CGS medicine: where to get a compulsory medical insurance policy from RosGosStrakh. OMS Rosgosstrakh - RGS: advantages, about the company, how to get a policy, reviews Rosgosstrakh plastic policy

Every Russian has the right to receive, if necessary, a qualified medical care. This right is enshrined both in the Constitution of the Russian Federation and in a number of other regulatory legal acts and is associated with the obligation to issue an insurance policy. There are quite a few companies offering their services in this area on the Russian insurance market, however, RGS-Medicine is considered one of the most popular and proven. A positive reputation, a wide branch network and other advantages make compulsory medical insurance policy Rosgosstrakh is a welcome acquisition for many Russians.

What is CHI in RGS-Medicine?

Compulsory health insurance is a part of the state social insurance system. The main task is to ensure equal opportunities for access to medical and drug assistance provided at the expense of MHI funds.

According to the provisions enshrined in the legislation, a person has the right to receive free medical care in any region of the Russian Federation within the framework of the Basic Compulsory Medical Insurance Program, and in the subject where I issue a policy within the framework of the Territorial Program.

IMPORTANT! Registration of insurance documents, their validity and other issues are regulated in federal law No. 326, Orders of the Ministry of Health, Decrees and Orders of the Government, as well as in the Orders and Instructions.

By general rule certificate takes no more than 30 days. Moreover, it can be prepared both in paper and in electronic form. It is worth noting that electronic variant represents plastic card with a chip, on which information about the owner is applied and it is issued only to citizens of the Russian Federation.


Rosgosstrakh is one of the largest Russian insurance organizations operating in various fields. One of its subsidiaries, RGS-Medicine, is a large-scale medical insurance organization engaged in protecting the rights of citizens in the field of compulsory honey insurance.

At the moment, Rosgosstrakh-Medicine occupies a leading position in compulsory medical insurance policies. More than 22 million people in 42 subjects of the Russian Federation use the company's services. The CSG carries out its activities through more than 1000 representative offices in the regions.

Methods for issuing compulsory medical insurance

RGS offers its potential clients three ways of registration:

  • By filling out a simplified application at the point of issue;

To draw up papers in this way, a person needs to visit the nearest point of issue of the company and fill out an application of the established form there, as well as attach documents to it.

  • through the site;

On the official website of the company, it is possible to fill out an application for a policy, as well as electronic submission of all documents. A person needs to enter personal data, information about the place of residence and choose with the operator a convenient point of issue where, after considering the application, it will be possible to pick up the finished certificate.

  • at home.

This service is provided for people with disabilities and people with disabilities of 1-2 groups. To obtain it, a citizen must first contact the company by phone and notify of the need for home registration. After that, the experts will agree on all the details.

How to apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy through RGS-Medicine?

In order to save time on waiting in lines, a citizen of the Russian Federation can apply for a policy through the official website of the RGS-Medicine company, acting according to the following algorithm:

  • You need to go to the official website of the company;
  • At the top of the page, click on the inscription: "Get a policy";
  • In the window that opens, select one of the three ways to draw up a document (in this case, fill out an application and all documents on the company's website);
  • Next, choose one of the proposed options for the purpose of the appeal (initial registration);
  • Specify the person for whom the certificate is issued (for yourself);
  • In a new window, indicate the reason for receiving (previously none);

  • In the following form, you need to indicate citizenship (Russian Federation) and enter passport data, as well as attach a passport photo;
  • Next, select from the proposed categories of the population, the one to which the applicant belongs and indicate SNILS;
  • Below you need to indicate the address of registration in the Russian Federation and documents confirming this fact, as well as, if necessary, enter data on the actual place of residence;

  • The last stage of registration is the entry of personal data: phone number, email and the choice of a place to receive a certificate.

IMPORTANT! You can find out information about the available pickup points on the site by going to the "Point of issue floor" section. isov". For example, compulsory medical insurance in Moscow from Rosgosstrakh m You can pick it up at one of 15 pickup points.

After checking all the documents, the operators will contact you to clarify the details and set the time and date for visiting the company's office or the specified pickup point.

Registration through the portal of the State Service and the MFC

Insurance companies are directly involved in issuing policies, and therefore it will not work to issue paper from scratch through the State Services website. On the state portal, you can only find out information regarding the status of the policy, as well as find out the procedure for issuing it and a list of insurance companies.

Through the MFC

Any citizen of the Russian Federation can issue or re-register CHI through the MFC. But it is worth considering that this service is not provided in all centers (at the moment, mainly in large cities), so you should first contact the organization and clarify the information.

"RGS - Medicine" is a brand of the company "Rosgosstrakh", which deals exclusively with compulsory health insurance. Among other health insurers, it is most often chosen by our compatriots.

