Man's health. Medicine of Switzerland

Switzerland is famous throughout the world not only for its high standard of living, but also for the excellent quality of medicine. According to WHO and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Switzerland ranks 20th in the world and second among European countries in terms of medical care.

Largely thanks to a developed healthcare system, the average life expectancy of the Swiss is 82.5 years - longer than in the United States and the European average.

Swiss clinics use the most modern equipment and the latest technologies, such as laser surgery and minimally invasive interventions. Swiss doctors were among the first to perform operations that are now widely used throughout the world: implantation of pacemakers, cardiac catheterization, hip replacement and some others.

Every year, over 30 thousand foreigners from all over the world come to Switzerland for treatment, including from China, Russia, the Middle East and Latin America. Show business stars, members of royal families, politicians and businessmen are treated here: local clinics provide not only first-class treatment and comfort, but also privacy.

Clinics and medical services

There are more than 300 clinics in Switzerland, including large university hospitals that unite dozens of research institutes, laboratories, specialized departments, and small highly specialized hospitals, for example, ophthalmology clinics, clinics specializing in the treatment of sleep disorders or eating disorders.

The largest public hospitals in Switzerland are the university hospitals of Zurich, Bern, Basel and Lausanne. Leading private hospitals include the Hirslanden group, which includes 16 hospitals throughout the country, and the Swiss Leading Hospitals (SLH) network, which provides services in 19 departments.

The standard of treatment is equally high in both private and public hospitals. However, wealthy foreigners are attracted to a higher level of service in private clinics, where every whim of discerning patients is catered for. In addition, private clinics are often located in picturesque resort towns - on the slopes of mountains or on the shores of Lake Geneva.

The leading areas of local medicine include the treatment of oncological diseases, orthopedics, traumatology, neurosurgery, plastic surgery, treatment and care for patients with degenerative diseases of the nervous system, such as Parkinson's disease or Alzheimer's disease.

Switzerland is home to advanced cancer research centers. With the support of large pharmaceutical companies, unique treatment programs are being developed and implemented here.

Specialization Clinic original name City
Multidisciplinary centers
Clinic General Beaulieu La Clinique Generale-Beaulieu Geneva
University Hospital Zurich UniversityHospital Zurich Zurich
Network of private clinics "Hirslanden" Hirslanden PrivateGroup of Hospitals Countrywide
University Hospital Basel UniversityHospital Basel Basel
Bellikona Rehabilitation Clinic BellikonRehabilitation Clinic Bellicon
Rehabilitation center in Walesa Valens Clinic Rehabilitation Center Valens
Hospitalkanton St. Gallen The St. Gallen Cantonal Hospital St. Gallen
Cantonal Hospital of Grisons Kantonsspital Graubünden Kur
Orthopedics, traumatology
University Hospital "Balgrist" Balgrist UniversityHospital Zurich
ClinicMerian Iselin Merian Iselin Clinic Basel
Plastic surgery Private Clinic "Pyramid am See" Pyramide am See Clinic Zurich
Pediatrics Children's University Hospital Zurich University Children's Hospital Zurich Zurich

Patients can choose a therapist, specialist and hospital of their own choosing. You can select the appropriate doctor on the website, and then arrange an appointment by phone.

Emergency medical care in Switzerland is available by dialing 144, and you can also go to any nearby hospital for emergency care. In this case, the patient pays 50% of the amount indicated in the invoice, which can range from 250 euros.

Cost of treatment

The cost of medical procedures in Switzerland is high, but lower than, for example, in the United States.

The cost of treatment will depend on the clinic chosen, as well as the stage of the disease. As a rule, the cost includes examination, examination, and necessary medications. Patient accommodation is paid additionally.

Average cost of some procedures in Swiss clinics:

  • cardiological examination - 2.3 thousand euros;
  • ophthalmological examination - approximately 1.4 thousand euros;
  • gynecological examination - 1.4 thousand euros;
  • removal of appendicitis - 10 thousand euros;
  • caesarean section - 10 thousand euros;
  • face lifting - 14 thousand euros;
  • knee joint replacement - 25 thousand euros;
  • rehabilitation in private clinic within one week - from 35 thousand euros.

The cost of treatment in Switzerland is partly covered by insurance, and partly by the patient. After a visit to the doctor, the patient receives an invoice and a certificate of compensation. The invoice must be paid in full within 30 days, with the part called “Return of vouchers” (Rückerstattungsbeleg) sent by the patient to his insurance company, which will reimburse the required amount within a few days.

