What do you need to take out a car loan? How to take out a car loan

The methods of buying a new car themselves do not contain anything new. First- we pay for the car immediately. The entire amount is deposited into the car dealership's cash register. Second- the car is bought on credit. It doesn’t matter whether you lack 50 thousand or 1 million rubles. Anyway, you take out the missing money on credit from a financial institution, for example, a bank. Third- purchasing a car on lease. Previously, only legal entities could use this form of purchasing a car. Now this service is available to ordinary citizens. Options for returning a new car are described.

Cash purchase

You have decided to buy a car. To do this, you must at least have a certain amount of money. You can save it up, receive a bonus or inheritance, and ultimately borrow it from relatives and friends. We calculated our financial capabilities, chose a car, went to a car dealership and bought it. The simplest and fastest option. But there are still disadvantages. It takes a long time to save for a car, but you want to drive now. In addition, inflation and the floating exchange rate of the ruble constantly increase the cost of the car. An increase of 10 to 20% per year is normal, but during a crisis prices can rise by 30–50%. Another disadvantage is dishonest dealers who sell cars without documents. There were many of these during the last crisis of 2008–2009, and they still appear today. Buyers, having paid the full price of the car, cannot pick it up from the dealer, and those who managed to take it off the lot admire the new car in the garage. You cannot drive such a car; without documents it will not be registered and registration numbers will not be issued. Litigation with dealers can last for more than one month, and the new car is laid up.

Purchase on credit

I really want to buy a car, but I don’t have the money to buy it. The solution to the problem is to take out a loan from a bank. Loans can be targeted (in our case, for the purchase of a car) and consumer (without limiting the type of product). They differ in interest rate. A targeted loan is more profitable; its interest rate for the consumer can reach 0%. But the bank will still receive its interest, albeit not from you, but from the dealer or importer. You can save on this if you repay the loan ahead of schedule within one or two months. Everything would be fine, but a targeted loan has a big disadvantage.

You need to take out comprehensive insurance, and in rare cases, even insure your life. Experienced drivers over 25 years old, with over 10 years of driving experience, should not worry; insurance by today's standards is cheap, from 30 thousand to 100 thousand rubles. depending on the selected machine. Young drivers no older than 23 years old and with less than 3 years of experience are out of luck; they have the maximum insurance premium; for some companies it can reach up to 250–300 thousand rubles. Almost the same amount will have to be paid if you take out a loan of 1 million rubles. for 3 years at 21.5% per annum. For such drivers, it is better to use a consumer loan, although it is more expensive, you will save on insurance. For non-credit cars there are more favorable conditions, especially since you can consider the option with a deductible of 80%. In the event of an accident, you will have to restore the car at your own expense, but theft, fire and complete destruction of the car will be paid by the insurance company. From an economic point of view, it is a profitable option, unless, of course, you get into an accident every month. In this case, it is probably better to use a taxi.

Let's calculate how much it will cost us, say, to buy a Mitsubishi Outlander 2.0 CVT 4WD in the Intense configuration. Now the discounted car costs RUB 1,304,990. This amount includes metallic paint (15 thousand rubles). Let’s assume that the buyer has a 2008 Nissan X-trail 2.0 CVT with a mileage of 90 thousand km. We rent it out under the trade-in program, for which we receive a discount on the purchased car in the amount of 40 thousand rubles. On automobile Internet sites, a used X-Trail is now priced at RUB 599,000. Knowing that dealers underestimate the cost of the cars they purchase, we assume that we will receive 600 thousand rubles in our hands. Of this, we will spend 500 thousand rubles on the purchase of a new car as a down payment. Next we get the following calculations:

As you can see, today it is profitable to buy a car by taking out a simple consumer loan. The only insurance you can take out is compulsory motor liability insurance (you won’t be able to drive a car without it). But if you are afraid that your new car will be stolen, you can enter into a lightweight comprehensive insurance agreement - in our calculation we used exactly this preferential offer. In this case, only the risks of theft and complete destruction of the car in an accident, natural disaster or arson are insured. This type of insurance is noticeably cheaper. With a targeted loan, it is necessary to have a full comprehensive insurance policy, and in some cases, the life and health of the borrower, which makes it unprofitable. Only an experienced driver over 45 years of age with more than 25 years of experience can consider special credit offers from dealers, and then only if they pay no more than 5% per annum for three years. And as we see in the example of Mitsubishi, they lure us with an interest rate of 5.9% per annum (in reality - 12.9%).