The company offers CHI policies in all regions of the Russian Federation and is a guarantor of the quality of services received by clients in medical institutions.

About company

"RGS - Medicine" is the largest medical insurer in the territory of the Russian Federation, which is engaged in the protection of policy holders of compulsory health insurance Rosgosstrakh OMS.

The company started its activity in 2002.

The shareholders of the insurance company RGS-Medicine are the companies "Rosgosstrakh" - 30% of the shares and "RGS MedInvest", which owns a controlling stake - 70%.

From 2011 to 2013, several regional and small federal HMOs joined the company: SK Ecofond, SMO Lipetsk-Zdorovye, MSK Ikar, SMK Aibolit. Since 2017, the insurer Capital Medical Insurance has joined the union.

The organization has a large network. Branches are located in 40 subjects of the Russian Federation. Public service is performed by highly qualified specialists.

Thanks to a significant number of insurance points, the number of which has exceeded a thousand across the country, customers timely carry out the mandatory registration procedure CHI documents. This allows you to freely receive the necessary free medical care.

Availability and reliability provided unquestioned credibility to the insurer. Its clients are 22 million people. This is every seventh inhabitant of our country.

Advantages of the RGS

Every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to choose an insurance organization in CHI system and its replacement - this is enshrined in the legislation of the Russian Federation. Since the rules for insurers are regulated by the state, the companies have a lot in common, but there are subtleties that greatly affect the attractiveness and final decision of potential customers.

This insurance medical organization has significant advantages:

  1. "RGS - Medicine" subsidiary Rosgosstrakh. Due to the scale, the organization easily copes with the quality control of medical services and the execution of compulsory medical insurance documents.
  2. Constant support of clients with the help of round-the-clock federal and regional contact centers. Providing advice to the insured when receiving medical services or in case of violation of their rights.
  3. Quality assurance is overseen by 380 full-time and 1,500 part-time medical experts. With the help of their laborious work, for 9 months of 2017, the insured persons received judgment material compensation in the amount of 2.25 million rubles.
  4. The authorized capital of the organization is 210 million rubles, which ensures 100% protection of clients from non-payment Money.
  5. The wide network of the Rosgosstrakh company gives customers the opportunity to apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy in remote corners of our country.
  6. Availability of a system of insurance representatives who deal with:
    • receiving citizens' appeals via telephone, e-mail, applications on the website, letters, personal appeals;
    • informing citizens through the media, Internet resources;
    • conducting training courses, placing information on stands;
    • individual notification of citizens using SMS, phone calls, mailing and consulting upon receipt of the policy;
    • quality control of medical services provided;
    • conducting customer surveys.
  7. RGS is constantly developing, using new technologies. One of the innovations is electronic policy, which surpasses the usual paper in a number of indicators:
    • the plastic card of the policy has a compact size;
    • it is extremely difficult to accidentally damage it (there is a case when it remained fully functional after an hour and a half washing in a washing machine);
    • when using it, there is no need to present a passport at the clinic, since all the necessary information is on the chip.
  8. Other benefits of the company include:
    • the possibility of submitting an online application for free delivery of 5 or more policies, which allows you to receive a document directly at the workplace, at a convenient time for the insured person;
    • purchase of an electronic compulsory medical insurance policy using an online application through the official website of the organization.

How to get a CGS policy

The following categories of the population can issue the policy "RGS - Medicine":

  • all citizens Russian Federation;
  • foreign citizens residing in Russia on a permanent and temporary basis, as well as individuals who do not have the citizenship of our country;
  • refugees are persons who have acquired the right to compulsory health insurance.

The presence of official employment does not matter when applying for a compulsory medical insurance policy at the RGS company, as well as in other Russian HMOs.

Any citizen who has reached the age of majority can personally obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy. The issuance of this document is a free service, the basis for which is a person's application for choosing or replacing an insurance company.

Free insurance for newborn children is easiest to carry out in the same insurance organization to which their parents belong.

The application is submitted in person or through legal representatives under a power of attorney.

Documents required for its registration

To obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy "RGS - Medicine" you need to provide whole line documents, without which the procedure will not be possible. These documents include:

Learn more about how the replacement of the CHI policy is carried out -.

After the document is issued, a temporary certificate is issued, which can be used for a month until the present compulsory medical insurance policy arrives.

Rights and obligations insured in the CGS

Persons insured under the MHI program have rights and obligations.

If you have problems getting medical care, you need to take steps to resolve the situation. The correct way out is to contact the representatives of the CMO.

