Funeral insurance: information about the service and its benefits. Capital life life insurance How to quickly get insurance for a funeral after the death of the policyholder

Relatively recently appeared in the field of funeral services the new kind insurance - targeted life insurance in case of death. Purchasing a funeral insurance policy will remove the burden of care from loved ones during the funeral. In difficult times for them, people are often unable to think adequately. The state of shock plays into the hands of ritual agents who impose their services, increasing the real cost many times over.

What is targeted life insurance in case of death?

A funeral plan insurance policy is more modern method saving money for a rainy day. Since ancient times, grandparents have been saving funeral money for years and purchasing all kinds of ritual accessories. Not always and not everyone has the opportunity to save. Yes and Taking into account inflation, accumulated money depreciates every year at a catastrophic rate. In this case, it is proposed to purchase this insurance policy.

The advantage of purchasing and the chances that you won’t be deceived are much higher than you might think. Firstly, the policy can be purchased from those who are directly involved in funeral services. You clearly cannot deny them professionalism. Secondly, any violation in legal contract with the insurer will result in the insurance agency losing its license.

If the insurance includes the entire range of funeral services, then relatives and friends will not have to do anything at all in the event of the death of the insured. They will only need to notify the insurance company about the death of the insured person, provide a contract and a death certificate. All the rest Insurance Company will undertake, according to the terms of the contract.

If for some reason the funeral took place at the expense of the relatives of the deceased, then the insurance company will also compensate, only according to the clauses of the contract. If, for example, the insurance specifies 2 wreaths, but 8 were purchased, then only 2 wreaths will be paid for.

Minuses funeral plan insurance policy

Naturally, the cost increases with each approved point of the funeral plan insurance policy. Age and other factors also influence this. The state of health will also be charged differently for a sick person than for a healthy one.. Often they forget to mention this point.

All kinds of insurance companies offer services up to paying for the funeral and subsequent cleaning of the grave. But we should also not forget that you should trust time-tested agencies, and not tempting offers with all kinds of discounts from unreliable agencies. Remember the risk of contacting fly-by-night companies!

Ritual policy or policy of last resort.

A ritual policy is often called a policy of last resort. Indeed, for single people or those whose relatives live quite far away and they do not have the opportunity to come to the funeral, this policy can become a policy of last resort.

Who else can lonely people count on if only themselves? Inflation is the factor that will become the main root cause of people turning to insurance agencies in the hope of getting a decent funeral.

This does not mean that young people cannot purchase a ritual policy for themselves or for older relatives. Extreme sports, or professional activity, associated with a risk to life, are already making many think about what such hobbies and work can bring to those who may be left without a breadwinner in the family. Therefore, ritual insurance can be purchased both for yourself and for others.

Anyone can take out insurance, regardless of age, for a period of 1 year to 10 years. If insurance is carried out with a pensioner over 60 years of age, then the insurance period is for life. A health certificate is not required. Payments under funeral insurance require installments for a period of 10 years or a one-time payment.

When paying in installments, payment is also possible monthly, once a quarter or once a year. It all depends on the insurance company and the amount of funeral insurance.

There is one more important plus, in addition to the one that removes the concern about the funeral from the shoulders of relatives and friends - this is the fact that

the insurance begins to operate immediately after the conclusion of the contract and does not depend on the number of payments under the contract.

We are all not eternal in this world. Such an insured event will inevitably occur for everyone. Maybe it makes sense to insure everything? To confirm an insured event, you must provide an insurance contract, as mentioned earlier, and a death certificate.

On the Easy Funeral website you can submit a request for registration similar agreement and receive offers from funeral agencies in your city.

The list of documents for signing a funeral insurance contract is limited to a passport confirming the identity and age of the insurer. It should be noted that insurance is available and foreign citizens, living in the territory Russian Federation on an ongoing basis.

Before signing an insurance contract, the policyholder must decide on the list of services included in the ritual procedure. The cost of insurance will depend on their number and extent. In the standard terms and conditions of the contract, the policyholder may include:

  • arrival insurance agent at the place specified in the contract, after receiving a notification about the occurrence of an insured event;
  • purchasing funeral paraphernalia in specified by the contract volume: wreaths, ribbons, coffin, urn, etc.;
  • control over the provision of space in the cemetery;
  • registration of all documents related to the death of the insured person;
  • organization of religious ceremonies (depending on religion and wishes);
  • transportation of the buried person to the cemetery, transportation services for people saying goodbye to the deceased to the burial place and back;
  • organizing the installation of a temporary tombstone, installation of a monument, etc.