Leasing for individuals

A new, unfamiliar scheme for purchasing a car. We heard about leasing for legal entities, and now, to boost sales, we have created a similar program for individuals. What is leasing? In a nutshell, the car belongs to a leasing company, it transfers it for operation to a private person, that is, you, and you pay it money for it. After a certain period, which is specified in the contract, you can hand over the car to the company or buy it back at a fixed price. This price is determined initially when concluding the contract. You drive it, you like the car, you buy it, if you don’t like it, you buy another one.

But even here the devil is in the details. How much will it cost to own a car? And who benefits from this option? We asked the company providing such leasing services to calculate the cost of owning a car. We took the same Mitsubishi Outlander 2.0 CVT 4WD Intense, but 8% cheaper - RUB 1,186,708. for a car in white and with a corporate discount to the lessor. It can reach 15% depending on the brand and model. In addition, a one-time discount on advance payment in the amount of up to 10% of the purchase price of the car, but not more than 500 thousand per car. Our discount amounted to 118,679 rubles. Not bad at all, we love discounts! The residual value after three years of operation, for which we can buy the car, is 806,244 rubles. Judging by the sites that post car offers, this is a very good price to buy. Let's also write it down as a plus.

Now about expenses. When concluding a contract, you will need to make a deposit payment in the amount of 10% of the cost of the car, or 118,679 rubles. If all the terms of the contract are met, this deposit is subsequently returned. What about our monthly payments? This depends on several factors: whether we will make an initial payment, whether we take into account insurance costs and the term of the contract. To be able to compare our three options, let’s keep the original conditions: a three-year contract with an initial payment of 500 thousand rubles. and taking into account all the costs of car insurance. The policyholder is a man aged 45 years with 25 years of driving experience. If you are younger or have less driving experience, your monthly payments will increase significantly.

Bottom line

At the first place It turned out that the entire amount for the car was paid at once. This is understandable: you don’t borrow at interest, you don’t have to pay anything back. The main thing is to find the required amount.

In second place- buying a car using a consumer loan. And this despite exorbitant interest rates! It's all about the lack of compulsory comprehensive insurance. Now it is prohibitive, but if you wish, you can still insure your car on preferential terms, while paying several times less.

Third and fourth places divided the target loan and leasing among themselves. The final amount that a consumer will pay for a car is almost the same for these two purchasing methods. In both the first and second cases, you will have to pay not only interest on the loan, but also apply for a full comprehensive insurance policy. But leasing still has a number of advantages compared to a conventional loan. To purchase a car, you only need to have 10% of its value (deposit amount), which will be returned to you at the end of the lease term. The application review process is more loyal, unlike banks, where the refusal rate is now more than 60%. Ostap Bender from the novel by I. Ilf and E. Petrov “The Golden Calf” had 400 relatively honest ways of taking money from the population. Now the average person has three simple ways to buy a car. Which one is the fastest, safest and easiest? Let's try to figure it out.

A car loan is a loan that has a very significant amount of funds. You can count on receiving it if you have a stable financial income and a good credit history. Some potential vehicle buyers do not know how to get a car loan from a car dealership, so they constantly put off purchasing this wonderful purchase.

Before proceeding to the main essence of the event, it is worth reminding potential borrowers that car dealerships themselves do not provide loans for the purchase of their goods. Current legislation states that only licensed banking institutions can issue loans. It is banks, acting as business partners of sellers, who are present in stores and are engaged in issuing loans.

Buying a car at one car dealership or another is not a problem today, if only you had the money. Banks will be happy to offer you a regular loan, but in this case the borrower needs to prove his financial solvency and solvency. The disadvantage of a conventional loan is that you will need to provide a significant down payment, as well as take out insurance. Sometimes you need to provide a guarantor or co-borrower. Naturally, the option under consideration is suitable only for those who have a fairly high financial income and are ready to meet the established requirements of a credit institution.

