the General Conditions for the termination of agreements previously concluded between the Bank and the Client and for mutual settlements in connection with the Client’s accession to the Agreement on comprehensive banking services for individuals at OJSC "ALFA- BANK".

2.3. The Client may issue a power of attorney in the name of the Trustee to conclude an Agreement, open and manage an Account. The power of attorney for concluding an Agreement and opening an Account must be certified by a notary. The power of attorney to manage the Account can be certified by the Bank or by a notary.

When contacting the Bank to conclude an Agreement, open and/or dispose of an Account on behalf of the Client, the authorized person presents the DOL and a power of attorney executed in the prescribed manner. The Trustee is subject to all requirements for performing transactions and using services established by the Agreement.

2.4.As part of the comprehensive service, the Bank provides the Client with the opportunity to use any service provided for in the Agreement.

2.5.The basis for providing the Client with one or another service provided for in the Agreement is: the Bank Branch - a written order from the Client, including in the form of a signed Report, as well as positive Identification and Authentication of the Client; the Alfa-Click Internet Bank - connection to the Alfa-Click Internet Bank in the manner established by the Agreement, as well as positive Identification and Authentication of the Client; Alfa-Mobile - connection to the Alfa-Mobile service in the manner established by the Agreement, as well as positive Identification and Authentication of the Client; the Alfa-Consultant Call Center - connection to the Alfa-Consultant Call Center in the manner prescribed by the Agreement, as well as successful Identification and Authentication of the Client.

2.6. Documents used in the relationship between the Client and the Bank in electronic form, sent by the Client to the Bank via the Alfa-Click Internet Bank, after positive results of Authentication and Identification of the Client in the Alfa-Click Internet Bank, are considered sent on behalf of the Client and are recognized as equal relevant paper documents and give rise to similar rights and obligations of the Parties under this Agreement (with the exception of currency control documents for which the regulatory documents of the Bank of Russia do not provide for the possibility of submitting documents to the Bank in electronic form) from the moment the Client changes the temporary Alfa-Click Password to a permanent Password Alfa Click in the manner specified in the Agreement.

2.7. In accordance with Part 1 of Article 450 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Parties agreed that the Bank has the right to make changes to the terms of the Agreement and the Tariffs, including changing the Service Package chosen by the Client to a different Service Package. At the same time, the changes made by the Bank:

2.7.1.c of the Agreement, become binding for the Parties 10 (ten) calendar days from the date the Bank posts a new version of the Agreement, or changes made to the Agreement, on information stands in Bank Branches and on the Bank’s WEB page on the Internet at :

2.7.2.c Tariffs become mandatory for the Parties from the date of entry into force of the new version of the Tariffs, and the Bank places the new version of the Tariffs on information stands in the Bank's Branches and on the Bank's WEB page on the Internet at the address:

2.8. If the Bank does not receive a written notice of termination of the Agreement from the Client before the new terms of the Agreement enter into force, the Bank considers this an expression of consent to the changes in the terms of the Agreement.

2.9. For Clients who were provided with an authorized overdraft on the basis of Proposals on individual conditions for lending to a Current account (overdraft), accepted by the Bank until 06/30/2007 inclusive, the General conditions for lending to a Current account (Overdraft) will apply from 04/22/2009.


3.1.For comprehensive banking services, the Bank opens an Account for the Client:

When the Client contacts a Bank Branch - on the basis of the Client’s Questionnaire, or an oral statement confirmed by the Report signed by the Client;

When the Client contacts the Alfa-Consultant Call Center - in accordance with the procedure provided for in Section 5 of the Agreement.

3.2. The Bank provides the following services: accepting and crediting funds received to the Account, executing the Client’s orders to transfer and withdraw the corresponding amounts from the Account and conducting other transactions on the Account to the extent provided for in the Agreement. When conducting conversion transactions, transactions are carried out at the rate established by the Agreement. The Bank's exchange rate for conversion transactions may differ for different types of transactions.

3.2.1. The Bank opens Accounts in foreign currencies specified in the Tariffs in accordance with the selected Service Package. For Accounts in foreign currency Swiss frank and the English pound sterling, opened within the framework of the “Style”, “Status” and “Maximum” service packages, operations are carried out on non-cash transfer funds, as well as deposits and withdrawals of funds with conversion (cash transactions in Swiss franc and British pound currencies are not carried out). For Accounts opened as part of the A-Club Service Package, cash transactions in the currencies of Swiss franc and British pound sterling are also possible, for Accounts in the currencies of Canadian dollar and Japanese yen Only non-cash transfers of funds are carried out, as well as deposits and withdrawals of funds with conversion (cash transactions in Canadian dollars and Japanese yen are not carried out). In this case, Accounts opened in the specified currencies cannot be selected by the Client as the Main Account.

3.2.2. The Bank does not carry out transactions with coins of foreign states (groups of states). If it is necessary to issue cash to the Client in an amount expressed exclusively in nominal value coins, this amount is issued to the Client in rubles at the Bank’s exchange rate.