Depending on the amount the client expects, the insurance company may offer additional care for the burial site, fencing it, organizing a “wake” and much more.

Like any type of insurance, funeral insurance has many positive aspects, among which:

  • independent organization of the funeral, including the choice of the type and number of bouquets, wreaths, decoration, etc.;
  • no need to undergo a medical examination before signing the contract, which is suitable for people suffering from chronic and acute forms of diseases;
  • independent choice of funeral bureau, guaranteeing high quality services offered;
  • organizing a funeral without the participation of relatives, in the event that they are abroad or their health condition does not allow them to engage in organizational activities;
  • the policy can be purchased by any policyholder for any beneficiary;
  • the insurance payment will be full, even if the death of the insured person occurs after making several contributions.

The advantages of concluding a funeral insurance contract are obvious. The main advantage of having such insurance is confidence in the future and freeing loved ones from worries about organizing a funeral on those days when they need to be left alone with their grief and given the opportunity to say goodbye to a loved one.

Clients who take out such a policy receive a lot of advantages:

  • the possibility of accumulating the required amount - payments can be made one-time or in installments over a long period of time, and insurance guarantees are valid from the moment the contract is signed;
  • independent choice of all necessary services (you can even decide on the number of wreaths);
  • no need to undergo a medical examination;
  • high quality of services provided and compliance with all requirements of the insured person - insurers cooperate with trusted funeral homes (the client can choose the company at his own discretion);
  • no need to prepare relevant documents - these activities are carried out by insurance agents;
  • it is acceptable to organize a funeral without the participation of relatives (for example, they are in another country);
  • Any person can take out a policy, including for their relatives;
  • payment guarantee monetary compensation– death inevitably comes anyway.
Do hard things while they are easy, do great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a simple step.

Lao Tzu

For the whole of January in the new year 2014, I was busy with my own affairs, and I’ll tell you, very sorrowful ones. A close relative died and I myself took part in organizing the funeral. Perhaps this is what led me to the idea that this is part of managing our personal finances, because no one will fulfill our obligation to bury a loved one. Now I know first-hand how difficult it is not just to help someone in mourning matters, but to participate in organizing the funeral of a loved one. The biggest difficulty is the perception of the death of a loved one, when a “stupor” sets in and you want to call someone for help, because the loss is irreparable.

If there are many relatives, then perhaps there will be no problem with the issue of the burial ritual. What if there are few relatives or they are minors, and, alternatively, that relatives live far away and are not able to come for three days? This is where many questions arise that cannot be answered definitively. A lot of “ifs” immediately arise:

- if the deceased has a stash in the house, then...

- if the deceased cash in the bank, but there is no power of attorney on the bank card, then...;

- if the deceased has money in the bank, but has a power of attorney in the bank card, then...;

- if the deceased has relatives who are minors or disabled or simply elderly who are no longer able to perform burial duties.

I will tell you that funeral services work very quickly, especially when it comes to burying previously sick people or those who died due to illness. You just need to find one thing immediately within 24 hours - money sufficient to pay for funeral services.

It is precisely because the issue concerns money that I brought it up.

Of course, you can always turn to neighbors, friends, parents, other relatives, and at least to, which are now on every corner. After all, at that moment the biggest task is to bury a loved one with dignity and no one thinks about how much the loan will cost and in what time frame they will be able to repay it. It’s simply not possible to get a regular one in such a time frame.

Isn't it better to think about a probabilistic event in advance and be prepared for unpleasant surprises?

Now OJSC Rosgosstrakh offers a new insurance program - “ritual insurance”, which is valid in any territory. Perhaps for some this is the opportunity not to suddenly find themselves broke or in a situation that they would like to avoid?

The age of the insured at the time of insurance must not be less than 35 years. The insurance policy is valid for life. The insurance begins to operate in full from the third year from the date of insurance. Excess - 2 years from the date of registration of the funeral insurance policy. During these 2 years, the only insured event is death from car and plane accidents and the payment is made in the amount of funds invested during this period. Starting from the third year of payment of insurance payments, the insurance is in full force, i.e. in the event of the death of the insured person for any reason, it is paid sum insured in full to the Beneficiary (in the first option) or the funeral expenses of the funeral service are reimbursed within the limits of the insured amount.

I will not describe to you all the insurance conditions here. If necessary, you can always clarify the conditions by email: [email protected] or via Skype: marina_ufa72. I will definitely answer you.

However, I will reveal to you the possibilities for insurance policy lifelong (ritual insurance) “MARS”: 15,000 rub., 25,000 rub., 50,000 rub., 100,000 rub., 150,000 rub., 200,000 rub. or 300,000 rub. The specific amount of the amount is chosen by the policyholder when concluding an insurance contract.