Car loan without down payment

It is a well-known fact that the price of a car that crosses the border of a car dealership inevitably falls by almost 10 percent. Further, with daily use of the car, it loses up to 7 percent of its value annually. By requiring an initial payment, each credit company in Moscow and the region covers the difference, because there is always the possibility that the borrower, due to certain circumstances, will lose the ability to repay the resulting debt. In the case when a person is offered money without a down payment, banking risks are neutralized in another way.

Pros and cons of buying a car from a dealership

When providing a loan without paying a down payment, the potential client will face the following unpleasant surprises, not only in Moscow, but also in most other cities of our country:

  • Most often, banks offer an increased rate, which is 7-12 percent more than the usual rate;
  • There is a significant reduction in the maximum possible amount of credit money, to one million rubles;
  • When receiving funds, the car itself acts as collateral; accordingly, the owner has no right to sell it until the loan is repaid;
  • You will have to take out insurance under the CASCO program, and this is fraught with significant additional financial expenses, especially in the city of Moscow;
  • Solvency will have to be proven by providing many documents;
  • Credit history, etc. is carefully checked.

At their discretion, employees of a banking company can use other methods in order to significantly mitigate possible risks. The loan term is reduced to three years, and some Moscow banks even provide loans for a period of 12 months.

Below we offer for consideration the main requirements for a potential borrower:

Car loan with bad credit history

Unfortunately, it will be very problematic to apply for a loan if a potential client has a bad credit history. However, there are options that you can take advantage of. You should organize a procedure for correcting your own financial reputation, although it will take a lot of effort to achieve a positive result.

This type of lending is significantly different from a conventional loan. The main thing is that the applicant will have to secure the loan as collateral, which may be the purchased car. In essence, transport acts as a guarantee that the credit institution that issued the money will receive its funds back. If the buyer stops making timely payments and covering the debt, the car will be confiscated and put up for sale.

It is necessary to understand that for a banking institution such a loan is a risk, as well as unnecessary hassle. Confiscation of transport requires a lengthy procedure, including a court decision, actions of bailiffs, searching for a buyer, etc. If you decide to take out a loan with a bad credit history, you need to start collaborating with large car dealerships.

Is it possible to get a loan for an unemployed person?

Large banks are always working to increase the number of their clients. That is why it is possible to take out credit money from a car dealership even if you are unemployed. It is worth recalling that leading financial institutions are picky about potential borrowers who do not have a permanent job. If the client has a positive credit history or has not taken out a loan at all, then it becomes possible for the unemployed to get the application approved.

The procedure for obtaining a loan for unemployed people who are unable to provide bank employees with a certificate of income is practically no different from a regular loan issuance event. So, let's look at what needs to be done:

  • The best option is to send your application using the bank’s official website, or submit an application directly on site at the car dealership;
  • As soon as you receive a message about approval, an employee of the credit company will offer to sign the main agreement;
  • You will need to collect a certain list of documents, including submitting a certificate of income, if any;
  • After concluding a loan agreement, draw up a purchase and sale agreement for the car itself;
  • Having received the schedule of monthly payments, do not forget to pay the debt in a timely manner;
  • You will probably need to buy a CASCO policy. Other types of insurance are unlikely to suit the management of the car dealership;

After receiving the title for the car, you will have to go to the district traffic police department to register the car.


There are many nuances to how to borrow a car from a car dealership, so before you begin this procedure, you should carefully calculate everything and study the requirements of banking organizations. Remember that the total amount that must be paid monthly to pay off loan debt should not be more than 35-40 percent of the total family income. Otherwise, you shouldn’t count on a comfortable existence.

There can be many reasons to rent a car: vacation, family, travel or work. The role of a tenant can be either a company or a very specific citizen. Accordingly, a citizen most often takes a car for personal purposes, and an organization almost always only for business trips.

And, of course, in both cases one cannot help but worry about the question: what are the rules for providing the service and how to use it correctly? Renting to individuals and legal entities differs slightly. In general, the same rental rules apply to them.

Renting a car is very convenient. But if you do not follow some important recommendations when concluding a contract and choosing a car, you can seriously suffer from unforeseen consequences. Moreover, you will suffer greatly financially.

