Work as a debt collection specialist at a collection agency. Job description of an accounts receivable specialist

Debt collection specialist(second name - collector) - an employee of a bank or collection company who deals with the issues of collecting debt from borrowers. Such an employee has no subordinates, and his manager is the head of the department. People who know how to work with databases and communicate with people are invited to the position. What goals and objectives does such a specialist face? What does he do? What might the salary be? Let's talk about this in detail.

Tasks and functions

When looking for a job, a debt collection specialist must understand the tasks and functions assigned to him.


  • communication with debtors and searching for a compromise;
  • negotiations on debt payment, providing information about the amount of debt;
  • consulting clients on the emergence of financial obligations and the consequences of delay;
  • eliminating conflicts that have arisen.


  • collection of overdue debt, taking into account the allotted time and organizational policy;
  • preparation of reports on debtors;
  • calculation of delay for transferring a case to a judicial authority;
  • consultation of debtors on debt repayment options.

As you can see, these tasks and functions directly relate to debt reduction and work with borrowers.

Operating principle

Debt collection specialist works according to this algorithm:

  1. Delay of up to a month - telephone conversations.
  2. From one to three months - telephone negotiations, calling the borrower to banking organization, visiting the location, filing a claim.
  3. Over three months - preparation of a claim, participation in court, interaction with the FSSP service.

Depending on the organization and hierarchy, a specialist may occupy different places in the company:

  • Employeecall-center. The job requires knowledge of the language, the ability to persuade and knowledge of size interest rates. He is subordinate to the head of the department or deputy.
  • Specialist. Such a collector often travels for personal communication with borrowers, relatives and employees. Often people who have served in law enforcement agencies take up such work.
  • Leading Specialist. To occupy such a position, a legal education is required. The task is to conduct proceedings in court, participate in the negotiation process, control court decisions.
  • Supervisor. Such a debt collection specialist must have extensive experience. He prepares reports and supervises employees.

To climb the career ladder, it is advisable to have an education as an economist or lawyer. Training is possible on the job.


The salary of a debt collection specialist differs depending on the place of employment. So, a call center worker can count on 15-20 thousand rubles. A specialist has the right to count on a large salary - from 20 to 25 thousand rubles. The leading master receives 25-30 thousand rubles per month. Bosses have a monthly income of up to 50,000 rubles, plus additional bonuses and bonuses for good work.


This kind of work has many advantages - low requirements, good wage, opportunity for career growth. The downside is the heavy psychological burden, because the main contingent is people who find themselves in a difficult financial situation. The collector's task is to jointly search for a way out and use light threats to force a person to move and look for money.


specialist in working with overdue debts

1. General Provisions

1.1. Real job description determines the functional, job responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of a specialist in working with overdue debts of the “New Technologies” division (hereinafter referred to as the Specialist in working with overdue debts) of the All-Russian Association of Employers “Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs” (RSPP) (hereinafter referred to as the Institution).

1.2. A person who meets the following education and training requirements is appointed to the position of an overdue debt specialist:

  • Higher education - specialty, master's degree;
  • 1.3. An overdue debt specialist should know:

  • Methods for analyzing the effectiveness of debt collection;
  • Legislation Russian Federation about banks and banking activities;
  • Fundamentals of theory and methods of alternative solutions to controversial situations;
  • Practice of judicial and enforcement proceedings;
  • Fundamentals of document management;
  • Basics of business etiquette;
  • Specifics of organizing and supporting assignment transactions;
  • Specifics of support for agency transactions;
  • Fundamentals of theory and forecasting methods;
  • 1.4. An overdue debt specialist must be able to:

  • Prepare analytical reports justifying the provision of debt restructuring;
  • Work with regulatory documents;
  • Produce legal analysis debt collection schemes;
  • Produce the financial analysis debt collection schemes;
  • Use legal and information databases;
  • Organize and conduct meetings with representatives of judicial and enforcement authorities;
  • Work with large volumes of data;
  • Develop scenarios for the development of the situation;
  • Apply information Technology in the professional field;
  • Develop the necessary documentation for participation in negotiations;
  • 1.5. A specialist in dealing with overdue debts is appointed and dismissed by order of the Executive Vice President of the Institution in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    1.6. The Overdue Debt Specialist reports to the Executive Vice President of the Institution and the Head of the New Technologies Division.

