The anti-Russian standard is official. What to do if debt collectors threaten you with murder or violence

It’s not Russian to skin your compatriots by giving them loans from your banking feast during a global and Russian economic plague!
As an example of bank robbery in Russian, let’s take only one bank out of many of them, take off the blindfold and take a look. ..
Russian Standard Bank not only grew up in the mega-trade of alcohol, but its management continues to develop this “charitable” business to this day.
However, about our “gods” at the end. In the meantime, it’s worth saying that by supporting every ruble of this specific element of system-wide and not entirely Russian (an element of the overseas wine and vodka system “Martini” is involved in the case) usury by stable payment to it of all accrued payments, everyone law-abiding before this specific usurious element a citizen directly or indirectly, but in each case definitely himself, contributes to the common cause of soldering his own nation. And not only does it contribute to this, first taking and then giving a loan.
Here and below, I mean not only those who take and give loans in order to live with dignity and peace, but also those who take them and do not give them back, in order, albeit not quite calmly, but to actually survive, and sometimes even live to see better things times

Some believe that the main task of a national banking system is not so much to create a lush and rich infrastructure of its own, but to bring money to the real economy at the least cost. In this regard, it seems that the exorbitant profits of banks, especially systemically important ones, indicate that the mechanism for bringing money to the real economy is working extremely ineffectively. The refinancing rate is 7.5%, loans to the population and industry are about 20%. As a result, the profit pledged by banks from the main activity is about 300% (!). And since this triple burden falls on the shoulders of the real manufacturer. to that extent, there is no need to talk about the competitiveness of the Russian economy and the Russian manufacturer.
Moreover. Crazy profits, openly built into the basic mechanism of money distribution, give rise to no less crazy corruption. This abnormal excess profit also allows you to quickly and easily perform its additional function: the legalization of a huge mass of other material and monetary assets, stolen, of course, not through banal theft, but by more sophisticated scientific schemes of this century, combining electronic, psychological and economic methods and “methods” of mass washing of wallets through influencing the minds of their owners.
Universal Brotherhood and world-wide usury are incompatible things!

To prove the reality of the new aphorism, I will cite only one of many facts.
Quote from blog President of the Russian Federation:
“In the Republic of Khakassia, several banks provide loans to entrepreneurs, but the conditions for receiving these loans are not realistic. You have to take out loans for consumer needs of 50 thousand for 1.5 years and at 50% per annum. Monthly payment with all kinds of commissions is 5,000 rubles. What is 50,000 rubles for a business? Rent 1 sq. meter of retail space per month in our city is from 900 rubles. That's you have to spend a lot of these small loans. And then pay outrageous amounts every month. As a result, there was no profit, everything was eaten up by renting a retail space, staff salaries (and they also want to pay more, people) and paying off loan payments. As a result to replenish working capital again you have to go to the bank. In our city This is how many entrepreneurs work. Not for yourself and business development, but for bank interest. Ultimately people end up in such debt pits!!! Debt restructuring, where is it? Banks offer restructuring services, but here too you must be just an ideal within their framework. The question is - why do I need your restructuring if I have super profits? We have a couple of years ago female entrepreneur hanged herself due to inability to pay a bank loan, finished it off. And this doesn’t mean that she didn’t want to settle accounts with them, she just didn’t have the opportunity. But they just finished it off, but they could have given a real opportunity to pay off by increasing the lending period, for example. It’s scary to do business here in Russia. And not real. It’s better to stand at the labor exchange. It's safer this way. Or everyone will get into a noose. You look from the outside and it becomes I feel sorry for these people who fight like fish against ice and also try to give other people the opportunity to earn money.”

It is not difficult to understand that individuals who take out loans from banks for almost the same blood-sucking conditions are even less protected than the legal entities we are talking about man from Khakassia.

