Fraudsters blocked the card, what should I do? Your bank card is blocked

The competence of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation does not include any communication with clients of credit institutions. An exception may be responses to requests and complaints. Sending emails and SMS messages on behalf of the country's main bank is carried out by scammers. Read the article about what to do if you receive a strange SMS from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on your phone.

Does the Central Bank have the right to block your card?

Only the holders themselves, credit institutions that issued the cards under the agreement, and judicial authorities have the right to block clients’ bank cards. No one, including the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, has access to confidential information about the client. Fraudsters try to get hold of such data, and sometimes to no avail.

Having received the necessary information, criminals try to use it as quickly as possible to gain access to money. Attacks on bank customer cards occur periodically. In connection with numerous calls from deceived and robbed clients to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the country's main financial institution has repeatedly published official letters in the media asking them not to succumb to the provocations of scammers.

Why is your card blocked by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation?

Validation by a banking institution is possible if it is compromised, expired, stolen, lost, or other less common circumstances. In any case, the SMS about blocking comes from a short phone number, which is used by the bank for newsletters and sending information about transactions carried out on the card.

Communication with the client on any issues related to cards is available only to the issuing bank. Dubious mobile phone numbers are never used. If an SMS or call comes from supposedly the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, this means that criminals are contacting the client.

Your card is blocked by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation - what to do

The most important thing that is required from a client when receiving an SMS from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation about blocking cards is not to panic. “Chain letters” have become not uncommon in the last 5 years, so many already know how to behave in such a situation.

For those who are encountering this for the first time, you should remember that you cannot call the phone number specified in the SMS. Fraudsters will do everything to force you to use the card on their recommendation. The result will almost 100% be a loss of funds.

The most common “divorces”:

  1. Friendly “employees” of the bank offer to unblock the card at the nearest one. They inform the client in detail which buttons to press on the self-service device, what amount to dial and ask to enter a PIN code. After this, the client, as if under hypnosis, voluntarily parted with his savings.
  2. After dialing the phone number, no one will answer, and the client will later receive a bill with a significant amount for the call made.
  3. They will answer the call and keep the customer on the phone for as long as possible. Later, you will receive a bill from your mobile operator for the call itself and for the long conversation.

What to do when receiving a suspicious SMS:

  • After reading the message, the client urgently needs to contact his bank. The call center number is indicated on each bank card. You can’t tell anyone, not even a bank employee.
  • Personally contact the nearest office of the credit institution and find out if the card is blocked.
  • Go to the bank’s online service and check the card status.
  • Try to make any transaction using your card at an ATM or terminal.

In any case, the client must notify the bank’s security service about what happened.

Telephone scams, including international 8800 lines, are very common. Victims receive requests, for example, from the phone number 8 800 505 67 32, and then the scammers try to write off money from their account - telephone or card.

Today I received an interesting message on my phone, it contained information that my card was blocked and asked me to call the number from which the SMS came.

Text of the message: "Your bank card is temporarily not active. Info: at this number."

The first thought that any bank card owner will have when receiving such a message is: Why was it blocked? Why? And what about my money?

Literally after a few seconds I realized that this message was nothing more than a stupid trick of scammers that should not be paid attention to. But, nevertheless, there are different bank clients. Including the largest bank - Sberbank.

Why is the message fraudulent?

We have already told you about the reasons why a card may be blocked in the article - why my Sberbank card is blocked and we found out that in most cases the card is blocked by the client, banks rarely block cards, only at the request of a specialist. services

The bank will never ask you to call the number provided. They don't have time to explain the reasons for blocking to every client. If the card is blocked, you will be asked to come to the bank branch with a 99% probability; such issues cannot be discussed over the phone.

Moreover, each bank now has a number in the format 8 800 XXX XXXX, a call to which is free. Although private numbers are often used to resolve individual issues, they are all Moscow, that is, they start at +7 495 and are listed on the bank’s website.

If the SMS message does not contain information that allows you to uniquely identify the recipient, that is, there is no information about his name, patronymic, or the last 4 digits of the card number, most likely this is an attempt at fraud.

What are the scammers trying to achieve?

By sending such messages, scammers hope that you will call them back. And then, in panic and confusion, you need to provide confidential information about your card or bank account. For example, the amount of the last transaction, PIN code or CVV2 code.

