VTB 24 list of accredited facilities. VTB accredited insurance companies for comprehensive insurance

The choice of housing for most domestic buyers sometimes turns into a real problem. Russians are offered a wide variety of options, but they need to raise a large amount of money. The best solution would be to apply for a mortgage at a bank, but to obtain it you will need to collect a set of documents. You can avoid difficulties if you choose real estate from the list of accredited new buildings from VTB 24. Mortgage lending in this program eliminates risks when choosing housing and eliminates the routine of collecting documents.

Apartments in new buildings available with mortgage lending from VTB 24

The bank has a partnership with apartment sellers, so the housing will be available directly from first-hand sources.

Advantages when choosing accredited apartments

The undoubted advantages include the following:
  • Each object undergoes a thorough check by bank specialists. They collect a set of papers;
  • housing is checked by lawyers;
  • the cost of apartments is lower than that of resellers. The property is purchased directly from the developer;
  • the period for checking the client and the mortgaged object is reduced. The contract is signed as soon as possible. A list of available housing is always available on the VTB website;
  • the program provides certain benefits, for example, the opportunity to receive a minimum percentage or the use of government support.


Despite the obvious advantages, the program also has a number of disadvantages:
  • The bank’s partners mainly offer apartments in buildings under construction, so you will have to wait until construction is completed;
  • housing is sold without interior decoration;
  • the amount of housing depends on the size of the city. In small localities there may be only 1-3 accredited apartments;
  • preferential rates under government programs will only apply after construction is completed.

Conditions for providing a mortgage at VTB 24

On the official website you can choose suitable housing from accredited new buildings from VTB - the list is constantly updated. The mortgage is provided on the following terms:
  • a loan can be taken out for an amount from 600 thousand to 60 million rubles;
  • The base loan rate is from 10.1%. It may increase by 0.5% if you receive your salary from another bank. If you refuse insurance, the rate increases by another 1%;
  • grant period up to 30 years;
  • down payment of 10%.
After choosing housing, you need to submit an application to VTB for participation in the program. This can be done directly at the branch or through the company’s official website.

List of accredited new buildings in VTB 24

For the convenience of clients, VTB specialists have created a unified database of accredited real estate.

To reduce wasted time, the program uses the selection of real estate by locality. To search in other cities, you just need to manually set the correct search parameters and wait for the result. The interactive map available on the site helps to visualize the process and makes it more comfortable.


The mortgage lending program for accredited new buildings from VTB 24 relieves buyers from most risks, reduces wasted time and makes the process itself comfortable. For any questions related to mortgages, you can get advice from bank specialists using our toll-free 24-hour number.

Welcome! Today we’ll talk about accredited insurance companies VTB 24. In this post you will find out which accredited insurance companies are in VTB Bank, whether you can choose an insurance company outside this list, what the VTB Insurance company is and what its pros and cons are.

In order to protect against possible risks and force majeure circumstances related to life, health or the safety of property, the borrower under mortgage and car loan programs will be required to take out insurance. We can talk about both property insurance and a comprehensive insurance contract. VTB-24 Bank clients have the opportunity to insure liability with any accredited insurance company of their choice. Let's look at which companies are included in this list.

VTB 24 Bank for most of its credit products (mortgages, car loans and consumer loans) puts forward a conditionally mandatory requirement - to conclude an insurance agreement. Depending on the type of loan agreement, you will need to insure:

  • property (house, apartment, vehicle) from damage, destruction or loss of ownership;
  • health of the borrower/mortgagor (from injuries, injuries, illnesses and loss of ability to work);
  • life of the insured person.

Clients will be able to use insurance protection services when applying for a loan from VTB 24 only in those insurance companies that have been accredited by the bank. Such companies must have financial and legal stability, have appropriate permits and operate in the domestic Russian market for at least 3 years.

Bank insurance conditions have the following characteristics:

  • the owner may act as the insurer of the property pledged to the lender (based on the provided document of ownership);
  • the insurance amount can be added to the total amount of debt (must be reflected in the payment schedule);
  • the choice of a specific insurance policy or insurance program is discussed together with the bank and insurance company, since for some loans it is recommended to purchase full insurance (including the life and health of the client).