    2. Labor functions

  • 2.1. Initiation of debt restructuring procedures.
  • 2.2. Debt portfolio optimization.
  • 3. Job responsibilities

  • 3.1. Justification of the feasibility of debt discounting (restructuring) programs.
  • 3.2. Analysis of prospects for debt collection (by amount of debt collection, by overdue, by type credit products).
  • 3.3. Preparation and delivery to the creditor of documents for legal proceedings and enforcement proceedings.
  • 3.4. Adjusting the collection strategy depending on the forecast results.
  • 3.5. Preparation of a package of regulatory documentation for participation in tenders for obtaining volumes of debts for work.
  • 3.6. Analysis of current performance in working with the register of debtors on a regular basis.
  • 3.7. Forecasting the effectiveness of collection using debt registers.
  • 3.8. Support of assignment transactions when purchasing a debt portfolio.
  • 3.9. Interaction with the customer’s representative on ongoing maintenance of registers.
  • 3.10. Analysis of debt collection costs for specific debt registries.
  • 4. Rights

    An overdue debt specialist has the right to:

    4.1. Request and receive the necessary information, as well as materials and documents related to the activities of a specialist in working with overdue debts.

    4.2. Improve your qualifications, undergo retraining (retraining).

    4.3. Enter into relationships with departments of third-party institutions and organizations to resolve issues within the competence of a specialist in working with overdue debts.

    4.4. Take part in the discussion of issues included in his functional responsibilities.

    4.5. Make suggestions and comments on how to improve activities in the assigned area of ​​work.

    4.6. Contact the relevant local government bodies or the court to resolve disputes arising during the performance of functional duties.

    4.7. Use information materials and regulatory documents necessary to perform your job duties.

    4.8. Pass certification in the prescribed manner.

    5. Responsibility

    The Overdue Debt Specialist is responsible for:

    5.1. Failure to perform (improper performance) of one’s functional duties.

    5.2. Failure to comply with the orders and instructions of the Executive Vice President of the Institution.

    5.3. Inaccurate information about the status of fulfillment of assigned tasks and instructions, violation of deadlines for their execution.

    5.4. Violation of internal labor regulations, fire safety and safety rules established in the Institution.

    5.5. Causing material damage within the limits established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    5.6. Disclosure of information that has become known in connection with the performance of official duties.

    For the above violations, an overdue debt specialist may be subject to disciplinary, material, administrative, civil and criminal liability in accordance with current legislation, depending on the severity of the offense.

    This job description has been developed in accordance with the provisions (requirements) of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2001 No. 197 FZ (Labor Code of the Russian Federation) (with amendments and additions), professional standard“Specialist for working with overdue debts” approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection Russian Federation dated September 7, 2015 No. 590n and other legal acts regulating labor relations.

    One of the difficulties in selecting a collection specialist is the specific requirements for the applicant for this position. A person must be able to work in stressful and conflict situations, have the gift of persuasion, perseverance and strong negotiation skills, allowing not only to force the interlocutor to accept his point of view, but also to relieve tension and move the conversation in a constructive direction.

    It is not surprising that for such specialists employers are developing special conditions motivating employees to work. Most often in vacancies you can find such means of motivation as a flexible work schedule, bonuses based on work results, voluntary health insurance, career and professional development programs and even preferential terms lending if the employer is a bank.