At the end of inpatient treatment, clinics send bills directly to the insurance company, which sends the patient a final bill.


Every Swiss citizen and foreigner staying in the country for more than three months is required to have insurance (Soziale Krankenversicherung/Assurance maladie/Assicurazione-Mallatie). Separate insurance is purchased for each family member, including children over three months old.

The basic insurance plan is identical in all companies in the country. For young and healthy people, a basic insurance (Krankenversicherungsgesetz, KGV) covering medical care in case of accidents, consultation of specialized specialists, ambulance, pregnancy and childbirth management, vaccinations, rehabilitation after injuries and operations, alternative medicine. And, for example, dental services are not included in the basic program and are offered as additional insurance options (Versicherungsvertragsgesetz, VVG).

The monthly insurance payment ranges from 80 to 370 euros for young and middle-aged people. Any additional services can significantly increase this amount.

In addition to monthly premiums, the insurance provides partial payment medical services by the patient himself - a franchise (la franchise). The minimum annual deductible for an adult is CHF 300. The amount of the deductible may vary depending on the insurance program: the higher the deductible, the lower the monthly premium will be.

A foreigner planning to stay in Switzerland for a period exceeding three months must provide information about his insurance plan to the local registration office. Depending on your specific circumstances, the terms of your existing insurance, and local regulations, authorities may recommend that you take out a local insurance plan.

Prevention and spa treatment

When going to Switzerland, tourists often combine relaxation and treatment and, after treatment procedures, spend time at resorts and spa centers.

The country has a wide variety of resorts located in the mountains, on the shores of picturesque lakes, and near thermal springs. Detoxification, anti-stress therapy, rehabilitation, weight loss, rejuvenation and therapeutic relaxation programs are very popular among patients.

Despite high prices, preventive and spa treatment accounts for 70% of the total volume of medical tourism, and medical procedures directly account for only 30%.

For many decades, Swiss clinics have held leading positions among medical institutions in Europe. Often, treatment in Switzerland is the last chance for recovery from a seemingly incurable illness. In most cases, Swiss medicine works miracles and brings the most hopeless patients back on their feet.

Level of medical care in Switzerland

Medicine in Switzerland has great opportunities and offers patients a wide variety of services and technologies. The priority in the country's healthcare system is the use of various types of technical means, the improvement of which is given great importance. The World Health Organization has rated Swiss medicine as one of the most advanced and effective.

Switzerland is famous for its nature; there are many luxurious resorts with first-class clinics. One of the most popular resorts in Switzerland is Baden, where many people from different parts of the world undergo treatment every year.

Medical institutions in Switzerland are divided into 2 types:

  • government (about 60%);
  • private (about 40%).

Private clinics are exceptionally comfortable and have a large number of staff. In both private and public clinics, the patient is guaranteed a high level of service, since his habits and needs come first here. At the same time, it is private clinics that provide their patients with comfortable conditions comparable to luxury hotels.

It is worth emphasizing that the difference between private and public clinics lies only in how luxurious the patient’s stay in them is, but not in the quality of treatment itself.

Doctors working in private clinics are accredited by both their clinic and other medical institutions. They also have a private practice. The activities of doctors are controlled by the Association of Swiss Doctors, in addition, they are required to confirm their professional level every year. Such a system ensures high qualifications of all practicing doctors in the country.

The quality of medical services provided in Swiss clinics contributes to the fact that many women living in different countries world, chooses this particular country to give birth to a child. This was no exception for residents of the CIS countries.

Compared to childbirth in domestic clinics, childbirth in Switzerland for Russians has several advantages:

  • they are observed and controlled by world-renowned leading experts;
  • the obstetrics and gynecology departments of the clinics are equipped with the latest medical equipment;
  • healing nature promotes speedy recovery after childbirth and the development of a healthy baby.

Clinics in Switzerland

Unfortunately, the format of the article does not allow us to describe all the clinics in Switzerland, so we will focus on the most interesting of them from our point of view.


Genolier is one of the largest clinics in Switzerland, providing a full range of medical services, but especially distinguished by its success in the fight against cancer.

Thanks to the developments of this and other clinics, cancer treatment in Switzerland is recognized as one of the most effective.

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In addition to the actual treatment procedures, the clinic is actively involved in research work, studying various pathologies and developing means to combat them, so the Swiss Genolier clinic can rather be called a scientific center than a hospital.