3.3. For Clients who have chosen a Tariff plan, the following compliance of the Tariff plan and

Service package:

Tariff plan “Bravo!” (for Clients who entered into an Agreement in accordance with clause 2.2 of the Agreement, as well as Clients who signed up for the “Bravo!” Tariff Plan before November 1, 2006) corresponds to the “Bravo!” Service Package;

Tariff plan “Class!” corresponds to the “Class!” Service Package;

The “Style” tariff plan corresponds to the “Style” Service Package;

Tariff plan "Status" corresponds to the Service Package "Status";

The “Corporate” tariff plan corresponds to the “Corporate” Service Package;

The “A-Club” tariff plan corresponds to the “A-Club” service package.

From August 10, 2009, the “Bravo” service package is renamed to the “Basic” service package.

3.4. Transactions for the transfer of funds from the Account are carried out solely on the basis of the application, instruction and/or order of the Client, executed in the form established by the Bank, signed by the Client in his own hand (except for transactions carried out using the Card and confirmed by a set of PIN), or received in Bank through the AlfaConsultant Telephone Center, Alfa-Click Internet Bank, Alfa-Mobile, Alfa-Chek services and/or Express cash desk.

3.5. The Client instructs the Bank to draw up and sign settlement documents necessary to carry out operations to transfer funds from the Account, based on the documents specified in clause 3.4 of the Agreement.

3.6.When performing transactions on the Account, a Report is generated at the Bank Branch. If the Client disagrees with the operations performed, the operations are canceled, the Report is not signed by the Client and is not issued to the Client. When the Client confirms transactions carried out on the Account, the Report is signed by the Client in 2 (two) copies, one of which is issued to the Client.

3.7. When carrying out a transaction to write off funds from the Account, the transaction amount is blocked on the Account (taking into account the corresponding commission) at the time the Client confirms the transaction (signing the Report by the Client), or confirms the transaction in the Alfa-Click Internet Bank, or when performing a transaction on Card with an authorization request, or when the Bank issues a funds transfer based on the Client’s application.

3.8. If the execution of the Client’s order on the Account requires additional verification in terms of compliance of the transaction with the requirements of currency legislation or a legal examination, the Client submits payment or other documents to the Bank with the execution of a receipt in the form established by the Bank. The Bank has the right not to execute the Client’s orders and return payment and other documents if errors, inconsistency of details or non-compliance of the specified documents/transactions with the legislation of the Russian Federation are revealed during the inspection or examination. Documents not accepted by the Bank are returned within 3 (three) business days from the date of their acceptance from the Client.

In this case, the transaction amount remains blocked until the Bank receives the necessary details (documents) from the Client or the Bank makes a decision about the impossibility of executing the Client’s order.

3.9. The Bank executes applications, instructions and/or orders of the Client within the following terms:

3.9.1. Write-off of the transaction amount from the Client’s Account when the Client carries out operations on non-cash transfer of funds between the Client’s Accounts and to the accounts of other Clients; debiting the transaction amount from the Client's Account to accounts opened in other banks is carried out no later than the business day following the day the Bank receives the corresponding application, instruction and/or order from the Client, except for the cases provided for in clause 3.8 of the Agreement.

3.9.2. Upon receipt from the Client of an order to carry out a transaction for the non-cash purchase/sale of foreign currency before 13:30, the operation is carried out on the same business day at the Bank’s rate in force on the day the Client’s order was received, and the amount of the transaction is debited from the Account during the day of receipt of the Client's order.

3.9.3. If the Client’s order to carry out a transaction for non-cash purchase/sale of foreign currency is received by the Bank after 13:30, the Bank reserves the right to execute the Client’s order on the next business day. In this case, funds are debited from the Client's Account on the next business day at the Bank's rate in effect on the date of the actual transaction.

3.10. The Client, unless otherwise provided by the terms of the Agreement, instructs the Bank to write off in an indisputable manner (without additional orders from the Client) from the Account:

3.10.1. commissions, penalties, fines provided for in the Agreement and Tariffs, as well as repay overdue debts on loans provided by the Bank;

3.10.2. funds to reimburse documented expenses of the Bank incurred by the Bank as a result of servicing the Account;

3.10.3. the amount of taxes arising during the execution of the Agreement, the payment of which is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

3.10.4. funds erroneously credited to the Account by the Bank.

3.11. Debiting funds from special bank accounts opened in the name of the Client before 01/01/2007 in accordance with the requirements of Bank of Russia Instruction No. 116-I dated 06/07/2004 is carried out in compliance with the requirements established by the currency legislation of the Russian Federation and acts of currency regulatory authorities.

3.12. The amount of the Bank’s commission for transactions performed with the Client’s funds is established in accordance with the Tariffs in force at the Bank on the date of the transaction.