You need to look very carefully at the contents of the contract, since the car requires constant maintenance, and during its operation there is always a risk of getting into an accident. Landlords try to relieve themselves of as much responsibility as possible and transfer it to the tenant.

Therefore, you need to know how to rent a car correctly and how not to be responsible for absolutely everything.

Necessary documents for renting a car

The list of documents required to rent a vehicle is not very long. Especially for individuals. They only need to provide a driver's license and identification document.

But to obtain a rental car, a representative of an organization will need the Charter and constituent documents in the form of certified copies, plus the representative’s passport, driver’s passport and driver’s license.

In both cases, the potential tenant will most likely have to fill out a special form and enter information about participation in an accident, driving experience, rental purposes, etc. It is better not to enter false information into it. The information from the questionnaire will be checked by the landlord for some time and if there are inconsistencies, the contract will simply not be concluded with the person.

What if a person wants to rent a car in another country? This also usually does not pose any problems. Of course, it happens that the host country has special requirements for tenants. However, in most cities in the world the list of documents provided is approximately the same.

  1. Driver's license of the citizen's country.
  2. International driving license.

Everything is very simple. Very similar rules apply abroad. Reception and delivery of the car are also documented with similar documents.

A short video will show you how to rent abroad:

Rented car insurance

Types of existing car insurance and what they protect against.

Taking out an insurance policy is a prerequisite for receiving a car. Without this document, it will be impossible to go anywhere on the rental property.

The tenant is included in the policy. Typically, the amount of payment for such insurance is already included in the rental price. The driver is using a policy that lists a limited number of people, including him.

The lessor can use the policy without restrictions. This is the most economical and common option. Under such a document, the liability of any person entrusted with management will be considered insured.

Insurance can be of two main types - OSAGO and CASCO. At the same time, the use of compulsory motor liability insurance will not protect you from financial losses if an accident occurs due to the fault of the tenant. But CASCO compensates for damage to both the culprit and the victim.

There is also a so-called limited CASCO insurance. According to it, the insurer does not reimburse the entire amount, but only some part of it when it is established that the tenant is at fault. The remaining cost is paid either by the tenant or the tenant and the landlord. A provision regarding this must be contained in the insurance contract and in the lease agreement.

Breakdown of a rented car

Let's say the tenant decides to go to another city. On the way, the rented car broke down. How to be in this case? The most important thing is not to panic. The responsibility to provide the vehicle in full working order lies with the lessor. He must figure out how to solve the problem. The line of responsibility for operating the machine passes precisely at the point where responsibility for troubleshooting begins. This should always be ensured by the person who rents out the car and accepts the money for it.

So, the first thing to do is contact the landlord's customer support center and act on the instructions received. Most likely, the evacuation of the car and driver will be offered.

If the car cannot be repaired on the same day, the renter must be provided with a decent replacement. The contract may also provide for penalties and compensation if the rented car breaks down.

And one more important point. There is no need to look for the location of the breakdown yourself and try to repair something. In most cases, such an initiative is punishable. If other malfunctions occur, responsibility may be transferred to the driver.

Accident or accident

2016 was not marked by any major changes in the legislation on the liability of car lessees and lessors.

If an accident occurs, as before, two main scenarios are possible.

  1. The accident was caused by the tenant. If there is no CASCO insurance issued or there are no special conditions in the contract, the driver will independently reimburse the cost of repairs.
  2. The other party is at fault for the accident. Everything is simple here. The driver is not to blame for anything. He will not even have to sort things out with the insurer regarding the amount of insurance. This will be entirely on the landlord's shoulders.

The algorithm of actions, as in a regular road accident, is as follows:

  • Provide first aid to victims (if any).
  • Notify your landlord about the accident and possibly your insurance company.
  • Call the traffic police and get from them the necessary documents about the accident (and do not forget to put up a warning triangle near the car).
  • Provide the lessor with all the necessary documents to carry out the procedure for collecting the insurance amount.

You should drive a rented car very carefully. It is better to try not to make mistakes on the road and not get into trouble.

Special promotions for car rental

To attract the client’s attention, landlords come up with various bonuses and discounts for their services, and also lure in with special types of services they provide.