We are often told that "everyone is equal before the law".
They also say that the borrower-client and the lender-bank are also equally equal before the supposedly always blind, that is, absolutely incorruptible law. Slyly confusing the sinful Earth and the holy Heaven, they give us as proof a literally obvious example of a mythical figure armed with a sword and scales, tightly blindfolded.. By this, we are silently and convincingly hinted that this one, frozen in the rich imagination of those who have sunk into oblivion? either the ancient Greeks or the antediluvian Egyptians marble figures, clay or gypsum - what is this Roman Amazon in the chiton of either a pious Greek woman or a respectable Egyptian woman there is the real goddess of all earthly justice , executing the guilty with one hand, regardless of their tall or not very tall faces - executing precisely when the guilt of the evil committed by the guilty would have been previously found by the other hand of this half-blind goddess and only then measured, weighed and proven.
But how exactly this half-blind woman can find something - we are not yet told.
Therefore, before trusting your eyes and ears at the sight of this figure, supposedly completely ideal according to the ancient meaning inherent in it, it is worth asking about who and what exactly in our modern earthly reality this “god” is » or "goddess" » justice?
We should ask - how tight is the bandage on her or his supposedly honestly blindfolded eyes, how accurate are the scales in his or her by sight and by rumor it seems like never ungreased, incorruptible by anyone and a worthless hand, how well sharpened is her or her smashing sword in the right hand? And finally, it’s worth asking about the extent to which both hands of our real “gods” and “goddesses” are earthly and not heavenly Justice! - depend on hand actions each of them separately, as well as from the actions of each other’s hands?....
And only after receiving accurate, convincing not only according to one mythical ancient rumor, but also according to many real real facts positive according to the ancient meaning, modern answers to these simple ones, children's questions- only after that, and not before that moment of truth for everyone who is just being we can fully and unconditionally believe in this complete coincidence - in the perfect identity of the ancient mythical figure and its modern reflection.
Only in this way can we, at every current moment of existence, recognize the complete correctness of the otherwise always abstract formula about « equality of all before the Law » !

I myself have no complaints about the idea expressed in any sculpture or in the image of this “Goddess of Justice”. But there are a lot of complaints about her modern and more than imperfect “ideal” embodied in flesh and blood. There are so many of these claims that I suggest that everyone first think about their own refutation of the well-known thesis about “equality of all before the law”, thinking about how the ideal conceived by the ancients is not equal to its real reflection - both in general and in particular. Using, among other things, my personal “banking” experience, I can say that each specific debtor cannot be on an equal footing before the Law with any of those banks that take him to court for non-payment - just as none of us can to be on an equal footing before the law and with any organization - for the simple and, perhaps precisely because of this, elusive reason that millions of compatriots get into permanent (if you live honestly) debts precisely from great need: obvious and hidden unemployment, low pay for honest labor, endemic corruption among the “goddesses” and “gods of justice” and a dozen other reasons. At the same time, supposedly equal to a certain client before an imperfect law, a certain bank, as a rule, gives the former a loan precisely because of completely opposite reasons and circumstances for the latter. Namely: from great abundance ....

Enough to start thinking about it seriously.


Hello! My husband and I have the same problem. In 2006, my husband took out household appliances on credit. After some time, a card from the Russian Standard bank arrived in his name. He activated it over the phone. They said that for 2000 rubles. it will be paid off in three years. They paid for two months - it seemed normal, but then the further it went, the worse it became; They started sending such sums that it made my hair stand on end. We paid 40,300 rubles. and stopped paying. The bank, of course, sued my husband. The amount quoted was 84,072 rubles. The husband immediately went to court to cancel the court order. The cancellation order came in our favor.

A year has passed and now a lawsuit and a subpoena have arrived again. The trial will be in the city of Irkutsk and, of course, he will not go, I’ll tell you straight, there is no money. They themselves thought about who they were giving it to and why. How many people ended up on these maps like this? And most don't pay. Tell me what to do, how to do the right thing! After all, the bank was closed a year ago. Thank you in advance!


Good day,

Russian Standard Bank has not yet been closed; just recently in 2009, it even underwent licensing and received a license as an exchange intermediary carrying out commodity futures and options transactions in exchange trading. The bank has its own website on the Internet -

The right thing to do is to pay off the entire amount owed to the bank. From the point of view of the legislation of the Russian Federation, an agreement was concluded between you and the bank, by virtue of which mutual obligations arose between you. The Bank has an obligation to you to provide a loan in a certain amount, and you have an obligation to the Bank to repay the loan, taking into account all payments that are provided for in signed by you agreement

If you read the contract carefully, it turns out that you need to pay over several (about 9) years at a rate of 52% per annum. After all, when using a credit card, in addition to the 23% annual bank rate, a commission for servicing a personal account in the amount of 22.8% and a commission for withdrawing funds in the amount of 4.9% are added.