A potential borrower, if the bank makes a positive decision on issuing a loan on the basis of the law, has the right to refuse insurance, but in this case the likelihood of refusal in further cooperation will increase significantly. With the help of an insurance policy, the bank minimizes possible risks and future losses and costs. The client’s refusal to take out insurance automatically turns his loan into a high-risk one, which is extremely unprofitable for the lender.

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Any mortgage from a financial institution requires an appraisal of an apartment or other property. This is a mandatory operation, which is prescribed in the Mortgage Law. In this material we will analyze VTB 24 appraisal companies, how they carry out the procedure, what is needed for a positive result, and answer all the main questions related to the appraisal of an apartment.

Organizations involved in appraisals are extremely popular, since the procedure is required not only for real estate, but also for cars, services, property rights and even debts. The company's task is to determine the real price for a certain object. The specialist provides reasoned arguments regarding the market value of a certain type of real estate.

The borrower is primarily interested in the organization appraising the apartment for the amount he borrows from the bank to purchase living space. VTB24 Bank operates according to a standard scheme and provides the borrower with a loan in the amount indicated in the apartment appraisal results. The property can be sold at the same price if the client does not comply with the requirements of the financial institution.

Sometimes the seller of an object wants to receive a larger amount of money than indicated in the appraisal report. In this case, the borrower has to look for additional funds, since the bank lends funds to the client based on the assessment results. You need to understand that each city has its own appraisal organizations; you can choose independent experts yourself or get a recommendation from VTB24. The financial institution cooperates with companies, a list of which the client can review when confirming a mortgage.

Package of documents

All organizations work according to the same scheme, so the set of documents for submission is common. If you want to evaluate an object planned for purchase, you must provide the following documents to the company:

  • Passport;
  • Technical passport; cadastral passport can be used as an alternative;
  • Living space plan;
  • A purchase and sale agreement or other document that confirms the rights to ownership of the object;
  • When purchasing an apartment in a high-rise building under construction, you will need a certified share participation agreement;
  • In the case of purchasing secondary housing built before 1970, you will need a certificate confirming that the building will not be reconstructed or demolished in the near future;
  • For houses built before 1960, you will need a document describing the type of flooring.

Process and complete list

The procedure requires several steps. The first stage involves searching for a suitable company, preferably one recommended by VTB24. You can study the VTB 24 list of appraisal companies by clicking on this link. An Excel file with the current list will be downloaded to your computer. Find your area and find the right organization. The list contains contact information for each company.

The client can choose an organization independently, but it must fully comply with the requirements set by the bank. The criteria are listed in the official document from VTB24, we recommend that you read it if you decide to look for appraisers yourself. When a suitable specialist is found, he must be agreed upon with VTB24. The speed of receiving funds and the confirmation procedure is noticeably accelerated if the client turns to a company accredited by the bank.

The next stage is a visit to the organization carrying out the assessment. Further actions are performed according to the following scheme:

  1. You enter into an agreement with a specialist to evaluate a certain property;
  2. Together with an expert, you need to visit the apartment you are planning to buy;
  3. After the visit, you pay for the specialist’s services;
  4. The organization analyzes the papers provided by the client, checks the living space and makes its decision.

Experts must make sure that the apartment's characteristics correspond to the data from the documents. Specialists take photos of residential premises for further study. If deficiencies are found, the price is reduced.

To calculate, companies use various methods, including taking into account the positive and negative aspects of a particular object. The final stage will be the preparation of the reporting document. This paper must be taken to the bank, after which the financial institution will issue a loan for the specified amount.

You have read the list and now you know which specialist to contact in your city or region. It is also worth considering the difficulties that the borrower may encounter when assessing the living space.

Sometimes companies increase or decrease the price of an apartment. Of course, overestimating the market value for the bank will be a disadvantage, so experts often underestimate the price. In this case, the borrower needs to look for additional funds, since the person who put the apartment up for sale demands a higher price.

A situation occurs when a specialist incorrectly analyzed the average cost of similar properties in your region. Sometimes organizations do not take into account the condition of the living space. The issue can be resolved in favor of the borrower if you follow the recommendations:

  • Use an alternative company from the VTB24 list;
  • Request a re-evaluation of the apartment and indicate the reasons why the operation was performed incorrectly;
  • Apply for an additional loan, justifying your actions by the discrepancy between the price from the seller and the value determined by the appraiser.