    Job responsibilities of a collection specialist

    Collection of overdue debts from individuals pre-trial and/or by court decision:
    - conducting telephone conversations with debtors about debt repayment;
    - explanation of the structure of the outstanding debt, conditions loan agreement, consequences of incomplete and/or late payment;
    - consultations on ways to repay debt;
    - participation in activities aimed at finding the borrower and establishing contact with him;
    - visits to the location of debtors;
    - motivation of the borrower to pay the debt;
    - leveling conflict and aggression of the borrower;
    - identifying facts of fraudulent transactions;
    - preparation of documents for initiating legal recovery;
    - reporting.

    Salary offers and employer requirements

    The average salary offer for a collection specialist in Moscow is 42,000 rubles, in St. Petersburg - 33,000 rubles, in Volgograd - 18,000 rubles, in Voronezh - 21,000 rubles, in Yekaterinburg - 28,000 rubles, in Kazan - 21,000 rubles, in Krasnoyarsk - 25,000 rubles, in Nizhny Novgorod - 20,000 rubles, in Novosibirsk - 24,000 rubles, in Omsk - 21,000 rubles, in Perm - 24,000 rubles, in Rostov -on-Don - 21,000 rubles, in Samara 21,000 rubles, in Ufa - 21,000 rubles, in Chelyabinsk - 24,000 rubles. Here and below we are talking about the fixed part of the income, while a significant part of it can be bonuses.

    Applicants with strong nerves can try their hand as a collection specialist. It is not without reason that one of the main job requirements for applicants for entry-level positions is resistance to stress. For beginning specialists, specialized secondary education is quite acceptable. Applicants must have computer skills, know the main types of loan products and the conditions for lending to individuals. The starting salary of collection specialists is not too high: in Moscow - from 20,000 to 30,000 rubles, in St. Petersburg - from 16,000 to 23,000 rubles, in Ufa - from 10,000 to 16,000 rubles, in Kazan - from 10,000 to 15,000 rubles. However, do not forget about the bonus part of the salary.

    City Income level, rub.
    (no experience in this position)
    Moscow 20 000 - 30 000
    - Secondary special education
    - Confident PC user
    - Stress resistance
    - Knowledge of types of loan products and terms of lending to individuals

    Portrait of the applicant in range 1

    Saint Petersburg 16 000 - 23 000
    Volgograd 9 000 - 13 000
    Voronezh 10 000 - 15 000
    Ekaterinburg 14 000 - 20 000
    Kazan 10 000 - 15 000
    Krasnoyarsk 12 000 - 18 000
    Nizhny Novgorod 9 000 - 14 000
    Novosibirsk 11 000 - 17 000
    Permian 10 000 - 15 000
    Omsk 11 000 - 17 000
    Rostov-on-Don 10 000 - 14 000
    Samara 10 000 - 15 000
    Ufa 10 000 - 16 000
    Chelyabinsk 11 000 - 17 000

    Employers are willing to offer higher salaries to specialists with at least 1 year of experience in debt collection. A key requirement for such applicants is to have strong negotiation skills. Candidates with higher education, economic, financial or legal are welcome. The earnings of specialists who meet the specified criteria in the capital reach 35,000 rubles, in the city on the Neva - 27,000 rubles, in Ufa and Kazan - 18,000 rubles.

    City Income level, rub.
    (with work experience of 1 year)
    Requirements and wishes for professional skills
    Moscow 30 000 - 35 000
    - Higher education (preferably economics/finance/legal)
    - Strong negotiation skills, ability to develop a negotiation scheme

    Portrait of an applicant in range 2

    Saint Petersburg 23 000 - 27 000
    Volgograd 13 000 - 15 000
    Voronezh 15 000 - 18 000
    Ekaterinburg 20 000 - 23 000
    Kazan 15 000 - 18 000
    Krasnoyarsk 18 000 - 22 000
    Nizhny Novgorod 14 000 - 16 000
    Novosibirsk 17 000 - 20 000
    Permian 15 000 - 18 000
    Omsk 17 000 - 20 000
    Rostov-on-Don 14 000 - 17 000
    Samara 15 000 - 18 000 Ufa 16 000 - 18 000 Chelyabinsk 17 000 - 20 000