A few words should be said about the location of the clinic - from the windows of its buildings there is a magnificent view of Lake Geneva, the Alps and Mount Mont Blanc. The clinic itself is distinguished by exceptionally comfortable rooms that meet the best European standards of luxury and convenience.

The format of the clinic is a research center, a resort and a general clinic.

Main areas of activity: study, development of methods of control and treatment of pathologies in such areas as:

  • oncology, radiation medicine;
  • surgery: plastic, aesthetic, reconstructive;
  • traumatology, including sports and orthopedic surgery;
  • urology;
  • gerontology;
  • obstetrics, gynecology.


The Swiss clinic Leukerbad is located in the Loes-les-Bains region on the territory of the resort of the same name. This clinic, in addition to specialized medical care, provides guests with elite hotel services.

The format of the clinic is rehabilitation medicine, resort, spa center.

The clinic specializes in:

  • general diagnostics of the body;
  • rehabilitation after injuries of the musculoskeletal system, including sports, their treatment;
  • diseases of an autoimmune and rheumatological nature;
  • programs aimed at slowing down the aging of the body, as well as detoxification;
  • aesthetic medicine;
  • fight against excess weight;
  • a set of adaptive measures aimed at combating the consequences of menopause;
  • anti-stress program.

The clinic provides high-quality medical care, which is complemented by the healing effects of the Swiss mountain nature, clean air and unique thermal spring water.

Clinic La Prairie

The Swiss clinic La Prairie, located on the territory of the Montreux resort, is famous throughout the world thanks to the revitalization technique developed here - a method of rejuvenating the body by introducing embryonic material, CLP extract. The technique has proven its effectiveness, and now patients from all over the world come here to undergo a course of appropriate procedures. This service is offered only by the La Prairie clinic, and there is no analogue to this technique.

Despite the fact that the cost of the course is 18 thousand US dollars, there are no free places in the clinic.

The main indications for the use of CLP are as follows:

  • andropause and hormonal impotence;
  • cognitive disorders;
  • migraines, decreased body tone, insomnia;
  • menopause and related pathologies;
  • age-related diseases of a degenerative nature;
  • poor wound healing, decreased immunity.

In addition, the clinic also offers services in the field of dentistry, aesthetic medicine and combating the effects of menopause.

What are the benefits of thermal resorts in Switzerland?

Swiss thermal spas have many advantages:

  1. Accessibility – all resorts in Switzerland can be reached public transport without spending money on an expensive transfer.
  2. Most hotels in Switzerland are combined with thermal centers, which makes visiting the springs convenient and does not take much time.
  3. Thermal centers are available for children of almost any age, in some cases from 3 years.
  4. Developed infrastructure - there is always something to do at the resorts, and guests will never get bored. Swiss thermal resorts are especially appreciated by ski lovers.
  5. From resorts it’s a stone’s throw to cities where the inquisitive tourist will always find something new and interesting for themselves.

How much does treatment cost in Swiss clinics?

Prices in sanatoriums in Switzerland for treatment in 2020 are approximately as follows:

  • diagnostics – 500 euros;
  • treatment of oncological diseases – from 5000 euros;
  • gynecology – from 350 euros;
  • surgical operations – from 1900 euros;
  • plastic surgeries – from 2200 euros;
  • dental services – from 880 euros;
  • cosmetology services – from 350 euros.

This is the average cost of treatment in Swiss clinics. Other expenses should be added here:

  • for treatment – ​​from 35 euros;
  • transport costs – from 250 euros;
  • (day) – from 35 euros;
  • clinical hospital (day) – from 15 euros.

What visa do you need for Switzerland? Documents for a visa to Switzerland: Video

Treatment that is selected individually for each patient, and not according to common protocol- this is a high responsibility for the doctor and a high result for the patient. This is exactly the approach taken Women's Health Medical Center GENEVA WOMEN CARE, which provides a wide range of medical services from gynecology and mammology to infertility treatment and obstetrics, as well as the services of a medical concierge who takes full responsibility for organizing the trip, whether treatment or childbirth in Switzerland. And the level of medical care at the Women’s Health Center is of the highest class, because you are in Switzerland, in a country where the healthcare organization is rightfully considered one of the best in the world.

An individual approach to treatment and childbirth in Switzerland is guaranteed

At GENEVA WOMEN CARE they say: “You are treated individually, naturally, and globally.” Globally, this means that they are ready to satisfy any request for women’s health from adolescence to the postmenopausal period.