Refusals to pay debts on plastic cards of Russian Standard Bank began at the moment when articles about banking products with hidden fees appeared in the media. In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Rospotrebnadzor openly called on BRS borrowers not to fulfill their debt obligations, citing the fact that the bankers initially misled their clients. Similar statements were repeated several times in the press and on television, and the result was a massive refusal of clients to fulfill their loan obligations. The appeals of Rospotrebnadzor fell on fertile ground; debtors, by their nature, are not conscientious anyway, and when the opportunity arose to refer to a government body, they categorically refused to repay the loans.

After citizens became clear about the real picture that would develop if they withdraw money by card, the situation changed radically, and they did not take out loans. For reference, as of 2008, Russian Standard issued 20.3 million cards, of this fairly significant number of cards, only 7% were used by the owners to carry out transactions, that is, they were “active” (according to the magazine Banks and Business World No. 1 -2 for 2009).

I have heard that in Siberia there have been won court cases to invalidate an agreement on RS cards (I have heard about processes regarding non-compliance with the form of the agreement and the absence of essential terms of the agreement in the offer (offer of the bank), however, I personally do not have such practice and solutions issued in such cases too.

My husband does not have an official job and is not on the stock exchange. We live only on the benefits that I receive. How to correctly state the essence so that our application is considered and the amount is reduced. We did not enter into a written agreement; we activated the Russian Standard Bank card over the phone. Information about interest rates was also received only by telephone. Tell me, if you don’t respond to the claim at all and don’t pay the bank money, what could happen? After all, some do just that, and it doesn’t matter to them. Or is this just for the time being?


My problem is similar to yours, here people who have suffered from the illegal actions of Russian Standard Bank communicate.

In your case, you should contact a lawyer if you are not sure that you are right or that you can handle it on your own. As for the rest, Yulia is right, we need to look and understand in more detail in order to give specific advice.


It’s your right: whether to go to trial or not (but then inform the judge that you will not be present at the trial).

On what grounds was the court order cancelled? What did the judge take into account when making such a decision?

The “closure” of a bank may mean liquidation, reorganization, closure of a branch in your locality, etc. In your situation, what exactly happened?

And as for the statement: “They themselves thought about who they were giving it to and why”...They thought very well. Yes, there is a risk, but many pay. Sometimes, of course, there are enslaving terms of the transaction, but this must be justified and proven in court (by you, if you do not agree with the terms of the contract and for you they are so unfavorable and aggravating that you can talk about servitude). By activating the card, you agree to the terms of the agreement and, accordingly, to the loan payments. Therefore, here you need to familiarize yourself with the conditions that the bank has offered you. And based on the text, it will be possible to draw conclusions about the nature of payments, percentages, and liability measures.

The court order was canceled. My husband applied to the court for cancellation, in which he indicated that he did not agree with the court order and wished to consider it in the general legal procedure. I don’t know what to do, my husband doesn’t work, we live on the benefit that I receive. Two children. Tell me how to write statements correctly. Go to court against Russian Standard Bank.

A court order can be canceled, on the grounds of Article 129 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, namely, it is enough to express your disagreement with the order within 10 days from the date of receipt of a copy of the order (certified by the court).

From personal experience.

I, too, do not have such a practice, like Elena.

Natalya, in order to answer something specific about the claim, you need to know the terms of the contract (and this information can be requested from the bank or in court, where you are not going to go yet).

We do not know how much you have already paid, how much is left, how much of this is the amount of the principal debt, and how much is interest, etc. In general, this information, at least in general form, should be in the claim that was brought against you - there should be a calculation there amount of claim.

And there should also be information about the plaintiff (bank or its branch).

There are many links on the Internet regarding claims against Russian Standard Bank. But without analyzing your contract, it will be difficult to say anything specifically.

After the court makes a decision and it comes into force, the bank will write an application for the issuance of a writ of execution. According to the sheet, the bailiffs must ensure execution: to foreclose on part of the salary, if any, or on other income, on the debtor’s property, etc... If it is not possible to collect now, then this will be done periodically, as soon as you have property, which can be recovered.