The most common among them are:

  • Classic discounts. In accordance with them, during the holiday season prices can be reduced by an average of 30%. Discounts may also be provided to regular customers depending on the duration of cooperation.
  • Providing additional guarantees. For example, if an accident occurs due to the fault of the tenant, a condition may be laid down that the lessor will bear half of the amount of compensation for the car.
  • Free CASCO. Registration of the specified document as a gift.
  • Status upgrade system. A reliable client who uses the car carefully and has no problems during the rental period can count on renting a higher class car for the same money over time.
  • Gifts, lotteries. Small, uplifting bonuses, as well as prize draws.
  • Relaxation of collateral requirements. The essence comes from the name itself. Thanks to this bonus, the tenant does not have to leave a sum of money as a deposit.

Thus, various promotions can make car rental a very profitable event. People who periodically rent cars should regularly and very carefully monitor such promotions and special offers.

Crises come and go, and our compatriots have long been accustomed to fluctuations in exchange rates and an unstable financial situation. Every year, a new young generation builds families, opens businesses, maneuvers in conditions of inflation and defaults - but no one has canceled the classic “we must go.” There is no money, piggy banks are no consolation, and I desperately need a car. What to do, what to do? In search of a chance to own four wheels, thousands of people head to the welcoming doors of lending departments. How to take out a car loan wisely and not get hooked on “eternal retribution”? Several important points will help save time, money and nerves of the potential future owner.

At any car dealership, the client is offered various conditions for car loans.

First of all, it is worth remembering: no salon as a legal entity can provide you with a loan or installment plan for the product offered. A car loan can only be issued by a bank, but don’t worry - several representatives of various banks will still compete for your attention, offering to fill out a request right on the spot and assuring the client that their terms are favorable. There can be no guarantees whether the request will be approved by the bank within a certain period of time, but you can try your luck with several at the same time. Managers will help you draw up and sign all the necessary papers right on the spot.

So if you come to a car dealership with the firm intention of not leaving its walls without the treasured keys in your pocket, prepare in advance the most complete package of documents.

What you need to have with you so as not to run twice for documents

The list of papers required to purchase a car can vary from the minimum set - a passport with registration and license, to a certificate of income, Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), pension certificate, certificate of state registration. registration, etc. Now many banks are ready to work with a minimum package for a solvent client.

Whatever option (installment plan or loan) you choose, be prepared for the fact that the down payment will include not only a certain percentage of the cost of the car (let’s say, exactly known to you in advance), but also the amount of down payments and commissions. When planning the event and the initial calculation, do not forget to plan ahead for a possible 15 percent of “unplanned” expenses.

How to correctly assess your capabilities and what commissions and fees you will face

This is where the analysis of the pitfalls typical of any process related to the banking system begins.

The simplest and most “transparent” method is installments. And indeed - 0% per annum, nothing extra, pay yourself in parts to the best of your ability and never know grief. Tempting? That’s right, but this method has two significant disadvantages that hit potential clients hard at the time of making a decision:

  1. An initial fee. It may vary, but on average it is 60% of the total purchase amount. Even if we are talking about purchasing an inexpensive car, the amount comes out to be quite a lot, and if you already have one on hand, what, other than the conditions of extreme urgency, prevents you from saving up a little more and, adding, making the purchase yourself without bank intermediation?
  2. ABOUT limited time. Depending on the cost of the car, it will range from 12 to 24 months. Break the remaining 40% of the cost of a good car into 12 payments - and the offer may not seem so tempting.

The credit option offers much more profitable options on these two points. Here the contributions will be smaller (approximately from 7 to 20% of the amount), and the payment terms can be extended to 5–7 years. But before you grab a pen and sign, carefully read the contract from cover to cover with inserts, small text and asterisks. It is advisable to do this with a pencil and a calculator at hand - before agreeing to a favorable annual rate, you need to carefully calculate all the commissions added to it.

An alternative to a car loan can be a consumer loan

The following may be added to the loan payment amount:

  • one-time commission;
  • loan grant fee;
  • commission for cash services and monthly account maintenance;
  • commission for servicing related accounts (for example, if, when opening an account in a new bank, you are offered a credit/deposit/savings card in addition to the main credit account);
  • daily penalty for late monthly payment;
  • in some cases - a fee for the possibility of early repayment of the loan;
  • compulsory CASCO insurance;
  • compulsory life and health insurance for the buyer.