Often, calls to such numbers are expensive for customers; scammers may not extract account information from you, but simply waste time while the money for calls to a paid and very expensive phone number is debited from the balance of your mobile phone.

What should I do if I receive a blocking message?

If you receive a message that your bank card has been blocked, do not get confused and do not do what you are asked to do in the SMS message. Try to come to your senses as quickly as possible and first look at what number the message was sent from and compare it with the one from which messages from the bank usually come. For example, all messages from Sberbank come from the number 900. In SMS from Promsvyazbank, instead of a number, the abbreviation PSB is indicated. If the number is private, most likely they are scammers.

However, it would be a good idea to call the bank. But the call must be made not to the number specified in the message, but to the bank’s number in 8 800 format. It can be found on the bank’s official website, on the back of your card or on our website - Vozrozhdenie, Bank of Moscow, etc.

Call the bank and find out whether your accounts have been blocked or not. Everything will immediately become clear: if everything is in order with the accounts and there are no complaints from the bank against you, then the SMS message really was not from the bank and it can be deleted.

Before deleting, write the scammers’ phone number and message text in the comments to this article so that other visitors can learn from your experience and no longer fall for the tricks of criminals.

Well, if the bank did send the message and after the call it turns out that your card is really blocked, then that’s a completely different story. This means that a reason has been found and, most likely, a significant one. Find out what's wrong and try to unblock the card.

8-800-505-6732 as an example of how a fraudulent scheme works

8-800-505-6732 - phone number related to Freephone. Among Internet users, he is known as a contact belonging to professional scammers. The scheme of their work is simple: the victim is informed about the movement of funds in his account via SMS message, and the specified number is left as a contact contact. Fraudsters count on the cardholder to call back after discovering an unauthorized transaction.

They don’t know if the subscriber has any kind of bank account at all. If you call the specified contact, the scammer introduces himself as an “operator” who can resolve the issue with one card or several. Moreover, regardless of the number of cards, the types of payment systems to which they belong, and the banks in which card accounts are opened. Criminals request detailed bank card information, promising to “check everything” and, if they “identify an error,” then to “unblock” the account.

In the process of working with pseudo bankers, the card can actually be blocked. A real bank will do this if it detects questionable activity on the account.

Banks and payment systems are authorized to work only with “their” products. For example, neither the VTB operator nor the VISA employee can resolve problems with the MIR card from Sberbank.

8-800-505-6732 is also used for SMS distribution. Victims are notified of the receipt of funds. The contact telephone number is 8-800-505-67-32. The source of receipt and recipient of funds are not identified in any way. The attackers are obviously counting on the potential victim to call back to sort out the situation.

+78124093086 and other dubious numbers

Now an SMS has arrived on one of my phones

"Technical/department of the Bank. Your bank card is blocked. Info: 89128345441" .

SMS came from the number +79512738607
The first impulse is to call! But...

I have both my cards with me. I have no need to worry about blocking them - both are workers (salaries), there will be no problems... So what is this SMS? I searched Google. I found out that this is the next batch of divorces (after “Mom, put some money in urgently...) Many fell for this, after all, we are talking about children...

And now there’s a new hassle - the bank card is supposedly blocked. I found a wonderful explanation of what it is - this message... Read it too. The main thing is not to panic. Meaning?? Call - and you will simply be left without money on your mobile phone.

As Dr. Bykov, beloved by many (including me!), from the TV series “Interns” says: "Turn on your brains!!!"

SMS scammers

This is a new type of scammers who use a mobile phone to swindle money and in almost all cases go unpunished. Telephone fraud is very profitable and, most importantly, is currently practically unpunished.
This type of fraud has recently become very common because, as a rule, a person who has been defrauded of a small amount of money will not contact the police and take any action.
Now SMS scammers have reached bank cards, since people are already reacting weakly to messages like: “Mom, urgently put 900 rubles on such and such a number, then I’ll explain everything.” That’s why telephone scammers are inventing new ways of cheating.
Now SMS messages began to arrive not on behalf of beloved children and grandchildren, but supposedly from the customer support service of bank card holders.