The peculiarity of lifelong funeral insurance is that You can insure not only yourself, but also another person (health issues of the insured are not taken into account; the age of the insured is taken into account, not his illness)

Time and territory of insurance: at any time of the day and anywhere in the world, with the exception of territories where a state of emergency has been declared or military operations are taking place, including operations against terrorists.

Frequency of payment of insurance premiums: quarterly, semi-annually, annually, once.

Due date for payment of contributions no more than 15 years. After full payment of premiums, the insurance policy is valid until the death of the insured person.

I recommend, dear readers, to think, because many reject insurance payments which is significantly higher than for lifelong funeral insurance. You can insure not only yourself, but also any other person aged from 35 to 80 years, and as a rule, the earlier you are insured, the lower the premiums that apply to lifelong funeral insurance.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones , because before death everyone is equal, and sooner or later, the question will arise at the most inopportune moment. After all, no death can happen on time.

I wish you health and long life!

You can receive answers to your questions by email: [email protected] or via Skype: marina_ufa72. I will definitely answer you.

Your Financial Consultant: Kozhevnikova Marina

In 2015, Russians paid more than 1 billion rubles for funeral insurance policies - such insurance involves the insurance company paying for the client’s funeral expenses. In the first three months of 2016, insurers' fees for this type doubled. looked into why the popularity of “funeral” insurance is growing and how it works.

Billion on the last journey

In 2015, fees under the ritual life insurance program amounted to more than 1 billion rubles, the Rosgosstrakh Life company told - in fact, this is the only insurer in the Russian Federation offering a life insurance service with a funeral organization service (small company Dostoinstvo, also offering a similar product, was deprived of its license on January 14, 2016).

The popularity of “funeral” policies is growing - premiums for 2015 are almost double the results of 2014, when the MARS funeral insurance program was launched, and in the first quarter of 2016, premiums exceeded 300 million rubles, which is almost one and a half times more than for the same period last year, Rosgosstrakh Zhizni clarified.

Such an insurance contract is valid for life, and the insured event is death for any reason, according to the program description on the company’s website.

“Under the terms of the insurance program, the insurance company can transfer to the beneficiary cash payment or independently organize the provision of funeral services in the amount of the insured amount,” explains the insurer. The insured amount can range from 15 thousand to 300 thousand rubles, services are provided by a funeral company - a partner of the insurer, throughout the Russian Federation, regardless of the place where the contract was concluded.

Funeral insurance is designed, in particular, for pensioners and single people who do not have enough money to pay for a funeral, as well as for those who plan their expenses in advance and are financially responsible for elderly parents, according to the description on the company’s website. The policy can be taken out by a person aged 18 to 80 years.

Funeral insurance is in greatest demand among people 35-70 years old, told CEO IC "Rosgosstrakh Life" Alexander Bondarenko. Regions - leaders in sales volumes: Krasnodar region, Sverdlovsk region, Mordovia.

The cost of such insurance varies greatly depending on gender, age and insurance plan option. Insurance premiums can be paid either as a lump sum, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually.

“For a 50-year-old woman, a funeral insurance policy “MARS” for 100 thousand rubles costs 4,706 rubles per year,” Alexander Bondarenko gives an example. - Clients often choose to pay a one-time fee. For example, for a 50-year-old woman, a policy for 50 thousand rubles costs 21,348 rubles. This option is chosen by clients who already have money set aside for a rainy day.”

The growing popularity of “funeral” insurance in “Rosgosstrakh Zhizni” is explained by the fact that it “is in demand by the population and has established itself as a simple and reliable tool that not only guarantees a decent funeral organization, but also provides protection from ritual fraudsters.”

However, apparently, clients did not always buy such insurance consciously: for example, in November last year, the Chuvash department of the FAS revealed the fact that Rosgosstrakh was imposing a funeral insurance agreement upon the purchase of an MTPL policy. “The order was not issued to the defendant, since the branch terminated the life (ritual) insurance agreement with the car owner and returned to him the money paid under the additional life insurance policy,” the OFAS specified.

Who benefits?

Rosgosstrah Zhizni refused to disclose the statistics of payments for funeral insurance policies, noting only that “payments grow in proportion to the increase in the number of contracts concluded.”

“This may indicate that the insurer’s loss rate under this program is extremely low,” says’s interlocutor on insurance market. - If we are talking about an effective product aimed at a client, the cash flow should go in both directions, that is, there should be both fees and payments. And if the product is effective for one of the parties, then they are usually silent about the movement of cache in the other direction.” In addition, if we are talking about people living alone, then relatives may not know about the existence of this policy, may not find it, and therefore may not apply for payment, the expert adds.