The treatment program of the Women's Health Medical Center provides solutions to fertility problems, planning and management of pregnancy, childbirth in Switzerland, as well as infertility treatment and preparation for menopause. Here you can undergo a gynecological check-up, simply traveling around Switzerland, or come specifically to the clinic, for example, to resolve issues in the most intimate area - conceiving a child.

“An individual approach to each patient is our main strategy,” explains Christina Baghameri, Ph.D. CEO and specialist in medical issues. – For example, when treating infertility, we choose treatment with minimal hormonal stimulation of the ovaries and minimal exposure to in vitro embryos, thus solving the problem of fertility for the couple more naturally, in other words, we help nature work. At the same time, we achieve good results by creating trusting relationships with our patients. We treat the patient, not show numbers!”

Particular attention to the patient’s condition, first of all, helps him free himself from nervous tension and fears. In addition, Women's Health Medical Center also cares about “cultural sensitivity”—understanding the cultural context of a particular patient's health behavior from another country.

GENEVA WOMEN CARE Medical Center for Women offers the following services:

  • gynecological check-up;
  • treatment of extragenital pathologies;
  • Mammological examinations and treatment;
  • obstetrics and childbirth in Switzerland;
  • menopause management;
  • diagnosis and treatment of infertility;
  • prolongation of fertility.

Obstetrics, pregnancy planning and childbirth in Switzerland

In its obstetric practice, the Women's Health Center creates a trusting and caring atmosphere for each patient, in which you and your child will receive medical care at the best high level using the latest equipment for conducting invasive or non-invasive genetic prenatal studies.

During pregnancy, each patient is offered several high-quality morphological and biometric ultrasound examinations, including ultrasound screening in “3D and 4D” format, which can be performed at any stage of pregnancy.

GENEVA WOMEN CARE offers personalized pregnancy care tailored to your personal wishes. Both natural childbirth and cesarean section delivery are practiced here.

Swiss quality of women's health care

Every woman who contacts GENEVA WOMEN CARE is first carefully examined and then the most appropriate treatment strategy is chosen. Thus, the patient receives a purely individual approach, feeling care for herself in every action of the doctor. But this is so important in such delicate matters!

Doctors working at the Women's Health Medical Center are highly qualified. Thanks to a calm and trusting relationship with the doctor, who provides an individual approach and high-quality medical care, the solution to any problem takes place without psychological stress and patients receive only positive emotions.

The following diagnostic methods are available at the Women's Health Center:

  • A traditional PAP smear test that includes HPV (including high- and low-risk HPV), with typing for cervical precancerous lesions and invasive cancer screening.
  • High definition 3D/4D ultrasound equipment with color Doppler for fetal screening, gynecological disorders and breast examinations.
  • Full range of solutions for the reproductive life cycle (fertility).
  • A full range of blood tests to test women's nutritional status, general health conditions, thyroid, cardiovascular, kidney status, tumor markers, infectious diseases and more.
  • Prenatal non-invasive genetic screening.
  • Genetic tests for predisposition to gynecological and cancer diseases.
  • Genetic susceptibility tests for potential cardiovascular and hematologic adverse reactions to the use of a class of contraceptive methods.
  • Checking bone health and osteoporosis.

If you are under 40 years old, order diagnostic packages from the Women's Health Medical Center Well-Woman. For women over 40, they offer packages that include Dexa Scan and Mammography exams. These screening packages include a complete clinical history review, clinical examination, and blood work.

Treatment or childbirth in Switzerland plus vacation on Lake Geneva

All the best, as you know, is in Switzerland. At GENEVA WOMEN CARE, every patient is the center of attention of the staff, and this is true! Any client's request will be satisfied here, including a travel service that combines a medical trip to the Women's Health Center with a vacation on Lake Geneva. The best Russian-speaking guides cooperate with GENEVA WOMEN CARE, who conduct traditional city tours or themed ones: the embankment of Lake Geneva, Swiss watches, Swiss chocolate, shopping centers, etc. You can relax in the most famous beauty and health centers of Geneva, take a tour of rural areas or to the nearby Alps.

According to a recent study by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Switzerland is the country with the most efficient healthcare system.

International experts have recognized that life expectancy in Switzerland is one of the highest in the world. A positive reviews citizens of the confederation and foreign patients testify to the high efficiency of the Swiss healthcare system.