3.13. The Bank has the right to process any information related to the Client’s personal data (full name, year, month, date and place of birth, identification document details, addresses:

place of residence, place of registration, place of work, information about bank accounts, the amount of debt to the Bank, the Client’s credit history and any other information previously provided to the Bank, including those containing bank secrets), including that specified in the Client Questionnaire/Questionnaire - Application and other documents, with or without the use of automation tools, including collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification, use, distribution (including transfer), depersonalization, blocking, destruction of personal data provided to the Bank in connection with the conclusion Agreements, and other actions provided for Federal law dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”.

The Client agrees and authorizes the Bank to provide, in whole or in part, the information specified in paragraph one of this paragraph and ongoing transactions on the Accounts, to a third party with whom the Bank has entered into a confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement, including for the purposes of:

3.13.1. communication with the Client to provide information on the execution of the Agreement, to organize mailings, SMS messages and e-mail mailings to the Client of account statements, information on loans, proposals (offers) of the Bank, as well as to transfer informational and advertising messages about the Bank's services: in this case, the Client bears all risks associated with the fact that the sent messages become available to third parties;

3.13.2.carry out the registration necessary for the execution of the Agreement in incentive programs (bonus programs) or in other programs for individuals conducted by organizations cooperating with the Bank within the framework of issuing Partner Cards, as well as for the implementation of these programs;

3.13.3. making telephone contact with the Client to provide the Client with information about the execution of the Agreement, lending agreements, as well as transmitting information and advertising messages about the Bank’s services;

3.13.4. collection of overdue debts to the Bank under the Agreement and/or any other agreement concluded with the Bank, including lending agreements (loan agreements);

3.13.5. organization of improvements software Jar;

3.13.6. providing the Bank with services for storing client documents, creating and storing electronic copies of these documents;

3.13.7. investigation of controversial transactions in the case of depositing cash into the Client’s Account through software and hardware devices of third-party organizations;

3.13.8. receipt by the Client using the Alfa-Click Internet Bank of information on purchased investment units of mutual funds investment funds and implementation by the Client of transactions with investment units mutual investment funds managed by management companies. The list of management companies with which the Client can carry out transactions via the Alfa-Click Internet Bank is determined by the Bank independently;

3.13.9. drawing up, on behalf of and at the order of the Client, payment documents for transferring funds from the Accounts;

3.13.10. purchase by Clients of goods, works, services provided by payment recipients, including insurance companies with which the Bank has entered into relevant agreements, including through payment through Bank Branches, Internet Bank Alfa-Click, online stores, payment terminals , payment acceptance desks, ATMs and other devices. The list of payment recipients, payment for goods, works, services for which the Client can make through Bank Branches, Alfa-Click Internet Bank, online stores, payment terminals, payment acceptance desks, ATMs and other devices is determined by the Bank independently.

Historical Society of British Columbia. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer, who may use the contents in a review. Chinese Canadian Historical Society of British Columbia Vancouver, British Columbia,...”

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I'm always really bad at coming up with titles for my articles. But I rarely write articles, but I will write posts quite often (at least, I plan to). In order not to rack my brains over what titles to give to posts (short vs. detailed, with humor vs. strict), I decided to use the system of the “Gastronomic School” series “About...”. Their books are called: “About Fish”, “About Pies”, “About Salads”. By the way, my dream is to collect all the books in this series. There is one thing holding them back: there is absolutely nowhere to put them. But we’ll talk about gastronomy sometime later, but for now let me introduce you to my first post from the “About” series: “About DKBO.”

BCBO is an Agreement on Comprehensive Banking Services, the basis of the Bank’s relationship with clients. Clients very often ask questions about it (even in the comments on my first post), so I decided to write about DKBO.

DKBO was introduced by Alfa-Bank in 2003. Moreover, we were pioneers; before us, the agreement on comprehensive banking services was almost never used in Russia. I will try to explain the advantages of this approach.

Until 2003, a separate agreement was signed for each account (current in rubles, current in dollars, current in euros, savings account in rubles, dollars, euros, etc.), for each card, for each deposit. Thus, both the Bank and the clients were drowning in a sea of ​​papers, and for each paper the client had to personally come to the branch. Since the fall of 2003, a single Agreement on Comprehensive Banking Services (ACBS) came into force. The Agreement is considered concluded from the date the Bank personally receives from the Client written confirmation of adherence to the terms of the Agreement. The main difference between the DKBO is that once a client joins it, he has the opportunity to use any of the Bank’s products and services. It is also important that it is thanks to DKBO that you can remotely open deposits, connect and disconnect services, open accounts, etc.

Clients often ask why they are not given a written Agreement. There is only one reason: the very specifics of DKBO (it is truly complex!) makes it simply unprofitable. The contract is about 60 pages long and is subject to frequent changes. But you can always download it from our website, and the latest version. Clients for whom it is fundamentally important to read the Agreement before signing up to join it can easily do this by visiting our website. And clients for whom this issue does not matter will not read the printout.

Perhaps most often, clients are indignant at the fact that they do not have the opportunity to quickly learn about updates to the DKBO and especially about changes in tariffs. There is nothing simpler, you just need to subscribe on the Alfa-Bank website to receive email notifications about changes in documents and tariffs (