Calculate the total overpayment amount– how many times will the final cost of the car exceed the original one and do you agree to this? Calculate everything, including the possibility of “surprises” popping up after a year or two - they will not be pleasant.

It is important to remember: until the loan amount is fully repaid, the car you buy belongs to the bank. The purchase serves as collateral for the loan and can be taken away by a court decision and sold by the bank at auction.

How to get a used car on a car loan

Clients are not always even aware of this possibility. But yes, it’s quite possible to get a used car cheaply, and at an annual interest rate at that. This option has a number of significant advantages and disadvantages.

One of the advantages is that a loan for a used car will be the cheapest in terms of initial costs. And the price tag is reduced, and the contribution is small. With the same pencil, calculator and careful calculation of possible disadvantages, read the contract.

Of the obvious risks - the car may not be in the best condition. Test drive and diagnostics at a service station are provided in exceptional cases; Most likely, you will be offered a visual inspection in a closed, guarded parking lot of the bank. Consequences of an accident, unobvious internal damage and small parts - like any used purchase, a car cannot be presented with an ideal background.

In addition, the car is not always located directly under the bank. The client may be offered paid participation in an auction, as a result of which the cost of the lot turns out to be obviously higher than the initially reduced amount.

And then - we are still talking about a loan, which means that mandatory insurance and down payments from the previous section remain an important part of the calculation.

Before signing a loan agreement, you need to calculate all costs

What are the alternatives?

If you initially considered the installment plan option and have a starting amount on hand, instead of a car loan, you can take out a car loan from the bank. It can also be carried out as a loan for repairs or a mortgage - the main thing is to decide where to get the necessary money for the purchase.

It is not so easy to get a large amount - you will certainly need income declarations and a willingness to repay the money, taking into account possibly higher interest rates than those offered for a car loan.

So what is the benefit of this option?

  1. Insurance. When making a purchase with “pure” money, no one will force you to purchase additional mandatory insurance included in the terms of the contract.
  2. Ownership. Whatever happens, the initially desired car will belong to you and only you from the first days of purchase.

However, if the urgency of the question “I want to take a car” is the cornerstone of making a purchase, there is little starting capital, and you want to get behind the wheel the sooner the better, a bank loan in a few hours can solve a problem that previously seemed impossible. The main thing is to remember: attentiveness is the consumer’s lifeline, and the most important thing is always hidden in the insidious lines of small handwriting.

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Not every person has the opportunity to buy a new car. Nowadays, you can choose an option no worse than new, but with mileage. But what should those who currently do not have enough money even for a used model do? A car loan will come to the rescue - an ideal compromise solution for those who do not have the entire amount at their disposal at once. Before taking out a car loan for a used car, you should analyze the many options offered by banks and find out the correct algorithm for completing the transaction, then the final costs will be minimal.

Issues discussed in the material:

Is it possible to get a car loan for a used car?

Let's say you firmly decided to buy a car for personal use, but even a loan for a new model turned out to be unaffordable. Car dealerships and banking organizations offer different credit programs every day, but interest and mandatory monthly payments amount to a significant amount for your wallet.

By choosing a reliable company, you can secure yourself a fairly good deal. By purchasing a used car on credit, you get a convenient means of transportation, and also guarantee yourself stability and small payments. Just choose the optimal loan program, and you will no longer have to travel on a crowded subway or bus.

But not every vehicle is available for purchase on credit. Used cars have fairly clear requirements for many parameters: weight, age, price and many others.

The following are eligible for the lending system:

  • Domestic vehicles that have been in operation for no more than 5 years, as well as foreign ones no older than 10 years.
  • The price should be in the range from 500 thousand to 1.5 million rubles, the exact limit is set by each specific bank.
  • Weight should not exceed 3.5 tons.
  • Mileage: maximum 100,000 km for foreign and 50,000 km for Russian cars.

An integral part is the registration of a CASCO insurance policy.