Insurance system

All Swiss citizens have compulsory insurance. On average, for a family of 3 people the monthly payment is about 500 CH. Insurances are divided into three types: standard, standard +, luxury.

Switzerland is a world leader in investing through private insurers. There are approximately 130 health insurance companies in the country that provide health insurance. Moreover, the Swiss prefer to enter into insurance contracts with private companies rather than with government ones.

In Switzerland, for 7.5 million inhabitants there are 300 medical medical institutions.

Of these, 5 are university hospitals, i.e. numbering about 900 beds, and about 40 departments each. Structure of clinics: 40% - private clinics, 60% - public clinics.

Each canton has its own multidisciplinary (cantonal) hospital, with a full range of medical services and the most popular areas.

Insurance companies refer the patient to both private and public clinics solely based on the convenience of the clinic’s location for the patient and the availability of the necessary referral, according to the conclusion of the medical department.

Room levels and additional services are provided according to the patient's insurance status.

There is no significant difference in the level of qualifications of doctors, medical equipment, unsurpassed medical and non-medical service.

The clinic-doctor settlement scheme in private medical institutions also looks non-standard. In private clinics, the doctor pays the clinic a % rent for the reception room in the clinic where the patient goes. The patient pays with his insurance for the surgery that this doctor will perform. The clinic pays the doctor to perform the patient's surgery within its walls.

The head of a department in a private clinic has a shareholder interest in this medical enterprise, which additionally motivates the leading specialist to increase patient flow to the clinic.

The leading physician and head of the department has a secretary who prepares documentation, information support and follow-up of the patient, as well as an assistant who performs manipulations and maintains outpatient records for patients.

A doctor usually always has two rooms at his disposal: a consultation room and an examination and manipulation room.

Preventive medicine is extremely developed in Switzerland, which Ukraine is already beginning to talk about today. The average cost of a checkstrongp in a private clinic is 4640 UAH, and the expanded format is 6200 CH. It is quite an expensive pleasure, but Swiss citizens and the government have long ago calculated that it is much cheaper and faster to diagnose a disease than to spend money, effort and time on its long and expensive treatment.

Features of the medical institution management system

To practice medicine, a doctor must obtain a license to medical activities. Obtaining the license itself can take from 6 months. up to 2 years.

The duration of a doctor's training at a medical institute is 6 years, 4 years after internship, which exceeds the training period for young doctors in Ukraine. After this, as a doctor’s assistant, the young specialist (not yet a doctor’s diploma) works for about 8 years and develops the so-called. “catalogue of operating hours” (a federal level database where all hours of work, internships, and training programs are entered). After 8 years of working as an assistant, which is exactly how long a doctor needs to be able to apply for a license, he takes theoretical and practical exams. By about 40 years of age, a specialist receives a license and can work as a doctor, but so far only in a cantonal clinic or, if he has outstanding success and has been able to establish himself, in a university clinic. IN private practice a doctor will be invited only when his name is “worth something” among patients and he has an impeccable medical reputation!

A doctor (surgeon - gynecologist, for example) in a private clinic allocates 30 minutes of his time to see a patient. All test collections are carried out by the doctor’s assistant. After the operation there is another 15-minute consultation. The doctor's secretary assists the patient.

The doctor approximately sees approximately 1,200 patients per year. The work of a gynecologist, for example, averages 8 hours a day: 5 of which are practical medical activities, 3 hours are spent on bringing medical documentation into the proper and established form, and compiling reports on the procedures performed.

All clinics in Switzerland have an agreement with the air ambulance unit, and sanitary and epidemiological requirements in Switzerland were revised in 2002 and allow the stay of family members accompanying the clinic without shoe covers, masks, or gowns, with the exception of operating rooms. Ukrainian requirements to wear masks, gowns, shoe covers are perceived as outdated, in fact, as yesterday of medical development. In this matter, Switzerland, as well as the United States, have stepped far forward.

There are 15 specialized Woman's Clinics with obstetrics and gynecology departments throughout Switzerland. In each of the 26 cantons (27 in total) there are reproduction departments at cantonal clinics.

Fertility clinics perform approximately 450-550 treatment programs per year, which equates to 7,500 cycles per year in Switzerland. Donation programs and SM are prohibited by law in Switzerland. The average success rate is 42%, when transferring up to 2 embryos. Transfer of more embryos is prohibited.

Insurance, depending on its status (standard or luxury), covers the IVF program in full (with medications) or part of it.