Natalya, I can’t tell you why your friends don’t pay: the bailiffs don’t work well or there’s nothing to take from them.

The court has the right to reduce the amount of the penalty under the contract if it finds that the amount of the penalty will be disproportionate to the amount of the principal debt. But how much the court will reduce this amount depends on the court. You can declare this in court (or in a response to the claim, which will now be considered). That’s why I wrote to you that it is important to know how much is the amount of debt and how much is the amount of interest for late fulfillment of the obligation.

But if you still decide to file a claim against the bank (as indicated in the links that I gave you), then it can be filed in this process as a counterclaim. And then both claims will be considered in one proceeding. But for this In order for this to be taken into account, you must either be present at the process, or send all documentation and requirements to the address of the court that is considering the case (registered with notification)


Having a disability will not affect your obligation to repay the debt. You need to find out from the bank a complete calculation of your debt, which will indicate: the principal debt and interest on it. After that, compare it with the payments you made. In general, banks are willing to accommodate their clients; it is more profitable for them to get at least something than to be without a penny. You can enter into an agreement on installment payment, deferment, as agreed with the bank.

Do you have any questions? Ask, the answer will follow immediately!

Do you have a loan from Russian Standard Bank and want to know if you are on the list of debtors for its loans? Today we will tell you in detail how to obtain up-to-date information on debt to a banking company in 2019.

Information for borrowers

If you applied for a consumer loan or a card with a limit in this organization, then before that you signed an agreement with the bank. It clearly states all the conditions under which the company provides you with the required amount of money, in particular - the interest for its use, the loan period and, most importantly, the client’s responsibility in the event that he is late.

Few people pay attention to the last point when signing, but in vain. It contains information about what fines and commissions your debt will be subject to, as well as the possibility of transferring it to third parties, i.e. collection agencies, this is discussed.

There are practically no legal ways to avoid paying debts - if you received money, you are obliged to return it. The only exceptions are isolated cases when the main and co-borrowers died and there are no heirs, or when a debt was applied to the debtor, as a result of which all his debts were closed.

If for any reason you stop paying your debt without notifying the bank about it, then the following will happen:

  • If there is a delay, the bank will try to contact you in all possible ways - through mail, through the contact numbers you provided;
  • If the delay is long, i.e. more than 2 weeks, your debt will be dealt with by the bank’s collection department. Calls will become more frequent, they may appear in the evening and at night;
  • The debt will be reported to the Credit Bureau and your CI will become negative. As a result, you will not be able to receive money in the future not only from Russian Standard Bank, but also from other organizations. This is discussed in more detail.

If you do not pay for more than 1 month, your debt may be sold to collectors for a certain percentage of its amount. Next, collectors will “take on” you and will use all possible methods to repay the debt, including threats.

What to do if the bank goes to court?

If the bank decides not to sell your loan, then it can sue you. In most cases, the court will be on the side of the bank, and by its decision you will be obliged to pay the entire accumulated amount with interest, arrears and fines to the creditor.

It is from this moment that your case and name go to the bailiffs, who are empowered to collect the debtor’s property, seize and sell it. In addition, they have a unified information database where data on all debtors for whom an application has been submitted is entered.

You can access it from any computer with Internet access. To do this you need:

  • Open a browser, enter “Bailiffs website” in the search or go directly to,
  • Scroll down the page and you will see an empty form to search for both individuals and legal entities who have debts;
  • Next, you fill out all the empty fields of this form; you need to provide real data (they are not saved on the site);
  • After that, click the “Search” button. The system will give you information about whether a case has been opened against you, what the amount of debt is and who is collecting it.

This is where all the necessary names, phone numbers and options for repaying the debt will be indicated. This information is the only correct one.

Are there blacklists?

Recently, rumors have begun to spread on the Internet that some banking organizations, in particular RS, have their own “black lists” of debtors. Officially, banks are prohibited from having such information databases, however, they may well be used for internal use.

What does it mean? If you took out a loan here and then paid it off late or did not pay it at all, the next time you contact any branch of this company you will receive a refusal.