Typically, transactions are carried out with car dealerships, and not with individuals. The bank cannot completely trust an individual; in this case, the risk of incorrectly assessing the condition and history of the vehicle is very high.

For reliability, you will have to pay an additional 5-10% of the cost; this markup on the market value is usually set by car dealerships.

This 10% is fully justified in the future, because when buying a product secondhand, you can never know exactly what surprise awaits you. By purchasing from trusted intermediaries, you will always be confident in the correctness of your choice.

Banks have absolutely standard requirements for borrowers planning to take out a used car on credit:

  • The borrower must be at least 21 years old.
  • With at least one year of work experience.
  • At the same time, he must work in his last job for at least six months (some banks allow a period of 3 months of work experience).
  • Availability of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, as well as registration at the place where the loan was issued.
  • Impeccable credit payment record.

It is much easier to obtain bank approval for drivers with extensive driving experience and a license issued at least 10 years ago. Young people and people of retirement age can rarely easily complete a transaction, the same applies to preferential lending with state support.

What documents are required to take out a car loan for a used car?

Next comes the time of submitting documents and completing all the necessary paperwork. The key factor here is the independent process of collecting and preparing the package - this is one of the main rules for processing such a loan.

As you know, the process of purchasing a new vehicle is greatly simplified by the fact that the competent completion of all required documentation rests on the shoulders of the sales showroom managers.

An approximate list of basic documents and certificates may look like this:

  • purchase and sale agreement;
  • passport confirming the technical condition of the machine;
  • compulsory insurance policy;
  • paper confirming the adequate establishment of the market price;
  • a receipt indicating that the advance payment has been made.

It is mandatory to have a personal bank account to make non-cash payment transactions.

If the owner of the car involved in the transaction is a private person, then the bank has every right to ask about the existence of a previous purchase agreement, as well as all the necessary documents indicating payments made.

The process of organizing a purchase requires quite a lot of time; you should take care of collecting papers in advance. And in the case when there is neither the time nor the desire to do this on your own, it is better to contact a car dealership that specializes in this. In the future, the overpayment for such services will be justified.

Used car loan programs

  1. Interest-free car loan

Zero percent overpayment on a loan for a used vehicle and no monthly commission sounds a little suspicious, doesn’t it? But, most likely, you will not find any catch even if you read the contract very carefully. Even the size of the fee for collecting and processing a package of documents is not particularly surprising. Banks are ready to reveal the essence.

The situation looks like this: the borrower is given the opportunity to take out the vehicle in installments. That is, half of the amount is paid by the buyer as a down payment, and the second part, but minus its commission, is paid by the bank. Thus, the car dealership loses a little in monetary terms, but at the same time has an increased volume of cars sold. Until recently, the scheme looked like this. But these days, factoring operations have become obsolete due to the fact that salons already have enough clients, and due to the growing level of competition in the market, it is not possible to deliberately inflate prices.

But what is the secret? In the deliberately inflated price of a compulsory insurance policy. The bank has contracts with several insurance companies, which allows it to create the appearance of choice. Under such programs, the policy is issued at a higher price, and part of the profit goes to the bank. It is due to this that the margin on the lending itself is reimbursed.

  1. Buying a used car on credit without a down payment

Not all banks can afford to issue such loans without a mandatory down payment. Due to the fact that the scheme is quite risky, it requires an individual approach to each client.

This type of lending is classified as collateral. For the purchase of a Russian vehicle, rates of 5.5-12% are provided, taking into account all the benefits provided, and depending on the scheme of a particular bank, government subsidies may be provided. For example, at 10% per annum, after three years, buying a car for 300 thousand rubles will be 38,465 rubles more expensive.

In this case, the bank practically forces its client to take out an insurance policy from one of its partners; its price can vary from 30 to 60 thousand.

It turns out that in the absence of an initial contribution, you need to be prepared to overpay for CASCO registration.

  1. Repurchase of car loan debt

This program involves making payments in small amounts throughout the entire loan period, and the majority of the remaining balance must be repaid in the very last month. These funds can be obtained both from a re-loan and from the sale of a car. In the future, this car can only be sold through a dealer, who will carry out both maintenance and any service.