The patient's pregnancy is monitored in a cantonal clinic, or in the office of a private practitioner, and in a specialized obstetrics center, the so-called. Woman's Clinic, the patient arrives at the onset of labor. A pregnant woman is entitled to seven routine examinations and two ultrasounds free of charge. But if there is a threat of miscarriage, as many ultrasounds are performed under insurance as the doctor prescribes. The health insurance fund pays for courses in preparation for childbirth (100 francs ) and the costs of childbirth, whether it takes place at home, in a hospital or a maternity hospital - but provided that it is carried out by a professional doctor or midwife.After giving birth, the woman is observed for some time free of charge and receives advice on breastfeeding.

Caesarean sections are performed at the request of the patient, and not according to medical recommendations, but due to the Swiss lifestyle aimed at naturalness, environmental friendliness makes up only 33% of the total number of births.

Characteristic differences and advantages

Swiss medicine is distinguished by: high competence of doctors (who received a high-quality basic level for 20 years before issuing a license to practice medicine), environmental friendliness (emphasis on organ-saving operations), privacy of service (no waiting lines!). Luxurious patient support: an abundance of fresh flowers, stylish and laconic interiors, works of art on the walls of the clinic are often the hallmark of medical centers in Switzerland.

I would also like to note that from among competitive advantages clinics in Switzerland, the use of robotic technology, the latest developments of unique medical equipment, a developed and advanced pharmaceutical industry and the image of doctors as experts and innovators.

In 2010, Switzerland also began active state program support and development of Swiss medicine in the world, creating a number of associations and companies promoting the Swiss medical brand. A process restructuring of government institutions was also carried out, switching to full commercial financing.

Israel and Germany, which have taken a strong position in medical tourism from Ukraine, will really have to make room for our fellow citizens.

Competing with such experts in the field of providing quality medical services to the best means developing your own potential!


In the structure of foreign patients in 2012, Swiss medical institutions treated the following countries (in descending order): China, India, Russia, Arab countries, Brazil.

The structure of Russian-speaking patients includes: Russia 60%, Kazakhstan 20%, Ukraine 20%

In the structure of diseases, foreign patients apply (in order of importance): Oncology, Cardiology, Orthopedics, Gynecology, Urology, Plastic surgery.

Compared to countries with universal health insurance, Switzerland has a market-oriented way of organizing health care. The government in Switzerland accounts for a comparatively smaller percentage of total health care spending than in, say, the United States: 24.9 percent versus 44.7 percent. The health care regime in this country is based on the principle of managed competition, in which health insurance and the provision of medical services is left to private hands, the healthcare industry itself exists within the boundaries of an artificial market with strict regulation.

According to Swiss law, all citizens must have a basic package of health insurance policies - on an individual basis. In this country, health insurance has become almost universal, covering at least 99.5 percent of citizens.

What is included in the basic insurance package

This package of medical services is capable of covering almost the entire range of medical services, provides for outpatient and inpatient treatment, care for the disabled, elderly citizens, the mentally ill, maintenance in a sanatorium, diagnostic examination, dispensing prescription drugs, and alternative types of treatment. Policies are usually purchased individually. Only a few employers can provide health insurance to their employees. The policy can be purchased from private insurers.

Insurance companies cannot refuse insurance to clients due to their health status. The volume of contributions remains the same for everyone within a certain geographical region. In essence, healthy citizens undertake to actually subsidize the treatment of people who have serious health problems. The only exception to this principle is for non-smokers. The anti-tobacco contribution is twenty percent lower than the smoker's payment. In addition, according to special formulas, the volume of contributions is adjusted depending on the age and gender of the insured. The state provides low-income citizens with a subsidy for the purchase of a health insurance policy. The amount of these subsidies depends on the level of income and assets available to the individual. The purpose of these subsidies is to ensure that health insurance costs do not exceed ten percent of total income citizens. But the state does not consider it necessary to pay health insurance costs in full. Approximately one third of Swiss citizens receive subsidies in various forms.

Health system: other features

  • The healthcare system in Switzerland includes public and private hospitals.
  • Switzerland has no state single budget to meet health needs, so there are no queues for medical care, which can be typical for health care in other countries.
  • Swiss medicine is distinguished by high degree medical equipment modern technologies, but it comes at a cost.

In the ranking of the World Organization, Switzerland ranks second after the United States in terms of meeting the needs of patients in matters of respect for the patient's human dignity, confidentiality and timeliness of medical care.