    Entry into the next salary range is open to collection specialists with at least 2 years of experience. Such candidates must have experience in successfully working with problem debts, data search skills in open sources. Most vacancies are intended for specialists who are ready to use a personal car for business purposes. Competitive advantage upon employment have former employees law enforcement agencies and services bailiffs. Upper limit The salary range for collection specialists with more than 2 years of experience in Moscow is 50,000 rubles, in the northern capital - 40,000 rubles, in Ufa - 27,000 rubles, in Kazan - 25,000 rubles.

    City Income level, rub.
    (with work experience of 2 years or more)
    Requirements and wishes for professional skills
    Moscow 35 000 - 50 000
    - Ability to structure large amounts of information
    - Skills in searching data in open sources
    - Availability of a personal car/license category B
    - Experience of successfully working with problem debts

    Possible wish: experience in the bailiff service/law enforcement agencies

    Portrait of the applicant in the 3rd range

    Saint Petersburg 27 000 - 40 000
    Volgograd 15 000 - 22 000
    Voronezh 18 000 - 25 000
    Ekaterinburg 23 000 - 35 000
    Kazan 18 000 - 25 000
    Krasnoyarsk 22 000 - 30 000
    Nizhny Novgorod 16 000 - 24 000
    Novosibirsk 20 000 - 28 000
    Permian 18 000 - 25 000
    Omsk 20 000 - 30 000
    Rostov-on-Don 17 000 - 25 000
    Samara 18 000 - 25 000
    Ufa 18 000 - 27 000
    Chelyabinsk 20 000 - 28 000

    The highest salaries await specialists with at least 3 years of work experience who have previously participated in the development and implementation of a strategy for working with debtors. Their earnings in Moscow reach 80,000 rubles, in St. Petersburg – 60,000 rubles. The upper limit of salary offers in Ufa and Kazan is 40,000 rubles.

    City Income level, rub.
    (with work experience of 3 years or more)
    Requirements and wishes for professional skills
    Moscow 50 000 - 80 000
    - Experience in participating in the development and implementation of a strategy for working with debtors

    Portrait of the applicant in the 4th range

    Saint Petersburg 40 000 - 60 000
    Volgograd 22 000 - 35 000
    Voronezh 25 000 - 40 000
    Ekaterinburg 35 000 - 55 000
    Kazan 25 000 - 40 000
    Krasnoyarsk 30 000 - 45 000
    Nizhny Novgorod 24 000 - 40 000
    Novosibirsk 28 000 - 45 000
    Permian 25 000 - 40 000
    Omsk 30 000 - 45 000
    Rostov-on-Don 25 000 - 40 000
    Samara 25 000 - 40 000
    Ufa 27 000 - 40 000
    Chelyabinsk 28 000 - 45 000

    Portrait of the applicant

    The profession of a collection specialist is in great demand in banks and collection agencies. Applicants who find themselves in this field can count on rapid career growth and good financial compensation. Despite high level stress, women choose this job quite often: representatives of the fairer sex among the candidates – 32%. 55% of collection specialists are young people under the age of 30. 70% of candidates have higher education.

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    Collection specialist

    The number of vacancies for problem debt collection specialists increased by 28% from January to July 2013. For comparison: overall banking sector the increase in vacancies was 20%. The number of resumes in the distressed debt sector also grew, but at a slower rate than the number of vacancies, so the ratio of supply and demand decreased - from 3.9 to 3.5 resumes per vacancy.

    The job description was developed based on. (name, number and date of the document) Head of the structural unit: (surname, initials)(signature) » » g. Agreed: legal service (initials, surname)(signature) » » g.