The loan term under such an agreement is 3 years or less; it can only be taken from official dealer companies. In the first month you will need to pay 10% of the total cost, and in the last month - up to 55% of the total amount. In such transactions, there are very strict and limited requirements for mileage and depreciation of cars. This algorithm will be convenient for those who can afford to change their car every 2-3 years.

Buying a used car on credit with bad credit

Not all banks are willing to work with borrowers with a bad credit history, but you can still choose several options. For such cases, special lending conditions are provided, these may include increased interest rates and a fairly large down payment. Before deciding on the best option, you should carefully study all the market offers.

  1. Without CASCO insurance

For drivers with decent experience, CASCO registration is not necessary. But this does not apply to all brands, and also implies a shorter payment period and a lower cost of the car. However, the down payment can be quite large. As in any other case, there will be quite a lot of requirements for the borrower.

  1. Without income certificates

With this scheme, all possible risks of the bank will be covered by increased interest on the loan. Additional, more specific insurance policies can also be issued, for example, life insurance for the driver. For purchases with the provision of only a passport and SNILS, a mandatory check will be carried out using intrabank scoring systems. It will be much easier to get one additional certificate and not overpay for the loan.

What else do you need to know to get a profitable car loan for a used car?

After analyzing all the options offered by banks, you need to determine where it is more profitable for you to take out a car loan for a used car. Next comes the crucial moment of registration.

The sequence of actions should be as follows:

  • The first step is to decide what kind of car you want to buy.
  • It is necessary to study the documentation requirements of the selected bank in more detail.
  • Now it’s time to collect a complete package of papers and submit it for review (passport, personal income tax certificate preferably in two copies, technical passport, etc.)
  • It is necessary to provide a vehicle assessment certificate issued by an official assessment organization.
  • In case of a positive response from the bank, it is necessary to make an insurance policy and start signing the purchase and sale agreement.
  • The loan money is first transferred to the borrower, and then from his account it is sent to the salon or individual responsible for the sale.
  • The last stage is the transfer of the vehicle for personal use to the new owner.

Purchasing a used car is a rather complicated process, but it is also quite profitable. Within 2-3 years such a purchase will be fully justified.

Buying a completely new car cannot boast of such benefits, since in just a couple of years its market price will be significantly reduced. This is precisely the reason to take it as a used one.

Where is the best place to get a loan for a used car?

The most profitable option would be to register with your bank, where the client already has a personal account or salary card. Usually, special conditions are provided for regular customers and good interest rates are offered. Of course, you should not immediately dismiss other organizations; perhaps the bank whose regular client you are does not work according to the chosen scheme, or the desired transport does not fit within the restrictions.

From time to time people wonder how they can get a car loan from Sberbank. Unfortunately, since 2014, the most famous bank in the country has not provided such a service, but there are several other options: a secured consumer loan or refinancing of loans previously issued at other financial institutions.

Advantageous offers from other banks:

Bank Program Bid Amount, rub. An initial fee Payment term
Credit Europe Bank Autoexpress 11-29% 100 000 – 1 500 000 From 10% From 1 year to 5 years
Bank Center-Invest Passenger vehicles 15-17% Not limited From 20% Up to 5 years
Metcombank AutoFresh 17-20% 90 000 – 4 900 000 From 15% From 6 months to 6 years
Zenith For a used car 18-100% 90 000 – 2 400 000 From 30% From 1 year to 7 years
Sethelem Affiliate used (classic) 19-22% 100 000 – 8 000 000 From 30% From 2 to 5 years
VTB 24 AutoExpress 20-26% 100 000 – 1 500 000 From 20% From 1 year to 5 years
UniCredit Bank Used vehicle 20-31% 100 000 – 2 000 000 From 15% From 1 year to 5 years
TransCapitalBank Standard (used) 20-24% 75 000 – 5 000 000 From 30% From 1 year to 5 years
Ak Bars Bank Maximum (used) 17-22% 100 000 – 3 000 000 From 30% From 1 year to 5 years
Bank "Saint-Petersburg Mileage (with CASCO) 21-23% 60 000 – 1 500 000 From 15% From 1 year to 5 years
Rosselkhozbank Used vehicle 21-100% 100 000 – 3 000 000 From 25% From 1 month to 5 years