If someone offers you money to clear your credit history, correct or delete something in it, don’t be fooled, it’s simply impossible. If you find sites on the Internet with supposedly hacked

(1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Collection agencies and debt collection services at banking organizations operate differently. Some carry out their functions correctly, in accordance with the letter of the law and, if necessary, enter into the position of a debtor, giving him the opportunity to survive the current difficult financial situation and then pay off the previously taken loan. Others, on the contrary, press on the debtor, acting more according to their principles than taking into account legal norms. For many, a striking example of the latter were the collectors of the Russian Standard Bank.

How Russian Standard collectors work

The work of the collectors of the department for collecting overdue debts on loans from Russian Standard Bank is unlikely to be considered legal by many clients. Many times, debtors received not just a reminder of the debt they had incurred, but also a mountain of insults addressed to them, as well as threats from Russian Standard Bank employees against their lives and the health of their loved ones.

It should be noted that everything begins, as a rule, very acceptable. At the time established by law, a pleasant female voice (or a respectable male one) calls, asks to invite the person who took out the loan to the phone, and after a short conversation invites the debtor to a meeting at the Russian Standard Bank department to resolve the issue of debt. When a client expresses his disagreement with a meeting for personal reasons, he receives the collector’s consent to call back a little later to discuss this issue. It is from this moment that, as a rule, a special kind of “fun” begins.

Numerous calls and the arrival of a mobile collection department team - all this follows that same telephone conversation. As a rule, both methods of influencing debtors from the collectors of a given credit organization are very unpleasant for the client. “They shouted into the phone,” “they kicked in the doors,” “they scared a small child” - such descriptions are most often found in reviews of the work of this bank in relation to debtors.

For unclear reasons, many were denied a “credit holiday” - a period for not accruing late fines if the borrower had a difficult life situation due to which he is unable to pay off the loan at a given time.

To avoid such situations, lawyers advise agreeing to a meeting with a bank collector, but coming to it together with a credit lawyer who will help resolve the situation correctly and without hassle. In addition, he will be able to act as a witness on the client’s side in cases where bank employees have shown their discourtesy and incompetence.

What to do if debt collectors threaten to kill or kill you?

The most popular way to influence a debtor is telephone calls. Most often, collectors use the so-called “prank method,” when the debtor is driven out of his temper, forced to scream and fight in hysterics. Therefore, when talking with a representative of the debt collection department, the main thing is not to lose composure and be guided by common sense and the laws, without succumbing to the caller’s methods of manipulation. If you manage to hold out long enough, then the collectors may use the most terrible methods, for example, threats against the debtor and his family. In this case, it is important to remember that these measures on the part of the bank’s collection department or a representative of a collection agency are illegal. In this case, the debtor is recommended:

    • Record a telephone conversation, preferably including the name and surname of the calling bank employee;
  • Indicate to the caller that when conducting a conversation in this manner, all issues will be resolved exclusively through the court;
  • Go to law enforcement agencies and write a statement there against the calling employee of a collection agency or the corresponding banking division;
  • Attach a recording of the call with a transcript of the conversation to the application;
  • Write a letter to the management of the bank that transferred the credit file to the collection agency, indicating the details of the bank employee who called and demanding that appropriate measures be taken against him.

If these steps are not followed, then there is a high probability that such threats will continue to be repeated in the future and, perhaps one day, will even move from the “Words” category to the “Actions” category. However, even if the collection agency threatens violence, do not forget that there is a debt to the bank, which must be repaid in any case. Otherwise, having gotten rid of some collectors, you can continue communicating with another debt collection agency, which will be more competent in its behavior and will simply resolve the entire dispute through the court.

"Russian Standard": reviews of collectors and complaints

The collection department of Russian Standard Bank cannot boast of positive reviews addressed to it. Complaints have been filed against employees of this unit more than once both in law enforcement agencies and on the websites of special departments.

In 2013, the authorized bodies satisfied a petition calling on the Government, the Ministry of Economic Development of the country, the Federation Council and the State Duma, and the Prosecutor General's Office to stop the actions of Russian Standard Bank that violate consumer rights. A special role in this case was given to the behavior of the Bank's collection division.