The rights of insured citizens include:

  • guaranteed receipt of assistance in medical institutions without payment for the services of medical personnel upon the occurrence insured event(diseases);
  • implementation of a free choice of an insurance company CHI, which is determined by law;
  • independent choice of the attending physician;
  • obtaining complete and true information about the range of services provided under the compulsory medical insurance program, the conditions for providing and quality of service;
  • the possibility of changing the CMO once a year until November 1;
  • the policyholder company assumes obligations to ensure the safety of personal data of citizens;
  • the health insurance company is obliged to pay the damage caused to the client when the medical institution fails to fulfill its obligations, or when they are not performed at the proper level;
  • obtaining protection of rights and interests in the field of CHI.

The duties of citizens include the following:

  • presentation of the policy when applying to a medical institution;
  • mandatory notification of the insurance company about changes in data: last name, first name, place of residence, etc. within one month;
  • filing an application for choosing an insurance company in person or through a legal representative;
  • selection of an insurance company when moving within 1 month, if the company with which there is an agreement on CHI is invalid in this region.

Protecting the rights of clients

The medical insurance company RGS strictly monitors the fulfillment of the obligations of medical institutions to the client.

In case of violation of rights, the insured person will be required to write a complaint to insurance company. The form can be downloaded on the official website, and after filling it out, submit it to the CSG.

If reimbursement is required, copies of the following documents must be attached to the complaint:

  • payment receipts, sales receipts that can confirm payment for medical services;
  • documents for the provision of paid services;
  • extracts from the outpatient card;
  • a copy of the OMS policy.

Compulsory medical insurance policy from RGS for foreign citizens

Foreign citizens permanently residing in Russia for obtaining CHI must submit the following documents:

  • passport of a foreign citizen or other identity document;
  • resident card;
  • SNILS, if available.

Foreign citizens who temporarily reside in Russia must provide the following data in order to receive compulsory medical insurance:

  • passport of a foreign citizen or other identity document;
  • SNILS, if available.

Insurance CHI certificate is issued for the period of stay of a citizen on the territory of the Russian Federation, with permanent residence it is indefinite.

Helpful information

The central office of "RGS - Medicine" is located at:
Moscow, Dmitrovskoe shosse, 25, bldg. 1, Timiryazevskaya metro station.
Telephone central office: 8-499-142-72-26

Official site -
In the upper left corner you can find a link to pages with addresses and contact numbers all company offices.

Hotline "Rosgosstrakh (RGS) - medicine": 8-800-100-81-02

When choosing an insurance company, pay attention to its financial resources. This is due to the resources of the organization, the more it has, the greater the protection of rights and the quality of service the insured person can receive.

The number of offices and the coverage area, prevalence are also important. Here RGS has one of the highest rates.

Among the numerous insurance companies involved in the provision of services in the field of health insurance, many single out Rosgosstrakh - medicine. This insurer is part of the Rosgosstrakh group of companies and offers policies in the field of medical care.

The company started its activity in 2002. The company's owners are Rosgosstrakh, which owns 30%, and RGS MedInvest, which holds 70%.

In the period from 2011 to 2013, the insurance company Rosgosstrakh-medicine expanded significantly by adding companies such as:

  • "SMO "Lipetsk-Health"";
  • "SMK" Aibolit "";
  • "IC "Ecofund"";
  • MSC "Icarus".

In the current year, the process of accession to LLC RGS medicine Rosgosstrakh of CJSC Capital Medical Insurance was completed, as reported by the official website of the company.

Thus, Rosgosstrakh - medicine has become the largest insurer in the segment of compulsory medical insurance of citizens.

Rosgosstrakh medicine - advantages

Of the many advantages, the company itself focuses the attention of customers on the fact that Rosgosstrakh makes the medical policy affordable, and the insurance itself is simpler and more reliable. next moment is the convenience of servicing policies. The company has more than a thousand representative offices in the country. Numerous customer reviews testify to the positive experience of the company.

Conditions and procedure for purchasing insurance

The health insurance policy from Rosgosstrakh is available to the following categories of citizens:

  • citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • foreign citizens residing permanently or temporarily, as well as stateless persons;
  • citizens who are entitled to health insurance under refugee law.

The fact of official employment does not matter when applying for a policy.

Policy expiration dates

Policies issued to citizens of the Russian Federation have an indefinite period of validity. Refugees who are entitled to health care in connection with the refugee law, the policy is issued for the period of their stay in the country. For temporary residents and stateless persons, the policy is issued for the period of validity of their temporary documents.

The procedure for obtaining policies

An insurance medical organization issues a policy free of charge, and the basis for this is a citizen's application to change the policy. Any person who has reached the age of majority can choose for the first time or replace the services of another company with insurance at Rosgrsstrakh. Newborn children are insured by those insurance companies in which their parents are insured.