As for the cost of the service itself, each company has its own prices. Also, the price depends on the region and on additional factors: the location of the house where the apartment will be assessed, the urgency of the procedure, the features of the object. This table shows the average prices for the service. As you can see, in large centers the cost of assessment is quite high.

Which appraisal companies does VTB 24 work with?

We recommend that you begin this procedure immediately, as the assessment may take longer. Remember that a financial institution makes it possible to find housing, evaluate it and complete the necessary documents within 3 months. After this period, you will have to re-apply for a loan and go through all the stages. After studying the documents, you will find out which VTB 24 accredited mortgage appraisal companies can help you, all that remains is to select a specialist and act.

VTB 24 partners provide insurance protection for mortgages or car loans. All accredited insurance companies in VTB 24 are checked for legal capacity and financial stability. VTB 24 cooperates with some of the best and leading companies on the Russian market.

List of insurance companies

When applying for mortgage lending or, you must be prepared for the fact that VTB 24 will require insurance. Without it, you will not be able to get a loan from this bank. This is due to the fact that there is always a risk of theft or damage in the case of a car, and in the case of residential real estate, it must be insured against emergencies.

Which insurance companies does VTB 24 cooperate with? Among the list of 27 companies, you can choose the one where insurance will cost you the least or with which you have already collaborated more than once. All of them, to a lesser or greater extent, have been working on the market for a long time. TOP-27 approved insurance companies by VTB Bank in 2020:

  • LLC "VTB-Insurance"
  • Rosgosstrakh LLC.
  • OJSC Alfastrakhovanie.
  • SOJSC "VSK".
  • LLC SK "Soglasie"
  • OSJSC "Reso-Garantiya".
  • CJSC "MAX"
  • Renaissance Insurance Group LLC.
  • JSC SG UralSib.
  • JSC GSK Yugoria.
  • CJSC "AIG"
  • JSC SG "Spassky Gates".
  • Liberty Insurance (JSC).
  • Absolut Insurance LLC.
  • LLC Insurance Company HDI.
  • LLC "SO "Surgutneftegas"
  • Zetta Insurance LLC.
  • BIN Insurance LLC.
  • JSC Tinkoff Insurance.

The official website of the bank provides companies that meet the requirements for cooperation. You can find addresses and phone numbers on the official websites of the companies. There is also an option to call the phone number at VTB 24 ( hotline – 0 800 507 760).

Accreditation of insurance companies

The provided insurance companies will take care of your insurance protection. What requirements must VTB 24 fulfill? The requirements for insurance companies are the same:

  • A valid license to conduct insurance activities.
  • Conducting insurance activities for 3 years or more.
  • No overdue debts to the budget, other funds and creditors.
  • The statutory capital corresponds to the standard established by the government of the Russian Federation.
  • The placement of reserves takes place in accordance with the decree of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.
  • No violations.
  • The insurance company is not bankrupt.
  • Executive funds amount to no more than 10% of the statutory capital.
  • Insurance premiums account for up to 75% of the total.

If one condition is not met, the insurance company is no longer subject to financial strength analysis. She is excluded from the list of partners recommended for cooperation.

Requirements regarding financial strength:

  • The insurance reserve coverage ratio of the insurance company must be greater than 0.3.
  • The share of debt burden should not exceed 25%.
  • The share of insurance provided by the insurance company must exceed 20%.
  • The company's loss ratio should be from 20 to 75% (depending on the type of insurance).
  • The share of expenses should be between 50% and 60%.
  • The profitability ratio of the insurance company must exceed 0.03 (other insurance) and 0.1 (for life insurance).
  • The insurance and business activity ratio exceeds 0.03.
  • The share of solvency is more than 85%.
  • TL coefficient – ​​0.5 (other insurance) and 1 (life insurance).

If violations occur, the company is excluded from the list of accredited companies. Mortgages require compulsory residential property insurance. Companies that have been operating on the Russian market for a long time inspire the greatest confidence.

For car insurance, the client can apply for CASCO insurance at any other organization. Main– it must meet all of the above requirements.

Then accreditation will be issued to her. An application for another insurance company is considered within 21 working days (but not in the case of a mortgage).