    Job description of a collector (debt collection)

    Telephone conversations with debtors about the existence of debt and finding out the reasons for non-payment. 3.4. Sending letters requesting debt repayment. 3.5. Submission of claims demanding repayment of debt within a specified period. 3.6. Conducting a personal meeting with the debtor. 3.7. Preparation of documents for filing a claim for debt collection in court.
    3.8. Debt collection in court. 3.9. Interaction with the bailiff service for debt collection on the basis of a writ of execution. 3.10. Conducting an assessment of the solvency of legal entities and individuals in order to prevent the occurrence of overdue debts. 3.11. Organization of work to initiate bankruptcy proceedings for debtors, writing off uncollectible debts. 3.12. Preparation of established reports on the activities of the debt collection department. 3.13.

    Overdue debt coordinator job description

    The activities of the debt collection department are carried out on the basis of current and long-term planning, a combination of unity of command in resolving issues of official activity and collegiality in their discussion, personal responsibility of employees for the proper performance of their official duties and individual instructions of the head of the department. 1.5. The head of the debt collection department and other employees of the department are appointed to positions and dismissed from their positions by order of the head of the organization in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    1.6. Qualification requirements, functional responsibilities, rights, and responsibilities of the head and other employees of the department are regulated by job descriptions approved by the head of the organization. 1.7.

    • Conflict resolution.
    • Consulting clients and colleagues on issues of collecting overdue debts.

    Requirements for experience and qualifications: A debt collection specialist belongs to the category of specialists; A person with a higher education without any work experience is appointed to the position of debt collection specialist.

    Failure to perform or improper performance of one's job functions and assigned tasks. 4.1.3. A person with a higher education: legal, economic or financial, without any work experience requirements, is appointed to the position of specialist in working with receivables.

    A specialist in working with receivables in his activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, orders and instructions of his immediate superior. 2. Functions 2.1. The main function of an accounts receivable specialist is to work with debtors who are overdue for debt repayment, including: - negotiating debt payment; - consulting on debt occurrence/repayment; - resolution of conflict situations.

    In the field corresponding to the direction of the Employer’s activities; exercise of powers of the collector; conducting business negotiations; information support, analysis, participation in the preparation of draft decisions and their implementation; Knowledge of computer equipment and necessary software products. 2. OFFICIAL RESPONSIBILITIES Collection, analysis and examination of information, materials, documents necessary for collecting the debt of a specific debtor.

    Development of proposals for optimal debt repayment and their coordination with the Employer or, on his behalf, with the creditor. On behalf of the Employer, conducting negotiations on behalf of the creditor with the debtor or his authorized representative(s) on debt repayment issues.

    Job description of an employee for dealing with overdue debts

    An employee is appointed to a position and dismissed from a position by order of the Employer in the manner prescribed by current labor legislation. 1.4. The employee reports directly. 1.5. The employee must know: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Law dated October 2, 2007 N 229-FZ “On Enforcement Proceedings”, the legislation of the Russian Federation in accordance with which collection activities are carried out; rules of business etiquette; procedure for working with official information and personal data; internal labor regulations; labor protection and fire safety rules. 1.6. Qualification requirements. Higher or secondary legal education. 1.7. Work skills.

    Debt Collection Department Specialist

    Collection specialist

    The number of vacancies for problem debt collection specialists increased by 28% from January to July 2013. For comparison: in the banking sector as a whole, the increase in vacancies was 20%. The number of resumes in the distressed debt sector also grew, but at a slower rate than the number of vacancies, so the ratio of supply and demand decreased - from 3.9 to 3.5 resumes per vacancy. One of the difficulties in selecting a collection specialist is the specific requirements for the applicant for this position.

    Pre-trial collection specialist

    Attention. NEVER send money to the person who posted the ad (to an account or mobile phone or in any other way). This is 100% a scam.

    Pretexts for giving money in advance can be different, even the most seemingly plausible, at different stages of communication. If you have been asked for money, click on “Complain” on the user’s ad page and we will take action. Often partnerships between enterprises collapse due to the appearance of debts.