An SMS message arrives: “Your account is blocked. We ask you to call the security department back at such and such a number.” A bank client is calling. Not only can the conversation be paid, but during the conversation the SMS fraudster can find out the PIN code of his card from his victim and... the person loses the money in his account. Therefore, under no circumstances should you call back after receiving such an SMS.

Who would like to one day find out that their bank card has been blocked and they have no access to their own money? Nobody. Such news can cause panic and force you to act recklessly. And it is during such periods of turmoil that it is easiest for scammers to deceive their victims and extract money from them. And an SMS message about blocking a card is just necessary to make a person nervous and start making mistakes.

The principle of most fraud schemes is surprisingly simple. All of them are based on hitting a person where it hurts, making him panic and stop thinking normally. And what could cause more panic than the possibility of being left without money, because the bank, for some unknown reason, suddenly blocked the card and left you without a livelihood? This is what criminals play on, convincing their victims that their cards are blocked, and they can unblock them only after a series of certain actions.

The SMS about card blocking always contains a number that you should call to sort out the problem. Those scammers who are afraid to take decisive action and get involved in fraud with bank cards usually limit themselves to just connecting a paid number, which the victim must call back. One call, and the scammer has become several thousand rubles richer, and the deceived person will have to pay a large sum to the operator for one call. But some of the criminals decide to go after bigger fish. Why do they need a measly 2-3 thousand if they can get all the victim’s money that is on her card? And this can be quite a considerable amount!

In this case, the actions of fraudsters can be carried out according to two different scenarios:

1. Find out the card data.

Upon learning that the card has been blocked, the victim is usually under the influence of passion. The perfect time to find out everything you need from her. Motivating his actions by the fact that he needs to know all the card details in order to unblock it, the fraudster receives detailed information about it. Card number, owner's name, expiration date and even CVV code. Sometimes scammers even try to find out the victim’s recent financial transactions. This will allow them to understand the person’s financial capabilities and decide how and how much money is still worth extracting from him. After receiving all the information, the “operator” confirms that the card is unlocked and the owner can safely use it. In the future, the information obtained will be used by criminals to pay for goods and services on the Internet. Basically, scammers try to immediately use the information and spend all the money from the card. What if the victim comes to his senses, understands what happened and actually blocks the card or activates protection through a phone number or password? Then the thief will have to break off. Therefore, scammers try to act immediately.

2. Transfer of money.

Not many people use the ATM money transfer feature. So the scammer hopes that his victim, especially in a state close to panic, will realize that he is voluntarily transferring money to someone unknown. The person is convinced that the only way to unblock the card is to carry out this operation himself through an ATM. Naturally, the operator will help and tell you what to do. Like a zombie, the person heads to the banking machine, repeats all the actions that the “operator” told him, and after the operation is completed, he understands what he did. But it’s too late, the money has already gone to the scammers. Some still manage to figure it out and suspend their actions.

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This method of luring money is much worse than the first, since the scammer loses contact with his victim for some time while he heads to the nearest ATM. And she, having calmed down or after consulting with someone she knows, cools down and begins to suspect a catch. The fish gets off the hook. Only true masters of persuasion dare to implement this scheme. Too few people fall for it if some time passes.

What to do?

Blocking a card is an unpleasant matter. And it very rarely happens that the bank actually blocks the card. This usually happens at the request of the owner. For example, the card was lost or accidentally given to someone. It is very rare for a bank to block a card without the owner’s knowledge. To do this, you must either go into debt on the card due to the lack of funds on it and subscription fees. And if this actually happens, the bank will not ask you to call back to clarify the circumstances. He will demand to come to the department to clarify all the issues. And most often, the bank sends a written notification to the cardholder’s address, rather than a text message over the phone.

When you receive an SMS, you should carefully check which number they ask you to call back to. Each bank has several contacts for communicating with clients that begin with certain numbers. It is worth going to the website of the bank where you are served and comparing the contact information indicated on it with those specified in the message. Don't agree? Then this is a scammer.

If you still have doubts that the SMS message was sent by a bank employee and not a criminal, then you should call the bank and ask about the blocking. But according to the official number of the institution, registered on its website, and not the number indicated in the SMS message. There is a 99% chance that you will be pleased that the card is valid and it has not been frozen.