Policies with minimal costs

There are 24 companies cooperating with VTB, as you have seen, quite a lot. If you have not encountered them before, then a consultant at the bank can indicate the insurer that is beneficial to the bank and with whom it works. When choosing insurance, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Volume of insurance premium. The lower the cost of the policy, the less you will need to borrow. This is especially true for a mortgage, where the down payment is large and almost equal to the cost of the car.
  • Periodicals. It all depends on your solvency. You can pay right away - great. If not, immediately choose insurance with installment payments.
  • Risks. If there is a large set of risks, you will need to pay a tidy sum.

Car insurance at VTB 24

Without CASCO, you will not receive a loan for the desired car at VTB 24. CASCO is issued for a period of 1 year, but it will need to be extended for the entire loan term against possible theft and other damages.

An approved accredited company can only be changed to an accredited one after a year by the client. You can extend the policy if the term expires within 10 working days.

The insurance amount must be equal to the market value of the car. But the cost may change when new insurance agreements are signed.

In case of damage to the car, an amount is paid in accordance with the wear and tear of the car. If you cooperated with a service station in case of breakdowns, then the insurance company fully pays the cost of repairs.

Saving on car insurance

Here, the only saving option is insurance for the remaining loan amount. According to insurance regulations, it must be paid at the market value of the car. But this will not be an unshakable rule.


The company's accreditation is a bank's guarantee against losses when issuing a loan to a client. This will be beneficial for the client both when concluding a mortgage agreement and a car loan. The list of companies guarantees the client a willingness to help, since only the best insurers are on the list. If you have been cooperating with VTB 24 for a long time, then it is possible to issue a policy under special conditions. It will be easier to get both a policy and a loan.

The choice of housing for most domestic buyers sometimes turns into a real problem. Russians are offered a wide variety of options, but they need to raise a large amount of money. The best solution would be to apply for a mortgage at a bank, but to obtain it you will need to collect a set of documents. You can avoid difficulties if you choose real estate from the list of accredited new buildings from VTB 24. Mortgage lending in this program eliminates risks when choosing housing and eliminates the routine of collecting documents.

Apartments in new buildings available with mortgage lending from VTB 24

The bank has a partnership with apartment sellers, so the housing will be available directly from first-hand sources.

Advantages when choosing accredited apartments

The undoubted advantages include the following:
  • Each object undergoes a thorough check by bank specialists. They collect a set of papers;
  • housing is checked by lawyers;
  • the cost of apartments is lower than that of resellers. The property is purchased directly from the developer;
  • the period for checking the client and the mortgaged object is reduced. The contract is signed as soon as possible. A list of available housing is always available on the VTB website;
  • the program provides certain benefits, for example, the opportunity to receive a minimum percentage or the use of government support.


Despite the obvious advantages, the program also has a number of disadvantages:
  • The bank’s partners mainly offer apartments in buildings under construction, so you will have to wait until construction is completed;
  • housing is sold without interior decoration;
  • the amount of housing depends on the size of the city. In small localities there may be only 1-3 accredited apartments;
  • preferential rates under government programs will only apply after construction is completed.

Conditions for providing a mortgage at VTB 24

On the official website you can choose suitable housing from accredited new buildings from VTB - the list is constantly updated. The mortgage is provided on the following terms:
  • a loan can be taken out for an amount from 600 thousand to 60 million rubles;
  • The base loan rate is from 10.1%. It may increase by 0.5% if you receive your salary from another bank. If you refuse insurance, the rate increases by another 1%;
  • grant period up to 30 years;
  • down payment of 10%.
After choosing housing, you need to submit an application to VTB for participation in the program. This can be done directly at the branch or through the company’s official website.

List of accredited new buildings in VTB 24

For the convenience of clients, VTB specialists have created a unified database of accredited real estate.

To reduce wasted time, the program uses the selection of real estate by locality. To search in other cities, you just need to manually set the correct search parameters and wait for the result. The interactive map available on the site helps to visualize the process and makes it more comfortable.


The mortgage lending program for accredited new buildings from VTB 24 relieves buyers from most risks, reduces wasted time and makes the process itself comfortable. For any questions related to mortgages, you can get advice from bank specialists using our toll-free 24-hour number.