    Specialist in collection of problem debts in a bank

    The user of the website understands and accepts that he is fully responsible for all materials partially or fully published by him using the service.
    The user of the website guarantees that the placement of materials submitted by him does not violate the rights of third parties (including, but not limited to copyrights), and does not damage their honor and dignity.
    The user of the site, by sending materials, is thereby interested in their publication on the site and expresses his consent to their further use by the editors of the site.

    Placement of intellectual property objects (photos, videos, literary works, trademarks, etc.)
    on the website is permitted only to persons who have all the necessary rights for such placement.

    Debt collection department: structure and methods of work

    Loans are becoming more accessible and in demand. They promise not only benefits, but also costs and problems.

    The debtor does not always return the funds, which leads to losses for the creditor and even bankruptcy. For this reason, if the organization is large and regularly provides loans, it is better to open a debt collection department and organize its work. The borrower is an individual or legal entity.

    Job description of a debt collection specialist

  • Communication with clients who are behind on debt repayments;
  • Information, negotiations on debt payment;
  • Advising clients on debt incurrence/repayment issues;
  • Calculation of overdue debts;
  • Conflict resolution.
  • Collection of overdue debts in strict accordance with the established time frames and the company’s existing policy for working with debtors;
  • Calculation of overdue debts for transferring cases to court;
  • Preparation of reports on debtor clients;
  • Consulting clients and colleagues on issues of collecting overdue debts.

    A person with a higher education without any work experience is appointed to the position of debt collection specialist.

  • Ability to work with databases;
  • Good communication skills.

    Resume sample

    Receiving and registering incoming and outgoing calls; - conducting telephone conversations on issues of pre-trial debt collection from persons who are late in payments aimed at repaying the debt; - collection and analysis of information about defaulters that are important for debt repayment (property status and social status); - explanation of the consequences of failure to fulfill obligations; - entering information about the progress of work with defaulters into the appropriate software; - assistance in quick adaptation of the employee to the team, familiarization of employees with the organization of work.

    Debt collection specialist

    Banks are different, the products they provide us are also different, but the general scheme for debt collection in all credit institutions is almost the same.

    1.2. This job description defines the functional responsibilities, rights, duties, responsibilities, working conditions, relationships (positional connections) of the Employee, criteria for assessing his business qualities and work results when performing work in his specialty and directly at the workplace in “_______________” (hereinafter - “ Employer").

    Responsibilities of a Collection Support Specialist

    Requirements for a debt collection specialist Recent practice has shown that the work of personnel without higher education (legal, psychological, economic), including former food sellers, is not so effective and can even be illegal. In any case, the applicant accepted for this position must undergo special training. Not all defaulters purposefully avoid paying off their debts: many people have truly objective reasons. The task of the collection agency employee is to understand the reasons and offer options that suit both parties.

    Collection specialist

    Vacancies and work: “collection department specialist” in Moscow

    Keep records of licensed software. 14. Conduct an annual inventory of IT equipment. 15. Provide information to company employees on general IT issues.

    Carry out official tasks, orders and instructions from the immediate supervisor and one-time official tasks of the head of the information technology department. III. A technical user support specialist has the right to: 1.

    Debt collection specialist

    6. For rude, tactless attitude (behavior) when communicating with staff and visitors of the company. 7. For the safety of documentation and non-compliance with the interests of the company, the issuance of confidential information, documentation (trade secrets) about the company and its clients to third parties.
    8. For providing direct management with false or distorted reporting and other documentation (information). VI. Working hours: 1. The working hours of a technical support specialist for users are determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established by the Company.

    2. This job description is drawn up in two copies, one of which is kept by the Company, the other by the employee. 3.

    Work as a chief specialist in the collection department in Moscow

    Resume of a debt collection specialist in Moscow

    Changes and additions to this Job Description are made by order of the President of the Company. Head of the structural unit (signature) (surname, initials).

    Vacancy closed (deleted)

    The article was written based on materials from the sites:,,,,