You can apply in person or through a representative with a legally executed power of attorney. If we are talking about the legal representatives of guarded citizens, then there is no need for a power of attorney.

Documents for issuing a policy

Simultaneously with the application for a policy, the following documents must be submitted.

  • Identity document - passport or birth certificate for child insurance;
  • Insurance pension certificate, if any;
  • For refugees, this may be a copy of the application for obtaining this status, a copy of the complaint against the decision not to grant this status, a certificate of obtaining refugee status - on granting temporary asylum;
  • For permanently residing foreign citizens - a passport or other document that determines the identity and legality of stay in the country.

It is mandatory to reissue the policy if the name, surname or patronymic, gender, place of birth and other data of the insured has been changed, as well as if the policy has been lost or damaged. Replacement includes such activities.

  1. Within a month, its owner must apply to the insurance company to replace the policy.
  2. During the policy making period, the insured person will be issued a temporary policy, which will be valid for a month.
  3. Then you will need to get a real policy.

By law, a citizen has the right to have only one compulsory medical insurance policy. Other medical policies are of the nature voluntary insurance and are sold by insurance companies on a paid basis. When issuing the policy, the insurer is obliged to familiarize the insured person with the nature and characteristics of the medical services provided under the policy, with the register medical institutions hosting this policy, as well as with the basic rights and obligations of the insured citizen.

The policy gives the right to free medical care in the territory of residence and temporary stay, but only in those institutions that are participants in territorial health insurance programs.

Issuance of compulsory health insurance policies foreign citizens, stateless persons who have a residence permit or a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation, as well as refugees and temporarily staying on the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union signed in Astana, is carried out at the following addresses:

1. 121309, Moscow, st. Novozavodskaya, 23/8, building 1. Working hours: Mon-Fri: 09:00-20:00, without a break, Sat: 10:00-15:00.

2. 117588, Moscow, st. Tarusskaya, 18, building 1 (m. Yasenevo)

3. 125445, Moscow, st. Belomorskaya, 11, building 1 (metro station Rechnoy Vokzal)

4. 111675, Moscow, st. Svyatoozerskaya, 18 (m. Vykhino)

5. 127434, Moscow, Dmitrovskoe highway, 7, building 2, office 8 (metro station Dmitrovskaya)

6. 109147, Moscow, st. Marxistskaya, 22, room 508 (m. Taganskaya)

7. 115184, Moscow, st. Bolshaya Tatarskaya, 13, building 19 (m. Novokuznetskaya, m. Tretyakovskaya)

8. 111395, Moscow, st. Sniperskaya, 9 B (m. Vykhino)

9. 125438, Moscow, st. Onezhskaya, 18 (m. Koptevo)

In accordance with the order of the Moscow City Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, from August 1, 2015, an electronic compulsory medical insurance policy is being issued in Moscow. Each insured in the city of Moscow has the right to replace the previously received compulsory medical insurance policy (green card or blue sheet) with an electronic one. You can issue an electronic compulsory medical insurance policy (EPOMS) at one of the representative offices of Capital MS LLC, the list of which is given below.

The branch of Capital MS LLC in Moscow began its work in January 2013 on the territory of the city of Moscow.

Capital MS LLC, in connection with the reorganization carried out in July 2013, became the legal successor of the Moscow company MSK Ikar LLC, which has extensive experience in providing compulsory medical insurance for residents of the city of Moscow. At present, the activities of the branch are organized taking into account the professional staff and the regional network of the affiliated company.

The branch and its representative offices have all conditions for quick and high-quality customer service. You can get or exchange a CHI policy at one of our offices in Moscow. You can choose an office that is convenient for you, specify its phone number and work schedule on this page, or use the search in the general database of all offices of the Policy Issuing Points company. For persons with disabilities (disabled people), low-mobility groups of the population, it is possible to leave an application for a compulsory medical insurance policy at home in the "Points of issue of policies" mode. If you have any questions about obtaining or exchanging a CHI policy, please contact the Compulsory Medical Insurance Department of the branch.

To ensure the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the insured persons, the branch operates a department for the protection of the rights of the insured and examination of the quality of medical care, where you can get comprehensive information and qualified assistance on all issues of compulsory medical insurance, including the collection of funds for medical services included in the territorial CHI program, restrictions on the availability of medical care or its poor quality.

To ensure the provision of medical care to citizens insured by the company in accordance with Territorial program state guarantees free medical care, the branch concluded agreements with all medical organizations included in the register of medical organizations operating in the region's compulsory health insurance system. Get the contact details of the one you are interested in medical organization You can use the service search "Find a medical organization".