Life insurance contracts are multi-year, and it is wrong to draw conclusions based on one or two years of existence of such a product, argues Maxim Chernin, Chairman of the Committee of the All-Russian Union of Insurers for the Development of Life Insurance and General Director of Sberbank Life Insurance.

“The program was launched, for example, a year ago, and payments now may be at a fairly low level. But this doesn’t mean anything at all, it doesn’t say anything about the quality of the product: the product is perennial, and the results of it can only be seen on the horizon for at least 5-10 years,” he argues. - Very elderly people are unlikely to be accepted for insurance, or it will be with an increasing coefficient. And the 50-year-old buyer of such insurance, thank God, does not die at 51. This long-term instrument, and the product in question is generally for life, and payments on it will definitely happen sooner or later.”

The dark side of the "coffin" policy

Funeral insurance, like any other, may have a number of pitfalls, experts interviewed by note.

“This type of insurance simply duplicates the functions of the state, which guarantees citizens a social benefit - a certain amount of money for burial,” says’s interlocutor on the insurance market.

“The insurance rules for one of the program options also say that if insured event the beneficiary must submit documents confirming the costs of the funeral, including the costs of paying for the provided guaranteed list of burial services in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, says Dmitry Zhukov, chief insurance analyst at “From this wording it is not very clear whether expenses are compensated twice, or whether you need to choose where to go.”

Logically, this should mean that the relatives of the insured will receive payment from both the state and the insurance company, says Maxim Chernin.

“Life insurance is unique in that a client can insure himself with ten companies and all of them will be required to pay the insured amount upon the occurrence of an insured event, since there is no maximum cost of living,” explains Chernin. “This is the difference, for example, from property insurance and from comprehensive insurance - you cannot insure a car in two places.”

Dmitry Zhukov also draws attention to this nuance: in two of the three program options, if an insured event occurs in the first two years of the contract, payment occurs only in the amount of the premiums paid (that is, in fact, the money that the client paid to the company is returned), and only from the third year the full insurance amount is paid. “As with the purchase of any policy, it is important that at the stage of concluding the contract the client clearly understands what he has bought: what kind of product it is, what coverage it has and what exceptions it has,” sums up Maxim Chernin.

For Africans and migrants

Abroad, such insurance products are successfully sold in those countries where, for cultural and religious reasons, it is important to observe certain funeral rituals, which are quite expensive, says Maxim Chernin. For example, these are African countries.

"Besides, this type insurance is popular in countries with big amount migrants from Asian and African countries, for example in France, when a person, again for cultural and religious reasons, wants to be buried in his homeland in case of death. Repatriation of a deceased person is a very costly undertaking,” the expert adds.

Note that the South African government in early May announced plans to cancel the “funeral deductions” that went to local life insurers from social benefits, Bloomberg reported. Instead of deductions to insurance companies, the authorities plan to introduce state guarantees for funeral payments, the agency writes.

Agents of Life and Death

In the Russian Federation, only one insurer is engaged in this type of business. For others, the main problem is finding a partner, since in Russia there is no federal network company providing funeral services, explains Oleg Kiselev, president of Renaissance Life Insurance Company.

“In each region there are many funeral companies, each of which needs to be negotiated and formalized as a service provider in order to provide burial services within the framework of the insurance program. This requires large costs to form a network of hundreds of partners throughout the country, as well as a physical presence in most settlements each region of the country due to the need to make payments as quickly as possible. Such a service will affect high cost insurance program for end customers,” he explains. In addition, the end-of-life benefits under regular life insurance programs are sufficient to cover funeral expenses, the insurer adds.

In addition, the most effective sales channel is the agency one, Rosgosstrakh Zhizni said. And this can also explain the inactivity of other insurers in the ritual market. Such policies can only be sold if you have an extensive agent network, and among “vital” companies only a few have it, explains Maxim Chernin. “Currently, 85% of life insurance products are sold through banking channel, and selling funeral insurance in the mass segment through a retail bank is extremely problematic,” the expert argues. “This requires more time spent talking with the client, perhaps even introducing the agent to the client and their life situation.”

It’s interesting that, in addition to insurance for the funeral itself, Russian market There are insurance programs for “cemetery property.” So, " Uralsib Insurance» recently launched a boxed product for tombstone insurance, which covers the risks of fire, explosion, natural disasters, unlawful acts, robbery, assault, and also... collisions with other objects.