Of course, among the complaints of debtors there is a certain part of “false” statements, but one should not deny that some employees can afford to resolve issues of collecting debts on loans to Russian Standard Bank in this way. In any case, if there is evidence and witnesses, a statement about the behavior of debt collectors that violates the rules of decency and laws will be given the green light by law enforcement agencies. Russian Standard Bank has been in the consumer lending market for quite some time, and if all the statements addressed to them had a solid basis, the Central Bank would probably have revoked its license to carry out banking operations. Until this happens, you should remember that the best way to protect yourself from representatives of collection services is to timely repay the loan taken from the bank and correctly understand your rights and obligations as a client of a credit institution and a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Russian Standard collectors threaten the debtor, video (recording of a telephone conversation):

“I took out a loan from Russian Standard Bank and greatly regretted it. The thing is that when I drew up the loan agreement, they indicated to me that the interest rate would be 23% per annum. When I started paying off the loan, the lion’s share money was spent on various types of commissions and fees. According to my calculations, the interest rate is not 23%, as was indicated, but 50-60%!!! There was not a word in the agreement about commission fees.
Question: What to do in such a situation? Help!"

Unfortunately, this kind of story is far from uncommon. But in fact, the contract says this, and how!!! It says in such a small font...

How does it work? In order to understand this, initially it’s worth thinking about where we all live. It would seem like unrelated things, right? But in the West, in America, where the vast majority not only buy goods, but live on credit, paying for a house, a car and their business for decades, people will never take out a cell phone or a washing machine on credit. They take a plasma screen or a yacht, but never a vacuum cleaner or microwave!! And all the rumors that this is not so are worthless, I have a good friend who lives in America, and I specifically asked him about this.

There are two reasons for this difference. The first is the credit policy of organizations providing credit. We will not go into details, since this is directly related to the level of the country’s economy as a whole (for example, inflation). I will only say that the lending conditions there are such that it is more profitable for a person to pay a pittance for a house for several decades than to take out a mobile phone on credit, which he can afford to buy at any time, despite the fact that he is already paying that very pittance. But the second reason is our total poverty. This is about where we live.

All this has been said in order to draw a conclusion, which, in principle, everyone has already made a long time ago, without suspecting it, however, - potential clients of Russian Standard and similar offices are poor people. Moreover, the word “poor” in our country should not sound offensive, because out of 1000 people, God forbid, 10 can come to an expensive store and say, “yes, I can afford it.”

So, the main clients of RS are, first of all, students, pensioners, and people who live, if not below the poverty line, then very close to it, that is, families with incomes below average. Most of all, of course, the first ones, that is, young people. So the calculation for introducing such a business as “consumer credit” was very, very smart. Let's go back to the late 90s - in order to take out a loan, you had to collect a bunch of papers, certificates, guarantors, and even after that there is no guarantee that you won't be sent for another bunch. And then “Russian Standard” appeared. Here's a cell phone. Like?! Take it for your health, we will pay for you, and then you will return the money to us with small interest, but don’t be alarmed, you see here it says 29, sign it, and we will be friends. And you only need one passport, what nonsense. Pants turn... Or a young family - a washing machine?!? No problem, take it and use it, it’s like YOURS in less than five minutes!!

While a girl (or young man) is drawing up a loan contract, your eyes are burning, your hands are shaking, mentally you already have a new mobile phone in your pocket and the prospect of paying one and a half thousand a month does not bother you at all... Yes, for such a new, beautiful one, which you have wanted for so long, this it's almost like nothing!! Naturally, there is not the slightest desire or mood to read what is written there in the contract, and even more so to consider what is written there in the contract. And not everyone will understand this; in their heads there are only thoughts about a brand new DVD player. Well, let's give a simple example here - an excerpt from the Russian Standard contract:

Credit (loan) amount: 10500

Interest rate under the agreement: 29

Loan term: 9 months

Commission for cash management services: 1.9

Monthly payment - 1530 rub.
Total, for 9 months it turns out - 13,770 rubles. That is, not 29%. Why? Everything is very simple - the main gain comes from 1.9% interest per month for cash management services, which is calculated not from the balance of the debt, but from the TOTAL AMOUNT! In this case, it is approximately 200 rubles per month. Trifle? 200 * 9 months - 1800 rubles overpayment. Or 1.9 * 9 = 17%. That is, not 29 percent, but 29 + 17 = 46%. Now imagine that we took out a loan not for 9 months, but for 18. Then the overpayment will no longer be 1800, but 3600, and this is not counting interest.

It turns out that in reality you take your mobile phone not under 29, but under 63,2 percent per annum....

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