There is another way to immediately sense the catch. After calling the number, the message tells you to go to the ATM and carry out a series of simple manipulations to unblock the card? It's funny, but something doesn't add up. How can I use my card at an ATM if it is blocked? Most of these devices are programmed to confiscate a card if it is listed as blocked in the database. What if she was kidnapped and scammers are trying to take advantage of her? It is for such cases that this function exists.

And if you can carry out some operations, then your card is working. You should not immediately perform the manipulations at the ATM that the operator’s voice from the handset insists on. Can you check your account? Request money for withdrawal? So how then is the card blocked?

Another thing that should alert you is why the SMS message does not contain card or bank details. After all, now most people have several cards from different banks. How then can you figure out which one was blocked? And the bank usually sends a message with a semi-hidden card number when reporting transactions carried out from the card, when SMS notifications are activated. But nothing is indicated here. The explanation is simple. In most cases, scammers do not have accurate information about the victim to whom the SMS is sent and about the card he is using. Therefore, they prefer to send impersonal information to everyone, hoping that someone will take the bait. However, too many people fall for this trick of criminals. The scale has increased so much that banks have sounded the alarm and are warning their clients about such fraud schemes.

Sometimes, with such attempts to deceive people, it gets ridiculous. It happens that SMS messages arrive late at night. What kind of bank employee works at night to send notifications to dear clients? Or the message comes from a different region, which also cannot happen. Sometimes inexperienced scammers forget to erase the name of a previous victim about whom they had accurate information.

Don't panic right away if you receive a message like this. It is better to check the card through online banking or an ATM. If it is possible to pay for something or withdraw money, then the card works. And the scammer was simply trying to fool you. And remember, never give your CVV card to anyone! This way you will allow criminals to use your money to pay for various things or services on the Internet. If the card is indeed blocked, then contact directly the bank branch from which you ordered it.

A common practice of people all over the world is to use multiple card products. For example, salary, income and credit cards.

Such activity can be beneficial, since credit cards can be used to obtain short-term loans within an interest-free period, debit cards - to receive regular income and store your own funds, salary products - for periodic transfers of earned money.

Such intensive use gives rise to numerous questions regarding various issues related to card products.

So, often clients receive messages, the main content of which is the text “This text is usually followed by instructions for further actions, which involves calling the specified number. Should be considered There are two possible reasons for this situation:

  • there really was a card blocked by the bank due to certain actions of its holder;
  • card product owner became the target of attackers who are trying to take possession of his funds.

Your bank card is blocked: what to do if it is actually blocked?

This message from a credit institution about blocking a bank card usually has the following mandatory features:

1) it is sent from the official bank number, from which other SMS messages usually come (for example, about spending funds, about changing a password);

2) the message contains offer to contact with a specialist of a credit institution by official phone number, which is also indicated on the website of this bank, on the card itself, at ATMs, and in other sources of information;

3) the message indicates details that individualize the blocked product(for example, the last digits of the card number).

If all the specified conditions are met, then you should call the bank on the hotline or other official phone number to find out the reasons for the blocking and further actions of the card product holder. Possible causes are often entering the wrong PIN code three times when trying to withdraw money from an ATM (in which case the card itself is held by the device), as well as the expiration of the product.

Your bank card is blocked: what to do if there are fraud attempts?

The most common reason for receiving these messages is precisely the actions of attackers who are trying to take possession of the holder’s funds in this way. Common features of such attempts are:

  1. absence of any individual details in the message card product, since fraudsters simply do not know them;
  2. unknown number, which is definitely not the telephone number of a credit institution;
  3. unconvincing attempts to make a message official, in which attackers can sign the addressee (for example, “Your Bank”, “Central Bank”), indicate the payment system of the card (often in such messages they write “Visa card”, since they focus on wider distribution of such products).

When receiving these messages from scammers, it is often recommended to call the specified number back and, using leading questions, make sure that you are dealing with criminals.

This advice is incorrect because it does not take into account all possible ways of deceiving card product holders. Thus, criminals often do not care about the money placed on the card account; they they get the holder to call, after which his mobile phone account will be reset. That is why in all such cases the only reasonable action would be calling the bank on the official phone number, which is indicated on the back of the card.